oit~ How * iLTON, TIIURSDAY. ERAYt l83No9 (JÂÂDIN CAMION Trael0r8GUie.Soluiwil WiI. Trm e, 1 BROTHER (OF QUEBN Evm w Cem eb C aa~ lmbneHar DURY as Mmm ;,u.takcunmbeff. st* e) lmigThe s ieOeaeoI E4w.rdgleader of;t eea I catfrmpiv bve 1YtI!TRUISlT MURilSO '.AIA2IPA('U¶O MÂILW&T theTweDty-aih dIivà. ved wlth î]1i.madeotu te& the t"I'p t %t U jam, & tý1-àxx, Eu""irm" se» FW HotWate Heaing a"t"Ile luthe.cmote art of?1lit l»ace of the flite Viacuuut Euh1 metirhv hubt "De e, beenTa SAIN o eT l HfflWkintemOntgoru'"-Eawarda.!er. thie à ut Âfthlone 'u.e bel mu.3tt h lW$lu _19l__ I 240 P.rn. (Sa* l l O1»I arnL W.babil ~te the «e 3mifor hie auni Costabe o!Windsor en(. tcodtions erem Blletotil y~ &Li l I6. mArHmingIf staotut1041that Lit àmonted Le lttIe mure vi pn.<e. atk un> AIILn.~ euto(b Qooabrother. recelly retiec fonnatrnmuxe expedition. A We hereby give notice that, owing to the f act that we M-m me el Tinsrnithing Juin a roi0f duleroative puta- i " are discontmnuing the Hydro Shop and Sale of Mer' 10 thla 1@.., 0a t rtrmt f t ie»Man faieul affe? ibma..ulp~pua 4olg 721 a.r.2lIEýpeL i.~E0u~erepet-iog a îieight or =001) feet. tire chlandise, we are offering our stock Il il tprice. ~ I Evetrughin ~ eut onrt rai. e "eA e condmm. liI 1r The xolowing are soins of the articles for sale: a ~~CANADIÂHN TIONAL EAILWAT pemnttUCfibr, ua-eTL ..,o 647 Il tu. eY eiovrre Wtr Prestue tomntnce. A th OirO Ranges, Rangettes, Hot Plates by *-~ _________________ Sstems duards dem»adett blutly: "lfla.attl otwamadehtitgrewtoolate 'îîgMa ins VaumCe er :2 = 7II .. rat 0se0 me«4d permDision frois the War 1lu lnieaemton and uraand muS eilugt W sigMcies aumCe Am-In »i-"' NA" TeDouble Ttal Route YS Septie Tanks cie lu gIl Inlie somrezîexeditt«Floor Polishers, tame fà« ass umi etMyal »cii.DubeTakRue h.n." tammerel dwîEd mlet out and fiualIy rellceil 27.000 fte. ~ .i~e a ..Ca WoO.5..*... pee.bon udW«ev.Ima iee wihluappliances, inlud g Irons, wmbm lhm a *raimmdestm TORONTO lmorrM>" malS Mma.Edarft 0 Stoah o he -esb uOELJ.F UIIJh.lrlgtleopre»btyuu -r 1ulrodalilfbeny- CuÀrling Irons, Toasters, Reaters, a CEIOAGO AIN S1rnT Uhuit! petut outi the Wr.,l orhe de-at Ialso Hydro Lampa and Fixtut eq. BUGUTPrDLi~ - ___________________ ifune lable tdo se.ît iMy .______mut ho palo on or beforeFeb. 29th. 1932. MEDICAL piun tnt mom un cago~mat"i 3odaWar offartmet saIc,.-m hlm te cseu A.v«iem NeBtiiuu ANOISON *. ., l tic m Pamm«e§rng"L"M«Tmeuo at oon ipa<, g' ______Ti îere for. lu t euoage s4 I.I.AD RO ,B D, te.. h a î. .i0ýý oft h samte ribe. L. a c.P.. couJ. E. BELL, Agent. Wite. H. WH EE LE R P"-oorCuvvmacTOdaY "IL 0F ATHLONE dsusi lý ;nsGog rzr ph.b- 0 ue-Mislo ui»t a femtealn Gqmr-Geem>I dlli rutsj .y. ",mea Georgeln ier.ol; alm -sp" llc fa i ll 8-'tagT*LUPUONs 17. MLTON. ONT. rap. money Ma t.. e wmo Sta &f.ric&. whoro be va. en-- liaruered S'svocall»t u mn ois t ___________________ ______________ * -o Tuallnf, Voing aim10h0 mmiey art ed toeTt SI Iex-tirnoIY ppelli.Ho fouaghlu 1n he vored worde yut ed by tl t L.N.C.CT B I ~Q ~ Itom A pitre of Et bai ~ Smlh AlrloeoWar. o cut I'eo luesrrebbi me objerh ___________________________ C. . TEtÎ4ON M., e UL~ 0 AtlflReglat tr im ue.tA lei.f t b aednpovaolet1On thoutbroak of the flbovar or ol.eration. il;,,tNewYork Ber- C.9 TEESN BDL..ouJeM O E elo i a lulmu rîthe l o u t aind wo- ho vwu goeior-Goeeml-deaignate"Id Tribun.'.>p'. for fateursD N AL A NC NC MEN na F V NEL,1 D, .aC.&d Repah4In. I ua asff rutdOff-Bt ' t Cnade, but makoeu t hrellevui phyF.V.siensLLUMlbsurgeonsC.-FOR-. Uab. eSMMelOs-thaà.. outi lb'.adueft paller moal Mulbe t flb.peut,.and veut bu Flandell :.a Wota, vàs r.-..ei "bubra.but D N A N O N E E PhylcinoaidBugoau -ho @%Me. uputed te bve developed eafffly Heu a ms,tted Governor-Oeera 1 110 O0a0man corl la thstant: iIt z ~ POm, o~"d ndCiwed ~ m~. W. front oreneulmounonee lu the o! Sonti,.Atire ln 1 e23, and ilu1î92g:e-es called "buhrc MuK..2NATS Pliu32. P.0. BX B R* Wesmmsenu tehohave rou.ldered tihlmI&ermon.unonwsceviuxleuded forle.re thb., n, jutha uf royal O,,.ceet th.Lao, . sd 11ha oirl esn ___________ mater fuanlble outil mre lieu a ainWofaaps. II.oDd we e sed withharme, bbey ' ¶ . L. V~I L '1 'i:: 2 3e ~ < ~,.e, T. O DC.' S ONYmran te Jlinîos i t-. 1 The M.of Goyernor and tCon- woeobeste.i au te:ubiti ll tu erD N A U Dmees1.poero&iaayn a hullello 0 lieel lon at se te cth aof Lord Banfer. uig fsiils wpu o e F V~ BRASMPTE'ONoaphONeT.ey.The office le an hlstorlc ou.e . n andis.. of ans m.,el ] wrillable. D N A U G O F,____ V,___AND____SERVICE'LEY R*MT1O.Paradorlceliy. thllrit Pap"thide? Aies the royal cîsttle aIL Tintu llc. , pr!iceitib.éiManufacture *cCOLL& ~Y~ ~ ~. . . ILTON Lleemad Autoneaer mOuuysuaz a brick, for tie gem nOf Liadtthelr goverl no, d their eue- uuensdal "rusillstug AnntodtlOs the Opening of hiseDental (P..., ,______________ PtBCnUe t md Hbybroumre than 2.000 years he- bewveon bhe blocand baron. 5voi wllbî .uait stick. Thts.uethodOfcenth Ofieomrl'cupd a- m-r.i A-- SisimàTAIM SALEU PmmpljrAttaia. e"rethe Christiaunera Ronde, 'çr the .,lfho lhing s ritucle millu!" and fiel heOfc omelocpe le.. o U.ý L R Phone '7-r3it of eayen u lmi ere wriNODELunITY the srork .is for men. womeu 414 ::ivDr. 2riaund, nea corner Mainan HtEE l'il_______________à____ da lllbseudbCIT.Yhmu ,,t use lie word. H.. . t.cE..c.... o cei f0 i ad ________ smalC harles Streetth, Milton. Teaoher ofouns o? lie aot s reprulent.. AinIp- l Cty.olBelaNet17 WIthIn ISpecial Attention (layon to Extraction and amui ii. CuBs and aybrIck dnifts were1The ltet rthe agricultural land Te"I ,utaint m aalu tPat o Phyleîau and Snron PIANm and INLIN 'I wl OR rtteu agilusitc. L.ater brick avueul bt'the Gentlemen ofNS. Sul- 1lb. N..lay t.elulua. viere JIt balsteen lt o OFrICE-'he.u te 'oceme Theabre. nAlm t deul, ie rWl ' an lur" billeofec ... aseredwal pire lu Montreal I. about tu a i tan eultilauued for 2,400) yuars. TIc floil OFFIC E HOURS: 9'Iar. hoI u 1 LW te 5ý31>p.m.. Ofie-olty r-P.pil. p-epared for Toronto GOm, S pmu tou f....,climte fer frorni t ae tbu TIâe ta re formed inoa îectlou of a moal cty fruit, about lie aise of a liais ela Escnings, 7_t. S. Oflb, Hou. 4 ,~ ~ -merctory of Miaue RI. va*m. BOO0t.hP<th.. lc u liiLnte marthesst ead, If bbc pans Il Ibrgl orange or red lu color,uSPhn 57 poînbaut '.., 1- anationg. *.4olhl"&.uid ot muîba" pse taIlland iliproved Il tieccutelasnia bard lead or nul as Large Residece-cCourt Street.Phn35. mua.ouieasre adoPted b> bbe couneil. as a tiber.. The uatves eut the nule Lite mde l»if faty. Wiib H éi .r The Sulpiciens owu a targe errnibO'fih e c, .44lime toemia, ral hem -1 Oit.iL . BRNNE, Knîr l Mlton On, ,Do yen know viat a maliuerer le?.jOfabout 50,000 ftrot square or ont in, a letel t.eper Letan d ,'iew Phy..t. .d .ru.. HONE9A.KELL à MEN Nu Esyhe liat', e-bat sou are.lu'and alhat soutire 0miles. - iîent. This haitl, e-ilcbbau beau PALERO Tm ERBIVMOLIbCiroumiagemuel -iae, a m-liîgerer la a par-;sone Yeatsrecothe Suilcttusa d- ouont i ninadMlyi Celix,-dr..d--tr Rii .. so m ou e-bu ts, sîcneasa ln rder te clopel ticir land lu the ves! endl of I l I4 dl. C u., ait arsuc Onu. .5 eouiemee , 110.414. ~Nt, COLLIUCTION ?'NO Cui.ioi mold hasite ho deauy ork 1the riby ietveau Cobe la. Neges ond race..n, 410B.,0. -ic Ph- .ss'~I ORANGEVILLE A Kansas City physilcie a wm .',led Shert'-Ooke itreets for building pur- mm Il La..ui,urclrs h un t...... .. rie e ultle oher day te examine 1,!Dpos,,ar d flbaOs bercaie on, oh 1h,.:-atl l,s .red, and llsekeiv--aanda a a LEGitL_______F.___._Russell Taloner, viu wax renioted Ill. Tic nuit pup.ar resdentlal parts ut the uziIlldeitr,,,$ibe téet.elutpea LJ US 1) CARS FOR SALEII WiEiM~ IKSupees..r of Publie Scheeol fie M N E T leeof at ihaimntibr! as si~ eulement and I L proposedb.te zin<, if rate-bu, a substance .sed lu1-1929 1Plymouît.hSedan. 1-1929 Ford ('oicli. Teacher of VoSce P.u. __________________ Wha' bie meut tvh bhlm., "oefé"The vorO viiInvl e cemplo -'ni,li1. 'uIblvated. and ltotil11,9131Fr eas Mevstel. tl Ait-imCm-yadTby.bla.whte eet. ,bnwa uldfbsedreu4,00homen r hIroeî.e,elrbelrmle i.. 199(lvIascr 21,3lodSen. bu amhed1 ieh. the eamîcalluistil .ant t aonc 400T mu for er- the îe.1 Vi'eai' Iatribtîtors of Philco and '\-itor Radios. EauAil -u1ir1et for Taesis Ois r7 iy .hle loub lu me laite a matle- about *4.0 ,0CD, but l..lî voohd ________ -u.dii..y .~ofuEi.isô.'1' G »eail MawD:eeorks gerC. e. icphysilcin ai4. ecenbul hareioiursed b>' tbc pro-,.,...carry aIl.fullîîîîe oh rîrestone cîre sadube 10io-.ai. u xii.. ahu ea.u "Jt bt I 1 eai thnking,' the pretori, UITCINON&ELLIOTT o w.aaaîmI'slreauaîdîi îh lG On'alebaure outble schieme la tiat CremocaWaet l Ît.and ail automnoble accessories. etvs .1,. V ... Tgi.T~roataÂdd.Ee... 2t8Westaolad.GALT, ONT. le jcltd- n ih ln iprovidua for a rarreabloualcrnter, TIusc'r-o vaut ià.short holiday oit i'btaPriouer hul it O ernile di ta hacst»blimhedi..thie mddle ut the liehe ahen lratk iii ppreclate a Have*yo.ï car put in shape now for winter irivîng. sam t .,mle. T.lI.Ph.r1 5. - fîtàlet B. taeaa au.la. e i. l ca. -davelopmnent. Provision e-iI bha mde vsitll luthe Frenrh Ilanmd ut Carmafe Tonu . ,r8.su. 0-,U. K. ___________________ Alkidu*luafor paying fields, pz"king apaci illi lu lie Medllerraiin, saa:,tnaelen. I atrl i Ut lte itfiles. itennis courts..lis nuggctl mouuil oantd uperi for- Ford Sales and Service Miltonî. POLLOCK & INGHAM Wtet.or Phone ou. Hapemetaico Tue iaimHael te Tram TtIlJis xpetied thal vien rumpiete cî 0-nu r.,u e sd __tory.I ord 'da ' hi1 c a t'un, l,o r sl. tiee il he broabot t uh 4cth08.of Noria>. Tie lsland lu rv DR. F. E. BA.BCOCK M ONUM E NTSI Lgq, pig* " utofhie mont1simple and ene.l will.h e.,)aclifsDot cien I Desigua on Relquesbi. HOulioan..i--t. Phouc2M J. gulllcu. uf reaturca. Webster nit l A LONE RECORD. nulsand, liuneani>' Iclîy. buac res DENTIL tIIJRUEOM I te aheame btbe odI , - p sxuacr s ut le yards. Tie artiste .Pi~..- Tl8 GA LT Phone alis ONT 1_ _r ame front the 014 French. nomme t1-. In Mmslt.m relStands l oe.spbe -obv Lttvrdl.i e ~~~~~~~~~th.e peI l probaby on tic ground 1 C"m St1is ote Z Iesols called IL "bht' .portlb S V E î t iflW. labor andi Shriîukage X-BAT L-JUV___________EXTRACTION.__dupeas_ai boplerarblliitrdat,, 10onth tfa ep bllocelouîlat ettoulad cele-i-- e le.me rue and T.___'" aitn Gafes o irhedagut mor tlthof BodfIord Basin. NovaSIltia Ihe'u eln bi ail. At A.jccio :s te b. m"enON YOJR ME.TCJR S(' C. . 7UR14ER'I SKll fenhrl but ueaileilu ordure.' Lit- aolitary remaiuden uf a duzen bonid- lunle Palace Leatbirthlhplafa of Fiun Drcer Ecusv aade ndIprti reqoe "e) dle l up, al ugesoccuplot by tic nuure ut Ken' Napoleun Bonaparte e-il relies andi DR. G. A. K IN G mclDrco ala. aainsdlprbdteqo Br'.dhl up. î,131 yel'o . At au outtng orthtbfmemries outbils areer. WE 1 - ~fi. source, but added "Il has beett sui- Nova 8Stba Historient Society noient MMN DENTAL SURGEONan Ibe WALL PAPERS gembui hbmï tle Seailîn Gaman doit- j y, a nurubur of membens explailfed SELL l H i k r 1 1pe, mbcli, a pssileKol hOe .ogupby ofthicPrince', Lodge Rua iSIEE.Spiataiagr (nt tiBbu ling. Agoni fer Dm.. Wuaui Pu Dsitu». Give u a ri ' meO~ur DaPeV5 ntHu Minlt, houever, thal dupais- te lie PrOPEIlYanduaceroten Sor uce05in. ebp i ietmntuu b Pulorc es MILTON. ESTlilA-n...GIVEN. taed r*l ip. rml.' eiae litfoiritatifthe bbc .t.ofte, likwurm lune-estern, lterablire la liat - ______ Slbg ~WRITING A SPECIALTY. . er>the ir:uecature Otbhe telebuidings shoe-flon r f Alexade t Great, woe-leîve.i theed S - EISE..the.- b plant of V Ientine oiarel lie Fourbi century B. C. Be peika Tho ChIropr1a4SURANCE' 12 , z HiItu aou ui albI ., -nacadle Canal propouai, Prnencuborhe .and su tier, fromtailiers. At NInuta"tnrr',l y Csnadie edtislrics Liiite,, ¶nlýoi, ,ii I U l ai n ME ýYu scn u n leyt Lodge aloune emaina. iReaidu. he t i s emmamorpiuis i Li. -duces a lIIENeSIar of :-o0Li Fi Automoble ___________________about tinde as tood' a. tl i r!. andlodelitere vaa uaini'building I incteMIUui, ii abombyliu ert a ~S ai L and smoke vour nieat iii WEDýN-JIR.ýYPAaI, GlaRDA tipuys stuident» te u bt wire hefon.' te r n. uIn front w lite bnd-hy ts ail.-hrec ngsak g 7.311k., 0:0, a, >tcideml. ~~Signe t oueZaiffa icrecorcutur ther mse-ens lu colieg. ce- sard, and bhe RockingliantBarraebaeriil-l lr be isgIngwtîu Phone 15(jtwfer thoirîimyo iandhure. -Ticesucî.,utm .ttirhcd muet, tmpo-jamnitions. Tiisfata b heen ce Ilie shore out-lieEBaiu. Th i l, P"i'e -shitt six touine. Fron1tl- r '"-'a tierBtaire tie .ut; hW ý1 ie signeaofthie Zodtac. TIe.oeaid b>' iurranitiiii"Iru-" auei, .rary' eais aseparmte building on a ~animal e-amen sepa.loe and ne If spî~.uSiO-CîOS lIvr Il.uin.u te,, t,111li1'ÔWN District ReprveeubtIVe lntro)duc'o , fliA e12 Ilgores uft bc lo. lu mure himu 1,5M410Oudents, front fine eItb bthe reidenre and South ofthelîcocota, and ifhersirds mnt.u em. 5,.,cSaltitistb gc.îîîîîîrIlthickory s --rikt i. - ------ ~~~~~SUN LIFE INSIANCE CO. od in, thbce-asor pavementsiail vbieh lbfvas fitnd liaI th-"(-Lances vi bisldn, il i 811 ,- 41 n, e l Smlian ito, l'u s, i a p un , uinFa rriu ltiz tth-r '%i s itkg e arI>' rlîurct,ef. ana catiedrala lJerom-' are about evu luuonethiatthie second wm$iro n t cer t'. mTinc,c-r n d o the ,fIsladl o, apýLe hsa-c5Lime î. oi,îîî I ..t I'i, 1viti, -et y 'I. îîrtî Phono e forF. D ~-- ~' mounlu Europe. rhumIunCuiognlctamlitsr Il Tihaelle urreanduetIl ai p olgn C.!a we wIlle hecoret ne T-a Osuare ioulses ere un a flne îi tich Phn efo _I D W R eraI au elohrale design Oullnllegi575 10 ndIle ue'Smith bouse, Lut farîbernorth. Tic (TR1.101.9b OeN î'llli'AilII TRUCKING of Al [imda ph 72 OMU.G.<Je l Me,5.tif 12 signa i.m10 i. s"en graren OI nfe ot 0change a jutgmnufroe, sri Chiansse pe 1,1 rieur the a ..brooka.. of i. H*AllN.IttBAC'ONfor less than 1c. lper'pudîîîu'~c the pavement lu front ofh crhum .04parent true lu fatime icaie verts- and ,outh of tbf llnary building. TLdmu s 1ov plosuoplly ut a, uin: ,lff.ca l -A nkdsut lb la foma b ujech etz sftaued'Popular Merliaules Magazine. ' The arde.. se o hebiursFts b,, .,, 0,1,1 '1 e, kY..sî Aso for Sale gn.vnu-t Icrîto!heict _______ t theit ae utt he -esttend aid thfeximo aeui aeeatmi occuudai nd Iitiroa41 tteî, T. G. RA MSMAW dont aI thil oree. Il1hmre fre- doktoairehe -st1g1 YOu"retiakofUTC HEON ftID.ILTON Ilme Cquenly arc tic zodiacal aligne to bu Histerc 0W Fort e h 10cpdf tOI a hnne I.D.Anle ran 1Uniel 'Vi.e Diptitin Hachai moke youc plan,,.and in order lu cxe- steel;hât. CPaie, Icen, ng ulies, Vo mda"ActhSmm fouet..nantd lu decorit.ce Iort u IhI tFont htcltfh'ryMd.,'a fermer t7ohl.If:re"yhret fryurel Blei laeP.cShmttg.Voles.emp'nIeif the_______States__________1,________________on___alriidnia', Hanager«. ama steel of ail inias. v.iilom .rBO44 0 eillsu i m ~ ~ îs'n1 uethod. Neyer Improvse. Ticfui, amcue a tcnuikbou lre.l. toî ltî,ri-,cila.dameuatîl hiolies fr on fx'ehL.l M.bmHN C tn. dSymbl f Pivot Thtswasfiriît c1'leri ii y the.'nilltl lz it1515 C! i MY 0 h>is,î,ol 0ire ri t pln are, lirai,. osturalli, 101.1 Phsone.17i jo -.c I l îc7,ON'. 1îom ONs 10 mi TONI. Tie eol a nd 10,1fîr te-o tiltîs tulit a nd we a ieade e eî.,, e d -of'; rlýJt a, llr Iosl'r01.1ie,îce; tC'eu rdsernment ..i1 d m ,ncîent si.yoiliaslbaa aan article te, tortIfiOie, l In . ilarlng tire.W.îr Il.. lse LS L ,i l lusba, ,.siIl nieui ocbgîetî .. - bu' YMotréal Famlly ièr.ld. Theaof 812 Lie- ire i', tili al, î l - - rti rr* ie Onlý ,t,î ,, . , ,,flu teeldo t', a100Il fi; iret igletuc.' lImoIlnfre e Iir op ose ad,t aitl , ali t e Mo-sto nies. fer lie mun1-)N -ir i ut fleaspprosclî,., î i,, .-Il , es",îîl,' .,,lI îl Iof,.î aiI.l,,e 0.POC 014. ,111' illa 101 uL 1 1 F i e-max a rd Insalli a pi imn 1rue eees lyFr tHer cîtI51.' ,ahî'l .n I ' CC"JNT'Y' OF~ -4ALer ON I Tipdetpiu my FortclIrfernt-hI l re' 1 *I'l1- îîoI uel-l l ae',', Ir l , r. e -dl.-Il o ch.lo à àLOCilAL -CruOR~cSCal cNDAR m ,nirRtbikbgthecJurinL bird ilttinsj10MI, tic fort wlhî cempacills'eh* lii '"0s..,l'0l"lt 5i eil]. fi,. loins. ile1080'îîîsîl,01 cf*.a> î" I'I' FuCI