KERP YOUR MORSKmGflOWING ON-- PURINA GROWENA or CAFETERIA GROWING MASR SEED CORN, JUST IN 1 Iloth Dent and Finit varieties- CYANOGAS K ii1 USANSi 1 T N -Trv a t iff- mul,t-e nt is oneyour liuwmî or gtrden. PHON2 Mi A. S. WILLMOTT Ml LTI)N' -Paint Up !- Clean Up le I PAYS STO DEAL AT U CV. PURE UINSEEI) OIL PMINT A ' for bo h interior and1 extelior uae. C' '.. Pants preBent a higli gloise and an elastie finish that, IS îînpervtions to lime atnd weathet. 'rhey cover mîore sur-- face and lant longer than ordinary paints becanse they are wade with extreme cars anti froin the b6at îîatei-ials obtainable. MNoney cannot boy better paint.. Al colors and white. ý lit 350. 1I1i. 600. 11 I ,j. 1.00 i ý gai. $1.85 I 1 gai S$3.50 PHONE 28 C. T. DAY & SON MI LTON EXCURSION To NIAGARA FALLS LEAVINO: SUNDAT, MAT lOtho at S.30 a.m. S.T A lim i 110111 her of trc-Morc e i-e lea Used Cars and Trucks! t ird rumaii! lo k e w i ,,îtîe 2' -c i nais iîîi îr i livi in aî, illrrîî,hIe i-lat.goodf. .: i-l l'a e F vl. . iel,,, Torn, Truc-k, ci fîa lot ,At e 1, We also have Used Parts for F'î ,i,', Trr er t tlel,rr î tk,-r P,- t %% hirJpetî.L i.îevrhi.F-i . Also j 34x 7- I fX- V iy ,îec Tîrd 'lîîir,-o. '-Ja i s 1,0w ut a letti prioe. EARLY'S GARAGE CAMVPBELLVILLE Ç~ I lis pNvihlal goîcum.n baiSd . 5~PAUJLI FNITte CHURCN 1 tota avu e pa g rç 1o hu.ith ANNIVERSAT1Y SERVTC'-,s 1 seors istrots mvog amulyby te a. -Tc SadaUS'ill - iou. MM, .Twe a .tun P...J. L SaiusitI&A., Lt.,,f SiitL Fr11àStMA 7&1 iLOT-YaIe key. Apply i titis oioa. cuuct wmiiho.. y the 1 i uatp,,ville, Ont, mili unuducit the.srvie«.i A'l7 i Have Fou , eved your u.îaUua 1BtrI-litonan a&B klis. wbur"cld ite choir wdll hoinlt,.d ity 14r.' îit ci-bou ltilîdren aintn,- yet ? ) «icaitfor publie bealtit ore.. Robecrt a. ltely. bari-toi. alotat of Feiday ut 4.15 victoria Day-on. w»kes, tram o.tINWit u irryloTuc "Pga.--F,.ant Torontto.Tipbi e le o soeiaîy it. Shirley Tlurple & jaîte luoann a morut. 8M I ai.i«td o «.ytat h»aeilsri» Net A ielefniBy etavIItd' 1Oisib 1 Te autiord, WM oforth ~ e camon BRIGHT EYES 1b*r91uto uc".d iyur adit lc ,ofte t'-iFrllouuip Lagne Airerlr'a'n darliogt llte von Miii sfoiedey@ ui ie ;d -&~i5 lasud me the tilu 'tilltiebeit.inl t e choolrooce onMon- ifitîle- atI,l Vruril I,,V,.hi-t Kinck. enuay fer luff dey cvouîng ccxt et RoIl iock audihl benasitî tth o 1gDut,,. On, ecktroa t.mocow r Syl iit*Zdîonci. Gcnetown. taile tte forci et a scial cveUiug A oillowArîi Crrnc \'u-tor-ai)a -lita . W.-ed DOLo ew~,Io mat' là I.orSîI "Sit~tet wil b" chceinta carà, y n ' iul~-e YM p- ttey uutoloû, ii tllees t.hrgito,,t te itt<t IlrîiIep)tO holiday thit;i,, oatia. fbw- et .luy troucuiiody, ientmnce. to ' acutoic-menthea. Alil ean' utte - MIca Ethél Beinuan, of Bottuan. isu ouui-ut tith fit-ita e eltdIe. 1.gue are uî,cd ta o lipo-mment on Tu&. & We. MAY 21 & 22 ille. silited ber .1etur, Mcoit% . LIAh,, a l sad ho ,ad.t,, i4 Whee o oida.Pi-nA.TO it00Bamiîui. Boeiti. liîoday cvînlng. Ii e u tua.fui ar" potatoca lu the ltîn tistrict 1A t.iý - C 0W 4D 10 UT.->auidcail tba.t many taormera arc nfferlog te.NXcs~c H MC~%~DSR ' e.icW" tc o e ut onti eli i» aitbn tai auone tho tîll takitbtuNOXC- RCI ,,Mli,-, -SRO II îI Doeiltwek. out of tir ,-colli m. wihicoiteot-,, are lt i, %N.11- R.- 'Thooo, an eide,.Di.. Dilloni and eciîgifue a5. ..Thom;-Biu tstsr ~ft t~aa~aaar ., f1,1 Carnet-.ail ouT îoroto, a.îiieti a"ethutisande of hagu trclng tirow 1u t'nd&icJy Sio Il) m , -S-r,ti- îlîîî F-nk IL Whte n on 1iav. cUL Uepilo the hateg, urplot a ie5.t111t-Oi1 rA. Efilîrtt ndtU. lîtiu Iiiy -crtteMrc- Thomit H. Mooeitcad. 0i Bommp- tîff wli t"c iaitld. and îiany 1Moning W.rbitp-l1 m. H-ec. Ct'iliat 4ltf Eier ton wa la town andita,b hall dtiteireais cropinthogrouind N. MeFaii Iiaii. SiiOi-.- rîru A,,la,-att-,,x." rreti THO itAuiNwlU, a cal. tites, teks, hping to dlg thorm on E veuaing Worîip-7 pm, Me,ritt,- tîMe, lla, Walki.r 81r. onthavi aI, Jol v. ltSundayeveuluing ici-le, May lot 1: atirrk ,tf titielpit Sport Varne in a-lotua Ti0idaunciguble i llton li tc lesilidr-îwr in livnr of tti, &ll Friday & Saiurday, Maly 24-& 25 -.tdeî. Ack tu ire tiI, octlIn.. adt vcity tili l~ie i t itun n Cbie-ay'ive. . t al tîrd le.g il,, tol. andi Mm,. LSBile White and b*nmOunut lu t iti.Palier by tînt.-On ione 2od. comimunion tlitti WHEN A MANS 9 -U, liltlai. uf l'orante, visteti hi@ toorili Park utite ooacng outtiatelti lu connettion titit thitiiininig -MA etl ber, M,-R. White, ou Soue. pti r dce. pav illion on fIlidày, Aivv.îeva MANivi~ îib t-~, li or i-is,,îî1,t &y.lng17gta a qit. v u . 1revlu mdy servie visg.b "IL. L hallicati aln«.bc iit dho n lue sa i hey arc nqt A t lte ese th'.iche,.ut, oc 141 u,-d a i-nc.av. " C(oi-nSal:e ".. n y atspreaentiuga bl nte rvIeFidysei rýod ho.ra ti,, recci. At picktt. My talâgtI. ILverythlug tîli t At tihtvoig.gDmot .virtiJouer-. Di-tig Stoîe me l admccluat orcr tî,ft- ttthernboiaIAsicu-hI;oftthe SVAL Pi-ra xa- pu la we ili b*c u ite ad '" " IPtityterian tîhirei innda, loin rilot. W,.have Wall Dcerat otit.1, uo odtn.iiaicib. ini charge, and everyonio ic î-eîe andle0 .r>01.- &Ibatb* Dy d o ai@ aataoo(o te puîî,i-th AGENTS W NiE G-î l.,pr tom . -(abattDy ANNOUNOILMINT. -Vietor ut itearlng hlm, Oîtda tiïitr"i. - newi l elu n e vlaha.llialonempi.ytd .iwit i te, lie Wt. M. 8. cectonual mepetin.. ili OtI llea t. ,iiiiIOîi ii Dah~t-acu.lm wlieg rlathnr . . aad leurt- wit 1b.aheld i roiag oorPrc.ityt.rlan adlonlt idngt Saturoy.Jt1, g B' làEai.l tein(hitirh 1plat, p.te ,,oftIf)ttitt, ff and lto ndmt idai yMo 16s, meru. for- tite.pat 21 ,-ysm it nMay 2îlt, at I% ot'loek. Addt-e. ,otn ,1,ir- (ai,, uc mat ,tiet, aet.2n, iLa Dey). idihtM o, ommmoelng lbusiness fti'ti. hmaifl iti.e rning molli ho qîcen by Mm-.Li., I i-iflIpii,, t crdIll Sli ltffg Sep. Iantrda.Hy S rmn Iofat hi. iceldence un Quetta Street, one,1Won.Allen andi Mm. A C. tewar-t. ltiyonî voiî1,ll lm,-laoo0l'f t Il,.ilIi çmi- su WMi-. Mn- Ue-qa. oe oc t oiown hall. lie I.pripareItiTOkm-vo, and Mm. Lidîngboitit.of iBt îit if,f.x Mlt 31 S atlnd ti-eW- W- io- - t o uiîitî. A..nîiîîg acWe.tun. Loît il OIhi. eu-ced auItt., At te lait mtie lititin Bierei,'ý Lrlie. tîeomgtowa salopman tor Halton !,:r. and «-. %V iF 1ia.Mia. tlar-mid att.nded titi.fouir Ocoi-ge C.utan in Tc t,, 1. dey. ln latfor ax gi-ait, front Jchi D'-uVt Ts.the i t'.- ihall. dlton. .fIi-e Chai-ehA. -sui tr in tthUicW, lfi-r it~lS. Titi. s Dr. F. E.Hate. I iiftC tîtat hmtini IMuî,rly lu Wedne. oWrîfg t.atatendingt ItinrIn T.rositi. At e - pcial m,.et i tuss i, bigtSeiol ttirtteu Ppi.i.ationî by tite resignation of M I srîrtd io a Futive f vey for- ih Ni-irJol Cantelon's Meat Ilarket Mr.. a ha ONLY THE FINEST QUALITI 'rIPATS i.11 ofali A HKla AT REASONABLE PRICES L-a,,.If Speclals for fr:da_ & Saturday1 tus,-, hall, IGItîLEI ROASTS VEAL. per lb. - ---- 18C jlteadw:f PUFSIURE LARD,),LI Ibs. 1 Thé i-.u t, granrd ASPARAGUS TOMATOMS av-ANS CARROTS dlot-o;o RADISIS PINEAPPLES CELIERY LFETTUCE i- dii of PROMPT DELîVERY PHONF-421 Salmîon,lied Star, l lb. cauti 19e Tiiatües, H aîîd 1'ackedN o. Litai t i 4f îr 25c Licîe, Alpha Japaui, 4 Ibs. 25c Fiîrpeerlea-5 Pastry, 2-1 lb. bg__65e Surprise Soap, 5 bars - - - - - - -- - - - - - -23 c W\heei' Carbolic Soap, G bars --------25c Lux7 Jubiles Offer, 1 .Iub. pkg. free wth Ig. ph-g. -22c ('rîsen, 1 lb titl -- - -- - - - -- - - - - -24c lhoîà alîd White Baking t-owder, J(;o-. titiu - --23c lied and Whjtu- Extraets,1 2 oz. btties, :3 for- 25e Australian Sultana liaisiIus,2 lis. ---- --25c l'aitry Flori1ed drnd Wliîtp, 7 Ib. Lag -24c M tiffets, per ph-g. Ioc (uîndy Alîuonds, a dîlicýiùis suninie- taS>,lb -I19C 1'each Sandwi ch Biscuits, per lb.----------15c IRolled Oat8 freab milled, fine or course,- b 1h,. -23C Ried & White Tumato Ctsup, 12 oz. bot., 2 lor .23c Ried & Wbite ('offee. lb. titi ------ 22c 1 IL tin---- ---40c Lainons, New ('aliforubs, large size, doz --- ---23c PHON R D NNNG.M W "30 l . C NN N HA DELIVE 'Quallty always hlgher than thse price"l I.ttyte.Mladie Ara. i h-il. tt atterail hot air D oou barn, and *peaiabre at tire lit. rai itc<tinm. .aamp Warta. sadti m-cpairs toisDon icciun. b.gitalog aet2 o O.-lk, 4irai ut tite Ballon ait klods, . a iwoikmanaltip and, Wttiho.Mrs. Iilter. ti Irý,optui. banti CAsajeatioo. Per-ey iOuce.Imrirec. posile. Phton. 75 and M. e illf ni'fo-auo. n. Wàà appointit yotir o cr iwll icice. rpromut atten. Titi reglieMéy imeeting of tti. '. n au uty. tion.Ritiaate. tree. M.S. ta. hutai an the. .huol-rom ut Ttieitey arternet. Mm-a. Yate.mri Vi. Cotan m. ia. Titoiltriowît rlltve. cafMr. andti'lie acdi-caaglirelier Mued. WMut.the ige and son. Ivan, MM. TitooasMejanuctý ing tStreeît, rirtent provincial me. eting ln Toronto. raI tfcite lat. Mm-mý.1vatedti taiu uMother,î l)av: .Mr. ihe tD tci-utO Yc.itiaY. id Una. Nelsn Ryder anti n . liai-- Uo tu, aidi-...Ni-c (sofr. oculng. , i.rant('re.darhnnd Uagist. W M er- calaiiaofîtHaidton;Mr.audgie. JhM-- . -Mac-shall titimn iayer. an-i Misi laciaîtats ellmen delmnet an twodauthte B lu a gave titi "Baud Thougtht." eealîn. 76buoiîtflRtoO sMr. andi Mm. Hilnd Pea- Titi . M. .gel-to gethe- îait InSotL eote.eue ana tu on, ua lins. ho-ltionauîidas. vonibbg ta.esaa larkel grand play in UiceNi-f and Mnr. Roi. Stackhamer-and. @neu-oeand w.,listi-tcughly eiiryed toroew tM&yai tire daughtom r. frandi Mi-s. Stuart iiY a&lpri-enrt, The u oti.da tntta A...A. 0017 î2k. PelaronIl. aIl nf New Toronto, anîd Nr. nulavo tu h*ic ouot nd- - S.R. IReiti. ofTorono.- - alki- Stores' gui... Avo-,DîNT.,-Wtli. .rotor-nnt ta Ar-. tisss' Chuicit, Boyce. ut week. itar gan toc lait Titimncdav -Igitt viaslthe -i-unt .oi-cet, oumr *ar line ta attend a L. 2 L. ,.toi-c- eorge S3i-ici-em ae ing otiottes i n Per-acik, ot Trafalgar, ai-a-naieti ticr tai..' (tiirii ce-y nigt Wh iynioc ci- bd .etre ta su. L. Maubl.0. Coi-iy. Ady llîtiiottrtlitai.ritetttetn, ofice w1i l . -k--d d M. Di-iaurougheout Milton, met, W. ai-e haviîtg wunt.le,ui trnrrrîîî Dedî,y. May 20~-ti d.tabnepans ifilning euet toiel, --iitd,.Y-1iariaie Irteente tri thecuîetni gtit. dental conn: hi- ar off tthe i-u&d.iausing titt tiie Th."nWtiIli. aricilitti. Farroi- a deep bhie anti irailldown a ateop abu- e' Buildintg titi, ttioiay. Eveyý,Iîe *t oýte D e itqciitmbâtnt. Mesure. Peacock anti blordeteciorne >1 ait(ing wtre hi-riutily injtiesi. witle tieji- - bu. tire relid for- caupanaons ela-apa i ttiruminei- injoi-. Rto ilt bdCa ec cal tdvaatee r .A tti-CoIl dr-eaed tthei. lao Gvn-c îl onee rf'&' m ade vacan jui-ctmen'@svoimtice. Mi-. i'aioi-ks ofM.Rs. car tai hr adly wri-teed. Titi. titen> buîilinug, Mhltun it ti nt.ira titoto hall, (Finlay)i at 8 p.m. . at teck', Aylin.eiExpi--sesap.&y»:ile titi.atrc-tfo- Baton girls on 4&t- arîr toa "Seprai tinosintowtn wpm-cticc, tiiday. May l18t1t.Utril itheaPdor- .iioîi'trnoit Milad aImaifo- tthe wi.ic elebriatuion uf ohip of Mii. Betty or lase thIiluý Attulîion26c. thie Silver Juiler ut King Ieo-ge %,st:ttle Hi-sncb. Toironto, the gi-ls ur t. Mutton LO he uienotittriking sud iteatttjrtî scîn titi i.urinty tili thei ir ;i-u au, i div'lie.mrvimiin duf.Ilte haver Sce n ytiti.i-e ,,tit.ý Ofpi-jecte in bhune ,-eonouirs. W.. ot it.W&lei-Stt.ý, hbe.Stei.-al I nderetan t tat t it ra iS, tai-rch. on Soaulr. uonig vrimte ii Ii itieitepi-ajeet in clothingtlllectiî titn te aite.ut it. Kibrtiemeeîr ieaîd p .lj tîetfi-tter-coachtlog ciie.and WIL pi-cii a speetal Patiotit dc-ui-.îns iia eti. white anti iluma@ie o-irnie jrdgitîg cumipPtititîno blue. ftatring thitilep frmer] .. t-twa thtit bhave lien tagetidttring tti( EH PcAItA[., -lI.- atai-aCticeibaikgrorur n f risliitig tite.past fta yuiai-. inly gi-1b , c.trpar. fi-rot Hauteur anti eaaon,.goocli. Mr-. Elgin, Fa-rd.lth, tiripate la inthi, projt wtrk Wall i- ouanp larron Toron. manager-. has. iei.oitiuia.y iîîri-eligrible ftr-tti thiI.h,id osiiti,.--r ong ta Uic meule un it wiI i,dr-t rislilay, m Lin i ti- C.n11.0-11 ti, a n lait iatoi-y un liiir, .Ali gibtri t ua bi s-i-a,, 1lie M.y wfting utflte W.M. utitilf u k iaitti nd ud -rInt-are t'i.KisNo __SL lParti' ti.-d Ch.îtrlîciý- 't athtii.ineit-tanti it t an ticipatet i lît<e air.V,.@lp hbulentfMit"cBu. ouTirriday, grhîiri vîî IeeMi"a allac,.. 5Vifrt te,-5 &hb hng 5apSî9h.litremc. P. tLamir. peirent, teli ,d tavuraaly Inuta emif.gst h ln-9-Ie.The prngrsu araa me-pt-d thei.girl.»tif tth. .uonty, wtithet.mcci in tiifa. TC.f hea ii.d,-cotiunal ne][Lt nno.othnepat a, led liy Mi-.. stutry- undn.titemi. taxi cntiutetdby SI-a. Adopt-A-Chiid-Week xartment. Ottawa. Rauîitasr acai-ted hIrs- c. lirtîly anti onTuî.rday ta bitlfMu-s A. L. MaiNabli. Tite seereta-i,.a TiIt.lliton anti Crs-Il 'iriiîi Aid er-jet. Theilanitir, .i- thtit ceral tiipartallentr retie ed ui y ltitr iituOi ment wtimaode in Olcafings tramnte annî.,,l pr-sbiyte,. jPri-ca ejfpartîrrnoif Puic. W,4et asetti.. laI hbaa t A-tunMay 2nd, wsv i.egtslti-re "Atiupt-A prlt-e .it îrgIam. ne. ut S4tewai-ttown. liy vrionsuamemitero thu attentieti. lia tiat botter Wscaraturg fle- cu.y-nint irtbdl-ttay Mi-@. Lemard g ave a muoet intpeiitng e.-ui li.laMttjity'a 3 uize be ...;1cr rt i-ougratuic.tiocs ant i rltuaI adtii-eon lthe Kiniti-irtfrt.tingly eîlirateti than týt ile bsnd del are extimded ta nf (]ot Moc.mi-nt t wiih tas îigly abîle itn."tai.g af m,,k ng prtvioieuo Mna? sieicntinue appieciateil.tor tti.éliiyr anti girI@ tht, steebulte, id iapttiue as l tceiae suripaintdteiTh'it.sîci tek cet *part t-Y th. Depasli,nit rît !-The tarcei. cutetiy. <PuicuWVsltaie tT-iasoi-ltan uppr idir.*' pre.ed 3Y Itiurty. 3pacitet hoai.s n Ai-eItieit- nut in oui-tw. -urýiltir.a tI wllb.tnaninY ehiltilletihum,.,litat watrld l-- tamios(rday) SOUTIEWS!ît il) iil-Ke tiirecei,. int, lb- ael mut-io.<i- i Pi ke.prng ainer -os. :biistked eirlir? ait. Dont miap... L - P aii. n, atster-anti irution rota ly 25c. Coins ir1i 15li matie ta social weî,i-meri lre es ai Abriahamo Orovea. ialitiî,g utpitr. andshit-ii, day leur, i-rmur.Ovi« ai.2 i-lesp o, u iri-otrduîîgs toi tti.elipso f tt:n- oftOntario'@ countr nNt urdy ut 2 -getis, 1)eu" hiti-i .î. tebum the igtrg , Mdantu cs atte:ded teerra rally In thi.e îtiecHointe uai iliciu et srviei-of Badein-Powe.ll, ut Cijwell. Chii.t Sioui Id-el Ime id fifiier parents station, utf the teeid. antIonrn ofi-utthe Buy at trn onii,- aay tse puttin. Sertit Nullement. Appm-uimately 15, Tige itiîiti-c Atai Suebori. i-t -MADE BAKINIt I- Ol @cout, anti i-tti, tre preant aet lupoftipe ufoi-cruintjea tsi ,roniIr St. Paut'a Unli ttem-slip anti scout officiaiscelaimetit it toghîtftllp titi. ppartioity oiea i- a ale ot haklng attsac,§the greateit ra4l1s eci-hi.ld ti thi, r-ttirTh upe riisindent, Mr 'roûtuniof St.Pauls dditrict. Duting thceî-alIy tit. To-s- P. litoii, Milt, taill h. i,-i-p day, May t5th - tramrco ut o n a tiatplacuofSi-ot.glati t, ttiri-ulh pamtirila- tr uboyi. is auli-itet. Them tok. folluteti hy au atdi-es. liy .lv e Ilse. In aale tom-childi-in. Chut Si-ot thich ilosedthe.r-meeting, ei'le ýilti-,no Aitid fitic teraun scioatdire-Tt h ti- tas feet at te rally Perd anti taltoti. letter te tme andi and scult litre .. say that th.e Milton 1 _______________ 0Taxpa à ' -c"Il trouba itiune ofthtitefini-at anti cuitai-ti rra a parwUimect taua. .tparade anti ttiatthe- I'fD i.i.t thentany tim~ e lvea nor sati arte ai-redrt la b'A II, tse ttecoente.nt.t uf lotit. VICTOIA DAa lakeniîî Okvîfa. The troolp ccold ,litre ttarblatit. ~ W E -N A E Blakelk, Oakille nennf tht tcn liho traaaported the1ti-KE D A E ire. tîli b. hari e t bayaittLnthescut rally. tut rlt nez t Stiday. At tb. test ai-ouitet, ir WILS. IAiRrAND ONE QUARTERAî A.. 8 Di.. uf Smitth. Adsa, Havelr leader-i. taa pr-a.tttrîld i. t TH Oi' tiNli TIP the ai.riri..Biper- prelinteti [)agles Agut-sa I>ffiitta ait,-. salatcditsR. Sautt anti Lui-ucEvans ititît île, ft trin.,,ar fff atia C-d,, ,irni,.0sucigt et tth. ena deanti lai-k liai-dpaffti htr i-t tt- rie- tiia inif iitti. tiIii-r pi haiy, Toronto,.ahfutirc oiIitu , l-i iisitci". h teciet. oriter. badge. Ifitel, g- f'if gJ ftriffIbf t a Diressres at $5.95,îîsy Iiy '2 1i.titita_,friu- onectalit youi-al ROVERS N'OW ORG ANIZEO f521 aI ~ TeRvr hek aba'it l1.1 1 ~tra,-d-tiai r tis d«Stia-c. meeting ion Tirmday.,titin aàgMotel May SSc. R. illLrtut.'IAi'-,(j .î-%ru1r tei prement. ThintaI jestor %rpton. tormci-Is.out fflcei-i tere tirabibaraptiandria as fri. MINIMUM SPLCIÂL FAIl ia au candidat. in lus a- Booi-ai-mnhe' F" y iur .f-i.i-.Atollis 50c. Chiltiren 25c. ,pose Calt.Elmos-e A.S.M., anti L.Wiîtl.dS M ;ckippe-r, tideral t.Ieetibub hy a R-- tAdamc; Ost-, ii-ge Sîtrliti- 2.dr 1 ii/ bysautit Yorkt Fed Mate. ma-.hail lia. etoîi s-iit; Îation ira the NYork t Lteaiir-."eau" BI. "tîe.-A J nAJ P P~( tria Saturtay. We auwteiaenattiitn,r-nrlit-,a u m.eriIZS5JII Cs . 'A cS-ee-iai-iy on Ibis Wtitik. but if raltti, - itoswaead o.youug hin Ceatte t-, itIue itt.r i-aoc taeat.o.stitftiaiuc i.u , c rONTARIO JOCKEY CL UBI * rtiti-urlmuentheorlot i.t i,îILr t.S. Alait,,a r. HONAT" metit-»nonta t apossible. Montas., May 3)Ltb. anti*7~ . ~.WOODBINE PARK aent $ ea-l . 9huit and Beauty Pai-lor. N TC PtIRNITItiOfuthte G NT fer anti Mis. Fort, Fr-,tii tir date. Mav lau. fatiigT R NT zrîî,.îîti.enan ansd tlteri ng en m fiat. et %intmer- 1, Iugi.ttbei- wttman suill lii- strictly rroiited g- riî%âaand the- WM. ofSN A A tu..Id at tthe Tuown -__-1MAY TC ýtii-day. May.latit. _18 --- 25 amihat, Auoiui Phone 89-P-2, MILTON- N'r,-FAY'à;Plumli1i-rft RACING - STEEPLECHASING Miîaet a cnmplet. I GASOLINE FUEL OIL li-st IRace ai 2.M) t piu. eiai-hdep. c-ca1 pol.eaen, MT DISTOLITE ______ te ictuuis OILS & GREASES as. net havi your, isn-S land Govenment 'fax ..i uitr.tiig Lthe le BELL BROS. IsaT Ptai rrrS 1-i ___ Prtoidasit Se.-Trca. Notice of Court of Revision, li1i ffr t p.11-, If li~ti, peal. aaitjît tai.iî, -iil t,,t trnai .IFRIDAY, MAY' l71h. Jil 8 oc'tiok. d AIl paricctaltiaieal.- argitr-1 tu atteitti ti ,-t liit rfioi fai 0urîri,. I. A. ir-,c SPRING PLANTS I t-oiga t M~ltfiiLtON GRiENHOUSES 'Chambers' Bakery Wrapped Breatd IFollIi,- of CAKEi-nsd ItASi if %Neddlng calkes A Spt'îîits CHAMBERS & SON HEINZ CO Soups CORNE[ SALMC zrDm&f u I OAL--I SUMMER PRICES N ow is the lime lu liii your bin at the Ioweat cost. E FLOUR t-M \Vbats oî edilv advaiicoig. -ve holi a gOod tuek ,ît OLD ?RICES - CEMEN"r LIE Ail C LAll LIMEOA L icîfd5 Dle rodI I ti k a l lere. Phone 48 Nilght 339 Spring Footwear In the Litest Styles New Low Prices On Repairlng ScIierls Ground ___-FRIGIDAIRE '35 POPUlar ShoeRepairL SUPER FREEZER vice-tasten t h ie -~. Freezer. . hecca I feaa,q fuir Now on Display fr eu antiesert; sc-.1tous col, il-ef kp.a- serv. supply of ici.e, t ,,sucai- So-aI strîrag- fui- fuiss r e-q r ing dry, f ruiy -id. Set lita Frigidatire -'35 oite. H. M. d CAE LL, Ladies' Hecls Gor's5 Nels 40c. -REPAiRS WHILE YOU WAIT! A. Ncwman, Proprietor', phone 245 MILTON liifif ff i'rfl c eil tt t~,g THE GEMERAI. MOTORS REFRIGERATOR DNTEST peet , 2,, 25c D BEEF >N FINEST IES BRUNSWICK fii li -tao-S ee- OLIVES - 8V2 oz. jar 21ç OLD CHEESE icib. i19< TISSUE 3 a~ roils 25<e MARMALADE -32-oz. jai 29t 14b TCONOL VAEN I{AANGES -dc LARGE PINEAPPLES, each, 2c - CAL. E0NCI S "p' f, N, i E CA RROTS, 2 tunches 13'. 1, CAL NAS h, MP. SPINACH. p- lb lO,- 1-LORIESA i.RA'PEFRI;IT.3 ,2 0 j NESW 74,TATOFS, pelb. iOc e IMP. TOMATUI---S 2 Ifs , . NEW CABBAGE, 2 obs. - 13C BROWN LABEL I"ELLOW LABEL} SALADA TEA 27c p ir CORN FLAKES -2 1 # JELLV POj"WDERS 3k1c HEUNZ KETCHUP ~Lg17c PEARL SOAP -10 ~33C TOMATO 4AC PUFFED cx JUICE In,, 4c QuakorWHEAT FREE ALL DAY DELIVERY-PHONE 331 IMM No. 1 Tin, 1 e e 6 Ti.t 25