Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 1935, p. 2

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The Canadtai Cb.s=pu BASEBALL Noue t» Py Dq Tax lu lUS Mm.m. May 14. lu&. -1 ,Âdotber bazébaii e»mmuate hvo t IlUvery owner. hebo ro urtour lauT DhIm aflsJ> citer the horzon &d oltbuugb pro if mduro hal udw By-I&W Ne498 -lrot cati .f,,Play Dm1," Ltt.epmedithedToO Ck a Oa tan. The %« Reuluiecat o.fth ristalDcumbo.d &hat. kffuer 'oteeet lie "..m4howu owdurs 0ou in"I0112Jt And muLeth Service durine hLb Ijan C orpse icaue gants@ UIt. ysser ihoa forly. 1pOui0mtaner 1h. Ml 1"4. Alter lweuuton at Toronto tst Auqi.etAm The ticwiy formeid t ELA.&. Interi th dae te olatcousaaisle e ula- plam for a @ucelleray Cant lut au. Itediai. H.ghway LffTe. sssam nut >t.Sdtle mm« aviolai... botesa Boured bl the Oanadman Ona-peAs. Port Oï-cdti. Oakvie. roumetssud to ~it «tra4 &"d.ou cout.o i ail le »Mettain, ton, mii embark au a 12 am.. ,hedd.e liaba te a floa t trio dollie Anmd oents. A vterant' D)rumhead Service t13bSUVetSAturdaT. May 101h. The lasigu. O.A mmermmu lebe hcd onu Sday&iofiseo, May ha. elor sud clars. sud pcnmlesse teoli.Town lorkea. 26th, et 2.90 C'aouts, in Utesaime loras. 06Ui theaotitever te 0perawle l tuu. Pa-erdeePark, Torerttas. An . lsdefît t ioiati.n te extauded t10 cU lformer lt, pprenuiatl a.ton Onouy A memttere of th. (C.uadimu F.aCoe.erhasmplou.m-tii rougis Wîi BrouteAt ai S . A . U I thnougbouî Lthe couatry lo attend. lb.. rgrtrutiîîemt prouDis. lbcre, et 280' Th. bereta and armtande wblrh p ni. S.T.. to Rien the fmut the fini lm i ccc th -ea .tliaig feature of teste ni t-M .Plumbing -se ce-unIou lotAugVci agfain wlibi eSmalai- te rported tn ea nsté et n The parade l li ousupe t ~ p ~ rutgersquattUvillae on t.he ebasnaitg a RVQrdl Park. Ater tUicservie aMalu OLe- iupvl laueSU ic aber islsi Ti nsmithinig revyrewii lisse plae nu the cgrounde lovbu--an expeht Yoîug ptcher' rilth temhaie = otf men marchinq Relt -voru ..ort@ arhave dicmted thal PHIONEt 3M pasta su tannabae.Itacbai à..aklng a sic-tmg bold W TNITN N Riverdale Patit e a lngs amphi. Brouter And a larme toliom-tug of eu-jÀI T. ITN,04 tbeatre sud afforde pleuîy oftmremfor tibovimetle rooere iii acoupany the Uic paradîulig 0et tarri thouead montFâem. and the &pug Aide. protide ample I.Mlton mulitbm-r.. svacal vmcm tfisoi FARM___ ;Pr or 0espeetato a. Ir vm-a eat.lmmted iluth-c ne-up. Maager Stien. Far_____a 1aAugusi ibal more than a quarter a modrst Fort o9 mentissr. Maskec L s yuun el a million peoiple itneeod At. one:rath itediirionas inUtheutimata dis. Lt cR upply yont pr Lime Uic runuion orients liiers, positiOl i f the eigri iie, butelima M ThrsiCanadien Corps A.soclation la Uic locale selma li moe Uimu au- comprietof tenumeenoue bttalonu ierlectîv.R And ohe, ui aaocia.oua. mostof .tudgr duonn. CroireAttetie1PlcSu teles, rme joeexistence -As aeeut K.. Mavor Rilîot nutmdR».e. eg Mid ROOT Su u ut~ ~ ~ ~. isaCop Rtnit.b î Icur aog msth other cîiredigutanre ouiil C. L Harvey, .DCO.t hirai part-srpate iu thenual op*niog r-ru- Fnest Qualittr-Lowest Prices thecowmmiiec lu chorE thUe ae mcnier. and churelsterrine -litamporru ive.Uri Four oie. MeVlu. routeem oc h! -sy1.1,T-14o-WmwhIiemdaeS ILTON IUNITED FARMERS3 GoBITUARY. May lI-Buriioptcn et Palermoe . BÂLliWlFt, A .Soî t - ~Cc.uaPWIIbelltcmWrnerdomn. reident, Soeay Kilbid.et arlsle.Pha@ 27-122. Phone adir-21. ALBE~RT MAHAFPT. Mity u~ta ti.c i ampbelltvîila Forsuerly s Prebyieriati minltar WatFrdum-n et Butliîugon. lu Mltono sud Port Elgin. Oui, Allaeri Paermo et Kibrde. )ahaffy, agcd 67 Yeats. Caigar ha - ijlune lot ut ncivle iPaermo. Jsp. ialBargain 1 noter. dicd au hi. home ihae rs .n ttulin nai Carlite. th. week-end. foue la Port Abet Kliride kt wsiedrusn.- Ont-.hlctment un Oetbin u1907.lHe Juoueth-I1alerîuoomt Burtugion. __ gradusted tImm MUlt lUiveertîf ln Carlisle ai Eibride. E c r i n IM0. He m-ca ninisier mt iom Cagary I Wsbrdom-uet ai mîplielvllis. TO ALL STATIONS IN chumrhs beforse beingdmitd te t-be lune Il-Palermo ai Weteed.o-. bar iu 1919. j lbîlrdeaî ai -,îvieWESTERN CANADA DR. -(,artiste t ! ueilugon. OR .A. I-EELOP Joune 2 Waierlet arelisle. uoimg [)ite CamphPtielmc ai urington. Lalyy mp hlatuaSeth (Burlngion Gazette) Kilbirde et P.LrMo. Rat-ueo Umit : 30 dmya. lD. Fred. A. Hslop. one o tir e Jue 9-Wairdou .. Kilrde. _______ Most 'tldels and lit-ctknonmn a-wiidof ri.le at PNr- 111 îtrotpasseoa &w s ers - ~ BriIIt.toa Ct1 Slvl. ONE CENT PER MILE tienît-os. lislhotne. Dundas iighwey, .luly t-Palertua ai Carliale.Goaod in Conicine nuiy. Nelj-o wnetssitp. about Doon en W d BirintoîttmiWairdou-v. nesdaY l .,May Irli The Dr. lied C...ielildet ai K'tbde. LIG CR PIIEc made acurts, of alsand ti unarro. Juli 13 Kilbrtd-. i tBurlInton. SLEIGCRPILGS lut home contpla-oed tof feeling un I iri ut aiWt--rdrmu. PmaogelTickeleaaisoonAie liei,,rpo'ta b anmptaIalis lie. etgoodin : & Idel! N e s . u t t l ni ne d h iic at J o ly 2,- W tfed . W n e at u aI> e rm o . (a ) to u ris t ale e p i g a ru e t i a p p outi. idte utheia]ofte t rirti ei h Cnpeî It Carlsle. nîaie-i]j cour mil plus ïsegular 'as esiie t-ia o e tttor. DHe tiî Burlituton t Kiliade. brh fa"e. bers n Nton tunsltp o lasareth)b>port. aud standard sleepiug cain bein lys townlied iptcrd aIl aîry CAMPBIELLVILLE et approxismsatllylije per toite. tte dltrjcri f Applelis andi Nel. , 1- lut regfuime ceaior beehlunlae. He grctiuued troue the Ontario %-P Thrio dc tramo, *-The Ricla IltapoveA granted ai port Arthur. einfers îollege tn tc90, anti ad prar o.ngEt hi.,muh marPeenîe-dtOnt., and &Ilistation@ meesi ihesof. tised îht-ougbouî ie ent ntiy nddj,.1)t w'i Ileeis thurh loISud&a' t-Ict evsne 1 e Hwas a great lover m-as a ttItr ue -s Mn ro IIprhtar t-t, e I et ;roeqýantei - matis- 'et-s kept fe.t.o 1h,- atîr-r.tuseuls!,dotait-I. lucagent ro-twaud i ",tÀehi lietlbced rt\îî.o u-sIvr-es e urdl icvii 'li: 1100 flîvtîn,- Isîbero pron;IIsfîCANADIAN PACIFIC or and ftrorso in al tcompetillotît Nsa s Nt-It-aSttder returuestth.Ib thý- iaie nei ok tli truc.rotlin or lSrcinoo aht drictof it e irsit- 1 an t1fier lrmgctlndto ber home for ton f ar f,,r yraerajteat-wqanti leat - of aest-lo-Ce- *¶00k ttenure? ifairt-k Ht it'0 An .-pidentoo totasvs vasw ofo hlttIto dl-PopltloCî and 5-3 cr v 4P.t S-1 .aiofflc ao of G 0 tor'd , :de lie alwaa Slid a hi- irnbs r0aeyPn _tlmitlîe and greettog for Ithe . m-iihtsnt Wcnerrf', l. ctwtt-LIter selere lie tet itMie C.thetîne Bell sa coufiaed u ili'ntIl1ie ssa metober ofthelirunit- ber hontert-gli ijurat. We 'alt id t-j-or b.î\eo .and raw c Ma--r, bîtpe fite lwr aà.peelv retoury HP t-sertte h Lisa -lie. thiet Pt e t-tgIPt -t y I-.t. torportt bai Fons aid lfo- daughl'r s, lDt- i H. Lvltt F-rasa.lakleau t;Isar____ Ile-ojt3. of 't tc tart-t- "d at i .-tt 1.t'tt -îek at lotc ' Mr., G G BrecliorOr. ta , t htt - li t/v lOd Mn, * Go G t-t-1111Mîtsi. nsW. R. -b-cdit 1er't-s la m i pre. Cline lirlîngton. and Miss Margaret t'ILIS nd :S't - Dail' Churcb. Friday I Hcslt-p. IRN_ ai hote. alëo tbiece * ai bib. ut S1,U, i tîliro ntilt-t- iners Clnes T liete aîpblii le basebali ieom Brounie:Arthur, of Appleli- , Wlliar.piayed .n exbhhtongante mih Acteu cesotabrrr on Wedrsociation MrR J. B dsev n ancv Dri'ngl t-ijeîtp.-wltotlii Asaîaln HERE S o Lg-tensioried, ex. ant-d MiEl l Hnsrtitof Hailton,'. . la t-ttrttrntp a s tttto offai for Tplofive foi-ce in 3 STAR gill The funeral. - bic-b mas oceeof -lt-o ahet tu bbcameaon.ýauda et argest cour heM ilitsanîsrnîea voisi _______________ Place front his restience on Sat-utday. I emore l " urga nd litu MoY lili, te APPleb1, reneter- ITh,- mor usemuidle eGtrres met-ccondutistd b, ilieRer. L1W- LE. I:con. '. F. Cluga'on. of Applebi' sud iiet rht~geg1a1 -9Pa t-eded th. î 31-bearensmet-e F.À FlotiterstoDe. uaultr't Day gosersaoconSunday moto- "e j dy wltb reddy poweer" 'Il)cnt Walke-. Carmien Belt. Mark tng Wain thl.se Utieur Cburc. A One. ci Nelson; W, Itrt-oi, on. rantW. c-naprnt-ed hbymember of' -1pieb3. and Dr. F> E. Hopki'ns. of tIe Saoday Sobool audibmur-m I C S Cuovetlv Tt cmet hetae vesuppîolit- a n-iotite'r, choie. The' Caren and Logan Hcstlop. bon Rae, pasbor gaVe anuatdreson Uic Moiherý PzlpI Shersooti. PercY Mectfr. Ver- bo.od en Jesa. flen Dynes. George Bret-kon an . i A x nner of w-oosg peuple aibetded SERVICE STATION Pr yttcvng cttaRli fHi-u Cor. Main and IDronte Si. lRbt, 1 asiain tt-e - MILTONI t-ot- ethliii bleoft j Here and There ___________ _______ thir nni Sone arE.,- esbe mult L a-"-ci"Yrmt n S,,d. auty 26CtH TC ER. s- .G.HW Ctîgiston.of watirdomc. B e a t- b a ji ~ ~ ~ ~R - . Cl . . . n W e a r . -o h o is e e n B A ~ C I K iecîgetosen tait raie for thla ye&r rertx)rof St. GettrP-sClurrhfers b a s b r e n ' ILe t m b t i n l l . n a I nt r c r e e t . p r a r l e t i ,b s f r e - R Y C J K precaird Ly &Iai bo ,. I Moda! rscntog thbe ntcmbere of Si, . The eltnni- 'I fath j -,ti Georger-. erteti('sonon sd Mm. Tb~tcguoogtiffsîi t otot.mo jWe.srr cii or. -I'ot-t cleoek and teolblee ..-Latruggl. lub ibag. The-y m-t icave elort7tir Aaaunces May b" oa de un for Aprtll i .u ~niehontein Erin. miy.tis huvr ht-ttc atRrttuctiontrin thbe prier" of iquor, L a .à moIl. I vsrt a epmatdr last- m-rk, due t-lth, 0 ut In bfuur tîst-iankeut, Tout tuexioh t lie q _rLot- re, et jit c-o.prlscei for May 'pliet-rt-re;tu If70 haen- jtoLe Lanîtghise ;p-nnîneijuet Dm- an md lune. Bray'a Barry. ye.tr, trsnstc t in ut.ar g"ilr1- ta--uli t e At,, Ineso ntîrîu cticks agmman Ber you cndtv ortsgser, clm haog tlmrfor point.Aeion one of the Lei cicvalues vin tti pepear cng rot oripointa retscagei. fethie Brot of May. b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i rjt-tibitn,________ tirosis mot-h 1Ire uproduce Hesytet-ncafote trunkenLIrî baby rbiekiban I idcse rHier "' CONÎ ia the prn«-so naturalyt-bey ers ifatît at-e no.- ein g laonideui ONE VRIEU 1S cabodfrntb1c. in Toroct-itpsittetc-rt-e. t I IEDAV a iesrifrcors es Tise fPdera! l iretton ntmy go d"..n l'O R' otue -r. Comumerctial The Bray cb.cks yoo buy in mu. ,hýttor1as tbr- -itc,ît in tth lt'et-e and t0 i- Aîîply Champiîo Office. Dal and june arc caactil île vier- more candidates bthon votei tO lA a r ante a. bose youd bavepot.- Fost i-t t e lsnlkwb... prîisse 1 or Leu!WCm-onotixago. They mcc Persap Uc Ptitro Pinec-rnntt- iPd. At-p!v iii--'.Agniemi. R..FL herlaed!front <ppc dram-n tîom teec,,I aititiard it-cIi 31.01)0 for mti . 1Milton, sîbw2M -4.lthes"me sreeding flous. Th. or.htp of lhe boitt-Onordi' w t-Le y.,I WATZII i e, t-Lxiii-tNom-A gouti chutkare graded acrordiug tu, Pincipailt-tIpis Rots ba rrtgned 1driene b ot-tefair a eodwd ork Lomce, e it e Letore t-lac gpsgo lobo frntt-t, rgttn Htgh Sboi 1 th-ltrjt vOi,îe incuuiir. An tlaey arc taff after liliting t-le puition for 21 Ht-tcte reot Or Martm in oro. naticlietlun exortly the same Yeaeo j Pied- Mr, lie Ktstne - atalolsJuen way.- Antothr g.od slogan te go, mit-h.'If 7h P1,M .Nxn You tu i tInsk, ilînt1drive', .îBel- FtsStO itebet oc ose vii pertcrrmtu t-lac .m .-yra t-e eue fîoto the bruite t-ban t-m-o in sitUa_' piga. ttzîtc reseortable. Appiy eriy bat-bchi bck-s-nd t-.y t-be lrv.G. E. Ha-hat.ptto0rp!i:)nt 10 . have t-be atiesutagenI m-er. Cre on thebii;-aylis' motet-,sta, I FOut SM t e- I3.1i11ti liemarc. bond meaiber rîphî it tihe simt. Wiib Pê t-tW yyï-;es cbd &ilI. i-P-cottIn rîtiw-c rear nid. rnears- omdmanaoaepmnsd pedent-ncft- ir, L.11 tof c sbc tty WtI iisl ibAt- ipiv A. Bopikisa fLeetiug onr-Xt-raPront" pi- a t ci.. îiîgtL -iltftvtgjMi ton leuta miibegin layin Atmi. er itacetiles. ~FOR t-rUt ati gre ,,. .Lthe ld--And t-h. ockesela PeIut-c ,l t -sot-vIs. ont ra inT-on. .0, ato î,soti, .klae anti <-co. se I mokitete s-vrg ta. 010r onOttasca ebmouid ron'-ireeFiàosrer îuets.Appli Wnt. dtraub. nMarke-t cbockcne in the Fui. Oomo flep iethat- the liquocr trffldoae s-ci . itlt.ttt.2s, -t ts-pieaopt - t Dot fl-si,- o ntac-a of gold. IFOsitF t-a1.r pauo O l esR brie. anti y tee Ai Sut-amerdtavt arc coning. a00 m-cA C., Duciîip. 'atswat, Scout-yanti puletsaasm-cii. (,orne ln blie Se uce -goatisfoc Srat Ore ailerMary,,t,, Sb- - lüü.Ap5tt- ar-er ad e1a-uy t1 ili' Corne in and Try Our ICE CREAM Containa tngrrente of Higb.at Quallty. liii Phone 312 for Pi-ces. MILTON DAIRY D. T. GALLOWAY -BUTCHER- SFrei and CrdAltatsi Fiola and Vîgetablos Wbeu spriuug h iiu the air .. . and your thoughes t-un t-I fLin . . -andi an your tacutie is la order .. . kes ocly a matter of mnutes to round tp a few Kindred Spirm ..t-ia Long Disganme 0 Wbhéee bs oaior blasscmumt-ctane thse '.asplomaltbe m uquiàar sd eadu. Sec dw aof m. i. uth fuma pMs..of yow edieocSy;p"u rutdh 100 ma« .or Do for"ou Nait.la.30 «e. OPENINGDANCE HUTTON VILLEPARK FRIDAY MAY J7th, 1935 tledicaled to t-he allsarng wnrd "M YS TE RYOP (Evel. the Ouchett ta a r to -, -s- A Uy8TKtY PRIZE mili tec gêven ibe porin uincatiof Lb. IMTEROUS tMus HUTON VIL 1%0. U,««,s Dame Imuetl ha cjdreed by he mord.-. An YmîiMes Huttoueille of lotionville PruÀ DANCING FRCSM 9%) ZO 130 [laT. l'%@ fluorb h.Uuderifoue Oagiati eatumfnt and ynu grill amy,. T VA8 LADID 25e - GENTEMN 5 - FREE PAUING Il m-li bo a my&utileil yoi-are ot niour Opminq [lnce. L ~T. M. SMOORSHEAD Aylutr Siase 4 Pets Na. tbil l1C Atylmev TOMîa. uit-e Na lictes iOc Ay ira. Whotc BeetS N. 2l1t. 13C Aylc.e. Oene, C arrots N.i titt9c Aylvs, Kesltte- Wonute B <ans N.ol2ts 21c A yIme, Csî Asparagus t0-rt c- chiie, SuIIsd Sodas n*lctii lOc Ae.t Diush Molosses N tl oc Helea Cmuktd Pot - I coz = 'i Il se y l'y 1 16s. 13c ~Aylmer eertett Barley 3 16s. 17c Pe a r S No. 2 Tin 17c Soap 2 ce.cî IOt- Flakes 2 pIgs.29e Li8m 1Ir E IG À FSCoitR ASIFRS SHORTEMIN 1l.Packeae12C ~ct~êL OMATrOE! 2NmTm'fns 151 Sansttiqtg lbout AYLME*tuè t conned Fruits and- vegetables yoa use N .thTn 9 moit at hippy prie - - look and îeelN. / Tn 9 r Ayline WINo2 V2 c Beans p n1 'îu 10 ~uaAyImet Golden Bantamn Corn oîce N 0 Aylmner Faut-y Golden -Wax BeansTi,, l10 Chase&aSanh.ras'sTa 3 Mitute Thse One and Only"l TENDER LEAF OAZ FLAKESj H. P. SAUCE 7-ou. Pks. 2< SmaII pie. b otti. 27c PeacheS NAi 7 Rt-UY RED Tomatoes . 12c Oranges T 29c Pineapples - 20c BANANAS GOLDEN RIPIE 21c oz FREE DELIVERY Doudcous Bank Personality Dtaring eighty years in busineea a bank, like a -so, develope a definite personality. Thij personatity is Lased on the kind of menu cho develop thse banut, ~1 -plus ils history, its reputation and its principe. -~ You wil (md in The Banki of Toronto a persoisality - lutael on cighty years aaaociati3n wiub fthe best of .4 L=7-1 --5>Canada's developnuent. Coe-Pled watlu tl'ia eiglty uf men, worduy of il yert s daectau MARS;H SEPD-LESS~- Grapefruit' 125c Ceon 1- l i.9c CaIIt-lt-t any tiieý A BIG BOWL of Kellogg'à Coru Flakee in oilk or cream le appetizlng and îde- Iirious ai any lime of thue day. Andt ley're extra goosI cith fruita or be-ries addcil. Xdeal for breakfaot. tR-. freshing for lunrhnun. Chit- dren loverthbm for cupper. They encourage sound Bleep, becautte tbey dliget go eaeily. The criepes of Kel- logesa Corni Flakes je pro- tected tuy a leaioîseolc-d à F, i. oure bug. Co~ti evs-u-ystersrel]aIKAltogg'. Quautitri guaraniced. Macde b> Kellogg inLsIondotn, Oni. CORN FLAKES /ORP4 Ta 75.pam 0,, ""i off iu t.itji i t, îlot) LIlY 12-TRIP TET ONtL-Y 2c. PRMIE idt iot"i Mav t fi gb £ ikt oalp it i a Kinîg Mn ui i ll Peh titi Dt a li t Sas ingtiirga dt eU iý( tls lo Subscribe for The Champion TO-DAT I* Aylmeîr Sm.- i tie s IIo~~ ~i - of he p-sidi widu tthe meedi, of ftue preaent. ¶ANKI~DRONTO H. F. MeNICHOL, Manager 3i - I -

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