WALKER STORES Linited CONGOLEUM RUIG'WEEK! MAY 4th to MAY ltth. (;et voiir 1 iiry bleuis for LCuemsc g Contes 6 x 9 CONGOLEUM RLJG Gl8E NA-%,ÀY F R E E See Our Windows 1---Co mpa Po Our' PrIes 1 Beoderfess Congoeum Rugs i Border Congoicum ilugs il... ..13 0~ i9 ........... .......$SV 7 l.......... 5 no 7 xs9 - .......16 6 9 ............. 75 1x .......... .........785 9 x IM.. ..............6 75 10-hi ~..........9 5 1) x 12.................. 795 9 x 12..........0 9 x 15 ,................97 WALKER STORES LTD. MILTON PIANOS VIOLINS music NHIIi5<5ANNINCI. HAINER, <5OilftLY, Iuss'5NINTY 4KARNNPIANOS &rd niher oeIl knnwn lOfler, 1 lies'.. on thait aus a oi olehîsit piano. uily i'îs itit e f esbor tvimi R,%age piaucm t. rCnt ix sIonia i t o lowel on purîýhm* Iii q s' talkeîî in N'101ANH. BANJOS, 017tisOgiNOLNS iIILINS. I4ANJN x' I"'R AI)I.I gio.11 111 8TRINItS, B0VS, and aet IM-slemi Suîpplies. PIANO TUNINO AND GENERAL RIEPAIRS lover 25 yparm practitsat experlenrs'), moi i a i e!Ni rngil Inst rumients Re-gistte41 andfRphC ' o lin lB.. [ON! irng.f4pir it' ilionte24, m-roN H. WH EELER T>.4). Hi>. M SATVRi3AYS ONLY I ~RETiJi5N 75c.ToHamilton BUt' 12-TRIP TICKEITS ONLY 2c PER MILE. l dis' ssii1s ri.My ii. Higlinna, Ki g Mîîî Ouir.s tot,, il i'l-sW ,,nl 1i) lgltMi ug ic 'îî m OITO ilC i!ir irIiri- fiirfliil!lî'îîîl Cu'v L'...i 'i)ttuetciug lii,. ssini i iitri- v.sI ifioligliil theuailîil""- c igiiîfres o f tluii. -.ui id ii i- andiu osî eo'iî bigilws'i'ss, filhw ' N. Killne C, uic !.is ru effs.i s riti <iii.frpejisis iiind lit, illi- uiIliiii Ym uir !r'tiui ig-iii-ls.5'l-. rui ,,it i orf t ii l * iif , f i n 'liii ii .ri os andl tiiiirlifSitis w ri i17") iii ilfs Il:i li . Caritelon's Meat llarket ONLY 'TifIESI 'ii'M1AT AT REASONABLE PRIC' FRIOAY POTATOES. 2 pecks o 5 ROLLEL) ROASTS of VEAL, per lb.----18C Pineappiga, Rhubarb, Aspaiagus, 'laatoes, at Attractive Prices. PROMPT DIELIVRtPY PHONI 42 LM 4jy ï0.1 JUBILEE SALE Grape-Ž'st Flakes (2 balloons froc), 2 pkgs4 -21c 2iiprerne Shortening, 1 lb. carton .12C Struwhîerry or Ilaqpberry Iain, 32 oz. pur -32c Ped & White Jelly Powd8rs, 4 pkgo- anod 1 free- 25c Lux Junilee Offer. Jubilee pkg free -.th lg pkg 22 Rckd & ?mWhiti. (4odei Bantam C'ti, 2 tn 1 Rd & White Mlatches, 3 boxes 3 Anglet Keta Pink Salmon, 1 lb. tis, 2for 23 Pitted i 'ates, 1.1Ibs.25 C'arnattionu ii'stportted MjIk , tris- Matgie- ]aking Powsdei-, 1(; ou.tiii (cash &Carry) pert tt--- - 2--- Santa tClai-a Primtes, . t Snowilitke Arm niis 4 pkgs.- -- -- - -- -- - Gnld Medtl i iced BRectos and'arrots X 91 Red & White T'smsatoc's 2A se titn Cll'i ce Sinpapore Pineapple 2tiins Red & Whitp w'ax Beiîns ---i-- 1c 23c -25c HN, R. C UNNINGHAM WE 30 OELIlVER "$Quality always hlgher thon the price"' Old Nippy (2anadian C(heese. per- lb. (Jhtlfcrnia C.urots, 2 buches-- Arizona Seediess Grapefruit, large size, 4 for oIw Local Ncwssie bioes e N e à. plsellet t surir i Orhfid the. babyl ltsa ibmWalb Uêoi'a d. - We wft't gcive omidt- ResdtheWalkr Bo»'&ad.And u dci$ atou aayte." Rea il aOwen'@ ad. on <Mbie pfl. ÂLL VP.ilAiq A TA?19s Ir Y10 N1- ldro.John Applebe, of"Stuwa.tonD nbelesl l&OOna.da Légion, Milton, ffsii observe ber i<tb bicthday onMay ettends a beltliIvitation teaai v«e. ?th. « 0toAolis tnCmIl à,parade en 0îkvlfe's tax rate for lUS ui!l et. outeide thse club rcent ou Main Ut at msai n oncianig.d fraint lat yee.r--48 Il p,m,. standard tume, Bo fellotis. Fille. aeis eout:and show hou se*ouueld tado Roy Chlâbclm, of Sault Mi.Marie It lu seîc.imO d476, as weif *0 ta cote. visitesi blés-eter@ and iiiher, hecn , ô 'ba.ai thé 2Ss Yer of Rf. Malsy, 4unsiay. King Gs5Ng8tLb.I'l'sreit.. A lIJIe1lis HOLIDAY,-Mabyor Rf ifott ,ÀAlkgéaudience turiesiont (o Mt. fias priiiOed Mondoy, next, MAiay Pbl.luimrvlouehfp e aAgue on Mondal ile o hlfhsiday, evnsfng ta evrnI.lfftthe amatpsîr Biramptosn bansorti,,rd a ne, En, . .O.( . 0dc:eto, and sfa afcér ifîtv-tfie Boita, Rsîber Uompaîsy. fine lectusre An bortietltur. Man ft il uf nspluy 75 bauds. qustfne on thh, asîbient biue asteil lFRR!fsi( 'ithost obsff-aioe, complet.s Ai ekanuer-esi tIsment.il ueh Aw uNtro u eS' anaptoi&-math.mae1he me.eting morc intts.ifng. r e't Fr..5 Pank Ninhois, aceompanmd byMie rst, Pe.-Hl. W beeler, phone 24. fit G.ear% Turner, rendere a cornet PiftNR 89-r-2, Mfiton, for gasciau. soa, mad Misé BoeyWhite and Alex. fnë ef off.Diatoll te. mator aile. ame.. MaNsbb. Ralton Musi cal e'astivai -BIl .BRie. Wbolesaie Distrfbfiors. uwi . cendered salon. ubf chsuera The Silcr jublile.of King Gorgeappreelatedbl ier&L udf li e cerred ccxi ?donday. Ryrnt* à mi litary parade. ln uhf h Ach"o andi bslidaye are, 'omlag in quickeue.ocholdren. cadets. vetican@.Indir.and cession mto00Wn mber. of any othar organfsaions NîsTcîs -. DmInon 8s~.. U*ie fvi Ledte partîcîpate, ufil csati. sMifl necloPesi for buofa... oeit mon.memoa.L.Kn' EilsE day. May lih, la hanni. cf tbs Ill Brametuneact Monday. A brfet sud iseea iîbf e..patrioie service Weil $tateti Iif) p os. and (tieens Jublée. nGÎeePark, and, after tbe parade Dont folrget the Kttsg Stroet Green. 14 Swinsburne Mensueli Park, tise hote R~vrytbinsg lbt plats for yocarrs'fil lie a royal saints hy ail memisers garien ansi floue tée. oui fetthe Peut and ESuri n Réisment, a prfres. B [B. Jaee & son. cadet résisuer.ad aerra of sport. 1%@. loua msi bb uifantf y decorai. l'le May meeting of Elcrnby W. I. sor Lthe accistoâ. Tise foun couacel je ubfh ceasu#10ntbubeldn Woduesdalý, lprefleatfua s àmédal teevery psubflic MAY tt, has béie poBipooed fie 00on mciob isd tskfng part fn thse parade week. Pr.rticeulare nix ai su . O.D.B.TII eg rmetng f Summer d&l'b are 0comoilg,00c usthe Johis lton cbap tercfthe O1.0.i bave nettegou efor 1Mufti, verCuats. P uletaithe home of tIrl.Ilc Eieri Repaire. Al tératios, etc-B. I'riday alternaone.Mâtre. orge, Davfd. W,, LîINOGn, Taille, CnOct Street. suos won appolnted as delegate to (lie Mr. an4 Mte. J. Rîtchîs and tMr. B.anal t civsnttioscf Lb.chiptar ai Thompn. of Toroato. ara spendin aOttawa fa Mîdy. 14.e. Turner wa., 'tewle day. et the bomne cf Met. Rf teblet' appinft.sd sa représentati ve tte b motber, Mr. .3. K. Mfilaé, Mill St. msusi ci ftetv*l. Tii, guuspemaker,. Mf s Wbfttaker. cf Oatviie, use la. Cali Inbuson'. listage for, battiStdtodbiy Mim. Nixon. Mine Whlt. brat,, service and a compléte tune*îolintler, uho la a teichier if. hea bli in 1n ai aês o f Ouar. JA fuillligescf ledit, gave au îniercstlag accouai cor Bal.teriea, Tires, (Jas, 01. tend acces. Uhe people and caonnam. Helen Mair. curies. celleosand Barbaea iNixon, oiodai mI Mr. andsir. W. origrith. ohris0f thl, muial festival, sang culýîAs. ansi Vio.let iiriMIîb. and DEorotby and 8Mevsa JUBILE LLsoIIstîîc. - Marvîn tirainger. aIl cf Hamllteh. T1se Mîlver Jubléea, ceiehsatlag Hie neted AuthLe bome cf Rd. Cooper on Majecty King George tbePlFith*s se. siuîiiny. cessfon 10 Lb. Ibrone. wuli e flttingiy Never in rceca years have esn many celabraied lu Militon tienL Monday îueople bren noticed on Mtona treete lafieOcon. May f&Wb.At 2.3f ia tbe as orsaStarday atternoanandi evenfag aftecaco. ,there ufIll te a paradé of tesi. M auy dibtant commsunibles uera the publice cellntsipf fa andi local or repr,,.ented by aboppers. g&aiat5in» heasird b httIe ilton ttines Band froanctbe Miltson public Mmras. mmland MingeAilet, sobool ta Lbe Prince». Tbeatre. At Jones. svbterecently onderuent, euc. 8 sVclctthosr. u li e a serVife etbte eu ,sftopéeration% loi. appendîcîtîs la PrînecessTheatre tei uhicis rveryone lîos'11,)h riserai Hospîtal, returoos tai la cordiallii invited. Tise service will tfuî sa bcinh iîe re, on Tuenday. lie openesi hy thse boy scouts. Chorisse nef fit,.' ndered by tbe Mifton 'iis A il,- e i hIe bbiilescseooleourse nnnul and pubi-c scbool choirs. Tisa fI eLstdys' intimatesiansanm aiue an. ,ninlstes o f .be local cbkisril wili tioi. n abe gven the yssutbm ubo bae' tairspart in the icervice and short adl sns'st'îIov letsalleasi ofthosedirnetoLdreus s li e dfiverasi by Mbyor yesrs cof rollege traintng la Lb. future. Ellilott. J. M. ellyes and R. K. An. Tisé many friensis nf M.W. H. descon. MR.. Morde,, former creve of Trafalgar Tt viri hp.ull fî orzy tobeartiat b. I0eHnrnby WoMev's loÊtitîte boet sn cariuies tieIbaholesuffesin. itsm5 lOut succiiefu! Puebre in Hocahy au tack orfbi.cncblit.-OstviL rRm Orange Rall on Tuosalay evenlag, î'îrîi, uhen tuentymsia table uere flit-s. Tiie W wpunnrsure.-Ldipa. iW.. Mes. 'i'helion@ ni EnalanpSietiSciesty KIheèr tEnnii2a idlr, .P.D. D euwa&et Welfsre lîraw wiili tekl place ai tIse d, Me. .Shaple.Gente, let% RarI losige os. Main St.. on Tusday, King ;2.5. OcIl.Huiîltu iisigr. Cliff MAY' 71h- et 9Il 'ock. Ail ticket <Robertson. Contaolatitn.lrSmiceî'. fi' .teinanI(lithers are resîsotel te Tse ticket. for tbe tsîîlîts were the attend. drawn Lsy biLle [Mise Doi.na Dsuwns ANt>Aiti,su CONuTFtA-.-3. B. rde.ausiMalter J. 1..Cori.ilv. The. eu. isioi iSosof Georgetewn, ba,,,@ nom er., e'Mie. -Wled Snwandi tises aearsferltIse roatiit foc tie con- Mrs. C. Wtlggieswortb. Tbe comittes sl.stof nIGeorget.oun,'- OSw sIl Ooothon calledtispon the l.wo captans. po-olffic'e andi cisionns bote». WMc.I Doua. ansi Mca. Herb Robinson. uotoei ile îs eek. and prementesil cr wIsutba gift on be î'WSiîKhait cf thcmoetièe.masàatokLen ot1a"P' TsMs.Therlscnyoapromcin for tier iisitiring efforts.n ebsasge [Fi the 'P.R LtIme taieblb inmailig tise 4uilt content asicbassile -pt ilut rf!s'c on Monday. The cea. Aft.r lsiss.eba vert' plessant evsu. caiffbsîud piassangar .,w arrives tu fagit, wisro.sght te, a close by ming<sng mîiltoîs ai .21 arn.. standard Lima, la. Lise National Antheas. triadfof 7 iMt ans. fortserly. WssARNINi'-(iblidren are warned te jIED késpii fthe auny la Miltoa, or ibev Isl hb' prosecîsted for treias.i's. Il,' IN MEMORIAM aVý ipnscsie j;Atseautify your lawa Ru@k-ln ioçing ase,îoi.y of oeli. dcii ubes, sisilsireare, ti.aup;ngall ovIer t. sîter. Haltié Wilson ftissk, ubo A ncssid ta thé uisoeboiild eaufficievt. poulet]Mayfille, 108C. IN'I'FI5.Niisis DsxsO M .on.- ltîretciam gwe~maf)mours will lingostorever. paintisg ansi puperbaaglag. Plice. Tistre venant schange filemait'e true rea..onable-eti nsatec free. Neuw1936 Teurs Ifisi may cime i'a.suinot ver iins.oi.tby Wallpapecs set ne, buw Our Ioving resemsbi.acs of yen. priirs. t1 .0l culit persnnaly sli Net targoticu by sister aud brother. genpfec.-B.'rNsCII.Ehiis, Main St. Miltonî. 2.. 'Roak-Ile lovlag îssevîocy uf a dear veifleand usciber. jiarriet R. <ttrck, Note, i.the Lime te attend lta yaur vuellapasrd away May flih, m10ii flouer gardens andi pift thosebuildW. ofienoditandi tbio.k .I ber ubsî iiigsat loiok tIse wunesfoc uear. us are ail &foune. 'l'heâte s isirty of wcrk ta becidae. no purmemory le tbe nnlifi-iensi that . lY 'lnt give the unetoplcyed a chance orîe i alie.w rLny iscec r sis.? by. h Linavy on tbe seitbsi.ed .IL ben Isiisit'.abil cuber tbluags decat, l'usaCoAxsîuoss bas recetted cave Oui. love for ber will 11keép green plaints titdogo anSdoc&_..are t«r'sngand atâeer fade away. tep floîner bedm anS giiFdnm. uhfch js Reirrmembered isy vert' Cet@in. ( iull .se have bushansi, son and i lly. LA is e fe d = ia unficipal tsy lau,. If _______________ thist cninif ta a.snoy lover. of fear- dineansiflour.. .P.C.C. Staged AuToSZ PAOSroisWîIN.-Tb, Walaser AthletiC Show Rd HaptittChicfi mcbolarshlp gIvan tsA the otidentf çM&ster Universityb as Hasoiiisisi. neisodemonst.atime tRiaL hiLou Mesinreferceil the bowiand ba. 1 i:e lse iseechfag ahlity E'se ssa uceewrtllag match la the teun bail brr .eon hy G.IlR.eRster, stoilent peeter Satuc.day rsgbi -bsnALb. physirai c, Atî.îBastsiCiurcis. cuttur' cîsis stagedselonther nf tbeir 1 popufai. shows. The club lined op teu ET l'O Losssjn' fa arce,-cf liseur béat lades îgîfust uell.known eoniede lin 3act., nef Ilite proiescisby Toroato performers andi the locais ai. s.bs Arion A Y.P.A. fa the tounalal. quItteS theasivsrrsssltabl7 ind"es. Mlton. ol Friday. Mat' l7tis, at 8.16 lu tIse maisn aut. Chic Miocley put pu..f'Iis plat' la apocuecresiby Grame Dougls e artridge. of Torcata. auay Ubsireis A.Y.P.A., ubo solîcit tour 112 short ocde uvtraie nuppirercut lis the paLionage. Admission 26c. point after caneassaute and 63 second", cf the firet round. RuseftiIl htank ;,ise rigotlai. meetinsg of Mlitov L. 0. Cbaor.;:a Houarsd Pe e soai-c-e 1.. NA . ntill e beid neat Mon. ubsisfGeorge Dennfuiiioanideitt day rcening, May t' f. ut, If 'clock ac.sneteck lIseur blou t. ouifli sîsaît. 51fue f'ointy Master in expesited met, Irving Vesae, the ilie-,-dd ta hi peesuint. A asînber <if esudS.uelgbt hcupion sdboasn s [i enfti also he sisown. Ecry ruesater in welterciie, écteilsanifutis irgesiAta attend. for I.arrv Hf ode and i d rise'btu Jaý, -ho ha ~~~bout ultb sGeorge Wats, nIl. e enemlye . îtani.. ns r ien oMackenzie's Deilg Store, The fans urat crey ez eiî. i Peu«, for fise was-« aierî'so binýe, frcseelime.lort on Mandely and ihe made a great inipreso mn -ni lakviiie. ubere he wili managte a tbhié pope drssg oiore "Jini" uas torySpnpilai. n.Pep tes Milton andfuis. maut' Iiend. i nsib olfowinit ceetIse restiits ffne flouî evcry sicess. lug :ut05Ite. -Rusaseil Brii sien wus Bîsuard Pscase, Sifn.er Glaves Biii, Eîure. tî 0veau nid "cofaIM. champ ; 112 lits. -Edgar. Wattn iost 1te snd Mirs. Morley 'Btrîrows. di.cggesf a lia"c Iludy Maie Leus ; 146 ibis tirLîctîr. aunies il iugfc (M Lbhe-George 'Jolii. f o e.Andysirvr f<ajuerires ou Tuessiat ernoonn Siler fIlcee chamspion ;i16) th- 1;ýL' lino 'îîite a. n itsstiog sori Chuc Morley' won iter tînsiglai m1nu iFf gusîna pig.sud nuow uiew! iPeriîsge, St. lame,, ",otr bsh ahlUi -otitaL asoli zoot hie own. Wri.estllog r 1 f-SIttie eki trsamptou Cooserv'stor aite tbrew A. Brcand. Broadview Y.., Toronto ; 145fis. -GelrgeIisinlug A t'î u.reudsied by c forty- bat ta Waiuo Msttlii..t'entrai 'y.. roie'd choir ai Boston sendi Umslà Toronfo :15011tlis.. luinut. o lis Icote ..i A. Newman, Proprietorl CO0 UT ~NEWS' Ofa Frida>' eveoiog a nuusb"ccof vnlma mmncii gabeedtogemiser isn the euoIul. rossasabon'. tiul>iffe's al-a.. andi organizeS a rover ceeu. L Wil. lard. ci'oîtmastec 0t tise lirst Miit.v Troop, acteS s eair'uiis foc ibis mee.ting. Aftbough shere neere ntL miiy ubo turneS ou.t ite thmmeeting ue eapect more ai the neat. us Priday ite. fies mombere nitilhe Beavor Piroi, bealesil by P. P. Nis Sasillie, ucat on a siatec asi'e bite te Hifeons Fals. Saturdat' aflernuon, C.t. HWb Holas.Louth@ bIs ub nenu a bite. A gond ure mp a. âbaS &t' mlnl the Tise by acoute hs.ee coaipete'sf ibirl arrangeiuonts focLiseir beacon on Mn3 ilth in bonor of Lthe Klngc jîtieile. The Lroop unutld lite ail cîiisust of lise Louis tnwatcb mfs ieiat'a. ubsei nwll hegîn isîsîiediately aCter dockL. TEACHERS T. faTrRO, fp MAe Y juilVI i s Sweeî 1ai .111-1- .111 bf.M Drmqi Uphlaengu . PH. W , rIGHT Iî, lit ie tse.s".'e Miit ii. Bîssien int AsniiPaulensigtFt c 1 'seiigansi e-isvrai fscal D. H. WIGHT MLTOiI GREE MOSES MAIN STirsîTsiMILTONa -~ ~ PARU TU »iNT PRINCES E l wal. it lco & n. 41TIRafaf. Fil, ISut, AI ~MlDomoint KtToronto. uit ecîno ebidrenle matines fl y et 4.16TOUR AUTO INSURANCE PECK'S BAD4 BOY c ioe, rtre 'l .br us AudyClyd ()oudy-1îernseaiyoc rService ta finie very ai. -Hello cue at.» ndPii.i rvea" Cactuen 'Miffr- {ut4Lty aid services. Ncerly-'Nf&ei '..5 Aigus for Moy ysarq racrtaenfiug the ieadfng tarie ansi cnstarîlj? culs M... TaIS MAY 3fi7 iu.ln.le ii.riat.lt mo. rte.MA 6à ire. Areiest, liruclai.',fjn No shouwes luiafth o us sek <Hse .aisiiyand Wetirriiur. CLIVE of INDIA mc. 4tarirni Ronald Clman ansi Piscne e 2i 2Mltto l'crotta Yoîsng G E. GASTLE. MIdeidy Mater -Benv Polioek"' Fridsy à Saierday, MAY 1 &11%OI ies'Bair Radolph Sciitfla-Ch m rs ROCKY MOUJNTAIN 1 Wrapped Br'ead Mys"TERY Delii.. frsltiiy9. "tiîe*ufiy Wedaenday ansi Itriîfav ulleo commencfng etAl15 p . lniii.n Tw 0 fut! pei.icimnvoes atsîrseyeiCAKES iaId PASTRY tom iineing 7. 15 ansi6. 15 Weddii.g Cakes A Specialty ST. PAIJLS UINITED CUiimci Phone 0 -- Milton 10i a -The Munday mhool. Il .m.-Pubff cworsbfp. itteecîng their Royaf Hlsfgbess Juisîl.. @ter uil conductthUe eîî Tisa tien'.@Claebeld their closiez meetfam for thaeaan eo.la Sonda>' tie tise rlup on '4ervIce. Footw a 'Ise aoofe u erymrvcels efil be csdi itid o uad&y., tay lotib "i In the &e SVS itv. ,.L. fMmali. B t!-B.D., cf Besîtinvites it yle Tise euncolroom use fied ic capis. cîty flet IMoiday avening. sahea (Oct. the amateur gacdeaer. deHgibt44d hies i a, s auîdience vush a fine iddrees. Tise New LSW prces On nspalring MeetifngwuemiseScaer auspicei a MeorSo5s. c lilou.hip League. Tête May nofcftise Y. 'A. Wne'sSs..1. ufllib els b omne ai Mr*..A. t %M&eNabb on Tuessis> evenîng, May Ih 1t;isN! t. I 70à. ai 8 16 ocloce. EpetWolsîouhtip KNOX CEURCU Sessor'a Ground Rpembier tbe Mtsi. rJubiles, Tsa in tise ochmril.oom on sili;ay altenU ttacNabb's Shoe Store cua. A ver% pecial programme Ilias on lsoen arrisiged andi uciheffort bas hu 4 - Mii 2 tese expndei te mesure thaeuWo ____________ atltend. a ver, lcea, w'slai lie.-- Coule ansibbg a friand. Remeaster -TM tis dtay 4Lh. boe Y.W.M.A. neuf ols i l.n at',P PL f me.ting un Tuedat' eveiag. 19y 7eb lr ho e ar ai S oclonet ailtiseborna oC Mics Isa.fi bel Andercon. Mi tet it. Bowel' Chisith, Cne , 5Css S4ervi-e 55v undat' vrai, Ray th t at 731fpus. Gmssp cf youlng peonif irons Hi b Pa-k aptini Cisui.., Toi. Ladies' Heois cabri,vifleodicttheo»rvîco, ltr25eavscr.,iti, onec bpef oe.0o Seve. itIs-e laraser'. liuildicu this Suiosa, A gond e a aler fro Gente' Hepmis 4 B.ssisiten - 1 tcnduut s meetung. 4c Evsryonevlu , II~ lliii Corne in and Try Our ICE CRE, 1 Contains lngrediientsq Quality. Fhone 312 for Ri I MILTON D i ofHighest 'ices. ~dRY d- yeJ4 MPIRE PRODUCTS tien, bu *v Froipire prodrt and prom ote inter l mies trade, n ii î t- resI itati benelits ta Canada nd l)s.mnon Stores mk ,t %,sv 'otii(bis repe sezitutive listinîg oi- pire Prodacts. SAN'Ii Our Stores WilI Close AIl Day Monday, May 6th 6 per io iid. BANO ICK 6Ti c &SARDINES BRAiND sW 25 ais rIt DOMINION STORES liacep Specil 9îccud DOMINO - L3W. sueS Pkgý RICHMELLO IL.49t Bilue Lsbet RICHMELLO - 30e Yeilw iLabel s.. GOLDEN TS - .37dg Orange PrIekoe il MUFFETS QU~LAKER 2 17 PALMOLIVE ~A 3 HEINZ sou*s 2's25S CORN SYRUP "l" 37 FRtEE 11 pn 'sii.k vth tise puiýhc San ~5LUX -,22c Ta o Netw Valencia O.'anges, per do7 ----35c and45 Choice California Lemons, per doz.-i New California carres, per hasch --- - 7 Whte Bermuda Onions. per lb ----- lot lmÎ-c-ted Tomatoes, per Lb- 1- 4c IL îlot FREE ALL DAY DELIVERY-PHONE 331 Al STARI ',ci t ( tkSTHIS SI'ssj" 4 i " - PURINA STARTENA or CAFETERIA CHICK STARTER .11 1'. et M,- in ouir broder bouse. Tt e! îniua l.f) lan -.r fie Yit -mre eaniLtary han straw fi rî'mooud 3 Lns fred a litti, Minerai l Bon M-1 i, N,îw isthe Lime ici tu iL vo.n, catti, fo..vahs'. PHON ici A. S. WILLMOTT bl", D. T. GALLOWAY Frcsh ad Curcd Meats Îkîh and >egoeîafs CHOICE MATS QUALITY and SERVICE at alltUnies. OWF3N'S. DRY GOODS STORE~ PnoullMinMILTON Ladies Ali.n.A-Hoslpy, tiret 1iwiity es'pW, ý Ii 85iii ti1,of ail Ito thadea.*mssmde sel h tiic fiAtl s waNiSî. f~secia . .................. ...........bec C ildren'a Chambreo Ovoral1. la.h e'sa ood iii î for Vi)tjlîg tttve, a garmi t thAi ýt I )y IVs',ed ' A) iîO.iiieirieLi IXors, i îî il ljind *n . iz,1. I 2 jIttil : ' s ia l.ý . .. . .. . .. . .. - l c Men-8 Shipts & Tle. Made upof iEîigýi. ',,i ami ii'fî 1 )i il i t) onitcfî S1o cial .... $15 AYLMER 1 CATSUP