w.....-eneme,=sen.---emeresse....:.--==.----= -a "lCOOK-STOYE C0ome( hot, henty foodsm for breakfanst la wearying ïN, \hy not give youir fanulbiy a treat, and s ave yourself timte and toil? Serve Kc'logg's Corn Flakes. Deic-ious' nourisibing, and ready ln a jiffyI Kel %are c tno ito. Many servings cost on]> a iow pennies. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. - FLAKES CONVENIENCE " JULY SALE OF BRAY CHICKS PRICEPS (GR AT'LY REFOUCEi, Se"'redays 1.o get your suply-lSLe eggsnow ln the.nuatoe Mmanadard QuIality Foundet.lon Stock R ., ok. Ill7.9& per 10x0 8 .95 ,par 100 ;'mod Rock 11,45, per I10 1895s psr 100 -'l Ited Hors V, 1,9per Itmi 17.95 per 1i n iek.Reds, Wadte dyold oly) Rame ne Barred Bhd- wu My od ony) 1 -,ntPer achick Lmore. ihe 1 m highqality Mhicks we have he,-n hatching a sa.- rewd for quick elearances. A ra-P oppmrt.unityv for any. "s""'"dtea few mr e ",pullets next Fail. T he oIder pari ohly ell rownforthew agel. I'lhey re past t.be -LAI OL.D PULLITS" ---L7 GHORNS ONLY hk( nesthis i a. you want "D y ldi. es or 3. M pum"OnekerLs wken -iut amthpy comaafroma the inena. 1 .1 Vmmyg anranttýeed. 'Thlis new development is prýoving alrdQnalit y FudainStock 1 blInh nlIa W, 95ap:,100 810995 Par 100 ns h i PbrIATLirr25 75 per 100 29.75 per 100 'nora 11 r ear, 13ry HRatch.ry or sales 0omee-or """ '" 111 l a in s enS d $1 00 depoasit withLordar and pay h1o u ýs-lm yof chick - BRAY CHICK HATCHERY 71; V.AY hURN 4AVE,, 4T. CATH ARINES , ,Hachryat Hray PoulItry Farn, Bronte. nr 1& meisemntbas rpeeivred Government Approvai insolar ne it YOU CAN GET ALL KINDS OF J0B3W OR K DONE AT T HE CH AMPION OFFICE, L EMONS 04N AN AS W AT ERM ELONS Special, 28c doz, Special, 3 lbs. 20c peia,49C each, M AI IN ST R E E T - Phone 25 - M 1 LTON SOLD AT OOR D'S S ERV ICE STA TION, M ILTO N The Canadian Champion gebliC SChgel Pr@MgoiosL1ait SoeaLton of * 1le ******I*ea mu mse m u Fnest Qualjty ilphaùet From Greek a ê 73" a a Nm'r-(1) Pupils were paussedtlai leh Telaut iavon lettersof our alpha- hil teln a t4mt pouethé fin Hydr Reds nd ccomli te"" u"'"the aerffgef lerrearrk bt, Hain néeryailof the ther, Wýrmfom ribo re n1 t r o- ) lion a iterfe i 1ke ublher amnaal a nkW in'ITHE CHAMPION the 80th nO Agr front tthePr e nth F &Ys ',e t ho -Thé re awrvooin hela. lt., be To'ronto, June 2.-Milton's total of I(4) Due to IchlickfenPix rpidemrI(cin Ity In the lnoTrbn.Thé M ter Ij, II..m orI ml 1 i resterveand surplus accumiulatied In LI tsi mn y ne, a mjeune r sweemsedadTwas the final symbhol Jeilthe sou tev on unn e" The i m i"a y r work wes used au a had fi alphabet, bfltlim form, I. né ill...n oru w a ad nhiei o localflydro busineiffl $X149177 up to e co mnaln Iaeplie"elueptoswshaof .Te nk ereen the end of 1933, accordmg t thLie neW cm edt naccount of illnesa 'aid Liuj n y ,m osfuri al nh' municipal Hydre statietics just Mont. 1R.o1m2-Mr. Brown, g mors nearly thle nw o moli1,b tdfith ploted by ontario Hydit 81LercrrIo -Mateolm Galriiith, neleter than they d'l il o. lile rUrM. FARM E RS I Powter Corninalonstt einPheéede rinces Atlan, ltth Gunhv. In MugHa thi e èsamo sa i T r , a asset., aM%.ëdedithott l-h iposi. Mararinulan, LornelEvnéirJack Aangi latamrta adndO p.I lm y ,sy tion of a cent of taxat.ion, are como. fikm. i m è> T becom Ia l'Mot 11,n arm pp prierd &ë, foltton: PaslBruceHay.rdRonaldeJTno Reseirve for equity In H ydro avsmtem b on, Editih White, Peg le (aoiay.Fresh kom the Gardensl BI N ERTWINE V 218 ;rese ý fr d1eclat lnétieAr- - -----,- - -.--------- an un oied ond a i n t he wr>ord 4 o .F T B wW 11 N b $142 ebnurspaid $33ý,35 ;ovr fsnGorge W illiam,. i m A rmstrong, D I N O wino, highiest t pil ýilty il. p ating surplui, $45,270, Iot Lyl, Arnol M Du, , ou1eW EDD1 N, ni Th e n,.t . If our 4alIh1lRnw vm-ape a - 8lnce public power wam fthate tuned Aguew, Hlar obd Whéoler agri n 0 s p i r h et ,V n r Lu ains i in ona ne oinnMIlton In April of 1913 thé tot.ini'lurner, Mary 4Gilberi Rmite. Brush. Gul.1)T..RP -MaulNTOMH !n bat.i1'thV way I NY can. reksy b t inThe le tte m 9* hn l H oMrl anuoi pa ity humin(te edfilema 35 1>l inýe an eil zie Patrie eUrpl. Wiih palmat, fumrna a an dards(of w n m e' héreaulunl.fromt 1 Iaenother variant of tis saonsu. MItTON UNITIA!D FARMERIS 81; average horsepnorcon.sumption R len. in year'. work-I m Sprot, pink and white peonica Iinrming a I:ent osIlma m eém Thé rétmil. V;pre bol, The finm letters Nwere de vl.otiP uFiNA ri ý has groure fromt 143Lo iA42 ; total Robr aknoo ybcgond .ewdigwsro son ihwiheiwnet a àmciens'of represung nounds 4In pse revenues Inceaed fromt 817319 to Ronnm3-Mimm Elliott. slm ie n Erikine PreahIyteiianinm orteninhué ronodé. Ir ste 1, te Gree.k alphabet lrnce re ac rately. Phone21r5. Ihn . 8.32,152 ; revenue fromt domtestic amd oo luhH tcisnjmKn hrc t4ocoklstT usa f '" i" "il " lit" " " Mosna t eregting,gperhafp, IN telleletter commercial lighting fincreased tromn lut.tr or m.lesi w lrsoon ny to the4 W,éwhich 1ietetly what its name. "m. 111,18se to 817,085 ; kilowatt bholr mal- e dy "" oo DY le reN r ,K.ih- trnoon, of Mabel 1illian, only daugh- lit l-w \[Ih on elr m nv W . dhie U ý.t. 1orilhundres f ea[r S A F W L IAM for lighting increasepdMd,604 to 715,145;beu .Itundell Math Rh l Wlketer of Mr. And Mr, s. Jon Malnto, .nr I -mlny terh, an lite soubléwUsrepreneued y but FOT E RO DEWLAM and lant capital Imer. eased in valui uiKaWie X ( ua-T l ),N r a l-oI mlo, formerlyeof M in . o nwrgom fe hm. N ipr e i the ng11vsof te N tcentury O T E A frm 27.184 to$118,164. liFieWht IMr.Nir . I( itJloh n . oiv rméGoldhopM i r Th. average costof éelectrir.t.y tofi l" , . eggw McKenzim, Netrmla i i RMik• delà, ldlst on of M r. and Mert Alb rt 1"ll- "r um c a -., ;niullum iim hl III. thisform was fomfaito etu, ritl pro s u g tum a Milton lighting conumera es now 2 X R se arëD wrrireh.Grvi o eicrR v.i.l egh -1 fi H * nnIIInd her tory ai representing ih! cn nanI.t 1tI.e estat i h- .. w ! 11, A 11, 1 c.t er klWatt hoar. Thée v o t ul %m r ott,, O j.wyn a.AN r i hito, M.A., B Il om ilm M 1 m"1' 1 , m an ht h oud ndtealaictsm olW w s TelIlEWA lt, li.Int i .... .. d Compare£ With arate of 1 etsprua mth M ro proat, HerniceCLahra Morris prended lat, thbé orgin o bs cInlln In.w r gi n. dvloe.The ,ordinary W repre. M 1.o m hée0 .....y1,l 1Uni, 1, i ikilowatt or in eet Wrior tth le J klieBabaa eni ad urngth sg I f 1.erg rérunde, he relates. fta . he .malem will ans a voteed soulnd, but when oued o"rea...,deca. h iryIf public power. 1Te.aver.ge Ji m Morley, LeslieBaober ta Max' Mren , . rn k Aé mllenio m sbsn yo ntew tIii rs i ojnto ihH sI hn : ntIwitdyo o.C . lii iiII I slgh oa n 5 ereeta v wll nd raa , M rRomr. I ease'thihndetetin ma-ewfrntand he rves n nn asamedecytobco e n noied pthéto erltim ,o .heOIh , Ak>namn cities where private owner. IlV o' riage by ha fthe r .ave lvm hrolie no e r o i ahip rates ar. in effect la 5 7 cent. lier Eleanor W tgDreeJns ed iggrn fl wh er. oàd! in hé, rtil ft soe ortno i rewnseu Il sud Ih etrX ntems uy 94,e ews ii h m i iLilowatt.hou. He-l rsM re akeze v ashioedonteprmieensline% with yok r. e séent onu t and re Ilylte the rother alphabet symboi,wa de no. an w . Hydo' lw ate, f ousemae n o ea-awok- athee L- nd aplea f lit nét..Long lemlat'eantenýnue, port Jif sent heié no rIved fromt threwetern Girpre. Ifer wle V n a U posIhql ýMilton'% prr nt lar tr on- 7 - . eeves ending-in luy o't.swere ate ' l". t h ooy.hwcnoe orgnlSmteAlphabet the lname fi NIMib li, lit ii, su i nf eecriniy fo-do -Ic 4 ee ihpala i rle gd isr aea for the é haJ I frnae t ieter was same;ki. The ofialJet- MoliI.IInI fL.,ri pupoe ,but il pre-Hydro rat.sw ere Room n4 -M auqJemupson, t ilonsof ,Ilthe n.et.at.It.h, back ,of 1,he i gel li .a M r erofr apaeZ, hals a history Milton, Jun e s, h appieito reentcosum tinMito 1onorst-Klathryn NMcNahh,-Pnltrila kfirt, x n el, to form a fgrwal . ton roI, !,ie I IpPrrtatn >.I'tly the rother let- lno per yealr dditional n their éein ton, ioinal i br ith, Pey ltred. bal,.with chifyon leaf Jtrmmn, a-IiN n ed M iohlwhr ,e res<1css hee tricitybille.dinIg., Hele n eu, Oedric Hatrrop, rmitte'e.. ain. tié p 4i4 1ilal m no .i n, r" i , l'e G ek om of w sa los Ontri H dr .Eec,icPower Olnm L1 l oir eanFielding, Margaret andntcarred sowrho u UqfSp i ?copy of thre Poneabut aiuthorb mission experta hv cm uedtatloino, Mary bMorley, Mtldred t1rri," r deuas ity.f.:nl".v"'Il, y te r u tdb h re a et thetotalsavingto Hydra osmr vn.admienhi eo.Te bie-tIs m ytnbob seta. SYe e al explana1 mark ver Oe nrofpaseth $00% 00 Pago-Péarl Morley, Robhert Clarke, ain, Mimm Myrtle A tkins wIas Véry. f, '. D. IRMItTRA -A it omt ml- ion@ have en vn cebut noire of m r atheedo'13.Donald M l Rn, it. aUrýll, Oolin att'rac1tive ina . hIll pin nt %art esuiimieT ame genlby 0nt.he tmhave been acepted. Thellettr In theprovincial1 field the. eolesSmillip, Ruith BuckDonald WIlson having a ruffe ee ad rw chrJhiMlonCape,1 0 I. l", tte t ort, Ihas ineretig nariatin# ilt lih npwer bus NessgimProved and.1dirr AnIdersn (Vqua.l Mary Bar- liame miaillromesion th., idlvflare o h eet Ms 1 .Ho.f a aerayastoa .d o nd itIon il didre, Arthur Perry, Elizabeth Fmèken, ing skirt. Shei.-wore a pilitiv m l.h f AuNu etueo h i 1rn. oon was1a ound value. f o t e a fInancedurin3 rmi.lw on RutthlHolmes, portlouéhm erair-, thé dro i br'm. gat i .ili crcpinada- vinrial momisin rcvrdthrh-i f.reW, lilliian Fét ter, ca rit n a un onquret f pwM iTrn bormn eet teOder.SOMe Cat Superstitions e y ofrd e f l becomne the largest, load lmtH ydro Laulsghbon, ijin Deverell. Mr. B nIl hrp,'fVitrwwae o te hlrarintSts intuia tAre Eelieved y.tyhhfowa. hfistory in the monthr f e ce brt rte' bs.m n r ith Ilicetsbi lt tlib-t.. Th tngof1 The popuilar notion fltt tas k Durmngbrase, year$,0000 a dr. Romr-Ms em el. W r o a iio, o no,,h üti asar-tmi...mta ac h betho hide, hs asng rae nIp o t w u ard to om isinresrve., making a loes-Mary Mne.Nabbh, Mar-ion baide, fand Mr. EIal obl lari, oio-In t a me ,,ven booi n s of th- pirei teirde'th, Ili wIrol-wid, witesa idhsA to E total of $6,00.000-tash a,ýets ofi Uil, ilié 0Gould, Dorothy BePnnett wreuhes A rcet o ashebld aVlo, isrpr lai < m ti creinent1.n ltheK, as c y Hydo igt ndpower liu ofth ) I maIlIota m rtIl ,, TioTrne tula .e h m fte bia p r i l , m rfewa . ma i n fr n o Timin æ ese a am m e tario.in addition there r é dméaeeeYaeD r1h i ge ,deorated wiet.b aproluion ofIuII me r ro ene eén e reervesof $0M mM r etM re onyfold Dilon- iwer I he bifflé ta, he h Il( 0heoemlem wa IIll t"ie m.thée o'lm nall e fr di is s18 al tollé Scholi' F00t Comforts By actual cm uains tro AIMetnnell, M rartDxo.Ch v ith tihé wedding rake, wop leily i bha waten pwdm uin n o u n fsrohu n no Reparing Scissors Grolind HydroElectric Powe ConmiionJ.rv.i, Illen len eland M 1lc11m done with Iink itaperé .m.l Il -m A mso l t01hé an we r . rnh """ "Il"e' "" taitiashave etm fdta .Me nf q ) lerZimnwrman . loi andgyp pil. Mr1t . and NI- ur III.ng he whle l. T vermoyanld Ibury it urier the doo m Islo, a a b s h S tarlo Hydre users wouldlhe- pn.g"l, Pa- Art hr ooe.H r yBrus. laoh ,II th i. ,rt I"l, P fla CcrNt f te rimwaskep ackow ut f he r 850,00,W0iX a year additmin Iforrl at, n Hrs, T dd è eelg tgonnof C i hgntine i.e o o A nthn il (Ith' A cat runicing aeroos i; b .111 o vice if they Pard theé averag rtté in ihman ll son erle liush, Erne tfonpronted m a. a -'.v low ti a I-ý a w m a bv ealiza ense r t dsapoitn nif one due- -- - effectin Unted Sttes m ycipalt y ilnilingé Ii ggy Fil dling.(, ( LazenhAY, igé, widédy i m w a o m lh 0mo i oi lnyo h oe fntu mdaeytr ok Ontario's average donwmuatmligh;tmg Buddnily H nw o .,Jan Miorley. ,[nd a lc.r.ag, od Per L o ouil which Iley frm a imt TH rate la 1,7 cents per kilowattL hour. ine o .lilies f-hevah.y lrem i il 0 1 h - i h é,; i u.I l lcatwashieu !Itsface infthe lprfi According to 1933 fligures thepro, iter. , on year'swotrk -Roy (Gray. lbrida1lparty, . n M, andoi ,.i- - - - -enee of several persoro th s "oe'a"• vicil ek oalhsgrwninle a 6o -Mioa Mille (;.Iih rpeof GoIIderich, thr-,lalbi 04n Wednesdayv, line 270.1.hte h lar.itloks II.wlill@belthe irs t e to get S oe Hep- powler ; the number Vof n cpli H nB-rn ali, EneToletzka neg f htIradl wr it o ioyweeeetda the p uble Ar caenRdt fi rm ind Iicaeé anM ý it served have inreased fromt 393 .o 757 ; . b--g, . d n idig, o ncsofis white . Lulær Mri . ,Iand w ooh im resain, ltook p A 'Pu tin tg nde la huhe esre total number of con-unw-r- h- in ymnlls N.elbe M Laughlin. ýi, E n rs hie G lthorpelethvM 1> ;unTo h -t he -osigleercses i Ptl a -0ilnllmite"ncu creased fromt387,983to6III7,0 M ,1 M kly.Ien HraleRoallEvmi th M skka lae itrct, h te unorrom. heshmarhillfwhn tthaein wllm k oth irn ing rral) captalivest ent Hyd aryC n1de -1 a her ery mati n . aité nh lu n-$1. Ganiwrgienfo he iges top. In Eussex. If a a - sne ee t . GO D C M NA ON ha. mCrea8ed from $8179,000,0x) to, P-a - Brue Kitehen. j'lhn Stover 11 -ewith a tmu1ed w.hilé orgamly i g in i. y - W e t iw n must neaille epult "out 'of the oune O CO BN T $288,000po i;eapitatInovestmnu o iondm. - r aroe tilly Nole, Laverne b l 'futimal athé fac ae so urh lito oal Nb. Hty t echexlosions would bring cipalities) has increased from $60,00, R bisnKenthBush, Mallie Zim , , ula d carrying irbjth Wh lte n .urene adeyarIi th i-,ý usfortune upon the fam.ily, 000 to $112.00,000 ; moiles oif nrra limerman.io Johnny St,,verm e emr ,g cý,aiu t -l. wo a " t),ry.pr Ize o IHetty hie nthé senor o rcs linoeimcreased 1from, 60*5 tol 9 . It -llinm-n%'illa Anderson ,M e tgrensM n mUm ut lM lom G lrih I h ¯¯ odWorkvmam i and rural ensotomýers linu ber fr-om , Johnson, Brb-Iara NiN , Ola11g ldhre wl ad n HyM o o t.Teleet rslok h ingtSnHa a a ete '/700162,00 n On agratlatedthe wnn ng upik ad Te hmid ight un a vSm. tti éon. B tcty Heav'ise ddie 0av B.lly O1TA Y.e rl e Arvtic C(Ircleeat fandit r h uiNGlH AN.CAA»,AN ' CAMPBELLVILLE irle. iday Lylé.Alch NI M rnoen, B T A Y i. A If ulit-t'ni l, d l l i. r. 1-m inin a o NI) ýANoNIm,\N b fla-ol Mok. -im Melmalts thehorizon Wlihout G mn e liec Yeae W rk May Ftte, R UBE 1. th l",nIl. Thl. resulta froiniré na Baturday na th ni e o f I I a Ni, crad-t, erg ore. n f Toronto tow shi's .1. loh ind ml-I;,kl, 1.- The ni.on fthée ertht's ax1s to t-e Plan-e1-f RepIrsl while you wait Peter McPhailt A large inumbter were li'toom7--Misso. i Pubeiitc d iizens Ad Ilow i rwiIMl,0 a l - I ra orbit, The elevation of lthe pole e nd od tme w s noyd Hnorm - Joan Sproa , hathl e the "fathler of 1Hydlrol"in.. i dIistri,. than"ký aUw-, ch1,I amd li. t w glven spot tu equal to the flat- e en a Howrig andoiw11en M rNal eqa eihet, nsid o, l .t 1 liit1 11 tlInlof tiat spot; and tire stn et'& l A. INEW MAN, Proprietor. The garde nîprty last TuesdaIy s>r l.y ot i, LouilaSt ordy, Olive lakontonné lon hi. G in t r. entive ntrihé er w r M neo i-u mrdybig6 night. under the auim es o t hr e 1 (1h1bT1 so ,a inT om .111 fi'r.More than a year.,M I. I l',Is h l.the -suni.an bae!v lgae h Ladies' Aid of Mt. IDavd's h rewa lon. ry Smith. Vera No;rri, KeithA b kle toatt.end thé IIsanannIt. i ln l--- iz . Eo frhrnrhtemd a decided sces.The HappIy tm e, àrilrM rgrt orrisoin, Ituth l - kydl lat em eand waéýIlold of Elmira, and the. co itzn'M k-,lili ce nCarles Fa'y, no inaed fnd lecitedti h nws et sun la observed orso e dy Band provided t.h, rormm. Frankie RfinsnJmwMcEachern, hydro commission ww i onCONODENSEU AUVERTISE MENU| eealoi aner nit.-ummer; mad at lur. and Mr@. 1T. H. S fyer n .MagrtAlxander, Margaret VWae. isru eta n omig l tw eplitelif faday ofsix months be ily journeyed taoStoney Greek on NMon. land, he sulTered a sroe rom whInh li aTn- erieao.A pl i:a tesrn qunx h dasy to their annual fanly reuo l s- l nGray, PiclaDixon, failed torlly. BrSu n "i Eram a town MrsANTmIy Ellitt, Rbt t. A' I. M Ltou c n i ng-tn rudte i the i A number fromthere, t. Inldl.e Li- tukOe ar-own, ILCl i.Au,.1sip, Fe, Lumet moved tolChok-on M -heimn, o , thfre n o raduallymoref celebration (on Ju!v 2nd, All ee d oNom nstraub, Ilene as. from Milton 36 yeasa i pr IiiT i i1a a o H raltN a erh arallel to1 1It A te loud in.their preisse of i esueess olf ki-l l r.id laarr]p. ted a f er fam uil' h r... remert .1 wok g aa tepriv-e l - 'l j _I teevent. The promoitersand those Rec. -- mne -Jooe Drew, Laverni n l1920. and was kn'ýý,ona nnnh .l, H.Hny hoe . M Ni n lattitude 3 dgmes who took*park areto becongratlad.d Ribble, Fæd Rigo, CrloliTocecahno, ity ont rmut growing, Hie t.ok a keelivn 1 .rthl, [the i.lidnight nuit Io visilfo Mr.. W .H.McPhail andhler brother, le.Y a' W r--lnhBrushj, interes t mpule affar-1 andI wa' a- Fon aI.-3 thurner liai ou i vr. Mayl1' tu July 29. At n) flae.in D. Benderson. left lasit Thni ay fir D ula tvr. br of t. otw si ne i or ah g wck .od at nowt. Ili -:alo E f-i nhs thre sur ieen vieille a[ a trip to the Canpdian west, t w;:years serýving .as re"é. 1té sI I bune tol 1 2 Ap1yFrsen.wa ln t.he Halton-WentworthL eague uoom 8i-M issarc nUýnn as e bro th ootoHa Ie o Sto, phone'2I. Ap Oampbellville defeated Carbslwleon:, Honor-Maian Rer.wkli, Mary Kir. ton nghway comm ....h.... - July 2nd t Carlisle, the cr engsie on. oe eenM nels o nfmiy of 11, Mm.urts atle Nrma T> RRNT -,-In good shape udpet T7ddy White, Dnn lune H Ilp, comies bit:hée11r.1 break mie nnl.dn«ea nbl u mdit 7-5' ItonaldAr nulroog, A de cen i a survived bUv wa itorso. A py .Pae.pon u s as mte. re t c it odemn- JeainHay iBrnéest Otu, D5onna June daughte- , andi by mi.xbol r a i li n, or .1. Hiating., 10 paiM]ey S. IIltI. rci blt fIi,-; LOW VILLE. HutchIizon, Dorothy Whiel e diefilr se rsaunong whomare t.G en.trIýi udergrouDd trolley systent.'Thle P>avie.bert and George Lush amle I.,MmP. I). . Irst bilé was operated In 188.Brtilla Mime . Lily Pata ChcagoooreLaura or' arle, f ilo . hefuner.1a mI ' IT--M m lag Itlla. ,one wa tmncm in hes oden Mis M.Cante ofchiago a Iély, L-liéNeve, æslie aisWfilma held oi M ontend wa .lr1y t 48ih H'an-Va .vadak m try witileait fi nrsta Searson his Mime Lucilie Walker, of BHur mton. Maklttendedlk,-Rfward Fimier plafiphone ripent the week end with Mr and M- ,lne F a wMnJa 0r13 lor A, L MNa bb, pom4, to-ry lma aGem nc1e,t ýtet h.the H. A. Foster. MKinn.June RZltfe-y, Eey3Step. MilLon. Ti-tee t etur7. Budanbecamne the Mis Lilhian Spe nce, o ato rd . Bý, ir Autiste houhut telw ldcapiral Io, u gary Il;13dI , tbut w- a Genera1l Hospital, ise spending her - rsW rk FakeBro, shold (1be m rte i mw frm Voit m-Six hoivé Mud sows. Trkla pssssonfrm1541 to Ic.4S6 vacation e h ne eK nnt bath, TobomyeLhlié. Manitobailto the : .ct. thatndwo girls Buthtwnswere united In, 1872.T re Lockport, N.Y., spent sunda-y with -- --hald their car ditchedwié om ig Aply J. AuckIand, phone , r a osmdcnlsrnsa h MisdaIn r a hi ,y. of Toront. S, S. No 6, NassagaWieya. their way through a hedo1 ls Mlo t eastern prt of hie elty. Budapest ila el" en he week.end with Marjorieand - - oerreof the -vorld-a greatest miling erna Norris, ~~~The folliwing pnpils were successful cnes h uilaiy bita This community was well repreent- mn their exaininati s:ohue gnt. Teleatr n lth le Danube ed at the Dominion Day celeaton rat 3JrIV tr. IV 1.-Loyd Stokes, tahfrthéuro fDntrat. Milton end Carliele on Monday. Ruby Service, Jean, Martin, Mitchell -- - fng the od r mehod of e di n gt The ninth annual reunion of ilt Ormoinýky. Bro Casarm, Wileon Mr- Ingan.the cdtynis the jci n of all ji Colbing famdly will be hield ,on Setmn Powell, Ilene MrincDowell. hejritin f i day, July 7thI, at th. home. of Mrc. and Sr. Mi l, to.r. IV.--Winnifred Gates, Hungalirian railroad. Mr. PEmmerson Colling, Nick McTrash, .Ioe Geogar, 1Lilhan T'he Sunlday Schoi pinIeof te uJé M rin WisoJim Bailey, IFl, _ Unaited Church will he. heVldat e.W mfrdSoe.Le., Th.ew Ciinhp vide PatýIkGuelph, .n Monday.J , ly 11 Lto -r. Il- elylerAniIndividuel who joins thes armiy 16thb. Lena rui lo, tella ,Yank, Henry of another coumtry forswears hig The Women)'s Misionary Society MicTr-ash, Charlotte ïService, Lena~ mrcnctznsi.H utser met at the holme of Mr@. Maunce Casain, Leslie Hunt. Ueniip H ani:swa Readh.&d on Thureday afternoon. of MI. C. '.artfin, Toiecher. a lance ta tehgovuruinent for r Hin Ovn d thi wek' r, Ameýrlean citizens who enlisted BEANS med T n l10c BIG INCR EASE SHOWN IN 000D- N O MA T TE R W A1 REPORT. - ru t I YEAR SALES J¯¯¯¯ . elaTiieliutreetzenship in1. an if a wasPEAS N.Tn12. --v. M"a an , oCAR YOU OWN... nee-iry for thél-to-wear alleghine e o.me- t4ib- Tire Sales In hall Year 64S8 Per elli, i- n onlou hIs mjet the king, fori' period CO RN 2 Tfin,2k, "I'. Ill-John Brown, EuniceFlint.of their sri .Peronls Wht, o seved Cent fireater Thau InI93I «, 1 ll i 1 U O matter how much or br>w littlcoe 1 Iou l6°iIl 1, .d** *.. TO CAPTUkE ELUSIVE JULY A P Quanker Irradiated Harry Horne's De Luxe Heißmann Bue Iibon Coroa o n ncy Sockey r-,ýed Salmo n BEAîNo.N 2 Tin 1 BEETS 2 No '21 SEV EiD e 8 s EE Patr c a Fancy, TUny - n Brotinhers l ~in Tenmate 1-«E. C De onee 4cy cmased 31 C Pneappl 2 *** 0 à a -T*ns- u r e O ntari aPm ld Syrrs 25 1; 1.ý ý- rncT rrtblk A ns1vl , WorIi \%nér los1tlther -Il tsM ,but in isu b.for- any cour _ of hnd', anne, h wen hel A co aea prn fth, n r, ar red oi a ensor prishe of inikoy iras a cuh sefor wome. CrTh ngth Rbion " " *""" * W 81a1tthe republ vic. FDr uds reuen ..Car r ie' Dry od toret"" Mr. Il- Elda Flintft BobblyDrg The number Of the tire umits pr- J. Il-Tm nuCaeeBns, duced and sold by Goodyear Tire-n ' re H-sBbb inl RubrCompany Of Caneda in the Wr. -j-,akieuý dg.Alice it, Irm.moth of 'h. npresent yearMagaet ronAle.Tncl. show. an increase oÉf384.8 Petrcent, Ovelr Mr. I'r. Mil aMevnBoa, theeamle period nof1933. a Lor.ngto J.P.EserTnl. C. H. Carlis, peie mau, P aa Taha h e ol,'h. e p-<t- rdthim ear. Otbecr lines Of producýt.an PR ESE NTATION actured by the Company shwary luch greater per cetage 0 o icr1e pror i e# oeition n rte ilY. ".n-ILi.with meuch re states Mr. Carlisle, ,-t tha'w-hIlN.a- edOf your ap- During the first six months Of 193j1 proaching depalrlure». Dui ing yourstay dividende have been earLned -nls.ý. og us we hve rown very fond . lue increased. Earnedsur-plu, -of or you. Weall kow youhavePut une B0th, after deducting dividendm forthIlyo1ur very Ibest effort« on Our be- for the six month, @tandsaet$8,069,. hall. Land trust the friendships now 421, or $713.570 higher than a year ago. formeýdw illetiu through the. In addition, ttare is a capita: surplus 3'- .a. gOf Y."ta o of 8M468. 'There are l98 shares lem, -Pt ii Rf f aalt no u of preferred stock outstaufnog than at a eio the same period a year ego, these ha- f IgndbA sh o SS o.1, ý ing been redeemed by th. Compani algar (A.h) Au additional net amrmt of $63 -- -- hams been added to the reserve forý IF YOU HAVE anything for sale Llent depreciation, and other reserve.stOr rent; if you nee-d1st Or farm ave been built u p by an additional helpl, lenTHE CHlkAMloiN help you to $267>90. which je considerably in fill your rleqmitr-mt through the exese of regulrementu, condensedl advertiemienite. . I cil value th.an the new Marvelube Motor Oil, Back of Marvelube stands, the experience, resources, equipment and repurtaúnn of !MPFRIAL 01.I IMITEýD-one of the larg est petroleum corporations in the world--it just /jas to be good ! And it IS good ! Many of our customers use Mfarvelube regularly to their entire satis. faction. *1 *Q * P5cTITE 2c oc -- QUALITY FIRST-ECONOMY ALWAYS" C H S LagLPg ,-,"'RO LSD FR E E Not Nouse Tomatoes D E LIV E R YLarge sme, special, 2 fer 1 Sc NEW BEUTS Special, 4 buinches 10c nn m 1114 e 1 rIt r_ r_ 1 r-au.ft7 £U MIL 1 VIN