rit »S a tu eeotslet this e g- ËSW*eoir #,%* " 1110111 Uffl" a M "it WM la nt 11y TA (lm)I thilt William f bIl I r «Uwqovi uttelieilthe j«UWg wor& sas lhe kep f ve~ l esPÔsi w rst -ttW 1*O U praszced Me atmla a"m Witistis, untBy e the anlesis aeeriee»otlewîma t talie$ the ibe lIsIl tut -e"MOei bosaifrein bbve le"" dsam etbrttm ooethl,- a5iolaI. bîks 1 ei iî dlde stl:evs lth te ts- In Canada, where t*0 bâtaiguIêtentmand mirant laOY ete ebl turc? (k'iinr ci cf l firot DOW oh- Iamt: bii , in delsc l gillerthee.nd e 01 oba eabalèhmiletr 00- Ii m mne tureihllsthe oçMtu la t9à iiiubclý thiekm scsisanduinitie ndliural of lise Atintir:" CCar NIth otier part f tht venrd, ie Riori- hijjýsastise Nigarais Re, t .,,.-coleena ct cIilci , l 1.t:loeien l'nslrooked itiuow arile, ti si, 5 lepeecis elae Quennton mbridge when0 aini im ul itisolgisnoserea!l cs'tWi3 Rie l'in >nis a lll %rltef,'mohcaï-.ln spe ch ut iilatreai. 1Lord Bisn- Iight lieutenant et tise facacaUs.,:,-, * tise' eaiiesAYa e. bois e.-Y 1 lvots ro uunrie:,l tat a e:onarcb, biougis spokise ln Frenchs.con Rltietoffeo sequoil.d, m mi ~ DehlhssÉegl deaiiy. W 1e 1i:,,fhi 'rctî: r "Wlth thco ltgririltisai l adnte gration coblntr who bail beenfliu t eâd iu* e etan11191b11,The hm:îebody 'deveicise IMMUultY h nSItei rirétpvrai:- serf-oet is"- ol trtAir pli .met j yeas. i c'g iréclise cer lib:ly orzt.iceci- îcelc.' il:, :, If:"wroTt l t'121tIntr5niorltccton adec enmtni oand issas're. tiai t tey boci ate- _ tt citt: ttc diLeeosa Or by arilielci i":ca a, ,i t' he:0 l::::, c:c:c, 1l":ca tioni." lPtse rxeili-,tev ulcd; "iathe ll e:;,ccetres taert silisr d'Irnt adcn ts ys fthisa variarfih". miititý u cle'l'e cî:Snlit: :l' f "îcc'*cc." a b r ,contijr, Inavl:er and we are the' Iar. ira fOnussd Un Limagreetseat e ini stcclt:cei 15,c îtlxt: TI ýýdernf iiitir li-11a, ie er eomin:ci flore anti mote d.'lendeit Telice'cn. Francise tllie 0 ttelmEnofin.vug e olt ontcather. Tcte lythiîflIt ct tOldeU.o 'ronto, and lualector teuihave mth"d trmspotatiou :'tl: for iexemple, ttuIl u ser ro tîcîlotl. icI sisu 5 a r itrntes ArOcite Of tilffrtt'nt nations tlieac' lio's of lolegara FaIm. i et finatiil pioblefflre* Oii~ re Iclinrche'rlli.q a cneg ieopt of lite c:icct Iccrcd I:, lcclse taret'r tc Istosanse ,ctibei cetcetts' .. tc'ciz enitirnvr-4r .1 aci aXfn od lChiiristmacustemàl cîîllVjieit sct:rt'illInîa tltf0tes mtt"ta lislîcrccjote. lits o:- chrn Voilier vent ( te:hebridge of- Iccît t itIlic:he ioeyo! an enfant Are te, bcitain Information epardîng Onu a visatalias fiseusanlds of I ,lo iteI Onte:in0 cnate nt:lt t: b lim ,ccghtntir, :malter tgaic: ctte te tatie Uniftd Stafea. '"'ol- Pli airee ein If sel. Dow tiat diseuets uttllcet c l, : tuIl utc Iain- ;Il tablde 1o the)ic: îîusti:accnfort o ieec is:h a ,ersna tse t&-.irOi utnets le aa. sealb "t ' Silrettin aiensw tire:, feu. At tai tisefleur o lcrttng of an airpîmne celi andaiilla fur- Iisili b. "AItl or"fe Quebe, tlnItasltcttraIet iii Iller conversaion eiitedl the le srm- lanif, Ftltr vlel PA - Iaibt tieir ses-ei" on tise iite :rrne:. TIse lois cmperors embravt le ia ieia e aer vîi Wb5i'5 Utifa iera Tent S od race,, prtoides eXp-cc alfoihfIlinleime ncdcl t'lot; the IRouelait 'e:lt aeanteil tise Germen forces. Bers tise ecis- b itctiy et l' eo stnc.Deni for Krontteadt, wisen Kaiser W'litmseratlocs nlpeneil for tise iropetaet -pkigo ubeJtk FrePes lcgtald lise Itugsien empernr hy trat bt a en Servce in tise £ling cote«s Athd, Who dn cfQU On tee" t eel'ree cif fareeell: "Thisouadrai f lise At- 0f blit ilis rmy. Lum-nQes atvner 3l icttt:i' bils farewelttir îe adimirail f Leutenant Voilier feth.pnelucesd be ttiaiseulnnter tgWesten W'hite Pins, t,lie n"Afier a tes minutes R om:, interesting lPapene and a matil qee,éilile prs ietr rei artmlPr (-autoc' lIe 'colare'py: hooti iy!" Iea ea ITRltu nalyr mmor, viti a lot o!fgod ide»e Doge.an. d siowediltema te llaupe- and a smart taif of letructees. cA grand nli western whiteire plIrtrai ter Ftcwens. And on tis rsvroived Jk a dl Ikneve tisegsut tels, ta l5 ite c f (Ttc,largek cf an ti: pint1fer lise immigramtton ofi- CemadA. Imeldentalliylie'$ &la e f 3 ins ttî.sî aln ice scrti andi estcnlltco Mrsnkind Sentie te Have f ieOr bal been ln a division of thse pdre ttepao i rr ia n e Reveraed Nature'& Rue fli'ng corps whicb biailt oencet- ufrse* t io.cltc:'. it rtstsccllte . trarit egaînsl thie Gerentu baros Pacifie Ce»t porte, and indeesil 5t5'F bIn Crot" e'.Lte NlIiattnI crk IlorI i b-c en iefe.lit th ie mec ant i bsfIyers. Forth rin e 1 O' almpiig crces tb"out CanUa Orei'tgocn. TtlaIn23 frt, 2I inctslic ,_ f oite gt-,tas .nscrcavit> i5 aceli- Rion Flîit tSengieant Fowera bail ie moirning thsepaintng etCapt@ie ecfrere, the mneremta l eiitg tt::tt asc ir forîiil:r Iltesas 5tireiroiîght cleonoeaof tihe opposing Jans aW. Tricp. agged 76, a native ctbkenc trenat,!igitlntaccorîcne vitls ss':c:c'n l'lc'te l a dll'rccce s cat.ahrenens ltin te Germait fines, at Frlantý i.)Or... juin oast- btic: Stlilng rates of mettaiIt mets. tc .tt"'. 53tni crpttrectae tifte fly'ei bailmatie a nueceafui landl- ie sp igadfr 3 ei i tgîIl tfe. ieiiel c ,'..ostt:',it-ocanti aiporba.Ing. Snt-han event bal bappenleiloIt aagrof, tise B.C 1%ressfrt.aie serevieso tc:lf ttttctthomcpaefrIe <er-"au, endl bath mtn fet con- etUsCnda aii nta. ecel i c ant oret.blle iddtle fotnh tînt'fcctheUif ieretc eneda.î1ilta isailtmbyops-.. of Avant ereeis. tac antia abcmllei î:: c ctc.cî te stncesloctlufrsailscb tiser. Sine-Japanese vile reports *are isentir f ctsveetmenticamrp.Tise 0514 Iricitirn,cSperilly i bot uig oegeegraishies te be File cf lise gorge habeen asujict t sc cci icer PO~~~~~TATORS AÀ14 FOXERS gizzd, Chia Chow. for emample Ir, tsli ia etît : e-c: îta tre wrilr. :',Iml'Onfig oSt cc1a111M tsa iinoplany ma îee' ection -uatti êois rcao ol üýlt:te in' .l:.'c:tt "Tire fig Pi4cee EiwardIi Tlanil Iudmstry phases se wanlifs n.meak.".itti tut nterecrrlln tî e::cciine ci ici>: trt-s,-il enocîgisj ..Sct&leil m uî egc,'mueea. tise pel "Chu".doring tise da" e grest tres .grtos'itg on lite eaase Io, 1s' ivittttt'îlcile tid ile fc'inoine ofe!1914-1 18. "esides. its the !flice aryen, basa cect'r sutiei-etifrron 'cIni,1, Iasitrscccl iccîtu te Speakisin lbuttsnesa te"nca PrInce Delly ver we's'e r;a! ihe offertsDi o ti cît ailon.Th'F:,gi't .14raci. attetion.- Avceping this rp-ably 10 tise rt cf tise DomInIon fr Tise Iegus Iteugis iden Is <etNCIe al, n et0itrtccmatlc tatement as irit, il il, àtise predomînant position vbbsiel arlvriefein .A.laA cc ezi nI"e athelcoatihom e- m.clé. e 'versai ft f nture's rcalc sa - blle ietise tox acd PotltIndue- airegstiyeada soeot inlreoni:lntseeihmec cc-ýtas rît mille ancd frcagie.len atureltiets. lBitt viietbs'- irailePah.'h !auiueTs oteltas lte westernt ssiste Plne. Ii,' ic:' mi:'e taenttc,lin'lie 501'Q..lttMt -aael itai orîetstrival--foi farmIug bsdte sa oIaotts an s___ le grogseMarey ret a. Ifsegin ts otne iests~le fitarles. îresum:cl' ttc Sititthe tie- ictarco cand ilci s dy nov tisat lise t tqe eic-:i:ccof ctticpoiî:enflcieal l bcîscnSc wcrld i.c iearnicg tie]se stnand subisequent groatishalte nt lise r mdao2tôwec fs. 01îCa Tt , l m,;. i i.r lpriipt o tý TwP ofBael.m anme degree of Ircereet as iat aso- Hatrftmalu;tise <se-gee te tise iThce scitc'(cfa le.ctgccei,(o man re- fi - scti: c 5fO t: reea c ctTiret r tael lalecî sît: tise isuednt of eîîcer Wisged Wieel, e te speak! cet'tiîa îcsrccecî t: cferte Iticcr rallcer nc'ct'inscîccain c wcc::t cl aisbce. 'fic ftaciitntlos at coie, c'n fom 'a anîltie aclooliie "'llce latimae:têi i c 'gsi ititchen ctn baseif iltie ise isa ta aid le 'lite 0S;ivec'tfifarming. weicslttarlei 'Tise l'.cr Hundrel" bau long cc',: tei),i,,n and IlIter.- eliclsncn tf«ctiPaeO aa :iiraanti tesy cf tvc Sports- ben'yomosfrtepele tCt:et gremrelenv c' '. t i e b.o' t It-- Tc-eld t'ns:clii.,iIc, anti nothInt ean mecnaiscct tnt osi te cs g bsIabimfe-1dteT.1Idfn 0 lrw:rnt(hccttici relations mire r'Osto .;isron do tiae rlgisturlein- I l icl,:IppAiscier tclirt: car. .tln:tia 12 i.' ~ ~ ~ ~ thiisperaccecc ioio:tc', andti t'iePer- dutnit<anti anc thtîclbas provesi 0te asbeie oalo is aseg e sst't'i!ic' ss fccîce ce.cclcctuincss tipt, ______________Ennual ',n7,elot'ci ni ttci' echieveil ha ousttise ihcut cr,,iaelargueiltitise o"r i.t icflsig lc:g ctcreticci li itel Rce.se. "Fesses" te:,ccec ccii'todemi Iîrslandatriivet.e1 f:r heihro vn yts nvwneic l 'e ccîs :5 îc:ig thfcurcccofitic ene iitcoct fit-'ci tf ..cinlertreler, AItic,' beginning of the teniury, Ne,M'~"con December 8.cc i5s mitc' NTUioo lcil, u:scled i 'îachine"' andtie t-e'cablce c1. 'ahange ies e snreos ce o fi a n lla I lo Crin~ iel, wfccî,g. ]ana- testctc'fcIe o ft r. c- Withthtie Canedian dollar visere iscri o egarag' ie 'ci:c'nc'celionce wsi: cgrecci i ffi c y."i : d rfox ellc .ýfrein animas ceelt le tise it le :n tise markeat, ticere i la a ýko ie ysde h: Icc 'cc-cc ci,c'cl fcti c :n :ithe- c' e i i' 'c c ic c i c t c .s c i y I .c:lcc i n es ecns m o rece :hinc co ne' :mac c y : ic e rd er ty tti s ti , e u t t 'itrc ' c 'r . m r t' out a O it:, m n rI lt er ieec t e k e p ili e ccc: îs ccc ct : cîcscî 'rccl:,: io tc s': i .cc 0:* 1nliasoy terpa~rt ee cent. ofci'thtfra that are aoltiad sisa ayanailcnr r e iil .t , c iitil :cIiia;t Iice if sc'i:icis laa i cest eîcnc'i -icii chti aa ln l aall,. Aed white tbese figures Tor- ned'mg, or planning toendci .h'edf"n.i sife,. lb i i:ome? 'c il bc 'i Hîa Saft1ù .I-trac a motacrapîi development andti '-evin"et aail tise iseuties o! IIIlit iie sialctIi. elfc'c'ls iced oiic ciiticciIi::gio'fi'cO la lc l ic'sct Ii, s e cs ic'. f cf rto "î' ousr m y esad Brtish Cotumica. insteail o!f"oie; satrai ccc cct n m cUatio i"0!1,. i cocs ite ,:, ci:.U :id'iit'il tirec(: ciiiîcry ýbia ibsI h 'cm rtc : fecc t ciI ato il( 1::' n s I nfecc. setis".,Fifleen per cent car. meanu eic:,iciccîcc, d il. .5t1 e. l iter ' st ",cccc'!aieolIan.adhmeliret. malttt o dgtreant-te PUtY .11Ilic t' taiet 1col.tie d lice:ra cco c i:':isl ':docs tf iic ccî,. t 'cti th mccst i'tiii'e' l 'En,- acc nilf1 fbieir aem d iv rts ouo i o ý'ln l n y gu d iluit w e raebneco ,idanpuft Sainîce l.- ivhicslbasSlie,'::l'trl..lcll il:ttltforat'rat':: uc::' rost ucnilUe. Infierlîcc tier:,unprogrcssive for merchimfssnRy'way. ____SpringcfieldbtUnion. ise 'c îcîci shortscitcci'cnitc c %lisc- fîcîi ticî iv i f:: n ancetorilru flaIt ias' ,' ti teticning In tise mies-___ flicr f: ci dt:Ic e 'îi'. cci 1'(c!iscîhave tas cd etcrImpratPrn 't ire 1:: toutlie i':, e s0. t'le.o re1209 ecisoole or, fru jja i Iln O hi gea cunry"o lelga in Canada, taugit tv- y___ cccliticui ect,'lt fn: i 1s iao.icclei 'nnt 1! illu geeiecast'y."83,144 isachersanan ttencleti hy Gld Sb. W.. Foelsi eccdii Ici' cirrietialanlutn i el ]KINGC i-UTSEXPrliSEN. 12,490,628 pupils, cr on:,quarter o! fe aritiî :cectr t i gatl liloIlt' cusis abaffe up ta ('ssld NorTi'averse DfleeefDurlu; tise Domiion's popuation. 'The tai:::, oI earc' cil c ir'lot:?' 1::, c'lcit, rodto ut: cîcircelnormi's B .i'ci~eit:e 'epli lto t h. usDrmsone. veroe eextenditare is about q.66 îz.aI eveue. (mel culdnetli abli, . an ear'ls pui it.rolted. Attendante stienfated 1l Ic:the îctl,'c':, (cf rings l.ctît tî-snaes Bt-ana: samis ccîli octbe ssoti 'non thic np «ccd.. l..I'iîg1fiper cDirt rîci ,Ss iiicTryilicr'en U.ieIiSin- Fr C.tit cc.hei-lotprarîiecta grand Ides, cf JeffrsnnDavîs tu rentsfor fie vlsbeeDo,.ccîoe, nsq el-ce:tf lois mcccic- s n. VTeo boy Usiii Ial, F, Cetar i I,::..- ioi gi sarîl Qaen ta sciVer.fe #cansportatiosî Iroisets ag'int 64.7.ein Wil. Andlthe Placcccdhonfolt nftIthf,.' t ur 'li c aieci SteIafcc lia:li:Ioelrce i , p î lî-î1' c: . c'cairounciitheiîn lcceccs ftce vrositeserli of Tetus, Ati betuce l teciseical cellcaito la cf ite geesîs, m-lin Bics oucfile futc:r:cr ciffi ':'ilile tfcrester oftchccear,rii ce 'i,c'I 1il 'bijety eotar oclic unn lNew Mexico tailisti anîreil. îc'r tise T"hni.'cl ilad 'c-c'i'. cire tI:leSI goyer:rct'irrent- Iiî etcc cl .:cît il l.000 as a Ott ld or'c'iett usearthed ln Sain cation Am pro-ides icr td-ur Fliait o!lrI?' etd Oaa fi:tllîtcg hecr "'rie l'iii:'::tire ticatortarait,-fitures canfeibulci .:.i, natioltccfuels. Antcie:reeal tisat le 111f; Dacria. graie of 1750,000i pet "eu1crr15 Dort'k,cei ccl rnc1tel " cl:.inrc fl,, il eic,t-iîlacUr tacet: e l ic,'i ie ico" :i ji l IIs.totellng h- en S etac-y Of 'Wcar, Importi 72 beriiismeara tbit tise niglîttxIIh il colaidyo:. ire." Alindu rutite c Tiouctin i,aliralnîcc: 'Jl':iJ etîlabit Th l;7i c:: iis le tieoreîl- rmotels loto Taes c-juse le traite- scic l ii ie able ta ru. ta zzy ccii et:tîtic et icesling tceegîta f -caily gicinieci I I'clame't each lc.rting cargo oliste le l ietvates noishing ut the day 'ources s1. get cu: nicîccl:ri fei:o 1cce i n b,$zl ,car> seu, c. iii e" fie a'figure han (Ici thelie S-.. Is nicelinstituteons.e.". 6 ' l'ir ce iciIci c. 1 tc:titceîl lite litcmi ci I't(i c,11iilentre fOnt'r01:I:,es-ocice cIlfi(,' e.. ie lite any yeara. Only lasc-y bu-cos vere useti as ______________ccccîe cf rings c: n i,.e icetcIe 35l'l.l *ac: ectilt- clehIs F t:u e ',,- Hie Mitie. c)i, ci,:'attirer sourte ht'aglc o! horten ]lc 'b:'tit's:,t- t dil Ihe'I Ic I ccl: l 1 b cI ic' II ci lbh:, nIt- csii:i..cci'r:ec':]Ii lice -rkont'.aineeni'. accufn(-tue c.-: ' ijon- afp-areiltoit: tec ceni. iccisla a QJRs, SA'FL'f MOC. ir siglîcci lie cet t-i: rt- c. ,iti!:dcublele of: 111 c!Rasi.aucd c1cl:.". f ccci:: tic: DccelccneLanasE.pr, muei fesber aniemal, 'aoul ale th ie-- cr:itîein,1.t I'C:ccana flicfcu, s, ics cie:' cccl cc!,, ficceluate In1929 ttscbter. veNtoaPolIemldifcr cltttilitctlicti -ic 'cuaerc'caî fstar(lcela-ft-ici 1::: vcccl:figure are Tise camtels dit? - durlet tise rainy Vin- ifaios oo Kuovletge f5. ut-e ncs a,:îcsa:;j uk ant ilec- ecsiaae li->w 'ce 245,. i. sesoli. Bltas tIt seyeri wek. of eoen. .4 ~~Thc- t.tia-.ee cîtta cnia Irroyal miitiurcnic tic:,e rîinommer venus- Tisere istaieecianotiser Interna- Wilita Il. ilt tafîs lilor cf Me- Can.hatkhalant-e geis a roncidors -the-aI he ctamelý Iictte, fort tarit0 te doai confer'e. Thislaecifect-eii tne u c'cicre I brc lcit l _______________ Ilice terbv anti lI As::i Scesenk. sirs ivlIc-saaitlffilet o-ktfeilt curnlyme~d Uc1dood, hut m-fc Wcalli:gitI:celtlt.t'î..lu 1ofeK.,Icnt "aei:: ieice utgardcn parir-,e t a utheir îces.'l-Tie::, eFaîltrot-h ia.h ly nutceedeti. Ant i vtietafny gulnelu NIsigiý'1,e I Reins-kable Cans'ing i Ilîcîil s-cccîcpuis- . anîcis-:o nlualiysoaeuarc Peilia 10e Amerît-an ds international elousi"c ieiîtg airetid aîstc t1 clc:.cltolg- '. -Viri: I jculetlSoi,ccf ulan flc.-:,aftu: ec c ii I anil. etto. Ac tisccamois coa!d net be etiser. Tise memisrmet l s i s 1021n.Trlie sc Irltessor. irai, ef glau. Iica-il I'lt'tcfl.1a i'rilîcd TlIt"c ae hi acvs snoîiisîcti,-5e> t esu:loneîy bile of Derbyshire. Engani. rancleni itlcges ,:I cIer i!moral - ce .arri eIcccir cfil:- figa f ali,1:- "t orlate a., sec-l 1,.)i;.a Tis eu:tctcrccoîg':uct c--ni ,. e tiîons ivoeeepreettl:edt-af cIt Oc l lu catil icecrsiy ln 'acoIre a flîi iciide wo cc.. 'cnfe î a eaîlmaîs'cl t11.]bile t,:: aoci ou a graz. 'c-r' .ccn.Britain, tise Untedl Statea of Amer- 8:1f 11.se'ii:cl t ocieulceerlt Ic is17sai cii ai cas:c:' ciiofliS:ccicieicn c i ais'but it watt iel'e,i uioet o! tisenaIDEa. 'rnrs, Gerîauy anti liigluna l 5! 13 clîrteeo c Cta Il Tt. 27iFu],cilacicialcM s'euni 14,000 accil$5u00t. vîre htil ha Iiccilînus o ver Asti tise resait of tise eoference w' flI îîcoFOîîîIls Ili tre t'er.slty c! cr- l c ciccieidcc"-f-, l:t e. ta alof':,Il ci, sic unrco ci Ietifffrlglisccseti 'thlIe lumbisng anima, ietise malng of InnemeraisIe liiee jbfoI or!li ý;i. ci cd tti, cc.: cloi l l -caiiii citltc5t 125.00fiilias lb e reed bout. ameugt Itihe ni as nýraera s ti licn, S; l:iecî r lii eciei cci: ."f eu dis : teie cc: ec 1Cc- . piili ee talcen Imb cou:- R~ING lOIN NiOT PLATY u9 e! Bch rep ytîtsttv, val' tireteiraitllecte'itSent:s" cf rens-aloi c I clleri offo, wv, lofthse mieing reizenecis rgeclzatioci -ciiocIbookecs, tf mcel icccee [juin 'iaoa erI il olit« bcs vinid . Kig fGeorge t-lsdibiss Bes ano! is o outryndr! mtar:ic hrttui.7sIt Tersm-t'e:,so,d '111-i l'lcucu al eerc ai:cl i" t,.d lci"ca:ur.m, i vsis 'e"Qacei Victoiacetartan" viser: -Dtise eifreuce th isencdi.fgs ofbis _________j i ii s-t cîci ci , 'fi.:r-1 î c:c cc ccct iave boen, sufi atiendfiiet aillIîlit !ac fOtlo:tus nor-nauaon. Tisestetradings ver:, lt cisoManmfteccel l",: l"" exiesenenOf lis Scaîland.Ti.re::tartancks tals Dama poleti. sud Tt vanaise deedtIto BMasgi i sSes- '1" tflc-eaciitla,1:-l cefrd î l'i 1 i Ii cce)l a ie r is rses trosfic:,tact thal it t-no dealsti po ie eut ituurlrnhoscte e'ef.îedcii lc:iitrclaet .r 110 vr: ti~ 'c::se::cahe:,n aaies10pcy for Qîeen Victoria bY an nid lady olgaions for lise ienefit o!f i".tt ttiIc i tti?' i acîi lce lic ntcale'rirI. iîcl tit:,..If.. Hi theiait, ing tc-olcc i CeL-s workscrs. Ths Ides la te elminate mveuftcIietfI:,t'ciclilcecc sItt'li.1 idilien c11,1i lstisfadit Is AllisoughItht.i ng veara kilts. he over-Miagng o!r-serci voris. Pur-atlore's icr iastedi- Etitori 1:1ticIii iuf.ant itlu ics hot beln aeecc blivltuie a;-Iser coutereuces 'siliine arlriaotile "Ho ucce lîc t d!icse ilis y..agel fîcr li: ic'.ist tttiq'foc, c :cc:ýU:ic.cl Tir- stable duos pilles "ie Prine,- al aes cin play' Iifferenu coutries. antion0c ountry Icc tcnnlî:t" i,,]lit 1::icictecif0 ta s:,e calte,:ih Ucd:': i.lits brai-ciau ne8 flOO 'l ip,, and dudirlg i neter- wyul hbe cosein as tis ho sdetarteir ofcf silt% h: I cln i 1.:cg raduatitinfe utaiOiforUniversfitysla station tecanra t Oi nvetgations " i:r,sthe lIts rlu "fapbi dfi ,'-,d*ralnc-d" mals?' an.otiervine peecefnl le tise une of explosivec.in u 2c0.If t.îccî:1" ctc ic:,ta 1:ir and d .cic:.ili:ui, (>itii. :11 t5;,kN. . lH-ii"E. evenine h? pieyitg chante ant IRi5aime probable tista acentral clen î'îî:'-i ll:' ,It'i:cc cte. cc lce rlrcilit io ilnlstdct 70: if:as been marches. îug bouse for ths ee n'alois t iii bc:V", i!..lie -Le slltt: lie othtiet fle cî.,c.:îc x malril a ut: l'il1. cxp-;.cd .t: 100e: lia amillion Af soute of the dicton partiea gît stM"lai îcr:. 'c ccIl so:'Iticesi:,setu'i:c :Il icci, eopecle vli sonder Ifiletlof bl I:,agi d:( l Aberta la en t Balmorali Hie Meiesty -ePPeacal Tise enuferance wv argela lise re-. "l'lrc':-." as lice trotcrs relcî. cratcciciuff l ,i i -luit- direilît ise. epci focr ail dc: rlcg the let1lit Il.,,kilt Sdefllieshort JacetlIf suit of came Ilselvegbcetly Brillis nI lîcss:c't t.îl 1:ie i stIoroe N-, ti , " i:c:, ac;:rcft- o adiesî:ccIalti t: a i t J I «rcInacI. ,Of- Qoeecc veccrs oa rain uf Scots 'IiLnTifrer«enomeour eunc. lit prooc o! lii rid1, ,cc'e. F:aii cote 407 on b'. ei. eOib luefim.isle vaine tisat propesaies 5:1g cîco'c fie', tora"'!is i. ce bc.tIr rlid, cltInllailet, -for tise tanIser lisîeebege of em I l:i':".' cc, t'"e ot-Ocliemtic. Rblc:i'ctc:e b' iiit nclticde, Our PFi~rfuaI Minerai%, vert matie. mnd atopteti. __ catch. ~ltc:l, O'. Oiac, f-tfthic: llllng1 _________do', H, iti'l, T:uVnrî Vallei:y ' umedet pnlue?,p01 eetdts sc in l- Fat M.» Net C,ii.l, Spade'à aSile dcc', ,' ic:Iait ccf di, pco'ic'c10cooper, nit-kel, rt-estt. îati. at-eo. ailscltievua msud mmneve t-bit-tct.rcci1: tittec lttcs 11ts T,,IciotIiljl, bu u .11;7, laIIct at' outeutto clis'r, Zinc. iaturel Bilre0n fi:, iouznsalnarccuîcd thic& île -tctlatii:l'Itc . i.cc i:. 1". lclo i.cadcI I ].: : i Il,,ai:iict' _____ as.achcttc,t. 0004 and1rarel, p totre Japaineme loti o!f'ilkkît ire wsau r cc cccI:ee Ici 'dîccîitit, c1ttn cc1Iclucîstedo t ' 1:%*ic sTA'. ON BEAititiS trite iiC pt npiafnum raiC; villages by nîiding fieilsand îcnoic'o:ci , ccîs. î ci. cc-îteorlc ict i- liý'lît"eI t .. 'l', . ut l, ir.rxputa . .. redpoultry yars. Tise ws t a delîd ir en 'u:t:. cA ci-ciccl ficn' e cIrJoli)- dccilii llîcii ii~I.rc~i: iLu cc 'tt a, l-Se'I dieo:ed lîît.ic eeoa ions are toporfeil front tir ls' rkS ciccc'uc'jocti '- j"'!- g t.i'ccicco týJj - cc . Ii: j -'ý I 'c:, s.J 'e(ij on Milliccon.se cuse. ssil or .abîmea Irefecture miere.at-criing Ict rfi:::: file: ic:j.rîii cii ': i . 1cii 1 c'ii i. .,c.1 "iiioft-se'dollars pet': It 2 lc 'iîcl'ed tai lic iteUn toneages h oky ot hsn a':.c il,îs l ot uui 'ccîîcrIu lc ii i cîmoîs. a i slci:ci.i'c million lîleteroraenta:er lagr tsym ike' ae eb n e s aitl itt le:f:la:cîîi tics noî L c.: Ii- li< cd t , ci o Uic ,.rc: 'Ict c cc'a .. cciii r d.ce e rceledl s,.ie t lc s aI eul cihere andI îcri. out Ioes if u1 bi. ct Jîiîet" r' rcc' ':c tc' :ïcl tc 15 il. -.c c,iicf' 'cdoze."'tc îccehers are duo e: es' doS. Most icclrt ceiOgb caony Zaini"'aulcs, retient], reîcaclccl ilat cr1cîcee ucîîîIîî'iF. t-tc::ci Il c, c lice". . ccci,'i.. c i thi:il. ~i55:Ela thcbyer t10 an u.oun r ctva and aret ivisile. vwhite cttbo i beyisshIorstat- lîsaîc eleîecri itiics eIccaeicc c c . . i ac.e -oa4-' .:' ,ig 1e- a'ri reieipeareti He gaetct-bse anti ao'îte to:itclc 5 il,,.1.acciltits PI'VFUTOR 1!. mAI1) i cPek îccei :: Ndstntccii,>tVb I151 Iî."s,'9-SON ATItERIblieicr. col: rtc,:ti,'c'proeince rrelvnd -i---a. emoahîa leacîl er fit:nieilse'bills.OBWGFTE 'fi'ic:'i . tie fattee vîicdtgts- ara c 5 "ta cc.aieMotyte1iceveci for WWo'tek Lent _________ 15 cc iýi l.teEtale in lCfoeta MATCHES SET 0"ittpstifon Ric'.aecilt 0O tynnd,____Ts.iecentoc efexposive emmuuci l'our. reto: !ntie . a'mndtcN-e t ion tring lice var le io-lay cellu; litteatiof te farIner gîtîu il,: le tirsc Zn,;.. cF tui eunnmltebt lie.; mcd eoifie frsm aafalillicnlSte.île IccasElitce lIce tinelî i tpi", Fyelenniebac- sfeil elisurîice.Autrls. 'Thesn$121.000 proiesi tleniiîg grain ts oîcI 1c uc roeed ftir b al! a milligracnt apuis hart isîs vofifroina tiseWar Offce for feeti 1:' ie.c'ciinericnos o cslct-l Vben you wiuli toaend i~e u of town, 'vou a"e invted ro secnr a Bank of Nova Scoria Drft for the required amount. Th~ov aft milbe prepared for you in a few msoments owitbt ut formnatiy. The "cae Ofchargcs s moderate ansd yuneed not hi. a regular customer ~1-c to sc-ae t he 3tc.-t-- esBANKoî NOVA SCOTIA ESTrABLISHED 1832 3- C*WftaI$i Rq leere Puud 21AWA00t; TotalResourcea*265,00,0 fe Milton Brandi; W. B. Clements, Manager Quebec Bec-kona Winter Sports' Devotees ~j7iterspots n wde -ariety ;excellent TV rronredanis cdgood rnpn are the.ode no tsed.,yfo 1. e h tcake ('enda's ancien, 'pll h hitrire:ity orquebee,,their w:ntcrnhead quýartera. ilee, vrol:l h cgt St ,wrt'stcveycdst n sec insof ur,::rp-sstd beauto. h. a-i~ l -dse theoyn.asIat of the c:oastore reaidenceo û the e , ofrs ted tis gret hetmu ronetieCanadian Pacrifie ie hein,. planned for asl ýingtn's irthday, ~teiwa'awor'ffarote hte. te bh ! al cti Fbrury22. Thus h as h. Inhtlo :tl vidi. r't teit lon-etabieed ertaton lIe wll lwys be a,,ured o! pltntv of anuernent. entertainmetst of its patrofnani* evealinnfOVftiofls un&-rie :l i ecoe , a, i,drelo Irve bec'n&Added 1o the prgeat fo their comiort. c Jaek Straotidee, wel lnewn tinter sý:orts' direc- lis d^titn to tIl:etbo 'afl o ufr sV-e tr hereedy lins a numbr ,jr c sf uI winter and she htlgret ricl'. urlinerinks will Lbeti:: aesornattieCh.teaj:a F n uf e Ovu rontenue- and.ic,wheetol.in mce-, of tht lîI!oc ofo roarin' gante. 'v" ncIredit. Pictures show: tice grcat hotel: TheCPI. a on f tIl: Te-rru a- il ,: dcolfcitu a go:f. t- aa and tecc, t wo far skitrS atheloot Ofthe s, col undcr acabl r» There ,il bc led- Chemîiein M.nument ju.,t o: ttide the Chatemie rint e, da'ist et.'ý7 evening. and a coturne-hall Frontenac; and cost "Jack". jTo TL..* Fieod Far Away - 1 9à The Most A ccoriabahie of Gifts for $2900 iýTo '.1îose v'ho havc made their home far *fioî their 'aign foik" nolhing is quite so0 Ç% ae -ceeptal)lC perhaps a.- news of' the old home 9P *town '-the doings ot the boys and girls they 49 q, used to know, their happincss, jy and ,or- 9. rows as reflected every week in the news 9p * eolumrns of the local newspaper. à9 * Your bov or girl, sister, brother or hosoiiî friend lwIl appýreciate The Champion more . * tlan aw' 'iI:. else. Lt wili be a constant re- Ilinideri .\t tII 52 Weeks in the year. "As Good as a Letter Fromn Home."