PHON9 .WALKER STORES 9 L 1 M 1 T E D Special Values in Summer Furniture Forts Stands 49o Camp Stools 29c, 46oe Camp Chaire 75c, 98e Foildint' Chaire *$.49, $1.98 Lawn Chaire 81.49. $1.96 Dock Chaires without oanopy $1.36. *t.49 Dock Chairs with canopy and foot l'est 3.05 (OMPARE OUR PRICES! VISIT OUR SECOND FI.OORI SEL OUR NEW PATTERNS IN 3 Yd. Wide Cungoleuxn l ALS,) 4 yl)D WID LINOLEUMI WALKER STORES, Limitod MILTON Cantelon's Meat Ilarket TASTY MEATS Veal Beel Pork Smoked Meats Pickled Meats ASPARAGUS TOMATOES BEANI CARROTS CABBAGFD PINEAPPLES CELL-~Y LETTUCE OLD ANb NEW POTATO>.S PROMPT i>ELI.ViRY PHkNE 12 D. T. GALLOWAY - BUTCHER- fretel ad CretRemt i Isi anti Vegetahies1 1 CHOICE MEAïS 1 PIIONE 0W2 QUALITY and SERVICE at ail timon. Used -Cars- and ..Tr-ucks! ':ý2 Frd -Sruins and looks iîk e e ia '8Sdan. inaiOII nleage and i n go i Ibp ill n l - an. gto.tSi '1FordPael huivry Reo1 Tn rk, goodfor a lotiof mlmik. We also have Used Prte for Fr ni .on 'Iratcr, Stil tl,aker iîres tý, làd G Ex M ý,pe. Cbievrolet. Ford, Also ,':, - flpiav 'v )ut.v Tires n(' Tube, tm st:- g-] a- Ile. ai a n'ai prive. EARLY'S GARAGE CAMPBLLLVILLE J'ieetlsiugapore 8lîced, ,i ns --- ---. - -27c Ayl mer I'ork and B nans, large 24 tîni, eic h t- - OC GruiirbsS Set NMuxed Pirkleq C y. t? :2r for-- 19e LaRrgte & ,oz. ar 33C Matuhes, Red& Wliitc, boxe- .23c Ay'iîoer huî, y (Green tmg liInnsý 2 tmns ---- 25C RcXWlite Prc-purdm. Nnstard, 9 oz. jar - - 0e (i:p N.1làke, fîe baliouti Mitilb thPkg -12c Liat P1jlle lppi pkg.-- Tî1j 'lop Grtipe Fruit Juicp, No. 1 <ai 0n Magie <of1 e fresh -rrid, per lb. 32C Baking Powder, I1op,) raî, 1lb. liii-- I Freqh Salted Peanit3t, pin- lb. ---15c Ki'e stile Sofip, per bar - 5c (uînfort Soàp, 4 bars--.-- New Pijiatoes, & Ibs -------25c Pine-apples, Cubein Rods, large iaxe, etuh- 19C Valêeta Oraliges, rmedium taxe, 3oz.33c "Il' B.i C UNNINGHAM IW' 30 DELIVER "QuaIIty always hlgher thon tie ,prIce", For the Week-end Holiday N WbC a bes B k r 'm-Galb0a"«b'ndR"" T[IHIE A T R E rp e - ________________ md M le Show and Damaes etî,,,i cn tal A apela quainqof hé munt 0 y. Mday 2ftb. et 83W p. m.. with Fgîdey à Ssiurdoy, May 24& 25 A .pe'iIR einbl emofthoaty bm i-I M ac'nndbsa roucî i.hsng sel tuJof uawtr«ia a nd ie c- oGeor" OBrien in Pull lins of il m'rro e* Yid v. Mmv 141h, willdIft Viollnist and tbe Saxajiîio4* WHEN A MAN'S CAKES and PASTRY h.Vctra a- p btilid.y. Kd.Thé Troupe lu jn sl1fr (joekeyfIf !îwiiabI redysa ie iusfrl.dua ult-... A MAN Wedding Cakes A Speciatty o elog oldt tme and modern. Dent fait t an ,,bl fiengeova Pipe Baud viii boit a rea-tb.; viii nnJnO IL ise. Admis- Sien Blue Unesty CHeVen" Phn AMBERS &SON FildttDay la IGeorgetown on .luly lais. elon-Aduite 26ce, cidreu Ibo, *V.ry Coe - , Pon 8Miltion Wallpnper. anti Certains,. largeO.Hoiu<a W. I -The ,>Ilowing am- . Trryon-'1See The World' otock - let prions - oeilad ne,1im- acre v cete« ut tecllrt--entc- muscal--oiiy t(.40Mi itelca" ~-- <SaItratt . Dry anoe sStars. a! 1hof atth# ny Woene Instifufle_____ Mm ;'bantiy' l'atlaemonsdd taugit-U dt te home of Mm. A. King un Tues. & Wed. MAY 28 à 29 orTaant. rc lnbIn a laIît :Prcalient. M"-..1). Dovn ett AYNttbnt Spug lits J ct'îe, f MT.ronti, Mrn. tints.i ntIffr-mccidient, Mma. iG. la.hln.onnz arner BAXTEin te Kh. hom el . adf r. itk Rvisecond vire preentn.,MrRs . l uel ON RrS I rinig, King <Srtreeteeirforeantîrer Rila Peacack ; i i ONE Br s NIe.a'd M-e. IA. Ro.and am mughi r*etcr»n.MnM MIIlan. Mm- . M(cdl ,. itw..Rt. lra telutai'Ilrali, uerabtain %uMm. litffet, anti Mrm, btdn6zty. Ad.àîtt uîîoyFO-/a S.i l stîrds t. ltar-a t ening iltitswevie gîen <an Mrs. îtatwiy. (ra itou l htcu caa u l trmlpaitnî,maiMe.33iphPl tkYIîrL C L P~iIn the La test Styles IN5iIRnVICMPNT.-H. B. 001C has hati rcocrowd stiandel te d'anis5C AL We invitS e iti' petioin. te nirofethie barber- @hop and dance neti-lttonsile Park]Rtst k y Fr1, f& Sot., MAY 31 à lune i teaUtv parer paliti d adecied. eseins atnd aret demi of excittnicat viit scitnai cbîdren'. mainee il.M. Fashen bas misachbdil teInterior 1vwoneausetiby te diffilenieyin lacaing irday at 4.15Ne o rc O eain et lttsn@bos soe redesrarmld. the mycterc--se Mine Huitani'tc She EdiCATRn Services wili b. b.Id lu Si, Johns'tous nt ullunlii M. i vns.... Chrvt.NasaeI b, i Sn' helu Ion:women'c stîiet .5t tc. t ilamm.,ati in St. eo-ges Church.The mngmn a rn niaxra wlt.hIAna Sotitrtn Blel M- Iidei' oo..0 L st 3a Spaiý.,te lit- canduailetitrottionaforngeitle iae Dance. tiiutC illMoisSIta by R-e. H. W. A Brei. Ollny 3n" iToronto, m aidfp ofotn NOrîCi-Wilte partLyihlte tLe art o ai nlg, tit leiemnotrate te te decler iran i tehea i1diamaendtinet dance ce e ofte cantint. -i,m. 1 __________________ a ,seek &go lut Stîrdsy pltne. raturu Oneeaca.e iente Continental, andiI SisasGon I. andi nase firter trouble, an lhey alter lais danse création@.lSe an. ososGon rewei kîown,-Miton Baieiail neunmament in Ibis veekts issus. ~I I'C. C Y. P. N. The fialmaietilng of SNt -,,.s .5uoC .Store t Alo IFme lîAuie. -W. T., ry atlaYoung Peoplen Siety. hei CIJ NWS !, 4- iTbN andiîsîtifamivi ta Mxendtor ry- Patîls two il attendenti.SC U tian.rau frientin and neigbh,'ra fer S! ____teeotosipridtae inisy. n tlî a eir saud byRs.ABirniailcitnm t-.rtaelen, te sao f vifs andi mert- vesdisme nthe bbc raing nl_7tm_ TIIF. m.,lter. camumilla. nomînalei ta carry out th'e W. BClemets écivaitbut nommer neheduisae: n ureA.1 Th ltmtopaeî*ig i ~V l Cemîît, arintihane en MatNahit.MaryM-Cready. L earenf I~Miuttlepae~~miRnaS o f lriday lait fromanu anjoyahie librsdFrn ank 'l Ir i 1j v~ 5ek ct am oltefîenMlPopularS ment. rpt aeaîe.H. n iiWie oa i16 B ap*ýteOxenMlo epair "th trp t Nanetivr.B.C, ad ce oivnhy Bab L'ex ati K.Dwar rei. aab t fPalermae .a Liebrtee t'alîlornia, eurniag via Uic Panama pFkoinlg lte pragra a progrnnîs. tha 241h of May, Anyonetiesiring la Mai"Su-cet, Mite- cansaasti New okCt.R ok wsl antiferl inwek t.BeIosCrolanîn«Rame van greatly enjayet i.siî lte titat, tring te saitpare I <sPeien eu. fie.Owinit a le allnfinal Rame van pI&yliavtcordiînlly tnisled. aît.iîlu'APPLIIODA Y -On3 b (4. i.teNah. lmnne Bush Bab box i.liha roop Bnov havea?22 ,emaonticlame Saînmiday, May, May 25. the Guides mud Donald MacNmbIthe final trioir-cacia viiet sbown remarkaitc: pro. pîîroane bmsîng an Appe Dar. An Ion hing lu favor et B. Coz. vt D. are. appie for Se., er wvitever yeu lire la MeNabit a ce seconud. Dr. Denton van présent a& the lent Ladies' HReels Izý.Tthe 0tieaareainat edorfa a nI i uuday a itafcaihnemeetcing anti Lorne Evans and 2C itlItm tnia , maiult. cocgi lasée.s Iog. SeotItlantteîr ambulance pro- léhe r u ST-cravtiet i wttcars fille iet î.Peaple iclaybadges. i>eug. Nicotaine tîrnîts taltEruHOsE. Kîso r - . ,a spublie bealit man'shaadge. et' i'lat iit i iasid. bsec. We uppl, Who vlshp tla catch a g!itnpeeeftCan Atlte. Roesnregniat- meeting 0Heis40c. aOI liai,, of iîdting dot@î. &ot aînî bang- an P,-ninmua, andttnd [Tittit-ada imo-irg, ail oasasedtihe .r ing btaskets atdwiutiav taxescaptaent- resovnuceltat priag ile lly be", I TBenifoot andi sauete ir -Seconde ed. tira tte _a aea iegs aiNme- nj.îaonibt onr ic test. W r pentit aytitat REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT! îu .,oeianti SOL.Tha hlnasemn on lte cherry anti pl't ihtse Raser Cccv in comssinlmt i ~VNlnAlnsiesa t-mach vere at Ibeir thant, anti IL vas sa greaî style. Oscnigao n '%%'Ahenullini iimaintieicOf vas eimjoeeUiibut_______________________________ lu6, (anadian Leion, areîrganlly lt a ave-l taunanti motoriste wttho.- - A Ie m n Poreo 1,11-l'. Imprtent bîîinesesol e wentyfadLunlt nin: a e Ite. H0.STEINS, ,ngon .udy. ay27b, t 8 P.M.WTvsloumyexcriotnia toak lag lsBUY YOUR îttaac alisnf internat ta. aIL. Palml's l n os oefe te lMce 'la adistric t -_iere lits. in ayItie Mir.lrank e. %Veut annunces tse mater c à is. yathy ie H igitway 1cecma !Yea..ivette a et Norriia, la Dr.William Pt e. ar. of hy aTch o inen w. LIav, nti -tiOn aWaterloo Coiuty vhs-ca abotau (1 -oLiudîeS' Speciai elgaemet bi iagtlr ,h~Tijenng.wt ii5tytOP-borde ai-s iniiymeretiteti may lnd.j Toronto. son of lte ifa@Mr. andtin. wrviit lt itisîea af i Mlto,. Alilce.- I tc«t.tiRondlcatlle lu gata conitioln, Tt tu3S.FRIDAY ANDI tW'iliam J.Dtar. Miltan. tae mau rt itmèvlag iati auxcepliouailygoati anti priecti neerately.VTe samies -ATtl,ýXY ONI.V. Ftjit irage toe liîaceqoiiettrilu ne. hiagentaxilli giatly show FOU arcînat tititelivafCcdtbDinaie Na ~, The annunai girls' conferene. ildt freeaifctaa-gc. Manyaalisfietiîvtom. Sec.uri F4I.m W. istco. U 0, <S atrday l inte Fermer' builing,.enbave baugit their purecbret HI ai F.isirut ek.Mlton., mie avou el atntieti.Groupeof jtniars I:eîcin n îtidistict,29 d.cYn ing entyg n, iitd e.trea.gbat te province baye been, *o hn pu vg uaý .r,,etametuà, l ayno behmemakîng prafertle riteo hoet-antititis etilînu nyIIi uw,' ice ,.n thegt)ielritun i, a p19miee1 eldes iîr n foandant i eltlirg atidlte A. a BRUBACHER a tieauifui $1.t(111 iegtît Pický t aîL ttdîilva aitBon:a Wonaen's Inalîlte brat-sncb i. îeg as i lt (articîîiFace 'îie bir, anti lra. Warti F. Rutiteli, af te paiiitllesoeprojeel verktiîntier .13 LAU, OT n a a tetîle cf (jactrnia Pt rý ieît)rgéean, annaurce tte engage- !loc~al eaers, ban uuggealed borne tuait- iae jlbe f7 .iine. .-ncMî' cir datiugiiter. Roberts ibg proiecla fer itIab-3tt, wviîcir vre llvtt Lui ta Mr. leitaMackenzie lborouRiy tiicussei at the canfer.MSU'CUEt WitititiAlexandier, of Servallte euce . ntter lte direction cf Minie Val. -tidiîug 'a tale place eaciy in joins, lace, et Tarante. Tte abjectives o IN IHO(D7CIOiY OFFER tiEiîîRtis pi-gatunare ta pmavitie opportal % >in i g î P e r b n g i n g . p -ie i n ua s g r a ît a n t i d e v e t p n i n î f t 1 h e I OE iai --aiut- Entîmates irêe. New 131 5dîvidifl, bvicaly. înM orcî pe e ew low cimIlivai> spiriltilty. TIhe girliaePt li)t 3 1 wii lit'Perýnally vilS suceuragedt a teveiap a higber appre sasîipit-.. Bt'aY tRMT.Main St. cimiona ef irming anti beie un g EI Mlo.2m- andi te mllmulate a gi-saler leterept InI , te engagenient tn annunetoIL t,Oia&le4Ao at ceitellgient santi inaiI SDr.t h y 1lenp.ndaitter of Me*. Wood reaponihi le ai n eOpern. mud talaie 'mW. . Woat. of Palet-mo. bn nth e ttarmenî tfbe etmui.un Il Vertiiî L. ea, BA.,. yeunugeet 1. Thes tepartinent af agrirtilitîre .Inc f Mm., Beiyea andte lits eMr. bas Proiise t liktilani-e et ane m. flvea, of Branletse vetintiuboab$tratet-. titk placeecallv i itine. STn.,.,c .,.UNITED.. I..,.. lietAAItALL.-Tva ibague gommen viiill ai usîutnxi tueV Play"tiL". tsînilisivilie ta morvf" li10 a in-Tite Sunday Scitoal mrict~a Day îas faiinvs t Fr Rame Il arn-Poulievornbip led hy titeý it 2 pai., S.T.. Kihrida va. Palet-me- nîimtar. Theme ."prîiiAto-l second matat gamu, Campitsllvilîstl-,eTOE CmE eta ta 4 p.m. C,mcand.ti e- ,SOESCOE jay 1lite iiday in lanpheilvtlle. Ad-, m .*-PIiitbiemcvabîtled hy lte.?A MYls ng Titeie : "A c hieav in lt11DY.MY2, -'ilie engagemntai8 annoîînceid cf Ivo large cengregabmen8 attentied tEthel tGertruîde Andirews. Reg. N.. the aunivemnrY servicesa lual Stinday. tisuigiter cf te laIe Mr. and Mn. Rus. J. A. tnmii, of SmitviII,c. u J.arpit W. Antirews, of Milton. te Mr. duicte theit services anti premce tetit Herbet Ilwis Ritcie, son fte tt inspirig &rd tellfiprîi amon. Tte tdî amati Mra George Rilthie. ef amitenude"dctih ie daim licii.d Iîuiietlot thi e b.middtle et!Joute. teepy mdebte t a Mr. Robert. Hatly ChI..eck for hie heaulifai u.ies, revu-nIing an LlnM'rT EAwin Fiiag.-Forrid- tke iiau invsmmspirtelicyrtpa iy -w- ( v uuug incîrL by l ave ntievaîkasan eli an fias abiity ati care niaueç anc dlîlar vitin a w"eetat pay the Thte eIéecnth meeting of lte Hautl fooaui iîîmponei entem by Magtisrat. bon Contecencetif the Unitedt Chureb fu 'mieliceen ai Oaklee ltFrlday. af lComédie, viii te helt in (biat "Sem, taI ynu cstaetse meue5 your- biiu,-i lep. My2t aln i teemte bava tvers varusti., Mr, . . . Denyes anti Mr. Wý B. CW * ,ANs . &,)vio m-Tite Mlton lav meula viliireprenaentSt. Paul'-tihurct UIfl ibo.lir.g saa.nopen. la mort-av. Vie- àan I&Y tilslea. ti ai Day. T'berecviii h. minet] houvi- 1 8 U mat. laintimes gente.,If you au-s in- KNOX CiIIRCli t-'m8etd i bowling ve gise you a cordtialiinvitation ta rama devu te 9Iintimy Sciteol-10 a. ni. Superin. tî,eIue,ti. airrcvet 2 p. Every- letîdent., A. EllialI anti C. Sitmnnen Keit u n tCorn Flakes 1 P a i ityu-ci,.Churcl Sesvie-Ilia nM. anti -7 -P.I AN,401N(FMH>r.F, Y' PlmbMîise. Roc. J. N. MtFil ANNtS NIE1'..Nur-Fa" -campleth@ Next Nuatiay, May 2101. Ru-c. Cmso. ît.1 Sht1u iaspiiritau-nla cmplto nu viilpi-cataibath sersîccîvituie nci.. cintîci n iapn n alfilfor emp. R". J. N. Mclt'aul in acci gsoni lyîng sépii-tanks. ceapools, cislera.,,y-st-net-vices at Tellecihtni. ant i clueniai ciiets in miralimeitni on Jurne2aCcrenionsrvc aid iitircbe., aovt etbave your ll iii . el in te mareing anti pre- tank f1 eau ie.Wsivantiereioug te fite. pamalery service an Fmiay ese.îeg. of ycair râleb.d. Weýrk dore vithoit M'Y s. fnma, Cor ftisa. On Sunday esenîng. Jone ?eti Knoxs Sauna NAsîmaN <îT SAUR MA!- COsîgreCatiOn idlastO ntY te îîitiîum iiOn JohnJoiese. niait diver-on R.R.NÇo. e, tY nifieariai teItitt R"., Dr. J. t, wha ceide. m. - Fqueing townaip. SNitrt. Mcratir of i he(craiAs. huit oa fs aeî'srendent il Milton, scmhly aifte Petteîni in Wsiluc THElCHAPIONt lainfez-utbte ('aân*dla pý!i îîtîc thîte iu caltlte John ,lar"a et About tvenuy.nsemebcaroa q issu R .t.nip, vtWh W" _t la aOOx cenaregaiou uad tcte ,.it for 15dtlaîafur tealing -75 etr --il.nMeeting cf ie, -RSe niah nf grate fmema laonScott, Limebeune, o. Tuetiay anti repaît sPle.did a,, Et os-trios. 'Vîx'.uga-A large ant- i-ns. el di~s'tAic e ici-O aitteind te Imnual W.C.T.U. ai Tarante, Rga v ery tsiaiiî'ng d cli i.flC cotest belti in st. Pais '.. ..*Tn on Th u lea.ic hînga, I Unied Ctiri-bbers Tiaaradlcy nigittaf tekeynoîct ite NW'M.S. piobiecit. wt i. Auten Nu mn..Miltomn, Audirey daînaHenry. ladingitai Stmulak i-- A .~tLgne3-hc],ol. in<g tte Ceuiten. anti Mti al.. uira e tOiti,,metiai Tis i-tinnt avau dg- Nayiaur reporteit -seots f;omi,n - uo, ' d ly Mm.. A. K, Leenard . e .MamrcitOOi andîl les . ie ticiit t-i-ieaid Mîsîli Carsonteitsir tgNtntîîit)îa, iti- ics, ..k,. le iMM i. R. B ialitsaitit. M. R. Sien andItt r. Botsn. t A i. itî, l . îitatitsareant, 9apem sc c'teaîncet Meîiltier, PFma»ee. Alan. :Peggy mmr ncfvictme -ens..,ttr"ia & Mmi iiil Nrmueccme anti Mar ieralmre le-i-rtary ol te lic lmcttn at, les,55g, 1filiued b>)kaiduelt ry, Mm. Lancîil. va" priseet tîy liîiley A,,deraamîsantiHugli. k' 5fl5Mui-a&i ceriib î ailt' i-tub Sar.gietsanug a soiû, auceipan.programme.-c dt-re th ilh t,s . . (NIutKeruie. Ptes ofor _________ an1e booiik n id pesteci vere van byI Bae'Crct o. MIR i~IMP bal clinien a"ibatbelSevieon Stintiaytet Ni-'2t t'aa-nc. bras aCrncSalve bana- 1aI i7'30ip.m. Donald S',.. Csir il tbu-, alhpdti cue, areem.Ai ýickets lte premuber. Tberbe cbrn a gîcal l. uig siaim.. nm ber ai cumin navedti bbroughitsbi1 ________________________________ mrsaiMntnj iynt"I.în eut IbisSun- __________________________ tday anhbei tIbis nma W %e arc -emy1 luspiar Eu<f;.rt luttr conert. i-ti Phone 89-r-2. MILTON recectly. Ha-ii... amitxamy cîuî setted n yatmr ctmrcb lacis? eteun h C c~aneis tia- .siamu-zWi .,' eItë -lîtd * <ASOLINE FUEL Oh ' saute wiuedemfiul meciagnibisIsut DISTOLITE vcisRes. N. A. Barclay li. ben. te MOTO 01-S &GRESES charge &det vihave item geatiy ecm MOTOR011. £ GRASES coumag.d thîthe cgoailti hi.iiî ve BEL[ BROS bave bal., A reai veer eavaîteyoîm a.Bevan Chutrit. SA niieisesenservice viii tie itlit, iaîeà, Builing titiSuBnud&,,. ir evlcome. naeetinte, work an<i mouey. Berauf'e lhey conte te bvu erisp and ready-tO.Sere. tiiere are no lires* b lighî-no pois and part- Io erub. These crunchv golden flak&es are noureiitap and eanv ;0 digest. You cati berer Keleogu*% Corn creain ai all tinte of the day. Man> sersings for only a fe. cents. At ro cers evervshere Quali gum.anteed. Madie ' Kellogg in1oundorn, Ont. *t'MWfor CON VENIENCE CORt PL4KEs LII 1-1 Fi Ei 171 a wffami OWEN'S DRY OOODS STORE Phono 215 MILTON Holiday Spedials Laie' esh Oloves i de' 4arched Cuifrwith f2w<pAitern, meab 39e palota and lingera. 'he l.Sptcial1 GirIse Shorts foz'a rtal hargain for the89 elackqî Made W i ue quality iine, wuth pleated front@. (',rey'low, white, green and sand.Biss R~ 6-13 yea:.. pecial. ............... We have a complOte Ilneof Boys anet Men's Canvas Runnin Shoes '*Fleot Foot Bpancis" Boys' Denim Shorts 'i'loe aho ut are made of heavy qtiaiity closb svith elaptie IvRiFt bnd, hey "ocue in three eolersa khaki, navy and I ,ack. Kzeq 20430. 5 K E FP VU 'tL (1ItKS (tROWING ON-- PURINA CGR0WENA or CAFETERIA CR0 WING MASI 1 Kil -SEED CORN, JUST IN 1 BottîtDent anti Flintiaritties, CYANOGAS [J,5 A NIS ' ,STA NTLY- Trv a itlp on ihose soi bills on1 your ianmn or gasden, TIIONFiki A. S. WILLMKOTT 14LO I -- -I Men's Special 29c ais [ii iicîa ,rbiais-c, saue v: 1 tutitl i. cttsc Sha'ng i ictiio. valieue ,ue u- hta'ilî it e .Iic t se ,tt , coa.0.Total Value $1.10t. M \NUF-At'Ti2llOS' I NTRODIUCTOItY OFPFIt LadIes' Spectal III IRRD&Y. FRIDAT AND SýATUHDAY ONLY. 1FOR 29c andt Iis eoipan y an viiirenelva à iteaul l 8() «it package icîte ai aurp in crand 2- dramotl 01,1 --arensjar Dea MANUPACTURERW INTRODttCTORY OFFER P'S DRUG STORE hi1LlTjN N TAsi~RIO PHONE si t- ataa hoik aý l.ei basket of Gooti News" for particu tr Plîchasers. Citent ti, lisi for ceai i,Çonev Savers. IPS NS AYLMER la-aad ,cgeltals CLARK'S i ilt Coul 3 ,,,22c~ MeeAR5cl lut Butter Jar le Macaroni mia îaî4b-1 9c CRISCO 3lb Ti .....630 -1. k22c ORANGE ýESTNS 29 COMFORT SOAP 7,.,25c CHEESE ~ 17C PEARS BAYSIDE RICHMELLO Tin 35~ lu ~t't it' Aim , I Us --- - val( tu Om"aiuetdo! -30c Frutb Wax Ieuui, peui !h l-rel, pr . <,ler 1h, .New No. 1 Pohttt)eaý, 5 ibse 20C MAYONNAISE -8V oz. jar 234 Fattrpcti -1eSHRIMPS, !1Î8, setin 19# -1d 43c PICNIC PICKLES c Mat5 -15SC H.P.SAUM.EnlI L 1* --.--7C FPY'S COCOA 1,2 ILb. 23# 23e Manyfluwen iSoRp - -eake 50 FREE ALL DAY DELIVERY-PIHON'E 331 e qm --- - - Mir- te- 1 2.,;.. .sç- Ti.. 9 !;c ý qw