- -~ --'.~- -.-~-,--- ~ I. Wbu lur ,w.. t luth ua CANDY Tour vlsdein tooté aps BARMARD'a ~aaabiaîî Wb li M n 1MY ICANDYI YI v reut iiet ootiigala BARRD'SI No. 28 MILTON, TKURBDAY, OCTOBUER 9, 1984. Vynz75. CÂANÂDIÂN CHAMPION IlIh iý. s fnî,olS mAIN ST., MILTON ONT1 mpilua i .bo'a ui ai.e 1. --it fu. ApsSsfis .is la Tsbmlluussiua"ils Uicd iL4eie.m 5 oc .bbI Nf ihi d uas AItaItTlalNG RoTas ,,,Mm ().,iadao fualue.ri, su.pe c-a-a.Tsemc Ibnt erses 15 îe acu nusiad ecasea 57casis ru wcs1i1 8,uuu a ctlat th.5Ouiara; -uslee IL a.-I_..e, -Il cufflr... îa.# hymcc is ai. sandSuro aahcci 1 RAYuoi ORS. McGOLL &SYER Plysîici auJadSurgeuns 011-e 1-toi, 2-- 7Oîî îonby &p- ointintih. 1r1Oul 176 LEGAL W. 1. 010K - iirrlalcr, solicitor,Lt. 'FI'c - ( 11 iîiîn l GEORGE E. ELLIOTI or.icita -Ni. -ah- ( Lu e Canadis Clanilii tmler. T.lephiuuie 70i. IN TORONTO JI. .CAOWELL, b.A. DE NTISTRY OR. F. E. SADCOCK DENTAL BURGEOIN O(i-c u-or ri-asuTiiocir Niat cp.uaici. to. .ay le. rii K lIAI ti&Vl. tJASIEXTRACTION o. 6 ,KING DENTAL OURGEON dibtu n Loya luildig, Mi"i n. 5nr- ut. TieMinus NIELSEN-> . The Chiropratti 2mh1,year ol prschuoe Ovek uuiîîv dui.IEloiT phoneui,111 wïIfor thecr leva anddbho INTERIOR DECORATIN Painting & Graînlng EST>tIATiiS IIVFN. SIGN WIITING A SPE:IALT' FRANK PEAREN piuuiNIl132 I MIL LOCAL COU tu ... .. .a...... i i B.l h.-.' -- -; G4 .viis.. .. f th . ,-- t iT... i .d .. wcaade - I \Of a, n ra ud 1 h iga. cr n Pu s- ..heriiumc se m er.e.qursd f-th.a Jsi ff riiclisé .A.iuaie. Et TRAVELLERS' (GUiDE. -Coebreited "LatWords>e MaXIy UJssfor I&ambo. Chime, Etyptiame "d Code MNanes Aeegnete ~ T V 7 ~ f ' A --o s . ~ rep. Found by the. hb~Porti&Limare lw l Britaim's RolIimg Stel ~1î E JANADIA PACIIÎC JRAIWAY moe10ta aliaI t trmouus 'lest worde, l la'Dl MOSnethe einbltu civilisation.loît hien thOSti et Teouros inrdf iflitC JANiflId 'ÂCTAOftALWA a@nDm@ ay rIlybave lien Id l bD Iigtbc "dmailtliea e +illeeton bot the of utpleoit% andtoweiafor duc- Ol kI* iroln tciR -Uu Ice1.pl el wo he r etiu- "bw~T4rt e larg pt oratl ilow.e s ad relgionuare Ibear code nemesand an familier are lin.-Dlyexep fin«Y te. tel, Otier are traditonal, bti!.01 Dira5OE0fbbogu i roeynle nU it ci ieurte.t i.rei~mctuielu- ALL MARES ANI) M IDEEiPIOPERLY '.MpI Delce t nii, rnra 1,re 1nle thealo teode r t tbmourdut e iole R~iode ndturathde' oeIy selId u tytvhl 1 PC F0 RECONDITIONE 1). -fiaNO aalchoartckata PaIblde.llea Noers an retils bt PCK ROMCAIIADA'S LPïRGEST STOCK. 9.33 Henry Wrd licecher-Now cornto ilb uct eJir fulo. 1!beIlrtet ibir religion. lTh e y thlil hl ec nsd lrorilauni, .1 the-eJI l~ b .syotery. fMMi7rie lu bombes baietU 4"Barte are latermlae le y he peti nt-.<ri'îl AmansOV lli £ sltck elu_________________ 12t31e.m.i>AI eopt unley. l.Bven I<wu# asdeat>-l %all i S»P ls finuor with bambos litoomi. luginonol tepsetrîce, vasesnd Pla cromol amo oln sokc heur Iii beaven. Therlel sta write on bsi emboppu ter.n.a wbcb .ymboilaed the.actions utl rc' 5DITIOU O aMrtruckBUopenlfor Aune Tkllyn--The cxeeutloner lui, Ilh flmbantpeD5. Boum .are milselbhelpeuple. The.prodomluiating 80w, crpo-rrlg tuBRoe <r IT ISH & AM M 'AIN *UIUflS1LI 00109et pa)i.~.3.5l.,01 PUI 1beleve, vecy expert; andI i, iec i l bab~Oloupolie a et tii. In the il ~bitory waiîîunouffiteliYI cwA or iesdubebost7.r VI'V)R. Goine Woo"-.8 tu. (111 ÇM la iey ciouer. crevantbombes ville and roofti. flhe tcpenny, am il le round depctel on M cw Aou crry 1 tosoubalel-7-3 VNERA l.,rd iyrn-1 muat shoeSp now. ad bats are mdee t th e am I , I Drly *Ilithe tvoïka of art. TOROeTc Jullua (esr-EIt t.,Brute? (Te srong confotali. Inl Sypt mien, lhé bielery.of narverlCTbR.ONtc CANADIAN NATIONAL R ILLWAY Brutus, hii muet rutîite frieun otdl. Ss r ia i3.Tinvicoai 1n u Iiu cîgu.TrItl CTldcis ie 00100 OCTE. 011W OUTIR. Wten lie labbed film.) la ai fliitek~lc Impressidon vwWl eliiMel fer bar, ton, theopepiael floevici ll oriofs loiland (ierai Motors Dealers.. 3tabllîh.d 22 Yeire, 8.04 ià I 71.m. m..Charlregne, ColumbhuSs ad Lady CiiIseY beeirni thb. iretI airotmen ou tlb. allnsd mari@certain Sucera upen samgenerle-true. fte ir Ory-lord, loto Th, bond. 1 shivc te vieil Chine put Lu et soath -arll etl eîu bpr ' ' 'vi'c~~elSEE OUP. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE-~ --commeni m0 sprt a$en porte, la télie-rsrill5gISO aul.tt pilplualla lcrnedMore ans- vît, oveycuu.é on pate n f tli n___________________,__poumon._Millions ut ChIe..., partleulalil Oies. "Y lhou 'rom Citlîees Iltor' I cinirawhyle as ut s». re tc.Weir1R S --- IL Eieotploaomi for a latent oftihna. -hnhrl. aoIeEgyptisen: :i'l :e:l I Iîoeo&:e WILBERT RUScol-lMILTON HARVEY PHILIP a ejamiFinkInA______n_0___but____Mics_________________4tet,0 achs a OI Elootrueslîe-Lgit; more lIt1 tlItaIurnmors mUtuarit rien. Pl»Ida et.ia Irgety lullueseedby teUic l i iado-n otIdbrte W*euO BIta and Hurcé reley-lt 1I doue. goos ver y -et laid. led alà » tué ~ lyptlalis, lbe PrerlnsaIIBAR G A Nr «i ReparaHenry Viii-Ail le tosti Murnis. p8001111J CO'verel 3iti U MMIIW ilemàtottrJcd a distitnetcthoailc.Tb* l«tu__Ipo:wu.. lp cSa Robat-l mousMlin ol! lt P15»11DS ims e.ch 17tiEW fl "M mielns gardons eof Sabylon moy i ve9Atruck it ttci ail a itt*15 al --WLIRE UueRANZTEID --. Wellogto.li lvin-t muRtarrenge 1% geeauIr. l sud mal Ib l W tioesattutl ta oufascItalc epe" at tmée11111 oue «hbon l.Wbcd pulos fr otileriarynIgtaboolt 8 lficais.gb he it«NOt leadscae w oi of Raclent tîi. thi le' test ta Diarllîubo o pkon 111 (ta bis dWs for WOCiY iigt. a itre transplintaslcl MO I" DseeJe veliret hé mott sai W%kAiMny of thecois n mttaa Westingogusen t OsiAutocalle Ilou t SedlnLu the oi intLebicwk- 51 M issitomiiefl tir terracig e eêhlee ri vaie"letis ic s epriclir D E T R 0O1IrT C H 1 C A G 0 Edgar Allen Poe-Lord, blipMY fori v he itis OcId y" aide; tîl, ultimts el wu ilett o w ieMhlthi.e dilinmet A. L. C. Retrigiraters m.' Pter Par. 1e07 garlie hmagins on tl illlaidé.1 fvuy station meuset c«MIet i*s0 PUIONE 5.1NlIOuN tIr Joshua Rltynold-1limier 1h51 _________ As Pe"* le abol, siely country, Omo @. . gli&a.- 4. Po 8il thnge on cmail muet have auende, thleoedaeitvs pleulls bel une es,% esese ofpgthîe Ce abck a"$4.0l$ .0 and nov 1 am cornelu ine.I unL- H W11ai enursla lImnîscape uineelgua-'M mpoi, 4 ecet eaassais u te Mme. Ilolnd-Oh lbertyl W bel of * rcieMd Plamoier.rrass. Wrl INIh tîleas m, FR ID A Y , O CTO BER 26th _______________ rimnes ere commttedlnlu hy namne I Acetrlibe« mor 15*epennfovmend mIrolor wvesrelitively u- ImariFretou neri'îtePit POLLOCK( &INGHN pai ad iex g y ndruug cut.ln thevorl. AndIfor a vtmui « _____TrreOn______blatf115p ,M- ..)c. 4h Sur-assure lu Celer & Worthi Socraei-Cette, wvowoveasrcck te cousn. luanauteileplantesomal r- O Q fMC i14ilDtotltltr ia 0p ý2 Aencnlaplam. vrl îîmiirem vin macl lices.Z = 'F.«." tElle Soulouq. I . at. @ oe *tsl-iI n irte :0 .MCOROt.1 M N M NT S noi-eu-1 etvbtis Ib d risetael luniceth e «ofths e rî ml- Ruleel HaîtianRepuliîc iTrobetth Yokshre Silm, OuR IAST OPPORTVITY TO SEL~ D«Inson eqiet ot rgre. omof eus go.Foete EleSolou vl e e tnite e ie ldbatm el0aimeau. THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION Dulgs ouRequst. u a regret. Il kInlionsAtu yeIirst limeastAusltralieue. itareiueu .hdo. by te sdicoi,.patel Imm- GA LT. honO P3S ONT rumboals for lhe DObemlen cMo". vis connec tlan ld offriAme, aid a tuli n'-mled onaes.ro. wuv&el«eithel i.rotutofthc taiti, alcool Zll-at ycii uu A on a buettue ntelac eci ro,14 o118 Wait iéytoulel fOcnm Frtl ýlCti5 i o inbil-CnuI ~ni là.__ ___ -halla Rthaesig o andmppueiv re a l licIOBu i ttheHho :n callyi". ter et the CAN AD IAN PAC IF IC OfiilBrsAdoptea lene e mlieailvînaiIs tlaud Weald lie aplieable taout. le wu@Sity-'lengpt as-adrope avsrhIa bean n C. TU NE Tedtt~nby the Various States continent comtuleelY iolited. And iturCe. ireuniand tiiuugh lie bore musce lke a in o relu t u... amol lhe C. , TU RNE Trditonor legttlettve action haeC ville histirerforma efoirsandolfai thc tti. e e nel &bc vigba min 0lhairo hebodly tellue osthe hick Fumerai Direclet lvri cel ,bIrds ltatt11orthlcertlen Icsclopcd lunEurope.Auoand mlthe D omi She.abrtly ett9rer l lc-lle ie cacae of ut ateaIue. The. ecrelit cnnnecllcuîl, lova. New jersey Amoiclae, lite ln Astrediala vetUlion Soulouque amameei plbis utsrs liy horter hal- on (the4i la" legs la and limbalmer lad Ternalsr.Ly tatnioln thebaloel vsy, chaItiu lt]@-e. tfaslieg ..titvl,-it ned sla ten. ln D oine."gle la the Officiei bird for thCUite-I Tht, wy wu»0nla t e tiil iteal prlscl tic vrto by tfomele io proccomi0f dsispat 0f thse PHtI 0 8 MILTON. Te euthiesara: Alahaiantud?;terni isae mn oîutly aileu"sila *vldlag e grgeoas adextravagant cor- tiog terrIerletypicil or me l &Àemgy Arizona, coratsl Al e feu e Fo-the reig of the vorlb. TIc.- ire 1Unes .oon ferfoclmiand Wal aite. "Ilisîte unufacturs a type Th.e amiavwe Agent Ion Dais, Ida, Mi Diiigi. î e. Modlnh an d tulipCI-fo e bga s (htco:r mAb::: ZeprettAiuin ai .ai a itp ao euillard te proaectinvora (omIs, Valley queit ;Colorado arlertièaesare DnBu blI e, bOr«,e mirt- vvrea Aîtiew*ànao. ase bl-darf,priieuty url h e-ol er- 0 îîte, îîieep, liesor tigues, tlie.are Ilu .ve a tmegr11-IvropîkerlIetem-i i-~ S linting;Dlaae Ilois,.Ken il andwaé ectcsly rdefeatedlnlu Ivufier. m.ouessed villi porliag inetbisc rINSU R AN CE tncky, cardinal; District of Column- 1-mach 505010frentle« as lie lenga- v.-r egalitre l. oiglbur repuffilc ot and e coet t ofuneffcOel lcnigtiiand it.ieAtoaeblie, Datlo.y hle, tvool tlruab; (George. bruvun meduckhîlI iand tIc nt«el. %auto DomIgo.Atter hliwuvas l- llkises. thratber; idl .Nevda, isuntain Sos i Itllinire ccnnectiug lnks he- tirociedl lU an d erilea lu Jîal-. Asforaidiio itock, the eli lou- plate Glss, Accidet, flsaith-b, tiiild; Indana. eaIrucadial Iesuthec aulmai of îtelyand tbte rpbi i eetbiîIN-la ir-jl-i uebkitie Kansas, MboifaaitNebraskaa, Natr unlh l u«* ncIlleos ia < beite umceti que l vas.vnueliy pormitt.îî tu ns-. .-..sid to "be b. oriélre lemri -Daktal, Oregon,Soullh Dakte, Wy- Lu Prel alimas.ti u eati1ta dis. t---la siWpo»ebu" t el len "sa. District Itepreaattltc nu wetenLM dtutri a- AuiI llhrtieiî etls Tie dent empcrr of at i1 vfa auTIS ieugîrtIc flletut mI1me reot ansbron peica, Maneclics. -100varetie ofo.k.etfeath. jacquots Dmalunel vbuî v.bors ait Skye terrier blool vs. .0&pieyeL.To SUN LIFE INSURANCE CO- deec; Marylandt. Baltimure, eil t;Of whiIbae pulionel .Tiere ea-i&lmo Africis sevas mol brouilât W.IHattilm tort auftnees»ul elluhe t ie t ~Masachusetts. t-c-cty; Mciga luls. oinevereil buudt-e<tkînds Ua izrlaemcme eae.Ha coaspimid el lbm. cm- ry texture ofthîe cou %wthiet rI- F. D_ DEWAR Mneoa odic;Nw eio:o hc rm ab i oi int flié pp- 1. osilI'au.b lS. Mi"ioc l ner; North C an, Ca- I.Louis (11<uhDemoecrt. i'!Ouverture end reigiu Eas ewu% tîtrolured.Andtmorecos litno chliti-ler; 0hl0, tiller wri 1 'sque% i frm 1904ta> 1908. Thîe culy ly ap1roch the "Ibem'andItend 'a Oklahoma, rutted grouse; Southu Caro- ubiteHomme, lil rmuard vas themu-lu r ais th îe black-and-151 colna - liona, Cetina oren; Texas, western aller Heuri lChristoiphe vin iccrned theOyleedaie tIrritefv, olbaI.ou mocklnglird: Utah, Calfornnua.suit; Thé. Sphinx.1.lapra tt.aî uc aeolde n . G . R A H A W Ver -m ont, erm it tlir msh; V irgin i, Li tt i@ pyram ide, il h 't lim oite he bm ort t i l e ndy îa lîg. S* Y Vaisatsf iAn Ctio.eot golduncl; Wet Vingne, tutedltit- Tbelr appruxîmate &ge. buwaver. eaii. atn -I s l oa adaC Ct ____iet.Tbmin________nd Baboanckeg ood uld stand-by Centantinupie. uueliy atelial te tic'i M §aM«ecoudoce uMTi tiddia-iln ireuuenlabtc of the Egypian sphluxce ut the breekfast Cand luncbeon table end of the Founi efftury A. 1D. Il ta pcpo Pbn fi eniesd. aci-ailLihe Mau.anevir letit.e<Great Sphinx of Glacé,.tioylngneli, rearlol taluib.tut100 tien D ýotiuivu vbinv saIOi sifee*nOi c Prionis108 - - IILO. lcm.eltenoanusaiowar, theme n& thc pyramide i e gulrdian tt fcent AMUICRa ndlnative as nyhInXIl vas levetopei daaf= by11e1n-111 au.~ o o uit Hindou> hymne, lies lroim- Itic necropoili. hItcriPtlOnu rundlbu rol ne, e, Iltlurnaeout. acuilycleutgeThe Cracks rode barebrled c thi O Ing elveen Hmalsya and Trantabi-thdbrenoue monument vii.u île botdu el oetTee.1m teeria tlte.bt 11eltrepoaIt0 O1 10 uiatsye. ruigrim@ fro i I'sdlav'tntlfO thîeeas cleancd avcy trom la reaa»ctloe viti thesuier iAtot-y,I saIlle Molth. Subacaunly pals lori ailfl u loi i. I is sloes luheube u liecryeta-tIlethe fiont ut Il lu 1816 lulicea ttlerilounifin and ilstribution ut thie vurd' roti soc to 1 lîvc io ecd l ol , l..e'na deOtî4. O. . H tchon water "leuwhu ll:thes lnt iivec t :tul l aFlrbdsSlpe ulvtb s .fipat. iee elvl he moife addevs mn: h allonge IlIl recitahuies prsîlse 1h5 i y 14, 70 B C. .To Uc Eypleh Ibuckvk ck t e Asuto and ciî1ii IIial tht tîe oietsail«dlie utIl- 10I 6. H Huchen -mId,*an bcwho rins ls waer f1gr«ver. oraietîcouceptious of an liat i uetlescultivratal for sît day. on hg te ebfoue anulie- i.t C-a .111CuerSrs ieseua l ~inaglnary antmal belleraI tu leie 1"2,000 yiles. Tbe Tibetan al iiuîîndThe ile mîlIe la nid ta liteInit me-e from ithe oins uof a hodreil favorite Inicarnation ot Rs. theima 511£ tle sslin tribues nuatet lue fru.mlt. ..endouthIe Telhh ctuiry. ttng' uin 100c t'd4 RW "t brl.* h Ta_____hi al aIbr.0 Yu ,ot brbTbTibeubl& ee b Sud.i'e Thle Phariuhu vre éhall 1t e living lu fle, Ulaaleye reatou.ere __________ ila -sacred Tbey colme traiun reur and 'lb- d@cendgnts ut Ra, sud hilrepré- thce, iguil beekvIst culivratora diluhbi I u li eplsla d îeu aallxva os- p-Iria epeelucvîe el neeniei 5 i oal PuIons .30 ~MI LTON trl-IdeI, uu Il asud vor- acnatjeB on mmlii. For tittr«eun the Irait becivît citaîs sers. 'rîîesNveaa uS* a dora lhe shore litre gemm setl iàelatter fitiietuthlbenreilai muninch, ontors esapiex. gn-aing te u. ii0*îtî.tUou of lhe Utlted States wblch va, b racelet. On lie souliera shore t1 mMtieqfrom îhîît ot the. Queotsbflour &icmai e theg i. urunloto sponioreiliy an 0hi0 ongar4esanl. N. ~tn-Iieaked tmounhlu Gui,la-maudayaNNumbensof suslar aphinisabave cakes, gravi uld beur. Ti>Tb) ilioanaisa orvu. bauniralielWeual Ga Sriscs t ho iglt cor'1140 fl andbhelifosuund îl te sculptures ofut ailîsethétiroucouthIe plant as fl bae Oguarenteei laveny a tiectetu& *tAIPlT PERIIIN,3 gr-i.poit-e, ,et, sw O DSonItheorel shore KR18nlIas raBebyloutaandcol tla. In dert h liatiner. Auung aoso!rellee nl sdtise Il oth e 'lcre- ,*u, -ruo 'do4".tonruu. cuc ONo cneythm isshll triou îackitest 8i11farirneuput out tusmoaienitil gDl ou.e-uzdoh rukco. f e os eartb rau rIval 1h10 iD magelfirentthéliipricipal crép end lhe Istaer l ymite,-cven nov perhape-- -ve o celun .ike . iiylnh.ihsoe beet, au explorer eu>. Daube Rive- !.agtky ltrami a cieesoautahothe îvenlhroW ailc., thy nicarl..sol e-ni tu>".i p céas Cer. Mato.and Ontario Stsr. o -lf the Ilgteeth. Ilaceiviot ui.801unondspiost ii e tBsaI ha e-'. lttte -MILTON- î,eOO,0o i ime Dy!1 und longent rit-sr lunIuropctend paii. usîe lvotbne voe ut boitb al througlîostouuchessix salions au l Me Fi" a a io uetltmatdaie 0OoI-,1l os.- Prr n.GAS - OIL - TI-RES S uirsîeîaîî,eî iîe wvyfroidthel .Blec'- Forest j Th, .etanionstieorsenlutue r d ta thre tt-, hut oniY Ivurel OM mi" ditent yetil Ia the briglt-InOrhuep re t fGldIl--hi adI)à r. 1 pueeî utGoriethelb.Blocs se, viens il naisn0 e t-rdng vurid lvsE-l' Tobacco, cigamsttOest tt-vellen oU? heu JxéIempifloeTue rt-er la tonmnel iy lb. foalIn lu ltnd lu 171-s.Nulet n ConfctlflftY- t, but il lues apparentltyabout ecuuian t w uei onti(l)bvn..eyne i t rîe ih loAI-ekmaCapital OPEN PROM - 7 asiltu 9 -I.nchlua ceflht-y. Enuituai microscl- tremue in. eBigacliI lb.héBras*, Icase, but lorIngntethy-t-reeusailtete. . cap -itlaiof AICIlO. ilesluvenetit, , lb hi t.tulable . i aIllo iîu an elevatonu of 2,264rtai yoans lutter bis ietlrelueuth iii ot-,i344 atbon file *Wil hLaud" vu& nudor Rus-&~ dnistancenî s alul tee ut 825110 tnt- th-elimeilitsutiverea, uce ut oIeiola 50d- W Prompt Rai Courteoui Soice ai il uisneIihuc meu sin ci:r. iu i.rie tur.ueu hc as .able ti coin- sieu rote, le luiciel ounu RnIamn 1 GORDON W. LEWIS iglîlhy wvil-i. î-nigl, une mas colîy ave thte el, TheCtti lienat t î lesrî-ayera--Coliicr'sWeely. nutcil b> maJeicdeuilt11e ni ,.secleSirius teft fihai.Star W)yeere aiO f lic Danube le 1740. muils. Tiie 4001 icombli.St, liiciiael' aîcetml cvan >or@. Copared wvîhiSirius, our soi, le ait-btrlrS. 1il if vhichîl -o uvali 1 sI ait s Diecesseel bultlu 1817 anud luau ie toemfrct ifg mre Infant beallea gmt-it. If tic-1d1 an erc fut S(ili quare mies. cribol au -,au n iipiiie îiaîe u -u Il lu the ientlee onbr the l - FOX MEAT WANTED. Io vie hoa exclante paces oure au'Dontng Ils meanderinge thie Canulre olh" ..'iai. oav" . i ceelpacifie- ruant.The eqlueut lii FO ÏA oNE. wudi e hauchy lisruiel wiihuttame tIlrougli ertaeny. Aiuithi. b, Soviet lrîiltu lun11iti Io'la, hws thie llai spîcudursut eault___________________________________ ÏG w the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~im il ,of a eleseopie. ierar Sirlus 1Hungary, Yigsinia andI ibon â«0a uIRtn iuissr lod.i rclndroanadcnan I II boy horses. ,o3uria, cale or voutlcoume irtherratlbesI quiii-hy bieeoin iget-l end IRuit&l, funto ai-4,KK)t>-- Iitus-lan eîotaioaau rntin Uc snything uitable for Ita mccl eaiy>î cufl acl,'ilofl iît :10mil« ime. Phono promptly aSmciontmustet a und tîi,]tety anllbin uil lue thu rler lino.aii be liti goo conditimon. Phono 95-r 31l W..ld a griet, for Il ld a 401lard toits futlinre nhe ite i Spirross Are. duci. st.ationuta station. W. viiimil YOD Sungslthoiulue Slius.-T'it-ttOMg-s Ie is--IIîuui iuuill uue s-uu 'Y oai te lonhnoercl if wvo d- net boy Ile.Etiriy U.o i*I antuiiati or at i (ho animal. 8mail power or beavy _________ IDice vere 1rbably -svo1 tront' lati o ettrie Crit. the coutry tir a ingle pair uit Basi haîcttubovltd.VANPTitl-u,451icWS I lua"Iitlîs sinible Tichetut fMoule Cr1t,1,, eue liait nparrows ta rear W ita 1 uu .rON Fox FAaBi, Georgetown. 4-t. Cab.iShel Quîckly ]lu)trace cieatly the dloiemuhofutrthoeblloen treslirerouond lii El- - lii. Ihe ui-ofa t c pc-ssumiug theN Tlue transition ut crab itîrouogi thie! lice fsu lioîgublel f ron, kiîuckie- lnitDntu iuea lise of Aexander -r tlauîi pratinur of a lualit- lie ha24ýo i e ut a - ICS lîl la nu lv au moter'ui b-in ," atet- oui hua thee?. t a itu m#Wveto ou uf tani lil rie l f Eus i al ut irlîur uîIvilîcif rfouiî,lues u O F= t -. euu t.... tmfi ln iîîei tl u m olt f 'lice a t.i ub> ullîlentl ui-îe-.ll eeui (-ors- ni t ltcl f, Fl nîtuiaIu-îe..binîlauigI buL htail luvel of S iîîv. 1e bot-sIili itt-hio-,îgbthî e afi o te slnde îba hin oofgtlt' wuhthi cripsi Tn e 1aufh L N D R u lîIl Iraltr ill lihil. fi-trl ofiiîi-l oe 1oile-la itrîltlic ei-a t hltsfilrst bauullmeut t-uini -lv.7Ç,lhtil8gAli ls e pr tti sor s- - l --l âve t1radî- beîî renuwed, advltu' tasrt cy Ju4o ape N, Onetiî,hout lbf- theihr i î-t-uetiiv hi UýS. TiuiulerLe iiiîcih-rbrw ing tbatîu ti loe h v7a il il i mI1 cler. 1..ls ierq f(trs b,-iesw l te d t Ipiaieg loi ti o taiuilruaii oft 1e lidai -ilîîîc R.r f - __.bt - s - -Oreil utl miif 11 ro, i d if l - eAL, n. ue î11 î,11,orcl ' î-oîîîeuîuttei v;itoît d1I ay. X h t Ol.. i O v- ~~siiotan iii u n in sail ifthe .-.. 1s s sn ll rv n uil - - f vr11.1:1 t-Ientite po, îî o e o wl o l 5.07. .-F î e e c-h ru¶o i,îl ascit n~'b liîiîiîuimuîh5i for n ally yeur fo r , t e i atronaoge ssi . 1 u i , O R A N GEîu tRti î î i tIlull-e lu 'lt-n d h7 4 V o n w iî iCen t i -lg 10 8. 7uni v 7 b ch-~~ ipient thouret. îrr n,n rIf L1 ut.toe-i ,1, lo a ttoilu est 1~adtgîevstsîtestioî oo 4 IR et 9@ 6 8 a crtr rneIiuslt teîtîr fovîsu r n l'ie lu f oIltetiifo nun ymm t, oW ae on -I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' rdP -Iuîe iic -C J .ju ,s- s erl tii n Bel lt u-ît-r oiîîi 8 ut-s. A o ' tIo A ln l Si , -5w! o quareli tt for w liîclî w e- are thaiskful - W ho l u -1 ae. J. Ass. is. . ila.0oue . l0u it fuor icobtur.cilbenxt Oseiy CulSiluttait. us-wsee:.i.au NOICWo-oA- Wantaegved BLIGHT & tWHITE, g an otryMi' sontruts atndil ofur Tnr CHAR& Puliileu ii~is t mcce. ____m_'PIrONuMUST ho n tiî,i office nuu EhJuy tAP ar a. Iieoe.1a.. Aluelutnts. iglicet priera pair,. -- Iter .luan WEI)NESDAV AFTEi(- Dy oder W. 1 DICI, Uts, Write or phone Holmea' Bulcher Shop.1 S~ m OON-before, ut posible, an v ie c ,tu ~~ h.. 42 Miltc: Diill iallowav. IrsopAuerdvli goauDros e very Thorii 1 No. 23 0 ehamplo'n Ï,kt Oj a.