Iphe canadlian Chalmpion WEDDIM ODNZDAVRTSUI MILIMa. May S9l.9. Aretv F ster wedding Wéue obomn COIJNTY COUNCIL. ln n .ennoApi ,h l t hmpu088t »An lueretis ours ter, pe-morks Anglican Chiebrait iItoH l Tt RMNT.-COttfa a, Cor. OUMM$rOlftl May ntvatlgliur wropr*whm Dorohy Mne Ojugatsd te 4.,Ap l campon OMO.. sentit dtu cofltY Couli o n 51gh deuihtar.niM. and r. aesn FOBA%-ingr b% th m achci duoUonposa l Raloin euls the bride of George Raaid FO 9L-Vmtie. II.6~~ theo vguarataiCne at0f i nt tet non of Mr. and %Mr%. H. Coulsn, uofBtit)10par thoumand.-- WIrB. Waiker.oi the ogulr mdieliteor fle ouriy Mlte,ý gcite vo ored a back. FOR t]AL.-Stvawborrr plante, Bon. d couitoit, bellai tMilton on Tucaday. fur ovtueireeeniy. Roa. W.A. tr I eînip. Appiy (.111? p&tterson, -ai The total amjouit of money expended Jinderonn OMflcitPr, a*ieinitid bY 1ev. phono 271r 12. et for jetait ehot ,duaaiton la tlitemiNontOtiet. lho brde, gplein wayror county for 1934 tisa.$108,610, accord- ybrft..1tkdIvl naiono ingto lgre3preoneilby hecub. of whIte Butin, th, voi ,aillet ,etlh t" Bi APPIiyDil. HFIraier- CAMP- Cation columitte,. 670 town PuPlIgte-range hk,,. Mlleiiocavvled a a l-e. 1oiielle. Phue 285i'r.l51. '. Colet $90.72 soih;381 couity t.tlilii. ,qutt niBitilly roses and o)ring lFor SALEt -Thra second-hndâ hi- l $90.64; 70 counto papite atteîîdIIII9 awere>.Teli-i bid - Irasait eded b1>51 oo n gonid gshapo. Newtire. and ontgie te otely$6.bl, nd l ue-NlmMun a ril Dikinson. whovie a tuie@. Apple, 0. 0. Pettlgraw Mltn aide pupile attendilie h.elb rentîy, fok(fmrstfoà i oiaea 166.70 oaci. Tihe amout t o 'uvv ,grsn cvi e blonîd hai. nhaee sud aro.. PANTURIER 01 ATLK...LC-) 680En expendavlinî ascii toen, lucludilta attlte. M"v. '. Cu,, l0t'v ai0 ho ade sied vatar. Aimu a Outtoaue fi t mintenainse, delbantures ood Itaîr gubie, ofwin1deignaaIMnu , atMîîa. alae. Apply Mv.. M. B. Hail, Mornby.ln mente vas au ilowa. Aion, $7177,a ait fvaia lcg aamiePOl 1 l urlegosa.ei, aîc o . adacO renmories, Tbay cariled lAVoCntn.54c10(ah White $13072.sienMihl,211,562.0Georgethown, î ofte t ,',vutitoasand tI.IItOg ).gh.av (ChittN. Apvil l0e. Mai and $l3,72ýe; ilto, $zi,62.6; fowvea'l'Iho gotuIiseattevided hy Jette o. lint.iier, phano 293 vil.t yUl,. $27,406.66. The cnttpet :1 ~,hLie . . , tIl .TMrFleËto. Oti.morne.bc p ýv day wa:--.Actoa- 1tuldent, 36.5;, oswer veMv. Il. 1)venan r iaty, 34 2; un.reeollent. 28,2;*di1 re.ih ede. mgi v111. kNt..1iCa ,rprty a iture, 12.4. Ditrilatton -Rlol pîyCt hy Mine Ma.,.dBudduvnqt lateiini eviov, ol bomaAmI . .M I U b -~nt, 71.1; Conti, 64.2; 11o1rel- thse sIgniag of tiervegistev Mr@. M. utb5 tsoai am.Apt dent, 63.8; debeture. 20. (iaurgu Bary saeng, "At Dawnitig." Afttev A. Hluteingon, Milton. lm au town-Reaident, 49.; cOuIntp. 46. ý the. crventny ai- i.ptin WB. held t a.FOR 4Lt.-îav r Iante, 0. non-reoaldent, dg,; dn .0tu 10e . 141-tti ihmeout tiibride',siater, MSirs, T. AUC., îuinlopi.Partion e Reesîyand I N m m e D O la ton--costdent, 64; cwo'Ut9, 54.1; le Cross,, Mie. liavatin becieliiia(iuMy.e irpciO.Ai a. beuture, 204. Oakvitl,-RSeoi(leîit gown ofai îidteight bu. vWtbgle5 Îiaiiugvorîîi. RHR. 8, Milton. lit 64.; counîs' 47.2; non jeeldent, 41 7; anearresd Wrsing a e'-agu o itae- rc eedbn.D debenture, 9.6. Tii,., figure, aima olai vetPpoasaitd largpr. menots. Mvm. POI Bmi"-,brick onaerabreak- ed thaeiigbet conte tulic 71.1 vcr010 Cîîîîis .îvaaiAted. veariagg', ennemble, slow ofaIrcivmoq n,, d bath ;large 50,qlui par clay irtorapupiL. Thie anmai ofi tm' yp iloisand iiowmeved etiope vîith c eliae" , csntvraiiy itutBtd sud quiet bitte prepaure k: the eou. grante for bileb n bol Intrpses wçee nay ance5i..i d aa iilav cor.-jlocation. Appîc Dr. C. K. Stevenson. your fanaly likes beft1 Crleps fianctiovc0 lis' thet i-liicIi aitd - s age.,I.a..toihs happys' roupie etei O 1OWi.WANRItI.-Goad markttfor a. 1,6100 wtt) raeeve a c ,uatIâaehoritpte, brie traveling ina a rifat tiens. Sprnal pries.. If yenlgswsgas.uu 1169H.16, bsvlag îil redy reecoIvrd utofFrenchhbl u i y e g,. Bav us' feramie phone 689r Mitan, lakee, wth nsllh or crosi *15.0110. suriee,.Tues' %ili retO, tn Milton. Or writ. . Raimky, 197 lit. John'@ udab8..91ut.Ad~I Th'e cuils'rroad rata for 1935 cea.,- I asO. Tuyta.t fixeduai even-tentiiael' a nIt 111 LOWVILLE. l4îutiTzA.-.The Ladies' Aid cu? clous missie rlch in enery, ai osema, a sat year. --Knutîz ijrciare holing a uulvavtes enasy todigest. And nou I The malter ot reiiewiiig lhe couni'lise,1,o . M. m, or lýie United Churc IDiitheiachiont on, on t4altiaday asiter-Btaieat! ioad nuranceva dscuased Ri souic briO thirr euiverRary services en ntnt. May 4, tram 4t ta6. Adaitaisaln trulaial osveI ieiiauiiefatr iuratice rrpiOiiiit Sundso moroiîîg. Bre. (Rov.i Finlay 25o. SEveryhody %vairon:s. PourlCeflgg'oa-.cruuchy. di tic,, b50 addroeedia ecou. I- a aiîra,î.Of Biriigtau, gavea in ali '1 HortR Rclu '10RaëNT-One 0nu erlap-right oultof the t poiicy vas îlsced 1th L o'etadmdirai. ion te W,îrk ut lb, W.M '. IMaizl Sire.t;sotier ou Broute St. roet ut $35. Tihecaunil divlded unoitOîe,"lis lJigavtr.atiaii. The ladies' iii gardon. and netsfn Mule. Streat, I adtesssI.en eeu pake. No tr the vote ta place tbe Ineurance lta ocir, turaiei O Pscbgl mic fi' oi tii, bi igar-don. Aptv aMn I. opoe n Mon tarif Comphay.ciaui. C.aviand. phan .41, Isitotn. E.W9 Aresolatton vsie panned provldiiig A gond aitondanre wem l>i-eneii n1 o@ur Take the tlme you h er hll ntrliceto he ourthote" hrîi i lin hal i iiiatic cottt t a theRe hcte, irom tirvrigi produc. bave for thinga yen eujoy to permit tb, showing of antiques i eitt ca r.tn o. înd Clier ltereatîag istortcal ai, sIctrd.The oîcietiee.ltin8 liait ver, lii,,deiivary. 81 par 100-no leoaoitad vr ticlas. This action vas tthenuit Or0.F.(iel Wly. of, sd atr.Cl nd 4e,fcr 12. Capoi a., n a roquent ifram lthe county Me H,,îvonutlIahavoe vaa OItSu.v.- hdiîm oiit Bi Iatue asYeer, seking for elle t1i.r. B-KmrtisOf Lovejilt r.Cas sd 1FOR S12. -MilerehavtBan Fe dth e o'a fvoieu d jueui ige n i-decî'in as RivaeaIn vagon,.in gunit audition .set etas Flka h wrin avr eatgOfacounIs maom vcot 'If st,'iriown. 61cr. Keity sud harness tih roocbiug, in «geci candi rayt.a euL Md The cunci autiorlzed a grant ut Maurice Stcsdiîîad suandel sditira iea 1 mr borne rosi otodlav $100 10 tha Lme Scottie StRie. No Vernona M'Ariiiîr Raag a Eüio. ih i odcniit.Apy etaMph necute s grant bcd beeu made tlu hie argaiioe- Thc Yatiîiîg .Ne'm Cii.eo af thi Sou a. pionrgeu , adcnIin pi xr.rs ya xIav lion mince 1929, but th, Companys ent dey iol îo,îr the leadrhip of sa ia ffcKelong sethod oft sunac- b Il& Major ta the meeting, wiî ased StccG. F. Kelly, were cîtevtiiaed on W, ~etov..rta n for a renewal ut a $300 raent. lle Wdeay o,î'aîngîîf Itest woeet lihe AGENTS WANTID layone. 'et ohy t-h endat Fi coulcil divided an the viotirîg ofthie Mc' 'icasai1St. Paeli'nChurci, dvrpre ytept i grant vben a resolutun tran pro Nititi. l aauted by Reeve Thorpe, ut Nelson., l'ho Loeîf îiZiaîîîrnisn uicîl Ouîr ltuerai cash cambiîiaslon sales eatd hffl eaWt uer W%- P Conelderable diacuaslon îook place ('hîîrphchnosedti r actîvities fer iih, piau enatiies 'oil ta detenmîue yaur Made sud guar.nteed hy ovar tiie change lunlhe mode in elte Ycar ionThIeîtd.%' -cing lsot cviiia ov opotonî.CAard ai urtive Kai u onuOntàrlo. e Chitdrena Aid Society' adminticsttere, An "ittyahuievreuiog ivesaeti ,lptei.tail Aferd iii brng IV tien. Coder a new At, whilehett , ournîit dtji ! u ioe Mluise of utWaltre a staird the 'S w l.cagtithe I ciit pdChiiirrtî viit maiing plan, Box 266, Milton. 3t coovty muet adopt, Ilir ilter eil wtiholti aa,ît ai tanXVrieday 'vol. ~~.g1j Mltlon viliianîy lecom.a elerin Mm Wthtiv.. ahrsoemenfe o' or utîeÂed Pa c. 's 9.W bouae and ail chilidren muet lice tilirwect endviiob t,enci Ttiti ,trttou - edl ouItunboardinhomes. Tuo iew Itelna, îW'îerc t, ha,, ho n CON VENEENT. sct reqiirte b tenoir ntytap.1c75c.tiictS.,el t..îtgccAngliîcaniîCi i h B. H U F F F~ day f'oa iicech cild, and ec itîital- toic attîtt itf tlyt aîvs. iii preeci hiM A N clpality viti ho respoeinlble focrtiocit lavrewclisî'moit Ii May'121h. satd vilii iELL DRILLER Cdseant lis' lai xunlcipoits', The mv oih 1tviaii nieller t Milton ld a joint home for Mi-,4.p)Iivtansd Nlr. lon Thorn",. Applv Humbnler Bay Pont Office. Peel and Haiton catitee. and Peel iif K'îtora. %rtd Haro l tesdo. tDray-_____________ coîuty faors lie naw iegiaiation. Noutc, apevi tii %, aymlest vaek viti - action vas taken us' tiiecotîncili- aI11-. aiidNro Kelly. tbough lie Ivo reprossenîetivetrou, The 14n. al i ,tt lmeting of theo I lAS.- the COUCU on lb, board toIvital â tîc mo it ,cili biOlaLo tha council siould 0sas' sciielur ilh uirh i i iiîteO tcnn.MthiShsve vlsbed lueloae oi-lier action toîp th, aid ittt ioîîMt.day, Mayle,'lii.aussuu f5ies lb, anforcenient outhle r.ew Act. ennoîîce'd. I lIau14 % IIl~ vililies' fyearad vould ho rallier A iacciîog Of titi ', MI. 0. wvîlhoINo., 1VS FINE SALT.is coatly.brodet th, ertb,',tMi...B. iouiy an a cuely lîisdey aîoICI]t 5 . t~ SECOND WARBLE TREATMENT DUE DRU MQUIN. 4e5cw.attoC a Farmien. rnersii.i thrcagiout Rai Tic regilai neîitvlmeeting ai ILe C ton ave Wvol poasec ittvilstli action ut Ladies' Aid tsud W..M Outhel Other gradesaia redtîced prices. the cut ouncli luof uaapn ar the o bri vati bl-d t tireihome ut Mre. m uie puc ,,cipvorfetiact Pi-anS Fvc.' tiîîîgb. Theai tendance VOUR PROFITS o Letolo wanbis udbeei files. lIbe vas ci- sud atitý iîîîî .&oBadoute. MILTON IUNITED FARMERS c tovuehiP commlttaem vilo tie id ouThre hostcvc -vcd oet itunch iir. E.BLDN. AR RiOIE N keymeu dlslri-iutad powdrt r a O ai BD.htta sudA. .MSERICE, Iih I eh catlei-ovuersthltster part of Marri, ai- 0 m iue Jn %,a eNbbt Aeodn aJ. B. Whisilaoct. fac',n r .hi inprocdin Lo.lti. ve are Prpideut, Servetars'. THE CIiICKS YOU me or iut10 hava cou ersted pcs'tairtltPion, 217-t-22. Pion, Sn r21.t ai l asdt piý. h ________________ ltse tratmeout aitheir cato Dars. pThouBste, tpper aned programmet_______0___________1 cowa liaI volaaprayod for flistset veno. vu adi lucr ee,.le spite aiI aumma'r ars, Doal aivng meuy varhle lihe bas' Ca,,', , a gsoodiys' usimber L 0 W F A R E Sout gi-abs' stance Mr. Wbilelock. '"but îurned unt ta, .otir pay, î.gtle VRYCiin7 1b ulAi YauDg veIlle sud ulier. uat pras'ed htic idov' s' h e hLieronsm, Eynu o uaebd'y. vbry t cu i nov show more tiaen ough iioa Srei'uvti r.tyrd ou ail. bick dieu, lhs Morley 7jeu palo caus uet fwdigif sddito Al for IlYI wloetiorgood. Hovrnany jl tr itmnty r mgihig s i-,e utile ci%- of irgîi,p i- rot.V EoRrcitslabldor ondano man ilv mrae. tara Eut ivn '31 la voed tir cracher us the ope.,i n e hoal 1ILVEuncick o vouDo1ent on? 90 P 90 welOvin eullngf rafgrruP. nMon a.Byb i relaon ti . . rit dr t adt;, .l bs'ar qualchauces of 1 1 ~ ~ ~W@e dos't tnov viasa ctis0es affective th.nilerontulta lu ryiug ..urerau.Th L'ie ertn ha. ali, dopted JJE.>I LE EL Oalaorcusaosaebu c tie vanta lumps. Stor feeders bit day ight eacitvlrcime.hchi t1AR NI N&IAITR lst our.buetomesar oing e va- beef catîlo me-,àtand te benelit begi. n osly a e, h't>t AE N N VRE ti er u an fter- Il emnee armnacr. Amoug th, dalyntru tram tua FOR 11 T OUND011TRIP sBtmfar show thal 1he.loases &., to Reg. Smith of Smt Brous., . caity îaho attenîd i ainlTickets gnod ging ftros. noon Iriar îu :Bray icts a lre vory iseaul- Octeile. via tates ho va, eut an hi$5StucS ý1lcheai the Ehiition Oîunds Maysord,util 2 p ,u an tient h ots kara aiovlng ,nsrkei nt'eersamot year uviug ta grai oen tii 4le it ii. Wpr-c Mr,-John Picket 1 m ,iidsv. Mac 7w. excelent grewlb s eeli. by b"ak.. Tie sacond treatoeut iveasudScl . vFior-sud Fuir-son RETIURN LIMVTL.lu ave deerineatian Wiliiad Kaina. Lioydtoure. d> catie ouvri esude lis ajurppits Ford*- nt later tissu midnigit. TuesOas', bas lout I onl even out of 4S0 C of ctiuveahv red'ppid Tht' taimevrjiaiti" gi-caret ptioeit 1May 7ii. Bray White Rock-h'. raiestu d il. Te Haiton biva Stock leprove.- in tir try ,iL,&taig& M i-m PCA AE botrfln97ou feey10 mont Asociation sud liaesmembre.sa hnr tlis. tof as eigs I4MMSPCA.FR, otrha 7oIutDes the c Cty CUCO arete u Con- ancoan ot'aitifi- 1ci-op ai-e taiture ,Adulte - 50C. Children -25c At fesve eta nid. many af iié mandos un tuie torverd Creva ta ersd i ii nwt tie hcewtt lIo lete i.i peetfreimetisacoauntry sud -Fi uiicltormu .fl Mm . TStobbart Wooton, bas T na îrsalour aecvu Nta u.îoprae KILBRIDE C N DA ACFC îsleed &12 Bray âarrd BRts CA ADA lise iiii -ouut f507-hatar tIban 90 ouîng RE A B G . Thi Aril mteiivg ut te irîide - ont af avai-y 100. RH. GA BAGE. Wîîmcîî's -inîtttmnet ut Ic homei ofB. IBritt Rlddoll, King. bat onis' àire. Joeph Mitchell The' meeting )flCG5J IMrffain S8unlofO7 Bray' Barrad Rocks 7,16.he dlt., ttTh Osclpies peiud hs' ritging tic Inctitite Ilm -ie'mrendisit botter tissu 9cisecks Doer Ir.-O.sc@ agalu aur Tava Ode, fulilovrd hie ticLdse Prayer. onut o very 100 too-suld caI 13J paliers bavoe ieau toa s austifu1 The proi-edrt. Mr.sC.Wivn,. va, lin 1EXO'UaaD.DiDnA veetsho hall puilets vemigta dviewof Li o Mots lylug lu front a0 tie chair Afin- lho ictaiia uinra . ess J o'1FE vurS$siIb. lavue andocornera uof gardons,., Wrvas dtacuord IMc,. E. Haîhoîttle gave TOALS TI S NCtsla îsangrvia weuded Ocr ay ta cisrc testl Son- Is ociy intci-tcilg pape- o Pioieer T AL SAIOSNCielta ivanqm Iic daytmr n sd eoulugif. It dope ay ian aKilhridc.' cbh vea--vers' WESTERN CANADA titrisara bonne tatemroe ya ILa eplsiaty ail tise refuse of thicet orccc SîI ei a monev. Boy riickststabave bores out nl h plcodsu gsi. Vrttof its' yt-aeesilo. ia. Chris. Gfitg Dates tie-r ansd stamîme ta lIre ered op iu tie six Osys vviboutidOe- e Sîhavd,it ad 8aerrecipierre tai-fihel Daiy May 1tht t hlro.laBrIfvvaso r tingte Lrd', OBy wvî his un. adu tttei ii..Ciii-i-rent!ironadng aud grov 1iota big. cring yms.Teqe tiewyvnsvr i y1-E1. Relura Lieut :30 deys. pi-uit malng iirds. Bus Brey do, tuisae tete 0s year bs'ser.1hlt t. Mh Nlirttî,rdv e sc sa iim e voalldas i-uluar Coleition t h. nO 'h.'Gîcii, tUnfcrritt-e ai ()NE (ENT PER MILE Cis uadti ioavl ona retnotitaud tuis ould do away lliiicipb Tirhîtto iic0aiîîi'(aoO u ('aciiaaconateruin adcaps loo i~cs cit imIh its e&Ivuodesraisie mette. lunch. Thc1%1y utit e.chici vîili _on _nochs_____._t oleclor i" hc vith ite earb.- thlica-îti.l, vilh e ild et te home 'lsoutiot sud CooentilI tborna. -CITIZEN. ut Mi-. iiîhitcîîAl sembors SLEEPING C:R PRIVlLEUES Prions are pantlcnisrby attractive veiiilie expe(ni -] lto at:end Prisago ¶irketa &1iWoU...sais fon May and lune Jeiîvemy Toa TUAT RELIEF PROBLENIgod ineau &sa .$1.00 pan inudraubis;u ____Toronto Causervalary uf Music Mid. (a) uoîîruaî seerping rare at approui- S."pus a r laluadranm An instance ln vilcett a femnily lied suiliner Local Examinations. matoili lie e mile, plus regulac sutYtey re.btunbet xe b rlue:. taurdolpgcri-, BRAY CHIC parts' tie e ml odeta The 'i-n.iivt'ovcr of r' t ituet et appruximatel ie 4cper miteý enougi moues' hta y e efooed, p' nDoîIev ital, Lhic!tîtidunirvLirai ius reguier eeat or heti lare. H T H R nrui agt oOi tiIse iaeD.to uim iîiîtt- I15yu i.rO -Phciîiî 107 p ha thefm . a a d-llîs. nofoi uneagtu hi-iitileauda iii dîeud juytu fouenda lie oeilO iunu fad ct. ~Aîtîtitiio i ittlffrof-ni topacrcc grauted ut PottArthur, mec ou s ne da. na e.th.,sda' Ontaijo cuitr. cut of seutît Su.i., ît.. aî,d ait tatiorveut thereef. BRONTE, ONTARIO. lia famits'. vin asted wiy oc ied 'Mst ari_______________________ nul applird for relief, salinde m r. i- tiaii Ma5)i501,ui, îutî I i iîfv ysts'S- .60041 relief vs. 110f sluved t: "cOpie lIA IAJDAII ual. ,Hitler uhuied tbis tunas aI visu palO lhir -tes.l issa a eampte Norvai Bille .Associatioun ..L' IA N PL'8 8~AIFC tie varld. of viet id gauvp on lu mans' uvîs,. Nilie te Cruditors. Jia i t o uth. et th.l. ai ILditos UUJ4D R 7 ort i. euailp t sgIe ,the l Bolan aso« erbyIvau A retet abot t ti ac stas tt tat iII aredîocqud oisorbonuthe lsiasdo et te l». spt e lb ot uph.i oilasrIteh Dan' e. o eit us fo th tocuorethth a IIaiiuof, the8 aid deceaned., hem t3iîîîtIan usmpo onis .i ra ee ddreus a n d d e nlp ions. ti .u cIs ty Iulani lidithé att- irea taiculs'htanllsl y And tata notice Lhat alter suai lent Intlionu. dota@ lie Esarutar vîli pro. teed la dilvIiiîe this accota itle naid doceanril amung thi a prtios en- titiail threta, b&ctg regard 0oulytta tha Clmair ovwicih eo eit thon have notion, Dsi-id liaIthb. xeui.ar viiiun l.i tabl,,o là.b.Iad ta 6or Samy gavI licrauf 60 eun'yusersanor pernoa tor iaclaImenotin boit hh ualbacs bau teolvesi y is'etîleaI i lIe ai auc i oetruhutuu.. J1. M. KEARNis, Solicitor fer Win. Guepha. (Mlepi for tb. Exacutar a ieor iRtae bltedth le ti day ai AMÎI,.A.0. 1le5 SALE 0F LAND. Under and is' virlue ef lbé penver of tber. vli 60 aftamad ifor mi y ulie taris'. Campbel viK on On FRIDAY, the 3rd day et May. 1935 et1he haur ai tva a'clcit h. afler. Doon, lia îoîuowîng property : AI! sud sîngoisi- liaI certain pficcel or tract ai enanud premisers oatealylng tnd boing ln tise Tuvcsiai gg aetn aitI'ethéOn ovu0,sietl of Lotma sves's, contalunis ne bnd!îeO Cces1 Oneté darng isst he.le. md eue bal( store.. oaide vomi. kitahee. adiclu. '»L Houe.séade on atone ionmdta sil coller undam &It. Watl tIbons. tant beru viti stcbtlina îderusal. 86x48, Dnisîns shedi 14dB, Wsui aI 2sn Puis'e acres Utiible, ieauce lu d'y posturc, land l letom ias. Fourteon %ae seded tu allait&anmd timotis'. About foar acceit ati vinst n ground. Bomne fifteen ercmsfait ITic aboya elarm vii b0 solO snbject 60 reserve bld, conditions ot soln,s&d toa aemie vilciexpires un theeotiAil 036. TERMS OFS' ALE-Ton per cent. payable aI time oa i ea alance vils: W. 1. DICK. Bicitan for lxeenlar, T'. P. CiaisanmeLS,,Miton, Ont. Auîctiloer, 3 RR. 3, Milton. Ont. SaEOF LOID Unde,' and b:* virlue aithe paver ofi aie cortaled lu a certain mortoire, wiich viii b, prodnced et lime oaisalo, boere wyl bcoufforait fon aie is' public auction at lie MILTON INN, Milton. au taturdany.the llfb dayeiMfa',IsS et lie boum of tva ai-met lu tise affer- conm, tise fobioving ropomly; Ait aud ainRulm lisI r-rtalu pari-ci or i-act of land sud premInea situste. ]i'«o anîd oeina luthe Tovucf Miton, lu lie aouuis of Haltos, sud Province of On- au-sa, and coutainiug by admnesure- mnt e hensd 011e-issu acresbh.the urne mare or les, sud Seing compoered of Part ai Lot Namber 14. luthe Second Concession, New Surves'. of lhe Tovn- shp ai Trafalgar, sud novw1loItg itiu the limitsecithtie Tovu of Milou aud mure pertacuisi-is' iecithoinluthisdeesi bereot imada is'ne Jasper Martin 10 one Jsue Walkai' Devar, bacrlnt date tha 27thday ot July, 1877. adnsirel .,an ofs' aiHlton, 'a'n (>ie Stis di'of uugumt. 1877, iBock-B" fth id s raya uf ilton, s uer 1074. Tin abve primis'lsituai. on lia at 510e ai arin Strest imineiltais abov, lie Canadien PaCifie Rlivay'c rigih-ot-was'. On tise praph-Is iàere ln said to bce recled a square lvo- hoey lanae bouse., 9 ra, ail modem con- leoleacea. vith tonekitchen aud i lon. aag; tisa a tramne bau onu tone onn.detiob, 06 x 34. Tue properts' viilSa said sujecu 10 a réserve 5id ansi tacouditions oa ini. TERMS OF SALE :- 10% dovuà et tme oi pur-uise, sud thse bcaace vîti- ou ntueretle tie expiration ni tblttY days tiemesfter. Datei Ilon. Aprlt 5tb, 1035. W. 1. DICK, Solliur for Momaese. r.O. RÀItSHÀW, Milton, Ontario. Auctonaeem Milton, Ontario. P ROM start (o finish, svery drop of13 S)TARSgac figit.tfoi- dis- tertre This pure qas La refined VIM&tiven s'os a ind sta psoitiers ii a 'ipeci*i Martin-Senour produci lieurtis pnvposc. riae of ticelMost pepulse axe: MULTI-UU EANUL forniail efnaelinsg, aniside or ta. OUTSIO( PORCN PAINT foc pecci ficors, istps. etc. MWARLE.lT va" or acbrdvood fibam~ leu-TmNl4O fIOtIsiGs Os, saaébl. iaî.iocwcllsa Lceiàmg PHXONE 28 USE THE BEST IN THE BEGINNINGO. lh pays in the Endli TIsera ise nulhercws srcdssdu an chst daee'e leut. Ta w5 pýshoueMatn tino renders the longest servce incticthebangain. Maortss.Seiosur 100% Pure Poinst i. the nbost sat' Iere is no adultcrsoioîs ta wcslceuthe fIlmeud sbarten the life ofte. paint. MART N -3EN-U MILTON 'FÎNEAPPLE LDmsVERTPEARS CARR O L LS FRESH CHOCOLATE MALLOW 16.oz. lin 17c BISCUITS BLUEBERRIES COCOA 22 No. 2 lin l 1 -16. tin 23ci 1 imaIl pke. LUX j CARROLL'S Pasnut CIint lpict%,... an DANDEE CAND1)Y .1th IUEffl alend ,iP t .bd . r cavetzd;e ima O mcd-P LU X pupeuislssn saar a Large ftcIGOLDEN TIP SPECA L BLEND19 Pacage&A pund 65c 1Pound 45c Mii. 41- JM,-- CARROLLS CLEANSER 3 tint 14c 'lkx Aylmeî AMMONIA POWDER 2 pkjs. 11c U-W. GOLDEN WASHING SODA 2 pkgs. lic BANTAM CASTILE SOAP 10 cakes 23c CasOau COMPFOR? SOAP 5 bars 17c No.!2 19C wATER GiLASS ' s- Euin14C 2 tins SUREUTE MATCHES 3 boxas î21 AiîiesiAvies CPEAS si<ve 4 TOMAIQES OXYDOI. or CHIPSO 2i!f- Pplsg. 37C 1 22hW- t te. 21c 2 Ns ti I- ue15e FOOD ROLLSW@edPa*2 pkgs. 1 5c SHAKER SALT s"tflïn or p' 6< SCA RROLESi BANANAS, TONA TOfS, 2 lb.. ksliy te 23e ILETTCE GAPf FRUIT, 6 for 5 '32 ~ ~ 6 I sgeiatl &I ONS, ico -- 1 'S*e 1 I Lar. t. . La et isir. CABBAGE, newlolb. PIN EAÀPPLESI freh 2:31 PHONE 26 ~saacialPris...eas SomsMdasi r mF. RRED8LIVER ini it fum the kncîvîng driver. ___________________ "Bc ready vils rcdy power"i'Si C. White Leghorn Chicka Alack's ~~~~~~il ~brcaders arei igittis' coli. îio L 1 . SERVIC STATIN ocur.wlih =u doe, Leaves Milton daily at 9.30 a.m., 6.10 p.in. Cor, Main and Rronte Ste. le en tvh@ 270 "cii. laid 1,125 Lae ooiodiya .~am .0pn !Oitean ege. UtthoseW 0du.î,..i ers evsT rnodiy at74 .. .0p MILTONare b lue insimeaves'SSec. Connectionso at Tororitu for Oshawa, Kinigston, Mont- -~~ ~ _____- pietOb _.11 00 pr 00 rehaInai, Othtawa, Orillia, Buffalo. i i2 - lII0 tIf» FWîonTrot aro $1.885 rtumn,760. single S. A. FAY NISS-* VANSICKLE rBoko12tces 0a 3dy.$63 Plumbicg, Telepis2 01-r-21 R.t. S, MHILTON SComlarionFae Bk et 12 ticsgelale. o 30 das, 30 Mmea'of theCasodia*Babuî COîIS-er an ,kee2tiktgoher3 aa 30 H eating andelr coiî, TICKETS ond INFORMATION ai Tinimithina' MILTON INN, PhonA 16 'lb. breasi aud baers' ndîsvy fut PHONE M Oa5dSspat M7.427. in u 95 or Matarwe, st aIetli versusp.IT--- .- ~___ MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT tr icsieilri nlnîn1i If you bave somathing to soli try a smail ad. in thiis Pap or. C. T. DAY & SON