Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Feb 1932, p. 4

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CWICKECU sHoiTeaKu 3 b py eest aipue 34'. ,es aI Ica 34-P wste sire &y impeee4si éte me dis in * d b tu a tedtftuir; adi hats.en andidn- li i vatu t t st& doaje ftapsnathaaiasommd % Gentrer. cet voflarg SoMr mair ings W"d ae bc" ltt îdaesiaaarem i m p-s.Bale i m Ise u se47F. sab=et12 aweS& mi hbtm oaretim. sait0106 ilmboaassurA chiént M3ks 1 fiahisscal&u Tr, MissAIceMoir's Chieken Shorteake "I alwayas uie and racouuomss *Magie Bakîng Poacuer,5 sais b" airestatsra. -Niagoc cour- -ic isecicency is.d er0esnânrta tse luglirt degs-er. Beudeis, it ai- ways gvs aldependable ivutta" Mn whuie-hcai-edc.lag-rinnt «-"s ia s r. theIn air>usf Canaduan dictruans ansi ciSeler acadert uas iaez1ulinly. -Andi 3 out cf 4 Canasi ou suanies Use Ilagit 'tiaunseIrtguets.coi- y bnelç iteri aking restée No w-ss4erMago oumtils Ai otiir bakoig paniers comulo1-ed! Favour yoir family i- s- b 'tek- en Shoscak-snade i-udiMagi as mm isor directs. NoSoudeti- Ceste fat-eur, ts teider 1Ilgheei FreCe& Book-Wbee pou bikesit borue, tiS ete Magie Cool Bookv Ugveyoudozns4freaipe for tâcios sbakeit (ootiL Wkee eo Standard Biand Lt., f rser Am.andLieey StjomonroOnt. 0:25 1 o011114 lis. trissât mou M8a semi3. MM MI la l 88.12 semsatitit mea fermer mrof "fflcf e savai tlu Csd tai Yer lu th cms et ctomsrs.etlosdwelflg sait siter bla2le in $ tie. evint te raderaitcent et hant- log natartls. Agýsea.ta ital tisaeetlas et buiiittegpesats w» S$t>0.97L410 samswbmvU] ha1brnat by tbo ltuu.Prttiseartr - baisv hsV" lutI 5iOant S.S. lMet- Min Sr Haiftz ecruoseU la M effort te m unsa ht iCh5et th t 1* GCe as m'*&aber- go e seCamaiiaVoet@@&tm A rsian à sot ethod. bas m-n ehansbwmaa" eamait mack vteab spumu*terriiney -tt- ahi sother fomant .1* Rerut F. Luumw rsaari fla a'ih gent (asaiisa Paute piaflvar. v a tassit soumseaet- Ir DuM Mitosn1i Toroeto. Ms. Larmusr.asirntra bisraiear itueta. lu al k]cuve aas sct f <1aama uoellaatlsgyachtsen- Ca-sivai uets suiliations front Ednaeton. Drssmb.en a" Vaneouvr teattty te tht giet ppularity iiithteSaaB sassai viDSt ar sairal l te ebaud Pa- ruaSly te il. 1-ha Albrt, hoari of th AAV 1 'adt buasagitait te boi figura5151155 chauoineships at th ouralvmi aitduapbote Ubir sk-Lag che- jpleeshirithora as vail. Evtcy kinit et tinter sori vii te rap- rseted. " - rès art iomag lutsiildl fureu-biaget vitev retor thtus 1932 lotintmg a tht lîth au- nei FAs te niatiosaDlot 810f Derby lab erus ever a cousrte of122 usla. Prad Oer tht bra itsys Fatrusry 22-4 ait concluitisg itis thesacs Derby CotumaBal a tht(Cha- teze is-otnacs. Phirsias24. L Godat. Saptu el atheisr marn .niatUâding tu Do& Sled i-seig amra attradit> ecreit. fTse larst biipmeDtt et Gee- eatt pVrcets nkemits for suy ona httes or batchertMUs lu Cana"a arrnit i-reasslY t Canaitan Pacifie speil ai Fer- Suý uai st..-m Wingsltatethe uertes3. JG- Tantii. f tt former cdty. Thtabrd% tara a- bacttitb>' geversusasl laspator$ tramn th chocest fioce&a frs'e Britis Clumiala teSes Sella. Doriag th lalfour peas-Mrii 1tweditie tisa hitititt suansrare 0f 2".m00chiche ans as su. pelins tiattate th Atiantirand Pacifie. Compltlon titivate truck sait ri re ei-a lu*ieswu ua Bet, angît hia ltter reettlU' tu a Reainlg Imper. "Labor. A isI- isisitr cf Nlobars. Yalradma triait out botbs ralioda. dSii5 rallia y1,usccI sut ti rai rSit. (leth ruireait tier a tnsà uLâin'sge of 21 W-oods for e- zh ainai; b> iruck thtre vas a ehuikag cf li9 ponna£ta-h. Wbat tht ouser savaito. retht ha mach mreibthom tses e &ainiat issîtit b? bY rocS. ter* ttia valut5of th arisisage Smuntseto s$1,14 ceOmac n u- ai. Lciti arIey, tisehardiesu ot ail rarsataL --m h trown tlroccgh s greuter aag. -tfciaet liais asF tier. its gesw5u ien dates f-a ont Mst asulauttims a.* -110.oba- articie otf oos. 1-be iocat" o f tire ey ranIs. tht amuliglthé--tri-il erunçi ~~ I orthefan Lcbtslauisalaentmeandsiuet j e. 8. 1.- ykd-C2nattan Sets liUeIL. à.C-a lI 1 Masst Fmi... A.«« Sii- ýrzLejReru site uf Mrtil4pit Mues C sau sse517s t a th ie Wst Initie iualng by Tuf tyin Spdu te rance.Notable asmhtioms ef this Wbsi Lie dticiee if expuuloe W" i-ciantsotne-itlutsi1 81, 1.1110 nt Imeitagnat--unonvert@dl Miors j-ilidMe E0 051155thetrituptOf oMay 40làw 151( thep e tn jueerful Cs$iîscc j". tt<12-aSgait rosck 141W fret tit Inquieibie ur c- andi Jean si-chbaDJle as fore ouitlsroag tisecrateral fesmeil ntisci> laithie bopuistiot of dote- 1-*tus lo f e B l erte sets 5tiisin. t-u thes- Mue ture-si is tsi5sely itestroetiavi i a 1 5M01 Africà novi, eu buse.. ha ngisea rd - 4SPo-iie w=rkllt l--titi Dmitie naiUve 'irisei- tu es tisai fai of themie yeur amsthmer abdst"s tht> tare -itlAndaltisais. cul thea rsriy ibtroyet omiai e uetans lan me Vsin ac tosttlne t .*p klled amoul 2M50paers Patbisdsie tiied te ail laiSArabie Ppupiltions Ch. Masziae tise cauntry occssping tise rost totns Mi ettiding fi-cm Mrocce te tiseD%- 7 Stssegal isucl " l- Nîgr asta- emat 1Tbe lubie tamgiter of z isitat; à» he bhra t Tmbktu 1haits Mutasgedi lâugisthe affecta ot Iue Mec -a. mliii-titelr cuiterai iw- sa et tolger rsuusg Iinim s-b »as taie pd oans i tu- en tnnthe" noyane.. A trsaet tlth'- te rigti reLtie ploip tu te .0ri il titIU* ais> »yeapralenmieofregret.-lu du inl the f IfitL et tuitiyt are lIn- lais esy tld thtie chut tisaIaise mats ttlgent ansi non binetstit Tise> goandiapccgze for lier niucusia Lave bie ftstnnt f Eus-cpsans 51 a Ciupyui. is aia istseicIa aunsr ms-s-digsuiil ansi e-t«.-u& . c tii.-aaraa"nsIes: peit hon ronsici are Mreegefel andI a* - " iesr- cmîu p i-a £Pol. Itaien. Tse stiscs atts Ii Iels aeyiuig e ttii am d'usi- ii te be grssaa, ecflls5itsth. ii .ciisLa, a, _in _me__1__ ' inUa positon ittlel-ier tlm..tht or n os a <&MIM 015. tanterasi aaseâtBirs Ester Col. la uBoglasu" J6acfcf ei3muiemt, lavant VALEteF. O 5JPL9lU th B&«atCbrtm e«i.1a vus aI tahas S suda" £=-taS tiVI" C.dà. Apsrie Ppàaswd Sp tht aditaptetdla Otht p f ârIi t J Premas a13»»ahi Ps-duelng. ea oul ilet t ft «* cf ut- An effort il letg Cuite la MUMY 99s111114the s. 55M41 t.eitbgli â.n5,.-.,f th'c-.c-essssia! i. t Stage>. poauilarizee ýC.ssIas pplIL. h 1 a teitis! mos- lia f siitt ana is-t a racommanieiIy ths est physi- im- , and tisitre lu ne frlt thbu Ume eati-pcedstrnaz a"palaLtait ibsus tliamape. mres-r. IL te a camadiani tiratti. »Sd f saisers- ait presptrlty forctise prototars. The, *Ara a anuorce oftDanta] frusuagr ait assaproke e uersgo al. rat httwatiu eala 'isey sau, iathest-- tu lfout te»a TIt» aies-ceuaielan tu aplisSla laILIs Duiret foi-m. Thty ttegoprmestp-tperlsiasten asSI ahsat ramework provldt bulk. st tht rgaal- mita are tlnre Asf*es eoest«aci a iat* es-y te sml- 4siasem thtleave zma..iaklut Ase. Aà wd-MUealt&iSt ysîtb tas d d- gemmamila..5inaxt a cei source ot vilftea9. stam7 wte ieodey.Oea iargs a5Ua gîties 140 aicriesTht qws in lutfrasIste. scollai, saisu- lestaggrsd vbolsmmeaudsait ua>l «S«ita twor; nor titisMagie. 1-hep a" . btaisgmanyrp U lise year feaut& M", boeo r -a f(air t fi, vouta sit ega psaer a set &u"n- L 0terab" u'ln King 01 ret mra of Twolmthday or -ti heVaa t e tht BptphSa, Ive fl a t se cheistusaa.Feenssi>'thm MMlait b Chrm= st ff usaaied avsthesa 05 et!i gmt us.tial& Beeme a caae ?ha prend devnea viieti stts Scoue 58. et.-f-ra cthe 1DOM5- Iparpotual ramiader cf tin tatsy or ee bICrotia COtetfBI-tunsCsc lîubl. or at le»M nome 140e square mîtsof "l,. early hast-me lipaisti; searty harsae part 01 th Uited BUtes, neýaly remalseit & ('rote colîny; nisîle dt -tIe Couredennieendu si. hàta lr. u btory. htsinainz wth -'r Fransuss Drake and th. Spastab ait A"t dCsag. as te ils Sist ehater. at jthe At c oresierastion e.tht 201h jJUIF. 1871. rram aiditltsa&otise=»sai mac!ait sthet tloa f ilrtteru C dil- foraina te tale posseson er the e- tira Morhvtst lu th same or Qutan ffgg t. Oneluaonaired ai t Sl yeara late Peter tht Grat ment Vila 1Behring teoU p the fer limite with tht NcHth Panifie- la 1774 pusu Pse t etifreinthe <151- ferai-,s ettimiaan d teck pauta- ica cr Vancouiver Island.t Ini177S. Cuanjasses Cook. na.ieg ter a cai e trance ttethe Nrthv«tt Passage.,oma up the Islad (whiceh e b tokfer tht lmananit). gt as far as Alaska aidt BaungBSrait smd turueit Boothsagalu te meet his demb o ..tht beach cf Haw-ail. Coo hait touceitit aiSeotia Rat. hat ieep-wa-ttrchaniel ,vbàch bites sedvay itabtht western muat-line cf liscOuver ltais ait Li rounduil lta i-amart for pelry- 'a" d vinse1-.84 bis -Voyage-] e Ieir appearauce that fart tas j=raccstes. LIcether aitlithe I u ta egoit trade vitti China j.b bis worl.td up. Th eterme uder thirti Britishi Ce- lubia titrauneaprvneoth DtomnoonnauJuil> 20. 1871. tgvered usay chââges. btnthtitet i -rt- G«erot n a hai E ' i Fadera.w ora and itewthsteeser ~atraaSnotlnenta railaa te the Ps- alli sm tboard. Tht pronce hai tot w'at nasri 5yesa befoce th oSm- pltion Of the Canadlan Pacte-Ral w ay. but titi thet omieg cf the steel ~thtsmage trougiât by transprtatien llb4sa msgltiiy te upem-ue. ilettlers l~owei ta;n:tle natural resourees of ,, rvnefouned au caîlet in ftie imascets of th,.0-1d:aseamhl; s-misie erons ithe -.cie laid the IfoudatIonn cf te port and icts- of * Vanouver. and thle exact geograph- "i Fal oit ounion hetteec Far- Est tz ari s W-rt disclaoed itlîei glc bieConfedersiion. Britishi Cc- lesIsumýis hà"inaseit11- s ia,seItoD iro- 3147 ropie (of thoin 10,000 vwert thites. tht othees tvinFernative tutansd Chinese) te, appreai- Imati, 00.000.-lieginaioig titis a single arbootlen1856. 1!tisa te-day <str 1.000 achoos peevding situes tien fer 100.000 pupis. tu the laie 70ithr- provine e ws witliout s tels- phone; to-day orer 3.000o miles of wire serve thte taltýIien of 18,272 telepouoces. the hlghes percentage lu p-puiation la ail Canada. T-day the Provin«ce laservait hy uver 5.000 ta -,lS rila.bas ne-I 250 inuitsof main moIsir htgbwats. sui bouft reads. insinct Made Tromble An E tuai si tumlii«t writes lh iA s bawng sxiout ths- mternalizificitcfiýO thie cotueobrome or tuiâmD o; t Ans amuslng asiseture tiel' à tries.,]<1 nule e blele vas returing IMa st-rii uteled lunaauS.]]ens- fi-yu is-He . ea Nsi naiasni lu l5* lime .ladl isen a .)-frl. theie o àgroi..1f1 s-e- li-- et -2 etigigblt on the Ihu of u1& heu.ands iabtnt unikoLA ofr. l'. dsssppisr in is. srkun-c . im-lini ditail>pulls-sioff Inhii. tue-ev lon *thse greniassi nd l-d hir unoeeL * le tri"-clt.u îsne il.s-sisi-ikn- dteii.saeslu it p«uLueut n nould cel- tiser r nrhisra nyreTi. . ville te ma« ts.llsg .U,1 sif- celsie to it. 1e re-est e ' '-r lagp-risi ib.Tise titis- ihi-- vs. ou- nan.ti t bie 1.1.4t-1U Ii n- ,,, il madte tEndues fer iise. %Si-s ewý ,th. ii îe t, s. u b.. bat lyinu -1: gs rieussil nîsu ag ySleeping ts i pek it up ai-n aneier cntzight Isumsade én l'ho-10W Bs lO dalielt lie- maIleb leIoCe Itt Il-alvr% ii as-d 1,> a fus-isih-oa osl btisa ediuýg ber lestte pris- -teet ier iseng, tanto mes a113185 saltea- 'Mite havf a si cf$42Worth 0 BTst Mîit 1. Malinpo .-ssg mtisa, mila.va rerétod of sa lie four95.0*0.0*a weeleu at i-sin lvmuaa Iteoivelpie ptrs»te have the iti-slit7 tahan te c-a Total tvdeO f .1alitomerops pruduritu e asta la 1lu1 la estimated it aI952SiS. et Wb" Vinbet aeeosta fer $1l1&- TU4mM. lisy am iverseinutht ment mou aissaiste Cn.beaun put ai siu.1000 A biOllSock or hint granitt bave froto the eir of Ut Sic Vomit. ia the ('suaitias Rerkims bas, beem sipisat te -jev Ha'va. Conneeiut. te tit iseorporateit tu tht e v wStratlsoma mausris Building nov bel&g btiit aitait u1dverslty. MI Setgreas braces of Pimary sade.tsy lu Canadta, az mmirnit by tht laiest Svallsile utatistisof o! tt-obfprnoucion vert agriulture.foi-str. Min- lis.e tiatrir power su aitfshet-ia. lth the fliret havintg a production rtetan ise511tht feur -uebra combine&t 0s fer the FE . WBeat tid- vuatei golf eiampsoahip t-celt te bcha fogt fe oveci-tise huAs of th e Rani Cîuîvoot Golf ('oscrse. Febrmâry 22-27. lasm itg mateursi froâýsaiBe havaFetiflreit their intentin te compet. Iat yrs Cap itmmra tri Victoria vili ais eeinaoff asu hte w.111lie stresscontinugensafroust Vsueou- ver ait tht Prirsîie Prorlisets as fat- matau Winnipeg. Whe la the Caiadian Pscmfe pouumer atb tisalongtent sec vice record A rctreerssy ce. eetiy rsglisg bas titan enittitby the officiai statement tisaI John Cattar. of Vancouvear. in !the granitd i ae cof thte espny. vitis 48 yeara cf tari-ice. cloeir folovait hy W. J. Grant. of V- nilieun. titis 47. 1bei are repec- ttlv 81 ansi 78teasaof are Rigwsirplasasit vlth theis- Tii-t azpiatce of Canaditn ski-in& country. iteligiteit vsth CaaaiiaU isspitaiitp aixi iielu: orvia, te COutre vlitil te tht Dominion. the dlrfordt-Camirige skiera tmil- ait receisiiy fi-cm Saint John te Liverpoolisoard lise tloches eof Teck, Matches betteels (seaiian anit Britist iveiersit> aki leassu yl prsohbY ista recut 0f ithe visit Eyta Of ineter Sioti enihosiant- are no.- helng ocusseit on tise ig avant af the sCasiD-à silse -om incant, tise lit anis-aI Ea.lern international Dog Sitd Derbyte hae haIt Febesiai->-22-24 aI Que- bec oe-r a c rs-aof 1'Z Ii!, lerinetsnez slsith i rnFc.efe5. Rail ift zIe ('atelu 'ioi-c Ouuulaitin dt iiz ..i- s- ts-e--d for the cent. (titi Làstis Lmtlss'. sisg lerbe la.uither silei on Fs-lrsusrs18. 1.441. ai-Elslieis la ituony.,as-iei liadl he-n isci-u 63 Yr-i lfs-- l-n blas ialit a siaiL t slieisiiiîiin csrsli-i1..1 ii-ittie a ilisqinîs- Iscie-es ('ounssu sitres-lit îiedl seilnArsr ut itia.dlcell ls, sell r acuccos jîsieibic s uiessen tanîdi re-ache -ds- i-ltimits 1. ci-susdediisui-itiit but tbâý i-loseO-to tss île eiss-leset s-ratIe ringntht eta a sd théi creat .aImisn for lia linfim- ibody. ie S-us- or 4uls-atn5uninL> gis s-t as lisen tfsulîrs-. liin 1d" P: 1 W.L rs Pianys e ine t- a ýpi- e 1as> cai,>eii aniffns-ny e fU- a.sa-yscIill plat." »y> un aLicle iu uit- V s5 ludion1eolt. In e5iy tîsu- ls-y rie isislainsiiun 01,055 Isia1-1 ssfii it bâape-te relltsitetit tise inseger Ins wibis-htse f<ilt-hito la> andi dei-i.s- tut tstisia tseclaionbue oi thii- bighlIpjiuedl sIameger. shlca brout- ta misai tise ift- of nneseasd myt.hb psed ts, iepresleoit -.dt iduk andsifssr Fi* Huilaiatlroosusenchl se rtnsumesç onse souqit hasve Creditad t et 4tst do> sa« n oe-si loch It l tai>bhi sce 0 sithaainswi J.- 1 lmU antzug5.g 3lIf lapa te Ouiii- s .sw ist. tIstit K- 1Tise Ch.lsbmas tou la aupjios-A b>' ssC-itin aCr-di-clWiiuelzItle- Suit tiiahra e! peupe tu, bava ars itcucy o!lise 1 ss-d Is lam ~id 0Os-4hud5.in ta tmaP. Lut ths sai oeoue islei ti- a iuIi-ieo.Chetimias lr'a camc a luth.éBrutil- iD me avec le- rith a ellirno iat reinlF.ypt. art ita criai daMt ru s àperlet sui elieslier Titâa.Tiistiusetcu l ts nelsa Il.a thse t.CbhstAtl a. sThe palm 11Ctiiennin btus-t Of l11- At-i-t,tu troctlate owl, te pu. forth à braueis iiOtei,-Lt sel!eeon j àCe.een.iii et>'mauth g., sia surs>of this tret b"ll stiiruom uilIlt liurlctet It 4I. v itIL 12 shote on ouit tas bset lu a 15C0g Ort tf îsîs- n-stb i_ L us- F4)t ait ti. isse r! tht vister sel- tsisii tat, i.fis-t t, luciI 1,î~41, ttScees ae symool of Uh.gempetmi seL'--o 0 - ie-J is h. I. Ysr tl" s-c IrWie.tsrtcisli PIDEHOOU1 Sýe LO-'siiititi ure.iu i. is l'CtitpilSpnts etehai-'anin s-eemo t Irullui c e0IsS tbou s aa >suis.iisae.~ ese -n Dol pin. prllîtat..-x7 fo cies Ssen i iiuiiilea of P i 9-t.o-a-sti%-". S2= 3, - fic i.uu k u ll s i-uuru 1,111nu, '-si Il ,-sus-g t"lsi.GisuÀasl1.5sW5 ui îsalVlOI nit li-iris u sils-. sitiu a! - -etsc ay tva peist. in Roud tipet mâe ut nite-~ n A-irgtone-"4 u fEas asI ie nd à bais e!ftit sussikatlatanlit siorti, i est insu-esr 0f1ivesitî--Igiiis nsIli iCteeta 'lte cicokt-] lire-i. ici- tcuiiss- fi r~ast-irisislmne i esIM. Atar tfii- j t iI raiiug tht (Leu-gi- i uderera spai-isî es-sice w.àt'aru::. teuscsflL ' C-srgetown t.si istil hsesaies trust -Wut i T«om utes fa. ihesrl ip l n fl tâft Yt M u) s- 'Mter 1* PMI- ufeusa a fo the pri-cne-.'ethé tisant- àgob- ilàUa0*iS î acfmSuof " ùlel Ydiasomp, 1"L2.- Got b-adng Frit>' sesmte Sousiap M00s es. svsgdü- astâs. unretis striç p ptl dUA3w.muoht ata 9*d lim-)w - yldo ifaqfrfi-esp lft CANADIANLR PACIFIC Ib-oR L lmr w > Sh Wbe-Oe s sn i1 i 8h--Te -Layit bovi w o b i -Youing mun. h piekita. (te toi- Sour titE, yen talcu me for su enit ool IWO .t sbayeu t a--be 'à - 4f s "The Cgrls - 'e drawn te tisa 'Yen. iWsic- suetie ait thes tht! so-1l tteýmîks-ersItnsthlm biS WVOIJW GO ANY LENGTH I Z-1VMI nel'ti gosi se ln5uh tSI alOSa FOt I Y.!l yo~l igay55Ëpe nt -Te& .ctassego et hasat tUn lanit cf a -tlle PElTT 1-11 Ms.jiti-WIUW t.ett u test dineaz in mam iy wuiIl-ps mtsaset .l pass a car on alaiR . or curve EXrerime drivers of motor cars have learned duat there as ont ruit of the itiud which cannot bc violated widuout danger t. lUfe *"d limb... duese aeasoned drivers always kep in line wheu dhe road ahead ns obacured. HM! tff am" curves arr bMimd spots on dt highway. You cant1 met what la comimg tomard yonu. .. and thert's almost always sure go Lt amodier car couing around the curve or over dteii. The hot safe t-ni s to stay on your side of the road.. dt ritght Every tnie you talte a chance duat due road -1head unay lin cleau,, yott jeqrardize your own safety and due appro,-ching inotorist ua5 Lc mai-le an imnocent victimi of your carelesm ... surely a heavy price to pay in conscience anid cash. AfteT iA you cas observe the 5"Hill and Curve rule" for a whole stason without losing as much as sixty minutes' time A told ... Wh7 flot? i-1 ONTARIO DEPABTMENT of FIGH1WAYS J] In the Wake of the & orî Raie. aleet. a b h or ii, icv vsaile-yen se te fli¶hoese l'eman loin, am amm imai heeuisa aiv argra-due iâk sil A ssnîsli -leditîhls.-il liwnoe uisis or-in akslI. h,.ii, i.ns eth at . Tiofn.-pss sisu ssuse iiiui-r ii.,Iy 1,eut aLsu àot i- ()m o the îerhm- atceeassuresytelephlsssete the tirs- eila kz the operatalr in tht e reft toan tb mua sisls.Tieaiirtee 1iwsisss- saine-th. flot af blondd aî ,ri"etho ecessmv itme, vovkesg 10 outil gssodpupe andi -u aklifidir ttlmwl-si.h- deet-sr srss,- 1. efidsthat &ail paible htiern dusse si rosspimmni.ltht e l-pliure s-nsiln teir Ai-i L-,,. . igs ý.d licosot hi-j. oft-toid tmi,-of th. n'lier. higbW. Appoint New Heads to C.P.R, Departmaents CaaiuPtmite 'LaiIvy Tçle- liser aund i n1924 asitat m îe nteussisst of Tdlrags qaeej.930 .. Depuoet bon til i. stnlises. ' Sne 1930 hecva asuni iâ prous"tasfonsthat poition thé Nav V Yeiu ai un amto mswi-atlienerai manger of thet te is sirMnt pot ut M7ntr.aI thea l.>potmat elcf omunica. depart.n e nt Me. Favoett auterasi thetcoue tiens havlng euperyvion over the Od is 19Pi-e- pan-le serv-ira in 19056-mcleck ini tulagrphte alphia a £d radio mt- chief. tise vsoe-psesitent r ofEce Pt W-is- hrsadesatlug serviceasif cht rail-, Mlu c ig hrug ;rsu va. o bcbeu f n" ~ positions alwaymsin the West he daistian M. . '.Nel 5 ,.ma n wth bacante gerai storekeeper %let- &PPOintsd 5M ge"5 manager.,te Canasinsi lines wth office at Winnsipesg in t-U1 Obr MeMilitit4 ttiieiii Pcifi e i 1883 1917 fron whnch he in now pro- aG Ho. . 1.la h-uta e* oai nts tr-ep fth GOOdtllOthujh ais-* aoie Cans- tàho. tht lices-cous r.h !diae Pacifie tissu of suit-pro tenotseâ ý *11t; tners thtet clibtadqu rtersmp 1 gamngar- Mdcch 1915 st montrtsl. MI.T- Pole- when he t Mr. Cood- 0 cett ta appoint- prinoc als- JleIetis bl aia titGeera l astev .r tew - eady a record tht ciRiO gmran ,gr,&'oea e iai bacifie rscm wac ig ei' T eleg ra pfa'n2ruiiiron t aîies-anelîfonin Lrndon. q ilarte r at wdvh-'h posi.niEnglan. Mor."i ansi he tea retires. ait stht. ra.d Mr.A Gosi-M r. Gosoli- PTiînk iCaui- W. 0. $W hbid retires as flloir started; ada bel oct lit ,enffld e ome- ithtbt Caus- jointd thté A.Là.cdbu keepr, Eqter lànn, o thed" PcifC waadian Pue Mr. *etlljoinad the tari f19 tVn pro i alie' ofc a enrs the Casianian puifie Sauvay co9ve sud hue eleofie t oirm an opastor et ieasy in i 8Fbm coer1»h thugVîni Ir thenoir t, Al e« h !,d ison te theçpostio a[ itevtrtpoit itht West an i bpsevc e-aint1888 By tohtr 1899 htnis =aprtmetLMfnt. ot terur sn t cp o Siuar audîtor's appointmtnts wm aptaninotht estiSa.feidiond te » A u1904 until in 1915 he amuns ma suptrisitandesst T. F.saâtut taffie gops.ef..in 19113 henteaia gemml store- of traffie te, obLmt;L lu 1922 lut!t.ndent. IHeiktaper esarn linos. from waieh bucan a.uitant seanagar etrn lad bsen ineVancouver as super- post heenv retires. ýAdvertîse in THE CHAMPION. lit Pays!

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