ýoe- melli m IWOff PIANO iNSPECYION Witbnut charge er.uuldiui8lnu 1 Ill Oci'filliy eaminéyour silno sudai»îa oit a d.Utisd report uor Ita oeod no. Tha prasene« et dlmrt. aL uitia.hpût and datyupceeu., ilexetrei. 17 iejuioiî.. mud viilauvlOWy daaLrtuy the. plane,'-a lpla aOeia, a, r u~i- Uc." VIIMIB Al30i~dlein.niR~i iled 2d ptired. iau".W miot. pblU, 1, i. ,miA B(JWRICIIîAIRIN<î, 1EPAlIUs . h t5âEilla"Xxx, N POylersIII iOcabbIe et. r oit. ' Bonard cOum-Aîg. et, acma, 2, Poe24, Mi'.r,îN N. W HEELER P().B-3fm4 "EMMA" w bu. wVa tn ,w rmdébium,,P~. mc I a.i o tIat. o 1. %O. . Lt ,-.0 .,fuir a om-lsa ta NeçeRailway celiad Il. A ý Fr, 0. 2. ...~~, 1 p*1tlo n througii A to e.'iTie rlgbt M rne M rte -l, b1, -----l- F Ziry ei r"@! ~P ILMellMArti-Gm beti. cc, pb, 3. , Lsir.p atii mnd 9.30 p.M. witb g&Kra. m dwsdl -Atoc Fiee ,TP .NMi, Gom.0 rio. I, ntré, . 2 datunia 5, Fials Lt. l. ,1',. AtI, 8 .il: 2 5ATUROAY PRICES a! ?3AI.IOWAT ,3 Ma,, UsAd. iuIon m. Li. 0. uit 2 Adsion ,0û..13 mcd l'. liTe 31F. _______________________________________________ p- .. .ot Dccii,. hlsim eutiieffIni. 3, bot. ô. roý. n Lat. A o. Lai.. Thoa. FraySolit 1 2 m In nobLAthae JI îihcbrg mand . CFr. . . . Thur. QF~My, S. Ih 2 tinomltbicp bouliess$ te Stanley Fay U- $&i'i.-M. blt. Co, trio-. 1- Pbym who 0«r bef maagin th buéu«a2. Fr. A. 9. '1'Boi'St'a 25 (hok ioat----------c"borteWt#orne t~ Wires. sbbulun H. 8gat-.blet. 1, alla,.-,, )cI..u 1 Lut A i, Lit, 0. , r. A. o. P, C. R ûi d s te atk - -- - -2 2 z loî e h n î i oi, t A 1i'n e rffc l e m fai, i c i rg T a < m a u ce r c b ALLBAY BEF iRoiîîl ~et Iu'ithbi,eart of lootimcd ~. r. boutis have beaucdistelt.ed lu.on ALLBAB udE .. iomd teq Rnetw..k. 2.'bouhastmîent .for theb. p. sî5îi,-pç. Iblet, . e . 0, Fr0, . Coney-ayWatson ln local marchent le te placC h@bssaP5ge B. suyder-C)omp. c. Poor Dutlne Ladvertiblng Colonns Of IC j Iwit»Lmr--co0mp. c. Dhihiuî.ButtCHAMPION oemeh wvilte Mnet thiatiut. (S.,Tlgt-Ctnp.2. lfaiiibîîrR Steak, 12 Ihs, for. ---- 25c I fambliegRapotr'RcxeofotEuocpal aide eomptitioe. N. Tîffr-Bêo. r. *A,. .FrA'J. 3. Ilotemae Snsae, 2~ Fox5 News..Mien VenCailrn@e la attendun e O <T.l\,rer-Trit.2. bot. a, amni., e Iloilciiad SaIs9,1e,2 ]isfoL. _ 25cToronto iJeceervatnry ot Mone etaille« PhYm..0, ecliet. A .o à______ aeac oure ,ln rien. ni ethodA an3P iAllac-OOOcP. c, lit. 2, M. blet. ____________________ adoied ytLbQcmd ianBureau fereIll- . the Aieaiinceeent ,t f'jod M"Mîleî. H.in Andormn-M. blet. 2. aig. 1. I usele ti. pbliecebol.. Cbouet geotin. il. trig. 2. &rmol rey. 3. Shotilder Porki'Oceto 14e 1Pettiilvi i Iîi, iiece3Uc I ,<> fIthe.DominBonitre abonck-Ouoep, o. isido' Prk - - -12c 1 uked ( Iit i 1- . _______________ ialvy flccdy IlloneFriday Jon 'O!Buen-lom. I Lauïii Park 18e SillokioîlllIih, pie' c IMeRef, aerallt,'th. boteetaRnmîecpllao. Dîîrotby 'rawfnnd- G. M. ,, ,tr!g. e Fresih Hata-,s 18t L20e ('iiikid Ilaili - 40ec Iw acu utbo itber hontein le mur of Myrt! - Daîe--ocîp, i Bolgna'Sile ilcnIieei oronto ]xtbiltlOc OP@D*ti.mOrmw lire.Tufford (non Mary Dewear), vin sidcaD iekhal 0., llemi, Bologa 20 Sî,î li,'anpiet 20e Tii. ,,yuare eglclcg t elaater~~aabe eeIptrio.frn&ehr:p-lfP.c,3tlgFr.3, A.. A.e,.0.0,e U Waterdn'a tax rate bu bea, u xded "ff ' w peanMargaret Faten-MI. but, 1, geome. Phone :802. Prompt Dellvery. et 80 Raille, mn. BorelrÀxOn un d Inyce "rterei- 2trio. 3, hot 3, coul. 3. Juat. one wvegmure of thoiucgallot. ad froct, a tv,,i.weksý camp vigit ta Cartes ietbretoc-Al 9. 3, aulci. 2. .ur eChaltvaatIan. Mmr. T. C. Date,.mnd lira. M. T. h.tebt. , muni. e, phys. 8. obem.o. a * FredmHmrriac le aredica -bac Me. tIlan and Mien M. l30,ble Goronu elbr-li. blet. 1, . (3.aio wlierat Sh paetc atiAtWonsanBeach. sfoor e eaL tea Ieoa m* n rhura i J- l, boFit ,et.oC40Ln. A, * 'otr Patronage Soliclted. 6IPmîcîî, gllibte.fofr in boîk.r tel tbem. C. o.Fer . a blt. 2ml.ilio a _lîs k jeaibt.hr-cool. ,alt 3cob P.e10 2nfr Su ryS iera Ld. Mr adbehfrdiyMillertLair., a, ,, sot.a.Fr . A. a r RAI DtBaio.Mar@!Illcg. Inger of Norval. ui ce. the slgaaect J. aûM. 0e,, i.Z0.. Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n UIiUUPuuummlursanamflnuwrmuru«10 Phonce Murlel nf thelr daughter. tCatherine Miller telle. 2. col,8,Fr A5 , l.2, ________________________________________________________Tmylr l Mr. and Mm. FnlaycnnLorlne, r M. F0,.1-M. blet. 2, gei. 3, trlg.e MliIren H~.of Ktebaar. u se ni r. md lia. FnleyLorioe , . .2. physe, .Lt. A. e. Lit. I. e, Mien renteRagni. of itcheer. allenngow, Scotlanai. The.marrie il I, A. J. ____________________________________________tiroireenviieIlgie l EibDewar, lts aplace on Sept. ltb. i. tîrdotein-Comep. 1, lit. 2, elge Qurn ~Lient.Colonel and firm W.(fia. l P. Grdstelc.-M.boit- 11 s'g' e,'bt. ---. -- atcb for Féokil speécilmd, n e Kedrlck, of Oakvi.,,. atioucrea the el Lmge C. A01ool ,Lit. A. 8, 'At. o. fis page ent oe au f THm engagement ot thoir dactig r îî;nrg,3, ter. A.2,Fr.0.2.' B e CHAMPRIR,. Ima.,to Uhrge.o,,her Armsetrong a, on if Pd. (*ulle-Oecin. 8, tri«. 1, phys. a. I er fwpe hl ave w« y liMrs..and the i te ClrItopher Arrn. choe-'.0e fro, o,,nebllcg o. thI ,brigbt'trucg. uf akvile. thetoeeriae.e e v . . evieco.p.,. aide ut tbicgs. -taieplice. n Septecîteei7Lii. Omaer Vau8toiei, p. I. lit. 2. Koccetlà Wilaun...?ool . Fr. C. 2. M Ilton 1, 0. L, Ni). 2M il ii munt Tit&ux Yoti.-Aiy tee,,, that Ca, Mrten, Willoc-oep. C. lit, r. liuiii.,erry ll oz.0'[:r 7c niMindakYSept, . itb. nt 791)p.,, v re,uetaiee.ii endced aodiîsly Raipi Feitieatone-ùomp. I. ym7c tadîrd tic,.. Riln outln a liarreile Sat,,rdn,,'m. de.______ (ýi-îîîfiîrt. S îî u î4c I o ais 37c Tiie prialiste for Haltou Cout . ser-,n te vin tié leag,. înichn 'Ili i.Wle Soa li o Miufets exta putI t ~l.g. . 25C ll are iteyl neb .dY tu oe mtbrough el the Prosiiial llievauita. Wearerlearcgoeuetr 1ibîby's Satier Kriîit, '2 large tis- 19C for distribution. Obmmpîubons tleod lock. bny.-Ae RiicRe of 'IWindsor Brnd eamepl ARTHUR CANNON, cirpecer. 'HiraitOn FPm Priss.. nitasai. th. loweet prie.. ever OtoaJ Chipso, large pk(g. vil wooiiolg ai speeiaity. Pins St. Tbe Teronet., parrare mioiocelg Akt e nm HiaeeHon' ei.Mi.h.tti 3c( ladys Marab, sele hbi he La Pgoachicg .Ierilleu-Of Mise K.o, a.Kr,,i, eCY-W@eamu IPIYl HfàeR loi, w., II.tin43 vlitng rindeinToronto. rturced Édt tebiOh , daiightee uot Mr. vn iti noll k-yefer acy auto or Uiarks 1>îrk & BRii, No. 2 Niiî, i -ý 25c hume on Saturday. and Mns. F. W. Hiitcoin. et lako. ho,,,, Vale-ockw. Bptterget a couple[I ColdýlEdalQilcliT'iioe, pt. p-i,. N es Getrue inamers ent. mcd Hvey .Jackson. the of @pores i.cw. pr!cee 5 conta. -ltvell' Cold!ilîdal îîuîk 'Iiipicit-pi-ipkgl oc lcrs Grtubo lirne, 78 lek laie eeauv aterof ethLe Toîcent,,Marie Battery Service.. Viiiegîîr Sprit oi- (ider Blciuîl, pe-r ---- 39C 1,rnwbui,7 oeIli Ave.ur - Lst hockey tactuà. Itla s eîeted the sîiitll ic, 5c.ijîrl aie ~ .05 rocto Dmiiy Star, Aug. 22. weddlcg iili lie ibis aituie.-Oali. FAL ASFTL-bIt.re ('row o Sealeis, siil ie 5,iid ie $.5 Mi@ Loous. Cuit and Drnse Méiker,iile Star. the.rotf cf i barenenMugi lRodea ('erto, pe-r bottit.-29c River Middleton'a groeiery stare. lit TuANamilvîNu l)AY.- Thaek.iii tapi,, et Peru On TIiîasday taco, ('lover 1-i.Si-îl iiîiiîî 1. l î 19C 1 Il-,lin -33C GeL yourvbbtsrady fer imtOn iv tua year ill bc,, oi lnda . Ort. Willan. Themîs Troup, Rf Antan'I Ried i' White 'fea (%it.lîfrue iiiibi(er; 11). 4c Countys Bg FaiFair. lcin geeg ta itb. A pcreimeation n lingicts dt.atged 28 yeure, slipped and ffet ta the 1 --- 4c habloger and htter tri lear. yel ha lisued cn a foy.. Sairices, grottai, lacding oc bie heu. Resx-n Cul~leti, 1il).ii. 3C Misstina mdRdL ~t cfparlitameent. 1%nk gi1. ed wbila hWlegtakan Lotati, Gecerai 1I ,& i rrcerd traithe eievneo- capltal,GepbTbr i acic Driy Giiîger e oii.(vi, l' o, 10eC li 15e SC apecding a werk'a vacion wvti Lb. Aroiatice aecivers,y. the drsirequiîat lied 1, Whitu xrrs 2( etIl 9e friede sud relstivea ic Toronto, îe &c, have tbe formie- foptival aa mortihFVt 9c Mil and Ms. FEd. Blaoed iadf Bot. &bond ut Rrineuiibu-aiee desi. uîiiCARRiuoc.p le niiig ot îi 'lN rd .1I lia. IO C Atioiifor ZU ta rdiufor tbearreat I. ~~~falo, N Y., visited ber fatlier. Tbh-mui A. A. Af rtTurieîU-e. l'oaerluanffer, anit os-c o0f Welter Rleoya, mc Sttkist Oranes iid'lzv o o. 35C Por, horoe ier Lhe week-ecd. Peloter acd l)ecouattîr, king Siret. lundey.jc>his.,i iinChargea niavilg _______________________________________________ Oakvjlle band ylipe)mminîboev etimates gven. I î.ar-ry a eselt hue itichecteallcg. hebas e made Ln uniiforme at the. cNP, Tho eut oc f ut Sifa.tî. Stnt,.ed a,îi 'hiriweiu-iiv Trafalgar towcship ciocicil by Oiet PHN 'I i ioH M W ui.itting th.eband thiý ara 876. I epa 'rset , s-AI ri,!,. li ...grleucai thLb PHONE S UCu M'o IMp u A * E l ER ýe-eHoueon od. whoiubabaetuA trialelilcitedl. PheîieIls)«. Milton. reanlutjoon cfferigtho eviwraiv '*Queitw always hlgher #han the prlc y" are plo4aied tW «y. able taobu ot ii.uLeuuecRîiLectm ,)Oc qut. t.aaed by a tîrav!elis nurceil and urday. Aig. 27iiî, the l.oBil6,liesefore fnot hlcdieg. ____________________________________§W _______AiSt FOFt SAt.- 192Durant <Sccttand)cotiiatahe paît ntroueleart R.uadter iti delivary bx,-J. N. rier.. a par inthe te,îe foemdct r ase rui~i O~ei.co, is.Gmfgaevc phce 4.National Exl,itii,e. 'l,,mini t uder ig.,ta 'o e prt. ait h-tortu. Mms. Steart St,-eandcd anmgter. the cuuamand of Major Il.B, Cniamie G&abg ie. buIl been everturceai -s Marie, of Ctcbemlr.Ari vliticg lim: salil juin the parade et îld Tr'îty o. adte oC5on e aelat IIer mth. Eliiaihb Storey and other relatîvaslege grounds Qtieen St. weorlant ywil ae-Rwiniifýelfaai ciove off it i.3i P M. d lthe nigbts ideaueitb their ivl. 8Chiin P@ca Sept. It L SMRMAN'8 and diatunh ii.ra tacp c f"I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C'I 'FR S( HOOL LPLES-,a. At the meeting tof tle liiicScbcitic nighbio. ?ftla rat ierng g~~SA' /ýTUDIO. ce< I ~ 3nt tPiekel :Drtiug Board uc oncadmy eremitt. thii appli. rVetiig tai hmve te put op with euci Wilsn, o Rea Dea. Ala..ceetd y the IBoard for the, PrInci. lok in Lth-qmieAtiec ai ta vietier ________Wlso,_oReDe- pit&. lWbip o c.tneon iitonS Lîîîol C. iticens are eocipelled tai stand for ý,,,nt yacwk-ed it thebrnofF fa a siîry cf $8.50 lertmnoîîîî. ,iiua iecessary tiisea.-Btirliigton Gm. PITUR - TSI. SOD)A FOINTAIN Sticomer fedcines Has ns .Mre. M.R. Bave and Mien Photon ba iaieusideea hl. teeChi.. cette. Bligfo- RCty(ipt.are 5on eapo...maeeand ia vell quaiied for the iii Fout ~ liy ties,. uiuiel.a, MrsaR. White asurturced fron an Position'. Sh- ormierly tetight le the Si-ARE, STAXT 88.000 FImoo.-SPgrk« Ne ic Cia,, Sii.. i,î }tt.ii leulil Sat,, J-yubia vacation of turcmenteC c'let PorL t ovac.-ActOIR Fre. tuon,.a Lirahicg imchineao là itmn en ro l.aeut 9 r tt th hLine mof ber phewF Pre . stheih y-cd reiat *tnsid-e.itVi.barn Prn. io - , Sî,lu, it..F '.oiIetl at, al.. c ~f . f.itlo..pb Haonter, Norval, onnliocday iiik i lit,,Bi. i iii.11/i ail ;W * ~,Mm. AlaoeuJoncs and lierseoc anod cav Midi,, Llreneeregioations reado cm h efe. 800dmme ho tu liQilA rSat the barnmd ail hie vbrât. hallan,. Il iseit Au.iu.aX leciSeta daugb.er, Alocnaad Doris. of Brat- m elolve -No pereen callaservicee a iiriey cropta. tinvores@@ mciia hull. ai W ________________ _______________ ___________ fard. Are visiinlg et Lb. borna of Ohms. radie reeivlcg set iiethl tri o, r i mw ictreoe5mebc,8ic P i M icas Kic Strat.trierotprainea LueuCh peu-con bis, K.d*-e y L. thare., vil deutroyed SReliit R on dis Toolh Preparalions Sotitig Supplies jol ie i t "e fudvii ..î lieons tiop.rate ct.eh sot." tiont îqha Bene. 'le men, vlavere Mst hm.utbi . Ffrd wlDeevebleue. the pacre,,:,man if h Cb. ccttbehn.vru iea ntcte ildi u i. . ul ai- isSiîtigt. - retit le oeM.Praniewr nseice 70cr set vil n alîad eshoa a h riae hieii srta ut afrnoe Bla e Rened. aii,, IRiP-oit..csici Shasiug Tiiedar aftarcoe,,Ach. f3oti, froc, hlable ta alarge f3e. nr :mpu-socrnnt Hetormdafrlauvr .Laot. DR.1 Blond ~ cî tuii I I.,. ut.ti/i î1oii threv ,u t'osox 'elock. hy dlegardicg abovecmemntion eegu.,.. iu an autrLe bad vrm sndo c lis S,., cg .otiiî 0. B. Wileon, B A., aedii m W". lation. 7-Lenii i.s tereulthi. fluoing buinil. F 5ltiga iii lsoli l T'u>.,,h NVaaIî /ecShsng ameabth ne 3&otreaî, von Visiteroniaatiptevteo" p,..K,,iy,', iLotu.',& i..lust eek iti lMr* and Mes. A. I. PoLice Dsiii Mtalu lin. W. . l nateetta ti esi ceei'aii.iuoel.a ale,, 5l~iîlSbasîoîg Lu- Me4ebt. ut Drumquie Price.,attortiey genorrl. i tuiking into Werden Roadbead,NeIson Ri.e. Rb. AnmesPoci P HE'la-f-rSTRÂcce, cetîfleai ra o oeideo-tiec means le eirt, liiipolice iuoce Oekiile, ndlil 'lveof ýbcie. RTSraiiiee cstalizf ied raia-o, mene-. v-hich. hoevsr. hbe stat (iorgtu.n. reçureac I t t & mcci illr tratieaiaed. uatd. ad tto-day presnet!cgi...tio R a the g.tbee, i rajuctî mcio- Tollet PreparationnaVeery Preparallonca t uetKilr ý.,d Satisfactin uc cd "reaec.u-d coo.it,nmcae ýnI1ail. u I pRy Peail 8t. or Phoe e215. cata oret tic-cx,îaiii. aiv, lnc traneeileyetardiy lectel ace ,,var Femene cRaî,ciie-u 15 hli -'tvapr' coeudratin viithetodiecua tbe aver meeuretmcg coeta et B m. oe B-ltiReied y ies N.ol i Seea Da Ouhils Connaît ha. egraad te fie- may Dîve t..s eai. l shtecuuDdaey educatior lihameeting Fren, Balm Dr. ei.Rn i tCu-eoDîp Wîic ncnthe sevntr ]tue*ausbolthe leucicIPaIitiea." caiii Col- Prie,. "W'es agl teoicmdaTîîlwioig i ' 1F,, rau le ut ude ara avaulable fija e m calt baveLugIve tiuiicipaltiea grat. vereapponted aa cta ra 1. liaaWuî,o. ,aidrFlka ')oiinou Railway Boardi. oe ' aiaiL eu rgr eoltiuot rJ. F. Brown. Obhbource P.C if., Hekaiiuîg RL P. F/ i-d(ý. ll.I 1md c. Mi' taie aLuliecaieg and the cictrol of bred- liiM',nncimeAlleLue: W. N. BahSl. hae'va (iliilinmi. Fi, .ioi a ekciR .binit».ueOakvilr; 9. id. itadabeua Et______________Lattes,____ o. f Eiqueici @eatteo tac dek-dnd e ,i _____thean",__ I dale, tia gurltet. Anefmet c nmade i'y thaet o.Mllton.îIL Octo ide tAl eaeein me flai Preparioene Dega & Camîcala v. and Mm. P. W. lunes, nreetly. adi« ari fi,. Railway thal ibhe Mltn o. s eetoi iarme rareiaat IA baaabuli tourneraient and gardon =~~ ,,rtain deyasdiog .i1i, iledteut-d. Kms.Dit 193Hiti T..iC We aily oni the Party Iv lie heu on tb. ithletiemn Natioocal Ehibltiiîui fi5 ai me. Ch.,d .yplhesq.i quuîy et Drugo grtnds, K ibridae onLahbur Day. tuie Lit'elt .0Toronto aad Lach forOn Tburaytesat, fjurKyiseîr t.asaidailogaleresud.il'hi.daeysuirê. M a, isiagl Dîstefeetmet No I6LîuieGi, fi . îu.u.unîgPre. wI eahcauo ae fai r uglt, u aced un cimer vith the driver f ta Ceîd Ccou ' ILri lîiîtior I ~ i 8 I .noia DuSapt. 6ti. Avition Day; nfdic t'fut eisraecpru Occîcras triplionsîîctend lh ieî..f . Priarucitta are tiaecccIi CroeCauoiiAid I-iiBliz lst aeboing prepar.d bith.Sept. 8th. 'l'eueaportatin. Day, e-sesa n Ramltc.Ata p et Ooppeas.ireetors of tha Nelson mnd Stirling-asenenWomeanaDay. Sept. lot. le--mnt th. crder. hie fait for hiemeoey tes Agricultural Society in connectlee ludîcg gning date the Lichts ara giod mdtudIthdde aroceruc - 3 sitb the accual fair, te ho bel ce fî,r roeali pt tiee".cleders. Aresaneoad b.gyps t h ipe he , meiilcîi- SPREPARAI IONS Smokers' Supplleî Siscelaceoca Sept. 24tb. the, ticket, ae-eonftr-c, Windsor ta o ' . yp.mofne t- , s I inl WTe. . tdI.Tuhec.aipkg.& inuieci Il.. Oves Sudbuey ta onutrecland cil inter- vs., i, veelnbmtereet ber nd l'e Caocphum- ilit.i, Mîit'aC.piou-Halle Walker Store. Llmtd.-liake tela mediat atinus. 1-Ri'- I1i2 has pilv a, abailvereatise t. Thed yen, ahoppico..centre fer -Be-etaLuL. Cocepaii Rilesncb bai eui tear a "b.aty itreuLan'l'h ee i.iacohnrated O, (igaie-pý. miiaîkes Guoc Canîphor èM SciolSuppie@4' Midil, Skirts, rae@durngEibiaiion ime, he-mcfth i amntuk ac.mii it Tr Groill a V mp. e ipeg- r 5,i(J.1.. SofPapR, Pla.ButteBoy'. 0&,-. Pacte. Bruces,,Jer- vsTir. irlomitra. Piape. - Pue ae-ePs»-@ smcad Sirt Waiats. A SpzLgstiiriAuDRucicca iltot, mcd . rrived oneth.Gis eteaAtinugi the ___________________________________________________ Borniemea iwge viteare sveuat ln spal icielLy vo Iudeed fou-ý.toeaeun Chief loeatad the Party, the.cevner ef bghvîy msîge lu Acton. laeloit f W.Noewod ofthticOity Temple, Lon,. i.vuW"cot eut mythlcg.-Hurmcgcon btara, but rtiler- pooriy armegeai. -doc,-Ecgli"d, ise an addresi inruKnox Gazette, Aton Froc Pou-a. Preshyterui. Ch.rcI. iDr. N.u-eod __le repcted W!ti u(ha toat lutataudic'à J. . ACK NV E9PhM 8 OMeee. Wilfrid Cromr ia l .,,rrymioear in tie llritiL, Emrptiv' onmcd LAWN TENNIS liah eturnaid on Frida. eveelocg tieona ho heard liii icocderhiiidia. uetfroman enjoyabla metrp to Coure.auc lwuy L. ligbt girei iona& Phone 40. The Rexali Store, M ilton KpngtonuOttaaerec rl n t c,1anhoi ios vae id.' (JoiR3-2iuiý Miluldiegatmooiisteerdes pnine o luereit. ilicocalder IL aut ec.%Riniulongt tibhaerguîc at Fargue yasterday ini the 111f ' ' -Oporath.1 a large preose le Lb. remuerd. Rer. J. N. McPauli uf lIrmt gain. ofthLb W.O.L.T.A. finals, Brita Chuplat liifiatuel Z (le.Knax Ccrch vt echairmac, Cano im iltoc ladies are tili iaedetsuteii Tht __________________________________________________M. Rgers tbemeana.go. suffoeainu, Nattai of Grece Anglican Ubuirelimail tore ma"ur eruiedlligee u'd v taee a ~ the Ia.enc acd Rev. A. B ltiriofetSt. Slcle.. iAnderson.Paeigus. de. erualie fniaie d onenreataBan.Paue',Uited ChRirci gave tbe prayer.faaed Mole., Mll. Miluton. 6-4l.6-4; RuNTITiTa-Rie inTic, InRbsnaeOrai3gevîflpea Lirate bas beee st lItonGoberai Hosptalim on oda7. The sole by Mr. Gmlitlyvus.sry lilas Cuivun, Fr7Iuo. defoueil delonà dentli1.lAnneoncera, flot a.nIY wvu ue, m48mllsthia vair. 1 Tha Chactauque. programmne, wvbb cli .atold.dfies.. .N Mc i,.ndo,Mlunt.604.84-6; LiosWitmar, t Bllyvorida gr.iiet parforaiee.Osnrsla ipme ahronimiil api orrwrt. wue arrucged tor Lo yeareson by th. Faut very capihiy lntneduied ch, dis- 1Miton. defeatel lmire adalfe, Fer- bu cee o e toit a. îu laciny lin. a iealti ttrer infou-îîîs lui.lie might 1oei cemittes mnd tlhautaqua f.' t1nguit'ied iite.Ai t. loeisietofgîua i-I, 6-3.9- 7, ta uuhed tirLbtheette uofsC.ndal. hase lmîddîd tbt the u.,.,-tality tron fcfls.eacubcenedaifer 8er .28,tuneiddree lr. Robunson,. vbsone i . Duhleal. elen Mille anmdMente Itt itli@pý auss a nw K it, vrv29, 301 and ct. ltt-Actoe ar. ,:pua ie, r.Norwoad, araure briefly, ,n:i.oe, Milton. dafeaedi Mia» Actier. Freiglit ratas on ciieocicgandîîbcthil ecopie» oe u t eusasîf the fmui.oîîa tictur.nanduMiie.I s evaP eigna. M-. 6-& C)ac a df ranc 1ho, United .. ate ca yeu-. Th'reecdrltamreiedo- lu liil h rnitldil aoreerdi.ot Christ, imbbwp preenci aeony. 8-2; 2bd. Beimu Dewar mcd Lois Wit. hin radueedby 19 Centsa eton. acd Ae amateuir evin cf ou. anid a obâtivitatînes O ta a d allebratiotis t' mouly tu Dr. Norwood in Engrluai, mer, Mlton, delateaiMes. Matamfi Putot,, 4 Mo t~roia j r - IBTW?40 BROOMS 4F"e",sc %90 OLIVES -lu,140 DATES - b 50q TEA kg Se WAIR STORESt L Lll!f-! Crepe Dresses 1 - - --- - 1 1 . bist - 1, imm.. v- d - UUwmzzmmco-ua Btqu.of ie 874 u, atNm ud uThueuit VII lia At Dr% meili and flye's oma. Av'ery mondiy 1to-oi eo4 H1. A. STEIN Eyes.ght Speciallut Mr. Stein vilil be miDr. 8tcs. riace's office emery Tueaday aiter maon from 2 to 4 o'cloek. Phaone 2 for appointmant. Elootrisal WirIuiq and Impairs INORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. HIARVEY PIIILIP PHONE 56j. FlILBICTRICAL WIRIN G - AND-- I AlterationB H. LONDON. Phone 28 Sumur Clearance Sale 0F, FOOT WEAR I Women'a Oxfordq, Straps and Puiaps, hroken fines, and in differant widtha and eizes. Regardless of cost to ler ------ $.8 Laidies, ber. is yiu chance to soeurs good Footveakr iL very little eost. ONE PPICE 81 98. Spoci MIS en Scheul Footwes, Boys' Tennis Balsi., cires 11, 12,î 13, wta reut 59c, -Ropoîruj. --ScholI'i Fel Coonfort. MacNabb's 5h.. Home The Mole of Good Shoas li ~COFFEE Po. JAMa CERTO RAISINSL i 5 ib. 290 os Botte -DOMINIOI iX sEGIAI; FOR AUGUST 251h, 26th and 27th' DOm akin; Powder T1N5e ShMT. oiteniiig 2 190 -IM Cheesee JelyIolsa A ti ID OBIAUTY CALAY SOAP2 u.: * CASTILE SOAP 4--acu. àc SiARDINES r71. 225c' PINEAPPLIE TI14e li Ofvu,.'rO JUICE o10 Le.(Oa CAKE.'Lu. %2e w=New IHoney PAR 35 Pink Salmon 25 Surprise Soap 1O 39 Soap Chipai BULK 4 ts2 5c (.o'i" Apple:: 7 Ibs - 26 ie j.Lemons,60for ---- 19c (3ooking O tui bs - - 16e Aylmuer TomtoSop 8ncS C.sbbuge, per bead-----------e Pcymmol Baok Bscon> sheeld -22c PHONE 83] Il J I !'lain and 1iîgw'ed, Long and TiIilS WEEI( Reg. Uip to $427q, --SEE OUJR WIN Walker Stores, PAY CASH PHONE 91 PLIONE 4 idiLTONi ONLYj 9. [DOWSà Linmted Mi DUY 'OIR LFSS Ecl@