Slpeclals for this Week 1 Cho"esRod Bk' hm .Mle < #iàý STEAK, 159 Pt UIh idili cuired ÏA&Doestîci IU PusmealRals, 111, Usab ing fo T> ou> Homelnade Pork SausageZIba. 25e. floUaS.Pmêk Co"" lNarIn. Pimied»Df. '10l" ed m, H#.deâoe., Wela.,'s," 1 FAY OASHf-PAY LESB MAIN ST. - - MILTON IF you worked ini the Civil Service or ini the tesching profession or banking in. stitution you would at 65 receive a pension for life. However most men and business womeà have to pension them. selves. The (Jonfederation Pension Bonde are weil wortb investigating. S R. M.CLEMENTS The Cnfederati.m Ie l.etmtatie. Golden Spray Cht -e, i lb. pkg ------- Matches, lEd & White. 3 pkga. - ------------- or Mooolight Mmrhniaàllow, per lb. . - - - P. & G. Soep,l10 bars------- Lux Flakes, ornait pkg. 10C large pkg ----- Keen's MusLard, amali eau 13e ------ 'CmbyPikles, M 5oz. jar ----------- c ownCoru iSyrrp, 2 lbW cAw 17e 5 ' Fruit Jar Rîîbber Rings. 3 pkgs. --------7e Zinc Seaer Rings, per dosen ---------- Parowax, 1 lb. pkgs., 2 for ------------2&e M u"st, 2 p gs.-- - -- - - - -- - - -- - -I e Mayonnase Dainty Lunch or- -Ied & Whiti.., 8 oz. bot. -- --------- WWOlPi&h linpce, per lb ------lb --- â Ktobeuer Peaeal Lack Bacon, per l ---- Kitmvne Cooked Ham, par lb.---- ----- No. 2 Lmmingtou Onions, 3lb.. ----- --- --4uaàU.v always Majon m te pa*te" me DOiULE UOw 1 i"t&&fl.&AO 5M&Uol 4"-r.sudeslu l 1s Ià% 13 zào Mu a math elcosaua. Thbte Iunm ai du mliiu Vh sie u a ismduemBa - - zw*mmite é a* boe eafiltpa stuh us ai m isty 2 u a ht bfS-r sessate use. pfs. 1 CasL MuArag M.-Beai the Net OC PrimOu lmWa aie. Wb,"a. 1141 l..RaseBeulthamhuM tue uahor i efrisaisla iM. o. Fmead,..e lde ieahs. W. M. Fshsi ilire.. AaduU Baisas. pa t.tla baveg habientrbeh t.a aCo"osa RIBUIS"UliALVâ-Au..israi no aecit leagia M air&-Piemic Drnuen. MIss PhLa l,'i é' siils in, it. 1.E B0""Uud l giyla the usei. -i aaisautinurd-b h hhihua ti iii le ha. hsay. mm .J. Roshmwt. of Wlaiar. le vldting a paens. Mr. a" Mre. Iý Mr. 0" mmua as Mctonhav.e rstSt", tie2I s.yabl vcaion bMn..EM SdePaia"d dangt-, lac. hiW .7ifl me ughauw<h. INdo LI . d= =a f o rds.ez saii rhea>.u* he Te- ter. Mcm. EL. R. M inl oirit. 1 NOgIWS-Thi PubileLhsrsy Crin ha op»ai Bauey Ana. tand a040".sas "ta kh. ep. lMariii Vw. ai Natal. sud IaMais. MIla, cf44 ii*W, au. vlewtagJMr. a"dmme..Wams"0"0§L mm IL IL Itau ha rond 0 ao Bi-oit. alla epuailsg a feu .i euh ha dsea. MM . il. MiP. am EL S.1flàbhm r~tad Lgu.n lAr. ed MnJ. E. hodesa, aS ebaméE. __________________________________________________ nosemen aeu.u.,J. ambas clssa. hi lba t b eenumt» ar Osalesa..of Nai p anil %1h eau S]Oowidbi b aiagdur. in* duthe mil s*cm aief 8 &a. WlsSss Mogi"a. CL. RetS aidq> VEEK-EII 5PECIAL 1 Ite fth pla. JtaMiim sium e aiRs aisgo. SWh"Cinarlan Cherry Nut Loaf lMn na.<e..adMe uriageeam oi ai hd hme Bey. OaI K." Ailis. .b1.r i MILTONe-at, MK. fhlaea d k s@m ary ar oSm .el Fai., aiG«vd liseJadeSaun. a l'aae. deramvo ssi bD Fmda orb me i. dms..M.Ss ý,. Il. Pl cMm . BaSet v Cooe l. T C.BownPro. aur aMut. vl a, hmo Mes. hame Malaite. hAe D"MMUtS OFdacasim n a Wva a" dsoeeanule Cm~.- dolng am eifl te b. a., - cdo. cru .' bito aum e.màweo. tmi.u tmeiWh iUt-?WII s es, fur 5.C O . Willias ' $Wb"Fs amamAs et sudpli ad.plceudSas irl u t Mprie. " se. -uedagd bi R~p m iiea&M. &tab et uu fe- a 2ea."s ei - -ai.., nezt. uair = eDey u th eimriW"Sommea o.s.Tm. uItMr. fMd ly. w.ýfWn aaiiUm '& assila due aut@"l" tl us - ei ome ____--"*_obul ailt. au cea amb. dosai ai . MU em» qiw »1111%*t5. . AT CMPAITI (A. PA'i.Maager) H IlDms eaw auliw"e 5s-s ies l-â0hy s . it f= Efl m a.S DWauwt et . l s.3 tri.0blt r-eating and sseia M'a sew .f usuqb 3. *Ua outils.Cù wemu Wta %4M t h.3*Iale~Tinsmithîn !iFTht-Z" . rplin. A-4am. ie 3obus. 2 F*À K» ' -b«" &" rne K a" a li ou, MlMt,14c. amoe eaffNkl " esb va.. umme-ua. -. y. cho. .I'Ua =kpà. Z- c-br vb.1- ,xh.i a k-,_____I,_ o, LMaL ài.la2. MACK'S hues eas Faia. 0* . W& 1.r'Lut idomt nadufu. 1.ILM aO e. "m . o.l.Fr ERI1CE STATION N.B.: M.U.0.P. <iuet1%»M&s, &-alt. 1ma%>o 8t. 1r. aehi. 5& r. Cr. Z Mal adBi.o tà. mm af i e0 ebu s IlMga. IL. -a*s. .______________ Oum iioeull en Oft"eUb. J-LC. M c1.pho.. wàm etyai 8epam Driu t.51OU& .'c.s.. GAS-OIL--TIRES nes tli.. iflhelle baes2,el.p.& j&L CONFECTIONARY. l--ihs. 3. éJlg c. J. L. MoeACHERN etWie 51. eta.Sitettt .MS . S um m er draili. I. its hei. lit. x C.Baie ~ baS - twear A A.ARmas...PaUaieW ée~ n. it.A. C. Lai. M 3. F Ir.MESh eshid B.cuku*mmes. êW-il labou. w»W& 1 end. 3. ph I. o.Seai~ ep. b l " Mml. A-Lit.V, C. vO a ae l the IUeiffldfMtb ~~W, have ltemn iWhite 8trume thiui b MssEIIIISI _ or .wa . -1 é. Las. LFr. PmnsdnTes aI fron t, 40 to deanUR lie..ClSECuhel .Af .Men% ,Wamen's ami C'tldren'SIPH W I. teso eaeae abs p-MuuI 41.- i. . ,,, . Spoit sd'lIconis Shaea. tury chant. 1105IMlfi w0-O4aq.EChec epedr6eie"ao ldotsembles. re. CAt3.Pày'2- SCHOLL'8 FOOT COM FORTS - zwer. OURObe 0 combestPltoai. W-O, c bi. . re. 2. fartijrd sella5 fort. Rai.. ý @4r . L@l 2 au ha chou~~~. 5. Wbs . L @@ma. . I - cises rsa M&. DacaYK&. pum er ZP»& ati&... Ltin cm - Motsboméà e ce aia ___1.a. .Ne ->.lacNaL b's Sboé Homeia ai Mmey-Hue 7 o eeaior le Ac cr~npiedulthbellhaisnga ud l ioatmea. 8-,i.c. Qcha. 3. lI. va,~ ~~~~~A &aytui h>ushvt Aa. C. 2. Fr. A.%.Fr. cap. c su a Ith i1 al.hve Robaissa. O-coap. 1. ltt. 1. C. hie.-T - eh> - f 'ti. imiaion. 3ha--c. hif,.c. 44r, 2. phys.Por'ular S.,oe ftepair Mau.y.Iaed. iai &Rtmi, R , P , & C. Main, Street. Milton îsNan i playm. - A.& "3 . L vl i P'.A. 2. r. Oflp.2. tp ,aa1.t Palatiffl -Ami=b= enace m. J is cha . Pr."ICEZ T.O MEET THE TIMES" &We-w£" ( oisaxa . MoeaiS. f-COss it 3. C-30hi.C. Ml" lit.. mut".. ~Web. E-4OomajZt 2. s.C. hWs.c. Mens HReels ---40c- DAUMUL AOeMM.-Uteily Bs, iIIr.tS.iPhe. Wonien'a Heels.- -.250 Of Mii... iiiMUh a PROImidi= Woodlay. A-O. bi-Lc-croof& Z (leaàer or rabbin) m F. V. lSbe ruse nla Tefatae Ohm1. tý"po eu"Yo e ot Men' s olesl - 1. of-b re. mh a Women's Soes -- 7,c bond ai et sw»bt ta tercm tK truack. the Wrlght orDa tFoqui- bsbd avineth . J eo bt"TUE ViltE Yeu MAlT 1RIC"i mu e bih tomla 1h"mgasitéai bs der. Mr.=,,,itbas boum" i scruel. î atagiLas o aor, - e aSai. butinfleMa edLMseejbý WB KNOW HOW 1 bous. pobc.Tei A. NEWMAN, Ppoprletos.. theht llitre bota..IL W. Foi Pud J. J. POsCosi. e<tolt. te tllulg:1.W. Osali. Tis., ilie. . i e-As P. W. C Ii. W.f. n.&Z.dMre. M. I. ua it tulepa n eh. e te-led 1h. oelhag o heud iite resu la L" sa1~-erlAn,. g R1.V. W. F. MILLEIt."IIIL ilavtnq 1M11ion t asS.m.. d&yuli a.tantSetvice mulor eniurs aâi. n-aael ht:y in 51-ti a. Pu Fr ..ikeslett. firtlia s u u. bail.r a nwn"phoe 14 r M r tuausa uiis. ulo tain Q,~pheae»)gh- rLi.. vW.!.UMSa hahies cfusa. tu esims"0iaeavla.fer Unt.Deal; -IIM = FÀtue , .Mr. Minler eaineled a BAS5D,.ILTbuaawuy. - PInitviee t ~ irvival .iLfhem ai uhm&a gîta ctiUde 1teOsimptiltllhi oni V ii Sept.. havig - m eay1m .oe. W e " p , hahai nh Filte tshei tmstasl fua, aMu saette heur i, alabul der nair ie aquf 9 taa. lMr. §NinlA aifd (eh.oeW" CHFITI mnt etf lte mesai.,Ai Pes U..i a.i Mit aeildfrsaMtie t Assoeted Mrd Ume.Cl ivfsv. G&fi8,bM t.; <5ast te 191fer Japa nod Koia "br.~ilu-d, vM.Calisle;* 5 P - as a. uarta. Bar. mil«lhm ha i n'aueea .a te 7 i.Rp..tela" ulde i b travelled lail aid ~~o renhel the gai. ";orea IUn ou5",.m Ca"u » à 7 te 9 p.uSet h»Ii&lma"aiIe fort, @&"m sienary 'se-ie, gucase- YVOie[fl ueumia.MU t tti e. Rei vil ivi a milaasvy Men- pou.. ab tolil "by a dtsa. O(msesai sceller atetocu "atitresr21 atissewiu. daie , Ad Fmaopus d eao1loegdeingto ickmW aid tabS2 1L fira Soibstr' O-Pois2Oobt...1Mlaaerthnlflu I ldUmteai9 b.cuWeSPECIAL m fumir ute" uithe aa luhla ta .ac. services meh ev.iiêglt 8 UBOVRIL" bd]âMsea dar.6Adulais te aaiveuas i. m. hspoblica- invfl ti.ailU ne. M iMM.fai ivla _______Brand ofa iehof Dr.Aea = M.eiz NOVE TO QUESTION Cormei fe. HaleKtaia Adda. e bc.habei et LEOALITV OF APPOINTM ENTS FPaoma onairl 2I5Mi. 311h t&ail31.1. -ààm elllhaa pe ^ 01aishieid frIi& Acting on brisait of the Citizeas' S e aeinc à"m. o ventesos ucreva.-q- cmmittee. of MUtot..Hughes CIaaiî tmeisas l duvedbhieddUifaIer. aOf Drllntae. tl-dy aedI nj laid Be a l aim itctis flt h. courts ta queutionz te legaltty or[ Na.1 tour cr..I i. 'san va lle. aazatet echoatTi 'he lt maebcill Ihat ecla e tit atee le the MiltonBoard. whtch I2 foNe S.O" d ue migto"uo lsBadaber(GanRi W. HuitA) vill conte vs..ancea ver. OUiled b> thé lwo Te- ti: ln=sa ic. i i eh1idm.rn al a rda.Tes-SPECIAL la dué ouSu eillaliattndand aeapt,,g.eal aeet dala = =ete. dus u l ivitatio tb exteadi.ltoghfern eglert ori 1ty. Ten ae A Uile sGv.. a Long Way a te prees. Os To..oday. t"n Seit.a Wno te latest deveIopmeat tn the - angra msr.a~Ied Ina' tête publicatuleint hich comstenced -bci heinugS .3 ,. hr u tua montlt. agocaier te fait- b a tiau Measeved a unsala aof tleboard*jto <, pol int lisL t" etpho "aIl hie boire" on Lie elawn *principal and anssist atala aofhie adhoue. sow Lacai Inn. a»la"r eductian di ro WIMTE id le cog 1 Stock up lest mteetI5 ingorellruiuA - wuti, tibersatla, pins. --l I lMess Woal Vents or Drver. <Tures 2- t'.w). reW 50. eau I1.19 per g&i- NOTICE op to 82 50. Dowlne. L=Mitq=as.Ouncrs of C-urling linem ai Pics- SPECIAL or lily et Oslasit 4s1re. M l àta.ctin the Old Cuirling Rnk are' 0în Bovi' &*c ~t nesave 11m ent & w-bs88:HELLMANN'S At Leuehmnseichool. O.S. No.1, poaible. Anyoe trespassieg onRIBO MNlon. obh Widataday. A ugiet 301h ud;-oprt itbout pcrxahaio-t fa juaLor aid bOy. ica aL- P s--- , -- -iil-b. _tAi "It Pays to Deal at Dayu» Restore that tore-room &bine on jour automobile by 1eanoving Iraffio film Wih No. 7 Duco Speed Blend tLiquid" -Olt- No. 7 Duco Pre-wax Oleane: ttPateIl These automobile polis)..amemade hl b. smmn oheiniets who ored DUCO, the fi" nipjur cau. Ne. 7 IDUCS SPERD BIAIS $18 wtb M& 7 Pas-WAX W CIAJE O. pu 'h Ne. 7 UOtIVAX IOs.@wedu you eajoy erery day at 'Dominion.» Mt aiLîtta-pricc uiitho--t a e-atsatiOacir PERFECTION4 1-1b.Tn Flow Wax 25c DOM INIONC Pleas - Noa 2 Tia 14 DOML\'O GOLDEN N 1.. 2 Ti. wax Bean15C' DOMINO PITTED 10-a& Pic« Dates 5 c Shrifs' MARNALS'-E l'à 3 G.. bts BF.ANS . r,15. IfcLare.'t SPICES -.2-02 ar a" 5 AyIucn neL Tiui TOM.. rous. -4 White SH01 POLISiI Tm»1 ; M c 1-lb.Tin UA'ilC POWEIER 4 OId Dutc) CLEANSER i. zoé15 Maple 1.cii MRATCEES . o3 ba2" .I1.. eauiiu OVALTINE . 44-m .Tat 45 ..ap POWDER . 2 Tins U4 Ilalk VINEGAR V.ho Fly SPRAY - *.Gal. 404 Ti i-. ttS &PICIAL HF-,l SPECIAL CCEIriED ILO la Pus 0obi" Où Powdoe SFECIAL MAYFIELD facon 11N.10N-XTOR' 11t1 .&0b*' ,oles' We, Millon b-7ht .w..LuI te*1.9 i a ln 10900019. adnwimE ]WhIpm a, D >IWsir ha%, W" Wk k ombab's, Stam d$bori.e ki ?uth à.WSoekffqoa dd Trousér. Gey sud Cm= ISmashs, iaMCouts la%%CIP BeinenqT&oPUNCitais, uh, A. S. WILWOITOCKud StoeSPRAY TEACER 0OF PIANO,- VIOLIN AND THEORY ANNOUNRS LlbeimaiRe-adJua3meut of Tuition Ratc la a.odaaa.wu6paiese" a sdU Pplvate L«ma *L.,7s. and »e. asseeg bla boamst eme&bsa ohlaaLmoa% fbup la a 611%8% 256m«eh. Pupdb pre"W $wfo Toronto ConésSormcifMumce xamimuiùai INE 24 P.O. Box 3" M.-" !eýý m