CANDY Ytsr visdom Iootb maya D ARNAR D ~Iit O ampîon .Wo yu et tay ra1 ICANDYI Yor ido.m tonfhayal I BARNARDS MKILTON, THURBI>AY. FIDRUARY 216, 1982, o.40 CANADIAN CHAMPION1 Travellers' Guide. PULtiuiKD (Stan'dard Tinbe) EVERYT TUTISDAY MORNING ,JANA)JIANI4 AOIPlO tAIU.WAY MAIN fST.. MILTON ONT 841a. 8.i)m - ~~241) Po. (Mat. only) 06 s . Enn. r 8UiiIrlO'- L OD* 5 30 po.111 ~~eu~L-st apo .unisecntl .uo p..m. (ex. est. & $un. 7.47 p.m.. G.1.8 p.m.. Tcn.ohioni.ith Uniés.t Olim 8i0Uol8 ut OLm'-i.' u-""Rà- 1Puu..RJ1PM' r,bat $250if AOV.RTIINO fiATfl. CANACI&N NATIONAL RAILWÂY Bnd.fflcarda fofinnlin. or lin.P. , G5.14 uerGlie uýa Acam..Thu ineine 0f la ion le h. rai 8.28Là. . I1 6.57 hlM, h, th. ;p., ooP-d n.ine ubt a*.. of »nild ...Pareil. .~n-ldnlIfnhi..=uIurit dia CANADIAN NATIONAL RALWAYS Armyin p. Nctiiarth. lnei t i l? h1t" The Double Tpaok Route .nerdouîlp.MONTItEAI. -flieonibirîhi, nr _dsen 04 . .TORONTO b6..menri1 bac..4. clinoetr, fr uor y. 'frai.e*at l.Ieln12 .,.bb sr I.. DICTROr . ,AI6 h0. ilo. i, înr.bu.-a t. 11M Ce. md Ihinie . _d m .. ol.i 1t. ieiî or*o.,tl l-th BLIl4bif &2Will'Ie, UnO.eeid ining car Se.vicen. firrptng iar. on nîgb( tansn.anti MEDICAL Parlîr carn on principal Dsy Trains, DIEDICAL uil ifornîotion fronai Csosdiau ___________Natinal Ticket Agns or H. V.Tiiy, R. K. ANDERSON, . ., .iti4îarngn o.Trn L. ILt0. P. Klait J. iE. BELL, Ageni, Milton. asTiLioONn -17. on,1 t I v».à*bcp..iiandl7.80it. 0 c. K. STEVENSON Mî), !-M-C.t. J. M. IIOLMES an .V NLIMW.LMC.C-FOR-- PhyainlalandhaBugene 1 RAY Fresh. Coe'ked and Cured Il.NI,. U bl EATS Oh-e f 110 ie .l,,"Ir i -îdltîsUi. .tîl Fleh and Poultrv in Seanoui Duihbnni irnOURds,. ciienui0m MOTTO: I, V "QUALITY AND SERVICE' UNS. NeOLL SVisR PiîoNO4 42 w. - MILTON I Teacher .of DR. 0. D, DENTON lbysician andiisurgeon u--e, i xa Wol iii i ii î ee ' 'li c, thlli'hiîî,- 2 4 T 7 l1) p im.. ut'y1ssi 1soisiis-iI I5s., e 1S P!ARO nd IOLIN Popiiit oreparet ton- TGronto tCon- earvny ort Muani. t uni nations. DR. A. (6. BUEMNER, jKine St.,. Milton, Ont, -1 tln dS-.*fl PHONE 24. LEGA - Mrs. F, O. Russel WILLIAM i1. DICK sudiliano Caene. 0'... nirnnAts'*iTeacher of voice> Piano ifl I. it.i.d 1 tnniand fheory. . Non.? *0 LoinAI] nînfduntn, T-rnn C'onorvl HUITCHINSON & ELLiUTT Y",ls sbNBho Th A Eithl.. O-f.K.ElfftPOLLOCK( & INGIIAN DENTISTRY gue(eser tu, Cter & Worth DR.7. E. BABCOCK MONUMENTS DENTAL SURGEON Deinau onRequent. 0111-.- ffl.-ii Th---'o G A LT. Phono RI4SONT ARAT 0-fiVICE OGAS XTl1ACTîO7._____________ finr. -IToi 11C ~. R . T U R N E R DR. G A. IKING j Fuieral !iirector DENTAL SUR93EOlÎ a il Hbaimar Ofliro 1n Eny.1iliiding, Mlo.. t r< F..àiD .j.. Uni,0-l 101.TO-ini.isi197 A ATi.veofanieî 57ppol.tsln.i PHONO 68 HILTtON. NEIlLSEN- The Chir oprDc:tc-r <FÎSU N C E lais yer nif1rii.isce Lie iet autoUbie, ilalry WEDNEotiAY AND SATRulOA I Pat >as Accident, filaith. 2 to 5 7.SUNtoi30P.os Phono 150 w for aber dsyo sud hour. tirer Dominion Store. URJRGETOV.N. District Reprmentative --1SUN LIFE INSURANCE CO. j Phone me for îr. [) DEWAR ITRUCKINGof Alil Lads'~hni2 iiolo.niNeine .4!so for Sale Slecond hsnd ttuiij,î.dsa teel T. G- A.A 1-es... Cannl Ir-n.Angl ru Stýilaite, Pipe, Siaftinge. 'uileyo. Vaiatr and uctieuur H*ngr, &oi. steel f ail sîndo. Vailiatone promptly sioddt M. MICHNUCK uudueo duIIitn uu Phiono 171 or 80w HILTON, ONIT.1 Fioîm 108 - MILTO9 LOCAIL COURTS CALZNDAR fonc o' "-- . i rdr l... O 9 n 'ios W i sos10.*.lu.. iaaft ea a 8 a 7- W SL If to t 2 it i Masay FancihsiVE OS IODhO !*e Fau ha (u Concernias the Peaui Tu1 IO'STIIIEsSONe From Neiae Plumbing The hi.tory of thse Pearl iidutry IPîtspecheen tMàkwàood " o% g r itlulFec H ot Water Heating a- frenian nesI iýth eean gchl* Id thsou E o ne Han-WoId né impossiluid tommn ~~jfHathi butkor .a Ui hing wa8h-, Duli Of Goucester, third sonof ut l ail Frenchs terrItory distunt enoligli UT t' k~~~~~~nown icetiiically ot the icarît. for- Kng George, r. insome led utfroitesIestdaobic iî matOI Erl pope*aaugt f algrad. higliway, foitory, or amuse- T i s imngf roi t an arl e udpe ort m inht ut him ent r sort; any refuge w here one T insinitbiD oe for e o c i n tetroo r the Ixn butmaY tl enjoy the qultude aot ran-' Eavetrougyhing Ow he- rteor dewdrop ot o faie ewane the creaiaan ove b te heillait ite fiât place. Thorni iec hr teemyne a Water Pressure toIloWed a-sPet]wlien It was ho- ausy oftbese dicornot and ener,,at. Systms efeset te oâter The ifwon o. ii grenier denalty of popilla ti-elthtiî earta vere madfthe 'ro, he r obliy l ful re f uit oa i-uî~ ame substance as the Louer Ilig of Hher ln uynthl e epc forente osi 3 eptiîc an.s tise ali. Wtbh k9ne, observation rilîbrt a oritle sa Irik'sw"'re " n THE îthethiwansnfialy discovored. III Z 111 an r awroeffck;nty sreiwthel buainkoov n ht a forelga bail,. . lia ne or.lui nt m ftr COn 0 fatitif fle Inner %bhllot pteiPoltion iyf materdcars liar nyter ta deposit matten i oiat bea e iee. T hhys bit o fiAr-t Je F. Crowloy Co. Of Invasion, andtfilesbhrdi, uli- trn;tesiecEntsbto r MAINSTRETMILON e th "parll konterailanre Ilie haro: ien of nature: E NAI STEE, MLT thOe Jewel Itnntry. klrhe 1 ., M'lenuonf th(e brdn. the chîrping of TELPHORE 8. he cricketsthe flating of the beave, Tgapufl 2. RoBDNsoons- 25 ItnPerfectlY fnrnied perainittarbet . i ts nrmroàhebok -_te thse inn- aboli, are known ia "bils-j and the mu of el ooks. e cor"ePearl*. HIIaiOW, warty Peanl@are' Onon aid c arry g0el own rao ri ___________ knlown to the trade ai.'*Coq de perle,- cour"iaînd forryli ne'@ owav r o- isle rnegi sri Iîp p enn-hl& noarevionso fo-ttaeienlae0 uneconu perh, laroqen. Peaîn f Oi fiit efreslîment atîisnquarter of Si. TonlufAsePreervs the Tole witrae0tct t extoo. feo taet , w.heiîe boen - - froini ipocu Or flow. naicear, il- nlübet's pictnrenqeon , or., 1.llin H. W HEELER mnst traneuucont w' lin clor, wa ~ ~ nt fia ictut mqen eanlet W ti c li ML I.ON, round or pe&r-ihapbd.-»xchgnge. PIICnERYîucu4elio adof helioned huts' Piano Tunint, Vololng ____________hrty,.tallest of ailIlh i îîon.1ofongotten lnof 10 vaih.bvr Aotion Regulatinlr roni. deenof litle genoratf telhwt ak.Frad Aotion Reguiating Csai O. Am@ag Othias quonce bocaune everailiolco ansb-mr- utori tinn and RepaipOng. ongVa Ohon A1Ila wivn hlm sud(lie tliron.The jolis Soir. Bronsais. an.o.nd R4 Jepalia aiheiAU 6gts aro uBualiY Ion Important I p is arnt.0 1, - _d u~C" Cmentirotn-ut aufanmaWl whi-l (lanse oue mug e (osha (o older 1 dSeCui o e I1BLn.ut luiPe - onten. bh.cftIle. 'urtlo." l .li ho atilInotheni. -ek a PHONE 24. PO. Box 8.. won-,&ilttihleoflon im seplani.; In ij rince Henry tance. .011. nean V1 e eW&&s Dialked lappuinnce and color n-dittornm tiel viii. oecn.ioally la tIlînvfront a 'The î.oog Islandlsentait wîo lm a-- i -.- ___ _ balneI. firent i. (oir cf rengil bornis. athOugli lie la atet as a crack cindirnant becauiso-ele siighos ril T. o Do ~ .. trouaIhoîr vifînoan; (by s ierid.4blongs toe e svminy. ontd . i ON elîbn- I n is v. t b aeyiluî0! (ho distinction of li i e r n'on telling anc of ilicinOf ts- ir. o. 'DON, ONT N in ersvnl hTo o tube c- let cicknte n lit(le royal fauily. He brlîcîiinl deice wiîentby aie u twitteîl 13RMPTN, NT. bav poceled.Thoe lhe e Ii.. u@hot a ion. ia n em-t of te lisr iiurseniid. LloeaedAucioner in ni) 1.110 Itîlîl 1t0catch l it. ail Ginton, and lina aised sa preseritabi.1 &,lie cheli gest creitire" sald tls- Licnlîl." tooer Caoaer. is@et.-lûiniuito ume, 1 . Imoustache. vliela-s I ometling tIl' gIssuelaind Rwoan, *'aut youa vet For tho Coalition ah Hollon aid Pol. iroby vis wnitliug outhie gnons ox pince of WaeihasnDot yet tone. a"w. Niy dear. Iranlt trust ber Inil .1 ARM SLE PsmplyAttndd o» lii kii anien lihZosiue fund s ecnd.iiBut 1t naged lu get eent FRU SALE 1Pr lu uîny dtroiueilrnia lien, cIu0ty l. SSIA'S ONLY I5KLiCACY. tleli.Teco~l n ri i i;ùz 7-r-31 Brampton..ued ce. Aru-. filer longue Ofnt . otNs-w Yoankbeiveenioii.uantd'six lrmtà soutEuropet. And th ie àsua4i. aiieeMieO roun turegoooa. Ru eka nd l1,a fcnind tisatIif 1tu mal et(ll Ili n té iaec ~udey' bu.. Ticeinsim IoPAIM«. . Oecih acka ilfitsoun sînlien day 5 muccl longer didifi coninue? VsIi-ý Thon-e are many peoplo ta-day wh t'e' T~ .oney b rnes on. gutuf.' t" fits persistance liave tociare (bat the oniy gond thina thai iibiecdusltbiigon lt nulle -oc bh o oy C m s ...f.. sîiiin sui .vbuy mrOes oul of RenI&la lia caviars. 1cels butie talnlt.Athes / lm.t sil w.n-cei,.heier li.e r'l iteing; tulîi la wmoily out-y'î. Ttu d t he fla(mte for vl,-Ul lcssnng nalîiîsg ta o.ese comen bac ofaprcatit tufren. aluni.for tise report of Ilîrsuis i-irrennt ln. wîo. aualiy base inlie acquiet inmssside àliici alien carseofthîe biiualiutltise wC r ounn ,0hurnyi - ss, 'nnnfrom thIe rme of the anloeou lisýeta is. "lmposulhive aid opichnnuhe.. o: .nec fr anlunîyl, ivon15M, rao-euteInmate in vinter Dufy, and iiin -to niceven.' îaldthîe neiglbu'-. and o: rae o ungnam ovioelygreierdiffluhi ten ooervo. Thie grenien part gave'e Long l.Isiland vornti s iisii Lot s d mo or han fm il bisnuwlileli then linesiln ut the orer indi aexpeicd .Il sun the asot am.zsg so.k.,' itu Pohuu freil;lia ame ci 'alnfront Atrakan. vliidl I.IR e the nll ie i .isg ivlanil woii)i 0er KELLY & AMKEN "Ptaiit licfhe teely on. a rieof 0ftahetrait,. a ihrud"'ndtrngt."soteyAl cotue mno wld. The sîwrgeun î fasfonl u ii hais veiistaknîlt Aai tviy. Ai TfE PERSISTENT tOLI7TORiI___________nilytin tho rivers ut aoutiernu Rua liet, u ian'd inoîl 1elac No COLLoF-un-- No Cl~ns;el& almtliougis aime in tbisn evatliatte-s nie 1I m'ttJtouie wlat io.' -70w No is With i-i, NoDihuitu0 Not Olu ýAmen-ca. Thee henb s utind, YokSinl ii. OrFANGEVILI E DTvagWthlîHeI , isybidendve osneil and sitet. but il lite rue,________ wItha wodêrfl nolin of un n îcsi en tis en-ga vwil-bare mniant visl vosinfu nnîîun ofruohu. aluable. The-li oien of the îturcvcsnAu. of Alure - - -. ~libeIiden lis-n 05'silna a anner lSt 'ire Ieaien vit5i nvlt-leo tisen preRs- 'lhe use if uliayalias iin-ei,neO m'unit ittiosii'ifor any histioiied thrsbuue loevez. lemvlog thse mvnt- geniictislît it nm rare tuen-,cuiti-r M~O~UhtE~ TS dincve., bal f 8 h , wbthe liriçe tii! îresnoaiissnues ho the sif-ne. hislt îpure metiilna siy ut thle arts or in M ON U ENTS youuîî appean flint the parents brlng î fle rusas are collecled ius a tub suit dualries. New alsys bane iade I Oît tbcîr cunnhîg. Yeu wlli eltum allet. tbe quanitty f eait alyhn ossiblenîuînte bauid rogime h hsililave scor's uo ileinalioull tIse babies are -hle accsl'tii10teleona wcigh.. of niy lvii p.'unto per o 0"501151and l.e ilon-idistances n Toa )eten1 hsv or sen-power annthave braugbflic tselu- tc'- bourI aller tliey 1aetheirlni.aimoat liquit, ad10in Winla ho k n ra. The tufirulîr of pro- ciiiili' td attîeoluile listhein frisss Granite and Marble Works usf15.ifbers le tise nilghts ogn pratinheoithe prive ilih The Eî talut e f ideîny. Tue uefuil ite G LONT. o egr (icolngr(e aiaro arier ind visich s . mod ait i-f msch lîpementa as nlisvein. Poils. OAL'I' an-y d Intantly the tlminutOveb-de Pressaet loto more sellef f0... inpack- Ios nd uthiveo ofvaonos kiidit. nutit ai-o.tise wster te lie.fllbeetffun mal barrois on tino. s liasnengremtly pnlongvd. One ut Ail Kimids of àI;numntsud In. lifia butîh in, mot ail five icrambiei 1tommti 'luabl i siopeCes of rne- moîtîia oeasPie. undetonnl.,,Tben nie bnhas b em MER? OLO F,3"neit s-. iatI mllar to vrcs inas ta ber aide. witis ber family _______ ' ie .Isîtn nai n stee.get-0 Write orVho on n-DurRpmbtatlvn nfely Iien uudrneatis, dînes vltiu@OMO iCue4oaa Vacts Abontthe 0 coppE r ed-d file ou d eteel. reato il N h Ilindotcarnies tîem otrer voter toe BOelghl te Liglit. oanihile hliaea Ithie unsans of attisse A.R I IN a place cfigaraiy.Wo neier nees(lie surfmce of (1.e gneatîy t oie aervl"eaîftcly ni ihème loyertof gas mabout 600 milei teep. ilivtsIiI Cach Fi.Lh ,7 atli.g TthiosnCillithîe (thotontulere. antdthatsuey j -Natives Of n-me Obection-s ut India s entilabuyatelenalrosaf'if the INTERIOR O~ORATINGhave evemal ioupu 1tnl iclitoof croci-bd- d.I iine. on top af Iltaintle Lnistof thi Wiehd INEIO EC R TIG lu-as ui. ltoludLng lsrng 11cM îy cliomoophere tisat oseaut bc le ienI Wisilu lla i esîu etuiâtes thlut b itlg aysPler hne n wtithelpsn. Tisyexe liidi o-lyIcanioE uropeai languagen, Engliatisla Painting & Oraining tueIn ouln elaiowi tli tnesnomTIeyv eiCdndt dunla Iuîin ncad 'ti W1 Magzin e.uI sa, islîen .'lao mndlise aurona, in- goillceni leyond de-- îlhe mofter tougue of tise langent non, WbC MICLLthe bai f shallov, laits@ a cription. It compîeîeîy ancre no ber. !90.OpO.OWt; usaseodwt Itaelusiie Canadien ont Imponte @omt a ehltiwlIile whi-li mte-nts a bote tise pliotonplere aidth(le hr,1140,0(*,000; ien Germn 80,080,000; ,apce tMonltat; i hi. Lunet by moîpliere, and îomvîimenseatvice as Frenchi. 70.00.000; Spenlis andtla WALL PAPERS 'tise anDot tloiastnn.Ito the opevn large as (the ion ltael F'lIn e. 5, fdimt WiitlIte,-'nns lofuth(le whiether andtia cueillit. We &meachiefiy intenetet in the 000,01,)0. siÀong ail tise languniesof poplar prions,.Inelier laces tlie direct n-y. of the ion asn(lie nource of our lielit and tbe von-bd. Chîiela npohen luy tfi- ESiMTS im~ nnl force mountann6i.h ta sert elel- liet. Bolli 0f thune rome ta un lîrgest number. about 4W,00000)i ESIKTR GVE. ter blieeti on- basite rocks slang the fn-un.tthe pliotoîtulere. the lot th ie varient dilecti arr Includet. 00e SION WRITING àSE1L Arit tsrat.Th ualrbl- loyeron eti(lres. Wliat elaniing ern- Ietelyn figtiait, mn given In tsie - .~.,. PEC~LTY brki 0 stenni Tia cinni anlllad burning uiteri tuve mal, Isag- ____mn cravis to nbonidier-bellodtu1eb buttatl ha&Il. We hn. e I Vonit sîmnni-.are railler- dIffeneni. Fît*ANK PEAREN volcis a tell le hitltsg, esiken the CÏ t tuf. lise bottent mlut in ail i-ne- [ie glven Erugisas e poheue by 160.- PaoN. 12 MIITO, roc-k sIenvy llovwlt b lis s neosd aiionno for au tise vont n 00000 ndunndeni(out an,,iOser! by club. tnt catisen tise bâni, tuuned by et. if if valt cesse tunctIoning ve 600.0000more wvidoata nonider Il - ties ount vibrations. wIud bli la tkneri,.andtiPeithaeu ntive npeecls; Germnn boshin 'Da-o To.nuen, . 'front a nt Intense cols) voult (put an iy 90,410.000 and luderiluood iy 20.- "DrpTemui ,Fatal ,ALî~ nu te a:i limai mtvitleî. nio" o .0 oIm; lianiens. 90000000' tiCientie Bumblebe D'mN IF. Wu&Ia"eu" ýFench Ipoien by 41,.0üù.« liut an7 The li-'tieIi noffensilve liuMlnbee Wby ahauid peoplneviso own molurl a Met-h. m"eig aah d-ý0eabter-;nnd noo h nileal 7 iomell.ei. il lu e oise fearot foale.a a ersprovîte lranoportatioli fan le@@ n-e n tnrntiwürir~mint pnnu.5.0000 drop twfuel thb Thse nectar u of Domi n -aeîlet illhiero? This. m fan. ut - ra tbli itnihn.4,0000!Portoguoe. 60.O, ic lu stunntd loto boney by baesen i biusmiag' nr gettino EOmtIiig for tamp Ian dtingniniedtfrota ye g.."00000 lnseas.y tuf. i.muenîllleendltwîeî. notilelintail to eýoan. And P. !, onginatet lu thc Unltet States. "Thr lfliqteckmclg days offltairn- Bou, tiey comomn ecause a miîsguided et iionbis mnie fr iseclmnt lin ftl-, Rpeâe -l v luie t(odo but fouet0, ont (ru îo ot ia n ry Toms. DQkon lynat Irt'e Coeten.pory lovlew. Anotnto fts oimo-tt an- nn.ttel inuunhIr smmr arry vli lapponne te jerk a fiLer for Auguel. 1891. "Tegg' un- yegg- 1Ilrtn t cr.)oilrerouu fort, oant Coule ttnaia n neuni-r t Eomise trotte. Sonme0f (sceftman" Io a tamp vbo mokak iliel-imernge priMeVît IaItirel fo ven daya uliittlnatcly itnin aî !t.vr frzr.i'di'ruiare insuitlog vnt aburtvo neai of rbn-nsharatlier uLan of be- 'eM s.ts.muyoureni a un exhibitio ta hi@. beoion, i.If le dire nottrfuai âmut. al tellbenateiy Pitre tXýen. ging ia traveling Lurginr nid noie-aibehldhucnoNfirlM elteor is lep uor lis wfvi g.If gently lelve lui a positioholas teroat vitene n lsartlnuinriy i-leveret Natureli-.g' sirokot. lie vove a ir£ ln a cumlellhy amotgnlot lias tositt onordris, tîsief - 'Whe atiual oieloyCIâ yc' aidiy .nudlin vay, ut 1. uit un- :round ln onter tn avoid bifintlefsoyatise PhilaidelpieiaPres ut The ehibit neproenta i laadulcap- j cmmn tme- o. -oiln Io-bîvly Is...Tie fno -rde bnnn.rnMay 27. 1»0, 'ls round ame ngp. Ct le Pennylvaieloperiat in dihit, ont faillitmabout o un neemtn La, le gitlfg mare nismerous trlbe el e e o-ta tseyegg olels tthu. tn oa0 e aen trio li nhumain toper. and more troulhesome -IAl tiselimie. If chiort ilef. Then calme tise Dameie f Wnaou i-uvching ie cuination il, luit 15. 011IR in (ie ior tle police 1t. Irti i-eck- John Yegg and ihaly île von-t ygveet nvnmpu- tilet cuin mact) of tise Bu n-so Rifléen diuni, timhuimble- lirg up an tisem-.Burr tcîenStar. man."1trioyte amdaoetes&i beconer show-s niythtng but the Windaun. I - p (ertr (lenmne euets o. mildouf mimnera lic lu ne entie L, iiig fheatîn eiprc nature (ita lse .111 moue wsuy un a ct)LLEI-I 'LOCKSn l.tseîtra6.It . îî n Eula peislu2lanrtherno Asi.. thuva- fon- fy isIy niiag tetar lt@ fi_ W. E. Ournaby, Trade Cmi-A oe nn ruî ealogn-wel Ran iNSorth Alnrica, tliese 'for- IPLaie evcniu shluise fais tu tiin-eioner n jaTimotsfor tle Maritime uon'init wlit t e0nfPit.I. lbsy su n foingave rtoc ln thse iurse offilse grount ont lion lit auiuntignîhied t i- Provinces, la bîni;aNarova àsiuasrrty of!stoce anmud bondn. Ths v ttO tise eîormîî,s acnumulatlusî of i 7 D e a tlu c o m m o n isîn i m o n -i-f l y ~a mb e it o p n r a tin g a t ar ni n e tt T o - m d t .ro n tia te t e e a r n in g ot ti ell t e v w o rt p n .r elp a i c o a l e n. n. le takb ilntmol 11Dmof thc hunt flow- rn o. He hat beon active i h tctrunt If i o irnrmticn. divlidende ielv eli f nmme. To dow9 teflYpultlualfilu lnOntario, mnu belote paiudon (Lisc ntei crordanre w fl j c'. iisomuen Tuî raniy t t aihe tank up !amn ie bw-as Ru ise ameneto crnet on fl se ac-amliin Demmîtlinall .,.' homse, le choiux Io0lie floyer thull ft Iumnni.manRt O Ocf tue mboit belit. Tise sanuiaie lata îpread Ilovet-' Aie ras-nreil'i arnnt rîglit lo falunandt ls gentily Ile hi lc(ureBque thisan about inlI ntlat mente oven aR livte ton tînt It oie (lue emy tiks f(bat tncy ire. Tîtere à frot lu bie ieep.-Excisa.¶e. lie lias t hobby ut colecting copain- Inyruimentta"gnon Ise ilvl lie bai-l'ire four reven et thlie (wrof ten lng, and making grndfatbsrr îHo Ianaabon( 300 ot tisoon et hltrmi et by inotiien«Ilichu vOl pay. The ton wvi-i re egrtet sut 'os he Les" i TiUiîtie jhomne In North York, vsthion00n0 luoe fs titock la tise Ivoesti-ltat-otimtreigih' of Ithe Guarutuimatiaon on K: lttimoue Aehulr age fiev y nooml n lie hoci u i dtheibohua mto thee liciiit of the wvlte1ay (hoe. An ai Tomiay Athîne' te- nd a vlllsoue Arthur. pd lat. oamenit %o fil)[u lin bt be admt. i ma-o laireea- tirent man isknak- liglon l reerotesu e n (at of (th f011 me tbbe au vi Pli ndlie doennNknowvi env eo'mliipt as ingtStar. n-s ..One la reokinit as Cluou0f ase et b ihlla. &yno mue. one__au Romn Cthole.thei àrAtbtulu-vwo nda t h <1ho<" - 5OItîsrdne Fn-ne Cuuucb. aidtheb.fiertli vlslnot for il sotuoele. »Movit.i ln u roe. ~~Ios"ourWbe iberfaie Ont ..T'ou toun&ce tellme 7or wlaib,' Europe. Outote r uM tjA. tein »il. uu abN.I for chrlinlpan-de-cofeua ierenmate a "Wal. Mte te(shavte 4960 motion Pitanobustmetioand parade witb tbe wroila "Wh.If YOn dont hl',-W, chut (buntetruequippe ta eprtcduce oai-sont -- îajnn-nlait quit. 8.25510- iW nIant terlaaw yul Ieyir gt t' utr vu-b 2.800 art ln fngLaod 1960 Mn i.kih i. cofrit[ He-ut. - 55fAe-~.-~emg0Tulb-*m laGoermnand 30l 0 a France. NOTICE. We hereby give notice that, owing to the fatct that we are rdscontînuîiýng the Hydro Sho1î and Sale of Nler- ciidRwp are coffAriniw aur stoak at rost price. The following are some of the articles for sl Ranges, Rangettes, Hlot Plates *Washing Machines, Va,ýLuni Cleanei's M 0 5 99 ~Floor Polishers,M Ail srnall appliances, including Irons, I ICurling Irons, Toasters, Heaters, lm gd also kHydro Lanps an.d Fxtut es, ~'AlIrRecouti fr inercliandise oîtstanding must be pid onrio before&Feb. 21ti 1<932. MilULon Hydro-Electric Commissionj DENTAIL ANNOUNCEMENT! DR. B. L. WAISHBURN DENTAL SURGEON Announces the Openlng of hisDental Office ln the Office formeriy occupied by Tir. Braund, near corner Main and C harles Streets, Milton. Special Attention Given to Extraction and Plate Work. OFFICE HIlIRS . 9 ..U, 12; 1.30 L- 5.30l p . Rcsldence-Court Street. Phone 357 'USED CARS FOR SALE 1-1929 Plymiouth Sedan. I11ý29! Ford ('oach. 1-1 929 (.hev. Itoadister. :? i 931 .Ford Sed;îiî. W'e are distibutors of Philvo and Victor' Radios. We carry a fulll ine of Fireîtone Fires anid Tubes and aIl automiobile accessories. Have yoîîr car put inf-,hape now for winter tiiivin.. Ford Sales andi Service Miltqon. SAVE Une...... lahor and Srîkg ON YOUR MEAT CUTRIN'ýG W E !àELL Old hickory ... Smoked Sait Novi, made in Canada exclusîvely with Windsor Sait (MNf&-tiiiýdiby tanadian Indtiis int.iitd iiii. ici i SaIl and snoke vour nwaat i on2 apcradion 'ithout a îîîoke lhouî-,e W'idmnir altwith gna M'nd icýkory -.tiii i. i Flavad- tii- iîr gh tii tiha,, . u-a iiî HAeAl ANfor icas tu8D xc. per ponai t- Avk foîr (r,- of it iinjaîi..a1_ D. R. RUT1OHEON MILTOIN Pas~ Whyvi rmî n Phone 312w ýotherÈ. our Children's Heal th* -USE (JALY---- teurlzed Milk sk's when it costs no more to bc safe " MILTON DAIRY -. '- " ~~~1 VOLUmu 7'2 m-