Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Oct 1933, p. 3

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£atwiVIR àotArat Seat Quaity ____= 1. From LOCAL 1?ARM Dirett to Yeu f YLCmist*l~ ~ ~ Mx 5 . i, "a illits. mAnflil, dW*fl Wi* wwdfla 1UUmÇtbr W ith Ou-%ly One Profit, snuwtrna '5ê.*"i to 3 MWesgrseve 8wsâ».*e% af=W= atup Cd lhobbcW. Il. Friday and Saturday Spoclalu1 Ieu Mb sud ! W bu Wel ,rhits.ignsMA 1 nmb W. tine 4 M abumluCMuvahedlae.? a llolled Pot Roast . - 9c lèi. 00 1O*1ta to u» dWPZt1%th*Bib. fit S K BetSteak, num- - 16<'-mu e bel nisa al Best Rib Roast, "' "' ' - l1). "~~ ~' ' a s iaaa, C«. nom meVIC ImmTATI8 Ucu& màw s. 7à 8 ILt.e uS eMd, A __L, OcCei.Usie m soire Ibo Fresh Pork Shoulders, shaùkless 11r, lb W luda.d 718 urieoer __G SOL-IE The so ula tàtb.iilcg veddhug aigub .. uia amawUe me u~ Fresh [Lînis, whole or hait - 14e llab ai Gf bt.~ sdieud.abU OACCO IGATRETS -, ~Gianda ARRBL Andl aama Peleernoubees eeme itita Ti-y our Hornenatle Pork Eausage 32ibW 2k. Bi "GUNinrMW be mud bn te eqéApl i Andaf t eveu Wtttasl'eM ACOICIbT4ART. PAY CÂSH-PAY LE~SS WlidirAd rdy 13pai-Àjtbfid1aet aud umt. U b 4iewue: Ud ttom eof ____ MK. MAI N ST. - -'01»TON _ _____ ___ bllite fumait 1111 11 =l b ai.M"snl ta -bnfiait n t f ti. a-_____ b. VAet e i .~~School Loc l 1flu.eoxovT uu Kouta.- u u. t tise etoflaal l ho eboiaiand e her The savings of the'-ement are çq.e17<c puami arnsdo t wear, test uest l ft ual.udéor <)omn W" herOfeniOn1elns the salvation of i.nc future. esad alovey'e ait. onP j. 40 comitas a u I~t Au kuu,UaiC5stfiUe Wttho egn Tlnporonanti îmui.aty. 'lyae, Tii tedy elng r.ll ho theRuaaýnVihteDiflgo c L fe In su ra n c e 18 n o t o n tala lad bbc ___ s, teyaIL Intimes tia'gld fo w oi prtcinfor yurfaniily but W~ ________rue RL tu 3 ea souîde protection your but ~~~~~~~Wn.MeNair. of Toronto, vtu» iszmlh.tatt ae<u b ~e~~ evc nSns.Otbr'n t 51,yUt setcr a savings account that wiI1 utle, Aie..Armorient, oM %anay. t'estoSuod, AlgatS.7.0 m.Werehrln ; de iiig The W.C.I.U. dmete aibnk &U uvoa1Nua tfm FitaaTbraat.Wl.v ha eBos lfra corne in mighty handy some ebe Ispein luy acyvs n "rtfar. O liaiàlè q@4UUa. sme aaet. vewi holugnadimuete »Tanld i elina the nBnsOfrs mark. a t llr.ape" lteg au Spme. topbave a Prayer maeetinga and $traps. dyin thefuntur ie. onday. Out., ut SpumL r. Adamn.s, mulbureday uloti t .1,lopingt day the ~~~~ Adutl doeealu'y cnamiot. 'o<in e nattauv htesyesuleangefut a.SCHOLL'S FOIOT COMPC)(VTTS ena. ot tauilon. h. cv mIs m ~Par ot Civiq'h " va, foresee.l ti ek SneSbol frtrd oigt SES - et.' eut te dioaaee. lb,. phe fumi.n..et iaftatas addamaausselga 01 .5 nslVf M . R e M . ia. L E M F N T S -n..'o- n ofeMiton ui e h. ot o u lue Beau h l a er Shawgve m a lB lo k E eb d7 forsn tle ir ed a hiSlae ra The Confederatisu Lif e Represctative. yci se mCL2atb1, mcmi tuattend Ibs el. ImpuSat f ume- amliome DstieCetrbutlue- I'acNabb's Sboe Home Tiremembhip f th P iennie5nd mdjasa enjorsittiée eong Ctb ue ialareirty. Itblae o ! vo i»tutiaect ____________________________________ the tatt tOrganisation«s in Mil î;_ FATAtuLT titlltDac, tmc n ca ceos ein.uemd ePlIoett.4 MILTO)N. SA I ic-oiworm is y a car lbaiurdui, mftercoau , W1 wae lth Apple! renetly made for contri bc- - - - _____________________________________flou__ for Vthe ic.-Rsuewyoaar s acthe- USSkiElEaloog 714o. 7 bi.giiway -b titns ni upplias fer lipf lni the suttl- U bltfe l.'cl.ydm11. heugi heAictn ad +flaao:ý J ame pot -"Duof Manitoba, Mektehe- _____ - tnAMlloN OCilîs m~nd.at-,lm ents. it mclabof empcysmetIlm ananduAllbertamau cld.nno'd ti. P ua heRpi 'd.!. m..Franktchibanai" tiughter, of C<iergsiownoutecetiInjuries tramn Q goitty cf gonds l'bat W»ah, bt'apcd poplrS e par i Saui Maya.in, and iMn. Richard. winhhob.diei elniGuelph (ien"aMon. a edoreyo ai. Pau ln aol:. i t ilo -~~~~~~~ ~oun t Hamiltoni, cellatefriand. lu ptlatarday night iot Marshalfl "maeby cane ystarday bsl : hnSrMle wuo: uidy t ioroo n lv' tib.e ni teMn". Mlslfileant vison u- ou. e- -,OÙ,l I,,c pne. Souda>. in .t 5Wtt1.dnt an e r5eve at e iver thomnc. slaiare'. lortege eOfsî.gptahlm 'ta Peci den anlâme eeaii rierfruaibs ca a tvile bccontant calle 16PRICES Ta MEET THE TIMES" helul y ~sivaog ,k ~i'alîlie Mrnefor louai reliait. TienyaTe s gt vsa ARVEST .Ien the bterme of John Antdecma itsMIo aeaiindieenaeb -fe, ,-o AN UAL HAR E TSALE"' dStanley Wisoo, Alurt-icnlar. IIaSELL .-Ai a Iaeiisdnded ia aléoimappeai w»s atitdeti.. M en'c Heela- 0 Pearlwbîte Soîp, 10 bars -------- 29CWkÛAinU»u 1temtntin aei«frlarsbefra Jone SîtrtenCalub.Tihab~int est thle foi- tire criowd. O01)ias ceeOcca. Milton. wonen's Hels 25e Jew l .iote ii ,1lb. pî uuitS,2 4jr .......an bbc Theaavoat usiro rom rblwn oies veoel.ete Bonane."w« aak it le ed la ig a cga"r mina(leetier otruamier) Chbef Porl, aînd Piotrs. Il(;oz. tî i, Jir liii wl 5e aii>t. h !.Smon rPr.'ienta. Jaitga Mumne andi W.1. vîtir Louvilla, Mornhy. eaibride anti ____ Se Wnd'dady.Dmte. O' Particuaisar. î;pns. Won.T. Rande; ié- C aOrlisle. MbjSîO8 Fîve Roses Fiuaîi, 7 lb. bat. ----- ---27e latin-,. t ii «a, at, S«ara eresnrY a. ~leraiaisbhcacaaii ut' oo I ______________________________ SPIRITUALISM.-Servi" t hePifip; Tree.. W. Salv;aataire. lyitarne -tocate eWomen's Soles -75o a-sed.iatccOetM-r.Lacdslaorantghon Me-rc. . M. Decysa ad J. led ee;paety vil bugs, nt ptateet. eppice, 01là lolony Muipie Syriip. cor bot.- - -23 Stnday. Ont. 161, tha7 p. R xectiveUnmmnitee, J. W. Bhiln. - tucelpoan,' p-apitdnsboe tintain- Doa't Fonde- Red& W iitý'itnllàExracI_ oz bt. oseh hit4 aedTout,. (eta. Caokeanthe Prueiilent., log ctber tee&bI».emeneal frita, FlcondPeaiit BVniut Eîîter, 3 o2.oz t.a ----- 2c Jnse Wite ae85.a former ýqcrmaa',and lti mi.canned vcgflabi ianke.liLi:ts, *TE .rLE TOUWINIT SERtVICEl (To de S riy l . kg b ar, a ta k hi la iang et Hi m buret FIW L S pr zeu-A fow ls pe r apC an ti h" gsonfleur,& a l a il ha rcf miresiif po n a t a goed bad si- j b (yinatraayClipte----.--n- - loc Beach en Tisa, 'îs1vng Day. eeui er the aictllote Ui ic..'sd wltb cauhdonatineel. Somt.. KNOWHC gti) & Tolinaîtto S tuns..-0c Mm. HnyHsie ad ubeWnmen'e Asacatilen thle florniy lai mention ebouti h.aeniag Ayltiuer Yoeetalld SotMarguerite.aer H u m o e agter. Uoniteti Cliarel, viii thm lacîtinb thes e ,f clotbi..hddn1at Ahl Ifl A- tWhiti, Pullupkin, 21 sitettle iatgurao.isccototet bni mte iy nthrdavW. WNEWMAN, Propeo 4 e~~.oding asu sîjovaiie Piât vitb er (.-range Hl, rif e n , ! t*vo- auple o.trblitid tiarai bc -, .* rp'eo lid W ie 'o.4l'as, 2)tisdatagite.r. Mna. tîlifrodti over. nu, tat. Uth. ilupper bervctfronta .S 50.. 8.110 ~~6W)i lte i1r .bci na-ess.on- Tiselocal cemmittie-i.dcPTt-pgit- A gond wa>tabuget ahaeti-use the utîtritlian 1 S1in -il Piiiuouî'le, p-r 1nil - SIsii. cwe,-t-antiudttstliiw erevaîil as given isY the fOlltavang tte il vian reponiet eh generie- one yett bave. Shrecledil heii lt-îît Ph o etî-rryi 2 pkgs. 23e s week . Marccl aud Fi'ager-avr, tablit Mite Male Qumatotie.Mr. a> te thc urgent aied ni Our' friettina :- Frappoi.iianenb phone 10Ii.- ant iealsDerlos. nf Palasraian, manaîji- W o.c Casa Gîld iiein For b. tin25C Mcc. EAi.. iani. J. Ly.noîn! tisgcr. a-eseanmd _ _____ (>xytîîl, 21c zepig-------An anproniiug .tarb heesata cf the Otone'. Admitmosa Mc.. thlidren. àAgrgeniamier of isashali fan frem Lux Fla keslare 2 1c eeingly dry veaiber ha. Ot Prie- Rrrai.iaii.- Charte Wodwdt. MLltj mcd district ateein t t (aipb --bb---- llientd the cppe ta i iof an>' fiai s u, oif31. n Mmliiaan. visoboambieuen cste&lye firon , te amce b iseP Pe-n See, MxedPikle, 3 o. bt ------Zq li eo f fait viet in ifflerentpoitit cf enp.d b>Thcs.is. ie a- t, Scat.be.pte e.B.A.A final, au Stîrisat 0 Ln s ned. z doz -------29e Ballon ceounby. mITnasv hip. vas aste Ilet Pyro tc be, soatlasnptee campnotC vicito ('rtaîor1k ii.Hslaaa ceayiey ,,a5 incial Conatat affl reCookum On loue.lya scor, cf 85rtrns tel2. (iritbene, pr b T e poltnyul be ir cotnamaranasat cbaa-oigtir sSmetetiwith Tokay Grap,- b k-------a=4rAil itriI nit tibit O f :npi". tls, ~~et.,tieratvuuiI; nstmsuiI cisca. viegln oMnaa, c. ~ lodgeti te lbhe unty jal bae on nglt sa ttt.Ie.et..M le 30 fl ~ N N 9 H AI E VR aWrdav. appemedethfoePolie.Mas- "I. Miteu, pubic lrscol l ctrt.X 4 NOTCE .JM. MoInh es batclier iltat ai. tlI bocn on Uteday and icut îuunellcmaillot plîlci for flex .bop ii c il osci! cdvm7-yWeducedav urmn mdaitite encla>'. ct.22. ursfestival. lit W. grocdi -o lrv wIIAueW * hlgeeer .an pdce" rnorlasthraaugbaaaaitbhcyer. e.tept Aheaa ~~!c.~jte n~aurePeter Keninedy1as uctilai- '"ui aIwaeys ig r ha he pie u a.ft.'rno 0 '.edeedayi. itDt-cfltttt-. A"" BIRe TI mUI.anaI., aaclu msa tor. .W.utiCooke ag amoero ____________________________________________________ (»irtg, RIiWhlie. bislmaibb. utder' dauce.' iii lam beltiunder bbcmueScu t aeIlMeadjui.cati marier.in --- nt s tertne npsratioai in fGuelptab c r ci136, auatiaaa Logion B.K. arices sM-101111i islîPLrrijm erls _________________________________________________ (joutereaialHosptal a Monday. Hie S.L.. in the ticyn ballitldaY. Nov, 10. ,skin Le it'fuit charge of the' Pro- ny triendu !ope ha viii bave a& e ist, iW)pm. IIIReidi andti. as95pie rmfo h w dya L.nr" -_______ - ~lp-dy rectiiisy. Ua-nana> orchesre vWiti alplthse IsafrlietedD.ass ati maum * A yrr-tdin> onmnipoiatnase. Viluail. Priam. ferorcire classces. etc. Mr. tialca uo AneItc irlaps! a tesovewnau imrat nta nti tastn" sace ii.aaum v u caic .jingrum the tiep-rlmeet et We sockandeaudelva.by tue~aaiwhee tcati pinan mach.Theenlm bha. bieauthe, muaet m.aaiacsfalin Yea.suaton e rgartiig ugtasic grato ne-o.e--I pn hi a cihi k>ar rtemvo aeIe~Mas. Denyeà andber tisîglter Misse ~ ~ as un - bad ~on is araih i i, nt i drtie juin .-'à ILJ oD>tlionE otlîy. îerved TerechaeUt.ilc ra c Amerloan, Scotch. Welsh A ithrasi. kto. h.bs fi n ae >' aaagM.eatcal ofie ts.D.nes for tcit aolMrtyait mao ite lrngteputwfkbave tbora, picsa. W iat te Inelvitatione l th ie F'ebrar~ey ineil PahnaCneSemadadquts a a inaier ha,.' bleu cttue. thora. log ntishe Presbyterien manse. Tie.'arc net. ý any à_ c.. ier veuer D,. .-A t.Parr, 1). D. U. M.. oergetown, use extecticti litMrs. ffi~~'IAm e th, rt ntoe r ete.&d i tf.O -,tw.i"ld(Rev) Hovard, antitaccelteti. S rTles,-B. T. Gslovaya butebler ire foloving usfinera t tire ceng LETS bat'. a goind attaatcig h'sceMSs ig boehp vill bhiclsîeci ever>' Wedtasaday c îtn de o .fr.10F. Cu.'t rcaS lve at..Brceau.ncnti- afaten bronicut thte yer. ehept Taeaday cvelg lasi: N.G.. A. NP4t- cd l>'ycaiur iraigab.-Picktt's DrugiS tise lalc tue Wcdunday" i Deceher. am.'; V.G.. C. Flcming; ; S.. Jan. ' toe. - ~ ~ Deinrai. P. S. A. Wnidiet Tpea... J. CLA l i v e r O t a i e fo r t u e o r t h " b r e .u L n a n 1 . N G . . A . W a d l s tW A N E D .P & h G yeuatto re bgae le 6dt. st for ',A.L. Tac -lai; i.biV.li.. J. MCl t. m an Ti t-I eot lp it-onPU hilet. Yeu beee la tice t a : L i on. . ecAt la is 1. ., ittleJ.lly.at iereo' LÜ bonBa eismtl C lou aii am A. L.as hv bb ;R.s prec J.t fran 5 puir.a n âpr g'ed 28cr t40 ond aa e3 ______________anti, cie c tse tovobaD OaaFa-ada>Torceb . Mpt N erausetI. asti fa-en lI. mi maltceadtxer.ricep-,us QIfut bise tutggoat avaitTcf bbe eseose. nEM E N T iel ire " dragansl og a. _________________ew _________ Ocuptio. _ t fýn .. 0 . ad ma. lit Pone.3l17 R. S, ADAM alasaNov. frtuaeepti y.dase OenaIl. AbRRug.l I foihei t ft ot. v no.is(c Phono 48 Nxght J3 MoutC.'it aathe ire briad, ese.«i cange tat aketaawrh.at ta hav_ iselleauf a d X. R. leacks lacr - .ertc e tdame i saact harygStb eceTh.dmp".ie otýycar Wieuiîihe EFFECTIVE B SEP SMER VICE 133 ine -tbpcr vaminarept, ioyatg ehat sCona1 NEWS t. istina-o f %t rs . F. . (lk eant. ' -- - - n. Mil.. o Ti-ay Job, etilpanORTire ANNC>NCESpao Oso&u.' frouaMilionmouf di LorreMaie Teîntunt lrictcisc-tl ee tiseofteobna Bs&Bcr - )> i----- .1 .u aH.e-djW HEna 0 tstlnR at tb- ael i ua e lit LaeMlo .....9 ý)a i......5 V k, ~f D.vSit.AroCie mm..t. T ate assns, 100 TE,. ad SO. (. a.taý it M Candaiets e, Ic ui eTîi Retru. Service -il Clm as ns, ou Naces, ah tr ilîl b hege apk .eaalaiFoad-cocu. ....a.,............ Popiltî,r-îcsed fvisa riade eEu e Ingtenai..................................... in..........3 ..5 L otite e-ralstery of cl- aitinRates t'Flis Matc.tesa.ow'der. l-uàtire w oee we u:ais P yeJgohn ASEReceNARit. The layye egos $0,7C.ad50 M.u e. vit . Ciem.nu, M5ilt onrtna-b.d roTe eite t .... $ only ana! tome nuas retod un h.seiti..fcoco!..... -."... h1.20 our se iits Lea*UB. f ur ti acims , ut ch 1A so e 1 a l ani e rti tain iaeen,"(igt ......... 381(1DAYS3 stum*v OCT. le, 20, 211 Linsa Tow.Uiag, 17 me. vide, blus and &mm tbasin, hca'ry quality. peu y a rd... ....... Cuptailsi Sit, 36 itr». vide, white oly, hem- et' elnd l ,rder, 2 ' a sef......... ...... kn 8~rt~df5UmI.tsv 7in"usVide, bine aMd Frilied CUr-talau, cessi fpouod with IaaaY hordes. l t, or rosa vitvalace and tic b&ck. glu 22 ioches 21 yard on& parpair ............. . F*om-oy Qottm, imediumi veiglit, 34 iua. vide, yard I1k CUrtU Mas P aoi , causa only, inaseored pa- trosn e sise 40x80, sach .... ................. -......... RENNANT8. ej PIoq e. Le aarly for theai. Dr»c Goodfe. irs. Prints, Fannlette, Towelileg in the lot. ?bo thora otKt àpricciter. 8O&P-Walker'@ Beauty Bath Soap, white or rose, cake Se Ladite' Full-!aalue Homo, Sat quality, ini aIl nwit faO shiade sias8 t. 1or Parp ir. ..... Wasi Cloths, good big sise, inemorted color hordes, F for .25 u&ntity At tItis prici,saCh ......... ..... k LIbex Flannalette Blankets itouble bed sie, whte vitIt blue or piok ordr, la or gret (2 pir te a cutomer only) ... & Ls4dios Fa.bpto Giovua, for f ail er, pullan style in color grey, sand, brave, glue 6 to 8, par pair. L&aEi.I Priat Boosose short sl.., test color print ' new pattecrns te choose from, sixtes smu.l, med- ium, large, ecdi.......................... ..... 79 Gipls' Flanniotto Pytamma(2-pie style), white, pink, peash, with lancy trimming@, aise 6 te la years, @&ah ................................. so Ladies Iannssoitte Pyjamas, splendid qualty liannelette, in whi., îink and peaah. with contruting clriîJg, fize sirali, m6dîun., large ................2 Chlldronu Plooos-lIne0d Di om w hitte, pick, aRvy, sime 2 to 14 years, per pair.............33 FloooO-llflOd Bloops, witla drop eut, white, pink, grey. a,ze 3 to 8S............... ................ 7 Linon Glasa Towola, aimes 17x82, colors bloc. gai d, greern, re4, each ................................25 811k and Lile Ho»e (gstatedards), slight defects whii are hard te deteet, eolors mund, biowo, gun- MOItaI, sires i 9te 10Î. Note tte jinCe-Pair ........k Boys' Flauielouo a as, aoo C4 ai - te à elmoetroco, siaaflo ................ Boys' Alt-weol PuflovoMs polo coller, ini colo a ry, und, ejiaroon, Bsiz 22 te 32 ............... Goqden Shipts, of gond quality Eroadolotb, in tripes and plaine.olors; some witb 2 collea, r *lire attsohed, sizes 14J te 17, eacia........ ................... 1.00 Cotton Flannol Shirts,4 gond heavy quality black and whîite mixture, also khaki, ase 14J te 17, Stock up it thie prude, each ............................ 89c Wool Golf Hoso for beys, ie brown and grey, mix- fureéi, suzer 7J te 10, per pair........ .............ROM eSii t tke n olcf m " ofgsoet e.t . pimrC [ k j' D wq"ow chipso 2'P33 rI5c IclmgWuga' Z CM AGRETI'1324 L95 TEA Pk FLOUR EaC»I. Ckia-heu A hLMf sud Cch.c Temn Wsth Rice 3 25c 2 c 0 F F g. PENn DJP Mate Ir $zs ÎJ 0 X *S T-0 RI S 'I Ma.RWO

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