Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 May 1935, p. 1

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Wl. ,Fur ~ ottump i CAI<DY yoer WIMSUM ffl »Y@ DILRNAED'8 VOtuME 75. ~Itt ~Ïîuabîau ~h ampiou Whem yosr msweet bel Zay$ VAMDY tour mlsd-m tbull gays DARNARDS MILTON, THURSDAY, MAY 2. 1995. CANÂDIÂN CHAMPION TPAVELLEI &£IRb TR-URIIDAY èMORNIIEG .ANADItt PAStI à& b- ob.ue l ftt. I .30 ami-Di)al à AIN ST.., - ILTt'N ONT 2.25 p.n.-I)Aily el suai osse.s~~eww7.56 pmn, -Daily veld Iu ad,585t -GOINt'st roeou ý allea-N 0 î,"« viShats 9 .33 an.-Dalhy, i as11 aul «»M 5are.pia, waeat &%:*- jk15 .IiM.-Dt)ify.f .if kwd*tte -on" .0s5 u « 505~ 1248 .m.-Daiyi W'msbeeii-ei 15tu th-allaul131b" "Cea -SUN ,sSNu iu .11 ta5 Qohu aisl7f.au enssaiaIto ~a,* thoins Wet-9 -Il s. B«&-i0"A tje bon aies,las 1,054 pes - -1st pss551-4.-.0555556bi A "Mes'f ANADIAN NATI 01.ltoute mg CINOi-RTIR AyateS e155.l t , la fvlh15 3c.,moLOI *is955 .-laOn.Lal «%»astouaI .1,h sas eeIt es-»mlo. 1usa saS..aspne. HARVEY IiLIIiST & WHIITE. an PtI5Isg-itC.Repi MEDICALDit-b - - -- Wesin'ghouse i Dis. STEVENSON & ROBERTSON Retrige Fhysias mud surgeons PROSIII j C. K. S MrtljI.MD., MI! POi LOCIN Corconer ndmi&0olSure-cu. Sioseeile te ( ___ _ -_- MONUI ORS. KCcooLL & SYER IDueitjg i ( h.ma. ND.l I qALT. Pboe oMns-Msi . st dVtoris ÂcAT -.-_.__-- 1C.R.T OR. 6. . DUNION Funerai Pbysicii8i and Surgtu nsud ným oie,..H oofl-2 -4 1t7 -9p...ori&- s poneein Ptiott 178 Agent fer Dal'r LEGAL W.1. OICK IïN SU F ______ - - j District (Fu T. A. HIIICHINSON SUJN LFE Il OFFIPCE 0lIER ilLTi>N HÂtliwÂitK F. D- I BEOROE E. ELLIOTI BLarilter. uoiteto5, Ntry hubtuî. i)uiiriuttNixt ior to tae Canadien T. G-.RA 'henpmtuu Offles. I Vagalor Ki Telephofle 70.1 - luaions so9.1l IN TORON'TO lansut. J. B. CAOWELLI M.A. PusOsu 108 3it Biose nases-msp.-$5 (talf Ttp asTuei.ttu AsctI.Iî '.22. Lise Diaisaca 11.11t.I DENTISTRY iCe. R.A IS' GUIDE. seept guodsy flag. exceptSiday. M.1cept (tuilai. 4WltiiT- ateept Hîuuday. *-Z.2 P.M.. 0.3t P.ii [OCIAL RAILWAY 00500 sOUTE. l.15 i. 1 PHILIP I Wlring id airs 7S1BANTI-ERD )mOni for Duai Automaf le A INGIIAM tiater A Worth MENTSI en Ri-quflt. ni-ititONT N;ILTON. tmublilt.Burginry ACi-des't, BitIh. NSURANCE CO- DEWAR kMSHAW m tiateiula t-a .ndt.ateîIation gUa- - MILTON. H utch mon OR. . A. - - Real Estate DENTAL SURGEON POUEodi38 MiI.PON Ofice lu Royal Buildin, Mlton. Bsas-9 ta . TsIsuuum 11 OR. F. E. BABCOCK - G OR D'S DENTAL SURGEON SERVICE SLAI21 Siffes .0 r 'is'5Thetres. Cor. NoMalsnsd Onario SI.. tigt, st ..y 1 ~b arr- -MILTON- Z.DAy 13IRVICE.tOAS EXT"OTCION. ______________ Raosux. Tsi- " GAS - OIL - TIRE5 Tobaooo, CigarAttes NI E LtE N .-eConfectiOnaPr,. The ChIl'OPPWt0P OPEN Pg'M . 7 sMus 1 i . 20111hyer 01 pracliLe I P-mlsdCo-eo e'te WVîICt'tIDAY AaND SATURIr Prmptal ltis - 55. .a 2 tu-oS 71.3 ut9-lpieu lit s Iteer Dominion Store, tlaGTlnrOm.J. GORDONîW. LEWIS_ phoue 110 w fer ther davs aud bora. INTERIOR DECORATING PutyWo ndFmi Paintingo & Oramnlng jAtîsoitiSly hîgicit @prieesp ESTIATE (TIEN. Write ni- phone A;.u(inuButsh STMT SPIECI. Shop, phone 1.4t.De Ileuttilu SIGN WRlTINC,À G A L.phsone 902 ùt urai Nm Miarkmin phone til1, Milton. FRANK ]PEAREN 'Muaoe Zener. Ile uttls0tai Puo,îR 142 MILTON COUllyuun poutltn5 for Yuuu rêee f -lia I COUN-TY OF HALT-ON w LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR m.s,. M.7ultJe- t Opesîs*1 Tasslar 1105w . t 'te, to0 vu xasu o. OS5e Lu5sel. M. T. alite. ubMe: 1. J.DlusB. eu.O as ný â1. UnOf)h noaspo.Gsesaau 0- , ltSuli ,Asa TM,uuse, blçswihorwtoat Jury, d lu. h D---. a. Suuuà P.. eutst orusi Jis in.«"Anonnle. Cou 155.5y. bASci. ((h Jay th tîl uoie. 1lu By 1ICEL, 1Mille, By C l bet te Peau No. 50 i 4W $fmeaam Cds Prîntisag Stock. e Cowla High Importance Marcil .Opi" inIt~ Exhibit art Chicago FE F TLosg Matter of Record DONT RISK BAKING FAILURES Il the PlayThlitendet pitirttg biocks ln exiget _____________ Ii-nfles ofthlie 'eter Iii tl t es ______________________ Cis aywhere lu the murl 1 are ti a ï-, ili eut vileeme Maîil l ltler undj By It. OUIS ~ colectionetetbatnu, ctu ol ad wood4112 ol li, bl tî' ou t uit îîren et frt Cafeillige front,('bina et Fled Mua ila,îr utikuuuub1tu'i-'I vU CANT BAKE GOOD of t ulrei l itry. ('lieuaro e se ln e heti, y'o'ilt, ut luiuu-u N isCDan-aldtutýtceare eugra eeflo ral lesi 1ua ltp tl emrlunt theu' iieCAKE WITH INFERIOR I it lOdltmald Qi5l b illtot have been moe le Ieore iear ur luunilty c Ci- ii elury ruetn, C2t11El t,58t- ~yesr l,.D 108, aceuirinte L 10Jeu tes iltamiii. Yeu retelnîber BAKING POWDER. 1 INSIST leeveil, poundng bis tYPewrttt'. sud- iDerîioid Lauter, curater of anti o- 1hem ~uueit;lI lita peuple apoku' ut t le Ùeaily Bill panel, rate'hie dis sre wld- païugy sand Iel authorlly onorintal 11.o l.aed einInterrea cf gîutd ON MAGIC. LESS THAN 10t y throuoglilits mlaofbai a( asi ~edy Ubim-ta, mitu seeuresl benfur tIean' sw ae bt tuntend fleming WH AESA*ItAK, dejectedly out hl) h ' ul9 a mo ,dornig (ie Course o ilr;: il nu it iuttuy.' O T A E I A a 1:es ,Col)ftundil!"hegrisei ruidi- liy1 Ie a rt bslrvt pflhltlin te Chilas. The ptilting blocks ci ie@ Preil l sun uturnîi MîAM . AROX lyeo cn1ntt el eiot re fourni lu tie aile cly ttei!hohne (lit bite tallier nut kilil ie lat-vi IDMERLAOX lîat l y a bap butlie st'e, lalutlenute a t t be ,pro11n1e Aumis,,$ Del u,- f th. "- aers Ptla 1 tîîluk perfectl' rottion, IiI h oilIleeraea pI uadortIr.Ir..lent be h.rd tel aui,fil oth ie susv? Agaliu.î, eat u Susatnn anduV l'tpattng If u0 ttht btck sd Ab iy orysd h% mil. Ioevn Yfr W1 ft 9Ihîprchalite t hle PI urse ait reugse lt laii' n-.Muo glîlus it a garfeo i olf. Yt awh is t eote e uruen eru mtsi ur lbande are soit and -h !n0c tr,llser l "iii e rvantltrafit e ICi . Crisrteil by a Sleuritiil flu ar1o0 mot fi'huheatvntk pis@ eu i1do, atlaeu*log out every 'l"T h Ub ce eare tbe Inventuera utf' rn ett e c ma s thtl naeviu e n la.. anitg,a'ieIl esat ul u i aý e Play ln (liat bouge for aà utenthîl If 1 bleck-prîs'îîsg, ud ntcsfalte udil sîout o tlieui lu bed ny t- i 0,, 'uthIl e fi"ei' .' à-iliC.,da sb nom., tokem- ExptindI il le- gsave Dry bonnet opinion Il a.thaessnte s frpii.lu tact, et it ilîn tuhos u tnI i i l sdtes rscdill iiw uilm uI Ilstu i ,ü mnu h ,15tro"tligIl g u nilicîtiiï n maroldt luk ma àsouftrud esentllf tnuliloîîg-pae-n rîîiîg i forel teai util a sies tem-îliure" ulut uîea nue î~~runib or adluk-uallet or îlt-toeî tiltway, tIi-v remius os t a ies-r orqiIt ikui iid-.1iu l u pesalmIt... end gel ommebtuuiy elIst tee .' îc . hum. >tuetu lte e ik;e I tillter t'buaro drecteil uelth N aigIode o ierýj hl e t elle(bIspCflCUUOajuob.*11 D octr euer "'teý ' ei neme ble m the e sansd theIlilsl ie I ak i iii iîiiuii outaivlly ollig ( Nioc SSNO A itu-'t iieîu"iiciilit liiavecu boume,1 casr't a'!ard t lu a" IDIl ntlsd pertertelti-se ecitrey of 1h-r îoenti are due te acling, iliein raiera lver l t Ilte klegscul-t toii ha,%I.ir ii-Slies 'en lu'r tei,,1- t 1_1utî r Touu ee, ilIl ss ll'&15serremtitjob tu front (haitmien resocea.i, ate t fr ti u aeilfor filceIlte' AndIi ts lepsu1ibelledI' utsu .- o1,""' oîil -o euncîi ,uuur M'uli 'u' us îîîauy menthe. And il IIwa ue- nul oniernaiotn. Papes mas luveted 'Il s;hucld lIart rvery îay off b, qeli, 00w sueunfat kble' iîl tha t, lu lu cildttita m muaacturuillalu î'llna se early as givinq then, a Btie attentionsnlueunr ine, nientiios ou iîlily y-ltt u r I r ochange lircuin aletht buiMulseIllicehhedsstri (oIle hel wyfl9 e17.te hvells lhoroug% eompn« every day 'aua.Hurt aiiln ___________________________ lir sotos aIla.piutng ot books ft- o lenbîoceka a goa itor soioers, youe hulildeN1W sutienougli nt eonetlins gte asmer W a msys soip the les i sachi, mtîal ma lu lits. Cousîcilua art The niantar I ciaîîymbetwesn (ha lts, wh rs_____________________ For Ille moment yý3 i mras dranialîs tor*etfpali« ram)aîneila IJl io i-jth me t glands are losalsil. Afleer 'No Caurse for Alarm at vriltle ur the Sauu--erstlle Eteulug 1541017 outil A. D. '751, mhen li- :ryilg, use a foot pomiler. Rajstet o O Telegrsutasposition robme muailleanî teebaiQUO wmss ltrodui-ed lture iS-' Suebmthteyour footwear la uu5dr8t ýopte 7Iýst In tfille IlIbn lremunerttios'. But Ili Uarm*nd by Civiisaee captives f ut n iiquel ghi Su mil aoyfaluses a lrae oIea efIctei'lenl prd.dltetelssufcet ahfe UEI VCA raî foce.Ths ld e h safusedIl by s rom tue hat cause club, tIlîrCoe-nutol t ie tottowe- hordbitl t UIndatetnt litre 8fftAm' oaber IbIpateyrte oits onte bal of te font. Stock- Ihue eery Stuom ien cdu were l-c r . Lu v~l~06i~Odgug udsîlmalt mbtotuetAipab er iu papyr' Inus attoll be shanel twicý a dey. lng Pire Vsrtlun ttry. Mrgalfet T he Georgetown iLumuer Co. LtU5 iîouug pare time for edd bits etora thuil:eArsbioulios t f possible svoid weasrt..e osaite lttery awube 'arlytiire monues,îoit alaIg. lie rplurus trons wvil pa- 5 esrtiuo aprlosmet u the nl nrues mo days in sucessiOu. teubeil ouI t u-i mInIum. Tlie mlu ~MLTN N AI tisseil cgare tor lbtmuet sud Iowem 5MÎîte7 tbithe.t fth ro Vhite lu the bousego arc'untIm hirzon sepeelte allaume. At îî e MLr N A I foitr Malrcha. Aile, the job visient ai aurup5aapapler outi1l inI ttaty.' Itutias possible lIn Lte feeît . h ' 1ueîtruial lir Iet- bento yna lue re UItuthe tbeter, gi tor Imot ________boli udneinttese hours Fr! on t a u as, h 15 Very esse t , ho ' tf e es ont e is ver y -reu. s rf i r' n1f r s ed l . W b' a s u n v U I Y A N D S E R V IC E - QU E M OHT bail taken lier teuliese'Never Mnd, Lual Ha& Appailiusg jl ialyfe. le r"-see sud ~ . bal j At iighl, hbelot-e retiring, if your nrth' J i nd afithugliho o asn Recorcd of Deatrasetuon lmar ie-adtoe- lr e h 'Ire IIVe t FIne '-t uelernttnad to soSSut t aOM'btY. heu Ie ut ftiller bîtu-eilge otuthelielotit iiithla 1wmbch yoo il1 adI Imu' luthe mtter? tlieîaml jIhu ah~ joI5 Sa or lil. Inatsteetfbîmelt . bea u oed 1es Ile *taIhabita ut the grasutietuer, the liaulfuls oh sai sud threetor four ihuilalle' Loui 1h- muîtle wrtd iii D-b ? , deilI. Nor mas h PsrttcultarIt liey taI le elucrges front pe- - abli-îoouta tf g-round! m Itid aeed.1,tt iIre!" p 1 ThIi- bot batrlies out the actieneas -ê vn t 'ewn'>-i lesamed tI Mrcia enjoyel tbe (play. moment hreeiling I l uu ddu tluSnl ttlti-cdbalbi-rsîeu "1veas DotlIt Ilvunu,îm l-m atidthe uld ath ardes IlInterior Trim, Builderse Supplies ý Tel îo, Ibrea heorraInter, lt aaterîslsC iromtaeii-î-lthe oelaty v Tuici- a ciehdissolve sa sp on- leurbillodets rl'rauhue. Wliî. ,uiv . îopped lite per.pîrngtre bwur * lia%,vengeance ut a ilelty, andisoate u- f ui tof pcudered stucs ln mater Rond ier,' une oft Item oald.asa (bey liuilîd, Ntemeil mîat lio busd wrltten-ltta o resameut iu the metlieuof utridem barbe tbent. Rubbing Iatly titit ai- 'thal 1IsotIre. lualo jut the son ti' W. KNERMagr ragilbut ale"e promtae-ever ralIng hicn d udsrbiug tii aclîs-iles, cobl i> , epfuIl But plan aluans tu a ns les, i, i latag oith(e WtiîulManage piof-exceliesu pport by hielIre cesa lis bis seedI attî, manages lu du about duel thi- teel mth tlcuta and borris --Andtsa itlu8- lotusir iuiDiin con- g -M.eoi BItte Ii hà,uniralvoi s li hks.acul comubinsd lecturepullitug 0othe.cluet] 'mîlIth(bse whe odylo ok terni" ~~~~~l msuy counîries and lu alI perloile Ai the beaclees,filtrse nmodern lbte u h atroiuenel _____________________________________ Nett uaussiti, feeling lîi a ma& if hsory lhe bas letI bis recior'dlet de- 1 da Yu \ , uuli e indeud ncumîsule .ig en in luthe svorid. Wlat (bey mis- Jwho lias pejure ie litasel lute 1M rctou. lTe ruotaippaliling repert I il your fi-t arcelmishapetu andl lotie t,'u- iiutueîuul caastoropheîels-ut IluIskauto Bill tumed ltu lits sulu i i erdtý). rn h ei us leduAlf-5u i utuîes'a av, lai- cIt-te lisitofta nu-m mre gluietteadaY' un 'Neyer mt, duea!" Iusthures. e ,,0redYugealAi inl LurAgls ine lie seon d be-aferluwit fa tSi. Augusinc, ou 1 fet ta recai o nal mI s fiu Lt ue lms noulill ut the limierjobior uno job utgue lu Nuniia au lisîtreitiltedIn lu tuutities Ifiilauiru oiserla ____ -e î D.TI > 'r hi desIlor nt Merci. Tha mefortunenylAluo'u ial, ;o not forgel Gour lai- si Ssps'"IIIffht.f>I~S ~ MnrŽlaun u Mi-ca. han f rtavitles o oît an ofutArisaulue Y tint enerctues. \Vhee y n aeThi- caril ealntonau ste le boai ta ganse t0ublitril tstely te L R I A E lisuu lhemo adn t e BI 55m'iill timee eiterrssi-iu lu dressig, ion arouad ruter-unu ou, laonvies ytewy n etle ell ie. Snt .aur fan t a n I uI'Uwb Elzaet inlese]ly lier vie-si on the suti el t' ictîe hSsîiAfrtuiiihue t1utifi hane ud oak oi ose 1 e c- ltSaua'u llt-leditferedIl l key rtamof tmi- liens, Alsu, stretsh eut roui- legs uOu-f at8pec o-a -icl________ lud roib ratOoIlienbI rtory locusta, utdI-l damage la auid lui- ansd îuie (Il led iou1lnn ltlil ae n iioîtc-j buc o ns , illie rtatl TtegrSIMQ. h long by (hem ur Ilite ci-ps ot Angen- eartiles as a pivot,.laret nnel uby IJobn SIeton, Iue \ -i "oss>e,"aItu lftgenrnte.,wl n udCu.NEXT: fohra ts-beaîtf. pc bthesi- ainu'lime. 0(tittltl~ foaup and eu'lncldelfu- irclcu1. ' a glause fleit1111 ob te bl ierllier la many cases un recordtii-y arae a xetaes nyu euyr lb 5101 'i'r-i liiai, dns I ouk~ h ertt" aet uir le fIt: reim problerns, write Woss'al intereatn t--uiiiell5m.ork dantibtuiot ici-iý O s îi- o *tu 15 Ylues a e dls 1 d o u et oi l f bu l l vingA r es i l lie%'vu _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ý5î t 5 î th t t in i- a t l i T r ntisy G l b puor sîuma t" ni1e6 Salea. 1Ste W.uTorontol lin- - u li..ai-tcayhei-u i-tu, tt.ui--i--os-o-I$5.0Mai6I35 il mas serMe momîta taler, tter Myiletunat br"wei-'di te roilout t ht SP-O G ARloffD t milleiut ihet i m u e-u nrso uE p r - $ .O $ tbil tuelat eei nga a ne opeailthe'i le ltob a ufriva, hl.ostI ll wr d ort, ar" d r, a i phounishowr1"iîrlei mua (bel tuter.0 ire gsnttiunsprrutlng teuraoui 11eDakOa, bIs as luespecca «RTFICII choiiewst if su qicieaile] Mailroto tar$6.0 $.3 s atIn tbie.thttc e ti. uu ute gletgrui.ofun ie pr'- b-$5.00oolî $635 N ah eut seyadIn ea ilà te cenr -1 st*oc Estbi Tns staTu p-oct u cuit l atis 0 M atralae' taft t alyte i, au-b gag; edalte 1msi b liandth ws ,iter at of t ~ i, TRUSTGsam.nt.,a - unit eton~rml lr iiihivtilngplutin couta o n III aa.iwt hespce4lli pAU Hi1ntuu5etueOuIouin Ot tîcvus Torono- ailyStar - $17 $.35 whchuti ol e rtrr e sb ofstslultuheor be midîe. ite trhe lia ra m 4timtallenIa olitmbu'5 a raht u-l a cautioan§oeiallier.it]hRemothoublunwsuite. the tremperj «a.i"oAüpPe0 di-ag3, Lord mae- une Ili-.--- i-i -,4 "Th mba( Mt"îs ntcuamte Ye!" usc his c iOSoti(r.Alaviunvsisenufr ri untHaionSea r$.0 $ 35g out cpy aia des lu he coner.cisla iliErtlue. Ter f5' a i The I mu. l t r Su y eino h j e alleul . M rt e l a iy H r .Sim un b a ,"li eentatî ' t h.Ing rime<iUtluiS to i e iti o e ollureecuulu yGuran -d ým n an varo-s rg îs(for meneil__ _ a saicaîbodavl utDI uu er ronyatahut weth(0e ront acgunt utIil CROAIN îe îu a'lte utyu is îei r~ , ,rt1 mrltlue.eliWorm are Biut offose.sN*levontIlia v. feu'.h an suIutlie -ut gwage'lieenilmîleliaite saautulni rt 'tlbu-tseunmalwtil dNTp-u ieabuie n vr'nuilnt,, n' 19,t n luky ta dge e thelhair. Pun hue lîtete ilie bt , hse "boa emembir lII pIe ~ msebou, thepiitar le mefniyt l iaoit ig bi. oa aîtl-elutit lei _ v ABE or?" al m eer t eut uleSmm stpoatn h.-~ UW 15-Bl-aB iJ aga.dinmtîlî i ul , -iandi- humuit pured iel c.. j tiat- U niel.I r.. ma ail;tsthe lia, uavu'STERLouING il are e tanut, u mîist ut uo n 1.onetl "l," o tinu eg a mohirIsalle"I f mmua"Delly P i-ot a secondlIme i fetilta, tiffNO'W' ISf TE E TIM E lir tul s ownle ,tesmm a ifur elot?' he easer asientyosri al uultar ueiur lie all lusd it utm b SIl, nbut ail ts e mut05ati ttiin g lingal fedani l et d laI nalnei cct-ru AntrilonTeenîd'e vrc rronimaii tî- tjuut u li -,,ttl l ' it! tt~ hat t reore ta ~ Tmb a ais l ba e ura l e foe s'cem ug~ 5 entsltoftu-asca, au i ai N i-a' ntl" sedrutti-ttes n a (teerre i-nc 10 ntedeIb t ior ll. efusaet lm î ureauuuth-tio'urSte u ii'55o-i ffunIîuu lssR Y l u p e o Ir W um i C l in lfty leias u>lie a. Bu th.- a e ,u i ini'. par tthbom r eeup sI liouces le t' n- el-sc l tlu r niit lO i l lu cidu-retu Tou rut iti bat. lu aoieseute liteiIîetmpasr 'hlitejurytht vrlhu-y for îthotî moralSRailkintelFertLecefonuStock Vpa tîs mpeen ly.tlsn tellstel- vuitmue m ol -r u l ~lll u.Igtest ll, iel sui t Ilaenet ib.entr Supu' ponSits B LS tc(î' cNoenlals pa. oes" utldn sor i» e liidtg hId f c4wt ll o c i-fl re-1 lu ythe ti hrltîî _____________________________ Bia r deu I li, nts *aur1 Ill ar o et Undu.,Uilfftutu' tie-lt Tn Iue t i e g ] i t c M fas. scint ellItîi btesfltinuyertt!Buiss.onsulivi IIr T- fil Pi.Xasna hint cours It 700 vIntmtr" aFliteelotIof____________________________________________________tire__st la- Aada Ia ltEmrsII m s ol iere n ll el" ,a en testnbr f-uh-àN W I H I Et th mo e t% o otl I m li - ii'ýtý: W ,iLýI( 1111 ;ý 111l11 'la outprooinlug s' taruule& «il e u xmpeile elÂuîh ole bwcactdsrutre f l mot edmueplhotecrtatr dfer,, Il ru istDiu e w Ye ork fe I ra . mu e gCalantl. uasa ve1' ellemuîo.ualunit aenduarsue (bougthe rena nd lus I tha tagta fe sal ol tm ln ituba eaA coraedlJuivelri,, lu (1111ld l'y soaf trte offvlu Iostituddoswuthaquantitces.t!boildinuutreeuia(trt thet]li-nirbcolitet'olathxe uLcIfqiilECaEd vicE Ne's-,SwAiLT al n. '-Wlual tal bil, 91nui"llhia builpaecI- uthe i t rrî sbuAIoiie et î d pul- ties ooyal it r I i- k j ..p cil hi-c :I butt S hi actiuualN wlnIe rreMie.meu dou bigî bj c tta, poiler- t'. II lu , sînnîl su l .'io i tk ur l t ck S e Itiuntel e DII, g 1el Yor une, sltîetilutfurtiveuit. iti.,erotutu-hi t eîîîl Ilse baltahe.% hacaltnsu oei,e s t wethaitl tte, hertt-t]y i-cils ho tua pecu t lewge linaým l its emtàhIlai mo omîli ,,ply . t triti- te tutlie lundaîtîPion 4 N g't 39 - 'i usai tlli liinye.hMai-uaor"Ilisrsaita it u i ot il tOtu- %ecb.(ýi wluumiyrau'] biheluas. masravpe "ltaI ltiiîîî I 11051ian re uithil 115 ýDpk lF iL "andi1 egreita I nle so, nlm e e terua ,t" h no 1 woidut. NeiCdetîuuu-g' e lnttoc Ysuof tuile a l in tie"b. ieu't -t ii-t -i il t e,s ont] ritenb a us u a g o. I tal'" o tlîe I'a. ' - Hisinevlasesale A a tria ,For LiR o S oe 10 giee] -tptsmayareius itire tKEROLta If ittustle ndenfeiale'semttyi.1oBitui t1 "AoC mnd nill u etu t rt sud. abel t te bt h leute fYu aule"risa m ehi 'tî towens thoil t i ts -i Bhteen ail a Ala les, 't'iutaiAntiti-cite. 5Albeena look5 'iohileennue nleti ielîsbP.tr C A erste EWalulîrei le aui ie ettîlu-tidle oIRIlieuteneof o LO jeadsu b hseif C-E T- S grtu l-iûîtigtui ontS. lu ioti leti ohItL I1i -lunu hi Usat ii. ihtulIlforut le ata e u aIý -.d Tuh- ltiîtul st e tu i att s ,aea oualy ru-teu% Seilng ureeeiusii Y tLsi-LtBE tise bi- fi)t4 auI îmmi- et Itisber tofa «EUU*M, l th Ilelu her naît -e l sX.w l egeotue nd le >lîi's tuhIir n ii u Ilu.J u e a t e w b i sd e ] s u d t s lR"tu e r ' e ti uit t e 1, i n s s uleb b t1 P h o n e 4 8 t I J ' ' O 1 J t 3 fibuell_ _ _ __ply,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __2 1_ trut C il ulo1ngaI dtty oh - -.Nparim sd n. me epas uitO4IO. sÀaru-t-i- -a--bs utle In, ov a'eae

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