EèayPickiug H 9 STOOD aette cuit uf the taxi- <<B N F C N D csti stand, scraying nilon lis ffont B NF C N D as thohest b at vy momten t h legt LA n'A fait pus st, nplthe l m uiter. on C~'- 's.APA 61111flI li$ basmisme ycunugface watt aon en- fsm.dtte 1100lim hmroi M111111 9«k presaltie or aubriety -mccbciic soiri-I 017 sud IsSimti boredon,. Tlw 4Minster of Finance, nrtuafl*t tafhe provigiou 01 La. Bi-à o1 Canacda Att, oiesrg lerre of îcarehsuit,' îuledt, pand .,-for Wpeufic u trtfoi:"I recel tifreo titll, liO Sinîltîtr OtpSmat llaCpta takb h un itaecilgeonf the ianecc oeil cr-100Waatof*cpil oté(4"a peallie hohall mndilsuan t i,; îîuarîî .BANK 0F CANADAL elle, nliy te Change [liteculttut bbh.- tesi mInut qi-i-c FinaiI3theti.oan'a lic-rllinitlitg188wsePrtoe. 860.00 a Shae tante bceouete i nditi fntltiiet A <Âb, ASOLUu sliny black taxi u lit e InietietdotitPABL t OWn type nuliel tp. ccl ltIII.,riveir., a ,~3sa 85.5ls he-f ii-d Iu<iduaîsi Wtli a arI as ,13 U»a@su ens bis Chî, 'l- T(ist h.efBsnk of Cansda bas ben iacorporatsed by tas Psrilamsal etCaaa d giv- ThetJ'leeriste iccengitel itîrteil wd. pour@s onoparata as a central bsnde of il-tue.smd rediscoucno for Canadat. alilgbbiy pun is fret, uit ert ncuth.eBank <n aubhorIsed 10 Par cumulative divid.nds ro lils pesAits, aller provisiont te dri ver. At litis ud lite driver for expertse,. depreciation, etc., at tbe rate of 44% psarun- e ablahal.yeariy. Sunpius inisped octtulaLbotlthe cotilIr tien. Rp rosses toulis ppied te the rait fond of the Bsnkh or pad litsu ohe Conolidated Revenu. lu te lattera à asil. 0cIiîsey set bal9:dond sprovidsd b, th. Eank etf Canada Ac, .yeSt a glimmnrocf doubîful recognilton Mot morethlian 50 shares may ha id by or for the bai t fa omispprsan. gise- sbuwed. boidsrs muet b.eBritish subjecta ordinari'y realdeotlaI Canada or corporations orianlaed Thse tare mt ie lips wth Il!@ mdsr Dominion or provincialus an d costrolsd by Britisho sobjecti ordiaariiy csmidinl fongs. *(-ueg thih ih ag-I laCanada. tuutmas Hus, iîlb m 5 e-i laSobscriptions should haenailed to tht inisdter of Finance. Oltaws, iin velopes machu,. tackhib, 1iirgt,. tie ictIered ltitI,.y. h Bank of Canada Shsres." Be limel tcgerl~icmli tii- e-Payaient mono b.e made by a certllned choique on a clar.red halni or by a tenit drait itcl, m lit(e d bi, <etil -if<rpotOffice or express Company molesyordsr, payable te th. Recaiver Cesral ot Csna. te iatseplie hldi ht uii-teilAsoon au poasihle afte<sLbserlptions ha.bain réc.iv.d, aiiotr.ntevii b. md. (tei loto the icil let i ti, ;c-. toIudnoticecithe lalotiment vilit . s"île t O.eoxoffice addrsu,. uraisbal by h. lth ai tnt b<tirn tii taItîire f r Porthar partict.ar. viii h. footi n t h. officiailprepectna sud application force ilh hi: t('ares aIlre. .Atdoîedrttoli- i, c. ie .obtained t the Departumant 2t Flnas.cs, th offices of lhes Alisant Rectes Bi.s'y isco ginatiemi qui't t illi îIsei. GoueraI, pont offices. any brancb ef sny cbarter.d balk. sd ethar fialsciai i Intutiocss. Here twoneanter Irunt, i likiii -r for elery bit uf douigh In it.n lisket. aE«Y pleki Des if Ph.s ubcipion MIUat eoi p« n Osepletber 17, 1934, esud rins on or beloe. ep1.usber Et, 151 LHisncisg ImouLiOh. cîtroichue lites utch or eei"ut tone, oa illhe distion et the Miner oc.1f ùmrmc. wlndabield. lhe driver ri'rultii.il hie ituddlec feriin 0lu rl't.hi um i .evsia.Oc. lool guc'tferaà coucple btniireil <ii 5. 1. js, Weli dcesau'. He ltîoked fsîc1ltr. tic,8 ýIc li b, riied lwo, be.ielt îî tîntes hetore. Yeahb1. Unir ic-iuweeku- _____ --_____________________ _______________________ tis guod-ooking gcy wnonsnu liasier J) lebut ba 0 tu10carry ih, off at O utdoors Gond Place for BnonDoge for troi nfirmie, ointents the bond&. «ICigaresH&Va en l alter cleauln u uti a Ilciîî. j ghîaeg Effecta Study Deer to be Lfted Incidents aned storyewbcb ner tai Om One Honndraal Yeart Iieety pace maîr nuraig:,ît fis«O-,'fi c<i, tTheîtîgefrI setadb.a charme lb.eh*midet of Lts 'e iac te!ssud u b ]y pril lie ucte. ad otîson le tsud ,«<t lie .,rîeOduit atiteidnioomsin Legsel eaI udocut lbthebuning t tt tiy citelo. fleegrtl 0 er II u h icuisol the rab lo as Inn initle ionkeci l-o<iiIir gttttry, lilou ornoe. idbure dortonr coitroversies oxtond- Ifftor nobbîIng more chas thît In ac'drion sof Ils bîrîli arc sueubecure hi thlrk-toliageul trelo. Hl eh tur i iîc<î ti s liratvec erme.idge unce mure xii i lreiflng. remtes globe-trottOit g ethat te oi b>a clbmtn"0 stup"KlenliterOaci. iu. cllgtble tl a rtipalo le maies the suid mistersbouold hvea aratli0ssal <ireut < lii sirdt ce îosniero ilace oîuLtgartîvilien aitetIhe nazi @Pot lut Our affection,,. The*farserLillemomny aloîbetr tanions Inven- Ciiitblg dter feit he niu-i, b ti- -nree ci utitiltlorie li lietisoudi the Ie Otarto Legilalure. ik3s the *Dow te lie nul tu beaviiy, lion, he cîgarois crratiîîu was lue oitpsen iet< n prwo ti lIii, mnt tuuitticProvincial eccrcîr nd minîster hut eveniy, on is fOeIdssud lteltto as accideut. The teueraiiy hi, rpt whef icgrm ouwt ile,; lot uhi.e5l l < u-i- it i olîriibel f came andulatterieHarry Nixun, analosu se il<tLdiapaPr luo eariY cd tury W tha IL wm arte In18:12, n-t iI amdaiitgclnic ittt '.I' iai tîth Ir<u are Dot cil r.yeuilin pro-ions seculnoe of thetamain lui ba sornna. The greiteel nombor durln, 1he iege utr Salitjean d'Arc lu-ci. u~~~~~it lia ttiil iiibau iti-k tifson lprpoceitm otfte renîorratio., (it doge tif poste. scicutiats, intetrs sud hylbsobeau ratni-5ace 'Ige Iurivte net trntit lite d ito-tuuuuii 1îlcctet îtlaýgbîthce-re for deer-kustiot,. iii reiulroduccoa philavthropItis bave comae front, tbs «Oyt Egypt. drsgcdoctlit mci f<rmcui tîuifu-uiiiiucIIig iiiîr naure moamoro. and tIm ime, Il appes. Il lanesfut brd. stern winters, bein i uge aathlIoEytn CrtIed, hit braggc-i Il i. due -1g. iThu, l,-. îrîe ili itâve amie iomr- ledectinicdto tioronte aw The peuo tbe nid worid and Ibis. Aned mietherutLsea y htteEyta u'te lne- ac.luitseacondil ie 'id d li i ilrlth front adjoiung imesi<i-, itiloit ,gclust duges laelu llcppcae itI làa bard or mild tinter, tee wii isoîllrs nec-efaced hy an enter- brd a fat roll ut bsmkri hec in tie lite l fi, a iifl'ereiel sor t ak <e i Mr, Nixonu.lut acnuncing is fl-tbave tu tacs IL, ie spared, and humbly ranci. A CeteiamithlitIbrnughl vit-hms ucko tohic icc m fes îifIiuin. %%ii tpermits refiecteil light vbesilus ic lbicregard, snhmitlodthe ryIbat mot une of (Godsn creatures s tienl quÈnitY Of 'uketItc momoints Iter te Lexiclioaasttum- ti îtîur mfi tl.ietthat te prohibition of lie use teli iack for tiraedt addwarmb, lier but &Diotler ecaavait lalelnItb pipe. Ming onut li te Prkt. llueInti- lpartîcois, ppa ofu v duolgae n dehuuting le Injurions cor poor chas] sufer. hadl baen captured by the Turks.Thte or so ~tn lits elccpopuation. Tbe reason _______soidiert bal picnty outolbacro n d .ünbhuneoraoueluter helinscitire îrîtiiffrent litcbaonu bars darh. and for Il,.lb. saidIller th e ho uck la mure maotad te0&mite.butil u e .absentce ruo le tanagiestacndIc atli te î rl nacsy 1 a ctI coeu ytan te dcc.and wtili romain ut pipas, wtiss id e Aon'd a suit ctt. utlit tai saclmc lmnel iteuC lut, lu partielar, LtitlIft hey ecrol i 1. bding wmitcumore, mau Escirsa et stsekhsi stl, uile "meo sp< ie itebd ii<itdbefure. oppeurr tuat anageore n a raity mlth ics guutpasses itr, The os. If Stoc-khtolm, the aulificapitlla nutcrsia iopnlm Nom, homever, ho Iront irmir cPODos icîuîîdey. they wml i ne ikejeweia howeer nce vuearlculy becomes tilgitlon- i" eo.tst u t ieime arilgettt tre flv thbecpol a io bisfre. od o cemieilntldi tur ntin lte cc n mtr~u<g ls beaut mii el ide. bon to titc open, ntsro tortoitîug cipty lerI a , il I dlie het tissue piper audl ettîtîpelltet embd e a urciniotioritt tobut, iloi-eai - tîcî îîcmnlie c hat W litite Inge sbaing outil raipensaitel y itrituuulli-St moke. 'fuh e ewa sisdoiuerUe lte ed ofthlile af cabs.f. ne hould v. rpurci&scia humae thé 10cr qsarry, hon cdl.thlb arel traclveniosLaeiian oecmp ndin.ttiuiluIid Wbme oolOeic iîîuîd.îug tues. wn-tiedci Olti-iibrireaisa~iti, î 1. onstoiaioomî mandilidue rit hsot frbiute taeopen roevrn @'ui d 'IA ilera ftu lre.tissu, Pidpherouse c i- nulcfitul been»Caningpriese âlesOf rrilday preeraly waellla " iteboustera ccnpick ont tte mcsîows, vllage@ a staun.dNitppe.- le Ine caba. auddeul bal nuctund«loiépa lu cm! lusu ,'as theodi ,,,ay aes o hl ht e Ryi h uin th rl"in bed If- 1lcktxisu bs laingta th ie fatriiait th,î ircutaf or I tcacln ht tStraut,1 The Frencht tocro mi ..t<oi ad- ttc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tr rînlgi"lu îc- ntsd-tci mdueoa nut Bilounthi-utru luasinter Doas, thicb mefle io.lmirIonI mliâataius, wtlîunt vrîf1trlsibal we'l-v iracingthe biteIner frini îîil tuIf Itonael î-lthe. Il cr115 please I i cccPr egxd dir ha h te teel.Th'ie lrtccr n brefyf-tetlIiw urucuc iepscedisuew w wt10-11elu thse pinclàýItrel at 0rjpictureaqcclgii bml h1It wibawât(teInit lnali I~ -, anulthInis mt ltee rIferiuu- Iis <ucl-seansu iiiys ndmie bln55evett l bltory iy s 0cîg;"t rame touEuropte troîn teNear tut' eictut lghalg o îl<tav'lt. mc .'ttiiiei<l« piesmot'fit. oerilet It conuitecomo operativfnce tue lisIbe (stalsaubalfrt12( eacsiebukiynagtoa S Iltieuq tymigIt lier applied Ioluait l hf. Is193.ï. sud the ui Blhopi Palace, nom oacI fae Fmanco e I .ceruel lte ubi- Ater piUslIng hi, felail cu RIt t Il . lînI un e moulieulrcace to 1lais anr.uucment nill iehararülr- os a ecbcii. bsthe bbal thore Juo est ofciidocumentla aumn ceer of ite mon iteid itint nile alira ii'<k pressuhliteoster. for non mentdepesîs nlo i, ci. reitt ntitusIasm hr the deor tmnue Vans e mas ecd hiieg l 152 siriied by boula i'bilippe on Ochcber s faroll i f Ilia sfrmuinte o«tlitsa -uîuîuIllie tndividul, u dimlis abiiti itualors ofthIis district, teho f xAsther nearbî scrtotoms. labig. 1-1, bcbaltuieslt- sm ptatkets. lTe tireec uilruuc lisikingto baccelti.as w! nel tecluutiniia-Waiit hutingtideor mitit doge iaWsfl lri..Iffs,ry Ill auaclrie.a th-rolD rien eramtceb tiese lnletliy. ten iiegtn Eveninig Star. tu-,toit Fm ro e.s baldlt!giuuy teonue ausIl ehfire _____ -0W Wa vîaw horry-ing titcaptive towarb a tîait np at th iront of toe ine. Carrina Eggs in Mocth TUE COLD WINTER f y H "aaiCbhasansls _______"Mbute Sketchses ef Great Campus Koowledge, Intelligence As thsetsilo came oliant iti thibir Until Tleey Ara Hatcised te" sis- "I tg) IsI£tatîin yeat Hv ife.e Maen piisouber, Befr F" ace cst i<laiii 'îreaesevorai stco tOie NoOR a tee are Ircoteteleb 'il blindai trot.esdlesandaclBO Hseieremîl-Meai Oit yusgmo aIut ruj<liebiukeulk ugbs. bsverndheare demerllyei uiuite commercial gainai pop AÀ greu aln epoiple onfusie banni Ia astonishmeal. thone stappiieg aulîco- reiedint, îueîacîor le imilar lu ail.s ited- aeauhelg u rtirr t.,or thaI vssiti ud fame werclitige nutît Iteligrenelbit.îla ite un ly, exeaiIsg:cuidar. visionsofutuhe cul. cheer- Ir. ~ ~ ~ h ox ie;'itels-ci. eitter maie or tomai. Or leisa. cy winters tlitar me havepassuedli@for the suimt.,aIliio làbunîy ite LUI.<odie atoanliet tifliese tere. Thomr "Say, bu, fer Gu' s citutltese bathi. arcorilînt ta flicteiiles. cicnais have sut faaed trosounr morles. LargoeaaIi uneor tv0arIas survive, La s distintction. ittiteecer, tlitai ta îrti ledil iks 1 robieil ya tNe. o pite,, t lite mscîitet bbottial ut And lireibacc me r-'tearaed the Et te55bis IsIlure Ri OPera direclot ucDht«lutaie Kn-isedtge iccsoe dldnt 1i"lih. teaded. 'Didottoile laitte utqcirî nlite>-imîcithe temale de- tory out tuat bitter nînter wni m ntlllone bh drOnu lite tercte iatt kmowiedg'iras'fitr areso «tmp ya nul u the Park an u' rol a cle'n" La-tnlier eggs'fTe maIe thoe fer, tite nue la kiocklng ai "ni doue. Oratorios. tn 12 y3marsh. producel ar,utknegoailrereIîea Tih' e, yueg mari toried in tlieuvr t 11e- tîen< Wiîhittsa îewminutes, And agaia. let ua uink. la sot in. 19-'*Ltm'eîI t in E l ' lersies,' "filt e arl te trà nwe est belectivo, miianurprise and ancsp elîtber <one «r tee t et ofhparenté, ter uur solciattre? Messaib' aud *saut' Il DEiuin1 c thlaOe Liijing rusrohuire hettîro liususe aure.,In is vcficchn lslucike t.c ocîtîI', n fscrarîtg i usl, le in; p Summer wtlit us letreai;ng p the moo ouDentMach,!elglie sel or inteligience. Pion,'tîlui-iatln u-ris i-tuuenuilii nim th- mhumemarue and mura nul stitterlîts knot,vov MonlctehOI à se ha itelligence le out It mI cltive ot ce beil.-mcc î li-tc8In smîîuib and c'te bc îîmi-. filter brisg u il li Enland tabain a,£ alleaa=yrtori-LZ, til scquieI. Witerita apc-iu Patient Jelko n ed-"uts hiluiriite peri«d uf incubationand getrber again; it outînat tmoBtgsL. sl- oid&iem r ti»â ,a m-nde- il aues terrOvinitelitlten-e lte usually drutîk-sr crazy. Yion, t feelgacre bels forar s enlares alter the fry tLM Mas tise. And tli elaheiartbelamn Oati'rtlsiii crasr.> bateitel. T'flu yntrJeeis1mbusuelý ha ubiitanus tuat i-er .î s aci 'No- bieals't crasy." ouil té lte otai y Italit.'fry jote e ll<ouîtbrhe wh- - _ - ___tua______, us tive "B's ourtryn' o pns he witetheTilpla wil erryknomiodge. Acqired lueigesce in buel' i-e jeekeiie rthé er. atfi,eitacs aud fry mau].iitgae ix ne-ke - -'*-"-- - -- te-binaymu Ji e ir." Pn urrs altgulav -Vt'useonra. 5wr fi thle "t-ittuiintoi m $ lewtonuicxi- "Y. urpusedgtueoser.- nulrlrilvis gooul s o e Thl@ mcunue time a r 1,îîuti ntî,tl tilirii tI.lîs - - - o -- btical uo onie ne etaul acuiuire ioo noutuctus lfuneit, tunnel out tua On tacs tutacflItaitone hofure picking --- uews pweg n curdItl lit0 rsi nm tbescp ibrenso he t'tueusta O igb Donne te distinction te Th peiiPerymulirikeup as film tirib .Itracs knemielge cied intelligeniceie maleolees if'ut"E"acPleiblga ctoma ânoibar n'lai, Kuonkoge la lteesca,' tbeusgn tho aurai haestage. Thura a 0..ieAd iCsTri nietablaitofmutaluitc. tIntelligece sootîgmtctil-ei uunutai n Toete ad ku Tenrc tià ttheIbomarhberY rthal: pnisa is ros uhe fs rr a e3 -nant iam tteîsrsice nartsfa uimtîstrand pereevea-asce. ,iaeriail te %ock. Tte r.aiiy Inuel- Yong &croc.. ncugarete edli tnl-mui lItîte thé tllty <a stup traina. One lisn" ent buemt un lu teinger, of bts iot blini.tarotes cne umt ri-eneuby ujorel te si, tlite o2es af kuomieulgo. lermtil uter tomardhkm,.tîon outonaiping te soothbousnd "Fia- i ords, kaumiedla 1 te asunff nut of 'Say, i'enppy. sqald tihe yc'nagman,. litgIote ieLouisville et Nahviilo. - teiclI Scblevemuit iamaie, tebit un- a lkîf affermi iJesut-e renrtut V ital le m.n.e, e, tai Il theOcsaient 1. WHAir n' IS ijtalilgeneailatte mtiltp 10 maite thue soberueco uitOfitl. fectureo n. ra as. tin it-Is by nu-siiLet.araubuisitic Iacittiveucent possible. - Washington ylt gu- elaltes rolI of scuey for teSIgoln , i < liay a stop Indicatiun. 9~iREle oionsessniel te ufi-seawous. For Skumt lasatt, Star. secondul'" A - -is(In 0f targe red cuts eitmbIhelà 71- ilseecce iietweviu SIes touht- cul Y c a-euond port Thliterthrodnaul b"sntl>u te.as r'.ldiet1.untItletloitrou case tIbs i saraleibird.iatin<'rogSkeei iids = o .it, Skse sa Iways fi- il emmbein soetiig I. ali i()ueý te sgnl mchnis. nt bave nu totier (fsrciss tbev loteellbcousgb. It baubeau ribla cxcisiscb B"Mygoal,, Mr. 'Trudii,gs! iitti. hctappatentliy posaised mun la- -.,allo, lteflgliiatfr.<te îedlobng'T-îotaaf.e IL inscasier lu Compare liu color uf y00 tlibiet get-ah-o lciasand ploai . wetulic1etluc'-pe ut mnd, balstarted d nu oc-pectes-inj0o m ede, truc o iho. ae.t i-- i nt I.ly sein- a liqol watt the culor t of atber aut of îe-àauc> lu tia..luud-i Onait unturOfexpl<oationu ieladl gui bîuainîc.ndtunt.-t btamrîsbut &almuiisa liquld tia n achcbup eliquil nit oulr, tiltct aighl hesmeen Ile cttatl As ea malter of farzt. Sheet i. a j etermisetuio.z ii mwe 'playu iltuae a it "lur carl 4, v ter ioctcg on Jghd, ,ii vlIi eil ftheeiruitbreker rhm piet sutnouiru ileselopiruit ftWId I rapt- ruminer il and learn toesstoot eitWeel.li. t: penvîbea lqu<b <inparaorns l1 lai ~uulsg ughe.,natIt nît 'fi-u- teni briter liaupr.enin bn, iitg ;gamne. bo t wmit Iavu .mpuv-Pschulugsta tlou sta ttît bi.toaie iy. i, ue aid ,-Oni t, t. -i,110 l i<riiue te sémpore ùses f-hortus oirsfor the angle <n as guod booing. fr is iOt ithout ltifuelsaeaemrciwt u fluétaI il'a biaie. Ire it iOg opusa elîubeliisIn uterféece. of course,.maille te- nhiacte largt i arown.andu te sg<icocttl ietim"agtî it cmpil.nl H7 iio - îatc butinu.e d-s it, i ;l lela.- hoaitecel le u it teshooter. nito mitucan ho teaseu ina lilttiga sýrolikeby 10 do. Biruimothtrmisi itcIs lore iecg,.= n amio, <blate aay ai .lem. Anyuîue con shunt Sîsott, bot. of the . icator sutiitien, Wben abilel tus ut, si-u'..îîgu o v---e inunui Agr Sia.gii-a.val,lyncucimhitsupior muse". mels and iuehauteg t t. abti ot aluîue vrilloerh cIii aing .chtt-ee induil-lt u ttîe... uttohés, nco-cngeilm acseom si odoeh ie ca crt"' I- o net mb unit,t.g 'cîtid,-si" aoneieo Skctell. uitsly, *hu%, a cor ohiclit slath'ma"si-ii Ailoîrîl Hiiy Geai lu Iin t tLuvire. lii riti l rtii cseipt.,-ie..ât ti z~. uii t -i box, houghtttue rta ti-o ryedrs <ta i Syris Lalor Ottuu-n u~uiii 10 ce s telle wih duauuusnccu msA. v, miteu Joun tteu,.nb.dutit, c lise citoccies o n ilit Esgia.h Gicl. P.y f., Ring fTe Jecn'lerc Asso,irtu,uu t Lior poulStut-IiriteItà UQ antI lite L,, paylut 1forte ring luh. hrinesi cîdi -bat tte girl note pbys furr -cengage- mont ring.liter v eddir.g ring, sud econ tor ber huahad-tob'& teelttegring. pi.ul... CiuIItuti tuuteL btsauintpoatlonu -43d i u !t u urtui-ru-Ittti lu ntel eetv'l mii, h isr, tci-ltie lera tetiats uIIIt- l J. t t. iii iiiitcu ru lii ru ine.-icavl tiiiid't i l iurr' quetionoltse ...i", 1gîef .. cu l(ara rplield. lii. t case beermtethi.g tO)u inko lier t.leott ansite nonlsut tn.l Lb Irireri ssh Aff ssl OSaemi itteutii-5uoft t-e teetit snd gLuun ts. hue <u-al buraîertr andi lu addiltitn tue 9rr. tr linttanMDn itotalon p trru tte lfei-ýteet nl gLs anad itu errlcd ts illtre hartsoftu bit oy. dalul damago e inbe@#part&. itdc-un ok cd muulI tax te siui of iete ucc hteallt<tw,îr ' .t.itcc ty 'te &-ut tua the gutia. 1tat si-v ae.jd futltaulot unic icti light. Shoot t tidanunîtdoh 'untavialx -iad eai.K 'si,t-uîstatiy .)a 1t.ait L, nosnett. gesrralip coucedel lu le hr fi tbe ucureat la- hfiel cotiondte «tyunr.rotfnIay- itrichooting. Me., nul m-men wmit- noter go tutu h i b' titI it t c,lany aând .sdit a t ,e estieciy acfficiutt unto ite, Ecerteotel upinitl shwuoe dttbte mul tihi tcap aitootens, cuviers ut ail degrts, rusg cutndtI. d, lu liote cini- U, sLuscee to shbwte I sktii, Bmsdes. ilte m ivaluahie feus te tutof - 'w tomhsiof nuovicesanul il ILa. aile and moletrvet mty lu rais yuungfrtel -ot stright, s.d bt kopete bands mol epea oi ohier spn.cbcmec la training during beepno ut-il ttgu fi ell- a cope1 tvaatlots ntuS petie 1oîîipie iomt <5erey ion, csd aey K ts, ttc tat-uiegs. cciii lu. '<ueel, ter. i. 4 ocenaty f.- ai-- curate puittug iin hkeso, mnd acy gun titat te sport siaýitvia nl.bittis ganse milecfaiy pruvo ideal tor any lues ciutpland Ra-aeushc.ttng. tras hee sMid. "'Theo poe cg fer Sktu i theusilci b"fr11gosn-but keset if the tet" fuieet tetsenom"iigeatr~eiy tp in cCanada, tsai1, ystd ts maurrk in thi. Usvd ates, aber. there am touday sormething bête si huauked orgsaimàclucibs, met to soessgn many lampe listilled ui privait otit. Busus as.tfinst ie tt ai «M t oi for rooigiened nervea, and amayfor rhum eut basnun partiui ap pi amtsprovin aug tiî- cal uver Shoot. ildeel, 10'sas isal gainefor te ltehsu asily. Thiî fNo. 1ofa setesf 12 .'ckus mSkad Sb"g. C4i#. WàmIth.ali Ms. bancdsppdy.u sl hmaseteceplasU riasp of Msis mn ajel - - uropwsdy bmmt.q u u4h oges «POeU aaltat it coipe-ralur vtAlait utaîe' teni shows toc mueb nikai, sîoiutm sfcdi Phc<pebte <tsiidiastdin lmadd la t tise mater. iliuri<on-ie f fcoa la ununed 10, crr!ect toc, murt' nldiiy, Dasde-il 'ferei.,s 'fT e es, rekicas ouenge wniin - ha- torîzs the Iit terrier andi tue ,*bleu iltbas freeuenily heen mml the "are-desi.' la ilutratcd bithebb ,iuikiming tter bll a nuruier of y rt &go Disonte Aferlcasn butilen. As titi aoeey guos.te huniers l'aduiteen rylng mtt a parI i fdoge tîîîlîsouge oa lios mhic b b ecu hrougi<itn boy ii, s desse bugle uottibUes Final,, tilt oltapparent Magssue hiteIn buited sot train unser cuver. u t;enit n-a enlireli d emut ioSteius yuItplîtng luluce thesMresutus- 15lasîr apWarace mas Cihalt riegiie tu talt eldi-f Its Iua mille driy lcked leebt wua Ra" le" ihslarli- , . Caliph of D.ad KIfld un Order of Hia Mother 3CILÜZ ..aaslthesec.ond uoflthe three genis of Meneur tb bectime rýallil fn 11tagdsid. He $s'ecceeded its br.thei tdehdl In1Ms and ws tsrdered lie 786. liadi ives detettdby 1,15 moth- Khoisran, wbo made fhlm a pies Al of two bl*ilui &lave girls whoii ah. e liaiestrticted t lt ih hl. Kheiz ran wau thon Instruîmental lnceeur- toit the auccsalon tof ber favorte i nuier soit, Harcîî lle u ttb u the. 'Ar4ttîlas Nighblc, îth. rt sied afu taisuupatron t0, inrnitî itchya lhe tien of Kllîl wc <ttire ber tof the grêat ltirnctileluti wIiîý im îpiod the i, iiiîti V 11 llîree geîneratlons î,f itî'rîî dieraS .detatateclnen. Yoiî> o bil ed i çicier tender lthe caliph bltili ti i wii1 hIe tulor and valued l slier «ef Ilarri <i RI itcslî u. buitihé mac iirTis Iliand w.uildpreluuiiy ie-u eteenteI iîd notutefftliîcr ii'rut aud tbhenlave girls scîcl<iuor iui Valiya liit d Io sens, F'tîdlll ad .Infar, t'alî>a nas Hartiunmvizier; Faili]i tits te callilis foster beniluer aiîtîlet et tlesmîsî of c<'nîcht<t lity "atar (tue ithar oft IlPr Arnt ,ile ilgl<tac>w,.liartis, clogsnt frWeiffl and Incerîrble triisiîu. lu(<fi, Beveutret yesrs afler tli.iiiuiii liarnui llinsliilîl wllliiit n iIoiir n n tsridug.catiteil Jafar ib le iciil sud cis l lya anid Esihi lut, îrirîii ul ter hey soon Iled '<f i 0i 1 îltarvaltiTis nas flie nd -cfthe S1lewallcer Diaproves 0Wd Sudden Shock Myth Tite pupular «4wLt hitlbnt Ii< <ýtiLrs wlii e damageil or ev4ii l kiiti*i lle<ii srudilens hock of wuklng tOient \%ttlle tbey are maîhIng han ît be uit clliliy dlsposed of by as iti-t iilii i wbleb the *waiker naiî11l.0 iiviite, tel iboltIL As he îJury iie, iti siste mtrswler Avounil- naoniilier- way in lihe tcotcl îîr l'<f Aîrli Dorirtg the nigit the «<nie<Il of the deck saw whiat àSe lliitti a niîmbing uver the clerc ilet Jei huai. lie caiied lthe citit und -',i ii nunued that the shiv, tend «)te[ i iîiirii Pil hy "me mysterliushi .,li it o lbe sec. The ct iî ut tiuiid i . eprinsun the dck sied Irni Ml the-l te the tnrercslc niere th, fu! <iiet water noabed sailtir uttniitii tu i. Ilui' hnîik. Tfite raitor eil <uIt huit 1nt ii n os a scieîi.Alir, tlCile e h. it deuilly liePn nslkiu g l te 1.14 u cii tell 'rtas'd ite -iik lif 1ti ie ti cvoter tiuceedicîir nîb-,&,idi-je Iritacripf en g fruli ti< ceomet tie grnbîd iit d ieetiitl itik n bonard. atcconeiisnled slterni<lieItut tii ili cea buriug lthe (tut s-r, Miltt & icii <mry man, bail a fîî ier i i-rj csreer lu civil lufe. Bois clniiiî vaitia, lhestnliedlaInnin lit,<i utit, 1,1<1 -ver wruît lit. i u, Durit, the Metitu uter i... le nd becamo a colonel ofc irtia <nl., egiinbêcumnico' tir iir1-tii maill,îer <if 'dextratCity itt- i tii t iii lran crnqoeeîuoflthe Metci iiti Frt NleMsxica e, <c ent fi, I ali tri i ite e as alt0.icleiliiutiiii Satiutt niéer lta i.gci- i t <<iyr otiti îtie it e iitlut Ii- , .% t.%îd nehi' ci tre iii <t itti S(tar. cars ~ ~ ~ ALUE DUE 1MC<IÂSDsiia s t. msP o aIta, ERI O nb liatia Pteer ui I 0 iitti1-14A"Ciai M~~~~~~ INebdeetddOltujveON u cifrrs ECO- mii M'tgic nd be auMr godreuts t cual tk essutre . ies0rsmor 5' MADE lIN CANADA se a.Y totai 1Iniredlsat. V f W \\iq\\\Vm\\dw More Coverlng Capaclty for the N& irney "Tite-Lap " Galvanized Roofing ici trile to ita Damne. Every shoothuas nine places to nail acroas the bottom-only E.S.P. Bats Venlimois, 4 iche's beiwiteci noue. The end pj rei1ei.aioou 80 tight as to be invisible, and it posi. uu in tively excludes driving sain orsow "'fîts Lai," tla a deveicpmeîît of thetion 'Rth tîcil '"citicit ne infroluco bon yesrsagu. m It buas cl bite gond a poranceansudwealbee Preston Gslnssîssd tuigi, cin, cm f" Iti aIf bul'it.on secount of btie Tasis oenu-un ffthe ha, eicb shoot bs n'~ grooter crantcaepocitr.n. pf (',cvai<iu.eil couficg or simn id fees bbc ubmust PietonBarn Door stinnt..utty ncd'Tte.Lap" is bbe type cf Harîssus getvnnuized ruuaingmiciensuresesioappl M - - - ration, ond -usoapeeueut eetîber proboc- - y- tien, at inn cccost.ît uebu 'fellus nha ot ra taburuof. givtttg solge p-setiio n anao cuiter seaâurementaandsiel me iii en pus TI'1EIAP catimate arseh oonyou huis yon eau navs money, "GI enriel J Rib-Roti" A duecble, lire-proof, gstvce.e b roouilor 8<u silîng lu ntbractive. portý enal<bculure, for yuur boucse or cuir other Ludilling. Cannot mcep, ahett.k, crack, cuni or boige. Anoter Prieston Steel Trum mneuuabiei ruofint vsltus. Bamnc s,1lpemesu Buldins it~e.Lpp" sppll.d miihSumîis Leud-Hed Aullpl;.[ ncrs tourdbinierinlm Oulà... hi-cd du, pass a car on a 111.. or curve Experienced drivers of tr fior cars have learned that thcre is orne r-uic of the voad which catunot but violated without danger to hfe and Iimb . - these seasoned drivers always keep in Ifine when the road alxead is obscured. Mif topsand curves are blird' spots on the highway. You can'ç. &ec whai. is çorning toward you ...andl therr's almott always sure to be anothet. car eminung around the curve or over the h;ii. 'he orne safe rule ns to stay on your sîdu, of the road.. the rrgbt aide, F<vez'y tim'e yîou take a chance that the read ahead miey ie chear, you jeopardize your owvn safety and i ' te tpp'-o.chin& motoricit May bic made an innocent victinu of yc-<mu' careuessneaa -...- urely a heavy price to pay in conscience and cash. After Ai you car. observe the 'TMIl and Cur'te rule" fcr a whola, seasesi -witliout losing as itîucli as sixty minutes' time all tild . Why fDot? ONTARIO DEPARTMENT of I1GHIWAYS Î-t