CONsp mtlsesopines wiih wibat yotiumiially pay, thse quaity ig guars.niWed- FOIEIHUSE ROAST or s. FREU nPu SIIOULDERS ilb POU SPAIE RIES N e~ SONEES STEW SKIF 3 Il». for e DORRT CU ftY OI710N ~ 2 P-ll une ". mtsia" .Novir. ___________ 17sud 18,.etNi M e.oasDeug atm :11 la a e sopn mmi m *T it r e n sl l a i ba I f y e n s re l e Red & White (Gold Bantaw COrD, per a ---- c li 77- -de ace C obst Tousaboes, Milmer or Reè~ & Whte, 21 'ize é- 4 =12e'? tin, 2 foi --------------- -19C mm m. Iiau pamn mmd âm Pink t'uJmon. loverlen(. 1 lb.------ ----10e 1v.Jay, f . ha 4 gingapore ineàèpple. per tin ------------- 9c M mi Cbocohmte Marehin&ilt#w 'Biscuits.L) Ibs ---29e P.Oati fsicat? rsevflverte Ayler Soupt, "~"2.C \ getable, 3 for.. 25e Y*O1l K0 in ~ kt~l~ __________________________________________ Work la expectisi b. mtt wtma Chipso, large pkg - .------ ----- 2 D fk i nmle nw$à surpripe Soali. per bar -.--------SC SIMPLY RUR ON-ibsi'.&U11 e Bienson's Corn Sts.rcb. pkg ----- ---L --lic t00 nu od.. a av-Fiok Pive RSes Fleur, 7 lh-b ag -------27e W-M Sbredded Wheat, esh i&(-carry, :! pkgs--- 2e Wîîmd IL Ha. 8.1lusib hm.IN Australian Sltanas, 2 lb& ------------------- -- ; = .,Iklur M,uf Ielmu<.0 Currants, cloîined, per lb.- -----------------17-. bar". Baking Powder, Red & White, 16 oz'. tin --- 25e n". sumd the youg males.u Ried & White, ~Eý;ence, 3 for- 25e înt é.êe uM«t émiaode= acae New Peel3, Lenon and Orange, per Ili. -d.-...3 y~' Aprrotssundried,cellophane wrapped,Ilb.ptcgM rtî s Teem f k vii ('andy, atenette M.ixture, lb.---------- ~23C for 5Is1. haaco=5~ En.peror Grapes, 2 lbs---------- - -- --19e Tmaîm f.. b. hala" silo Spanish Onons, 4 Ibs.-------------------- 25 roe wjl n M" ____________________________________________ pe.Cll i cmntldy m4d Bati, ?NIE nB. uM lo H D E Wewii milT«CllwoN 30 Il U UUUIU EU~LVUI -Y . 1 . Uao..à. dfor s a er 'Quatity always hlgher thn the price" tnfutcibr.S.d i orn DOW. Diieait pe.vslng .bord ...n ?oçpy Fond dld very Wil lule - - uai ampais. for fondstae me» b look arte Dandy ..nwio a Tho fù- ha.m miiil appIl ew id 11<fer RbIo»Unal. M90À" - Lmli~-USE ELIRU&P-Ni MA CI(tNZIE9S nt*l-be, liRUOGIS. :41»Lane. cfDoda. vl"siMr. The original euail Dy ti"o eipming an Fiio 2 Gilare e < o uforfootbll. lc .S A odansta Um eilewlllMr - ]Le S AE yor oa." -A thbogi ii Pelcon bi. a mh"um ile gite fur "Tee-r.u git (I [)i ~ 5 -- ,,Idog s 21-pion, china lm mua. NOV. 15, 16, 17, 18 0" m ZrryMI 1933 Zno=saU'.d =".=@ ieh WLere Every Dollar Dees the Wou'k of $2.0 i to..L d ho"" -si. - - - '.ntabe for &ftecrooon oe"hi Where $1 L e..ti'ae puîChasine poWer Of $2 I'ý1,J rdiO AfternomaiTs tu obmir va. REMEMBER, that Rexall Goods on this Sale or at o.. cnu(JiO'dibiOO any Lias are the* most Jependai>le goods nte irai n 0 l y 7 sof loo. v world. Their value Js based on their .1iality. Th lb. s.A.sxl" roft0emeU Here is the way the sale works: You bn-y a certain àehverouNo artiele for 25c. You pay le.. ro.e or 26c. and Cuts, aa rteSéa Yen receive 2 articles of the saime tb. Aidmettialsslie Bpp kind for -26C. SPIRITUALISM.-Sseeic»aa -FOR ýXAMPLE - 7 rus. Rexiil MiL. Magneslia, minit laçored, 16 oz. hottle for 50,.. Praschlog et vu. 3buosé of O.osb. u Lodo ay.Nov. 110 2 Boules fer 51c. Cs.W.rlu;s l M~., ne &*kng cf1S@Imom s Parw."ei Puret&est Norregian Cod Liver Ol. init iavored. You boy p... msi themo f Wua. EL you 2 bottier fer $1.01. Ail am. cordiily în7uta. Pureten t spirýfl Tabletsi5 g. 24'gr. T.sbelri..tin box for jsrrlihl gcdsolo. 25e or 2 Tins *or 25e. lm fi uAd ibm, It m esî. rfleia eadt on aut Wîs±ch our 'Windows for Display of this Wondertul aneaneaeoodmU ' Mecbandim and get one of our large adver- a few y....4m0. tising bis that gves you a lijt rs on u he b'%"pdu 1 articles for sale and prie es. (Xti1' W. U,t s IMM a rgrsu.7o No ..23r. a UN M ackenzîe's Dirug St'or ree wreo*" tui e.d I oIsB.t. IeIculat PRNE40MILTON beea aimeela" Do W copt PHONE 0i e ereny bocmm oi;i! o pr. lam me.. boy oga tls weaty-duulr ss _________________________________________ Iwoaid Dot bar a s p oetc Uoftad 50cmrm Los The Vna"aue dollar ie bariog sStu o oriat haa shlrd sod1 Tu Mmifa puB. LC dlizy tm ice el. wito1bse&*. uaibal-t ril amisd tai. P~o aitse J.R. 31110 It ku'l t the itii *Mt. o1 a depres SAVEZ 05e -Iteew your anb.crip- U3lO cmbod s *Jeu ; jta lb.upkeup làisaitgla you. tion for tise nîy dsilles uroucb the T0, ut, nfon %LxroNI a- ad a4 5 eas l.u"llubt aud dvi ,;te '-e..eoe HAPO 110 o n.L ua rlmganertueMMa s brec 11y aprle ct a'au.dhbeog- TuMo&gwmuJ 1 -4jet your car minboi W iWZfl i mimtbu hLé net *0.lm. l'ammie remi niai fr A" tir. rogisired emi Omsie jaL Prov.ial C 0mà G le, h~m eSisiec , Miit. Miiom.iia fld lb., ~b~OMU i48 . mortI WB. a.- là. *. *. . la nr the La Jbe ,o hert must lus am Oth" a"u raa mS .an M'ny c 0"S bav im tol ima m0 St. Paul's Unitedi Church Choir DIRECTOR' A. H. WALLACK. Princess Theatre, Thursday, Nov. 23rd AT 8.30 SHIARP. JUS GAE N TISARRAY 0Y TALENT! *'AL ad TYNE." in'..,llie iiNn-n'e. j JACK. SMITH. i.lnipisl ((bd MMIevCN.. 1152) 'WAO '-kO.i-dyMscia. IJSINR8E QIJARTEi..1'E-AltnO't fropa "Houa ou" * SHEPSBItD'g DANC.E SCENE.' dienrîrd i.y 1ms. K. Stevenaon. k'R4>FISSOR IUFF'E-~V,'nrilnquii. HARRY DUN N. Rada. s- r-and,,lCtrsl oKO ni) '.>CLORIPO Ui1OIUTRfl' aisST. PAVLS CHOIR. and othor nove1irio. D...umde Cindy wiII b. ed 5 c'ils1amd 10 cenâts a bal. jAULTS 25c. CHILDREN 15c. Mii> Grade, Stylisi, Mst Up.4o-date Spectac.les and Eye-6 lasses uior iîî VOUR 011010E of shell, whte o, pnk I(rold-filled, wth lenseti, cotoplete ------ INVINCIBLE bi-focal, with choice of lQ Ufrarne, completc, :nly ---------- Theae pricés ùh uude a tborough examinatiun of your eyes hy u webnof peci'.lif't. MR. HUGHSON ,ith over tbirty years' experence, f"ýr:,rlv opticat expert for Kent@, Toronto, andi Hen.ry Morgan 1- Co., Montreul. Tii'.GRZATEST value we offered-aud wa do os Wr sdvertift. ONE DAY ONLY Thurs., Nov. 23rd, froin 9 a.în. Ito 4 pi.. H.CL.RE ARLY HL.SHERMAN'S STUDIO, M ILTON. R.I.d Oats IIANDY 2pkgs.1 Soap LUX TOILET 3 Bars 19 FIS iagers comfort 10 B-n.'35C CINNANON & SUGAR et CLARKS PEANS. Y- 2 for 25t HIiNZ K.5i CiUP, Large - 9 OXYDOL i- rrPkg 21* TUREE BLIEN VOL ME ... . P- Meat Afau'ke~ wu DELtIUE su w m n00lu wLOCAxl PAIS VIus NSWI?. um ie. uposvk<cm i sDo Dot ta flel»etsd ommt Tt*k.ts FeIdyq SatdM«,No. le à 31 NmmTa-lp me" Cciam-'--Woodlad Dam". *rM yd"F as Us p., LLocaIjNews. W,7-Tl'ai"'."1h.t p&tp@umizeOth Store tat bî'oiht down the Higli.Prices of Mest.« PAY #O-ASH3-PAY LESS MAkIN ST. -- - MILTON tuw at-fA~P*t u WÇWv T IUu.ï,4 o sW*h u t . g e Qe I & M Vol" PA0U- pan sd un los NS f ls omitom Ns 5 I .. U d = 104da , To- m piaie rea.mlo oucue lb. engqemi.Uîof le.s a'ued uo.oiut.d. OnsoHu EL R -- -B lblesmisse ose ss. 'L ues mmier yW. 1. liné a for Ibhe__________ qSM ono! Wie. 1sud fm _____________ th Ro w 'Ilauli e0êvîh la. at tesr T o os M ais ST., MiLrtOîl4b lis. ýshoemay re,ýleid a pboiaeMe.'s-a=mibouar on gbtl.sdsy. Na,. ltb, Fing'1.11h ini 1>!4(k, uq s.dy lti; th b e o' ia 0pm., in tise basent oft Ue mrrelliag 4k b mPlaeut OCllie taubilo otge ebsrcis se.ulibus sas'1rT :NEî ýIYNO'.l PilONK 17. etbumsamin.f5 ol PIckett's Drug Store sud eagb nllectiaesb"bei. of tanoy worb aid Ikoltlng. &foueoss)y Wesil vt ied mab. tu y6"almasm"ce = ttg eWhy buy TWO when ONE will do. nut &Peovinlai Cosale iiehomiaru H.BoueCkothier. UME *UDGS 15iRN ButRaa the MillmAn kY.P A. bitasur? o- 1me. o! Mt«. o mnsteld lohnba I.atg" 1 KLN19EKW FALL OOOMNDS!it RU Jaoa »ug on . T'a lait Tb* l Mzgus.ofMitok *ny o ad o. NEW FL mu mOSd1e I u l, 11s9e M lld aeuloil un amo.cmdby Kias L em i> l b. i J'dpllbar@. ilso. sîrihly Custom5 emode.025e .umuid f -edna. oomiarlos. sud lea he*" i ebun b. c. a iie Sueand Overcoats -75 a omlomtfmi Cruno th..choir pieace nt tm releSu*s benne !y M' - Ced Uve oit moalmi MUlm Alie Tisumoe cibsau w- altHala..,. sisorofmi ton Hel¶t.. ork issu qa'l'itin agCMDS reg, $1.00 'fbo amnios Oit2 a.v peeciba.. ertuel u-b.Pr- cho nus ca dcib su lndemineu.-1 01b qaiv174àfs So e«$,2 essasheblm là, 1oee b Mis O msiaop mas @ ng irl, sud woan »- MODEIATE F100101 re.25c< c0c .750 O8o Fery' vop.W. op e=rP, luu eucd y nsao o lu ervé Ibrue Si*.o $56 Mae he 1e ealoî %nauomne. un.. aal th% lbMucnam J.oin Kil- Siefo $5G p13C 39e 79C on ias.' sd diew'PeFaita. tntw . oniraane d tooue. Msitrci. Alterotions- ýsi>n'. SEIDLITZ-- cléad et proion en8195te,.l: suded unltVooas. 22. ' EL WILKINSON, -Cc.ais Taller A ..t~. poqODERS COCO>.NCT GLKzýICflTIS U3 lu. vide Dorvd 1Poý iale for i>tpWli '- Ilaïa. lwe te b.34. Cor. Court & Pearl treeols reg 25re SAPO EMD avmsabesb, Tua. yd. Pl Tueedrsvans GI6t0.130p' Wool scait- PH0NE les N LTo'4.n OeMecl8oo RMD J =1; ei.a Mr-. 'nocm are Mani , s»d FuÏllverecun is.Fetait* 2e12:stes. s ha Dske0 p 51. ' ~Wool ooiiia4uelloa . <Jhid. 2 i e.U 5 35 ouheoli5I. 0 ealiie N eta 0O_ - Foot Comfortsî=ois cou CONTESI BOuN 0W O NplSL assl<aet«" . lbor.y uitt. ai auzmnLusÂmeDiy.-R.usasbfluUFer the Wintr, Weat;aer.Im m --am nom@ -ilSWUil la. qoiu 'sua.N. Arcuodcosq- Dyv.StuIm bexved ia Milcn ever hachaI sudMeville obeiasu .ddbileservice in% on I. av bi. IlLOIo&ee, Feit Boots. ihi a alsmttbok ends. lie. »Il Mr$. .hilb .ga 1045. og .2 Sbmmy eubimsui bise tma rs u neu acted s ieman.'pl ru ubisers, lIea Worh Boots. On oaumn, m é uneapent b, su. elai wb y 1ev. k.A. IIwnu. __ __ vm* aC.-Nmbv c I RUi u1ev.J. N. x nul red lbu sorip- UNI Uàmr - emern e Rt Tii . somou vsZ . by OUR MOITU t APa.Fk.. & k.M.. Mdtlou. 11Rev-Causa Nat.,. and paie64-s. == Toeed5yuîgte sd asi LI" ARROW uuV SI<VICE feanal vimi iC .afie tb on d eau r vin b, D. P.K. Au. "Qialily and Rossmishî rer bi Smidere. bi ! a.lae sa givru <'ran..M.P 5Ak.Blsiiock, N.P.P. -TO-- by r. lflsmMouic. f llucce sd R- Pat. i ocd. lTb* Govera- iiîlf meai nt Calh vW"proýeasa ai ,Nyor celbeeaiSis eoyy ind. lter otlih erv"Icesa porade, a. Sties and Scssees Geauond. I.da Z» Ijlre n reee e l" àk TORON .~TO am i t o h at e . u a n eii for u ar v ss ba f oi %iv ru W l l c N ab b 's S h ot H o m e E F F E C T IV E S -B E 0 h q m tvo Nîln ii.dne 11 br sd et t.. em oafiluh e ur1 iu 4 . liTDaily xcept "'ruday vou iut i ..nvXCUreopme tUs ecai yCal. C6. (. tis tqr«"e ý tholmlrs* M.e4by eore ru. nLat Pont non itvedlie wue WhIilluae.-»akslls' tar. oonddb, trl.iBjor Waefl.-THE-- liii NMilto. ........30 a. n .. .......t6-50 P-i on <-am, ci' uti-'i'be ecomnalle c f duaue beldunuder SZAR-oSt. lanisUUnIted *aal. L a 'l.~sio w ..... 9401 ain ........" 7. f) P111 lb oahr c escs136, ssis hncs-lao.rm 110.SasoasFjularOS DIe s tiî~î ...9ý .~u.n ........... 7.05 i Legau.B. E.L.. dnhi t eder tosic urct ruuoo Det s.bganung t 2 )r t'@.os tata Mrs. Evans snd ber o'rl<rrh. Artil. Or ml. Sesuthisal MainStreet, Mîtn Retui'n SePVICO belowage s.:.a im nsa dme deutmien î q ssla. fam e k'ba ro. rmsse.,îi.,s',.iriH0tl ...... .. ýO a.n ......... 5.20 p.5 mi. piamipeas d ilole . o.~i.Y c a.n-are hoie' 16f PRICES IDMEET THE TIMES" u' Isa Innia et&nn U = senitn. sslg amué icuard the. Bu, Tour Ubraimua proasala hie..l.)r .....;0 LC ..... .0p n noe acfi têe venlt. lu oamnrioia iii ia.b ar thora iii.> s. b mn------... mns Tb. sunal bsuk.glio< . ilàne aste.-us. b. ere Men'sleols 'A,TERtN STANDARD) lIME. Joy. I Pala CneciIii atapuer tu frieadpeu onms ayeJa m snrlmiOfT Women's Heela. ..->._ATES ajoy.upaurcbumbuhd aoluioa'tva. Erybody uvcoae. If 1 csy (mhro uhr AE S1-dy«eu.lendus eu samoIsoc- n &DsIn syldy of ltse rogregation labr rrbi lait . b .plaemdlmaisbaldrvm. &t rb, abeor oidulone Cmodvs Men's Soles - $NO iliton hi Toronsto (return) ......'. ..13 whebn dovd iy lb. riïeuttl f tt uasolo, o rqemwon con {s.75c mga. b tbésube .it ..Id eto f o 00upt tld apotieoat.. it if yornnls- Women's Soles -- - 7 ieBovie to TOroto tenurn) ....1.l20 ré er. vlaliueletions by IWm. tîluon. a&Bdsbcii.lp laeu=&kte 0«'tForgt- . ' (single) ...67 Breoe tTorntaio. sud ivmdlminu b. munocosa.: ,***.** 'o Ls. gmAes, *b, OShorNat ari o.3v uiNsKcaEat "nT TBE WILE VIN] WAIT SERVICE"' O.nugh 10 Toronto reurn) ......-'"" .0 Il b Mie lis tîNbv a. orsdeae "aY. Paul sd Hv.lorace Kaye. lIe.r. .eucire sud daunebelsi aider the sua. 1! yaa niant a gond band sac. job- TC1~SAUIFRAINA Irwia, vos eaisranse. pis-sor cBreo,i IA, Ctosdisu Legioni.lËS N NORAINA K te lunBuEmio ss-ot o bESl.oFim st. pro.ed su WE KNOW 110W! MLO N Tit ibe E Nr.Tisor' lsu.dPront s. overubelaaîiVjurcera .A. laformer r gel Dne.. rsetyrars tise pulls nllird rounad ithe es-A. NEWMAN, Pi'oprietoi MITlpONeINN 0 in trbh ssio' fUe Milton m.en îuin ilsein eyort sud sail ____________ Irder Boe iClub. n the lou .amn Mil- Telsepilpi eluîdagit u-l deaiitkeuuc it15ucie lao,. on Fiay. Nov. 2lui. et .30 . i 0.nsvaenir. Mauy pnim"eae.distribuited Wput su alsein oiiu ,t intise rosi' lb. Modrtumid olde tmuedsuinig.Neu- duripq tiseeeOIog.,Ibmetire pr"g bits de- i bod weOrcer. lsli .erved. Ereny- co.0oulivMc. lImilIco sud Mnu.______________________________________________ ta At iod veicona. 'tck ch. Mr aves. Mde,. . S.K. Tuon sd Fred ---.... mn. lbise viibu b g oveauiof 11013 lun rhm. Th l'b c> yspot da.aoe pise aal. Mlen sud as .*wrod aueodsmice la ex- rnt t. Nis iilred Bill sud Hait-t î5laectd. Conn ud AbrinS ynncfnls.ds. Cuplae.ii. asDolbyy sud T. Watt. "b » W D «O'tIne tlb de"- - i.Nov. cr,,d Off lb. btiiday &matd. l r. i. ailb.Bucinghasm Prias usul to Jan ckiii, __ Nciiu-lesub 16. s udisuasd o Iddfrienda. Mm. sud UmvWm. keyLoion uigbei W expren ssau in cere aa. eStucemlua !bud ~p apeslsiiot. the. ctizeu. et Milton seine prises. donated bv Mnr. Toets Z ulelit or 11euca orf l ~ sud Mr.,(lslbrmîib. b eIng the oldre "' - hav <ta S LiîmRenembsuc mdv and gentlieanpressai. ~ . thIs Reens ceciudere.Isdanceon, à, sfoture. coul Shopa lu n Iete icel oecr. , moMcm Kcedv for tise aeconA ture. Scm i in i e t <. T imt. vibthedaitymboe d.otd bv Mr. A. L.à vins. &%@0 W" cenentend Oon bhalb. Fslth Peut- Outiahne msud ofeaslaai mou. sîs ienMrNb wmOee u didth@ F&iiFINIEST PASTRY a.- lb.. varloas ongsiuaus inOal ur nom-Pu. EktJýAsPieni ul fauspn fotanlbhe ac.'on'support fgîvausa mrved duirngthe lbc oiDthe lb. Andi lu lb. pnrckssi.luetcf uldow decar- a'vngeOt& bielg munlthecapable T M T SO TD F ( U -41"~ alloue sud cretthe. ibande cf Mr@. E&.uaesud isoperm. SO Tn 3 25c voe- - k. ih ticcd Bit, 53c a" I R N C N E TDONESa ,C IVORY FLAKES - Pkg. 99 S-cl HEINZ BEANS Med.2 Ts 2MU 0 »,IF Wiis w Cs 1ýHoue Sutfed eOLIVES -- Y s jar 2I1* NI il -'e 5 STý0-RE s: R G F, % r R Y T -il 1 Il. G R 0 C k R 5 1 1