MI An initeresting proposai W iiwTL ss jl mr fa*ou gs. q li -tshie PMai p@wu b e 55IA rma& ths a mjorA 0Wlvs p aohrmd dwciatebthy las m i Wv, aU me taLu=dO hathpiZata Il in a OMito t 1k lsm's orgaitase a comput- Aidve tom s iAeiyssaileyiar. ItI mait ho quitt a o CO9lWmtionIferth lava= lathsta lwyiý)rsaiiPoapan tisa Petsrb oa nmdfinit how they mide 0mg mdhomth.'redoAag. "Pol aamththegmsbsca tIl forteethaowltbTucoinesa mattr aicivie pelit ltlattujunwotaam."l Ils unansaltgctpeon o a etthe sliltrAts.ai atckocsgttmM MAla, Mutonhiea hockey tami. 0Olai the spotswhlch lk-vsmattntonin thin cnmmualîy, hockey teamd pebably aays flilb. umabeone. Feusuptpot itlyesa'gamnhveitOff M uvr te 1,.hilein as u hearen 5e Rd " t dt hltave the atraction Il oace b.d mb.n rovn 5tret irona man the factu ci thespot Hockey aileaclu spte mefailsodae, esther Uey're ne ta lb. tamn or mit.Il lae rtanlya gaad ay tlu gai neteresiontaivolveit cky itluthe town. Ceellay nuncmutitonpoci the towma luea muney un a cs.tlng tui". Homsver,i Uis rAh paopts in lumu mre ivallable tluhaiie the bain, Iinlghiheomme lb. .1traction Aitonce wmu andia rak-evunSuu". Il cmialunly la an ilerestiag iou, somethig wich aphone elaights.nighton. Spaonhn0, tennis mth a chng o neeahp on thslr d, Monheros (or ratheiltowne Beatty AeoSl got off tlau flytag strt Fia alghtmwhenneoo maeGarylThomas, ofitheo - îy frm, batit Moln Mncc Hockey Nigiti t Mi- tonuSportsaCnre. Thomasasu ijedait anme mach neoitot lMt ito 1the club mhlch onerty coltapeit durlng the Puckage s i mefor ltiesAwn ushow Alu uppre'caiooltuaavag ome calAbre of hockey and came oui taouppr the club. fliomas anI go Aglnmake mm nd ilb avelustt a lew sringsanthalb.mawn'llkmetamuch. leMtan ndutrAiHockey laaicouititai fer mman asitance in the ay of playera fr a louipoeary bâtis uuyay. Au thingu stand uo, auy player In tleb P.IHL Wsigns an OHA card caot play for hla MM ltesun for the rosite yor amd goon Anlu the draft, il b. anta lu raura, fortecoangyear. MMi. eigne mlght mml lu okilu the pneu- ibllly of alomtttg iayera lu ave thrsc or ise- gaine briasamth Aeronwthoul any loseaofastaue for thiyear or noul. Or insybe, alomlug ptayom tao finish ouuttb. yur mth Aensan d rtura lu hier furmer leim the aneusr. t'slfoodfor thoughl. MAC swimmers dynamite top flrs t comp etitive m e et A hppyCrai M9urray huais fronsar-ta- ameas flilo«a: Bradley P'reusti, a second and a Mre - oU la-yasr Milieu Aquaic Club dlaime- IhrdJoanue Hopkins, a third, Kaie Bilgaley, ed iset place aeaU Ain their fist compeUttve imo Ihirds; Anircm Smith, une Ihrd; Christine savm et oflhessaue.rwl, a seonantitto thirdu, Suanne Dan- hsic. Mae s' rui, .4 inl 1,0 twmontba lu coch, ausecond; and Paul Crawe a thirit. ucauragr bbs lb.ttserm club 5rn ln addton, lb. grls' tO.and-under relay tbain suika,3rgoomla, lusdunit akille i a Mf 'rta Van Riet Paap, Harrison, Billngley MVWmodgumy e Hailtn.and Pawarand lb. bay' i0oan-under relay lie ne ye bë btS tin et Wsohus, Pamar, Van Ri Paap andt ta?. "te ot .d nue t yfurCr 4bas.ft a '.flu u l olbg an apn house ton.r thr.sva.aaadonsstlnwtlrsOi thuarsday> aaie. pin aIetDrury Setuol for ail RI.tPap withltwoflritwo maseconds andits n bcn"7,fin a a Anyoffne lt=eti in rcglalerigfor the coin- thlri; Ose. Wesnge mth a irai, a secnd and pallllve or pre-competilive groupa of lbe MAC lu athri; hial 'mthlasr th pince askei tolucontact Sra uMurray lhrough lb. Dept. a aKILteBkeautumsn mh p ocet Parta and Recreatioal tlumuball. Flyers make more news with off-ice activities Dy raffl"EL nOvatE Walksr igued i e plyer ta an Gakrvile carit, Chssptim parutatet"r tankil thIe OHA, put hetauntm is l. th ic-up tiela.plyer bave hee realhi more neun and in lb. program. The player bscame eligible off tbethsstn on wbon lbe mou ta obaibi releaseanmd il wasi Cunsaithaslb..incienlu wblcb bave oucrred the aaduolthe OlA. aettpat:ulolehoTfle releaue ditidulcone mlii after MacRae R.. hiaverscrcuatlbal teleain hi for played galmt Flyeru herefore nmakig bMoni- ais. Oms.. Bth Gaadittg ayu ho lanmltl slibePlyera ntaithlb.micne and quickly ie tha club turrum Aifunieone mares the gei=uprolot. B I.olfar. 'le se sthat snyone taowtagly mak- -Fys'prtasi of a itaeat lu Okyillie 15=aiererecuahiuotibpnliey , Btaits s mu phsi yl:teOltA Board of Drec- alteit aker. li mk yappeal on thai Uns attch, if l. t sutands, oult b. the hant. tonbtslahi skvll'umaaig seauan. 'I fani il wm an error ijudgineul and a teck- - Sa mauy playecu bave lat lb. teaon ite nicality. flic person i Utile Brillun hn iPlY gaulanitr luBraptanSatuday Wha lb. "I aeunih ing it. Winkbn ad uthe goule wu eeciit.capthi 111Lyuh ioane OH. W plibt anm talitprorai auon lb. - lerau - i oel u peio e- 'nue ihaomlumobinarer oueplayr -iunmest.100represntativan Mrigern."Icniywad' an an al-star tean dont plaY Mcite was ont a dominhan for the club anymore. factr ta the gaine uni thUicieci- Gig hock tlu the iratit, uon of the uppoal hi cupeceit mrumalhave been travelinga roun irasu. about for abaut a manth nmflirdly, Flyeru muni goalie thât theP'tlyeru aa nthe blck. Derricks Neelunitu mban Uic net- Fler' amer Veru andfleth ( "ndean iehd mordu miithoner Go in ay nancrts o fOXer .'l Vers Goodig b.lmeen Uic se- han tuen receivec d - coud and Uird periodu Friduy Beth acknowleigsita verbalj of- ~ .c nigiil. Nelandu broke tas goant Werbas beeub.iciuue. stick oser Uic net aller llomig Ssv"ora sple asclteit mth MltlonMisr a soit goand it heu b.ecame Hoackeybutant psakaguon bhalMMof liA, offthe ice, Vrnolld am idb.iewautebreak ltas bave titlicatei thUey are iierotedin taut1thaig stictha ia iybe suld by hisomu. the tean. But Uey asked thelr nInOs n1101 hsnsiT hflic 1,goi inoaun argiuient and Nelandu mliil something broa. teli uni tucbed Uic rani of Uic gume froi Uic "F Ve 001 reccîiveduny oriticnofalers," ex- stands, lredanitmcary. fluai hon beau partually rociiei mith Uic udit- A pelle for Ue taon bau mi hbeunameitbu ian ni bru playeru roin Burbln .4Whoere sauces idcata a purcha prlce aboa $10000 obtaiedtna tradefor goalle Mlke Shephcrd. wouttl h i âe. Fourlhly, Uiemoulra divsion Of the Central on thesscon nt OaOkvilem-a--gerMurray ont. Jr. B League (Lie. ailemotaon i s fHmy. l0) Walkr says . lie appealau OltA deitsln nmeit an ali-alar tanin lu compte i a taura- whkletolanoverlo'nsg 10-lmiilua 1-0 amant i Ktchenar duingrthUe Christmas bil- 111itsdaonapailgt ecitohn ansmmain An ] tennisare lu bava raus'essstallan. Millnu posibl, 'It5lW l tes" t i A's an t- rep"-oey Gieton Md Mike hpb.'d mho bath gllii' Pym d<ragpd i as est -.Dd siita wuaritfour acclpn oiiian d tbwhon js.lrcbtgkylaUdaEilita.9lalosmekot pyes offthe acsssinlthe final raie i 055s iSitwhsubyMiiEu mauti hagIsns 5-il Frlay tuitlre Bramtasscuesia -tW flV5E55liliilWthBlitUSatswitay skating through tce creuse in front of Aero pall1e John Muize- about 500 during Milton Minor Hockey Night. .,Ex-A eros steai show in success fui 'opening' flic targoul uan-playolt cramditw 100ycurs maicheit Miltamne lteally Artas aMIer a 10-5 de- foui ta RochioReal McCoyn in Milton Minor Hockey Night Friday ai Milto Spors Centre. Il as a disappottisg resait tram asn ther- ise nccomsfl l igli as sein aner Gary Tho- mau's promotianuabutali drcw about 500 spcc- talura for the cantant.- lranically, il as a couple ai cxAras inho ulle Uic pottîtht. Deencemas Daag chaca- leld, a membar tram tuait yer's club whch koockeit off Iochion intheUicirst rasait ai play- alla, corci thUrcc geais. Fariner Aros' coach Barrie Eliat as hehisit Roctan's banda and cairucitda certain degee of aistisfaction bouing Area for a coaple of reasoos (Multons playoll mi lsot ycar and Uic tact ho aso't re- hrcdtaocoach thecclubhmo years ugo). Ntaonal Hockey Leagae referme Buce Hosit druppei thUicpock for Uic spcnhng face-ofl mth a pluyer lram Milton Misor Hockey, Gtcn Thomas, andmwatched thiegaine. Gary Thomsinndislributed tns daces ifree hockey sicksta tmiinor hockey players in a specc lai drum andt also gave ouitlino tcum sweaters. flic anitorins wrc donated caartesy Cusudian Sports Disribution Lt. (hic us a lacns ta Edmonton ilets' Wayc Geloy hyihle the ther ms simitar ta, Toronto Muple Lous' Dar ryl Sittler. Il marked one aI Uic largot cromits ta ever wtch a regalar-seuson isicrinciiate gaine i Miltoa llioigb inach o Uic reasan as through Uic free tickets. UMforiunaiety, Uic club casid't pst tUeic cml su Uic cake wllh a viciary. Hoeser t t31, Itochion dres nt lose muny gaines and hus drap- poit jut ise rcguar-scusoo contesta s ic hepaît twoseauoms. Flukian jiamped oual ta a quick 4-0 cuit aller thelueamu hait ptayed ncucly 14 misutes ofîscore- loua hockey. Athsagh ahlu on geai erent re- curdeit, Arun gealie Jota Minluar domisated Uic irai 15 minutes inhen liochîo hait severut gooddscoring chances. The dues brokc wiUi six minutes 10 pluy ohen Schonfeld's sholt rain Uic point fulos aIsmy Uroagh a mazesofplayers and inta Uic ot. Aero clssed thecgap 10 4 1 ise misutes ista Uic secondt perisi ta Rocktan rcpied iUi a pair ai golu belore Uic period muast unit ceastcd ta the comtortahle in. Il is apparent Uic boums euhocs s on Uic lae ise. Oftenssive players Barry Troad, ales Muraan cd Paul) Nkann wr aycer] or) the scoring talents wre oastdaodtcc The club mus mssaso SilBryant, a detesce- inan, unit cestrcman Archie Chase, Ue cla's leaniscorer. Aucun tanl ita diliclim playing inligalc playom mwhou bath Lurne lcsak unitDenis Long- pr, mho ere nuspondei beauane aI as ater- caliin he icpreviouangainc,suiteit ap. Losgprc taoktaimellouiof the gaine jeat ise einutes is- ta theuopanios perid utaiLesakplaycd Uic estire gaine.fThe OHA unmilydublestUicsosponsion. Duug Fry, ealiy Uicbot player on Uic ice, Brait Buchanan, Tùm Bull, Glas Mrruy andt Bob Baker scoreit for Aroa. Il markeit the Iamu usecond uraighi Imu uat home lu a tap-placeit club. Acron irappeit an "- dicisan tl u OunvMilcMuitcta Tauduy t Memarial Mrena sn a gaine mhick cost a Dans ville ployer a yeuc suspension ast possakily a litetimeisuspension fotraneicOHA. Mudatu etencemas Jack Mctorleywaus hees kicet of ahUicOHA for t toust tii ea when he look a golf swing mth hiso stick which slruch Aeras' Steve Clotier on tise chas unit moaui arcosiwhie Cloutier as lying defescetesa os Uic ice. Cloutier leal a coape ai teet andt sedeit isse stitches ta close teteialn o e micioot brutul acls in any lesel ai OHA pay ti soueson. McSortcy apparcntly ment heserk alter ke mus shtet tUhe ards raaghty curier s ic gaine ast lasi four teUi .Lter, ith Ctoutier ty- isg ta a prone position, he sezeit apon the oppor- tasity ta sent is usger. toau4-1ttirst.prriodtleudadusimedoithi'may to upsettiol the secosit-ptaced touin for Uiche- conil timn a waeek. However, Madeulu re- graspet ast scoreit tise uasoereit goain Uic midde frameto carry a wo-gou lead into the tthdperiait. Aros got ta mithit ose goal helure Maitcata taet twos qaack inarkeri ta mcc Uic sic- tory. liutt ted Aeros' scorers it tinsgeais ehite Faut McCuss. Troot. Cloutier unit Chase aditei sies. Chase, Stoticr asd Et Hizingh aititc tino ussaîts euch. Aras playet tuai nigkt ut home to Parisanmd tant pay uguas octal Taesituy Dec. 22 inhen Uie clubhohsta St. Mrys Ftyers Two formner teanumates maut in the corner for oppoing teamu us Aers ogEr 'rigt and Rocltonus Doug Schoenfeld lft) gt tangled up Schoaafeld ha himueif quite an evening in Au ffirt vtit back to Milton this year with a thireoal effort. -I 1 1