Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 1932, p. 4

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- 1m 0"N V end %%w eb mo t ___à_ -bnmm t eb iute, ia.a Md Ai m e146 iF Mu Cee. et badt ua e Devü e cpls FioodIUi Layer Cake .1 litou irons "Ithat Megia teaItbttesr Its unifm ao eveieg qucluny si-a p.cdehn ait0 And Min Duftmapraise tf -Marginta oonded by thtetiajerir or diettoat.eMd oereprt t«th.vo h eeoulcie. Th uMuglie ,vitiedycunna th" bnc z t iPureaMd aluaysunei. Canad iheuseui-ea tee, pra- fer Mugie. le facl, Mugi outeeti àadbaeehkirtpowdeebined. For lucciotu layer c&kan. liglih tenier bmcnies, dai P'%;m feIleu Mi. Duamm»a dv,,.' Uc bak et bUts.ni m emCc Book vil gSW*yen dam. of=cpe W er b trum 1ud uie. Wtta fiqedaruld BmudLtd..Fr»«.Av&tuam .LâstySt4.Toronto, Onseuj abbbmw Te.tficg Ti. Ceca Millinsant i mlionseoetin cana rt' matieueetfton tue lreser-vuilen ef truit asti veeies , ui miglua rare thiing, indeeti, te ezuoce- e eau chili-t tas$ proven d etei'llse. Tliese caca rencb tiiheusomer- Pli.. er-l on dtltot e. tIr a" iler ci'flitets are cS'- cerh@ naiuin'e tiethave i.een le a frelght crecl Or eu ectedtialesamne almilar exerene. Tii, reaceon lial tier fallu ti iîr- tul. o s ssle- boriu t ntstelnci euî la ibjeeet . a eevere testhi-tory levingth ltan- te,' .;'beme ft 'vas moade. The procean le tic au -Cesce Oate useoetinlal- callug an ensees leal, tri tiie tuner tube et a bicycle Jlre. Tiet' are pne'ped tutl et nempreetietiair uble unti tern,,- dcitlIe leacl lmperter, lien manifeste Itatît by a dipiay ef hobiese. Siecian-xnblnery has been tiyléed ftntih, psr-pe eandtheb, cen ta dotle vsmy rapludit. Syr"Cla at be-,talisid Tii, comtien gc"ui etSyria cnd Paiesthes, chici la prebabt' aa om- Uft tanîna t.lu huse et,, by Atira Jat, Itec and cob.unhii ntasn longer leta Ltcnoe otie varielies, bot lb hairtnom cern, lisse raatu, imoeti te thi nd 1 t h anc ul'leuaht'long droeptng lep-ears fat stcateelotlong. ulilei gIs. mîa cîrcuge unuecnt' ap- pearaiu. ,andile nourît' laI'7Ctofeta lat coo. "Tiiy bah, lea. a jaock 01esta teat appear flrnmîenitu Mead," "sngthé cwl, erfthteeSong et fioeo te hle belevedt oi,, (itnt et olemon tV. 1) froti mmiiehstegatiier that Iîke lie tiaUgtern af Bri,', theagi ber- skie a tain, anti ber tyes bine MUe doyen 1et'ett aeehbcdlong 8slgblakek ball'. P.tege t.mp Pliiea Tbie potrail ot Marthe, Washingteon hic beuseti en aetamp iut t fe tha regetar sertes ced the Uteaet o Quiet i..bolms cppe.rl on lie $4 itamp ofthie Colomben noinineiei'- Il,' -gagen eaddition. the, cetî'i dn tftiie 5-eet tenernlnallon «dai he blaatocesert.. laELn eruettltn et Ponchonice. whie atitan tMale figure. bave appegreti n tiie deillins et potai sluieps, 'lre the. le crosegs n, teurexeml,in nece ..bas the ihitanueoetaa vera baeva by zwmae ,bs.es i. 1? ]PAYS TO ADVSSMII te li 0e ift o m ta omAinbe-4d"th,it te« ki, .4 *bf* Aby$eb.le 1%0.autmeehaeb"»4&" mTet - e7sne.n arifts ait t »hi*&a uaitie it.b » y et tsllbipetlixk la b.chrqtvy ulîlel 111YlPt. "Lli tla lrataidla 7»*1 @004111, bts er A*bi t'i. e .2 20:10, viiece li@Fatla ustIiwd m rmdbu "MWiit SM $fif t ~the ID. marning the bord«r. Tho. «abfru de "iatitt b.d torgesteli Dov!o. tic- hot aplette bave. cW ab prstil.ia Miit'ii ugi*tr etMary Bard..At Reilliaintance wtb Utblqla tucit, tm ieb. idti t aIber a.an cuti th0gh the, tblemau est won I" $habova.wu& uvt',tat cous knoe oIiutisn iroco bd tiietm Inter tore i ulîl. The lebabltlastaTrouble loobuit Mary tBairdl oqeare or Ethlepîa "ue.a CtamitC, t .nor . s yai0* bu ., À, lî i ,ýhnsd te inui t OA. au Afritan or aque race tefacutre fO ersd eourleb l.tiith aR84 ueré disisi latsvainttetes bsi ttitue et ü t r., artion; tr ef Wuilciithe. mtut eeiVes th.MRamui it ete loek Out for, the. nid aba..... The. btery et ublds ala mest he wonusaDoria. Au a"irtamt r'itel7 ltervyn uftiitiiet et pat te, îy Tint fort Ffflte boy tor fté The i u eun âtplaa un.am I ft*amt* moent uiAnd Ilry B.;re.u on etti ly uniter- adas' the . vls e tu a muvrve et ft5ity-flve.imil w ,ier thi mvereln. eefly befeis tii. blctis et Me. ut betete ber mm"rec enble et Our Lordl a native dyacgty et ftem.su tbu beautitol 'tihiulIve hair tbat iad iieding the ommilttl~e of -ad iclpe a We itbeW ba, litte iti, o: beld 81.1lay e lga. mi.v .' Uber et the filM," leanuagony ef alaItithie adva.aee oet4t=. 1:maat .Ideit aumisLtraciont et batînu'ehîI On. et tii.. Quens ta »~ la Acte i ie, th,. bskruptey tbteoiretsr. 8:2t. The. latter part et "iii. nbaptet, 'd' eiiilai etr".,. 20tello he b.base0- URmmd vutoredo e ii.snd, ratb. titlfi CIr of Pbllp estng upmes i. se ceo4nk «MiheetfF"ý îîk Hanpay buse ot Ethlopla jourqueysail inte «tlag dil'scte e1t tecîstuiosa a fe (lesm ulîii bla 4dén ." Tb@ tavie. b 4 SW7-tii look ef tener con- Wo "ntit ient autbeity eier Ouada..oasi ha b ut ou bar mat yeatsr.lar QueeOfthe b. IK@pl., ube b Le th& mNu5IUg vii.. Mbappasuti le bis oe. charge of ail ber treswan Ld bLdle. au.Mniala". tise .bati $*Id, rein, te Jattasiajefor vereiiipb" aU Le b.bated le aMy il: ______________""me. ,Mary, My dosn'. TI.r, e'ti DWIOIIM R.Motbw bi. tu the tahi... Yen Withou t h s apgtm a Wy, tnlt me 1lril .ulely du I 0». dey ba <WIIU&M IV) Wusd Le ln., Fvte s-d len ent c Inapst the. Touer e of t wlt, &ad a __'«Me. F Pri-ad a esnt e br fett cýOttt.eiperary uriier isa. Iis petrate drlo.Pitpryn e ru ofe rioyal Party, wr » Cam e smcodit as rrain. te it.. Hi* bect roiti la "Thé. art Curtet Qm niubýavs glo evr doue ebic pociet Vit la" Th kngla a lit i , & te liaI ample roi, ef bila, aed bo ret-toieti, uitber-beale, jolilook. ueub have tered a etury ntset lu Perimit, î a ungraetoi air ad ber, oeuote .bigema et bic heurt, arrilâge tîRai es Io thedulieet *e-w 75àk - lwey Lied knowa Mary Baird tes. ubat witb ihi. *tir Dolar ced vii. habuse«e au ume tha gouet ecii.d bat bule8 over bic tac@, cotb- ftle. big cold blceemo t bt elbig mm.Tii. meeting ber mnd raceti bock ile .saisdtqu "e evercmeuti boat, t tOmtlideti d.qa ef yoti,ube and on- ting uma an Potin ba Bdd Wu a naiepareti sudi nwev- anth ctheepictat ad aeltg Ped byltuiestofluxr aed alne,,'.sa- t~ ~ ~ ~~ah betatiieeigetii. ri laim. Wb.ectagîwalsal lelUlmatel quee la vn wlep hon tbog CiaWb"the. apeil et percueal appftrane aque... al emi e.. hn o @ ~ -1bast.re andiece WAc Utbireateeed ftew. tii won. lrs.aed. a.penbape yen ui «M i.xeuel l tee~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n ru ipp,, exedn li. e raliarilry. ceêb 'Y té pties, excediig lei" l 7It, ciOrtly atte -G ¶reat Trahi ioieesle dii cà utile abby Muc- nbsy"po.. mve hn. le Crelier.dyed Legert bat,o eot .-Uti P'd intrlint way crr or chose." sdese aet -.hi, EdieMus"e le NewrYork, Mary by roacon et ber ta,.,, Famea. BBack Vasa re.Iived csasotleing offer frein tii olti Speciaiîy cnestrnced scella bave 1 Ji'~ . atdloe on ll'erteentà. treet. bfen providedt e bouse lbe golti ce- l..iitbeu on thei.won a move trt,'. ernetfFranc.. Tiiet,. vaniteare,,la s cadi ber bar commeuffetite liver- a big nhamber, covering tue ced &a tUatblsetltollywoodi cnd New Liait actse. 200 test belweu patii.,@ TOsk. At lautihe revieus.ftairiy drip- corfaee. Above telbtle Ri.401na10* gituhb pralce frein relebrateti cr11- feet c ater and thont 50 taut et noid le%, et ber okno a.thie lotier le rock. Thise safety tepeelt wu bail' "Memn4taje Womu." Fremhbat day snee ,tii, Worid car. A place quetV"d, eu&e adsar paneeti wicb ceuiti Dot nly b, ntotienouandi watt, Dt net îfetr berseit. tromt tOmbs but wer, thie bans terce but tf,' a beie,.d tamliy. Mary Baird gu&rdleg IL voltib, salet, tamgaituc- tiekstd l a ctng offies antiie ettack. A supply ef frsabair lc drawnut fc "»h tth ii& hât tiie vagl it anber hrongi. a ce. Bel tbe atvent et taiklug l-lrtures crt source.. Tbe tart o e Ditsale bd doneawcy dii xp.tDy oethiie lt livig etie vrier a eplaoedaitri:rvivais. Motber parts werc teand 'ffltleg frentheiflow et a rît., b* tar betueen. neath il@ re ity et Paris. Thisti asdi,- geuned Mary Bard, fotsthl.nst lov-4 hentheo" -mew&àditeab bOte destruction. rovev.. ubntii t e ra of 1970. He-buabané i abgieial'd jerk.t. Iln butl. al etee ti. ar t 110. traublet @loup lentti, big bi en oij et tbM,' tue rmati. Tiiroegr cnu- B.itelc'.Vci.d Cliatis dm .brftbed Petoly, *Jabllee5, Tii,,'.la neogii,'~eru try r u a nti. crib Le lbe cerner. Suddeuly ia.e lui. ce h&noM clima'et« an hie' terrer ant eary'iig llgbted on Gireat tritalo. A mant uavtsdla roi. Dorl, er ,'ciociihebod md. s teu ruatry frein Aberdoe e on teaIý Madu nec f t et lait et thi.eai=:i cnd next day vent on te Falmanth. amidc»A t Cta play an hourcoe ArounetiAberdee the ceunatry Won ii.'.WUrneDora? Tii. niild neyer deep tunp.on. Theii, ragem staytt!eut long, end It use. tue absOlu'ely Arctlc, an(-. on ýde czts nit-heuR. 0"Inueaitce si laC ct I b. lut wce lri full1 sing. Flot'e.gt Frein tbe door aILiesr akcame a boni'. latvr, Cti 'elmotb. the, an .uca maicaltbrcbbiuL voice, Jasi lim, lier bot. ditffodilla andi otiier pv)rit lieu- au.bae-ertraedy Lied 0Usld [tu ers were le bfloot, ed IL cemeLikii. *tbm aeohher uortd. Froin nrhbu.Parti's- t",ilm backi ciie ir te ~ 10Bmura. a li ront tr.tii «Oh aucchiierit i '@ce corristi. ef country wube onceeufallu ai tbo ' 101101, &SUy à long Lime. Wbere ed et Octobe,' andi a.a crn is c lt W er tiie tllouli gMarri, 'l'il Içt eno. meter," theii, nida, ______________ Prcs Isitar la tiiat seiceuiilciiboati cM eas bebr*vineathbeir way in Peat SUii t Ra maOg LrOnetto lte idary BtIrd'a le ny Plae lae b, tim j" icie~a tuee b55rt Pet 13 atli .xlUsivaly usai for hut u " 1V oun ye c .orried .. Tii. euteniOf nt ctlthei eu ct andi boult Ideny. 'Mender, mothbs, e-ic d.yingfil for uce durnlthe lu îts, daY Lait c.k ubencemisest on tbe cet menbaetîli perJslclathe . cey eteNl u IlivSut Haino,-'togetber,- the erDmu*et Part o et tisithi.e antyban"thulcida corda ruabati togetit- efathnr ltiuOn.eofthti e atu. etor orla a terrt eflovltg confidence. 90èat ptir, le tiie "Lazy baiesea d "a«' n.OMtbant big men I le b ue becaune ls contente, th si,% c @1 13tLttYen nid cAz the director? fall treinthtitre, Cti oy b. ce- Cou, b.aketlo"knet me ciientier meveti once a veoLTii.Intel, M I 1aptite te yen. MHa'* a aultn mamon -e etti, 11ti t etira ltbgit hiu. " .Apanse reMOVeslthe selliers trou lheb uori Atrgt iara orebh tute ielazy hei," ch-resth" cute.' hauitltima; but tbant tossa't tai amotgi un ub s ubgionthe niat. m» Wb@". ya've baea te maoite tier Wbt.. metiig coela, the. ebmeancr vs'r et!" reflaied on Ith e ureh, and id "Bets Yenuvont nemite crry 'bont ruiepaoy et a fron al2 îceofPt MMcee,. o Y i.tii', Itier; rans Imetg beak loto a ciiertui blaa, hMu a"bic til. beY un the, etr.tt Illaj ______________ inecc. Ce playeti togthber. An' th itl ig diect«tes10k lme Ger te the lae'A.,Lptliv.sce rte"li.W.a' atand trMy voIr.. Thi.e £ny aW corps aaya tint &ahil.HO bibi asetbIhW iap wviib, ihoard plane le eronger than a i onepîsulit M tte« hteei, c' eoh, nehier! He immRuse I.the ccU a rmittou f l maste ZIN Oalcglît bonume on construction toi cînuba., or uliors ti y cmi t"l Yu tu brnltg mcont rigel plien, eSet uden sdrain a biplan, le I auay e ..t'PaUhiHanuny about« s ietter; aiei permt. the ,>ose ofearn.mcitecsrot a tar chilld part alirter chuge te g.t the. «me îîi Serinoas, ieho m«hioer." A mouePlane bas tb. atisattage or Mary Baird e noetilne inletes del"ng 1011 efficincy ontethe lb.cisg 4 hbaume... K»Uculgre. tdrerý Ced permits geter scidbllty. The tant "0 rliitlte the Cloeettfor Doria'j laonoplanes disatvnlsgi iqu aîr@ î&t buhll;dcc.ad"peeeotedttecapitalisee Po" daighno ,.,terffltleuiàrnar- 3WLady ncd ber dautbter Doia l'ue. lu 'i 5t Tinfg or long dg dly dsance. B-*C--iet Stpr Tb* Oduiai iibe Of etgrapesea. Be..' Cenpls. Sa~, te aa, bons A"abut tiiey DouwgrMW tVleutiaebear retînt-s for lth Winhe.. * 1 -- AIM- -t-. ..- laeepi. vn'itl t rier m a" t MNoti@adiSenti Aierîca te 'br-eck. Oct' onthi ng ceniei, dam. &" .idccc E»,lyer te ogmatil? îletiatl-li.,~lep &Pd tiat la ton.- t4I'. Beae: tie ')utclu cirr% 'pl percinre, A rlne !riteouperainre eniek lhaiq,. tetiAriace i Spt ty '.11 îî.ac oet truf, ea "..ad dset -ibreegt hem , A er- n he oiikslec, ifulii. ivîlie ot listet crng 1cr le cenupueme torper, 51at abut th@ LWV0F FAU FAIMS. heisperahure ofthlie uttiarouedti tbm. _____AM n........ - ......... .... ept. M0. 211 a.ceitaj. . ............. ....Sept 28,.tnt Data et a miRtelS~esl Faire cntu1.Spt. 27. 28 ntter Oet, fi,7 Fiuhers 'e smepi.l*oneY. sept. I hUcege" e "-. ............fOL t4 t. ML. Nmo-........ . 1»nt, îmt Len etnto Paio,'... eU. 12-17 TraflOgiet.... ....W.dedap.S, l 148j"11 4 .. ... . ................ ..Oct, >4. 15 aroeie ........... t sua aM.S.pt.m ftiatsvilta Thnkqstsing D.~ umw.. . .. ..... 2030.1e e .................. . ........... O. 0 8-10 t Idit d1'4. the uEed ?uaEID. Titta lassindta lus, n vif 14 -olly b5Oit lioktr** ddfêii>tC tem j e i yu, e t , ceities G o ld e n * 0,. Wýor libitmo. lu a. av «tge -o"Cnî',itltia t" bie ed Este an W. ne¶cedp tiyicle tnp.e & Iff" bts apeu ai-d tat, fou' Nor' le kttI* te bic poietittl enrv- tâû ',ai ptrci. hi "Ur vieg atytqlirrot'elpint D "vetrg r tin tam,. m; b ootshem o lsuile ti îofast o soul limny-idsd ou ti frcet. sîn ut ne Of ai- h al rer ruet 1 le 11 lee u ih b bcis nm'lPty and i E za, doer anc. jour Perle Cyrus diaMMoamects h &@bacPrelm'#th@ f d 1x aIrlonthlago an' leIt yen tilt a ur.tlaean ofblitede"e lu lhe presentul itle tam-uiîtav ise y.o ionelie .lIme. bd bshiea e. bsMa au.ua sdmcd' emMtlidt, w'ing out the cutes.. People are often surprised 1 ýerelat, Tii.,'. ca otbiit rpsttloeary Btntbis cite bulat binat. thuewti eu,. le bnih mske-np anti yet lie wvsa len *,'I t'î .ienll ', cIttiSaddMolit. ptttist.>g bo ' d a nadicel. tii. Coltlineotbock on theiliftere. "lpur bo g t " nihtu ýe n r îlt !feeJctln F'M'nklr'a entieritnfue Six ~mOttlm, 1 recin, yoo'n' eau ,dLg. h usgtu e r if usuponthlb.tact titat b.estfam glng boloi, cIl ever te la iîce liii, a and examined inIijbo local ato g In adveur. o-tuicay -nd gmealin. arsUd o at e. Wtkt bave yen toond? ale eu net i ntl ..ndiiNtl't i lt«e elfe clii scrcot. venld. crter .bewiideed by It. il le "-Juat iieraone our tiî'l yres îett -la the incLy wy usys leh lni iftiireti to meeey ile b .k, la neoreMondial Tellite u' g ub' 'ha bis releMteeiPercrlserallier filonlInletiat lie boried ilîtlnia bol" lne ~,te n yn u î w a Wils kiniieP utih daie tie t lentie grenet." IIH ie t, t it ai.nrgly. liai lont trou im tlme.-A..bu-y Parkti(N. ayez neyer loft bils taie,* nient in TH E CHJAME PI( y .) tentig preds."ei'r., sla't YOD bonnercieop th.. tOIeolnnel, t Il "I reekon net. Miaîlida. 1at anse-.L coflh ufity t your store. .A Cisacuge. uinVkcwp.lmt ne,,' gve 1oyet." t SrOUght About by Tinta "Tou botter bcd." elle.repliae& Ie Horce.oreole3y's tiie@, youîîî cas "ýTiln t f.t elguborm." à rigît ced aue c'sc uree, t. al îla "Yen cerry tee lnnnb about etiier toe.If oen i e l leve tbe atry fll'i' toacip." hée miii abeut the. brlgiit iîunep torter cie "I reniiet est. mrBautatfok& can' P e-~ ople sirop W * Ihi theple.o dte yalr u OFXfos n bet' cedoue- a elsy. wai old-ftsiloeed. a lowertul lot et tale' an' manîcen.n Orseley beard about Il Canioetitiie Wby's your tibltmet otnhua to01 dag1n i t l Emi d yeunngjean Ineto bis office. Me icvlted mgnt'. "le sic 3td. a sggestons andti îltexie t e fle tît, "ene le ,Oyronbc:d îîo 1.,di àiera lad tol mit btivat b. coule deoin bath.s. 'y, looke ot, teiticoller If be uer. editor et the. papie,'. Hic te tii. attic. but tunt! nothin', ce t is e rieremely radical for tint rerton lie burlestilh ______________ day aneuneertiodox. repeet'liteneti "Eza,.de yon renuoiber theIlle-~ patieoîîy ho the. end andt ti,,Rauid:t yolir tYiils(Cyruisuet tu Nec York a.~ ekdAbc a r "Youneg man, y.nr, il vert' soldattro, an' aiayedt Io dayel Of course, yeiu Ga »e bv iporter Nov, 1 usel yen te cone@lia-k do. A"' e oinscerneetthieoaltickinMountswnous Lernil te meube yeu'r, torty'llv": at,,' rlty felioca sel,! it. lone nit atock." Aitheugi hey kep thieeie t'eu bave c cite andi viilltree und bave "Staiflantiti' neneee." lie replieti. lint ct dlippee e ne!Ni is,o' liecoeeacpreperty owee, Miee ce'll "'T'ese teioce coulît Hae.l Bray ailfote'hie chier. nee.p unit eel i-e, andî cee If yen c11 hii tthli'e 4t of uit ail nîglît te pulilie wool rive,' lies illilretutly iilayn hav' e Étmtred1 1 o'* ail croc,." epes. ttnleeCyras wu% glilckr'a saler,. tie gotq teei'.î.g île lit - to.." yold rOlugiiege ublel.w uli..,etiene- "k.Wel. l.re. l'ioi 11,' ou tint fiietilegot) iclii Diot tui. 'tillnaa heeli" tiey've tai lîut elloîvo inii Nu".yor tnrongh. ,,,icky eiuultiouc its- HAéout 1880 tir,. emgsmen. iter. ',iiudoî't hbe ,tu less.alee lop seilue' ind ase in a great part o e iiland Otf Hardin Wallace, Bey. James Singer., 011 rtec cerunir-y ftele iyen,' tlucun. the soal ln a mure aIrsicule bahofh thebMethoitat pîsitPal Unrie t'Yrus." railei Mcillda tor c animal uhaue ii, ee.to-,agile' udt ciiore-l. andi Henry Ashcrotf t e iprtlng julîeî.coerlî'ueteei.sîeî Fr, iiilîiilt curn, ceduiet s Nr rînrtng uben Ezra rame le tor %verier,'about antifliit, a noutHlIs toi-o et1tif tiera liant et 9'sltemnia, bis breakfast. Matiida a e lau ehllfier.sendtue.-e. abe ,t-- live ivil.iîui lirecilgep nlentance anti reislon etflieredth le (cOf£", "Eda, do youu b,ý Mudridnir,. olatnret.in 1he lieus-y ie or jusilficailen by faitli of thesic- lefve In dreaina?" dewa aUPPît, '.lîîn-llved, -ouii e»îrralît' ie,. acd te,'bellever acfcaitilon or "We... somtiudee Itdo au' sellmmes trf frontî li'ineaa epeilully trois beurt purlty. wc ien ico itbie rI'- idordt. Wist'a on yuur mini!?" ti, e talstieae.Te'triet ceiveti hy failli. snbaelîen me frailn- astis! uontah gls ie iits. Te ari, cliref' erelmn oriuitlt"'ilonccd bîci "t.aat liit i dreainetio du -r Uneie variatieonili ,exleled ul 'erct ceuti . eivaret mbperoca 1.11-Cyl'ts. I "la' ni etli' at thîs tla îîveîy ret eys!dc in Syrie îndîd ioautý nem.- Nonmoi.abandcit fiiilmerents ibue. bendîn' ove,'asfiln bot."1,Pieu 1i eae. r lie cen trmei nde' ie îclieetHn.l- "WH$ lic, ailt" acni edEra. Bouiiit ehniouemaîn icli. As tbe l'ecini ita. Barnu, the mtireiot .uiilr. "i"Id aultalida. "I cc hco rsa, imays :"'Thelir gi. h5 reai'tue becever, relaînedtiheir mmiiemuil , ii.bol sn' lue, Il taide,' lm iai. , t e litclid at.,e."hle ein cii. itueniurbe e t wilchilme%, cere Te i ieeiii i sîic ru îîî licce Il whIc nIe . t aireaddy msetièe. Tuer. .-ez-e ais e iitable*leIrtu li,eae" lIens andilotier, J.. onutdi.eie. I nie'vutcreivtc Bp1816 b, "Dîi you s0". Matîlde. wiere , eb as se li e expecee i nce. lie lived, 'ioveienl bai troue large end ti pel'- testtIbox?" bci'asketis eAali.tll ilen'sisds, tnt l'd ben nquret. s ilti iici- "Sure. I dl(]." clahe id. mi'eiilliiliig. dan tpasttumage ton litse "tsreen lion- lsratl'-wdn ceceaary and u@ cas .e slcy iv mdeI'llm ecy io lieu.-er sti hel nisxiiuot eul te:vei usier le ice et ailtfnlt.e ibr-n. chienlie sioped elaisundl e 'iouidyeîe etoren. caidlaa lîiiaiu ilseccîn. lIesui thuPand $aie " (s, Joli 29:12) eat Relitée ai Icilitft "Ye, tElld e l"nsi)t i Er. clidoublua asunImmense nunbera Anicliecueumanae l' aileinela"siei E,"oful n"e, c. a "WIl etfcah tie darufat dtieami.' t.ack aa fer acnlthe kagdaloft1er-el- cli Ezra, eiunping In bis hriîl. 'Wby îtem., esereti by a torum eoif B elte ee aep 'ctihneeMHe-' e Nt H ( IrsdlCn peiii, autione, et flic necceet- i- lng,t'yÀke iloframnt oe eetv ilii. omnupr NablaofilainutSat- 0Vieil, for laL-tisait"ii es ive plep. "Sieuhtt of 01 Times. batlth oerNalu, r liiet An ' ytin ou e,'bsn,. eoris' Iie a Whoumdiii titectivu 91Il ii ilurn tipatrlna, le central Paestinue. A 8" .'-sad clone Ciinntel by cîînbes ter cas baxtc-tihuie. But lve been tiIin. a the bl msche? e osere tdd brouglît te thte village ftiscltnt p700,' sptmin oce olia ien-eu." lbeotmrfitesin tfanai.lice tele aprIngs doimg lieiRouman ocupaioln - MaîRidele Ru'îcrimesot' ufe hear thhuns t:mrkeît19,, be, isati el bai heen discovemeti le a weimre l ldte b otetu o ihrw tanCt lakadmoI cerueticontilon. cnd nocl o i lie vil-th arn, wlueeaie" tuued. -"t escIim IlleUth1. li it lo lail to Isibli irai. lage cern aleC, coldne'c,,'lfouchemm"cdatii-lie lpomet-lnge ut tii, clîse. The trulli le. I aug omenStone olt. 10eeu. landt ac@Pot utiduat'belcuen*lie barn s se i méinlodramea m.oe mantedît' a hoan mueotum Stne Wllson adlie cornerîti. "l'm figur'lie' .filonthie novel trint sa pleluret i tlt IdýgdI lomd te to romsof he use makîn' for fani orm cru. Ezra.", i'u",-rsfte te rnagreaar. building. "lIt' rachy. Mtltlda. Ilaybe. yo'-rt TIiebeat dteecivu. ed e uanare - 11ght." anti etarleti digging cliii ne,-R,' - beceuboi ohedy euspecte et "de- Traaa.Io. CaIlndFor oetenergy. In a ttc mlîc'tes bultie ii."Il la y-unr dnIutimuiaiiened A iitt!e whie ceuw, prieteticnoe Lîraiglilenet Up cii ca notit in Itbex iliC, ottfet athitaIndlîtgullt'ls Unu ciiowinr, tie qocer ,cerds one 1le bis bnda. "Tiere eti i. .CorneetYe, 'nie leadu the ieckell dsep it' COM«scrtinwhie "fssikin rond ne" b lie al"anti scu.tty mate ie i tut hile til'et fle lae. TIil lui tie dlrlioeary." Ap,'opoa, a lady n cry tethie boîuge. "'detenling' 1e a glt, beeltowed fotohli iortda aenuc tefilie telloulng biet "Tbnî pesty celglubors cen't ilu saglofetmuickluid. ls posseaý, unesu ofou radr my njy rnsatn Puec. Cyrus' cisiîbox." ttitu nervona seaaed l t' tiien. Coriuthued etrIntuliin Loe c-tu Il înte the vecci'ifar: tigot ependie !-i x t'sudatifour eyee andi an unrssoy- suspicion, tue terrt-an Stoio, "Hvbtre i lnn iha er, ceniereti on lisCcontents. ng ose.. ls iiYîîtlîeia grec trac, elern tiein C.IU "Bsucentaborgetidbi glane.. tfi ce "elMatihtis. 1 rerkon yend',rithigt. tari.tsi-I. ha delectiv" la an cleven cn 7.00 pic. ofnaecîetoar arndtiwu'e aopempofca ThmNec Tortallieers ot ineIcontrurling lime plot et crime asfilie 4-jsiercg. tciiiai teli.atleital enogittef t(,yru. teail se' ce fint a lot ot verth- selenct8Intslecreatitg lie ciole pr- al 8.30 v-t lu euJoy Il as beietîhti lbhesapiit e 4so'1 leol nmloto igeli ef a ripe peah."-Bouton Transcrlpt. Wih eatidoue lie detetdly tarI- bonde Pltes logic. stlIttint id!, Je l eti fer thi ef. ce ntilugtIo 11-St. Louia Uube-Dern- "Wiere b.iet'eu gint" ra.iletiMa- cecuat. 0à, a. Eqmaliy tida, _______ Whoen lie tarnota Doctor Joint., "f rerten IFol ga' o e'luat,'My courtei M. POrter, ciienulbe aftt,- sPrlng pieeitg," le caliti back u ithe carti earm-lct, i2 tctd li,' flar bewaa dJor icageti. the Bai for a perieti LMRT À A AUkOl et mean exrtion; thaîie h itine GIet i 1tiie ber anti rernnlang rnoey t cudt li h b datliCcu ucI. alunt. Who eau banged! tThe goudi lady iy "'t1 as sattrckuti eben I rame est- et educog hersit te an eiiu"llîy aseiait eud box ln teltie i,"enti witl fil., doto,relieti, lii leaiebti Matihtia nhuCtieti. "Andtihiee lt buis no more mony than ie,.anti ini, al i d nome rue! ien 1 buiet l idhcui. îîougii ci." haii bacd ne relation lie ri'-cl-i," anti again Matîldti bauged,.eai, aiitfty cie doeeveeichucileti. "And ticeid feaiu clii .- ,eangingst lootî' naturel i"gain cii uheat je' corn rpecli.' un file nommler nun." - Thia lime Mtia ta eeuied. Nyruniere:hia% u o ii-_______ o'- it', l'rvidilîg Oft c1o,'iletyeebave Soleil, but Hietemi, mdte yeiiAi' e ,ecly ibmleInSnn- ise Tii. village et SOigt.ive. home eoftiie et endeaver- Meut l'crw-.ni site (U Washiegton e taill.Ih, Englanti. leseo dit your oui. etntee, e., 1h 'vunt l'l:. ail fiit lla 001 on tle acerage ts bWllîlleamcremlîlsltmenia ,.ohave mLl'. Il bac but tuos tree.to itgandii arqnlri.-tIirt. îUtie sîreel. Uld Age Penatira 67,309t Ntvew saga dCamae117 Titi. ainoinilon et canada "Ttmailiseodim - Pp u.tii teje0fti'itieu l chri Otawa, Aug. 21.-A dotai of 67.»09 estIiy rv, bDotry po..ketbook.» . iigofetFrance, Euglaniid,'rSL.all. paerai ien adaesisve em nmceept u wu w.Ofrernbe.nyl cccatdrenei, , as tyeti"tut'elI &g- pencinoun Jolie 201h, lOte (ir-are," croIe Davhi A. Weltls -l.i rdileg le a roture lllaueu. y a.. De'. "'hi'bgs Nt 0 er0liy Kfoin-'-"Buft partiott c' Labo,'. Tii, avemage pen- "NO. But t badlb.! lm tlit 1 Carfl,îhe cotiuz, cltig gte sItio eti ateasIgrierm 819panr ice drsan cd a tcity." piceddislflna dihe rile ian e11etb. lit t.'niuimnt ut i dbY lAu-w___ etier- monicrimi, emaî,ded tgeli, Ilbil*2() tpar mti,h. ut*Jm-t, ~ il a .i.disluirtln lilci tIiTerrituien were, anticihai Nrîs"t Cr.'Gcid&a.h îîeîuoug cinhiiu, to tîe ohie no- mimere uter Paritui n lie A @i athbel.lchenet lai le gehtifia 'dotlon cotitlle fo th uthr dý- eilantlimer viWhqualineti rosi- am e remed u rt tnparasites d tiua etrelgos Of El~sOie .ilct.ly foliocculdents ov,'7ysi..fune C',5'pari. eiticlc.eini îe. e nia etlilmPle "-Defroît Nette, ticen pte a aimiimof #M 0par rwlwieàst Tsar iîthlesDeminion Geverement lion etfLM ouncea t at aogfene FZiyg 76 perntofthle total anti coter le prepareti antiM al. iidîppedi .WK 8P Oo~g* tIc p...ron. .p.9- Jlie bac---- . ti- at- leel uit,1- ic.. atd, ch., petIte? datiy te,' let e,' tiry daim. I wt s Not 4t bis store, Ths Iost busi- ipetitor downi the' street or be big city stores.j to firîd thp.t Cie goods theyj iu a Catalogrue caui he seen 1gW ore.l tyou have. An advertise- 'ON will invite the whole Ind ihere They are to Shop. (S 10 ADVERTISE Ir-IL

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