t COGS GR' CbeuMaby vabMi à Cor. 12 1", . . -ammaa et ul m lt'1u 5. ne bsq a etobis 1laid Ortoh5trien Unemit ulthtuho .botea body. -miLTof4- tUtTIbt ite wut catatad by l te là* lIiu kmpla ai Qed bus ait beau L'mmt. Yitmeh "iser, vi.llaosire- a rebutetepugu" aism d aha"oirnmi GAS - OIL - TIRES vol.i t. plan for the etty, sud w g« fSsld "Mn e it .apeovtd by Waaltou. TUt are-l a".tWa4Ptttré ORoift diaiha- Tobseoon- Oe, lgaittes, ht t as Juin« itobam. a natet oft lo4 antlita.malt aguiuat Con etiour*.y. land. li. odstil la toastylete disnt, imd md tiVl BOt-e. Oi <>qNp~M.1 u.tatt.. md te bae beauauggtatd by tba ab.Wthti d ti. wu anSd doit@ of Lalmatarpalme. la u ble. km« monteurs in lg dimeou tem, ý Prttend C a Oot»oimService eîtTt Wall #rat orMiOld by t'ttgdi bait ludqspmamble te %à. biabr.r *il t imas. Adas tu Noromntar, IWO, mthog te«.. Wb" sotla Itfbo.. mhl.ved ile finai deetir, d ta ir ii h. genreThis GORDON W. LEWIS e lb. int*m lOr setlo- am't mnitfondamental barmtoy within rn- (lit Mauteortheaobt. Tonmd the Moan. 'M.body, vblch wu^ fi v..tiia.wt-a e Te eand . Instuent Lte sacrin, LtheIIaty, hoa.Wet or.' adotlutaîralee d aJt beau tt-yîntte ttacadministrmatian- ont ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ai -~abt.1aatum.md ~ ~ cAutat24,. I14 tht White Mon». 6" c m n t th i ur.e t t 'ttu U RE1V Ub d av tt red W a i utou o T h e i te - ouedar. But sa. aboy tin4undamy àAliîMetîeillprIc cst ei r ft IO-l 00 reyadpat of tk thi att.. det 8Cbc4 dd»etd il, -"4 eau le a&t@mai me h oko aor1 rat ettb aomathlmg big ttlil.d IL" apinst Public lAilbillty nuit van bagurela lhe saemar or 181, and It la ouei- pc4.liuate do smmml ieibga rpet amf. Pidtlt oûmr.. ovet ta la Curu-- tonitruât wmy.BiwGmeluat bha. a W, I»gahe.1817. Thteaout Portio wttentai. eau W"kC s letg rubot.th an t lWh aire thert andmcd le .your ittUti la 104 mmd tht meth latlm 0ust tue b.dyeauos. But if bu vithas pWi>t~. . a lmthéloit- gratu o ussau ht . u=t bS o denvHou s, Ilsn .e I. .k- re ou nth sltbna match. -slen- lruec, nu oltn Importat tiotu Our refm chdiugeatt m.ma" tieul1802trwbu 1*1Imubut a cogla. tlt'.vonattiwisai, irim WATIILU, ioaSVUýa plepltaff imot fe a Tbt daimali A te aube old tritp, ACCID.ZNT, new, buildng for tht P,-.sdamta ar- Vet lobat a joli it;ta4te feel om ; tht, botillag àtna. . tmal lut but ferrtua thta bailtimegt .iip t PLATL GLASS 1010. Revemi ottie romatr, 'lT .omething etallrita joptdo.eulg h tommttirua Alor g and hbfe cê.tceg iWCwi-and-- U icet t u adistittna Te-vwith 4.. tàlng big hbimd ItLi1B1ElaA1927hthae oitn ti mâdeadsaof Lire, loiitivmy. bave «ittrnd for- I e.paffet vth freproul oaaUuctl.. tht m Whtoh. tnked vth tht purpome Of Atttigbtv Goei. makle Itpossible for-; G. E_*________ Hu. im ta attieil. TaoinmOattto, G. L. G" r-2 "big unp' la tht worllturie lt Pr u chou. eaimon t lttues of o! beery and 1 - Wtt a Land et Mystte ncesd tndivlduaIty cuich <toril? the b ntu b.Yloaotpu litao ef thtemma n *.milo abo in htgh h Ide, h ennoospr uil in characteu..Occmoaieeliy ovsheur &Bd of uqun vs mevt t may. ettec ahcmmad It s8d au et etvrbilas tudieu bece. LOLS ltJU MLtinIflitV gPusaIhombamestvta al I-t.wsoiepit- -Chba st em er,'et h@ ealust InormndtI eLrk in itsafttiumg <mrna..t *JUSa lrma-."lodtet WtLT.REPA Y OV INlut EmatTtt mmd ll@a tamuspIfg lg. tu..1b4 hal- heT Ulpa." l»4îýd 1 rhë- a.aeau" .tht loa vu a 10«Me (lODS lai-mm, sud OtJDi balpera. il u-mmlinall sud autonoma eUeet they chant, te lot Ris li elu athait-r ks mm tpreotzbassihn«..mot. u. wtt Wb&tamu tCadiuiy C--4.mnommm. LIVER TOME foatetla Ttlenver vaillayatht ahuri- uthat Imitor, abe on a cod moruîm« i êt Iaimas iaitt Tetiowrllsa.a vrle mcdi doma Ma duty puctuaiil &mDitil. hat long binscoteit lmabo at, huma.ores entilât : PPaabtoula glu lm a m herias11 a . tliuimtai-0et atadiai a hal tent hidy". oif Bi-tgu laaBtthtfr "s- luametlnmet .of ,' me>'lineoa. It pèpa sudIe c.tob up" ctamptua ht ym t ht bit fathfuineta son rire.tpsud kt.,pstri-ost.tht Amas-tuRemd V«e st bat l m ' F I piit eforuLI- nà te con - s.. ontomteh art tmwra m. trirtittlat- iletrteta l oroi pen tht wou-bîp t-vou ptliopuru,. ¶a'the IL tCor .f cwed. o thet- igr muft ef ilte, * Tadtezlea. t .d.tl1 Lucky le ttbmm, but ncet toue_ saees. btîoe. htcattetie711vaaet cte. whoear s-bas utvtr beu stock i' et ad.>. uo»ý Tht ghetaleyoa.rtit Tlstos a mendl to". Um insonsema thor $ 4 tt.oI'aa t.wnao h brar ha asex tmoau te kîina« eaar.oelr0t»bet tht tImea allAth*m on- l uilv tarinbaud wbo «a.e tie ilek inetah InieT h e reista G and etuengtitt triaelt thmi. Let mie1 N. Li'ICKET?. Dmist Inet mil. fer the arin sud -atOru tt hat le.atm ahou" birtheuiddeola louddy> jphoeî31 Miltone trapedy haithranalattit trdan a- moi dtebs àfriand te mni.ct-ted, ld o rnltirt nind-T e e o enuhfor toynene. ilt belpe tu hind tcrlptloniu t ocha Jonne." o0-Val- tot&r cthuetmembi.-. whn amre i,- 1e-ten.,le 6fralt ate tA.a amug. bd.land ot icihitthe Indieint iot&.~k o mi t Mudd>' e-ademay bhi lorlotten but' W.ol and Poultry Wated Itr.iltd rJon cit-r aou no imtt.r whn vasaam. or t tchat jilant- aned et1fo reJongite ttuthttae- lonILty vs@oMay'eve, thte le aaays Ah.aotutt te hilihostt. )i"tceo .tation of bt-tmg thet ira' "hieoan en the oPportuulty ta botu-lnd suint-e, trit or phone ilolmat Btcber Shop. t-att-bitret eitowt-eut.tatta jiai h on e in eofG o ya Il ses bai. ioekinp lor-IL IL ed mtb, poe42. hlii .n ;Deaitt ialieway, T e c n e in e o o d e b. the «lî.ag nfImataI-lai aid. There phoce 802. Milton ;<Jantea ialebtir . c-uirdgtr. tht, remete ateut vWho fti, - uA me W Wht ao.s the "cep etft-nid ktIt~ bute.to. lm. tea -u>rla tûee tami.But auueu Lo, Canfl3U's most îamn attla thutt eit wvib mcute ___________Milton_____a ideacriptioun or &0mmeus ma-vl, asi u'tudeoeunt boat. O the FOX MofT WANTED. Brlt-Idesaud ' roported tort ou 'U eymfreo vlh yd e ___FOXto'ka teck hemeete rott-tos eple ride on Goodyears tha o*Mulit fuei tbat h 1 ot ftousitWtll loy hoeris.. inluadm atI",or _et______ I KifMo.a IIG tnev are economî viIh Qed'a emivusa ae leng «theinsnjet#'ing suitaiefoex 10K utt » t tad he ae eoo-c troty Ite m t te te ienthpiug onutime. Phono promoptiy as t muet St. Demi* Lot- ,causaetorChrist..Hemesa om be in gond condfition. Phema 6-r8l. , r>o to gamtble on risky 'bargains' nivelé,mad helplets. but like a Iltth, station tueLtion. W@ fili mail soy liu D a.sthe pbtron lalotu i-muet. tnuating chilil b. ttrengtbanu ut lor- cout -'ttht- prennearailiil sva do mt boy anpally dnrlug tbea ceiurtes et ths litasu battit. Tht grese.t tonu t ât-tiI thé aninll. SmalIpnwer or beacy od ,mearchY. in knowe le hiatory a. gain is in Goodyears. Genuine gi nmsm upen dat-k dmys vite tht e -le baud tutttog box wne.V»À-ma Deaay»ao tb Irat blahop ot Parta.i aaas iis me of nbaitatoin ilulis FxFà* eogtwn 6t4. Ihthetliner 270 i and hieomamutoo..asfr vr a e fcr. own bat future. 1-bn il ln ot mont-y. FOXPABX Geor-etou. yars frTeuey mae ofcar Qmbuk tht giora"eat s-genune that- body va. butlad ai a apot about Oct suit your purse. And prompt, humat aellai-a. IL ta tcniiîtomn t MNu«ttsotietfParls. Bomatahat Latar samm itat vaonuliook tor- thée atilthGudy-At Ltiti oislmîn Hospital, a liapti wtt huile ct-tethé gemma andtso evc! Il mo-e dey tat vilii Mati.tht tur- tLoiltn. oTuffld), L.ie 28, 4, itva. a plae fer pilricuga.durtaliso sevc " la o the:tido. te Mr and tir& Burds-t-IL. (tody'. to . tb isaditjsqbthrmntua. in thet Je..souhrcseoftaoueagpmnt ls Nelson Township (niée Heo lherLouise Furm fOxlikg Dmg-titrltout!mnah- Wbe dumrnotilWbeovt-ot. nothînfi-, Speucel. a son (Dtavid hptnoe). by aamdltibudiaeti. Won&ednethîns-, but Who toahW d amandtaitou ldOngtaoft-Mma infanîy te tht- ci-oaadata eut tht e ot bled . hy a achool or tugatla eemeuh.. la bummuit>'. Lifting Hlm upve beli pE.tlaslolfrdU fsmln Bile e dt-m&Bmonn te ime uait. (iuody-At th, Mountmln Hospitm.al, tch. IAeioOf Ot B oaillottdhy _________nm Hailtn.uon Tni.day. Joee26,fl4, Bupolan. 1. A Town li-av G Oou Davd illonena, infant tomnifBut-dgeth, spqot. knovtshLoeas m ni DASEBALL SCREDULE% and Mm-. Gonds. De"I.Ont-a il va. bord ostestht Kit.rhlns-At Red Datu-, Alla&.oIon mslitas-y ka, or Parla. TodayIL 1. ot Blatut Latin. latermleiglte A. des, lune 24, 19214Bilan E. Kitahîng,. laOOUI plae t lt apopuleuse ta. Tul 7-GergoownatOakial. ima Lb Ktchîns-. et Namaavea. Acten at Milton. _______ (teurtvaat ittn. E WILKINSON. Bite. 9 Ra. i-tl, ar a* ruo" 3utyld-Oakv ilet m o.Repairea, Altaratioma. Presing. 11ut tord hornhnrtk trisatratheto a s.. r c ss Milton et Georgetwn. Tol MoToaim- I-tt >-ut- car- Inhul-m.or th-artcle itasifM"sAlLIt- Jus1 ron ILMilt t Go.etLod.atind tire. repmlted et (Gord'.u'am-y DgertBninst lb. dore of 3uly,;1-Geugttvn mt Arien. Beu-ice station. puittag mud te the middeort tht Mttn a Obkvll. Oties t'eieded t TanE (JUAlPOci figbtaouih eAtry, Ilu Damieflofa C.amV-etownuat Othillia. *avau a tlotftroubla o r~ethrui- V» tmiliatanmd tht LrdàP «C A E L BATTFIRY S Iiuty2-Aoton a4i Omîllit. us. taaa-ladu tIlsoemen thé ________________________________i___ mitv Latt(toi-gett. Octet-lot leet iweek-end lamlttec van t-titi-id viii a atlp orpapu t Aug 1-mte taGeotgtovn. ontiné Loe taentire-'y toenli-gmOTht i saumet tarlt thoas inueiltàm Aus . 4 eit Mitldton. nexpmrencsd or carvilt. htte.bms-ee f chu houdarit a.totie Itvth a iha l Fient Geybay.id Rt,. PhoeonixFmllous Rit à, G.iegaooet Ittiten. en much or more ottii -oronil yIy tt-tam-a o-.ttv on. entIe aIule (uIld rO ireth etix Lt-ta S adte live je At-initi a.sutht inexputiacotem-i-a-tamutier.vatut-mleS a hocubeook cla ler tla.U dn t-lia»i vi.,trt-.lti Tt po-î a nfl t i- Uals.Wetaolblmertdlle~ t.aurmy enr torsadbook bona t- ven cisteeuc bnodred lieurs-,&go i1w ,tirai wh a fltu, rive n.it, uia ned Joly 7-1Bto-not Btlîhiide. Es-teste--A "-unoneuof tht Oh ia.henbdrut natene st ae uttOtt a et t1hlcht-Ir, er, eorthil,, w. Üserisla att Pimmîtro Cent. Ro.n'ildGfit-le et AahPublicelichoot. jTt odrz h-tpt ed fci~ ton miCr fIî ok Waterdovn t Bottins-ton. 171.s S. No. 17. 'rtalgmi-. vii t e l tuit-Ilebo.9mia it-le eott ti rectsinc t-at-b cîhor hich -rtLitlton it: miupe licile at&Peitmu. le Aus-uet. As tht cegslt-a vert de. Uâtrttn. toued tht - Ite. lia linueul ehtie ýTht-phtoenixIîtit', iloter e, rot ut-t jli>'1 -iiha-tdt t But-inston. ttroyad b>' f-t L il viiite difficnit te TIta Ra<ublic ef tht olitdBateu ss-iota that il aa s-iven tae a pIrît. teuîlcit I oe. ft- e-- i.tp Flabec Cnîiaatambelvîtt -encre the usines ani d d('»" ofet a i si.te gSua il Il* oBtieal omse. irobti tforsetce sort of greyhound eOlgy. - rt--lemîtoct-,In enî Hiot. attOart.ctutny ot tho t--poplt..Bc ivohl soru-pastehDCitedets Il. R "t y rare. S-o Il l poasbtat 111greylhouiit nly tt-Clotota-ý ,M lh,leoi Wa.-lw tPltm. lite if tote Interoued wloul kindly Mueos. [bau260 sqarat-aut.Tut racine 1ock udec-le Lteto. aboua ater tht- etl, of Iris füilwc ta tire- July 21-Pati-mo et Blibrida. commnunirate wth titiSeoietas7. Lugi, oala orAmazotao a u ara.st100 A. D., waite ticoi va, maJi. Bloolaettu Oarilse et ÇWtet-iovn Jamie E. Marshall, R B. 1, Milton. HIp tIa tFimte ltmm. I-i.MsmItIitlitplte afra terdo111 r Ommpbelil!e et Broute. Kît.rnraits-l"hî Jouemattin-ofetchu le&tantdila ucouabloed.or mmat ili tt-fourer- irenstet aànilxtiýe of' FlamoreteCentre et Butlinston. K.lbrude Women'a Inatiti.ta va.al ld tImth b.t., et th. state or Kamaa. .3.(.Um.nson sel gol. and ce ront-meihr lnly 98-Kithidet aCamphellvîlle. oit Tiiist-ay i-nins-. Joline tt thOe 11eti Desnosth Aasn Surties-tou t Carlise. homne ot Mm. W. Perd. Thtet-oll ral b ii4 ost h Ms Brot-erta m aterdwr. ivan anavereit by titir maiden Dmen. vhi lc a nlthe lb.e-Mai-oret- Ivrs- Iuon. Mas. le e love of naturel titi tagit- inotilo tand Bl7,-.Tht-p Fiai-but e Ontre at Paît-imu, ltire. . o i,lhgae roan un Tienad pletre liiftu oilt ut Itle bet-te>',andt Iwoofutliesaotoicgenreare amfirtirâ is lt-4, t-tire ici to-t-. Aug. 4-But-lins-ton et Kilbrid - "Ruttefor Safet>" lira. B. O. tondaisi ly mter IL aSIle.the Bs-alU Whcni Pleal tm-lsto. i. etSay [c t te-n t ,-cdtAra Carlilee t taptllille. ans-ht gsm dnntati tnu e gî. eodittr r-ito, t-rt.el, deem e nvidtrs m R.ti"atonon ngave 1, . IWabcouath.a e atutItul Indien gr nw(ýia. and birging lite 1di t-t of Lt fa Wstmrdovn et Fiamhet-oCetrte. thteurntttventatire.. WCeulson - had ivetanloyrs as da tterteiued t hb,-'lte@r Pt-u"dt- lu iUyrl-ài, brh i-ir t us.h-lbIa et Palarme. s-mît a report et tht ditrict maua. ut Lýbthn a agmd s-eiia dîret-aieutabac, bes a caot- titrgt ~lte temple outiîr e Su,hut bt neh Bot-inuston et Watet-dova Las-t-ove. - L»hîytag ta a pt-nceedinegb>' a e. raupie a short distance 1-tw ie tat.I .tls.ie .ltetllcî uer Brot-et a Ompweliilît seauý .e ofa priv it, etprise »"-if u tth it ventoneCCaile t 'l-nthaolee ndýaseat-cc; n a- 1i-immbten ideutatCo-ltsit S r.~5...i a tateInfluece molittr ofe ugraa. rok, viîcit stilli tIl-lIthelite ýiitI>tfY tt-t-rh lltt-[ îe tlt..f--Ril Pritns'uueaW....of Fti- emi ra daiS anit goveraluleet eSt-laIs te do souts she ii vs tauioart-y Nffla,te il1- iele 5ho ta e-tiiable î tary .andt-. __________________________________thlug lulavIs- et-t the luternât* -htoy ru-aide, ht-r itusaettos 1.tc 1, laftr ctîigtfmcl pute -il- t, h.-,lt 1-b ro-elr na.tmg t ta Mu,-tht- rîgîstereilClyleidsil Stailiono.No s-eprenatnt. Ltgolllitg ta tm.Utenied ttttugeh leteittat wý-s ittat i th Iowaout te andpu-elitsalto- et taI (ttor W.Lam beId t tt hme28437, voi ltave hie evu tabie u o diaigit e rhattgeof fat-ors sar l-ocuttw île tjttot-t.ort h, 1,r-ttI i M Mnt [heobtoe trougît taîtit-it1hatl ti hicrW.I. lair honaWedt tdeyham-Tht"ed«y met-oinir aud pt-eed tuitOugrt5mti, Wt-ttoea uit-iter je l'-oit lt-t-jm. 'ttot.tt h-itteattttrt-it tat-noon. Joue a he. vitu a gond at Jack Tur-ner'e. et 17 . on lieteO,h int- 5aklEtg v0ffltu-ftr a ttt-i he a ila tht-rame as hof,,t-t; he thon tar- tende.nce. toutntain Union W *o- etiD Itamaaoa > for ceeu. thon te aveotinttg, te promIurs.1tatt hie mt-tin .. 1otb yetta ~îttoTh.ma. -e-rt-.. lut il,-e t'ht lst lime -ouiaulexachange fur m»ataucspots-iIF TOtt HAVE anîthi,îit ttfo r tt- ite vholr mat, It. titnt--lOtit oelbottiryo tePleiof EL4ql"o.os- ltr cupee- ;tht- ornein@ M&b>'othat- ..mb.r anosram or muet; il sot.u otetdoinealir oe fariro te tua, JnEget t IR leL. - ut W. .ladit. ,Tharlw«va. cr>'inter- teintot16, Ion, 4. Haquet-mg. wtt- es-ellu- ep.lit 1TUB CUAt-IÉ.Ot 1wlýp t.-tt [1out tIt I .gm-ttcf-ht-,het ssttns détmonstration hy Mro. Smith. -atyu -qtrmmsîtîîgt Tt w.1r rt-t-ticalala of ct. e et- ' Thtprs-am van giconb>' tht Palet-- ,ilviii sttenirlmtht- Omianet- ut Thet1e aemaon-,n o mnWiiutn 1ar-ils Muajlnoacauril 1.00, 0. D$1 n-tl it-s-s Contenrsailav-tern-t-lit-Jeit- é a"" ft- itet-c tr Hen.tyte ldu el y M, lt- J.(.lLit.Popu-teot- , Tht-t-t 5eeiaa,Oo lOire ucbit-e . tO1t2' oe- tjLt-e-.it .t-ti tiinttco i t .oara itlleune-htlit-etlt-e Ctar-foicu- hut aIl ha t,.t..r ente n- cef-ut'atote ct-ttt, . ;tut, t g'i tit Rcrs thi gotte hi- Mra, Wtttaeffct- for thia bird bet ta fi, t-t I tLa i m uitbhe tei tlite eti OtI tstirr rw ie îî , t ,> "". c t2t-et i t- sudl a vucal sein b>'Mien Motl-i utLh. SEASON 114 gretful riî.tdltIo..Bit-e tai, ulil nlie-d thtle t-ar tILt-led et'll , ot"fs'titic- vbih i s s retat!'tj.lpeil b>' l. i )velu neo phtsue.thiwàtbo-hhedo, Aller tht clinaa ocalhait bourT- heProvincibl Pricoi. Pztreon s «., mllttsu t ttit1itt e- hirayttogt ti t -el ,neuet,d ît til . u ttc - vanapmtoo ht lae. Stîllonth, saguilimet, hat-rthé- mont1mie'-nCORTALLOW6 .RrNTALCLM >ocyear Dealer right here l>stocks-ýready to serve you ir Dealer service mous tires! More ian on any other -a tires. No need s". The real bar- guaranteed Good--- and at prices to texpert 1on-the- MEA a Trroctors SER VICE, - PHONE 245 MILTON 1832 Coast leit Canadm- tUROJRC) DXiOUINItLtll s. S OtLic COmA. 11011'tuA "t BosltiLtC LODN 1934 To DAY as dowrn through its century of existence The Bank of INova Scotia offers to sound bUSiDeSS the strength of ample rcsources and the sta- biliiy tof it!s pro yen policieî. WoltX-î LI.facilîities in everv doptrtment of banking qhe BANIK of NOVA SCOTIA OVEIR A CIENTURY QV BÂMqKtNG_9su ICIÉ NO DELAYS -NO TROUS1I Drive lit, bî.y yeur tires, aend ci-atot t iatht-ni un yous- whveliThat'.theb.éht e nd moaeitîcirway to bey Li-is.-. Savea you liane att- DRIVE - miride home today on economy GOODYEAR TIRES - 1