t. ICAUDYI j~oewhkS*ê~j 0~~' ne (as «Mb r~~i JVAU~Y~ L~!ff~J I ___________________ - -.-.--.-........-.-..---.-.---.-- - .- - - _______________________ HILTON, TRUREDAY. FXBRUARUVIle 19S. «"' m Vvw72 -&DA,1 Trra tl1ers' Guider ~v iAy Ir,..~ £v.h CANÂDA H MIO ud.Vaud by kuugaràicRAWO WINDER YVAINE e D;u PB72 (ML arad Timi,) PIumbing Thetiwn c'ntncli t of isebtrny,! There vaWest ocquallty o h ate LYIT'IIUEDA H~Nt0 3A'iDAN1'OiI LJLAXHngerry, wci i flt finlthe ,ouwEgiliihmn iratI nt-l t* ant1eLOURthe Mallteoa. vo flEOuibd I aon .fl o m & L;,! . t Vaili clli-Oii'Iaen lniiirouliitoe ttmfais, but If Atili L f t'iiiia 1DGWT ois.5h1 [ltW ar l ie.i ;. h. ftie iyaiuseeseetes Whifihx veutoeme s lthe gmase vho vau doratrcde oi1 T. VrTNOT'2.41 &-tu. E57s. R tWae e uJ5 li 1Parisutil te. priao it, ifflter ur-' uAfl4 S., VILo 2a . Sai. Ii 1.U7 *&.m uteite teturs. Acsdleg tei g Ou'the duatry. Iat ilih ncto i i ei 240pu. MI. nl630.53 5'pp 'Wam mAir Beating et. uubeanîlfiî.y etibersurnvila aceerdin tathfe lnnilatiutia tly Dr. 7.W c.aufm,(ex.a-Set Ils Soae.) p7..7 p.tm1 erlglouliytteepreperyo Lehel. Ibne Engleh tfolk, vhs have a mure ex- 1 ranc Biai, a Glemanarchlolorlt, oaqume- papavr, w7w ps ex a.h m. 74 .m nmiin os of Ta, ont oft ie conquercre wvils ais oufutlanunagerthart preYails Te vouas viau iasvl ariker, but == .cq a--..uunâa.- TinmiîugIvo.aî Hungary tailer Arplad. utheutilde Of ftle Atantice doiliut lin chs aa sliwed tedrinkountil A ~ tmi1*O bngWca#-1L48 .M. . 5* p.u. 8 aJtak Of the 'tubs." of a radio set. leulpne lca.u iu h Qi amk-.21 a.., 3.11ghi * Lew ln ub osjit Ti~ îlte a~a hr le ifavorite diluk vwia s aeoncoet.iuof 811___ Evtruehne tilibattle In wliirb the Hlulend e- jeant as botllait r tflair ftion. h u.wteraudjrectr alibi herbe .. W.U If n ATIOAL RILW' fe teaf lie Bulgare Usîer PinzZaun.I At ter aIl, they are flot tuiular liney AnVuITIRIlO iCTzm c D NAINLRALA t Aîau' n5teHuOsulanshaiie: we mlght just aa vell eall Illichh atia IbiliallobolIc content. ~~ ~~ol. e i'. »MonBOU%.. 'trPrewere ueeated andt Lelit c pturead 1itilsie bottIns. The Arabe hari moine Tiere rtes degul tain weguialy, but îa' .28 .m. .57 .m.execrteti. Just bearen llte deauliLeliet! mau9lctt a tioneaabouit gent Who th nnWho waI cauglt ith vife ibncceIImILu b.. 82 L. I 0. ~Systems analicîfer tiermiasion tei hIes' entmaire were kept ln httlcn--aud vue lottilde the uder oetIltqor ounaiebicah ulva ~a~~- vshaian.11 ma..@iOO ~~Ment îiafon the bsuti îlheli blisd ~him elhiihovu1 ed uldie rocr itratout eaimaiediate corpoMalpoioan- mail fahil meab.wmduaiOiOOY. UEN. UILWRII Segivtigi Tan kst lni ed teuil onse ao eoccasion., ihaviug the catebord-but the bat. t à&, '.miai tueaile. heebi$Ofi-ILhtehI u -.r"' ilu Led genÊt et radio .es pertefr eir~ n atfaIUev.Ucaior as, paaiatry icai Li -y lt"iThe Double Tra@k Route Triorailuet beig crantei, ILIîI lew1marveciawîitout quittiog flie bottie. oe ita ii utevtr it , mi Or rond. iu Init.inTHE the burinand .Qiin crackeil the akUl ,The, etetrital valve van lsvented 26 h el crl .nl h oli accm*a i a hac'dMONTBRALa of tle emueer'n aoxn-ln-lîw, Conrad, yearà agac byProt. John Aulireaimao wbo appearefislieh haeliet maie F.0 v brste In-ia I I ItilioUUeng, "In the tact vorîti leming oethte University ot LAndon. for lier and voul thon put hlte. ut, mraIW le 'T.omar.foititriy. DM'I fOJyou91fl a laitlie La srant.'*Tie IBus. Eurand. He wakulted ln 19!9. tbrougb a trial potuiftaosec wbetlcr mifls,yomii? _t: c sud rarianune ta teBayfiliet the br s ot tilt rgnlelermOelet idlic came DltatetaandarMa@lhe de- tavlhl i t OUaa. fmt hiSian CAGO CAIN STRET, MILTON lie v'tee witli the ileath or lebeîl, but thueraabcutcd filament ninita off aie-cinaned.Ic f hlie talied.h i.l a.rjeted là aint ..ieint -<I ylaiînKaldy. the fp renwiicli, trlking a aceru] platerrlîii *am..io' .d aiiata acuUnancelled Dnng Car Uc dci. TMLUPFOXE 26. RESIDUNiJ 20y6 Ii B sec eerxploie,, et t ir, aeiitrent Thls &traemut brina iteiIf)lie qualifiaitilie bail te BL.IOiT & WHITK ityh n18Mwhcn lie urceptlid lectrnna ras flow, uly i oe lrec- bigteproseciSve liride au l- -- oe~Puu ndu________________ln blowgninarme n It. Net ane fin. bouete "Fhuing :valve"-ia.ulsite devl._____ ]ýdCLParior anCi neu Dey 'rru..18.'hnI 'a ue t lcre'i excellent rectifier. -If vathe fSeat-_______ _____________________National Ticket Agents or H. V. TIiy han rt ofli bo'z:tt Jcsbeny-PRIb- roceivers, and thle %tory et Pv6iue Lau.u~lhc at Sturim o RK.ANoERSON, . N.B, Ditrict PameuerAgent. Torou-. TB#AAiaPirerves the Tou' limier Magazine.mnerlno arolleav-1T".jf.e .dr .to. Word coure traiu Loudon nov;i Wlen JolieCollter camai back ta St. L. .. £-IN J . .ELL.. Agnt Milton H. WH E ELE R Iionda Throw. up iAn about a valve tlaf veigha a ton, and I Loete ri. the Nortiwlv n u1810, le pbyal.. im miîf » 7.mMLTO,, NT.ladin bard fine fluding anJOURo, . 1 Nam. iac a eoui-ea.OMM Ihoaca. a te TLxula ITN N.South Atlantic COcum !-ou11 llieve ha alerta. e& oild sud - * ~ uuin, Voolngurble nes' arrhlpeiuge liSle Jipaunmiii' iaW-b«nffexp ellorer fiat liaidenta cK. STEVENSON, MD., L.M.. c. pU q * AOtlon eR ulatlngr etrergfrothesb utti Atiantir erelli. eofthfe ltîle river tradinuglietaliuok an F V SEL, D, .L CCandlei tii. This fereceat han lies Lilde lisIlieu ud hei ena i nhontiloultit. *"Cotoer' -FOR-tng. rederclrNV. Solon, (icîrietews uni ell." avlipWtlc uov Tellovafoue Physietno sud argeenem lath. yo, g iaîl mal *ult. Veriy eiomc iftear'reports oet Park va knoovfor Ycara lu St. Lýoula Z RA llpei, O@ko Lu tn a ses~c. l ieoev ~tî c tlld sarvcd te <tee thefermer bunter for niiN Msiia EATS the 2. PO ox84 lcreglion, ci.itel it uî h nultaiicelua .I mii andi Clark a prodigiou rapuata- rateogr ut, rcoretttiell-ilrr -tion s aapictucecque romancer.ar I 1titahandea trela oluiontremees tilet oîlgbt houmemuns 'lna itItlie tliteso L@'le i m.acan s n Oico oi. 1-3-' a 7-.l P.e..4. 0r fL Qf'N 'Tram'tfi eisie territoy.Tle fidnl--ioul netrailtet thehanterla atari-. tD u. aco.Oci-ïr.5e.a .] tince..OURit rin C>L îppeoredtoffttflicacolet if lBroc],, und Nov. et courue, lu i. borne est by a ~ ' ~BRAMPTON, ONT, ai. irt -se letnît t uiiecc'îicd fil troas tamiar grteallre. etf ua- ______________________ OfALIT-1 AND SERVICE' tîîey isîigtut licu cpeaeeofetturc. ti u'rl'aiue plai-grouti utthe D~S.*cCLL SYR Pa'e 42 . MITON Lîoenaed Autioneer the soi-alled «'I.bt cnti.nentiftAtlas- Nil ui tu Conti. etHaltu mi Pet. ti. Fîtler Ntionnaîtitire't .î e>-i.cng the Levisa nulClark Party- (Ph.oe.._______N______.____ AE1AESPatlyAted itrdge ilIum trie ler-at lied eiul'dEtnt -os tie retuno ftrip,(,coller met out vith OM e b--9 I t-aC IsIaWc PonA1-r 1 raptn.belvees SouitîAiîierteunit Atrici -two couipiiotclu have a look at fhe De. hi'iO..ii 05 i. ,boi...H. W jH EE E Plbuc If.rfZîce "ver wura e ontl.îcat irc-hreetiilog and loud-making vnc- i. A. MV<lsýL co.--a . fi a seauthere. Itthall luices relmitlcy le-.déleurasi it te Ildlas. The breatli' Toachor of troyed. ThceiModern dîleloprnnc iit e !tking exploit& vhleb tiiovcl iMade lR .D DNO ao u s IxIee. in the recuIt out fliunantis ot sP a dramnatlc but aiuus.t torgutten DR. G D. ENTO BlIUl mml MTheliM" V liIf e rs oetPesoteon edig rockb frainclapter ln the attnuat ofitthe Wt. Phyicn and Surgeon PIANOu LIUU IULIR the msiutaIns dîîwn te tire continental 5fR J. AMBItOSE FLEMING -_____ dri<'a ient te p'rairie Theatre. lmuaf daiiy ve rielaive lttera ahlcotec Amerenau. This, be nrd, OMe iece2 .~Y~î'Pilisprepared for Toronto alcu. o0a11, i rotruclients for migt pile up eorinu-huelegiit th icvbos"geut" bansflic nover of a Ovglai"Pa Lcaw a" OMM nervate,4 :7-pMpmie ai b vi,- . vILnPae1.1 pil.ed fhe presuore Nolitceuse il ddt" Innflic thotînand issre.Bittihelctrical ln ery eCcci i lus in Engiau thie poitfleut. Pl'i'.t 1 Sntlu.'ip lbe~and tirnilc encnbe.-Popular 3Mc!iniaea .uaga' enituecre have novenil tfl i îicuIt reignilng prince coualdecel bimen- ______________________note__profileraiswlînt ichaiselntuidig cUL, ltird te grant prlvillcea ut lic na- DS.A. . BEMER, Klne t.., HloOt Lt m do se. lt yr9. " perattn ee arfantuusan liOttie. t1rc ofmonopoilus a youne vho DR. A.6. BRNNER, Kinir Miton, nt",unit a sec dosta of electrical prgrcsl ad galued hie tacor. Triste grats nirid gOKELL.YVI là &AIKEN iNil "Aalîl"oirte opercit op. F'orcmoist te the o-j vas PIONE 24. let -meal Iblty uf more powertul broad tifnt, e nonm«mca. .srolive suldlM mm... i'm pumr14eg a airreetieun ir ou iimit'tTh toni. W-Ui ks" kon. uiet ifdurug the raflanutJaus. Outm- -amiia nla Boadida ià...-No COLLMOts No CoARuE question uwun ranti n tri, Blitanti station as a 'super-puer' lzinsemi- 11fflS aaaîeWi*elif8 Ph-B. 8 1. OANEVLL ,(Irelasul elitdres,court. urtîmIL !îîlisI tr oetjazz anti rnoing-fliorc ,are thc king declaing aIL gmeveOundinI- OKANEVILE raaummoeil fait leuîitne a rey- usly threeoriftuer ce pwet u trli c eecnt iooiipoim le lie ci. _________~rs. a haInssoi lîundOil el- tîfoo r..let (roai.N-t1 iiAeriez. Butl ti'sce tube Tthere waa aapalal exceptitra in LEGALi fo 5iu detudiatraid~lictîrecruto Icieequal tetvv ucb tatlona.'tua, encîeret ot ail lettars, patents, _______F____ llfr le eenan ýi hepoc tîlViailt HelenIftluete le Lstun Brft- %oparviert fPublie Sha il Muste vie broula under a ttute et about 1tai t porioin. o erta ethe fin- 1cranta sudIprilenesfthflic"sole WILLIM 1.DICK nd listru Clases.100 lOtris ue go, tie beroughi net f 845. medate pruticat use ferr itetiIftla combing or makiug etf suiu aner ut WILLIAMI. DIC cou PinoONtMENTS whinb iacti tint "any ws'io e'eo.l lcad. Ideaigie. îes' ianutactuires vfit ic heMaie.a iii',ae ieos. AiecoYTeacher of VoiePla. _______________ tri-,eor rde airuborne or rifler as-,Second, thIs ev, Cgtast valve brings a tftie troc anudt ret inlenfor." Upoi einii.c. elleme,- ed ioeeamaiie nidTbCrY 1 iel ciflic publi- fesipetI'alaitibet til e rida teP icnrcr te ebeaper llîcce worje tanp theficwbole lav ot MnateieoMleo. Aioaddlsococtoomcctre1- Ilabte to penalty et $10. lie nuggestnp z tr itots tcomciole tettera lund paten-a for Invention.. AUet fic d.ot-.f.ior chir usul t-t fer hydro-ect,,tc transmission hîme.-e.cî n.- .. if Meti'cnonto . 0pi-ea Cle.taitth, "oMatire anmala LIes' abolit 200 Muie. ettrafi anîtthaiy oosamai l mi te U. asacvagui esuld btc replisian colinecienIltiîurrtsutteîcd lieai fct poLnu'Dut ~- IUCIINSN &ELIOTI' sateMiie. ai MltaFaue . iha iers,, unaît lliaitte et dtd cNtol tonicg«îtppc up toh.gasvlutu., loi .-c Cimio.SeON ,.îoeELLOeea u.TotAden2iv.tole n.UAIýT, ONT. ili e Mtttaî Tpt.slt'aicî uP ie'turegh og. Whmae tue.West Engin - c~houai wcri ,îtîîu'iaisttrates, aît1 stretce etansi' vIre vith lIttfielArthurnichapelan wrehe a poe.. On Uniiibcal Mi'en i'sleies1 d i Khuoa aimau.atsanad Ini.llsle:ut,-rprctait, aiîil(.i' ic s'as tlot tou. Direct re'rent etftîtgh Voltsge 1Viieretre West Begioe," hlr wIlt 1 Thon-~A. Boiebl... 0-," r:- * if ,, itelioutd îbc - appyigti imaisietucoult ibe hen sf ill Lecs leou.but ae,,clairnb ito ulihioln. lHe wcavet l tIia .a. Mderate sisces. lk tr. ere I. O-ca fe. I-cVl8 hiee niy m.ýans et prosea-ruz s in enver, wtîere if van pubisiru, ne- FOLLPI1K IGEA I fic'9"eu. t."t' i ' r.u.tigîivetec" direcet uurrcandai upti-lleeiconm- cdrvtîa IiIWrite or Phone our ltcprca.tativo ite tIi'- pr.ent c, vnalove ie--aLItly recocuin-a edr ie DNTISTaRY - .1311jIsuc t ber&Wrh u.f9.. i.e p, eflbs ecs detiseit. If wve uiti tIr. ClapmiaiieIWest tubes utalatti- - î M O NUM E N TSI A. R. LIN N TcAf iIn Tml:tî u at 95 of thces' wvalves te hamîle af-ve niewlîerc nlear ttheflurb>i Hptnst.. lat. Phone k 'p -t'lt lcxeten tu!fie Output et Witîeiaeg Hi-rosetues ietîtîtn lntitue; but venlernero gen- DENTAL SURGEON Det nironRefoe. tI licecontery oftrttc trinis'Iplante. flot rugiaecele tresue a finie rally pnce tile begning ofitthcWet OM- a enr acM.-i'henbea GALT. Phone 1MSONT ____ _______porritlitractaie lav a iartegIi-Churchill l cvcre mai- ubnerugli te f0 r-letregardecîlan hicludlng everI--11 ceanmemai..ae be.ccaaei leocrnt hini. Tîî'otîot teeu -Wîinipth lroughli esoeiluct .thun i.he-i- cdth, Mlelaipiîti i INTEROR DECORATING nîeuu l sacs astdl.îîmg trailei t runka s TîWtcneie otre g-ATaaviu AÉX)-1"uriLu. fa.tboklat n tlî ire iteryfilet h-turf, but fl -e eps e.smore lefinite ltceitiit flac.a- TIl a . Intînne TCH.S CHCK, fi, lîcre thc Suilai-chicken dinner Bo.9-.R TUR plt- a llir ;eDlinger lit existence s race leine.I;mad ftala ltiuctl lntiits wm ItIU hiLLtri.-a.I'tilli-o, flic MaryladtractBigu Torte> lI OscWest Amaumns.F. H. Coller write., iln the St. DR. G. A. KI GFunami fircler Exclusive Cosadian sud Importel tclies nil-, ue longer teau filie lires-, Nev- foIe. a.u.Dmna.T i atadfl DENAL URGOlîandEuMue WAL PPER !treut ire if ri-k. lie,'ty isulut1oîle Prom out f e tcPen River nia lt-ogionepollnne ail roadade eat- DENAL URGOS id Iuo WAL PP~R tîc ntic iiîril-t'i Pe*cry. .let ntesea atale oetqtrkey1in aa g placasevemi- lai-ln fhe veek: but OMM icL e 11fiiailt.iliig, MuIte" frflln ' DelDalgam.tire se a CRI atiRs eOurcRampiez at lng fticilItrei'haiine Havent'uckfi-boniits es Tole,.Rafting on egge. George M. s- fliheFatîle cfr Waters andi >su ie,,Agent. for pbePm lOipopular ries..Uniionî avene,. tieziltî eillO viii Ccrmtc. poultri- cOmmliseln, uhO e ln tire L ilufett e ChfDke u 13..-$ tun5.ice . aeaica neaaiamunt PEPolicier prime. i a lli eceont liesr,-Ncs'York, i 'citetthe ioy hs uhI____________________I rIMTI8 IENgunhrenneeliVeer itiet.ct O D.lii uel Al-eri o u _________ ASION WRITING A SPICIALTY. _______*__ urkey eetttmg on cca ie. ab luide, but IttMIL;andis Io ram ____________ i O Pcie.or id-- uSt.-r, rant cuit l lvdiog toulset 5f Sy L2m 1 NEI SEN' -- ~Cea Mia,-' Spartitan sLtt of (lrtmaum - urote Mn,. >l: en aidelu n Maty locntins. Legt- i'""' N S R A N FANK PRAREN TIc erlgtiiof tesrttionreibi-glit 0fBeaderleilge Expe1imautal hein. Sball, Pliio'nti tfRek i -T hluepatr IPuii 3 i-O. trtriîein seîî OStation that ose of lits tureyhse Iheie ald tI. nÉI .i;- goecela 0hrnaetr NS AN C E Pli12MI- e Lrig: oiasetrigi a tartedtatelai- on Febiuary 1%0 amd fu tie pet or pas ttc theî 'nar e ]OUI vecant frii icei Lile, Fic. Atomobile, Brgi iery- -satne h î,tiisî. Itllu-ist" ed Icntiiieeuuelutitoi, 111be r taine trok'esnr.Tl Vntbgs efl Lgiit, - 7.3t La '11310 ,, laefluiAcdn eml. 'sîtunt, iii,>Od11 oeIl "Ilee1troisalientor icru Affler actfn tour chilreus lis. PinieGlasa AccIent, lPiAyi'-- lnttiiesiino mai rtle o- fs'e-anlast crîg twe pourta utIeta Phone 159 w foi. iagianil i 6.lre,1%latINoifiaiuge01Clos, i. AI! I IN PELRiiLRIVER i l.ù]'liitil tiie touIior tfe Ile iiilleit.ttio tom took asolîer nufetof'- tirr D minon toi. (F.(RCJTùW___ta____ antlecuti i!!- luerîî ii i,, ge Wleii tlat ts'as brekirait, L.utQlie 1 ilee Tliiuiion Mlii c.iil'ii<ilirCW N. r- i<c iteros . eused iiit..iet train lits mcv 'fait u ____________ Dtrt fRepreecotfîe Ecitia Wcaa, iVitaifrSc. h4cel- aigît unt ti îî rccirdei n i iei n iiiJ utcO.cne fbicbcs eg el a tHeu auoMbe~ SUN IFE INSURANCE Cen.ÇjluaoFuti tFor thc -matrc- we ti the ir cuîetheiis r Io c'eetr .î uni-. u ir ca, ui rcrcfatuîîylA uýn oyl ar ySxW Pnoe m fo F DF AR uuvi.qee uaIc. Avage fliir tiomaet-flrcencilfil tent-cAýii orci hes. liai Ifotbtteln hi bisi abîlme outfrait PMromimifri. - ute.iilr utrîiper-îiii.iiei-utlee si t tgtr' Shoulit aeyoeî o -b a ree oft sîieneu. coicernisg a tellov-iîrttf TktJCKING of Alil Kids u'... 72. Ot.: C- fue MriilaSU The Pene River cuntry t-,deti nierniiîof Yori-e-.Itesmc ri>. nwhist mi chaie>dumglftn.Iîned ticrenl. vhsia becscupia îeuîuraîusdrm petitii-h.ý iyctu i ni-w trait troa ti ad ta hercuoe fettheoinetd- hweaoiigi. ever I.r.,tud hha an uatelimnsarcitrlyadcinMuaeyreuoble i Also for Sale mereil wvile h îî enrd bsee id.We.teprri atUidtr T. G. was heItàteMica madelbtli ortst vue come.anied ta brime Il te Seodbadlaii.d 4l T -RA S A i. .èt a acr uni er of M-.ca It "Ccl.red" A-.NeAulAN IOOL. Wlidt.r for Ispection utoemmaIL r Steel Plate, l'tp. ihatii -in Pilliye Vaualor aid Auctiomiler f.slîy Harpar et Banuri-. En 1 llC(entraiii5iiuuîi-i.'i iiut0-11-1 TI m-a- l e nt-- ,f,hi.ludtte v" eithtitparlailt lier fl ireai=t1r gau 'aheei. il.t'Iniil 4, -u;i.. AiigtdràIrce, wflicaclatedwHnmdr naarrer cuit cmtlailo Hengerâ.. sud steel t »IL hl. uîm ,liationonIi- chiandat. lurhug flic coursee. s drant deit.oif Iiir' n oaui1'ilietii--îu ui 'iudais',itaht Idvrelh- aueLul opliO ails. mrouliers outhule velfere oremeritti-i-1iTheir lîrrreîl îîîdui suilbutirnici .ittel-ir l,- neceii'm quaittifor flie masou tt-tl a y ie bni. lie daicrilielas"brick- M. MICHNIC.K E nen. e Uc Mutal Woureu'e Club,. lance.,ithe-tirni *'tui,it.aiIir.' noit tut. fi-titure ot îigiti rade I 'iltles. If dont eeiur.' Plone 171eor 80. >MILcTN, ONT. Mia iapr eranli a ioleer-lte so~ilv îît îli-oi urv itiicii- mTh'i tl:e-u s'a aiuy theli s ftui - Tt Peox 10 ILON.capacîti- an rouneiir outhfe Brieti h leîîî it lin~-lce tai O~~,sy li aa t iu ore »lne fiemca eot for fie Overaea SettîcunuloZ ifflat na~ ui.ii 'copeat. oI iaers' u b l"As xaielttrrfl WOeem ler ddtqtc tiflicOuttytng cetiuî lcThe.hcri- haetineuns i lu iitli-su. Lisuit, iesskc ' toard - parti of tiilecountr art caimade an l ifteicutii,11ituiric-. %er, tie cîtlti-î iicly is blitithî i»tri tf . leaniit,'-tueur. COUNTY o= HAL~T N f lie ovn uvenoo. ai- iàilli tin iiiit t],e.îiruuîîî tlvand-Tiieniuent. Ttip aseociaction: A.i epeuedit ifale toracel erui et Sr F éIL-iO he tbelesec hat wtfhlabet t ise1 TIair -,In -trMlfi,i-itii tîuiiiitrî, --i piitiii Ui u u-Wci-iuiauts d udi Wc mmerediertfla of raillay from uthe vallc-e ' icio'fcil ii ii n tîiit,, a_ ut s'unît t ,metu ccci-tu e aiv ut- nOnti.fla' ciaatels. tlut si- LOCAL COURTS CALEN DAR IPelice tai fle Panifie e-oeci andth li andc tii iti-,d. u ii'tidii . tii o nceaneitfot-i- tir dý ,n........a-ON ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ratraefn ommai e'ooemte condifltins e>ite 111 srt.cheîoîcryfrtt ctcî frolle 1032 ~~~~~lie Pence Rtver cnue'- vîletihe.;-alflicy e te.,zci -- ... ~~macca cf rI,3flera. --fîc-tr !te reiPioee - "urnt it i Brne asm vif May Tain Plamet thSbline H au,. tn ,-O- eca a atetzo, leive.1 Ect.ce Tro.ta -cyr3dey, sasi- roni aboulitdnigbt oncet. - ir iani i.,1"11 fer itr n r und noraca, ae .aid,.asud Tttai i iiutîîtý u,'-, iil- . îîauîtîiivtautet 'iui*lthflrce ontock Itiithe mernse.bt. Z - rit It s oi rnait leauty. iMM..Harper11 iîuî :il lltoi lmc 41liii- fimeieIt sunit net rali osncnt- ga~~py ii als.a7 a, i 1 poinfeilouf tinttfthe Pence River ldis tutIet1itul i -iociî i ""_____ uS i-eu.tho.Lm avefLU. 7 2aa aly..Ii.a.m li u la t I9W ilef liai sîîeb ta uccli t fceaoo d Iiâtii.ii le uî the othera s'Jh iie l s ru- t - ' o~Ilat lis anyassisba inluiti t hi-1iiti,-DiîiiSi. iiliii int.h.o5CC etA ]ONmntmets[ priceiîît ltemoniknow are dilituvc nana. ana AinneR.UOM o msa.-u 1op.c.but- ; .Baf uture Piftahneg. 1tAictual,rtîueu filu-t iiin- ii l Ulub atolimu re eouetatj Da-t s'tuîwrite fuer nnc i a 0 ba.nanlca-gica ao EAtme.A.llas; 6. A. Mc.tlabli uttucfor osi d eiendiitof r, -ue t linii h-ui ii r t the hbt otpnpr Ifi-oftthe-aiproan iv Sean. ~a,-linmuen iie Jean ucreage flian fueaht ae--ît' leit u îe i pi lT c j, i co u tî-bso e t r-titthe sui may abritatirie hele dey- icmatoam. ao th. P-ma-IccdOamy omi cutI-. Ote ibff.l ia ., fi 1 ied lunoteth3,0 iycarntei c iti --1-- i dtla#oumtii na.-iyana. ttuAi ., 1im Wu ...~mnlua tMi.ilarger malî. file sivocateiI t ad ft iuii îuuîi i lu'.-_Jlontigi~oki*tJtbgO9oqi1j71, tostai uncl re"o'netrtca ll- -u.ih a 4h blit I.a o m asof $2,70. bulai; are.'-ti- aneaeam. m- h.emqiau teelui Inteai 0tu ie fermer lasotuth ohl u îi ilti-ast rhodoiendron). cau! nut By rde W.i. IC< 1rng" efrot 1$,00t $600ea-ly mi u iar nilslireht i luit i l ui fo'hiu Mur,", uuluttee hmd cosugti er roqolrel ou fhe latter. abc malt,, sud s'IerT. f I lc s diuiuât tiilIceit it. oiiu ic a i se' moald ,an Clr ttePemine L e bahi t ielandl It la entet. Tliet i re uît,ilem ctd itatteiile Adaal uun-st a e e'du tbu tertriier euy ________________________________________ ltp"oaitSlute taLui t ha lle or tcemttTetltîit Cn»na.aiiIim ?we.hccu"tarev' er - 'rlflerGutCCelDItw elfflO.ns.taei frur «et"-àadnf fr We hoeby give notice that, owing to the faut that we are disconinuing the Hydro Shop and sale or Mer'- chardiue, we are offering our- stock at cost price. The following are some of the articles for sale:; Ranges, Ratigettes, Hot Plates Washing Machines, Va~cuum Cleaners Floor Polishers, Ail smail appliances, including Irons, Curling Irons. Toasters, Hleaters, also Hydro Lamips and Fixtut es. 8:ý9All RcconntE for merohandise outstitnding must bc- paid on or, before Feb. 29th, 19*2. miItu Hy*rm-Etoctric Commission DENTAL ANNOUNCEMENT!1 DR. B. L. WASIIBURN DENTAL SURGEON Announoes the Openlng of hie Dental Ciffoe ln the Offioe formerly occupled by Dra. Br.aund, near oorner Main andl C harles Streota, Milton. Speclal Attention (ilven to Extraction akid Plate Work. OFFICE HOtU JRS: 9am. 1-, 1r i -1i-10tnb-W pn Evenis5a, 7 tii S. Phone 357. USED CARS FOR -S-E3i 1-1929 PIlymouit.h .Sedan. 1-1929 <ChLv. RJifidster. 1-1D9 FoItcrd (05I 2 ]$3lFord Sedanîs. We are distribîîtors of Phileo îand Victor Ritdiý,il. We carry a fuilline of Fîreiiione Pires îuîd Tubesl and ftIA automobijle accesaories. Have your car nOL in shape niiw for w~inter driving. Ford Sales and Service Milton. ki,. No. 3s "It's Lucky Z. you have a Tiýephone" Jin Rois hadn't ,ooticed the broken feuce until bis ýavôrite roan mtare got caught in the batbed wire and Lut ber Ieg. It didn't seem a bad cut at first, but blood 'poisoning set in and Jimi tbotigbt fie was ging to lose a valua- abli' boise. A hurtied teLepbone cal brougbft the veferilary surgeon. 'I think we cau save lier, Jim,' the veterinary sad, "bu- another coupe of Aours migbc have been ion late. ItIs lusrky you khweu atel, ttbone.i"