-i -~-~ m a. obu~5i i la lm Tt s wu opoeod la i j pW A r (cet urvia. l. BjOBSM ~b.cMrng ubmoe .umvox& es, arby 78>i ressaI nu&iU t Ifa m le Wi l y N v O A MNte kBrl l ig mii1 1yCLARISSA MAcKIE tirassetbwoy and fm-ty yeld. Welsa b ,er onlaucght aMOutied taa uat!M* front 10 1» l, sud le taient dmoee Gem --ln filt isirYI-a- ?e ô test a laches ali emla Jarett ale Inéludin th eStates of Colorado, Ne-I tilleur.Atjit,t 8.ho e likolI 10ta O ~ ~ ~iba"y »ti nwuDtg ek, Kammi. wlornin. the va- I ry)Ratri n ftl soi ttOmlgti ndenuane bit, i lrredaalrtbi£aten siL&, Muni oa o, hIimuer, 1New dJA png winiYDER lutoei u ts d b mm*odoa tth iecaatuiX u About is aba: ie a iltiei Mexico, indnterrlters allô qexAs 1 p 1 0o ruUi eur Ir bucl a intiiiiii - erDO ttI'Oi4etb e oerrun by t other, shca. urilya t the ,emluot hou"e eadranxho em ol hiiiatt0 ~And Vu lwda wuat iet isevoa Motiîlteo ttroue-aU tnduuw,ý, le b oul hlàwt 0 ie eAyuone ad lad Sam""&oded t berThIo lucatwuEu1e t'ueMnlaitrkedrteteTl- Jbleuarn auaia i ,ud e buts, te igheuth leur, itu drviag ber lîcsly oOW .Itlaoreosrteid hat tiscy 1129gouthîe Ore ecapole Ouutidt moie ise Mont Of hie o04>ruàl&. mettie the, rbrdrtnev 0 Inroeluarronthat darkened the slaahed rooootonouly Wlres uf me ail bOe *585ueense00 tt8 p«7bodon ouL <JOs"8. th1at thPir forma carjsted the Il wart1- tweutY-litt I rthdRY are correct wlll.If saine, refuse t0 Ig- And leteent, anbtitber oèea ne, , 4 c ist îcy awaro vb adeey csud I a.n edy' mal),-d t ore tise public heaitis ervlces ln- antauva h nîiîg t~md eai gici sdcaporsgaddytodlmt dai ,,anIts Docil e" e.d Ltin,001>6 tormatio. Thar TT41 point ou Mat uaria siannbler tober as toCet ln iauy ames. depariulT face-package flotaI awely erne front home a a ttepeut oMi phyulcal DocIM aaefutinbe o ~ lien loitheIicr homaanaCd le t roin muet hale lheur, ielayed. M5Uau IB 1 a tteuna. a coblei&- t1e fju ataellaing armi. Net aven a birthday cake--Dot -."f i en* a I a boat over the gilosra e Or5a eovelred lt.he bh'ell ieore lo bo- Some ofthe cranchers tried tu hord aveniàceu, and TLtulJue back 1 cella allaw lakeor front Piopl111a £a IUnoer ier rn cmc aoai inrnii ayIins Ither vould caIlle, trangeli home." motld Jan e uu'-. Itlhadl 21 =M -tre lt 9 -1 Iraanid aduwiia !SOUYrofint trliel oltaiave" ta theuncgbrme hWmorn succthswhere thebeen iSa duit deryailthe oufce. and thea hi. two @Installantty ba audlly vooar. AO mcc tlhebee vas the n ui wih0f ope ucasse t' 5'"" ed 3tilt 1o ,ý,aW b,, tea ust fapt oct rTl-, acemaibeyvii i.m.o - .veatn m!n nt a fin, tes. .see.atbmd bheoow& wby a pâli 1 p bosof gain11 b05d eraettrimta t a sedotorm aisIthbmobject.bieun, wonen and chiidreli, mon, Wal -a total tellure for pour am) e>wIssue a stalwait 1TO-pomdf toc 8ex mm eerintmuet Dot biveh e w IiCd asi cfybranches, vouid terni Jeait. She had suun the yonDg man cýD,,baal,m.Ir. au eu batuai ta10peint thb.grage. parvsienmwu, a yed not 90go e& sahUe ta divert taisuncomninITvarne. twbo oceupled then Pt room tu hurs ébsata.Adlm o ,ah Ib Theme rainS tise prollcu ot koi - t. tact. Uiat tise 70005 t to ok bt -Todrive graehuppera nuuccemetl ating his dinner aethîe oppoite ta- = - ». w-* » OUli o ot ceer 10 pomind. This là airtro Uuble tlubhs lnuchier Dort-Il," tated am atrlcuttural bullein, hie and ha looked an hllarlousi! bap- sa o ia-nssid néld moatter tbent cnnao u &IlRy dIlbsO 2ecand tisai taiesth.e tblngout &'ne1ust moite use ofutevec d p, uvur Tt that Jone kA!ew tat It van àlaai -id n s111 .1 m sr.l oeikseffltmtee mime. Paa satto 3 - low «" 0e1allY drtng the trYiDE period lus- tankly. vantage posibell. Drive duwu bail.o e wsbraikmi hl etu tin -bisa . iolws, -met tween the agec ifthtbrty-5ve and lfity. "Wluea lis.girls father tet ho BD la level, wth a gente wind ;auod -no01niât reluor auythiug uiau. SIc 35r F. sea30solutio. unies, Ila edurang IhoosmiYo m y tx Iat a dont table ber cvrIda ieante amI only durnng the 'test outhîe dar. With dld au vaut the fragrance outroesu ~cset o55w -l coter hiwr mia kfflwarnn< immeIftibt b l. ho audspniare- conditions favorable Ilher are ealy ou bier l'rtlday-hur Jerbrthday. tant cai lésla isse Sk e. mmnegel mc-i --ci- The 8knowIl-ioned lb. aider tioc.or. driven If nt burried toc, much." ilw lise5 wouud have brigbtuned the ceeIat b.obhagreltpotentat -mm Wter basbouta______ doili tle ailihedroum ahbc lad at 8 «eMan d be ilntfo-osntegrtostla s a ase dwMrm Cready's 1She liugored foc a mu- steth andu ra nc e io fL " silice1tise rvthe mn o cames Fent t. the East Once mont ai a jioriot' wlnduw ou the cor- Mis, QIrlk & DUt. eBdura abave 1talue giveau cm-medd-t nt hl ui pper. Mmm. i Generel uTil e~tom uer, and thore lualde wae thc happy. atoal hace e esot tsesStOL WaIlkrls 100 ascitivie. galte cad Ithe esrly Christian cemeterlea t of u au-1 do. ulg oe-- tells____________ hml fntane te guie this modern type Gent Britaiu and nortluro Europe, "Id ively plumesi ut whlle Iliac. TIc u t gir-tley necO a ccmrtflug ismo ilmiigrave plots scre laid out ceul andma scrmigteinoalg Nuremhoeg P.wdoe Homn ti..day" or Iere. nne telltng Ir cs ent eand burle[ sas v'II the etute ubu. wth lots ut paieeen, vevy Spl" Wok o Ar çnriruwen wu ted tqmý th tet. Te tato &rseaccrd-puper An elle hatonosi losard borne, D evil's Food Amimet al oplf ieMeAtuvrOln IRbdtu. Ieee.Teis t he yruracu: lli mc aud eler un o Amcnguni al daplaa ett *Beoet- a80 00 vnt me te ta» e ver 111e iug ta Stimpeous ars-ouatt rain a ieg- a alcool car. T1he box a osreulvan rOlDit&lliMd""UE 01Art Lea Povder «%Cate. intelr t t n other ade ndtetChrist vas piâed intâice.under bsamadh a hnln bonimadie ot aallai antler, tinal- tiSman'e ie .an mJr., modemu Pleher villa hie thentd luthc e et. tles I.fueong. L av er (C ake cam7Oertd vl .ie-ttiml ay ooo.Ia lh 11MIls2 2-Vrth lgtuiug "Ho le about my age." thouglul ai uountiucm. Ir vaumade la Nure- the il the rois oetadoetces iteo. coulai unt lbe tant, and shlueth evun Jane 'i suppose thece l inue girl berucg abot 1v>. aa i me avisan tent- h19lrabouttitr noteuthe veal; mu shah aise tle romli-1 u'pe elelibelaifobct t-i " AtfIiM k i Fuwder ltg as a sporlt o ,iiernun v t ai "HZaUrit" TUof the Son of mennlie'-$5quuled alk~h o ol a Ite»sgl. at a!Ilatilngei atetvvlith Matbera tait rran. amy boy." an authoi t ocrîlhe liet lat bailleoscor a deat, and, I bnouSho Ias bttr ue. lis tace.,nvoteby coi'1115t "ie@. worth t, Ihongb." ut Chrishios ebuuld bc buried wîîîî vlidly uýtravagant about thons hlallng, incarvecdlt relit wit the1h. ~ oMotit or daightetr hettt t he Uc al, snotu n these. Me Tient vasan auiloumor more figura uf a denuuted kolitt 0fu at -lt-." »Id tbe Young douter. morolog ot the rcaurrection5 they yl ago. and Dow Joue vam elarlng loto kmeilng belte ua wailiie cru- 'ooi." b algîl l n auhry tied1pu lc na 1 kno frlon &lisor, b ate hecn'n auh yt What an Idiot I ar," tbougît entemetat, . sys cft. Abova tle kight ame clona, ;When i>ctor Wrd miade ie frIt a eu t he tord. lnWales tise mt Jane, "I vili change my dreastve'd th ok - 13odtise Palier vitb an orb. and lbhe IPpesi'iie lu the scis roon 1place wlid le Taunton, for 111e ressort, an "the go te t.u noie ansi uDy mone raudy c' x doit of the itoly Oboit. On the backet thîe yon!g mn. MOIt utslqut. vinsi ut the aliman'm fout." laves- -u iihv ltdy I x p ot f Weste n la carveiO ade.tgn of foral acroll.is. fmnly. but ln the eyea urth. nother titiio u-gav..efd tc 1ro op ise omobosubitday l ex-s. i-oeMonthly. SLiî,r-gîîîcapis cuver the ttbrée te: spmanga look ot cllet s4 if uncun- tifnorac. bowveor, lac hovu tisat eS he hme'iboxs ndovte oses."r that Magice minais cf the hum, Uic topaeutf Le u cousiy ber troubles bâtd leapeti fron iamous Taague poopfie le noeesatOIl nrall the ver'inorsiteisBecaa et mamaa v.st baked disites Ioek and raptenpd the Miot loing engravasi ber ODiralouiders a luante outh lb.hg vas observcd. I Auerîcat, soins In u Il su eard ber ucîglianorasoaie taste bc=esItuniformmlavemig vltb fallate erce t unurtal ele- bIndlY dotor. dC rbs o dhh odsi ise ]uo hit rberrcu. li vas o wlaliug quaiîy give d,déria baking gaie, tUdr aides chani ie ii et wtb 1And b. ld mlbe n h asfot te th eau au tieat hcn tbe>' sec le Jns IUcrPed hea7lly arrose thic reaui rbemuhe Tenat, . crolus andObrds peck- a souk befote he look the daugîter filer wil fac- tise rialutson. fluor, iuug Bit is wludow andi tisc, AndMmDuttnds ffpm.eos f lag et ft A aAaid. gracefty aisis sud taiked tluerh'lle1 hek. Ioý>smtlemvgoy011s'îecut Magîcie : -oadcd by th maority eculptured. olencd end ci*"sdthe yerlatiDtci tIncle. sil etruck île ogey ut Ibo treecapet, o!deiauadroeyeprs aperture coutrolithiie of utpus- Nos iloboe. Young lady-lus Chisis Peleset Tas I tukteeg, ftelr sae of deuttns ad coker exprts decr1lite epout-I'es York IlemalO laaid. ln hie bMotibut %Bonfele ui i t ntuically il miehosais itiat balan-ed aud tellimalde, sa.tug Joue min uboom he m Ù )anmuci1Tlay Tribune. thmîc ea."u'c~î1 u~le fOrat record uf tesari China lu telie emartiy on tise cdec. use Magie excuriybecause tbey LII mored tuier -yu cf7e nthcr'a fouDa Ucblrcu arr,» atIvs f "uih " crieti Joue, tsrled. linos il i pure,5 avanlai',uniVLtme confsatelaisuodforeur stel-10 m cosa'le" il. Emerson fi altLeug la Baiy tare. Do leu suer %top tc eeluiset t"Beveraigan. Pant and I'raaent." 1,0 .aukuevleoap'lî l e ag.vletosl e yu of muhrl b dfo ertst ,:Y, t da B Eesn n ea n"tkn, 1 oi Canaiu' hoeusevrivemi on. pe- aîl-m er ie snyyaeTu as chrouicler outhéiseTaut dynstyoaiairi aspknglt ha fer Magie. L tL Mi utaCt. isehesogborbood ut Cmec l tsi. .Imier lish"syou bave and tht aile ael hie ivt'timgeare ut once a char- cau ieIeccls."5s cim Magubkigpw ew oute& waW.D iagoo m ,il, Tm mrefooid ete r thUat tiiere rau hoe no soubtsî me 'e, doul tell me 1 alrock you uitl illssrnerbakzngpoederScinbiiid. l at ivsltD.u -Fal eboovaolut.med adur a t la-u«do , r truifulmnes. hierosci,"lieiallftOl ilie-rry Focrlacilou ercakes. 4 cdt, ty a in the ~aC*l îs l ::nsi.uTu-1ur Ihope yo' are ilotlitisri." tenerl rcuts dh uginpa t. - The iulet bans 0,beaiu nveud, lhe. gu..J for Ia étend of uightecln, l ieT ecrsthant tea waa lia uni "Ica al"msJne'h9. tener siciirn ddcios asty- cause fur tle firet 1me,, mra tia, Mu esotd faasicud." siut-tive"sai nuela0the Sith century aud 'Net aiul i ane dao y. o foters mus .rna's advsoe. Use ialt a century theenail plu fce.u lui'id btelle!r' vleneterllnImaglnieeguv a. op'ln i .10cu tsce. hvet u Magie Bakung Fs'd«k. cansed so-ces. M. Liviugtunu land er A. D. riat Empaer Tii, Tug fat a "e nau.'"cyptsnc mu a unaasn ofut î?vnty-bre -Indian- 'But ot ols I sahloned eougl luta ton: olsa.o»nmptlIli. "t1 anmucli a lovy boîthet -" polis "News. LI lrives lto serionsa llleea by lier fleferit the îencefitit 0Ie 1-"loattdo 3onakov?" bole tat"I RUCOOâ,. OOK-Whecn 0 yod____ vi auhu-is eiveil truitehIe use uf tes, i1.0Yua y.: bresicdi>' kol"ltdeod' bale nt haine. thentesMagi Cook tr'mon'rewr u.s.Il outo~ empers i',sirit and harmnizes Janqe olsel Ws.i O, sU fe ciu iii gil 00dei Wre te PaasoildBt' mturmnerve force by continuai dit- tle lad, dîiseèis lansiude andi ce-pni uauyuissis -- a 001 oisoas bskd fodi Wat ni ilos ou;oy a natureal nunupolla m hJiesce lu ber nis.SIc qulite Iive fatigue, awaker.l IloughtsI ite pensiumtlulie lo ulnte îIssos-roiit f>sandasd Brads"lc.'rnffAvi-ld isltheY arc "siîirei is a fedorai salmali secs nu utrines devlop;ng Pce.eaie drosoiaem, ligitenor te.lon nth irs',*ld%-oe L.ilerty S, Toe-wims C1.r.uio.I pure food las. iltprohIlI'.atheîle i i o irubta Tenhirtheis freaseathc bodiy ansi cleste cpet-oudi viite Iliacs-aod 1 dii l t llîîîîvc1 ut ane> itifisil roduct as lune la migbtu.serlog unslai sghct captive taculîles." niat te girls't."hoe atboa ogsy Sal tuCs'slam. is lmied uanîliS g and smoking fer tala motelcigea- 1mî eîîgasîîI utii tia pcctril IlUi :ccta0fipe-rette-1 thinis munt sesible People tog l moyî is srtm"ais i tect fod, isoey b-'n a iliai dby vomi§d agnt slth ber--do't 7le, my A NEW IOt8 wauglenjor& îslits a nat etman since. befor e crded hlsto,'7, C'- dsrr gwéPct alc ~ 1aI rug iaa o 'îIe, l is iîtse rluda tîas'tjee on t'le aubjéct siy. Tnn ddesiY Balid bureat lto te-rs dwracVlcisb on ansi s ile ioxiîllhomi uer __________8-"a Iu-il tunconrcltabiî on Dctor Bel mra, i1spened ita.Insios aus lot Ept."h Teinat Appeara Ward's brutad shunlder. Helieanied simIbualle 11 tockiaga cit cc botIr a h tirisi br tta ol m"*e ont othUic ie vbreatie, bu Iy, lut 1iaismsas aeccy tient 1 hurt tem Ratfrla lJmmavelmoufat a .Baid e tt ele«ceor're tt w,iiie H. Caoters 'io'l ai ssl,"bp eél csîntritOi'. for ue bss tat ietuy ~. li. the Du Pont acbarimntai depart- il amsaorry Menit tit t, ilt010 Ir "ihycmlcti eiah b r i 1dido't, did'l r«el-l-!-wa s ejI. eil jeas lu ildly. ___ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ aoa.aeiiieh antsi lohve minma *"This E»teril." Mr. Carîbers snid, iasi'ltsî;i : a l .l ia - enat»yWgevruyu o h' na oemitmel. i Isîsi liinîl fot autis'theo -- ai'. s gaveeiuneg omet ceuntrlca. Il aos ine jn le- h o Id, "vsuidi h'reebedan,, ,,d,, ,i laaenaut500n Efr o»r utstis e .tlisate dei. "a imalias jin ilîta u>,ll'ut .sri îsoe %.« a. -:».sanliiae oualto her eiesanmdlier dresa. It voulti lava une irawheelu. 1l'ilune thii oe sor- duo s- mî a .s--ý ý "ard atemmr r lipss auRd. --.ocmueI 'Ibis me very bossuer; If leu00 vaa l in10boltshe iu t îtselti' nem bmeaiSrei.1 tsemuNors taler the res veulit mat. et alint,0dtn,, -efWIAM 111j seait ansi foohiai t0 cr7." h ea"y "T0erecm acson. tuent, iiffteccnt "le u ss';shlirîîw met lca? Bv*m. h if.d Wlta iA Hl =Idied calaeetlie lessInt; ofi ballcn ch a&-v"lsviqmeSolO ami id laoelu a ismsll voire. sho d37Pb.mm. "nt. etisteeeglycol, til-sceca l isî et". ed I "Wl.' 1I ousl'ller lamtant !-u __________________________ame 7 '.rNo. 817 dcmr-i clytliloisthie cest, ftm&Ir. Ani eneofthos0 11 is i afier s&lielci tusoal ile:, ho pre A"truct vorn In labegtuning o-tc ma eUks-bCfote~.Our cîpertrnenta Itesicd. niéý h àýsru ava ds*iteli proud t yntboteUe~ CrsmyCl"esllsi,'lt I»Nfl" PIXTC.15am i Ad Mbapmeý rsi-oe lotismaeam Baneoby thUio Iralet eftn n, _41nt ')t Anti 70011 buigi me1, p5s- ore f thons a" wth a byp1e l tuîha i l icow u fsera nwa>'." Mobep>o4'fiâ P ientten wvise dOJ7n la1itiiernsmlioi,, The manture O lb. lnt. vertgenliy, lasse rlaes'îi lier M Foin Plies bmt Uise u css 't vcil'ltaise long naI lisarate. %athtte clba hs utIle in.D w. lutaw adîsi lil thi aiais' eiosely. Mot let OYorPalient n Nlouhe! adocr Wrd and fut uery lMr. Carothesacu dded. "lse psovr tlar." aisu, tsI;bglî isi- courtoous, aven ta Ibosae IraMe ffoi. mer o be bv. atsb n i ongprDrmtwë aIsiial bellcisintît issue ip Jueto shOn they fou- obiit,_ wh vo tiledti ch 1, 1857 -hnadh1 aod hie îuug usarmner ow'happy baa 9"ice Ohrsae d.d gd 7ye t diner lbu bld Thllm silabout It Turtis Raeablbu aaa." AIui(liai liss. aileat taPan s t lrbeh. tteoih sea r e, sdaise77-11rml" u t hiai su rdien a cbtaJge Tht:I'pteriez of racing tIhitcliat.amu lIsersumsut lis1, IsIIZbox lu put ateairainquon île yuse u aialso vwllii uiting?' questiune Doctur me.ntise box anti opber turlc Gle- fron lone Ê-id "lie.. Creasy i>'Iaim- l- r-batsth- luinsai: ra Int e.m Agtr o teT&bve a11,1g1,41 arnesty but sth nucl logic paturtfes (a gisent race of iand tua. nmrsd huaie lIl as ane îlcts' in avsestalerctisntaiaaempro"'tin tuedaug ie.1.VSlnha at itr fuc bss Donucri extion)lvho ec'ep- ses ment fanîtalait coul a rose figue oftnirect um 0eoylb.ait- di 18 De.14 VS .-1 h. tausa ilasole i tItheriglit live lis zotgicei gardeut, cin lee nid. nitsI oie msisrsssof o sieteIlilac. inr- ut ndirtr-augesm nd 'saslaet 8ium mnnov--et filIs tage of tle jane 1Iobnove lu amy deaicesi direction by "TOUni blii. liuite . cave lire. din:"ec no'myoum ryl-encati for 1 Toits e y. eud 'atel anti per.atin Yeu.budy.1 fo lemanir Dt wieithetiet f.'-ti-inis the mr deve'.p testa a sen- holding & Poote 0 vicILa banauxor a Orsild le is. ful." s'xîlaiued EHau. In ons bdonz." J oltjnpoic mri xi, ,-)ou'swe v. b âe fthe w mn îhe. motîor 'o.carreo t i t i ront o turte11 stal ped,. lis luntionaise MclropliU.n polic Woukîv Iluthm e sre maiy somnnla thia flues, lu gopher thail, races tle iur- a ls'vî's.sîeus les ssas'me ftlet the trmfe violatlore s amldsisM .Wiu-umo issrarlaeifcnnbnal "mIut5sia>' s I i, scsl' ue lore tie int deerml's00anti lalituaitj r iala leMn-1le-emntc eerlesi r eet -a i(dyvle oh trais. I'rnea and ile nas mbi: d le.. Caue vuii ua murs ltimer lot tlneu se.n tUicoreter of a circie and triaI "'t, yul lira. Cres'l cîandsmne'cfrthe ara aisY irerlake.but vr ftuia. Wt.ln alittire rtha *~"1e nargin, .'BditUicone shlchrl l -tri er oostîrs. "rIe, s ildt' end me motoUtialrecelvea acommunicationI Tyrol" in aito a grossitlaid out ethe, fes'cea tise tOge a le.he100cr. anidosera,"Jane explatiied si, "ata traiteNuv Seoliansi Ym.il fron BI' aud HarîccisBit th scunnit fite "EierIhi. Nwsiat t oepatent ls yuurse te oi e oai-me." A bp :Iocgrve-Ocaham, tise Tmrsin ulyme.î n t* ils m o ule. lflli tlîcowlug 011ber nucdel 0med *.LtsSe "taaumnd -i tIse dosr. c tacc iy This lutter î.pprlsesTil W 'o laro, e t'-and&bot all-'týtiUoa 1an golOg 10 bouaid "'unela. îr.eIuSes -dou' li the rocissent tisaI the cummission« ai iamie trrn t1eh Lts eaair oalc.st ui vtniu tasn htlaiueIa a sisget taîsul i," esr.îsiugootre Cr e. bas bert t ie lic*c ofunce. ut Marlti. Theisasoisovnbaille cîder a a e ake l00, courtle Ilp Oheditncs gt il eie fraltyu igbo.a Bfa sho le ieL "ia..- et beo " ai. ns ,sh."Balaiiseenilte a mban ffsir *'a e- ieeana sater lien ltetprovcd h>' a eht uireflicOluseratun. tuecumeoa- 0tu3 - h ai " e a lslrtlday cet lrio -ce @Jueian secitiedti t h ll vin thlb occupies ri bigls plâla ~W" ain geb-." -altu. nrvstt.eigi.tssS Fr letistance. Trrain tront taig s triaiy, and bote anunnd cudle have 'Wben I1cau catch rny brot"," ucoplted. l 'sea ohunsi ahtisr'>'l Tie red h ln further teP." He 511h ramembo.' i, made il a rendesvumafoitauurimts ute-UDgbcd lavage. '1 viii tellileutet tairteudegrees iort'l, lalîtudit, Illsisht day, "he>' cerlailfflyook ho eoclmsîi violation he rePorted-Nev Tork 1inkms vile!,are arong the lhat i t fCupid. TleWes nu doutthI clesc netem ie nt50l e aI saisi Il wp li ii le, to 10ot ny rsoioîss isfor' Tinme. Woli&eTheIcCadhe vas emeiby diieiimý ea ln prove bhcasig-le 35WntnetrdepIl. andi et 167 dores a itîurioe. marsk 10>' sîscla T" Melgsie. prinme ut Morth Waiee tf-?' Ithe mmc ion't î sas wurecstvileutlaa As r('ai>imosItislk. fiE WOLDS 1O7HL~ iabout 550 A, D, but (mith. aile wsu-d»I fol bot'50nae.-c T h e s o n s ! i s n c b lt s le cf a , o f le t Y o l e . e s t e . Ir t v a sD u r e . c c u p ie tiP t.S e u r I e r a n re M a g a t î e . H . . . . N e t OD r in a g o u t ls troubles rin:piy'iscausu hTt ii.jby Owen tlenoeur. encens«uofuth1e Techer-Whal le Uie ditt ue -'- - -s_ il-u.sc sÇj~2tr hav t d i Bo îe roes.lagO1iTudor kinga, aud Margaret ut Aum viturebs*ascta anti vlil= SCKITSTlureas i ssait d ti n1930 tîsere fuie bclt Ipaiful l10moi Tent, ut once round an ayu sure iesea uil-nbseren"e uietil --rt'e a55t±,a deceoa" of os> 0 siietlcr I lt, proongesd m nul. As idates front the Wars cf tUic Bei, Wetand le lvihiihoea thlie Vire. tais ageovvln tIsaI ecisvery auuety j wiii 1ea- s. gt bavs a 'teo. emplur,J senelame FisIHi mure normali 11e: !t 5111 lave ta) ulie..y e am.H Iog pvutl pcrne b tuls ruî> lt ,u > rvl corne ro-acquaintet i vth naurco'Tti Hollayia-r dtis, ti et st rung bgls al ID l. ete là sil bave te crre .1 gouerlirentai Rouer aayreiflndo lugte igs fat a h ian iltout ai li"tenu hihr vislci vaste. cxravSliucsied £00 iecty. lise motrist. i.eccrding te c- A.lRese, La.beua 731etcla Incapable outTirce. lio ot ýeü i.Wle Ttlwilihavete lintquisbtaile goda .-ee P-1tallath 1e OhiodeP"mmul LaiLeng teeth, ls Boi>' dersaivu arme- p". a Sahrtells Hylcîi lo!agas si-- oh abeer matcrsaliam. artilarllity and uf agricultsu'.re. -nsudais l!t Ithetument consisteoutlite bon a 1 stl 5 ' odrsîucounîrles ofr eTe seaooreiAom, ans ti tci 02a e.as, tt inter bouey uroui a god tauI- I ebiri a good-nszvd siscimin rau Ï1huril sthi"tan - ut.('r>' olitsees of standard£; It vilslhavs ta eallasffrtage solionr e iait" adIcslîbuSa'marmIste,...y l aeoresle.itsliii fsilttroc Progreslan nt ruirescntesi1 lia tse aumoc Il andic l eegi Sîîargeuul -mu tirnps tslug ieaiea -Cor by large skiseito utît'ipandpothe tin t tet No mtadIl Dt b oe e . ! Smrigouu loucuntoc ey mru e ao stet'rvimntiý 1w] .1oe aodu. 0 ieltlaa tic.he &&&*ter cmlh. rdiuerstur tIarOW1 e c toIorn. uulua n. ltO mIa le l, mme.gh -d endr vIn ae eng.gs. iD îe priat-ylu- ve iîesela diseuantges. uocilite v amai reanad orsss iicug 5Me.. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA pîRoGRES Aeeumsnce ia tIo *8,010, loi $19,436,M0 0624005M 19111 0164,572.000 853,718,M0 STRENGTH Aasete sas t $13%000 1921 4$29,7,OW 191 $624,804,00 RW fie ur»uimti, mn STATEMENT FOR 1931 ASSURANCES IN FORCE (net)-------------$3,051,077,000 NEW ASSURANCES P41D FOR (net)> - - - 527,939,000 TOTAL INCONZ (net)------------------------197,140,000 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ----------------36,509,000 PAYMENTS TÇQ POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFIC'ARIES IN 1931 b----------------------------------93,235,000 PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES SINCE ORGANIZ&TION --------594,185,000 SURPLUS AND CONTINGENCY RESERVE - - 21,126,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES -- - - ---------603,678,000 îinduding pesi up Cspital Stock) ASSETS, AT DECEMBER 3l1îs, 19 31 - - - - 624,804,000 THE YEARS BUSINE-SS REVIEWED a c purasuls tîme alrougl shlcI sec la, ;ust picdthe misosoig is a cernal>'fiue On. "Nus assurns uofser $5327,000,000, aoda total intaos exeed2 $ 3,000%0000 O, ae igure a 50 pt-a.. ta ouedno empsasis. -Tie distributionioatour nutsLtiones, le inter- eaig ada cmaihued Sî0î,000,O0O.United ' s s Z i0 0 0 0 0 0 - r G re a t B i t uta s o 9 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . ande eetofthdiaworlJ$8 5,000,000. Oucr moaai.îy uperime b s b h encu m cc fevtnasbe hdan t lIf aitsi-ar, thec daims beisg but 54.) percent. oi aie uxputdci.agaioai 57.6 par ca«sa 1 930. "Sine businesesasu cammenredlu 1871 se bs-epelOansin IeoeBtc $59ýj,00%00. Latyeac al urpaeents sure $93,000.000, au asnooso exeodla tie itaiassuransce scittea lu 1922. We Ma" eUiirejoice avec ahe magnitude sud lmpoelanccJf ties culi service vlich thc Cous- p0LOI perorffifg. pu etihe pasi yusr lita aseurauce bas huen tueilas pechape avet hufore -ansi lalss vili- stocd the trial tri=opmpatli. Su ft as i am sv'are aom one. ilt Companyp-n tle con'tinent ha ladctus close its doo.e. a wondtrfs'l ,cord, lu Caoada wetans daim vitl pride diat oeci since ..oot'dera- tion nos one Dominion iîcrosed compas>'basa "I;vil le solices lhatinlisaddition 1 to Srplos of $16,000,000 0ove?.11aihabilities end capial stock, se lave a ,.otingeucy reseice of $4700, So0 ta provide foc poasible shriakage lunoiort- reserces have bren caitinlateti ou tle amc sInus basic us last Yeur. AitiOugh 0ur icetsle'rsi paahe inAmerciati curent)' gtdy eXceci Our lI.iahis iun t a orrr Ic, e have tresttd Lsth as on a pu, îaking nu credit for tle pterni lm nn Amerirn ,-.ds. 0ur il.hihities under cGO. h'cti ;n otîer cscencsces i e c ncludedsat a totai greter Clan reqs.rcd a et icpree&ng ratesOa exclioge. "0cur holdings ot stocks have heen veluedou dtsO assa id dva b>' îhe Dorntion Deparlineni ut lo.cvaocc, coich la praticasi diahernme as Chat adoptesi for ahi -oîopaisab>' tle Natioinal Cou- vention of guiureucC Comissiisuers ofthte United States. .!a ns iucrs.swohî se have falrouresi high gv0de bonds. tht pield eou ahicb is nos vmry attractive. Qeir pssrceases of Canadian Govermians bonds during the Yeau ainuntusi C0 $23.OLO,000. "TIc profuts paid iii ,ihoîed te poiicyluldecs aoiouuccd teoveer $26,000,000, Or udr 20 Per cent. ofI et otl a au"nprelviutti brme. "lu tle ligît out aese figures, the report is indeesi -Iaod scIa of tisa future? No one beieves Chat sur dcpressson vii las' tor ccc'. 1h le iimposible oi s.y> lest sIe. sIebr- wilh corne, bu is ditIcth ast naturel resourtra of tii continenh, aud tle Ira-t, scgy, ansi actuai weaith of is peophLe, buiness ereryu i,sîît.WIeupruspesihi, dom- re.srn nocoospan) stîl a n lils henefita in greoter lfeaumv han Dur owo." -Fm',.the Pr,.iiout'e udds'es itthse .lrv.a i .il SIXTYONE YEARS 0F SERVICE SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CLOMPANY 0F CANADA '«They're Off! "-In Old Quebec T 1 0h e le v n l an n u el E as lcn " " - Isnterntational Dog Sied Derby Crownosoet of ttise 1932 'in, ar Sprtaasr. -'à "shedulesi tut e ruay22-24.- For tlsose thr e a sml ysa to iu ebo Cli. , raeal eh ,' -the fght isateiy. Seppala bisnuI.. i best d4g teama is las Iso legis on tP. Ameriva uv-r a courut- ut 45-odd Go0>1 Cup fer tue lieut- mailes a day la "tegeti. Eroi St-uono'tioned do" und 3odard, L.ooihard Sa p pela, firost., s'a 10o 5int per- oftheI ruash vrs diphthecia sCu-s - '.1 i..5a. tu Nome a tes years harTs sc, I ti , sot-e, f50f amoug tIc conieudera. cfcil,- j"c.u irsts seu tast year thect e-e levers ni 4,5 i; se-nd.5v this year lIeravillii îkeiy buee n $000: third prize, IB Mure. Its ail, tle raecuvera a $300; tisous$200, $100. ditac of 128 mite and thoe i a $75, $50 a' 0 25 iii ia in Qubec itseif tîrougli crowsailu ht otder Isa asitiîst tlero'istlî'Canandiais Pacsfic'q gxeaî lot"'. uf thouuanda ut tams. iniisg the GulsiCuis for tîl escltiditiosicduts Wcdnesdey, Fubrusiy 24 ai tret-ls atdusi r on lIhe'a'ltor. dog andi the Speesi Ccp aserdedirl i plr~izt..andi cuils aee urdesi 0ia"Ino 0cashP riae t ie tm aisgîefusiti us leinera. awarded, but th- sa'yaatei'tereslunti eam Ite stst Thepirture showa: Upper klit, m :.aieth. uu. IfS_-Ocdard, forua a p doriiutsotrec typicaIliskie, anti "igli.Chiateau vis ws on thc rare fou- lim ae oftat-ml. vlsîe ,r.itenac.ercs. Bes. -entre, lu tIc leuttilve yeam h as '-vu bp Tlie e,'cnt slnd, u li s ih letlp ethe ruei-andi love. rul on tle Speed Cup sud tomber avin TogsDcrbiy Costume Bl ii iui Ensil Si-Gourd atnd hielad Yog, this year yUl g à ail lu hlm pur- ai tle Châtau Frontenac, tise Toby.