IOA*D?1 I~u36ima~u~I ne (n o rnpieu CA W» V IY4l5VWM~t0O*bBhSI IEARNARD'UI IflLT@W, ?N~flU~&t tjiOVUUfla 88. 1883. CÂWvADIAt4 CHAMPIONI VIT TROîrSUÂT IORltING nAI ST, - HITON ONT Tom am mlvgi5- mm P-08.Ua ,,,s aesuse ..Om fl poei ssp "' t mMrU- 'tâmm gue mUdeu-ta. L t auvm ,îa:sa t otas. r dunuai lie. et on ns0 ,081pn .aan. a.asaar.b ..1zt uoba aios ~ ossIl. nute p su" a ot SEENSON & .ta.OhlSa -IaOi 1 erumus u. au "d BaIu 1 a mi x a RImTsluvas. .fa, ato NRAVELLERS' <UIDE. 'IANADi' lii PAOWTO HBAILWÀ T 7.305Sa..-ltopaea elga udil. 2.25 P.M.-aidlp. 9.11 .s.-S8tfpa un dgst uelad%? -GoUl Wma- 9.38 ..s..-Stups onusIgnal nl. &.04 P. Dl. 12.16,116-m, Ipoxat uaa "etaiW»"-.83 .mo. .04 ps>m GOmag 1.5-7.20 ut, Las6Plk .31 pu OANADIAN NATIONAL RAILVIAT 8.100 IIOBTU . 1m6 e Ot.M F»iào "" au. c 5 a-m MEATS Flab mi Poultsuv Ala Bies Oa tm: "OVUALITrY AND SERVICE' Ou ».-o-4V" .-;18 P'.. 7 p- P.1ot.a 42 W. - ILTON OSI TMVLIBON. i.. M. di. ( ___________.___ (lurnor éd - POLLOCK ENIIGHAM uns. Êt2LL V ER sowr o a ota A Worth 01" SÀt" Ost sacMONUMENTS ons. "h9 .-?, t B0>.-7 b . 8bDmagn on ïtqmer. IL..I NOCQ&t.L'oc r_. G.L za. GA LT. Phone 0041ONT 1 6U. 9 U NION j C. R. TrUR NER Off.. Ronn-2-4 ;7 -I9 p auut y .or pomant. PROC 13 I Agent for Dae£ ra Durilesi. LEGAL PRonE s O MILTON. W. 1. DICK s--~' . A. IIUTCHINSON District Repraust&Ul Il Barriter, Sil'ctor, Etc. SUN LIFE INSURÂNCE MO aeg mt R ES M ARDWÂa... Teephoe r . F. D. DEWAR 6ED86E E. ELLIOTI aha7.0. CM1*.1ak flujulter. Solictor. Notay Public.- OpeICIa-Mato St.(forner ofce ut Rot- chinon & IliotL> T.G R MS A Telephone 7M.T.G A S W 08, . I.E. BSCOCK Pnss108 DEimrAL BUEGEOI ___________ Gz BIO. R. Hut8. B. Reali Estate DENTAL SURGEON PHOpE 3M10MILTON Coco in Royal Boi'lng Moto IL-ea-410. .j.o. 1 Ir.F. la lussoil NI ELS E 1 Smudio Publie3choel Muie The Chropaoot 0bir Ichol. 204h ya.r of practice. laIdividiml Instruction ln Piano. Vol.. WKDNMOeoAlOAN SATUXDAY o r Theory arrauged oo requ«. 2 tuS - 70.30 93>pm.ightt.adi,.acin pimm og"* etiar. I i- u l. jhst .10.510 tocr Dominian Store. UsoniteToWN. 1 001 rl Joue Phone 150 W for thur leva and bouts. INTERIOR DECORATING wm iscrl.5. A. FAT COMMEI Racîulve Lianadian and Import.ed (S A. FAY. Manager) WfALL PAPERS Plumbing, tit usa a el téLa ,r -ampîsa et popular prio. R eati'ig anl ESTI-MATIIS IVEIL i1.nihn SIGN iWRlTINC A SPECIALTY. FRANK PEA.REN PORM Punonz 132 MýLTove Robert St. Wut. ILTOIJ, 0ONT LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR A fa.m. 7 Il t mà ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 --T.a aa. . . ^w . M. M a sss. Mw a »Y mdm W. L M4CE»Mhl oit et ub nse, '1t'S REAI.LY FALSE CCONOMY TO USE POWDEP. INSIST ON GIVES DEPENDABLE SATU~~~~~~~DOý Su L CE OIR ùun..<ý.aarA MAGIC -comntaelt quit. 1!4 of a cent moe, per hba in ite cheap- uat lnfm-iua 4ing aovdce. Why not us lits isquality buU.ngj pévima and b. sro ttsac- tory tiaulta? à"s"ai. cast r 'CONYTNS 1NO muILu , b. Iîlet. M.9ke LaMnt l.. ua Awl.n , e w ft ce HM&Are eDsp es. CanueCwoue isa RmUI jade i, VoJi Hisbw Mui i way Debd"ise RossiNch & lbasa s t ii 4«Crm mtet 1n b'Chin...&"dJ4pausece lifehLbau Ins Ssf ai th*unpéVa Wllol set ata muatli "a1,a oj, Tre blautra eviutII ane caon B Padc .la0DMnagally çOuuted Binent e le 588v t awp *0wt. Iaala.teatmulr w ilviat IL wu li., Pesme at lultaIo, WU& meineatii procos.gonm, jet lu tii Chlnte &RÉa -0% bu aKhtetatii lot of pet oue as mi.-v- qu"e a "lt iS E@Udans»lotetheatone, andin. SAi jaïauea IlaI.the.mont vmiuable *5w. a Paé, mi v et ni .aa leue . péPm e .' bis mnge.h 104 sai. a au a.e-utnu. nofia',cm, M7 the Waaington star. 0-00, fe *wo lm ê& 688 hag t b»$& unmt» l ma.t OmyZ claledour ausaroaar@ylu: Mla fltact tey qsemre tb. calais of ail Ri WUsia 00 pS .aania.. IMiVent 1wM 9WIvtaneM a.amt. L 410 h@Pellat SUMMeMUamu t Mi noi msla termaetfjade. The mm e! ou lt. n» tseg mm Hni> efflosaisp ble m t blausa lx . u. CM"$ . tiiy han flye%1»0-i, a" Jade la a emolalutlon ni ttm i»e Cia tallaa. rotelit me vmiuutv~ni padlcel aiéti. if- t 0fthien"Yff a" nesofSe av.flcardinal iThrse: Tics. ChArity; liaI 'an, a Itrlg inaiah sk«evi t a I est. ie-dfforett coliteAgate la muet[ ami lx. odr-,y: Tu. courage; Kellu. jus. ir tUCMUtl tei st e euelgcas. tm. feu aswvti cannasmm*...ou 'whitC&" e Ulla4 a tOiM d vlte.icsand Chf, vlaedoan. Tbey carve It trieu, a lte« "vblbai affcsulatule Ise baua a val lb"la cou, T114 gre la tul on tbe top .stlon, nati emquialtelly in iabortealeLt Nt te - s al a a"mcoua ace-a. evs *, a 1 a «y 'wmaibaiol Wb" bla myally he lb. 1181one.. bu fagtiBale daebgna. fer It la ne harder fortaba flona, tvaeusne.nt.Shir W %p tg sth@imt ethe ayMr la nt l ayan - lia uedlaary ma, ud Lé la Dot dr- OMllaabuard tstua bntrevoie« « ciera art comualy laMesmuan wladthe nn %fonda ont IL li urt lbock, irtlt le von Bioun. If le trequeutlyj bis vealth. etf vblh tbsy bhomme otlmof nialeal abtlltp. 'Ait as à areanai ued fotr atviga et the figures o fr81he av.,e, ivgedunt MU ng v ois rinatter «ut«ac vit M bow u m. Onyx laint 03141nOflb.eamao@, et lit CblaaauaCode. Un m lpu. n aabeeN mtt»el e 1I Woramie finI tia nauol; e a*Vauabl atohne. The C&ieO-Cuttar Jade lalude tWré abusa wh1ch a. kéo e hmtue.I hOwo blu t iss a l tlnt .- . baaepaylatocbigI, a pricesfor I u te re aVerj ulmlar la appearauCe. gmgital unmir îatuetléa, lscae mil u i et ro marnai mooala vu bletaltaise la hie carvîmur. Wl.e. bula 4a" adelte. Euî arefilroum &bd etnutin tbaig taite couti l aloel élU au fr thmp lAa.t.POLOute u vuk ontsafcgure hbucrie vulh ass M M[,&lah reenatnoe.or l»tma lune Cth e.. e cabse. lia peplé,vin bave Seffl laIlWtnoa iltin vax @"arllas-sitla tei bi s iairits aaIl la uaualîy calltd. la th. latercouse. be ttute c th d m eau, flir >wni arge 10lasb.atone, fieon h copin. IlIU»sfer .Ume romanand lem valuable uf lie bu PiSUit$ ai t aose Mn ere m m b at lu $UMMa lbraetif e e t heIiibttr aitnt the tUé. Wh1ou «aaaunder te it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~en nOf nZ aue aaut pa. igr ~ v the li »Crh ane.. e lrouarnpsILe tonnite 1ne-n de ut If a " à u tum t cen a iplc " e qeu- eIalrleataly chimlindIita vsarea a unit up b ard 6abers louely nIaI- Ttkg b brsAd efl u mnss- 640 & mm a m " ~ atagua-BU& wt.thlic Ibe anctant cesmeva fl e t egutbor. The "Io, rlea rIe o-m ai iaI a dOesUithe 4blté Veu ess. à alu ass-Mi ý t fleaou entheonîhavoci u nA a10I..0aabo t fgrais te ]otl u rttiii taf-eA, auuéi I wia mui~ s tst Spa s. labar- 2aIoe..Tel the bourt$,= put ta zu e enfcaer belagdartrvheu ton, biti natsataa ehie » ué»mis. wm vviagami nC u et wn un lPettle rgoci&aiveuta o awbldt la que et s aliaments lauIl. la -V ffebu. a" . ami .iMia ~e.lag pli.Thu aM I. pLdW pal.e rla*ra oss.u1la apermanent lilng. PrmelI.a lage quantiy. di.é but Wbas Ob bu* a" nom splaant tesiklb xm persan WhoThero al,. caase«alla -ultece vhlé ijadait, lusnuri mura highlî pilseai astttW oa , badvins mu. net Ma se en-u a «m a« oila l ul- svetfdndhl,",*"iandSoi uN yIm ptbîneau I flum Darenphtlte. It bmb PMfat 011.11 o in bSu it CU tmu-l «UU. bUmaudof juste age, but viîb are tRa s au wat uer vhe It Ilu Pel- Ails "Wt4 Nb fin*6 min n nemu e &%m amuts nopurfel -esIbougll li surve.doste& 11w l MWonlr ata.frontwhte tei ouatas, visai et Mla*Wui Lt14l. t a 14Pga A "*U-ua et umai i. Ve.tnra". antousaearase. 1%0e lowstia tenad InteraD0~ fr "laa uk WmTvO leva IL Italy. Sauta Lueta ami lytng la dau rit«mn. rlbbon-like fur- the and laàedIt u urd» amTerre de Gaeco. are the caonIer efth*liemllons lu bonîdera la BOtana. It la un malania Ilvmausaciu nepmes aiB "CM tue.~alîmot as nué au the rcetly au1 bua Sdi. &ad lm rtsa vu AM et AM inB urobntvhlcb >*gr ont of Burnt'o1 ne Rob oulautusiasas id.s F.BI aland aremvrrrlei avay by care- 1l eu@ etatheXlis~aiet 391d l esimb Wdi ib 10nu AiltiheBurma jade la sent lu au lst he ob pèceVbes £M asis P»i»St&r»d n 170 h±1.aû le be madelaie Cailua Lasu T" Raie. HRave ha f" la Re',qs ý Tbe waiila g The cous tofaylug pensios t. 1twe17. N.Q Chmgd rs m aigset.e Iboplisese oya.vIdow4 r tUnited aa Pelul LoU Itmo. Ot slli pi »0l k. her. s lu uieetWs ~aobm ¶h id et oiginle util 011Juli 14, î187% wua lnvetei bhlUsiorWlaeti aetla Subsal, dre oit Whouvhe iePrealdent apruved l ~111Woi'd Jmgearmut Me... 157. bt n mimaevt vs et tevol. rw. lan un l S am ir, proilngthfial "he ueretarp ot tha "Aoef the. Woe-d" lm b n i u vath by D~las fw l's B SiV'iifrei h e t lue a]aNIIneteréo s. adla her-éy. authunil d The@ anIe .uggennaut itacî lana, Ml.L.andbip.nd lam Hart DM~14 laOl e-t ainiaand ela aer at te0place the amne cf Mary Ltncolmn, Angelle-ti cd<rrptIon Of ftle Itîin eb&ow cfbAbr Mr WLlU»uBartdecaéaslaa SM, îft, 111eWuie cfhe F~tet w the mma jouirtla lietranLdsaif Deult tLaaimli té rosemble tfaut otdowPorealaien utlacolilîtt Stas. Kria& a l a s orthe a m fanuor, LWUP«otm e silâ, ~a bp the f-ten. tbo asses Wllwo4t«ae i telt rdetoftelae ttâ,Klhl m f i aiett 3 aso~ty aui fr Trsaval. aeaaiaig i eun tohbapenainll tub a llow ad payIl mana ltaaally -lord '-1the vurli." Sdig ieuma"m mvur tamus fer rma (M 6-taeuduas Car- ti? àp(-on lisettherate of $3,00 Il lalt@mu efauIdul laithe, batais siezun w u l Lm mathmbire wua I* n alah-par nanan tram nda tethe .pasage temple LtPuor. tla". Thttemple ltit a g cmf tîotulm uniS. 'n 1 îu thlae Esa ae un. the u-nffil «'Ber peUM«onwvia l- Le a. oagentcoue, uIt lai 1198. aI IL E. LIaPtD es. qqMelsit Huilé m mais te la a or ou- TebarY 2, 1852, sami ilanbicer. conglta eof-aloegular bIsé ut alot, am ""e bS watibeu mt aai . ,aslograet if walé «à.asit a i» thete.10Of penions foi? Uli-pyramidal la adaupu, .avlng Ifolarge, liva baseof ewebue. tsa w ez bactpld'eminutai gamimisafera*Pm bil.aai.E lDn'aabt 1l a a aOuille "batiw" l ?1b almta Ie O 1 aa yenladetrase 0w tepls.un u litgput w-. O chaat OUI 0 radas.v raeimIa.Oînnle futâ dysth d l cu %mite morais Viese t Pio. àm a he h!-ty eur eaur oal «»0 1ror', te tuereae livdév et veti le anouliu- tria. on a uag- mews iawý» n f a"i ovtg i Wata r oïdsai tam ume amien Praad..l Tyler Lad ,eSelvedii.Peu- aiceat car. 45 font 81gbad 35 frte tati 91535' anu ais.v... asrLthort mu ? Iggllp. Diia a lustemi tMn of 4100 aa mnnli.but thIrata square, baving 180 viel. scl 7 ftet: mua Eliu . Ib4Ume L. a m iY olsa 1d - aPrordutteaian accouaI uf lie tact la ilamuter. Tht Bombe; cf pllgicm etun aUnll sella lume a luait Ala Lt a igwM lia ant tbisLaneathha vas a maiathvi il: van farmtrly eu- ML .la Nlnm the lu t u. T aac. a. oui a naogle. of tieconefederte congtre". tînalai ut 1..00a yer. AI the lapinsbolaet telosit *la thlii ~ai daglI. bave tt eauenouilan Tht penaion has 1j ee ganaiprusettday 100,000utmu-er a a et tao»LTh l Aan Teulanasia. sitenoutai t1e al vîduasl te = =o auaalîsemble ltere on the gatt eslln.l. taseo aaamila 3*5e lie Wt v»- ttOuaas lai tht cor.of Ml-. aring-E.Tii ululemetlt l,, ntîcl de,- liaI .li a lai. Te tu evaI la Sin a atajuadéc 10thte<'tati ut the vldov vItlla olcen ut Vshnus thi-e-themseivenun- tm iu lmlia l"- nf 1 bp>et1nel nshae80a coaparataîely a.lortllIma ater the: Ce, tht vhstut rthe ita,j car, hup- Dew uvl ap aua er tic Wgimu eg, q a sunou autaomalon about lie 1d .u erhiai V ulti n lsea 0.t.nMra basa un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ag ù.' tnhem u i wiraa i~ari~~t ivdov. There la Ou, bon a0v-nt.e onImra. J'OaUtrlite v-m lapu amieblauans. u ma-uon aa1 genra. ttale on the aubiect, but, boa occa.Jouaiiy occurai, doet thle _________nd______ tI mageo o 1eae I tnsionaIo hesu'.'ofà ispressure outhle huge ta-onogs bt libs _____________e actli vibe part et the b a acilnt.'"' - cenotrelas.cb funon t thle body. ,haa bues, ae.Ilutml. Death vîthîn Duat simuhas, Accuning tle un agptomm o kom the goda temptil,.or tieapîllng ot laapfte of untfel li taI nu la mma a ut vbat part of the brusn1 1 imSusi Whlois" D la o-onul'ad Coa ce thé Miss ll aonMiun nni.... -ndiion te oputate. lu un*m"a et Perbîpu lie mnt dilsatrouos "lundi Tii v-d u-iJggeraaut han n"ertth- the, m, "a-%WhImb»Mry tlse cas . as Bu.. ila. eaie t modem ltns. vaa espantai bité tic Engîîs ýlanguagu ~ vmebd, t 91%WB 0aie las. Miia vergamme bave vilffl o liaI t fPort Aleanier.a Pétteau asa aahol et blOnd devotion outrauls- luun eniamia plan bassafoia*ý a .m-dical alaur.Trgue ssessiun uorf tht culto e st Atlm n nams. mis A»M UsaMOAgats Sen h ea unascuslsa mellat.bai oe etaitherire lu 19M5.Il wu a Inabitui. andl _____ M soec ,ulaie tatuhI aui a.larnst bai". ma record. If veWWgieti Lt t.oaneth.un atttthoa.: mlit niaI. Item lime telisteno . m uasflma, to iguis. oEmth-- ,a 0140 f f em eella'-i Reuaiss u e up 7Si"* Uv..uppur ttimitiat ~ l.itaieani n 85.1la nt L acorat - Thuat v-hosunrylveai vert rtl-1 Tb@e cltr Whoubslate ils. tie ame ubvleemlet li age, maltaltunsomameset theintelligence, fut -necbut About tAlklug. but 'a-oli teu t iarney alune beglnvl eà.iiiut liattbley v.mtétnfla lth*lutld b., f e tu cvbraut»lth" eeimi hie la vua tilarueta t, appatuntiy vithOutl 106 tep$ te tht top ofthie lower. Tht Im, demit apk~M5U a imai«"velgt vau laI t 1 43 ielIe. ligt vsrnlg, lie vicIe lalaaai4gaveovspataira ut teespand t the uanilgui ar- usepl âme 1"uoret appai. Naap brina ba e » ont uits tlias--il I andisuk i vluot trams.Onl va-et- Uay narrowus ni a bit datk. At tast lauseabave mersr imai a»t"iune.. but theit@ » la s at.POPO- age andascres ot huits roemalai ymtep ont mb ,tht oa.un .aid eu- diwt euil. usaet oeapiant0.»Oshl-s-tiatScIme.. etdaiylng ida. te mark teapot lieiaallcany circle the duageon te unef a te ouesttbb wr la lufnt a ______ _vbr. land basd once to. Théme On aid abna 1 te fumnsu.atone. But upleg elpitaumt vunu m gylat* a amm maDUM7 large bouts. mev ou: ileth li ndimi via.tlieatone la pont out en- oren -amwals vite baperb s he ausbd ndth teJweeau tm o ads.Th aon l vu Mn ioNM iaaer.tala la bosseaut y aba)eLit remaleatae a Eae"- bivnaaa o b ls ets-ln nfd. h ln uaa un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~M tattî- i I.ia e.8 Dbet onug "s ms aU sc, ur gel ibg a titanle tU,!e, ani that v-liontheetop oeth11e ieep.Thent la su opté ta. be batoumai Lml aati rm, mtorIai foisneattorIeircouverti uai Port AieZ. aVant -t 20 inche belve@o lie floua- gaabaebeufoial U-. TiW e is -aeo Aven te 1. ad nemure, PortIAlexander vas anal tie overhanglaag lge et the *wm oveed b waer. he ard i ol v. b min pmai te b. ot tle. Neltien a mreimâined. ;abulding. ltrou haro haugtroc, tht top - viaù Dems but-laveivolumes. fbetage. Tne vaOuli h. ioetr leaý sftulaila £amantsaetOpaisa- te1105 rattur vs.&rtiemtlppu- puciesAre neaclea b ckv-aad aud gaaspa the bans The aebe. us amamnge issa1 u ulsaenoisiears aetSaieqanrea oln meefrs t. h or my tietomnbi h tsendi" mva" detbun aigu- ose' deaa b. la supposai te bave mai alu t-a-aoe.1. ltnuf 1 Thny > vO uuha i, neamet duentssemala t te h i me t fili vrltll.g nny of 1bis potys va ni vane lu olat. Sumeanth e oeî et th i pgnan. the devote tu -~ e a pstlp aigai qucai: Hu. ai oUe. ~ puvewertofgoiag langerfiaien ouamal tradiioln anuet puillaccus e h -loch tisss ana apeWsydedad Bom %a Jolet. oin-as a teaupornry eplieut, tien redue- spire, drop lhe addowun tivaria, atmmade et fayul trega, edl a nubntst oiqunllpquota tlila ventnlot temalvez. Oliers negulllrns nvdovnanmiduvuOwoutil thie lps art bkage" aui dm hm iippabe- s aulority fr Shaespaai' u t et oosallraid Ihen aUtrIli tre nb.'ilwielt,_.the alune. lat lioma laIe bex a. IPag. -= rai vrdsamanal lmai. Jobh nie Oahe.calted> glob-Itieaor put ________ gag"i la th" West bs mrBa loffa WS.&of tWo.a.Pubia in luracan éuravalluvliag vater or aIr,1 te eut lie utim ct.lpttanus LU, la bellevai te hbuhe l eit la" w maie ther h'ail«m aveU op Hâte bal-1 WUhiws's Pes, nual Appaaae. .5 l inones w btlai, Cun vatu-. sont anal hx tiiegrent rmmatlifL. looaag, -ay arc 4o- a'undâh t.. alapt 'la pesoual àppe&râLI.ý John tIrete. Tioet wu mea n tv* te.aa Pte.a Cp.ii. 1e. tait sgaraturlbut flier veut; leetWhiltiea-. tic peut,.vas tl't. ta-tel, ohme et M" phtinteeeartection of ul la un valsan ai-mur utpinem vhtcb aper spropotlonatly '-ulitI aitI a tramet itmtuiachaes utuaun ois- la theUnitedi SInIsathe Ortignal a G-lp t3ra-tRt aulsait viien tb.gratier spire, bhl@ blogi-phea- auy. , vilélasbitéa cnapt. trde. 1rpytgil lot or28 ga-.Th ft 2 letatgtli float.No pra-- Htevalitôai lertly ad vltL a Ianl _______loea______ stat lie orig onerisittévm doriltibay SLdure.ttaci tht.e p0Cu-. tep. lu his laten y«",,efat- e tac- Da~ 'r~iatami er ~ ita. mal, bave tlila ue f~or t - pluesa utthteOa. WlIen tiey deaitt eame hou. lotaitt tht vilte hair on~ Dur limtLase fo mu" ~ a et 28 geu If amatluai titi>iOtves by extatllul tht ait, a tle boak utbla esonduur4ped. He &*m ZOMU" àâdiMe 0%e-alu ndevIlaaun jura-prier te thelteai hini'séaiiti nla producti. coltivatei a btar- i liatencircled i hs d",. but M niïa ; u.mbmai m rteorgnlcflwLrov, 11gb and aotdia3. Wben Lia fr autmm*@lae. Hu m foImdRne sujrs: p 1iibulte l 1entt Nofant. slvays mobile anai youthf il. v-as "uaglat. Butel Ibs ute b lm m à M pesa il l ute v-ithi ýon h, ua-ne, yuu are a vunaroua thng inlurepose. ih v a alher auflicre, 5a- in v-ttu-. vthe un Lfigil mat-ulofthle aulior, publiahen, or sonne n wa eth e miiaKYv ugL tuer l. thea- indiviuel.but lkeo la as pr- nubotrn tehot'k.ano>belle tu ring. noolit up vlth getallty.1 mrIssmnh e5Pm -m oi- n ok lerfo h licnsne bouyinge-ery year vltb plate. I parmi bl tae mon. amituen aére arbu- t1ticufront neat mur pra eau&li-to mitasse lmafour et dagugiewt mi.#. ,nu genre lue p; pou starIOld-Tiase Chi-am Julp fer 1mw monta at et utfuaIs. Visse.te Te-c lai-elàua un Ccîatch 10 lP o a Mhme ut satan.-elttenia vere alI- do Che ore.nida bave aiteimafeparnél, leyumre reaIliilu lnie' blls a-antit evcry dyl tellecommu luthe ;It"ttiL-,nttv!,,and "YdayaiBit lie aura. b eursbotatllowtng auna-la.or lui 017 tt lite ava>'. Tour lainer lubie accouut la eîi,naialfor thel a-Irnte- r t iae t reboue betéa-e zat la amare'il 01< anaithani the Lord liep saucetato-ïs i. .oIolreadlaîa. lu 1527 H.~e Ltés35a, n a. y O ther time, u.e uthérlty stav bat wa, leuéspakpluffé un eienteeit -h une Thomas::Love- Th, golden «9-uaI' Imai téu1e c-baby &à une v-onu teanh a chIld. liait a.îee ut clos. Tour trtae ln gonidmaid hattaynd i lththe ..Abbot 1 te tla oh lifting ani camnilag proy opolIitu. -"Lmay taie lie hrlgbtest futrluEur'q Mtle. pour Lady netr, payre.the tChymetsoute option lgbt lIalI 1 tu20 aunia. he ii- pamI lx iontlo t ten Gu;a- ueitt ayIe. Your vanta are few ~bottea.' aundtht Abbat iirlmyaetb lu liomanttimgrae-ic Magazliue quegeiicommt 'Mary badai111e l'mb anmau l ameatI, you baie savutbllaig un' Pay the sa .I.a til. hoifflW. "etlng tiu eailporte 011,r nurser'y hau," Le ays. Ithe ù, Y c. -Arknéu; aigHlCwRpa.. 1ofet unyable and v-olemaniyr i- Itom rllaile bmvem lInilcat. li ____ a wslgbl et eatahI pounda la abthentmi la. U.PLpyOi frt*sp miiaitlnofaaucf tit&bled. e enamgagWa.aUs .p 11f.L. kwm lai-au- prey là iîeai It mua b- The v-orld'o mon uaIls.oîui rsil-1; polpy eoh t cleuively oaci 1J A Club fer Dagi OaIp eusantea grouiai.doume ls lb. "Palace of the Wlnia I . I (bineasu]frlapal, gysPolilar ATai-Wtzgeaaclub la condi' lu - ______________ Jaîpbr (1htyuia., asys OIllera Ue- llthîu iazoola>t, iaottlaurly llu'ireh. W'tt Australie. Itlemai r x- i,. Thies at arlo building. v-blche1cOplum-prodtingttarecra. hetrA-I lusive aif&ai , tOU&UElttg Imsut blquas Araw a tu ,,t b, maharajah 860000.000, oue1plenitîul anl ttv-xptli. Allirrîh aely tu dosa. Thir uvnet ..-ete- Mna ut Dw --àfLdaun. vlI as bug taim vu-p aiusauritce for comutthe lilght aienhy puîapy oulIla pouer au cîniai-Tht puapua. ut the Organisa- insae passit a r.. Iacîlai- musical lan- mrénaaOa ith kenoatt. thie cetuaIlafliou la tu tcat osant doga e b eir I »laiay-î bvmn u tI. sgruntalsattarlote mlueioutth@. oly about hit a mach,. -taillelowevca xi li andB hI 8L'.IlAiled Misu-Gseil The.n Zk- fi l idv elatte lg h' b lcdtSfré aei ui(i'u b oaeme acla mrelle,: ou the iem- moanspas bave le Mtsthe le -ai louve lbran u iy. v-bh at cgté IL.betahlis rester. LA ti lot b iupapoi et k.-dmp lyda bbu re. c bsîdagpo a o l <oua Wuoa's ttla lu b@is ateror Ot lba alumînétslacttéry mm a tt ?.poa t lx: eneurao. anom" Uia VUéàbavinug l MW iv entaitDa-le ont on -sordla blot blsh tsu s islI. *1 u VIley np'thb* 5re sléa' bIs flsae tuiet. vuo- antiia tsvlua theabolélianlof théa aaataaiboumet iza'> titithe V out t 9cuin1umu> il F Br i xoa aine u onfe.aiet, lelwiteadà"ah»dlu îl su r al À1a1w iaSa. la pua 8tK is it oe mu b blua ué v.oainseodmdlý00 pueais 04 Ouse@"ThtisunM amblun PI -Cnovrolet, Pontiac, OIdsmobiIo- anMcLaughlin *uick Sales and Service FOR MIL TON AND VICINITY. Wm. Whittaker & Sons AIALTON GAPe.OE Dundas St.-Oakville Gueaweed L'sed Cars Below City Prlces. H. WHEELER TRACHER 0F PIANO, VIOLIN AND THEORY ANNOUNCES Liberal Re-adjuatrnent of Tultioti Rates in arccerdoice with promunt economic candi sinç.î Private Leaao2is, $i.00, 76c. and 50c. acrordiog ta lengtt zf legeon. Clas Leanone, four ln a clans,.2Me mach. Pupile prnpaici fer ' Toronto Conaaonvtory of M';u.-ic Examinations. PONE 24 P.. OX 3841 Vou.uuu74. No. 27 "No 1dou s e. the. 'vuagosmrufor' mentha oen end n0w they're med in the City, but PlIe you in on a secret, ioe. 1 v-lit with them every week by telephome. There'. nothing like h wt take the edge off a aeparation.." For 30 cent@ - Sn ilapés .buée 100 miles h.'-- anaig matoa- our' adl (Sta1.0- to-statioé) fart 830 Pa..Ste l utÀ cal ni Lcm f o direc«ir.