Yow opporhsu~y b uoet .ad cmmit du Ti>p Top T.i<w9 STYLIST MR. C. R. HUDGIN who vill be ato«r amr MON DAY, MAY l3tk, a. m. m ENI Thle la Imptratl s' C. R. Hulgin. the Tip Top Toituoe" Stylist. lvi IrOl.ur tore.visere ho ime>. te cosulcol vitbout OfflRutlon blp-mofetchie to" lOr, any questie im Tii. benielt et Mr.. itun empri. mno eet, o mgre icienithoubligm- tden adlaI o='d u 1<ont mao meaeovi>.wou omcme tu Ou.' @tore, ntetaou oarefaeot o=erpiuiga adu: ser ClOus.. Mars voollons thoe ve make up ch. Tlp Top Spiie aed Sommer rang- more style - botter celoing and finluh-pet rise pnice semne 523.75 for your uns'estrlcted ciico. Galbraith's Dry Goods Strre MILTON U2sod VCrs and Trucks!kenew Ponianc "28Sedian, emali mn.ii-nge sand te gond slisps-. Hupmobilc S"ýdan. gond, 31 Fosrd Panel Deliiterv. Reo 1~ Ton Truck, guet!ftoma lot of wsrk, We aise have Uaed Parts for Ferdeon Tractor, Studebaket- Pres , lanisîd m.6, se0 Wiîtppet, C:hnvrûitr, Ford. -3 34 x 7 Hsa y Duty Tir a d Tubei, 5! no as gond as l CAMPdELLVILLE Cantelot-i's Meat Ilarket ONLY THE FINEST QUALITY MEATS AT REASONABLE PRICES Speciais for fridak- & Saturday'! BONED & ROLLED VEAL, per IL. 8 BONED & ROLLED LAMB, per lb. -- 17e COOKED PORK BOCKS ( AT'uÂE>RmNOON% 1PROMPT DXLI VERT PHONE 42 d __- r TH E W I E.OE Quaker Corn Flaikes, 2 pkgs. - ----- ------- 15C Ried & White Peas, 2 tins ----21c Tonato Juice, Crosse & Bakvl ,No.,Itin (; for 27c Frontier Keiffer Pears, per tin------------- - 10e lied & White Sliced Pineappî1e, 16 oz. tin- - -19C Ried & White Bartlett Pears, per tin --------cg Crossie & BlackvwOl's Eonps Aspsragus, Cbickeri or Celery, 2 tins ------20C P.& G.Soap,4 bars ----------------15C Sus'îlght Soap, per bar -- - - - - --- ---- -- 6c Blue &- White Javel Wat.er, 2- bottles- - -.-- 15c Keen's Mustard, 4 oz. tjn ------ --- - - - 25e Oat Puifs, per pkg - - - --- - - ----9- e Cocoanut, fine or long, per lb.-- - - ----19c Sago or Tapioca, per l b. ý ---- - - ---- - 10e Ried & White Instant Tapioc(a, 8 oz,. pkg-s.- ----10c Brunswick Sardines, par' tin ------------- 5c New Maple Syrup ýgîaranteeml pure) -11m). Pîtt 28C (Dring your jar Imr-p quart 55c LCalifornia Navel Oranges, per dm---- . - --39c rFlorida Grapefruit, Marsh Seedie8s, caoh ----- - -5e Fs'esh Pineapples, large size each ---- - --2.3 I '" -C UNNINGHAMIEWVE 'QuaIity aIwajs bihlger thon the -price" h ~ ~ ~ A Loa1cw . <~ ruidolbya forti -AGENTS WANTED - I ~~ nTHEATRE oaisoe1 n::W EN'S I, n. oomîê ii o :=",Mr aru.voul a vals popoitin. nod wli rin loves. ==d ptit theof 1ev.. lu lov - tsu&,eali e19*w b Ma511-i ,s Tr R G OS E TC ORA Ta. t»moR ropai iaciKulg t v m d v o i 1. hàe e acrales NotsoiaiN, i ice oCout L,<ouaclitiub nd d.2 p11.7Cbatopleu iiey12t, Mtiies Dy.-e our men.»ud er al ais0" ArVille an B R.g u oetlii ph MM TAilCprt ofhn rer ..p.n gani Me' OerlIastSi.co StreetsvhpublaeLiv yoere ago. vh.'s'eneianaticidcvisesi"t IAls ar &P Il . Da-M i res tcketrente u.... . tsor eoâiunto4bakdy esdtm 0ue,.à fhi Wdma Y ri ribla c Miant sl. Mc'n'for(theFont, jPaNT S P E IA <te¶.on esclss pon e* wbis v i as lou evo go isansiSP eottN r-eiab elCa! L <.a h OmIul hMý Men's 'ngha i th Cot---d------- el.*bamoypos=tio ott ex eM A u e cgr4onil0 ol .Botrta.o n - Shoe"re i rie foral bruntegroatat o ' haiE ta ev ans--- - 9 Ont vitient b ietios comlet.Dom'î gRIDAgY, MAY 1717fi 1 -------y---ge,1.4~ moo sr oe Pt h eLo ov ios liA.e to pau a rît blés' Gec' O YuTietL I aiswoart, p M1nW ta inery G'qOr all P ut - -8 -)z2.9 feMy1.NrnthLleret i-e t yor bein Brampton prlo raw l ZaId o sd Bilan C osb f ,lOeap".d Bso_ _a _1Un S_'... .... 31.2 tîesr tdg r and Ii l wu ulf ta ueI, seis nes livantri ronrb atto 1 M iý )eal a tbu Rote sudCarrstics, it 2 aL ty Sssetvening Tht. m.'silo t. h)omatend.-'ilnper 'aili ie i1. cesdrei emg a oe' b is fiMthen e d. 1aa r. Doitieno1. d G42 Mr.and Ijr'jae, hMiie or geenlins. St A. Pi.LlO en . Frday es1 IlnCAKES mcd PeresATRY. rowisan fune bav Uetpitsai aîrath a i., oy outs ubo alied ofprpar.d for e Shitralai e MORE ai. O Chamsedr Cks A kcc riy ' 1oy _ __-___ _--29 N. ~ ~ ~ ]a L.Pektlart b.mvuietot, wva. tb. oi aepai oum\tisaluePhone 6 omtree :mttcs. mr m&&d4til maenelfrl.od tV sieo!teogtbîe,' ef l a,beMeil o r ToM mal e 1.and SGry.:SAreL18UNITE C---------- 14.2 STset.B be poenso uXe'nsatiys A t il.cboo t.HA vlMl- 10 a.m-haitaloben ohol.m oure AESadP gar. ~~jct ba;p 8t m ot e m A.lssss e , Let ondosin. ifor alî str4 _ I --B LLBRS.WhlUb Dakf= matPolaiyreo Hial. on Msiontvu*&hn ' B RGmm e E N.uiemy onbet suiios b mil ot!.t. murk th i.lst.ghtmouie ourdor CHbeMBERSout Us. anoebou l reot teW b W ,ani thetoch wnnttbr ppie , Dotbat jTaunews tt Lm t ii ou ine t Icet ot Ri. W oi igie orer'son &Inb are*e erp ; i Nîl CîonMivis W.cni fLt ioàlon rfl 7 a911=11 ri:nsyýdS.P' CUITED n 1HURolyeo. HF O ma r s e ma ir s on t e T ma e l o f e -au . F .. u oc- o u g e w î . n gn oy * t Ttairl cen tr d e h y i e a t t e t d l v u d v n c n g v e o d lg o d s t c k a gnn aîpleecaveto trame ooetovo M. Unieit. 1 e .)p()et. t ie SwLwPrias nRmarn a.'et -'-Goorgoovo- - 1 Dal p ro sam to.ted*'st.owiilli a iserietra ln c ouraet gu .ropnîhe1r idêtut- Il il Sols', OLD PCES T.he ceai wavebamun g tc e , to "«M.' of aur!m dal t e i éiezht Aîâsom v. &in orv ice . l'hi b ole:i W m;' ;!" ll. __________________________ aer oMonth or a ypie l for a r ri s oetpremiuereardisn te ia. or e Ieytis peoha. pt i mU&"i o. m on. t - i rte t dtyevofle ov. . cti i t tersiste i e o rio e.n i i e . . P. 7sing arn g.P bl c w o apurTo e o t w e rl I w i . L i e t ) i y u a aJ h erw il o srn ler par. 1 Ionratlgaowntbae-E. on iNOX CIIIJWCo DoViEKt n.'ii CG Utisîu Ma laie.'e;L, o r AMiérran een. re (isen W s ii s rrlit asicul treir- I th L ts Sy s ui o i t ara on four se tt r a pc ien tom ie ran JuMila. ies . MS .hiîglscnr ,,nai ui' . f<as. Atulnse to, o Jîpl ace udi r e dî eti on aTheol mouson Freer y ss uinvite M.y Phinspection .theeter,, T iret mlie, .an ac u.Ha m. = Lb, B k, 's _gaSrti liton Haleine P lm ir ecgtown. a v arfp; r.,, game is aorar on d e d i velna-sL Aaicompteeof vn utagea lestpear and voiMay ai eir a re lea n ,nlil Wle T oron, mmtd o ei. A'rsotw yàTE EDL - ailCanai n oiocid te i rtaenntê Vini ___________ __________________________a______________ résetvfiretite Kicg Sresi Gr en t a.i . r'. p rumîs tt o vn ciettMr. #§W..ionte ie rmot, loOnae onL.-Pho e 4g N111133 teuter] . » Ev ery tetirs u t p o pu- iypion.rn o asaet n t, jv ti churs'h e ti l Pt o ul r __ __ ml Ga or e t onHebrdta l v. teand sMr'@. ted te get Zr tos d.l i Nm Snd hen Mo er h ri',. Fivefe M tsr'De.-lreShp o evofi eo n is ai pat . M Sondes ...c.o.n75ns! verC E eda lfb odl e i@ ;Lîb Aniemrq, ericsaili. ebisi Mio R p i I. . nis & on, b th rvil b c s to gricMuuo osic estiva. o l uîp v yiii . i s . .servce et 51 Iénv 4n t hs e eDo tos CbiqLito . so .n tera veteen , wo the rs.o erv BD y ol eut t. lce, . , il C id eisS ls.4 u apleb-o re n e napi a .s a My tenea it-ýI b ave r,.awaratugthenca mu i-or i'u-ý« .d p fiem sic yits " bc-"" ii5t~ ring -sseal. u ta e ti . n o tendts Zu hu c1h pantaâe.iPorxtpertMB.vii bil ii.Mayeset ni Ho ing araIIi 'have chigcinhul ad desetfib.-o hasb*rnzetly ai. fe rcieci e i ds ftornrgtoiee1-i' . ' e'Fit R , lsgte F. o ulýerc. s trem th bigis sehoiLcampuladtPOs'L aua W Ulngnu.ver'aler.soe ulr e s«t ari>. resili e nta a" t..u. ad oser.LaiLa risbu, Cuai ooar Grag.ihae.for ot3ter il. rqus.telt forthé n-r'npmoaî. o i .te hongclis ce. e IaNtabHees h 40toec eivEre rc R iEA M Aooê riemsa en acomvpi ulot e t lavitii b ain te ai rd gi n ationalcet eeie.-ther pviii b. te idi. viicoosîi io ervc . u il.on. O ul o h tnd temp ie iionh alven ut Seton i-da>. er. iN% ay ~ ' sai almaivebof e Clin. Aful e1,20of fMr.L E... amiao .n ,olet r î th m', utH8iiten, vA ii ' n <'barg e ______1.110ty j 'ribe Mnea nelgo hcMutb tr is. !ps itiom as e pe *n22 onr o heemeraet i antheen alse fuei.,s' natue yl b aee.nising bsned lu fo r blis ei l a ell uie tlant ae g-sidec i n- -THE.- Dond a.fet t he Kn ret GreA, co. thi erram s s t e e btt '~eer. iul n1 ev nentn te uranmie andiiob- Phoneto48Fou'ie 339 bo'ne. Eil t hise de lncte..er yo t n ernde p i ing te sin t i ng. th, pove tos uc an ins prt n ini Tbes F OP. S o H o hrs leuv-ii Mt so hing. o t a v aocr a do n h H -t her day' o bou andic ome t ese . oFer rai s ho g euî'slu ii. il- I L O A I B. J O.Os & Son. thortAie uluessmvoie.. adrpiertshi vl e o b dsevc tI Wlem. rl Sineutenl rnd al o l ev ATENmTION!possil. 1 P bon âe D .IOILadiu thei4uday A ol S Iny a om MantOW0t M. new tasp Me> 1140. e iff.m. n d- o ur 4orde yulr ee,. prompt Ot se rviceamilnitsss la ciet tise Thret. apid me, oso nd D o w v iean.bavetiýàmafrve mt ee t n Etery ne veiconi,Ma 4 Framue )isiBlotr o wd. lie <JtAh W.one -htbpaageb itWots hen, _________tre ayme, iîe Plae 7.piro . eOvirslid a p.' elit ont a m iat e tisehm tMm. O. gi ie eoiro m at2.6 pm febegenosa a.ts ,hc oon uand-rclp th12re vers t, l malsotr COMMUNICATION aei ei n u sTnd forte nao se d unde.(as e ad ga a olo ve Ca n aadeouvre.of',' _tcin _oal____a_ rind civ o h e l t isaiP- tuCreill e r, e. b @. M . .colrai.oaue ntMis . 25o. li e- tonw re. l itro ed b- GlS or ysDitL ti. ta "ate etseHlon ss.7h,1or.Ts..1 ur pr I s4e;iefei aySi t iis slus he ind ave>o r eun, iss jmi n- of are g ufee vert e ecOnti1vfo Tr ieen S i s tev veea oye'-'Ii firesil Rve. adtsvi nd p r otais. PM es, B. F tise îîl d oaioe eroaGlrea e nt*e l ocuoiesatrla>"i« . , lm b. . tnnwlle;sec onil'.'prde ot m..40c May set, Mt . l îssyni ted 10 .oMi ieu bydo . r la ving u c..Troue. , aci.'>; f hei a i-Tbe e wtih e.c ing J Srail , B. A..B. u D.s . o tis ey. ic Deo r. E M r.. -Vtr, M e- fe o ut v he ht m rcc a tise o s- o t i sI g e i n s o i vile that ondich é cees s , pmt ec.ai rLe SILVbc een hu lmu wTuA- S t hie i.n btrStret. vis . .. .NA E PAR HIE YU peiuple m haek!M a t oe co ta eeM r B. FtEa, o and tht, a -arcayd o H miltnii>.? n<,br uai mPor tIs hit doP moreOf tor ou1111kàMri.fr ih Peat 2 yave leofthoeein lt fgs.Threin laR II dOm,6b 1 UnonWi5. nttu. ail a " Mons busreis.vs ber ll rs Sun.largre vhnu a hoiLelc i hi hoe lir belietth omeCuof Mm.A.tCollin« it days eehncemon u n Stdyfre le r-ypp enino.thsg eivsid lse.Ne m nud ube! Poe 1 frP.c von helie hVà e m on t îr lait tire.ockf aon. n hall.e hi- î h resd elwota vtieaetrgten i ndsheir 30l r tis e taillco n.t ecuoing. te Ma.Mn R.oium n, presist, ai - poyew veuinp ratioada heaii slp.wulciertoh.'Sihh rtday i ai ht T v.i ol ser and ba'îisic itm, . 7to'uvirehveor vomtdet roy1M LT N D pistmenthemPlbor nie d n Mo n.d kfivse cn GonMdHî,b Cm tehli.&lvitSe ved. ilb ali nteFresfi. ýoeseln crti iw ge, nSret OrnHal on Ist .an ia oievhono tisecudch o. i. i hiniiday.AoulektotG ap - u F a e P, Mondy, ay 1tb.sti M pir. on to r re imushain promtatenpro-fr e change nd I vonlhsMette Wh ie ps("irsbo se g a.p r eniu onmuet dn pte ntiorn me rs 0. os oucàtesc ia t 0gi. finel ogg tom"n d n he D hiehce... n. tda.tise Mis won adtis n tesOreMNICdeiA IONc vasefo utphiude ad r baven 30 de s f e don cs ts e Mlo a pi e ane higouinerl. .Ne ,canr bat y tMagetoille Mcie.n, aaprîel atu Fr. fi clsud" m.SortisMAilto' M -ay OW7h . J1035. nWOale toesLimiot.at tis oureit"Mm. MR. Mie, Wi.laie Ofla' va>.hP t e tirnu fI 01mRu Dc i-ig ce Ms e Mr lc ore en s'. fi, BeksO 1 i h bc gavTa a0 FO E iou . e t te muet S i r ub ie. îno so Balo e Ten- um e-Atycae lier. H it ai.un ono intelliù en msil ieu ri. fno l duai ,ep Mid era CalrriB. PraCbe ridue alwdcvlarg prl20. 9 e ller o vli, - S'.i 8 e i 8 4ontoc ni ura Moayyeod.- b. a tone aurand i e iden . e Mm. E Mr o . Hum. oE>.urlCgrn, tn, & ay po s ee 5.Avrynoaheveig aspe.isoi eat utinPr in.thse te. M ii- 'loireto . MsnonId (ffe. w lei net Rmforel suidntPeif Lire2 2T nran-[ Y metatu 24 binssF"daand polu>.61al EIbeSI.LoVERàpai E on S W talay, la tRiclmolto ee., lue Laeldoiplb P .n55 peeile viMa ibveha ngcveiu d.mar verJtis eluent b ain cetse 2f et bas doyP1 NesnTv hp.nlVlL at moe waie se tise 0te dom e frci.JIprbit i.votîrm o. ern s enaiya" y rs 5 joFiemn APreE tad oft,, dAor A LA ona. . n iabul b i riaur.Atut, ast werin it leSu. elup. a ok holu lire'saist' LA-2 D Mm.e:e n i gh.ofd- eI vit ti ey, hS svs.n oa.lspn Stu r erive Jenl ameno bi s le OSd dtea hR ti'olIy e d er - - k, < IJ t bumancOesltssune vlI sand. gamea tis vielng ldy hing isa Fntoma rii et r in eet îs tor Ah re.lii bdrin, ntite id, Mains 24r. Thy ie g w ree i ve Clare.' las ître Han i i bdüàbsat'y ad m ei k.6 Ho Bal O r oo f RuPo.a si, i oionb. Rla e .E. ln, i u ninn ee- M. . t1> pm.t.'. ln ric pîietleier hoSmeavl' unronil .no Mm. Cereutb RMmouha mpbso l eeienam'il h LmtM..Cmtas igR1a- - - l.c GorgeRfor moetan 52At r-'iThe lpin.racagan ol akto 3 a e N t F a e 'Oeri n alsiri ampbil o w u gd e cm ro f h m en t . e reta ion .a m î.y iuuas I-lb, RîC M M ELLOgriev flo St. whitebhoir e c mnbeofte isinBadan telacs iettoee e ano ns Sna>. 2b.et750ýp rs a Ii ancpesliigdel icrly l 4 ben ieat Ma oytuNi e .' pis>.l or. rie voalnote l UnD Uf I 8 U hite'aCoeeeBsuis - - i,2çCOFFE in e s n tiele ot, T Bo vu.hesiMm T.Coîsn.ao is et ilaiîe il d'-to islît, viire1et teisandtis ib.At stgver iors MaryCwson .n.ER NTPop Mgi aki ewe' -lu n 8<I-eTis3 The u uritise»Yraree ce li i fre in ON E . esrRe hiepapi oMerVeti haB R NT O LO V E" n lve od Mr t. mBnra vn m,. Abirt. ianos'aioeniswoneu H m -At 0(a s Mmssi C.,, s-slon'Chole inote i e Mu egain hi.uitalii.a er>.attraie s esîain is; coJ TO M avATOl2L.13.t r ndO atn m1 i ft e.TnS g J out et iolyo d. IIC,>. - Fmzt.e joardn m Mckngzi. Aia il m.i.s m.siR.Hp eTousi rington, aIIO X DO Sinting o . ' e ro h ag. 1. Reep rton e ereiieou abrs n n(Wlia eI ') H LtatPe Sueo 2/2Tns - 10g TisPl av'iiarmetIng ut Milen L o t, h @ot eo -te l it In Noi mpor.d Tmatee. 2 bi.on25cC AL A t'le moreMtesî n a>. it. i 1c ieci fiormoVron M.baygi,195 rsaoik ueEx 11/2o.b tt11 i HA rMA EL as .soay. Mort tâtait Matib isln tu.Ao i. oqest p.peliydtdFiH. ro. tr el. e panhe r f weil nd ale le 's o e ilRs cr isseitte Téeoigwu@oti eraeMxeln.i ShWa. hrifsJll o d nP g S IIi L R 'miecontihtutionm1en, Irnst i en h iunld nientbehs'lsscifront'tais lotedR esiue.ss:lLatiI Ali iou~s.drainente et r sîll.tir getlean le d"" a binet 'g w& O &ray, ad Am oi - - - - Pk.G#s Hego mo l tP u ios"W,,le = e ,cdn o nci l a>.is. -en ,, a 1.e 4)PW ,MT. tu m n nu Wpnedn Sta. M>.D i.avi f) tPr ise riCre s a d g tai sle"H ritiesR IG HT ILs. i ' Elosu f bceo i ar e i i c t he.'mi table t o i d is îun siilsi ca rese Mal ti i 780pm. Oe b'aeoe, t i e r.ng artt tse eu- ru q iI re ho se-3îtW hoolt Bscismb.2 euCF Th mn find o .iBo g e. . of lse n a n t bofVconu r-e' t ~ '-ug& L l rv e rt Le rAsIrigî At'e rr Caaa lerîesMsMryle .n TBi I I LYSIDEQua yr, M crle le ar tv iii a . pree.st rud b.Met.'imi er Te v rit- e vas g'rasama.s,-. 1v-L.umn281-1.as."I- Totise all~oa. as l tdine r.tesBoin. praien iai tise i ake,.nii e cenva rahI. ,IIj-d Ça-..1>,I;,, u t, or-a nouridsy. Msfor tison tai itsesctse. litscsoirh21e taills mrla puî.s i ptardry eii. p s bed b> . rn avie . Sttaciv - ti s lhBap. O A.r TOd llcis t5iiirui A..PA.,vis .ilc bo r nTie Roes-rn m ell iel. ' o n i ita Ps1,114)vS7 5 patingea n dmues o t. PSI c e etig o Tsorîs. *tgh. t. ressinabe-Etimaes ime.New IM6 en. airavas on t o j'o Iale e.' and Weilig 1usd i us.'. s,! i1'loîai aIto M. Balto Htn. ot oc adiae>.. Ju eiloc, B .0 ~pa oniu s MILTOSpn Gsh.'lSf lt s aani ragsprdo. _3C - 1 e 1 sap,,standardurCLne , Misai St--__ _ _ ". annI pei a I I---- -- -- - -I7 Thf sieg rti maeseing of te O tL ,is Largeei n q ît. an mpm rsd MAI STtus: Mlu21cc L_îN-2W g lu t - oen ieg F et it ion. appeUraNEWS!tta thu r.sost relus do, evtig, ayOth at8 lejcki NCaREAM bueY BUTER 3cSP CAL 5clb I mI -