Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 1935, p. 4

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HOW 1HATED CLEANING TOILET BOWLS Stis flush off this easy way One each week sprinke (illett's Pure Flake Lye- full strength into thebowl. Off corne al tains teühoet Rcubn!Kils germa, ban- Tbe inhes odors as it rieans. 5'reea lot telle how ta s tsrap and drain pipe from ob- fpw.lu t for d structiorns. Absolutely harm- dt.lolten IaItir.oredoz andenaîmel. seipahln, t',etgia tinday! .U soru i h er u.tai.Nr.0 th. L). llt e ler th..-t«. &LîSrrO St,. Troot, A S IR JG1L L 1 r LYE____ THE GREATESTV 1 REFRIGERATOR VALUES EVER OFFERED SY FRIGIDAIRE TL's: Frigidaire '35, wich the Super Fr-czetr, ( ts Oc andetrds in iccfrctzîttg cuunciv-inn tiltiîiîi i J precrvation -in the cribptlîg andi fru.hî-tîuîof vegeiablto -i n ccnonicoi purforinc Tht Super lFrcezr maui.- posibltC (ltnt.ET WILL PAY FOR ITSELF ke.figration Servict, Il prOv-iuâetnfi%-i ki', t o ci'f n t tî oi.uîîîî ua.tý îuîc niou i tid.iai cutlt in euer >on. of 16 moticls. ,,lelliîlii. Oa<ng -t ta.t.o n d vou rot SI i îo tI ttirt11 - i u auluf nu bou l.is hu 1- -fast frcczing. . . 2-frozeco rag~te S1, îct.uc îîîlit , th th tic enuicia> w 3---exta.cold toraga ...4-ttist oiagr l il,,tîtFrteuîl.itr,; iflt anirtirl ianeioa i,,iu,, -xloîîi,îîurtiiiit utiu - . ic F Pigi- 3'--"moslt,1stor5aeîî . 'l s ttîtfui viilnhtutau'mnau-i- FRIGIDAIRE-the Geneu'aI Motor-, Refricraor-is Mode in Canada H.A.CAVELL Phione 245 MILTON * e weove been ln ails tire btusiessa long tinte and -e knov the iGoodyer Pati- adet ue e tnarkab1a valu. Barlng Goodyea% orli- famotua G-â, va bliee tiare ie't a tandâard tire inde>' titatecele ta-cacatiriîteil- ing aI a muci higiar pîlce, Wbon yuu exaiule the new Pachind.r andS tic reCord enileuigea it la rling up everyvieta, you'U h "soiS" toc, Corne lunaydey. W. havre tIe tta it an>' purte. CAVELL BATTERY SERVICEPHN24 WKÂT THE LEG1SLATURE DID (OraWdetou& l"st vai) U»utmbutiy edorsed a foriras- oletion conttiliAusbits N leSt- Kt George V. ea the &#preos" «1 I.t tweaàty-lith aritviiiel i t ils «st- Bien ta th". terons, s4d pcayad for thae centlunl heith &tri happnu et isi XMjea>suad it conort. Tlh. ma- bion wa, strotduent by Premier Mit chaui, '.Hepburn andi taoded b>' the, leader of tiche etti, ut George à. Henry'. A)pmved of tthec auciistoilofta-x ttilia power litrhalt contracte wtii toit Quehot cotopantlea corttacts wht h ltied (ortalo up ta the purclialue ai huiSe bl.rliofo tnwan ail pcuer" for a pértod eit onty y.'att Proeldc,S a fe ftacl IIpirntftff rilIgtlaliliOneiufolt1the ?VDirions3qui if- dored the IndustriliStandardt Act, whucb paves tL~e way for agi». sonte botwéeslemiployere and ecm- plfyOýi lu respect ta boutsansd wagea. Emjeowersdthea t.arc Hydro ta untulettel*s avu Ina&iing by thetela suan, of fHydra bonAq u eautn b>' the provinice. Thia wll i wpa o11 about 1187,OQO.te.Oof tha Provincial dabi reated tbroeugh capital advalieî-c ta Hydre adarttakigt. Pasd léisation -aIlig for the amralgamatiahiofai Wlrier, Sandwitli.. y-. . !ndEoar td iohitlî t=an .-ure record fer nicitt tWt tias-Di u esIon intai onttiulutt tor thlrty.tevan haute. Extendted tieneftil paymeilt i car tain exietils ferrm ltie train twenly taa thtrty yaare. Bnopewered Oo-oprtive CaiS arc-. age associatîin ta borrow amounia e ironthtii. ov,>tuIment ranggfrte $30u,000 ta s$50,0f. Bt a maximum for friture farm loans ai $7500, instead of $12.O00, ad give thi. Agricuitiltai Davlopreilt hoartS wilier paver. la regard to tonnea ni repaytnt and coretldetti4,n ai ai dsbtedneas. hrovided bhetelitte, cadetthet Moto ara. AllowaOee Actt.fer wiitôaa âwtth anas chld or attoptail chuSd. VteS noldeaceltu the<ovetmaent ta co-opecate vitit faderaI aildiPr-ovin ciai authotities, wiuh a view ta brima- ltglu0an -adequste" ,yees of on- esDploymeitlt tuiiîieO for the Demi ton. Petlttionad ti the edei governouent to mie olS-aga pensîione appir.abtt in hlteS perasonaovat 40 y.arri o1 sge. Reeuesttd Dominion athoril. to sanrtion llI-age penstine for polronls who have attiaineil tie age fot i6veule. Altored the iancliyeor oi the Province te' end on Marri Sint, iteef o? October fle. ProtideS propetty quatttcutiolia for persons emokig eiaîtlon tai munticipal onfce,. Put sharper teett inf the Milii Con- irol Acttabolitael rebates ta custom- ers, end omptowaeed the ronennier to mittin wth proliocer anS distrîbator an agreiee 't roritg rcee, etc. - bard ithe defInie anouatcemfefl of i a l caetil faol the plrpose of en.- doralng meaDures ta croate addeS rai- enfle ',th a vew tai betanîlaz the budget. AIpnroilt aoftthe goverrimeni piiyng the entité catnt af ronstructonand maintenance or provincial btghwaye. Gave power ta Muîîclpsl Board ta Pose on DUt capital erpenditurat un- îhýtîraketî by ony mitoipalt tri 1<On tarin. Enîtorsed thîe Mental ftonpltnlitbiili llrividlng better care tor th,- mtîtatto flt. aicoholie and dru, adSSîrl Tlîi. utînceari received l hetudorgaltiif hotu h overnent asdoit Ololtlioc raenîher9, Sel 0inimum of $600 tor tural Nthool teaclhare' salaries. Killed a bll raqolrlug ail halr dfresera sud barbarlatutht province tatrabeurs, regnered viththelOnttutrt iHaîrriarpstanSdPBarbera' ecortloli Gave the rigtitao!L nojort i ionrfhoteere tai taire avoir tie prollîco tieo ai Sefueci coipanieei. *Pred drta.rs ad motot-cor owncrn train reeponntbiliy lun rnnectilan iii, lteiurtes t, 'gratuttous paseea.i Fador8e eti Imposition oft aIan O rew prodîîrts of brenieuan inti imakere. Agretil On tiie uee ofdoge irideme 1hutitng, sud passed a lmodifieSbrick lav ta prootie ptotection ton dosee or- tovilo. ideerd tht Premier onnoance tiri Chortey Park, the. o0rlai home or the Leutenant.Ooverimor of the province. wauld b.ho too!afiet Octobet 3lotiif an adequate offer ver., recelovlI. iHearli h. defaite huai itîrown out lihai a ProvincialiIncarne ta% wauld be lmposeil 10 tht@near tuture, TIle Menac of the. Houa« FI Different timea. ilferont sonnier.! In aedieval da". when the hierk death. typhus, setalîpox. sndoioui tý- virulent tplegues were taken sa a nai HEALITH ... t6, P&hwlda.wpdoe 09 M eu*b tolu tom a&" - fer &@ »«voet.1 fi#*o. "Me e.eaidy"ue i* ortl.," 92 oaga..d "HasieW'. C.esed ti.h. b.hu, of yee, iaml essieufie ..àsimesqah..Pl-. am .e ot«uee de...,.carr.se.1'4 Mstac siy e.eqluut"d àe SCREEN EVERY DOOR&£WUMDOW ONTAR1O SAFETY LEAGUE Witt, thlie varta irtatbet sand a finle satson aialtellPoil ue. dates of ofecintg Of tht aummer btaits ali reorte of the CanaSta Pacifc itailjvar willlbche vlcoma neye Io to.tirot. Biaifi Springt Hiol an, Jouel 16; Cats»n Laie toutsýer, loood Laha Cha- let sud bungalow campe sliîpta Yoba. Radiumn Hot fSprings and MrainelAie, Juba 21; Firsoh River Bungalow Camp. Jume 16; Davila Gap l2'uualow Camp. Junc 21i; Algocqîllu motet. st. Andrews . N.B., Juil, 20; The Plu«., Dtghy. Jotue 27 ai tht Lekesia Ion, Taruouth. Jubit i9. Portland, Oregon, famaus u- anail Rose FesNtIval wllt lie heli tii year, Jone 6-t. Millione of rose bliooms willieb.oc display lu the msny fluaesnofthe grand fi(o- rat parade and silto un the.47tb annuel show oi the PoritlndiRose Boceey. Msnking te Silver Jubiles uels- bratian tbe coronation ot Klt Gteorge V, ta hh etd toit year, te Canadien Pacificeltaitvay bas escued as trtklagly handaome toiSer caîcriniz the main avant& of the iutlou iront tht iag's drive ta St. Pau', Cathedrat on May 6 aud endtag iii tht Lord Msxyor's Show on Novet"ber 9, A beautitul aev mnuno ard fur tilt Ring', Jubiles ceteratlau bas beeu, desigtrd by te Cana- dieu Pacifie Railway tii h- usel la ail ithe compams", oicif ront eoastita coaci. on thtpe of the Atanticad Paifile f teets andi on world cruise tilps. lis front ,,Iverile dîîc awgîu nIciit to Canadian Coat of Arma lan cator aI, ha -op adthe CanaStas Ps- tifî' trest ait lhlifli, The. hakorkralaia doue ln rîld. show@e a train lanbhauteck!, tht JChatean tibontese ai Quehaec Ot> and tîhe iBnpr«aof!Brîtato. A r Mailele 1aibaby lthe Coat o! Arma and a tuace.vanthehuatk for autagraphe s ompîete tIi. menu tard. T1he wrtd ia inviteli to attend tie animal Rase Feti1val ta b. a l euet fPortland, Oregon, Juie 6, li 7 sud . This, one of thteout- sianuding feil cetthtetUaited &aiee. vili iblaY... gbow Mas>' acta a4 ;beautiiui testures. am.onswiehkithe 47111 annuel roue eh.ý,theUtPortlandS Rose BoScity wviiilhe not tht tast Im- 'd pora t'lîe vbuetoe ciy vilI h. emhiuvemd n roes oa thaties Mt f peat. e. Over'ho perlaS May 1-6 le- I'clusie.tha Ae canaSuas raitvays arc ofieting epeciai burgalo fares u ilgurin& appromimn±siy ai on@ id cent fa&mile toutvalons mtera d cties te veveet Canada. Retua Ilmit in thlrty days fron theb date of Issue of ticket wit i sopovere vithin tue itmit o! the titckt a YPoîrt Arahur. Armstroag aud points weatt the-at. nk Adressing an audience of mote tsa a tionsad represestative r Ibuaneor mon ui Toronto rat.ent- l-[ ly, IL W. Beatty, KOC.,Lf. 1~ C.mpaes Nasate. C&a DistmaeId Freer Pois The gSat aSd gi'ooh.il salvey'sp et aiuum latces ntc.ru hr are agubmncea ofhesilt. a dîtion vaicue te Dormiltu th regbea se thiet tihecaaPas e eadie la tarseS nut of the direction vii it couia h. expeufli to-.1,0 ttor.aa lu s ail ar-m set Junri, Alada, values of d*eUitlos muntsgfroni 175 derata wa tut17U1 degrooma ot e eh- sovai vhs-a asbout 31 dWereO 0Mselù- utéa mmst ould b. axpeeteli, ali et une- spot thaeSip vwu@5ou detre«s 10,4 minautes, snd the camnpe»s neee test lit ditectlve peopeci, se tiat thee duc. litotion saesateiietc Ht th Baitutnaln etcail as evidesti>' qîite neMr tht sarface sai UmteS lu parIent, as ibm offeci t &sIpmred viti- ln s tel -rntieso f the point of maxi- muni dlstur-iuase. At Port Sutti- saet. Alasaka. ihet'. la an &ascf mared local disturteance vhtnb t«- tenîds ittynd the lan ma noarîrsee thei adjacent deep lmiet. In the pi'e- vn. of Kur-sk. Itumnta.hast lea alo- alîe region <of locat dttturiissce ex- tendlog for &bout 2MO kiioniteet la a ttoîtbwtot-sotteaai direction. Whlte -lie- irei Aines-iran leveia vrs pateS h y a nman, the "reli ftîrther Itattuait te procetti va, "fond ont ty S1hile.hie vite." cla pactent vas g. ieS l e>'ti.Britishi gavesnmeent tu Thomas Maltera for sas invention fur cieauiti sud tariait bndian toru. For 19 ymursafcter tho enfirtweni (If the Patent law. 10 171<11 nui e singleu nt of the 1,000 patents lektued veau gritîit toa s vîsià. The iret sit4iematul tipPllîutiun fr05 Sà voatil wat recoirurd lu IMIt, "id vas fur a teethout cf weaviig staent iti tituk c treebu-tad iforntasquarter of e century sitesr S theever-e tes tian sascore C tpatentgracieS le Uset ta Chase.Frea "I have chechei op stiseat Wtfes- rietutatf jplacéefr s publîic speaker lu îe.k ltshuaslerltet Dr. John F. Cowali. "lu pocketoe-trauters, etua, veut; uupper panktn. lovif, test; Ihuiig bytbIuntaor îlmmereed'; hookili ln test armi-i; c: laselPId rseree tiau my>, dtto tiak: vadcitng iaidkorchief. and unwcddletg; rlenceilng lapei. cf goal; poundleg Seel; brusthing liait, lapllat g amnieuigclai flies; tfuil- acte geailite, hali'crm. filger; pintt- jli ai audience; t vistlng musisebe; fiîuttlgxpo tigethert npltted; fumbhing pàsiors: puîlbuigdeva vest; naspplng, anS, vian Dot t$icvi'e mphaslslng ttiti Iel, %swing lieeairy Wood la the lr"-mitt liaer. lut "Butai.Tis>' Vklr The cardverk. su animai vicci p- peusa hiet soething nses.lea ade- ttriu-a t.lasnriilous la lie estleg habieetsItle lulaappearance. Tht fl l ownsut-teuau s it ta tmienat> altiduot aartle-pig a. ic Dame Itram- tales" litpreti>', ta &bouit a*let clong er of cot.e, the phrase lbc voulS tflutrmtlautondpreelttont 0i the t fr-arn îtî, ta tel. t c luong suent Help eautfy Yor Tol flt kili a Il Y',vaes InventeS ama ery 1 >- CanadiasPacifie t'alvay, tted san trnug îlaw vlübuIfuses Iiubr HeIp BeomplimeYourtTo1 that the. Caunadien National Rail- rowing hueto huile. oitg Vie-ld _____ hugil ompliment apeoual $tend- 'vay tystas vur e er an huent huticeadaktk u ieai .tOia, a oman 10 afi-uines judged byftiseu. Toda>'. the prson vite îeauld!eparliment Ia publitie Miip abl.tt adeklct pteat is ethe ai o lma romsuttty Sp- mot kbUt a fi>' la ooh.e upon 5erely î anS that It vas seitharomore sotr OtliIs tano-t It mileitsae-d for tîlruîl l ,yit nvirontiteilt.anS tiet as Ignorant. Thteflouse t>' le '.r.,Id- .legsa tuera ai accident. Tht. e o lo-ge es sannlai t ait n o niati vide ln istibution andSIla ,1no.toua probles. du Raid, couittute, Cas-titi tuent, lîtt bat eeenlui tu e lus 1,,ionn,,,,,i t h, i uce tuý emipotaei-for the part ih pie>', inthe dstaecitt- aduse tel i tieîult probleulsad main purpinvre.litegiefood tgaiau t ,jttî cery tî. ofOuthein-OtO ae ofeuci uafgerausilseuse. ma ttiresteniaitontal solteat>'. mant enticet>' lugent snd lis habite mm., tî,idoiit ooad rottcî-lveiac. tYPhOî', nantile driotuec- - trortite Bol. Tiý Tilo îîîîcît(Ic ait o tioc itaming loaischalets, dyaeeae, aSOt=re Startlng a tour of Canlla v'ici________ pîltîttottî tlî. iIoctv mciî5Ot Ibreudit î5il of the ec~iul objc5 grtllteeltîde the lprinciplacen- i.5~a i.d htîî i Il te bo4 leSpalei Off heit n eesuy iomes, anS publiceaiug Pot-eh. ChiotScout, Lady Baden- Diumonda le the cough, &A.tht>' toia nictial iIerO nh,atîrêeaholihasne places.isThefÏ!,la a menace te pctlilc Powell, oblalt of ithe Girl GuiSes, tram the grciuud, lt5> le an>' ceint, but a ]îîîîtelil,î fîîtflmtsunof a coin- iuh otwI'îg te lihabit tof pulaitg ad tir tvadarghters, landeS ,4-iam,'uudg i tttht. stale geuarl>bave îîn.îîIî, i ,î c , -a i2tino 0 dtectlv trot, purli flttethuiman ai Vancouver trom 8.8. Princeut uvscuttt"Ru e ri en'>' uteuh ( Ii,)Iuity titeaouis ode othear organitme anS pattirlea of de- glven raualng velcaisne nv-~> aed fvitI b. hymust *mlîlîîl aitît atielr. rnpsn utat atron lis cdatîr- throuuhout tthecountrr. lut anS pollaib ectuere the celraitned T, bola tcî Ompîr iroveu li theliat>' body. leg, stlcky fot, tinS hIIInla ui haugbewl. Thce sparie o,. î t. tI .î u i! cirI noci-pru.Udealtaclo organisme out._%e disînond ta cauuei bythe l..r. laI,t, oiîtrtî tionbeootliid maturInmeralgo be conveye tefod513 te, FOX MEA~T WANTED frationuofutlgit fteSte fago ci tIi îîcitgiîtr.;Potatstîoogîouttheio too î1 excreta and raguriatl a elva Elyfr j diamoud, andi thee, du l ppea, îî Ieant olîbrLIct o uolero, etc. lspeckee. a u hre, ctu.e atuuro y, but imusitu, ett.:ut t fi.toote aîîîp te mica uhemee1Several genaratbonti f heueefilms ai, nyZhiag siotabel, tfor foix at. hînot otsîlf, eod i Ita o pteodid aSd- devetop duinu trie vansmat fltte ctui utli coa :h inulfta n tua ii- virtis, ment for tîe c rath &_the"e ii um bar 'oryinatvi.ii, I'lateuy .ae m t oie a iiperiect guimhà iâa 5150c041a5 lucalmefrm1. 3 i î ti r .potî~ the .caerecter ofthu e]181aeou. The fisîco tan.Tirilr orttrv Iade cas ig.uiàd> ndi&. %taituid Il.parlo' an Inadicen spce arYetontnai u t d 1 mit apid 95OI-I. Georgetown. 48-tt rdil . detrmiae lis trut valu., Il , I oni ci iol hwt1to hth £ wu O o ilstler-h gîî îîî..îî li catIlui reaîîuy il So8t effective and Selt'Let hAeler tli tutacc lt ie cii j atiht roîtto î Ioililztioa DEcO trimotng bous. tule& uuoio 1 iecuiut usuuyoîîi tiraîîcr cnethe150 prcmathirf .0V u n la eimntinu or reduing, ntehgl izd ruel Il, tîlgil movît i1,e tote,o.1tera, tittit hteedtag pincesate amintii ,. h on sal ln h ot iatrSi ic oiî tire,î1ifthe br properl>' tretInt or diSlug Pofîs'Ici, le îrgc so e'uIlut a t ,%l , Il ona, iooîtflîtgardon audsuooh nmatemilt ns rssare sd oi-t Irýad,$-ll11le h , ,inabtatIutruted il lt.bali,î lrreeh horstmrantre lapo a m t I ;iig &,un'!a4arl1 !Iîi, old o îîlaîicieî gmevetlrolitsure ofatouge t p:îîiîebty d lule ttl Cea tioùininnitial ourcel lotoniîî i,, îî tiraidigo ton l toit the otujOtofur ilstl r LZM AJMS of enli-uiu 10h tLe priaipa suret cn r aIlcitarît Wiere tiera e setios-In th( 'litl, vhere 1 -- tini1ofttig uc houreillmaigfuevdtai' ltrlily ad the iarsnony offitowei a e biea lergeiYrep ne li ao'Teuk ne lod h hrso e esy omtiz îhe ditua o!iithe l 'Ir ochanica tr~aport. gai-bagaleeua pte. hiryiie nd o laueLsele. îtiin î~îroi bc no decrd. Tsu*- Ciîrîî lýilreottil IliIlove floîer; bave T e efectuve. con)trai MmmusPe. dl-ete thi; eatr iled itt lve orbeaLty n itlSagaînet tbeir oareeingplcs&. ifýR, ind Iliuemc'tt î it lov nfmthoe h.uiS te arganized Ila ta l IS utiacer ni)tut t.î,Itueperson tolte thingo ilual boaje. iulthpor\eft lîe Ibbusf'r- us vluîlaetluiuhulokili'Or eeot tatka- ago Cliii iîerd Joue te-tet lot cittiaiutempott e t Ttue il mat b. combatied. Gare oc d d d r I îîeetgoewth iard teliluuaee jeg Pliov rtOl iOiO a hlit ai oftn.Mutre lîeap or garbaga im a5p of-I elfuletn lShe aitof elaaI ta ilPt i lst cm t,ttiuto r ttt e in cuffieni ta fiila eviote mig.M mm 1ic Ce«n. Otiieries 'ulofseutor t, j o ntutîiî lsncs- Scîl 'utevor -borhood, adhilaenocesar>'thefO@ssac.(Ieriwyut oeyu 11cI> 0ttf h Oltlotigt nls i sciet-outtInceutIve toairM, &sud tue letfatal-- lItoi-t.a,,.thet viole ontmunit>. Ut. CARELESSNESS Us TOO COSTLY!v PýýG on ~a l sjustont fornof haste ... that rPving to drive too hmt ... which is altogt'ther ton> prevalent in Ontario. The appalling number of Inicor accidents in this prcwr t-ce means a draatic check-up on reckless drivers. Publ;c sentitnent, speaking through the courts, wilI be increas. ingly a..vere towards unreasonable, tboughrless motorists. You know what you should do. How yote should drive. So, for your own safety and that of others, drive cireftdlly! IT IS SETTR TO'SE SMFE.* .THAN SORRY MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEARTMENT 0F IGHWAYS ONT&Iqto 1THIS MUST STOP! In Ontario, ducnug 1934. there wtt aeariy lion cuta 512 peopie were kIIIed 8,990 peopi. were lnjur.d ..a cumùmerble bnceooe ovet 1993. lr muete bce eident to au twahleukeugoplee ha e Ssi o.oJ non. T. B cjetw CCSNAPSL1OT GUILII£ Dont Overluok the Impcrtance cr i 0f Brthdoy psctures Deci l .Iy t*kWei Ste ,eW bmW. PIeffl &Pd then Watch hi, grow thrauie monthtetopsiits hheronter. 1N theba modem i res .theatthOt lammitz the next tira,. Have yoar lucky l.if o %poreeOtted tutee het .om ansd yourmeli ready for ae- newly-bo13i hatfor gaverai day. u- tIOL ter Sir Stor', b«sdeiivotei b is pack- Thara noyer seez.e ta b. enougl age. unlees h la trough tihbamýï f o!bse baby pictreo to go around glassu of&aveiliguswdad wlsdoW or fur there ore erandnîotherz, aunts. dorfil thehosae5. Afttt a ew days, cousinsad frlendc -.distant Cîilés howevur. whes nurses and doctoTe Who are alwaoV looktng forwarntei, decida ho in net a comune carrier Oft receivtg a siiOlihot of the newlv- germaeSiit iglit attack the, baby arr!ved cos,..otder of ttc laan and rceard lis growth, ho should bY tt. ai!m91.eeecsmise h#sutlortY ase Before you rail reoa 'it-re the a tfaian ald demafld pissimaaon te days, moIulasitiand yoars have oufe "shoot" tiie babr -wlth a CMTSIRt. your gid la s0ttlflg 1W1 II l. hotTi of couirsea.baby bat, grown iai) , uhifore volt Every mh uis5tll onidered have a Chance tu W,0ucdr h'- lhe a btrthday luna bar'a liteuttili is laisf " turn Out" you are ,volidpriig " year zwl. Tbert'Otfpr, reausiSiyeerY what tii,. ho wtt icrne hnme to btrthdaYs are lu order. At l"t à "tut, l." picturit s moath suald b. mode of Ther', .<iways the ,fi,,î i n1,e"for tb. nw boarder and afler the. tNt everythtr4 and thiîR applic« to thou- twelva montha youuad beMtetkéeetisoude of evente in a babîs lut our CaflerabsoaiS wtitlii film etfai11'fiere la the ffretai tseh, ttie for yaV Cas nav.elthu liehahea 'e., a.z !'d 'âîî. i- i ynur baby Io goa t t ke bist frtciqw in hie own 11111e miciîtthât CRotiolis. fs.tering .tqp-aed what uiiey are coitiethhng gond to10Pat. iis an event i la tlr lii't---t is. It iirat @mile,,and thon that g-reo,,m appareotiy men sohistuthe moint viien ho rmoches Oui.wlîlî bî baby. fHe siaply atepe Out la a Mat- rhuuhY littearme ndo ayots, Mial." ter-at-tc.cL but caretlil niannet. and wlîhi 1 i St 0000 Inerp rlei the i you get ail exciteli, )et ont a couple parente ta men "Daddie," or "Mas. 'ut vilfopti. gagplaugliansco ete i.mi," gametîs". deppndteg ons wh Intant so tnrorou8bly that be tell e i. headii of the honoeiiotd. down and has tn doût If&l ovêt attall. go taks the 'luoby Picture Pre- The chanees are tb'at Yoa wlll flot paredaco. Weak' and land your cala- b. prepared fartbtat ftrst stopu, or If aras ready toraction. Tati dont have you woaif happes ta ba holding the ttu ait util 7,0 ses the white of caifelOia tu yit bandlIyru .tu ' fltheir aene,"ese a certain miitary 3'our .uxel ieneni. even torsl it in the man one a e, lbil; '*shoot"î the wrong direction aud gat au Otot ui 'uite 'yprorairsone ofthteir focale picture et 700e own nmid-Se- fascinating, amusîngt littie bah> titan. But don't miste tha maoment of îtricks." Subssrlbsfer The Mampion TODAT 1 Il -bit" A. -IS.l tha a a ote. a a etadmof < Sia uifgog bs5-: ne"s duattbw P 1 o fa eomiu0iauim souk Alaird n ratc, iewvtt. w obe huit doitea:lli.mtod "rhaimt 5 semae. Tbey gait #$ACsi se@"Wordla iuly-wiivite er o 1hD mmt airda. It t ldet tirttbat ât L..*wh It Il r tîe tgo pt*. a"S Whoulete-e tam t rte V ' Ay tW ka'uw wltet iiiy are going foS certainl lirds vii eu» ueotic the ne a2yet atii. moltiV tain. yeaa. l'hie tact hie tisasenabo llseetietby laitns iawboeed lbandeiu on luirda' toe tfare îthy meigrat. fi lae i.tbng %maes, t ri-tien, 0th - tie&re al tlukoîc wheuti.t thorae anti ratura ~ Gea &rtu pur- ter, a vtent smure auideut aC vitet. -DAce maie Wiat delm'uiaee tht Pma cteM lut ae et lt retsrUtie aou»a te teos e ta ie as eor w tliaj' f iow tise! iaacki. patihirb lacet aCruts suas saud cueeit*stmitt>' 115 dercue eof etdachusm, vade met Ontac st seeles obvions: that Soff Tarir or ieitK't 5ta esposssteu o0<f tuaItr actions 5lit isse urnesand Lthai Zh., 9eieect hJka dali)4Swet tii.'>dii sosue IcIittht is*IatteIý, snd othelu Farmme.

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