EASTER LILIES Freali <i a loona on N.alss'a Chocolt. e iplant. 50 et& pr lle. Developlng, Prlnag, Efaargns.- -14 Heur Service, Fllis o fi t ail 517*5 of Lallc'raa and Kodaka. Ni " P .i X M lo sxN os. 2, & 3 1i h1111 1 At 'I Il SO sel -------- - --- -- -1011h1snia Baby' Po<dir ---- - ---- ir tIî.'a tbntilient ------------. - .1 Ni L. e ce - - - - - - - -$1 0 a nue (ie C va ,told or anishing - - - - 1 «ývio fier Shaving 1-owder---- ----2 ~'MACKENZIE'S REXALL DRUG STORE M OST men stili have the first SLAf Insurance policy they ever bought, but few men atill have the first savings account thiey evqr started or the firet ee- cuirities they ever owned. THERE INII1 lBE Al ~O -ER. M. CLEMENTS RiFPRF:St5NTATIVK- GIdd Mv<-1 I l40 oz. rv oîi ------I31C lb. iti 9C I lb. tin -- 3 lZ A 1111-i -11y Pow'uderq, -1 pkgs. and 1 ir..e for 25C b loq W«hi i-e. 1("1 b-s. titi --?.C 1 4 «NI ilp <20< hll. Buter, i o-ý. jar- 0c k - I e <e ltîiî,r, -r pkg --- -- - 1 1w,:ii li iiilt4 i l utm , whole o iat,per lb- -40e bars k - pls r t ---- --- ! i c , llgefi-1ihea]s, each -- -- -1Q 1 f- o e î. r pe,.-2Il,: - --- -- --- - 25C I îNER CUNNINGHAM OfER 'QaUt ways hlgher thon the prlce>' Stock FeedsI Oat and Barley Chop Ont and Ryle Chop and Ontario Feed Oats AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES FO I? 00tittTATION-Mi ~Sun Ray and Mlaster eiiuApmd t .-Ow.m'e pour tbe"s *m. %bum soeod A Prliit GCI"Sic..o haemlil Ts lte 40" Rdidt" o cu etMW u £ul 'utPle0,10, cuutll m Z IL. te p..; a p - %bu "Wmmm te caIdadsy . h.et lra Iootw ear Frday i Sattdaily, MUi n à0 31 lh aai Il*p uu ~ 411 %.OtlittS »841*t utyuih"t ot oeîd otb Ur. and Mm,. P. ocppio. ce llgea otianou oh-1monit. uibu 4 PADDYTTUE sure suouo~e ~il i s awlItiti ornfortitbly IMIT 1111NG Ouipo. teMr. simïao lAr Théd6"aconutant lathe wdlVte tsi. lun here art, M, =2% f th* ocamis B&> Wo invite .-i. ir n1tiof i«tilau bes o thewsu ut lotirrth m f.t-b ausr B te u Jn Tip Tll'a ne- e*e uie Awod, serht t d ad ofts.< 1. *New Spring Shas, Pamps or Tics and ipe« Costa.. uews4aile, hutsi tI g~mcmien ta mr epoifr duy. wdîi ( t cioth and trluinge *aI) M. puais ha.bohevu so.'eedti ethe! wii- aF Onedy-NEW8 H01ND brtîtb'm Dy fI. MOI ta,.Milton, Mîlt oeb buh y W. H. Melamn, ai: Flip prou Cartonr-'ttrse f'att< FAni tt URiSALC-lOa r llPlUhomui. liepalring Setaars 6rmpind, difingMI i, it prètt crtiet RANtt.Wâame plcmostatd0<r.port lace' 02151.fUne hbigh<own cetrt~e t a gorge, tuher of rtrntt--îe.Sutibia 1 <î' usdi. v.i'i<îi<bi l p ist. cwit ti ntîcrochet tore $1,7ô. PIait mît sUheripl.tto ri.t.t Ut 1tutrdav iKt'îîuuxg MPIVyrite Mitailg, phonte f. 14tii ttk c a'teiwu, FrWay f& Saurday. 4pril 6 & 7 Main St, Milton. peupleIII liko ta tta.et overytlsy inth.. lcib'sS JOHN' WAYNE and hi« monder, Pîcrr 'TaîIoICNIN.-A nuomber of it-ifur. forthoy eerhîag lt'rAddIiIht i'latt. Sor bcr..Duke in 0 rettidont a." tttiiotbL<JlIy leing a)thecu oet t. <ta trtit orý m c I t . y p l r e d tn i tu a it t o t I c i. b u t D O tb o t t e r t h a z i . , u - l u l g ie t u ia l é- IIA U N T E D G O L D t e '- m ti e u ho" e ta bu < etpays h a cr anaadthcsnee. gi ér toeE P lour Star Western, <utsî d Ieltwl lapprehend thethosw.ek. s d -ebue k. ttt-xteod Otable H wJ t. und heai..Wcus t ie xte Coai Aime a var-rty of short aster.tep PRd o~t< ~Up tms e. Ut. utc It tia PopClqueSh eîbjt.m.L. Clîamhers bua qualiay of houI taui t.. ~ VLoiAait bs -- , Ropai hold ri turtat emili hy privatc asi. jPltn u <~Main Street. Milto', Streetr. inu.7 ta0.il.t. IOl u"ambtp gIsîmo ct- p cmpe.. in, of - -1 Frtdsyat 81 l'utWtt am ,pîei ta bacc th"-Mr.St 'at' twtttyat la SaturdsyFstr a tiil1 tKimretlî, ho caete(roui Lindsay 1iIhtrI Iit lP&Pec-Vaitiat, î.... A GOOD COMEIN ATION PPLAR lPRIVE S. 0 up ily auSSprincipal ot Milton lîi toid; etinîiâee re,~i 1 il al trà-o S. i. i ilighttipimpro 1 iahi. aieilly iy Wttmel. -Win,. <Bai--n- - Cit'icu cf i'to hopeIte til imi' 5A£LOT UV Bti<as,-ît noWttirne oit ta~ okt speedy recomccy. tthba e b â.teut.nt pîîbliîspin thté l- s iteL-Ue ;I opeigarn ue t m iti cmMlo.ta the, effert tat ocal New s. fu hi n h st t h nd$at Itu Mitonaeiou mupot io*2r.f.NtIHAOCAAINtA leu b-d e"itrlieg rieil;ou Mitl etc-es,$t.lt5W nt IdI Ueiin tibr I AD uuMA OK - -- ltPhsevaow-n oa st fai.. ââ léui-ras. sud thst thi.soa all'd noie, ÎE «i<t<<Itoý EsaLci- uuday, April î.n. mou RI se ii. ehsli.tfavorable tmIId w».9slot uf hbo ut;ad wotild IIIv Th wldami a Ëtort. i aperati&us wîU cotm.moo. hav, brun tublhed had L the tirban l'h wid ss. ai. fpî-- ortl. Plytouh sd bryiersan àBar Siltot cf thet, aily Stt- kttowntltat Repairs whlle you wats ami ridy tamorow- pubie lymoth nd bryoer bbàcI te st*eet-ss euut-iorizoe.liq, <bocl Fidayta'morrw-spu vic ie. go*. cl.t, t-s ud s---i-eme.th.'Miltoneic.ad atnthu holiday. Spaîjlg icre sdtee o rta f lian.lh al î, rîbttawu<î tî trtr-< Tappigthe tIi. lpce i.qtite tttptiîac 11 1'Y'p- tsoIuderisns serc.îe O Witt.maudo'îht.diii uith the IgîItti.-~ 1-- e<orn ~<-h i tltse daye.. ke fCati-Joliséti'iGaaté0.put, ha sent <in'the etateettwhiclt 1dirr',ýiii; 1isIn"e ty ai7 4p- - ariv. itXX St'ePmuogt, )SENtxagrc.- lu I Le= ofiMtally ecantraiict..in t. (0111411. .. ladyolnib"! i~'*Politc Magistrat. John p_. iHIio ' star cpy of uhich a5l'ain A N WM N.Pt 10etr lui ii trs sd îtloehe tpatrt hors tnu Friday corning lau. it&SUt of TE. it Axtioy -- John Motutain vistel hi. biather, iJaonSéniité., a25. cf T'oate. vWse sraUaAA Pl.o î'-____ Raîad. mu Mount Fomi-et isat week. trtond Igulity or staii msuauto robe toc.." peseNTAITAh-'ameofViei.iti l . 1.M. Pambeus for tii.s te dfrîtut KMost Lindsy. cfTrsfaigar tba"m»nSctedbym ptll»td pllln- ( j(- SIE' triot souftpet speitfontw.ar. Tuuhp.sd ..gvs dste amtpbeil »sd Re. Lv. cau. B.A.. sentence e0 u C o keudodrd a uddre.db c. ota mo.t m aeiie Chalagim¶ro.ps o the ciourt. Muraynsd bina. Lloyd Crawrford. tlit aasuAtlln M uh. e t1aa uro. The I)N iR IFLES fesotalels>- St. ()RI dtt hitil. Cautpheivlleo ililUlANTRCE Mi.A. L ilemstmt.of Art-e. la spritng Tsaniî, t a"" Coumpay j Fdi7. Matr. Mtb. 50 ini catitTh-r. vtttÎ-uP hl.r site,Mi-.. John Agnewt. w:timeue Ogoîrday. Apa-li tbWiti t lho chicr .solos. patn.*mttr,. AMERÎCAN ANTHRACITE Otni --. a.i.AIl isube rquestid l i t anti i'iidtngt. Atiiisgatrt- Cutio -" 14UeftMCUiY &d the ,attPod: &euinteudir'it reerot.. Spe r. II25r'.rhodmien w. CANNEL a IhTUMINOIJS atmPS." Aptil lth. Wait far IL ti:ditaoaae'fse mt. CsigTatltilTtt- Mf. Milton toWn cottecil wia tut0. o ot'foctheenn'iisltg tial'tg pmdod. titMes... rlieo f Mtt<att t itt. iNisda evcio n-at.Aprl i'tlBtut INCUN k~î nSALKILMiltau I e. clehruted hertlhttrtit<ls- O'c"tt'k ~nt7er-tst. uho advett»ITiisel T I TIhormdap laet sud rec.-a-rl lie La<( IflitAY-IIt-b. atin <'tANPID>Ireport at' iuceasitotfi-mcn tîitomof ber oiaoy fi tendr.. Milton wil tie :Ios.d an Ruîtti- Mon- 15 tu 20 pc. la their cash sales, au f1.'l Mi" Mervie Mntite frri ontslItt-llciîtt durbtis ypar. ter th-ofetthi cme 's-familp. ber niaiher ieat-hitg Ilte sgt- ted of tint. in lES. YT'O. c uu t-t"r.. sud tont-,r-te 1,,i-. t~, ( tt.tt A Fit ci it t P. D. sud Mm 4 heey have rtI psy. ta '.dvcrtise in Te aitaco- c otrtaEbii tet i in' Waeb&go BR'AIhw brét'they wtli the' ttwspaper wlit Lb. large rrul.wh.u@ho e dd Iebd-ir..trP in dCatraPo- rcedetita DCL si. tmit. anunsI eetwtro ail ut whoni are,,r biNA 1. Ctsiuh.t.s. uo ha.sm-ld "Ii T'lilton <Gof Club js holdug i- deiti. Bep<stufoueud ott- <-ocryMaye iiisOaiug bitalues. e Port Pttrry, I-I mucting <in thet oue hall ou Wedou.m-Y_ I p5 S.bh*lctife 1t,, Lurued taJMlion at wec a meii prlSi. t .. i t.Io '~ it~t lut-or tan(>.s H. WI.KîN4oN - stt..RExpettPlviug inembers,. bat-eholdciundt1 h». i',ded ber. @fer stuce. Mi-î AeraPlant Foodi Rej1ail.i,41têmations. Pr«'sing. eery.îI nuterestei tu tic wèlfa» r, c -Mondsi.lmeoi trong maiehr ai th. uol Cmmuîe w ~- tiinî. bClthe1b ai-uinmited tu lte presen. Prmbyoimu turch- For SOtttttt inteantd Cyanami ti-d U olmton atd Onah Pcteylanu for tài, cOmniug meison wlllie1 h.@ atosutaid a dreeaibng buaiit' tad n t rh aunid p at. t<tet-t'itqd. -rueomomsa- udimembei butbahveliving rotJred for a&rtu. 'LL O téflonchambr o Suday bot. cf1thét(jlb ae lookiug fürusetita a! ber of yrm1 S .IL M oShuwinugNew Siik Ha.liory for Fast. ceaIisîicesful yeacand ilin labOpedPHOlitiI. MI -11. ail uwabadeal!.00 nd sud1125 ua se musy a.posmibihlt ieh.pics- DXMN 11 WESTI1 Pair.-Galhrmitb's fi-y<Goutte Store. eut and join e iithé.disctsionlcs. BXN N RSL Manday Istateiu"td hc twptitt'ii At An aucticu sale*cf faume *tarit iArrat'.gmput. amrt'wî i r a,- WANTE D. ututvccsaiy ai uhat insnmwtht' Braite condutrîrd bv Tite. PaChiehaînt. of i for Lie second oiug and i wîestliîgg___ bMncb cf Lb.he nktf ofnturéal. Mult4i,..atnd W. A. Ratttel. Bramp-ttn. touruameut under the austpcesn e b uktr i .,ia >'Or the' ebap Who lites ta kt'P his utttioiiei..for t'tt-tl Middlebrook. u of,1-ai Canadisa Légio tueAhIt'-t o. -. .arHLe, ni -1W.a- lth tir uew o"t- it-ltas tend ucw retate-,Eiîtetii 'l'owohip. hbnre.rangt.d This show uîl Lw a greattt iips- . ,n io-. .Mrr1i-ai leion te PaI' 'e--' hastlimn as iteit- Iront 8L IV< . File of thesanimaâ 't- otor: Lb, latoae.a .- a.ttît- aiaa.u<2 di<î tt i breaker. hrottgltr s ilif SSiI. KXoh.-a t îliy appr-ciate thet. î..1I oît. n f 6jeiI k-I 4. i, MM.Ace."hoba bls s e <cgetsi et II. o t' in as. hifh ai thei.aotrufa,. F.1it, i--a i t-i-A rt-_______ Mi-. Acc. ue h. tet stterug ii TW<,tvtwa-ytind cl,,. ocottîht.eiug iattcheti wilh outsider, traint <rionta toaubles, ta ucli. She i-dti$lm01and' $10<2 'pectvcî<-. Impie. Oakvîil. audiliauilion. Jattcarrerh LFes. .Ooro an unHtiotSale. Attnt.&Sleo moitivwril.Therite,it ant'sd Steve Saalley wiliIteoan tht.tl, Picket-t's brui Store. i- claimei. w..auron of the lariest atI- cothc-t'ihgat a M io ypuar ('Ann op TtitiNte-L-..tsr-lh Tel-. dtitâalo oiuy j15le wu" *I uspimai.tr yf.<liste fer i h- tatboit te Ldies Ai ofhOwled sud .<emamted St mtireéboit erthm IlaiteLde, tit MPU,- s pei&I. tbis wob-Ali. wocl mo. fo'I t <'it ttht'date. <aturday. Kuox Chîirreb. Mut-,.andi îthp'r ,,o..Psiatae 195 pr..Meu'&New Rtlts piIl 14i. ýt h put. sharp. jit'keta frit'nde for flowers aud favor rpi eic. SI 95.Sitpting Carie 25r.. sic au ý7111 :w<'-St.ati3e. onuslse Ssttrday ii -t. micectamilît' Preptly-z-.iI tchurt-ltNew Tic. 5<tt. Sweater.si14,4. Stibte.________ ha eltPndet a ral tLa 1. F. FrRiser1lIc.-U3albtîa itt tIsr ond tore ta. L'av..iltaWMitoliti to det <in-. Kuo." 0I in hal yoâtr audent. to Miltou. usatsl binc. Now ho temte,. t tl- hocrane thcir astor. patgsiid.c a- nits Mr. and Mma.Sterrett, oft(lien <'t'tl- ruiil î,c.Liulof the 4,lt. on WOtîpWute i nch s -tu.c i o air&I liains, ha-. reutet in m $htilî.îfarti Bowling Cilub.hefaoleug at' e; s P iotoimehn ou the iesthth lot' e. qtiansd weme etetet!< flnoraePesdu. aw ______________________ moitit there r <iwekCiatst «P resitt' t rJ. . Cntetn _____W.,_________ Simplieîty Paii.rn.. New Faithim,- 'trt'-Pros'idot. W. T Raemoati; Se.sa csML shte Scribe undti atitrus for 'Apri "[^rv. C. R. Teti-ier: Tresetlr"t. iL T uII ini. New b1es strll W. i-~ Philip ;t'hair-uan Iof mnOniro Dr msStore. M ilton. ndtre .cmtep.Rbtr HARVE PHLPRsi Chsicr-1n o-Z(james comumittée. G. ti-'uFmitF tH.o lii lu dug îa grave 'n l<iiimiew Cei- liaumn. T.e repart cf te'riessumr Eletrioal Wiring MALTED elte reauthe. i-ct us epthofthe sd"ilirnîse cf the ai-ottecommit-.iand CHEESE aIl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t Ut S i.etIedpt ftt esso hale club tae b.nlu plendidReas Sgav. -Arton PIesPt-e.. hape îec thi aunnRomanit. Rpt LiseoIIIe"m cf the ioat sud nt'si, »KîATlo N AIXTINO WORK <IUARANT<llT - 23C i-ma nte te A ttellteretersi.l-i1 ltt Ne. 1twadtiuptthmiauts Wil- aioci-a n nc prSauiplcmin e-rflrom, t'm, <l wlgf.umg siguales h Iiiallway <coi- The E.uterme.f iteeic; . rteo puir-. phoe.132. 1 Weda-edtap alf-hciday t-bu esi- a n May 2ati. Pi'e* bkrthia date mi.d. Wii, th@rshase t.t.c.as tw Wiu- De... titoumaude of people te th.armon tep uil raurlude thaï.se. attlaelot- tery la Dot such a uoderful way tu mai. moudy. Arthite Parriogton etureî. t t4anday igbt trm saU .joahStoloti, mmti. viett.taMeatices snd 0-tend. iu Kuilautt. Artitar loch, ut-l sud emys ha e t.s le ,e, ot. arui tiClr wignlrisi LLLne b UWL~ I L~ u adreti ysnau. tiswt'tk A C~~~'1 Grins 'Lin- ucbsritLtasteesPnuit. mttMilton anud Chiuck Gr ih bec"ait hi.ug. Which indi-'st- .b R- S.A DAM S îlogli.t'd od nueerous. r~N ~2iTt r- t-' du~..~es.vm O 'un er te auspi.--of t. (i1mh SCOAL >flJSJLJ L IJy'J, iixla. lu ii-Sff. Chu-c.rh (tttuay Felivered by truck anywhere, Admissionu25c. Aiu tSpt .î ý P:o 48 wîitae Thce niul nttig of the nhiatea Couoty ba.eLaiils ge ie yl bbeii <~~Q <~<A<~.<'LVL~F< ~ <abvilit. nu !dondav ecunitiî. Ap11111 t 8.%gjt.Al ,ttnter«edam ui titedt, t _______________________________ atend. Tieai, w buddemalt,r t toughtcf __ I ~t-he guillottie a. Parti t ert6 t boh ehes t h uer euytsft Wv the-,k u . ctizens of Milion and A RELi0OUS D"MAt,, entit-ti 'For rîîîi t li ni'.r parongiogeBei-iddH. eat isLPocisue. . ier te IC111 V 0l Nur Ftro.gae nasupport atttpireelt noxChai-ah Lstie Ai&d. bESeas d1 iohctyor--- jwli hc i..i in t-be S.S. rout ou Fr.- dunilîî iith- a !fv er n oFlctyqrcn ..mr:ýtal, 15prt. Auiý l~ ited oi f nl Productaý Thc uew beet- hill us. paamediluth.e 1 ra Legi*s.tre ou Tufflat i a,-yaVote- ai Fb-. Ni rtoî i'- itii future <iiibe Iacated in -80to 9,lThe tCeeermttcs. m-ted .01- tii u tueitl7 for Lthessuro, but t-er, w"att1 ________the__________ s.T. A. BOle- wicet.tcioter for Haitoa. vaitl toi the bill MILTON BAKERY ZPhc>îîî' 6; T. C. Bowen, Pr( rop. TIti Milton Legione uti.. ta ca. taadict thte etatemlent Whîcb ippeuret in the' Tarante Dutly Staret. Msrh 21 - that 'IThcy Cppt hsaiDg teageu inrmad l tîtini-ae. u etata'mntus. aL ot i-fori dhi-t-t Miltci LSloc. Pont 18IX 1&L Deie.1PICK EJT'S 1H31 DRUG STOREi \R E are Pltaeed to announce to Our enafomers ai~d iriendu f fat aur place of businogas or. Sattnrdet3v wiil be in our new location, noit door to the I)cuipiou As &aaadded incentivp tW visit our tore %veWt'e yau these speciais: (A.'-T' LE SOAIP 12 cakes for 23c BEEF. IRON à- WINE Retg. ~0 for 69c B 1-SSI.N 01 , Pt. 49o WXMPOLE"I CO 'L (AI, pint 49c TALCUM POWDER AGAR-AGAR witi.Asa.s Reg. $1M ftor 75e' HU MB t GS Fer lb. 19c 'lotYril LBRVSIIES Rieg. ,. for 13<-- SAL. HEPATICA 27c. 57c, 97T KOLYNOS REMLR TÛOTH PASTI-' 45C CANON E'SCîuoAn 1 lb. 5(>L, Easter ISPHARMINT Reg,. 25(, TOOTH PAsii 2 for 25C. PEROXIDE ('tiy lice DOUBLE COUPON SALE sýNOHW ON -I 0 W N' Dry GoodB Store -:- Milton EASTER SPECIALS!_f LADIES!K'î Vo haei ,ool - t h f<e i tp st a Icq4. t !i - 101 hiTot << 5<rxi %tîgi Xieî , -75c NII LADIES Kid Giiov et, in bvowii and hi itk A fil evygrade of cap, -'iln, ail sizes, special, pair. oîîily 8<' SUITS! it -not tro late foi. Y0111% ia;ter <lot bing, c ail in and -ae <imiroewaito-k(if NMen's Soit. si t- andexta pant-'. speciai. -- -$22. 50 t5 SHOES 14 I',i îttog .\<-H i Brand. a weil moalle O x- 1 ford, first gt oIe t'ali it q n, (<o~' ive<t h Ite - ie lli -$3.75 Central - Meat - Marketà~ ]PHON4E 143 WE iJELIVER *FRIDAY & SATUR. SPECIALS 1 Beef 'wlue Po Roast i'li lc &àr 11 -o îo 21c ~i~ltpw~ 5 I. H1 i, sm ma' 2 11- 1-25c *PAY CLS-P.AY LESS No. teai. t.nil.g aritîi-st leàn Snack Plu2 -. va -r nti cha.n- ta win a Nl- Ch-r ,.tr-t, , Sît rg c inret - n At.- mia ' P lyirtt - ..a<tUtt ni-- -, Ii , -t, out,--, rirtIrr-rîir,,T.I - Focy S.tt Cr FINE TEA o/ SY USTARD 2 "»- 21 c 145c SOc65C _____ l 2c<rtt, IIFANTS HERRING SPINAC cOFE EI -r- 4c 27c 33c 45c 5 ~ 25c Cleanser Mte 4 pk. 25 New CABU3AGE Fir, . atd hýa.t nSpecuai 4c lb. FR EE DELIVERY PHO-NE 215 LETTUCE S1îrrial - c hentds GIZAPEFUUII latrge rize, s~ie'.:;f-rr24c S4Il N\ 4' i. 1-<; b- i KMONS. êNtra fant, 'Special, il-s 20c ()IAit)« WiS ptio i Oh«NGLS, med. iz St'eei h i, 25C i1l) Iii«ht i ii 'il tnh MAIN STREET - Phone 25 - MILTON Pl Pl b, p h, sa