'I 1 O -B___I_________________ The Canadisi Champion~ BASEBALL PRESINATION DTA? S. A. FAY diMILOT. Ma 2 T 1l'. bhomee .1Mr.. mmd M#. Tue- M"IR. AIDRIW NZILIIIPlmbng MILTON WINS PROM lcOrûde. U 4 .. M. -W-Pthebineg, ADPTACUL WIK BRONTE IN OPENING "m N 1 'il.~mte.u.. Ieaig n Moetlm poliu îe.r..t ~ . tmded nojue mm ,7nmu RoiemeMalilit. mon Tbure Monin uli n*rt n hl GAME -0F SEASON tlo eM- m . .R l dm oF ma0lu w.* u tubr gard 7Ymr' "IAdopt a Batu, Wuk" ,egureted In- 1%. flmwleg ddrm .w.. raid li, D.omsd, villawu. biibli t atited. is ih vonnemtion witA the cllbrioteeof te-M.Ryeri.bèsut .yln uvvn r HN Steat brtbday etiLthe Dono..qoln The .nets, Hsbway ,loar, guCu.'I. ea.a eb tionA, No-isait. of Lopst ha a.oeadwld.e.'id ut'... oect. er.'. I.ttlittindy, Miltoni To Mr. and Mie. Servie u ~ ~ A 'Uu.ofPOR31 Dytya t.aleta ea1 10tctae crâpéd a ûta 3win avec Bronte..and 1 W.,7e. urfilend. màdnalgbbo ,Haraby. Mi turcdaushlsre, 'n. J. T. ANTMIOOT b pthoi in#aIc cL os oIaien Prt&Crdit uc.Imele t Ùalll. 13 bave gatbe dbu- '.t,'nlgbt t lb ul.MitnTetpra ui lc t' mmliiy RI 8.tn. t.W 8 l'bat m.kPR Il cloieencotth ig te p'..n corlîercongratulationsanmtd unmaturday ftrtomn etnCr ' ilmldCo, Minlat..tfr rW.Ifsm, eu- ritndet10 proti, er ttbOlbait'.hl ts wl eu, n*Mm. Mervici', ltou lestr7b. cnI .îgoectdy rd., l'h..Reit tihig &nyants.. di-»cloe, rt Ail iale tu ea a ornâttmldo-. To youMe. M.'- rie.. . web R ai y. th . pecial Bin#argainel ing u. &dc,mebid brlt t.ao i pr.îînng opcoing. liort(Credit di 10a hne the ettem inwblcb 70Care e.J .H à! eBan p ca a g i Pyrte id)tharest Cthiett'n Aid 0.1f.oM 0wel i i t,clIlit. which bord, Xoierb,..aloemye b..em a uefui x ur i n Socety. Ana pltcatmon foro.nltlie <na) e,ý ie h.ltr^emr, 'a I1t of tbhei'omtuicty and 1bmw. IM. W.T. lMiRRRYI'LI) lx u i n provideti. Bot 11.,. appicatonî andi 1tTýeccBgo od, ra'..r tlin the tormeri: lwiaie be.mdy te aueport and Aà'cri d dsth ocrrd le Mlton TO ALL STATIONS lN Lb.. ao.t-mqeetnTeigotiatansm re éat..'are cia Milion hedta o work hard i belp l atil ort'lcau. aai...... uXhnMryO& l W ST R C N D ritincubé Rrituit confdence.- m*1 ui ouy'Tci, ornlt, on tel) andi 1t-ken lf voir' trîandehbp for voiue, Ahte, ailleof W,. .Merryileli. dIlei WET R C N D 0 'oc. l e8ihe tluuode.o d"iT of he total .-. i hl,« ...'loge the fillotieu t'~.1O accepi. b... *ît. dd..cly t lber' hme on Mill 1St.,in- th. uncit..c&IdthéL..departirei o ie01 1, 15&e-Ac W. iao paeyritat l; oti uta> Iil» br sorti yaa. e.bc wa mordillr ;f oe. tiiet. .hlldren "e.. miipted i mb suit- 1Itîgtu 'n(ee ilon tie coantntalerw tir. homue with heeth and froP bY iY l.Pait'. Unit.edi Cbrch Although (ilong liâtes ml.. home@. The fleancWal tabîit>' of,'gae coloto (b..he openi-raco.nàtnie., mcd (b.L yoiir tmtTl..d Il a*play ho "0bscoe àa areldenit of Miltoen nly a 1>D iMay ltb te 2th. b..prapctve adoptive parent&alent' Mayor Elliott on oer Lbe, ptcblcg long and hppy. shotLIme Nie. ceemîmu ber. fromi Rture Limit 30 de. cour.. ered. ItlaI.ot a miotte. - ditâouand gets ctrédit for a n bîl, ne Bîgned one bailf e bcommunlity Windor.lMrm.Marryfisla mod mari et w.elLb. but simpi!y a prevîoloe tbmt c'in gan..iuige Miiora, Ct'c.waiiAt. by Lb.. eoiunuttte fri"* »aho il~ smaiim ih O E ET PR ML Lb hlico otiltt- h t ciuy bl, K.C. and Rt...... li.mg Mr..Servis reipomnded ite hr ie illebule bt m.ad.is biS LOuest(inoach.... eoly. tuirnminconsildératiolou te b. e- Iwetta Lie ble trihbari. Th.. pl..ievt. afielent maner-t. motblees cidren. Thfirterfuait. "irr i.L.belndcmmi,.r fjotge anti teeve vere Ic a httlmg Tm eveelna wu aiemtin ci arda sudwlmuniglytcddoople SLPIG AR RILE Lb.. adoptive pecetR, antiadenet siuntîp, Tbi't alb.h. iret ttres. ledancingf. ou Meeda mtSLrEPImGtoARvsi.gt-..e bote.0..nir'oeuet.nib..' rtnta.t bat ,lb.ie d ~a-t7~a.A.a rl mde' Pasaeo ickct altanonRal "Tlh. théer aide eo! Liiipicter.. ia the fait. ogît 1ta1tiret base. l'hoi.crowc Nulnirs luUIon Wemeu'à Intituletmg l. aieTi.flrl«..h od l baby. And qut. as griat pain. are attorney, wbh Il thb.. cmateo f a-w.' on m amtfe.(a) toutint aleimg cmar et appr.' takrcme abatre prosect- e 1arCiia a. bigloa igt frot..trefl...nrl.alioc, I ____________ttly 1I lDr.'tulle, plu. . i-g..' . ate b.qualitiecfeofLb.child. 'lhe.' hb]ti abo, b.. it lirb'One of Ltii" nuyor'm eMlUlm a. emoucda' .th face, trclliare pm...d peu 'e ontriî.t'ultiaoee..lig(lai...lesIt stthLb. boe cfMm.. Artbur *~W..IIaîea 111trîi nismdr lc~gci. baby epeniallt'. and peychol.gl.t.. antii'b. o.1 îett'm iot' i..fiClig tia tccae Tm pprouimat e pa~ .r tolleé 1 Lb.... opnionse m.. valale ta the! feruintebig a linicb if( tinebovëe. beng L. nnuml meeting Lb. electont laeea.ctnibetlr. idotîv paent a.iril n mi r wora he> ttioii. d'nct.c..a, mcd, of offietui tlaceI.a. folltiws HaIn. The 2nd &anmal meeting cf beilSIpvertu reet miPrt Artbur. u a tobakgroundind bercdty." mil lb. c oisir ow champions P'e_,n- M. g loi. Agneaw ive. ctcb SlockW. l. w.. belltthi Uic nd mlutoe Weilt hereot -The aiaoeides a i.tao ah au . iieageP t late..thio ier, thm. jiepu a:dent. M@* Mary uni;je e oe ofMma. Jo ~yce, ne flitiidayt jetteot nbei.eby the adouted child tiam5 ti3 raio. tIi..>' r. gron a rat mI a..IMre. Harvey Afin** ; 2nd Vtces mtetr.oom hma. Owing tb.theilllca andthe po..ur parent.and bome. til li hbattre Thoughout. ClI.., et eiery Pt'..,Mr. Wi III .ici.-' Ofea. o ur mdeet. lire. Clare,ktheLchair bu cii'tnrf ar nt t-I m uuat hronoe upoeible ' tge. h..ouaie pî'ovldod few uriii. Miss %doa Stcvenon . Abat..Sac., wa.. e y ImI.. Wiiae i. hoAN PA IFC "'I' laour uns Di latioc.h'h. lefoclbh.tans 'Vii r.i. b. tedont Ml.. Ruth Carwrght ,Plti.Dlieubumlbsinecsan d eorrecpocdeecut l LA P CI at lemur approxinitheLb.horne la eti.î c' lb..hey.. -thiîlrivet pitý.b.M. Tidbcad ;Act.. Mia Mai.gret w.anit.eded to. balla.' wblcb the rol vslt.'d b>' iep.-.etetlven of the aidelPr..ellehar.. o ntniduel aboent éveil.Liisb. The..programme consistadt of Cali wua mmwere by p&meiat of beu. and tb.. départiaent fro itte îe...tuin.. Lotin1lorg gondt ltire thef ba rt cui ti. oL.p'epmri'edlira.A. Ncwcll nmcmlrfa..Thou cer..Lbt cetluef av'eu.a erioti. But tbîe la neco altinn îîîug-. sho eindulge inlea etreak andi rouai by tir..Prectiot, emilieti 'offe..,forIthe combla e: e. mnllatnsa: cnau O ffie'mi,'investigation., noflu I -i'iitIeco.bat b.. poletithellotili"Hli hwoeld ejny pouet. muet paHBo. Prbsîdent. li.e.1, P. Clark.; Pr". the contrry. expérience hanh. em iOto a.-.>'serions damaàg,,. tic Lb.. pritcf aiiboiîdring tbareuprona. Mnref. Wilson; lut iî. r..lrA showe adoptive Parnt aeccegei.ilfli.'d i0. veilet 7 et0(i sma atoi tit>." Rolrait ltec reepondedtu tby Peu nje;ied tvice pr"...Mis.e (bs tait and areabubblln e with lbouWeitltrele,ml owltlg & 9 Ctt thétbpayaientnof fre.1. aermg th*é haîmi,,S.. 1'e«.., irw. C.8 Bac.lcc; tif thtlt chlt'b'ex plit as a mcproi Star honore ame ffer au I iebtccqlctOne. *'WbY I loug t a e l- b'at, Bo,.; Mes.eA. Mefihbon; Pel moi-branmd tters " rctceretgo.."btro i ytf nusieePt" Durleg thae cltig aof the iseMcaMccv Jpi:D'il. iiroctoir. uIIsé In the rOUDLIleA cfPei anti flalio n.îî,ilipam Ocluocce Hé lbed (tbeMil,.hiballoth@ .electîce of offlers Mmit... ,Chiaboii Bi n.-. lirctore, M Pli. durini, tzc yearIU 94 tiier.. w.r.. Pleven ton :ait >r lffl,'d tbhie exce.pton Kintsnce "adi a pue eltiti, *Mottodame@ L. I-rblaolm. trîngulet'andi W. ehildro. dpted lut. eplectiîd hon..,. Of!tlb. secondtilcoge. wb..c thr7 1 for Mouillé ." antd Mes. Ho HIlatou Star.k , Auditoir. Mie. 1H E lini t. jr. acd toi. yerai..e&t.. b,pl.'g Ibat bulîohu'd tbre.. f lb.. e..... bb.. aho.&;- eti eapomentiî-d, *Hn.,"'b mnd lbM. .Joyce t ; hg.t; Dn. fit mntn>'more wll b..i...,%vied rl.rr tihe l.,e.'-1..i..tr.'d lftPpn hi the Ruik@..',Etiwmid Ouîet. Tii. mfttie ci ,Alloual. M dame 3..W«11,,,,, 1Chie- carI(. oietiéa ant içptheb. n ..01 ln1Aced tli, Andastinthe b. i'ih the cîngtng tutheba chnal1 boli. . . détour nemd C. Service ; Del- ~l noeedtilove and carveOf boni.. At: ict'!n) o lts ____________lay.__ gmaLa tobdscd etvle;S-rw tb.. preant tue inthé, Home et Mil- 'l'hé loera imkiot thpirilret mtt in Mrabre ocver. lirT. Cbinbelm toc there are a numruuci f cet>' ai-. lgh..r conuptOn>' hodtip.oty nI. The Home of Comfou't Relief, lire. H. Will. ; ft'ehteente, tractive cildren .waitiuii for sonleonl' p,.cr. l'Ibey lhedt i tes.heift lice op. sire. May ; P.-wer. lM-2. t'. Robert te tare thella into theur lheacteandt heir rglr.h, tpede c'On.. of I-be tee plagPeofe t le son ;Finance. .-i.L. F. tlarke ;IHis- baillir h.icg taba-th.lba ltter bicg (blhd Tetamnct tirnen thesthe P &Rues totical R.e.rch. ia« . JEHllott. The One Attiactive bah>' girl a >eat' Id. th, be'i'I h.loiti ' Huitbin We .1.olo irea Orée.anti&aoie L..dicom. ilidijesare remiedeti thui our.Jou.. faut bat.âtir en i on e.'.'.;*ouaitle-moaritl,' in homie cruas latre-e-tort affedetilbs lo re harîlikaly metinsi wb:lltai.. the..foi'er.,no!a pleic u aERE ready fo0torVeyoni witl Ituvel>' (mr.hired, blue-eyed girl L-1sccon. hiii i ltPi&-eu capîtcber. It bat ciech oàt th iteems e otort imsmboanadfarnilles n Su. eîiay>' anthione beltrahicbos cgcR.fairrm t-i --k othl..chiet short and. the Egyp.lacu w.. dueun0utile sMmes Jnca î5ub. i.aet b eothe. 1'uniOtll pwi -ls ('abulis uebay oy .t ai' ii. .utcni c-tliob;hcf tila. ore-i..Breerne. DrIng your .lunch basket and ns'ecy gallon ot 3 STAR go-%, plexiin. oee eigbL moillb; antittd Obî.-el li",t. eemcb>' rti., Totia>'mee tîlI havietianmd mina- u pu. _______ntampared gal neans unhamp' cuber Ightmenemonthe I nid acIl, pltyiget-ele" ic3.. etppll.-d thir. qtitoc. wibb n. But wle unelbon, uti oigiecnet'. ui lovely boya wtb dr hait'enacti .",>e.tctt' pia.' hî'n in theieeght heltao l, ueur iniot cf tituhomes,.hy Meaure. William sud IleiWhite of thoeg I..l, -'e r ick on.. tioy>emr. citi antidh Tc.fou .llclNu>i f.îro eala i ereiigut,.doue.and ;ntdoe. Bimip.ou. bay. ratuircad iftar e trip tn'tg îîkcasve a--i yere nid. A nutue ichr fOth'r h îa ci,,-I c1..tanIsaugîeon olVîo Th, Ontrio Safet> LeaitiI.illnTing tu Beciuede,. andti grls ofacool &go wbo are.. u.rthy ' ii th, , u -dan appemi thîs Sprieg tbroughocL A(ai m b.tlpeMr. "ne iBe ready wltb reddy power" il mnopportucity ile lie, cnt cecensar-i.iilt-isl'tl,' m. n . le-1octarne t e Porm thIa n.-eoeary .tem. if ..ad v If aouione.. u..'frtth c ti,'f u-id Iiitccol t i ,,ullepI!-nfthlubeoitllaprécautiocn. Thc butten of eoid Uiey h uitlpl ets d iif y. aeFadoption. Td Iînid eill Jauh'lvT' by plyinofa uthé t.. ppeelI1. ' Foi. fealth and Lom- aqltipe. cbîu~i yer omewhyco etlb, onil. ionlt o tetîco Tî "cltelei trt.c-en Ever>' Door anti Windo«." Wbît cmv>' Mr. ienne nîîîct &rotors Lire.>'u leaT5.-ait.aa.r-, - tatir A t1itI' __Il le macn. b arutug fia daeght."ra , SE VC ST IO Pamiulroo.' t, I. tgvr intrenv-ita tyIî' cm..tuer . -..gond goveremeit job.e tuifcr tbey arc SE VC ST IO rrqueatb b>'the tiPArintenti. et, 0. F.a , pclucillait oentî,îlc tof ilor. Dot of the cralle. or11. Tboipcii . Mttoa. I tii . ii.' trîce i ,' îhIt-Illcnm. liCi.bon Hllt. Alabama, N.edy keots wbat an boum>' Cor. NMain andBrtei. Cbî,Idrrnc Aid Socuiei,. s--r- l'inîing n1iK.i ..on turday. May. 18 I1932,John Me. bigf h lmEurope, but cvec rpyhodye ts pP1- li'n.BIt U lirIu3ý 1DIna fâogton ubn fknnwe that sr e.e u itmybrillg forth M ILTON Mii, 03) 020 LXtOt ,7 2 'the tlieMrc (VoIe. wht a.nturye&nntinLmenti. ROBBERS HAVING BUSY TIME; Iaii.o iloieant i ught ; NI, KSotiml. t ber botne. Ac. -______ ii d. îî utmIdtBIi îh. tnt.. no Fi le', Ma>'17, 1(115, Roc>' A .ç-;aif r; bbc ri,c, look .Plac .(pc' ucII.n.Hamilton. Su.eclhampr, uit.. of Noble P. Me- ", Ilil t li.,and, Bei l. n ,,ii, 1tl ' , -la it. orn aî etk ot; li.; LOW'VILLE. lcrych 4iîddénlv. cn Milton, on Moning, ti'. I i ci;hil t, , i. î: rttic. ..' tv7lh, iW., Mer>' ireca Tl r au. Hntford, b1, I.,- i, ib,.- Abt.n.u.e If V . T M"rvflt.td t;.-'. , _i Tîiiî'y. eniithe i, i-J -"i 'i. ,, ,f ibe United year. S T R O N G -y,, ati ciic aet loi .1of iitc i l , . 'iidi a'2t.-N ton" thle.résience' cf bar ~The'prrpilirioi ndcilit,. -nt, 1,,-irt I 1 -I Kî Iî ',,f b'.citinoen. datugter. M"...J. F. Roiso,.Mil- tir,î'occcrtd hm I ashdani- i hi - le'tî'~ , th Ie .otnlng ritî. oc Tbu.oday. May>' iGh. 193!..WITH THE STRENOTH OF stuh liyw hligben is-,n,i ceî"ods. c nua. ll(ef'c Eiza Auc Cunningham em . einet itou~b i,.. mr. olin' l trt uuhed 1 Ithe.' cho irhîîc nlethé, et..of Andi.ow Neilten. In ber flerdCONSERVATIVE 1BANKINC liner iil 11 fi.' , M ' ac an u 01, dig i,- .clîkthe >tcîtng ý,-e ii tc tht.' l.tl 0101 ot l ii " î' : I Z,-;o t'tid Ch,rcb. Eam icl . .ar boîk uilutiî aanti coit ili.oonIl"h -1.,.lii pu.'lit'ni an arc'd drame eux. IN.MEMORIAM lipide i<, Poierluin.and broirn t l,.iit, 1lilil. '*t<i...n he i. îcr"Lang-in fondulant i vng meauriof etBe-ause of 'ts sound, conservative titi foîti"y there. vitorP A 1 Tiii 'lli 'iizi-în h et clon Satuirde>' mil'demr i itet. Mr..ame, Laing policies and ils extensive businessL nf the.'Paiet'no carage'. hcP aI,r I i tilc -Im î.eh h ..et.t ehen badge..(crI lite.Liln Dorotb Loue).ibho connirtions throughout the 1Do- ar.Fci ling Il,'i.rî ony l ita' Inir.îro tîi'd hi' mecti 'r ptesent dcpacted thi, ite Meay 24bb. 1934.'lhBakof rnoisn ho .l te, .'car o. F. 1iti,,uri.uti,.,I.'Mu' .li Ri, ccihPed.ahl,,ex. Not deti but golen. foare. ion heB kofTrtolsn ..'or.'Jelu ot donr.The (,ai un' ill,,îcrI 1i.ci lb'hg.cunug ilreu'.uîlcnî'i f 'iothn tan ove, té w aIeee'îs.rculariv favourable position to ri-oct IM i n.Toroni t i t;- 'Sain,, ic..e Bî. 'lud. The ite dot.>' The l one the'hiiheut Idut tinut dcomoî-cîoc, tht' Capi c Inn. l'alet,îO t. îciais til i3ii!,ythocoltien ntce tond mecuorîe lunger ove.-.'dey>, assisttheilegitimate demands ofbusi- omneit ha R H. Tllpolasce ,.thepoý,pi-cqitd'lliptî, and th.. gueec becl- tt'obi.aocechbidtt bet ti..etnea and at the sane tirne provideF office. atdatille-rai .torc, Palett1, ltin mci giiibuic menthe... andiSCrt eoîos aine-O S Wodby:d ll Pfi h it WP, ti te tiipm. na0d înbrile AhtnAn rety asou- e"riyfoh s eostos niat botbau ine...ositot b> M l d Gbnirao-ce aeiantonar>' Wilon-In Iovlng rpiemebiancceo!f oe o h ae men bDtbaiBrale onedb>M. . v nut 'lilha reertbna mill of oct' dear niother, Megart Wîî' Sfety DeposîtBoefrth a. rbnaeito. Atoeptil Irnkao loto w9ctci tek' tfoi-t.ofoiepirnctal 4iebelli et cen, wLt passet eue>'Ma>'19, 1923. keeping ofsecurities rented ai very BE rnnkdA ptIn b evuth oc ,If Rî,ti R,,heu 1000 Vcî,t would i ve e IeAcp >Otit4' .t,-mcnb re. abot $100, l in ta.suheu ici as aitîlil. r ttu. la i chrng.cNoLlcdtin,. caet face ta @ce. -sn erts ait. Tue I circohotetl oth, aI M. ,,t trScl.'.-ilfIti't d KtiIFcrgl;Ilu iteica..yîouioe antioce..yor stalle, Pt SlnIIon. nn Branle, wac coitptIciti pint Sttndoy Jut ll,c t oo'ti ta e ias *ttciont.1the crilestoîck an(! e l'ith ibMi- Mary iaîct ui 'mcieeih ael' cain f paier lato antiethe l, ,err- - - Tii acal taileret.th lue (Jo . hon TH being 'taken. TOm 1la the 11,110lois Ifi 'Importan C f ràge-e <O 1hlitr k dMr- Skeonh" bot bil, CONDENSED AVERTISEMEITSI mBaANKmaTORONTO1U imoot ati vint een tîecii itcfiut'..'21oueie iroti oiAyskie aile ibhdtiR5 Ilat nunîmer. Provincial Offii lî'- l.' ,0 hî,nîl. fAysir atl n'an. Mtotn,.anti Colni.abie t t Prcîap Itrionse Il, Mttcr.- -H. F. MoNICHOL, Manag'er t'rati.. Brantle, voie ctal ii 1Al i osasleedta cleCovar Brme Parmi. 'onchint ancine'and 0II li'îr S îlg. o. 'ine.ielSh lice. Trafalgar, 2 mil" emth o!t irOi o.AvllliChamon Ofic... n ~ dîea. tgbwau. neTHURSDAY. Halton County Council Fon S.a i il Ssi, Sandi 9 Mea 301h.et 1.30lPpot. S. T.. tLte i ____________________________ Haine and Sebool Club P"", :1A1i.' t . r-'..Huichanti. pnone )lao Nle tffully âccme'ibed Ayr. Th Mimetngofte latlLII SEToRF 1'- rnns re odlarrange fio.'seeetnb tuioatheti Tac Mu" cctlln1 n Home Boitd t (îTd Tii- '.i,,- tBoute S <0000.'- JeItiS. (Ci. South. Tiere taa ine a draft cnîîctc cîîîîcîl tHt.. Matniluff IL.' pticit,uitucc. ,trcet pi'ofl10ffeloirs, titI1>' ccreniteti, fremiAHAND c<ub vanbeii li ttcMeron tî.ii AHr'1tloo clvc boa.. the. Sunuet View boi.d etfGala. Booth. -""AH ND 'cl nlin aterno,ii fMn> 11,,l in SFOR lde o al sec Oksille. Mlii- Not-r. eîiedran.coii,î îltr. ii-uid ufa'ta ocetiAppli Terme cash, or cetdit armcnged on P C E R A 1hic Haunlciiîboard o o rî-oa.' t-Mtk.'iil anleble P. r. thie- oiieoi mt thetc a üii al,tI id ou , liiEFoi. atal gîtesetitreceS. E. South,. loo i olier sb tohot. 'Rolaoilon for f i: htci er go eW.R.R L 1. tokItil. C.iv'N ls rf.sti-osnlt the pont at ii Mi.opi c2S .F. EFRANKLIN, Auctioneer. peuplearat-o hnng ecr<cat.-d Io selfi1ni, t'r 1 a I., lîi c totIctt-iritC i thnt iii'I-ii ';c TI..'home of tii.hoe"'" '"' 45,., at o cocm.îity. Tte, preideol. îsu i,,It,-Mii. or. , ienlBell st ,i >îltn, NOTICE OCRf D;itPK JRa 'u.S Bcîw,u;. ii Sta thenna a ln c , a.'s. Alî,iu . 1 Mis nl-t' . R.[t3, Millton., VIN_ ad cooeoremonte of the il a doit(! jîh'iiII I I b lb. 1 .thlt"of tic ReLtate of FLOR- in the cî.îrafeten 'dn pednin1t' Ihc 1.11;"Il ut I.-lite. ue,1 gcctmd1on.1 ECE WHALPi.'.)a.etftht-Toun- c, . A enc'ccin Mits . lIiîobî - . . I<iii. -l llcarîîî co illh,.,f lO.qu..otcain th. outriy f of 'iit<,, L.- .'ni of îî i,,n fi,.. i,, Apiy lt. ,... Huton. WtduIm. tleccaveti II. n tî.î înîîg parlât n- c rI l,.i-,i,,! tî i - cAil pe Aîl..b'ncg chintae gict __________________________________________ wat-k.adti H-.. -W fokr ' ~the ctateof lori-ceti Wiale>'.latlntf crt o8Crnet-, gare an accelntcof th, AFia tl-latah t- entso. O. At. Adhe Tu.mnahip etfhr.qiteieg. lethe chitO stadegrnops inte bv at-ino I -t.,lq.iotn ouynt ilCuri>'of Balton, Ni.dou. dereamact tc* . Mis A. utmiîoe. bSot-ite. - iit, lo.'.1n85,,b'..t-i 100AppI.' litubo doietioneor about the bent' I gavai- , tpnel t-cm Ici nethîaoî, hl t-'tIL. l 1,3 M iti. cigia i>'of March, 193E. ar eru- andMrs A.E. ickrdluisi t-l'Poci le.4 iricli voiecreti hurIt u(0 lRendti am..L. the nîder-sigued 1 aencît-ea .'a -',t, anti lotiiti , 1ai,,, f 'i.On .,.cti luiAt largce 8luctor uin or hétaïre tf.r tourteenthi I J grart ,in coolmucîts s a.,',i;g. e*lt-r ; -nia , . .'ly ctutet&adnti qitdey of Juine. 1931 oth-risee Lb.. etat. o rt is c i e o n t c a ri i î n O c u t hue I tlîî 'a îa , A ;I , 't (it C , K . S e V e rn u o . t" îI, hm d in tr b t t d it î o u t r e g a r d W c ;' r l b s a n e tt C cOrAi h i c aL -,ou ts mne helatcoi e-ltuu care au InliloutoMarronMF. lr >'Rotge c lue* Sitonr.ylIllîn ,Itý.. t qual. Mltoni, Ontario.. -1 Sut-ut' na, Hts. Vt'uf;l p.ton, rb loc' i1$4 Et) i,,I'i1k10 Apiy t istci huincoi.erthe Adm.nltrator. SU M M ER PR IC E. hl,.Duffi-a ot,a. lit-O !,. Key gl,~il Il i ai. tOana40r-11, Milton,, May l7Lh. 193 but-', - clntr's Corners, Min00e' tin l-- ... Nuw àisthe.Mille to fBUyour bin at the lowest cst The' pt-cra racciOted no1uelions .1 I i-- . (oî,imaurket li by h Mote . r c iesirî, taIn i,I e i. 1 ,. i, i rierc. ..I - -1i.n b'.Mill.s t -ena aAthîns it i l rI ')a"-.l s 1",'î cii ,, hi.r .c 8 Muitt,, tuterIoivîîcb rfrenicuenue i-r.set'rs i -i H. B ah.'.17 lti lsbc ioectt, Mah7moermn a vOcolei 1 ..... TiDE'.8FOR OOÂL AND CO£ W05E stedl" ,adianeinz. lve bcId a ..ocîd stocka cri-r the weods--be. de a' aber taîl. Pic ine c lucre! Trciaure ti-ci-. p...cuoe nt.PI-an 00w for i OLmprc Day oinîct. C',tarac Dry GINGER ALE ~15C l-lvllmenn', Bine Riluluon MAYONNAISE '10tc OLIVES o~-c Mustirdw lo POK &BEANS 't'-6c Colfet s.m . 27c P-aot- Ds 7 H nOrn N..I<.ý 2 pk29C Pean uts ii16. 1KcICorn F @ak Qîi2 Iec Pluma 2 tim 15e cVIf, - Saeati. - . eese 2oJa'&'.2<7c P.'unea tii 15c ~ Juict 10e tiý c __ SUiOMUg ta iticlufe kit . i Sé 2 Cocen 3 Ne ia-.. 2 5 c am@ Cittie3 e 4e C OWate..deaiy'e r 8cik r 7 S0411,3 c 2, 5C Lti l.e&y Sa.. I ConFort 10obei39C EAGLE OR BEAVER M FAY SNTOS BLUEBERRIES No.? in 1Oc CORNED BEEF 2 li 25c SOUTH AFRICAN DRIEO HEINZ APRICOTS p ... c 23cl KETCHUP large boeklle1c VISIT OUR F RE SH FR UI1T DEPARTMENT ! Lemons -, 19C Tomatees 2Io25c Cabbage in5c Pin eapples lRumý 22 each BANANAS G;oI.DIFN Riti 2 cIDo. l'HONE 1 Special Prices on Butter naid Sugar FARMERS! SEED CORN and ROOT SEEDS Fitivat QtiaityI.bt .t' MILTON UNITED FIARMI NS ho. BAttIsa uN, A. R. Slue -lî ,e thone 217 -22J. phono Si i 21 GETTING FALL EGG MCNEY MAY AND JUN'? CHICKS Stuc' bathitchch.o >yn- ntem etavoacickIs tat bacc erepîtetion f..- cüiaknt cuprid ~ owtb. We'..sgg-'nî Iul r'< ut.'Bre>' c" '\t ic l -il, at tio lire.ofi 'cno . -,'oî..' wuîb ordic- gî.ittamg.- ment ontdgîtoil ft'ethicg. 'i fudthttemn iulîrdlly11, î, h.tntirng lo.rne,. sai, I tii.,Ir uit b- t'epdly leu' Ive'.1 groir me I. . ,: , -'it.. Onteriai. cruîî.cg 2(t5, 14, Bertel Rui-eel hioctiIiilicl -ocghrd a gi"t'll.rl,. au, tImh: ,],iartcuaci ,nIv.oeiL'. "d Mrh irîh Kîde ingLi?.c ta,.. Iîîîtîgh t 1J -li ti B.îot Rnikc front t ho Jan.îury9,, bo'ýlie Hcba, raîcanl l5-Iprou,, i talr polîct, eiind & u Li 3h. ,let a ele cd*iih 'I'hutmo tOckî.nti e igi 'oret-atto Icro i t >'î.î.î'ii., eggn for - o chui' ttc, F t I i- Wtntrn r,'e-o a.,'go-1. dh" oci.L tnk't-k iiii't gronihLk:tit. tîtla l-uc c li imytiliglet si,5 t,;,,îý:b i ffli;.1 witl. e.. oMay a-ti.1 miii'hic kc Biray>' ii. i,ît, 'rd r-e&dl'reeta itd i lreiii' 'Il ment al ticihe tp 'ît' neI.ttme yoIt'rc mn ti-mo S, bave voîti. ird.',- for 193à1, lotit cbi.ka. IBRAY CHICK HATCHERY FRE4H Spinach 2 LBS. 15C oranges VFOR1i39C Grapefruit' 725c 1'REE PIANOS VIOLINS music -îe1,1F t, I) uh.luNi, BAiNKS', .aOt'iL.'.". ItuiitRTY .& OAttN'TVA tt anti otier meilknnw no eter t i,î îolamIa,îti 'în rebuiltI 1iico.. uilI.'gîuoîýaluti.'c, -ail -'rl i oct'aogedi iP eia-u .,,.întha cent ai oued on îaîr e I ulsrîîcîîoîoftlaki.e, ma, exabsoge. 1, , I.îNS BANJOS, (ItITARS. MANDOIINS, 't'îlEi "lîlîNtS, IIOWS. anti ail Mtýiicl Sttpplici. PIANO TUNING AA'D GENERAL REPAIRS i iver 25. .'ers proctlî'-al experteneli ii .1] igt l ~cIlntruitienis Rcgiiat-i, I Reun ci N itoue Bowalarîeg. >feçî,îrcec,. il.,' 1 IiTuiH. W WEELER Bslu SPEND THE TWENTY-FO'JRTH AT HUTTON VILLE PARK h i a-îî,î'.I b Th îlmb"el t ic T h,, îo 1-Wie -I en.li- t' iî,,.i.iut- cacntg B . ookîcg tîu ' e -.,v r,.ii'- î Specini A4ttraction at our Holiday Dance! -'~The Oldroyd Duo" TORONTG*S bUPREMIZ DA1%CERS t tor t h ie- Ict don nc, scalion, ri A na--eî' LaCutrr-.-a- - - The Continental - - - The Carioca AND titlHEOS. Ralph Blinkhom and His Melody Boys DANtCIN F.PROM 930-13011 1151 LADIES ?Sc - GENTLEMEN 5Oc - FREE PARKING Paint Up !-- Clean Up ! BIT PyS Use C.V. PURE LINSEED OIii PAINT D Y. f(r1t înI teit-rrand exterîclru s,!u-. ( Plitq pl- cnt ashig)lîglîls nai l tI tiit fliih I thtcis i lilttI)r\t' is toi urne an2d weather.T- hec'COI or more sur- f iand.uuP î-t longer t'Dan cridnai-y pints becauhse tht.3 trc' iiile ui lî nýxtremYe ('ai-e and frorn thil best i-aterialu b 1ý"' - ' - i. coicolon, POF28 C. T. DAY & SON M1 ,O The ,'if.' asicdruoro to, Lb.. iii . Wooofo the..dining. - wtaler. Sùu bscribe ifor The Champion 10-DAY 1 -1 1