The Canadian Champion, Wed., Dec. 16, 1981 B3 Putting pride back in system PIatenn8-Drywall 6 Texture spray. Col Frank atter 5 878-3=2 CFRaE ElectricT II..hmneF IdEL.0 H. .MULLIN Chactend AcE.o~Ut Georr AJenkins ACCOUNTANT 143 m.St, 84Cm, Mo. 8780162 Ras 84"178 HILDEBRAND, THOMSON, Eb ZEHR cnii.d Gomel Off-1144 V&7U KAISER ALUMINUM soritFm.. Wdcaiied Ci.. Amenina.. Cé'po -ci Pc.chEncioOsm Roe8.e. Ecc.isocaion Fedenal Industries of Canade OAKVILLc 8450318 ALUIN-UM WINDOWS Et ODORS GlAS-na EPAIRS SOoE FRONTS WASTR OS8 ALIMINUM SIDING -dm k 1111111» E E * IRCOOORO 886Min aE. e71.1 GabieII47 F/owee, otiqoe 'fbceiscISC" Coplte oiralServc LAUIRIER CENTRE tlin N1 Ontario 8781il Flowers- A 06(0 FLOWER MILTON MALE 'W Complote FolSSmcem 878-2881 Baley FMel O.idoucCto uis a evc Om.xd h Openretd b Bruce Bel 878-4821 - i aI a cwumm MTALLATM C-ýýcài m R.4-1.1 F,» Estimt. 878M MILTOWNE CATERING formoyow ememq ne@" et f«Mrabb pd- cou 87SM1 or ma "- CHIMNEY B. Rom Cona5ru~tOf Ltd. -Ail tyfflofconsruconR Cond.uelultiond AUino.isguefonti. Phonfor à isssutkmte1 878-781 MEERS BUILDING *Addree LaOl * SoamSnh .A. COMwPE S111 RV211CES " 7o70g2 x-. & 6 CONSTUCTION 6 NOME RENOVAIONS RoofiRO conresR. foundation9- tlodcois fiiîpiac.. dccks, paio% FREE ESTIMATEO INSUREC Bois r"hndo 9784 RON ISNOR CONSTRUCTION 000" on padac tiom-OisRiing-Rccd Hunten-couglc ledisia John's -w * @qoîionc mention tc wakest n.mtp end C.aNU dm« ÉGo.É% COix..h MneLid. .*OO itbiomiOt * teRn.vlio REPAIRS ,.asi Iai Do ft 1n000b860C N.4. bts too Cottit Cell 8784800 ED McMULLEN O.4.erIO 853-1818 ..Ie Nadalin Electric Gardon DowOliI RoRd,, a -CIMNEY SWEEP Cmneci 873-die 878-4111 KAALSELOCT9lCAL SERVICE24 MR. Ence sthe Coodfot ed Rn 1,AtnROtaeio of . Cie.n Wood L7 2L7 umi.g AppinE. Phiso8u93m2 McPHAIL ELECTRIC XLIMITED - cIroOTR AL I . COMMERCIAL W i FA M &HOMES ELECTRIC CEATING INSTALLAIONS5 OON7 TAKE A CHANCF Mfl f -k ' K -CALLTHE EXPERT Johns Joees Chmney « Custom Farming Repeir (b 1416)336-3330 aeenSeg Polean, cctinaiîna, didna 878-1194 piinOor E ccIi rin. Foiiy nonti coi..Ieisnen Coeicrete 1[L1 Contractors Ld. STRAIONT LUNE FENCE COý Filoo c risooxc. Chaie nA ' W* k Pool F11 Docsisi f oleoi rel 11sieri PatiosiCarisi msdaniol h& dushi»I *Ttur.d Cses Spàcwn. -G 'onud N.igh StoccoCRiling oe one ALTON E& McISAAC CONCRETE [TO. Basements, Floors, Patios, Brt Foundations MILTON FIHIPLACE aERVICIE PACONI FEATURNG THE LATEST Dead StoC ck eoua IN eoveSUN Q on id ANDFIREPLACES Fr" R.ero CHIMMETB CLEANED . « r m110ict i AND REPAIRERO indtc.hos.. 78-M79 -ILU Knowles Plumbing R.nid.nlioi. Ind 0ii R.ui W.i Nil f;ýI NI HAýj (A)N kA A RENTALS CALL878 81184 375 STEELES AVE. SmU 8 MIL T1EEMLON J. aR. S.mlRO O pec ct.,ing Re. telm.ey. Rlesues le alc-1,,. Poly I3.eq e d. VV .. SNOWPLOWING Et SANDING Hu sesixceae.ii Fortinetim te 878-2552 COMMERCIAL Et PRIVATE FIonIorE9.SOt te.tC COUi Tose 878-1463 m MILTON CENTRAL. LIB8ARY Tu«.t -9t2nme' T", -.0. R '8.30n. L RAINBOW N - c8 ROTOTILLING A: *SEEDING P*SODOING nPLANTING N - PRUNING G- PATIO *FENCING *POST MOLES * TREE CUTTING bTRIMMING 878-W YOU CALI WEMAUL NJxh T.,cSmii isirnet grageilà yard 874M BAVAN Invetment8 Ltd. Spetbi i Rg lRF epiace. end Chisinya. 878-3422 ~DB® E~®c~ nft I SNOWPLOWING Semon pnpoi CalE: 878-7634 MILTON POOLS Sales & Accessonies *Igixoud -C. CI.Co #à.-Gci.d *S'ic 878-8770 529 Main, Unit 6 ViOen .,Sh.omcdli e ILn-I poolS *e-E M.eassC.. 878-7087 drnti Milton Colour Et Sound Ltd. 18 Thompson Roati Unit No. 1 876-1175 SemcIuiii snlakes of T.V's EtStees. "Casivirn 888426 18 Tssussp'.cs. O '. s aced 'p JUST FOR VOUR SERVICE LiiBe a RED CROSSCOP Blood Donor CO-OP >CARRIESj __________ A AC MPLETEI UNE 0F Wlo... WATIER SOFTENER SALT Boisa DelîveryAvailable - 87&M291 pecltetofle champion On a platformi ihicis stressed 'Iputting tise pride iack in tiese ystem QOakyie separate sehoci represncative. Len Auger, was eected eliairman of thse Haton Board of Edication. tan eeu. Aager, reptacing Milton trustee Bill Lawson, seho steppeti down froi tise chair aller one year of ser- vice, said ise sanis tise board to cors togetiser "We must corS iharder in speais more iolestiy citti erh cuber (tisetrustees). We mot recognize tisai dîsagreemensuare natorat. Il ice otcho is rigist tiai s important. bot wisat îs rigist," said Auger. Bortington trustees, Noei Coopnr and Bill Priesi- ser were tise otiser cotenders for tise oiairmatsisip. Tisey ton, in tieir ptatforms, discossed tise oeed for tise isord to be more opec and trusting. ',We siootd cottnctivety try to coprove ourseives. 05e must cors tocards more isonest and opmn relatiosip eitis ocrses and administration," Mr. Cooperecommenteit CiesiVIa Bookkeepng SerVice FWWi epcri.ncid tixTTiai Balnce Eb FinanoilSt' ments e8asom9ilc rat«. WHI itkip Et d&W« 8764W2 aftw.Sp.R'. > \CI-APMAN CAMERA REPAIR ^Il -k Ui,..-Cd (416) 879-277 ni5 C.bnE Tai. 41ff. IAASONRY UcST0M DESIGNER cF .rlcOies -Flitone5 *C,a.ce Tciric Bce riic5sk t St. CAL.10E FERBO 8786636 001 Go$E0f.S Gus MOWBRAY LTD. 87M2381 Beley Heoiîng & Cetling Sales b ServcCe R.R. 3, Mlton 878-4821 M8ton Appgence Refrlgee.tion Coolîng b Meetng Ectic Fra. cCetral i, CSimn, cEloceenieAA, CharRie CARPENTRY Ail typsofci rarieu. Eailo. rovaticos. roos ddi- McCORMACK'S Compota Jieiteiai Ser- "Ficem resOur Speciitc" cCOMMERCIAL *INOUSlRIAL *RESIOENTIAL 24 HOUR SERVICE 1416) 878-12&-9 DANS AUTO BODY 24 H, TmCcises.g 878 5145 Anchor Auto Collision 151 NIPISSING ns ONS Et 4h 878-8424 -5 8005 Rctee F--REE EOnTIMATES BILIS AUTO BODY COLLISION EuPERTS 872721 87-3251 En CUtoLmLINi.. * 8etorticn i Point LOUcc.OCI @I.C MASONRY @W CONSTRUCTION 8774032 d"«i 8784111l ot 826 1223 NADALIN Elcnc Co. Ltd 315 Ou» LLe. Rnd OR P.STGIIA -57IM 143 Main St. E. Milton 87-82 Realdence 878-168 Wd.8c...P.tR. Tasc.9à....4 p.... Fî. 2.M.. . Ort Anhut A JohnSon 214 Main Stnte Mou. Ones 8783673 BP Canada LId, Agent GEORGEB THORNBORROW b SON Homo ed Fss Ea . nDicel h G. 24Mcum BceRC 5iceC usqioC Clmes 878-6538 or 878 8004 FietEeimtea Cal AI anytîme 87"-789 C Et I MOMt IMPROVEMENTS Peited Pp& Dy Wall M.nrilite waiO For ait Four painting needs Cal:GIL PAFISOILEN PAINT1I 8786137 ANTRIM INTERIORS Pepenisesfg & Peitino Free EanteR PhoneM881784 lumbing b&Meetng * Hoi'IssO ýc & i0ndstrie seing MIftw f., om20 C@E 878-6727 GENERAL PRINTING Co" SSR5S5eV BV5iO P"" oSsO 103 SI., nA CU- 9 W., f OOV 25 M.1ti.0.11 c m thec tisn 0 R"Ile 878-617 mmx sheMk KENT CARPET Cen Sce 0i95dcli CARPERCLUAPING - AFFORDABLE - RELIABLE Fiee Edcs..59 ai" 784 Lie Nc, 29C7 Prestge Ovee'.sed 24-hr. Service Oseica &Maue R.Rbsti lnsl 878-7047 DAVE'S DisssJoce Servsiceo 878-3822 KEEPtNC TIME .J. SERVICE Ail 5cemileRe SStar Dse Msecfoclun caaimti @TM GOMMO * 88-72' Th lu CLEMENT'S ePAINT-WALLCOVERING-GIFTS FOR AL VOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NEEDS! Cards, ioyal Abert China. Wall Pic- ques, Hummel Figures tipUcebel, Chrsmas Tire Ornaments, Pînwheel Crystal. Cllecicî Plates. 197 Mahan St., Màtan 878-9232 .Eecs.bRk ofOivinpg ifîen6rtificat6for a nwiliVLiee, Pat, 0./choc PnnîOtdoffghn II e *A ji FF CHEEACIIOISE Party Tro. sNOcAL asiSete 0.c$ 14.93 Gourme Gifi KOSTA SOBL akt Reg 1 g 27350 N0W $8.76 DELACOURTS OrdRE in Open your gîfts around the warmth of a Heritage, Airtlght Stove from Pearsons M.9tiSt E., MUR..876-15M3 MnSomchm '5 or New scEnîhietio' Opus AuRa Shuatini peu s, e Sovbn achn« Bec>1- -11.1, s ha. 19.5 jMu Aiso Roendtond CFeeeh p, FcO.srr CaeîVeeý Servces a-cia efe. 182iMaie St. 87-697 Miton - fis h cecis Eleci,, Beg LqOf -ecLfeîeEV Vees - Fcshghis*- Maeý1 , -s V,k Corner Hwy.teNo.25 EtDerry Rd. 878-8121 FREE DELIVERY Anywhere in Canada A GiFT SUBSCRIPTION to Tise Canadian Champion sa a yea'. round trean. Nems, featues Et bsports. heep pou infoemed and entertainedoti pear. Cm 8770770 883-0379 Coe-n ie Radialos A- T-kEss6ht T-le1 52lM...ioi 878-8821 RECYCUN Of WASTE PAP8 E.iRi ed .1ina e CPr j.C. W.RM M gccCi picte 143 Mac St. E. Phone (416) 87-18Z2 ciii collecil 020c11 IUVACU5u*d SALES & INSTALLATIONS MARRICK1 BUS. 878-1880 25 TEA EFNS 0tee *FESoîcce iic nnsid F REE Sille',u0T cFREE Wat., A-lOiVE Phone 844-9781 Bil McDonaId ,*STOP -1 1 il- ,0