10 Tis Cmion Chanpmn.Wad., Don. , 1801 Protective vest tise arrday division o Wieelnlraler Crp. otCanada Ltd. itao reveived a $5.6 million neder trota UNe Ontario Deportment othlie Soicter General to supplp 15.000 protective neststo teU poice otticers in Ontario. Barry Stait, generot manager nif$5rrdaY, taid te order as hlieveil tu ehOe targest single order ever ptaced for Oie iappty nf pao- totine police cota in Nort Amera. tbe voulu milI ha mode n ofevine, a ibra niticit nul ho moyen and mannfactored ity oarrday, onder rigornus leting hot ity Borre- day and ity indepoodeot tmsting agency. UNe Onario itesearcht Foondation, in conjonction mt Oe Soicitor (enerali Centre ni Forenic Sciences. Deivery otheOie ota miii commence in Jonu- ary 1982, sitit comptetion ni Oie order itp April 19M. Rony McMurtry, Solicitor Generat, taid Bacc- day as citouen (nloig a detaited reviem ity a spocial commttia miicit enatined public ids iThe order flosthnOe Ontario govero- monts decision te prcitase Oie vota for the Ontario Provincial Police (DP?> andl ta pny 50 por cent ni the cosi (ne any police deprtmnents in thte province ito atm mwiiied to nitain titem. arrday is a eaver o ipoialty textile fait- rici or a variety ni uses, iocluding filton itols for dm1t collecters manniactureil iy Wieeia- Control of the Halton Board of Education is passed on at the eand of every year. Here, outgoinz chairman Bill Lawson, of Milon, passes the gavel to Oakville separate school trustee Len Auger. Vice chairman for the next year ucli be Burlington trustee Florence Meares. rarCo f Ca nada ,Ltd----, R g o Mack Xmas Rgo msebl ie okers a Oe Mack Tuckt retires plant in Oakvlle ienul esiesteded Christ- Mack Tack public relations director Juta Gibbts said Thursday tai UNeavilte piant Citddun's Aid Socety wouid experience shutdnmns from Dec. 7 t014, amcontants one u t Jan. 1lto 18 and Feb 8to23aay tier rad l Ttte plant would atmo be cnueil dariog te an- tartina 1inton, tanoh noat Crstmas holiday ietween Don. 23 andl le Haton Regonai Jan. 3. Couicil. Mr. Gibs said btitassembly line and office Caunillora voteil lait employees wold bceaitecteil by te Dec. 710o14 weeli te approve itlplsg ciosure ichile the January andl Feiraary shut- UNe CAS retire deficita dnwnn may involve assemitty line oroitrs on- tai have itee carreei y. inte l.t. Hen said te sitdonwmre a mosult ni the EarBer, CAS ex.- generat downoin nteeconomy coutve diractor Bon Te Oakivlle plant manufactures ieavy daly Coupianil toli meinhua trucks miicit oil for a minimum of $M,000. of Uitheatit and omod Lait September, te Oaitviiie plant inititued aervies.and admini- a prngrat whitch unulil evenluaity ne.85 of 350 tration and Runeis asaemitty ino woriters laid off. conuniltsea tteUNde. te laynffu were in conjonction witit a cl- fi0110 have roaoitad fro. iacit ni production from 12 trucits per day tei changes inntUN aay tUN elgitl truchn a day. proviniligo9r- tn paya liaeaitars of tUN Our iace dIn te put 10 i Titere as a gond reason Dians MDoattaUns. could ha covoraed crnt store onoCharlesSt. in catied Our Ploce. thtougbiNtIUaOO' Thic omaluitap in a portion o a wiite rame budgets provdod lithUN iouse is a ea vetre for sot onty lits, Jo'nC McDougati. but for hlre itonitand, îwo Sintitoisait aYomatwu daughters, coasin, tan and daugiter-in-tam. dAtdtnnged, ioievor, UNe te entire famîty ias a iaod ite operation aoclty hmai beauo omewitere,it as caited Dur Place a BOOg n cciODI In addition 10 craft-maiting ila ranging rom ltd 00t f$1,1111) qiltu teo mociing and mg itonng, an ammli- Milton Mayor IGord ment of pre-made craflu mny created lecally Krnntn, ahan tUN ra are atmo avaitaitte A childrenns corner incladon commendatien wu a d-it-yoaretf mooden daît homse.chld-ized prert l tenouimil, lbeandur'airn anda varielyoftnysanditand wanted on anaaone puppets NtUNhedelit wasn t lTe unique aspect ni Our Ptace is noiced by ltOtmd iy Regonai te noue an soon anste store ns entered' The noinndlatMin smiofnicitocolate. formed into diferent molda wu not obliigi tot ity Mrs. McDougalls daagbter Kathy malles Irovide noancoS. huyng a sample hard temînsit. Kathy cnducts Rgioal Camai citocolate molding classes ai the store, jut one itkeia nppradu AS 10 of many crats taaght thiere. (or pot en, tCA n Our Place ai 26 Chartes St. n open for it erae" a ilecision hinnos Tesday and Wednesday 10 am 10 onth amsibde 5.0 . ia hrsday andFPriday from loa.m. asUN m a t drot iniai govermmnt. Observe They're not glamorous.. Jewish But they sur& fele Jewias Beautiful! Hana'8 an for po Te ialton Board of Edacalion hao onked lui - uaicone a.vow- B .c n s' n.no pincipl tohb enstitive . 1 E ,n-1n Z.t.. Sh.nmobabno »h" o Jemiaithoidays mhicit A. uni onne M taIt onicitol doasanfir mati »P a parent complined etof " j . un ipecint choot evonto miicicoflictedmit ite raigiouo das - I I Laurn Metattano.of Bartieglen, onld 10 a sois letter tote Ubord Oint Jewiatt roigilu oaniali. np canhbnown welin.- odvance son UNt actîvit-- muaions and exama, con ha citedtled arounni rM LAVender, dir Ti tMile taasoninnd taa nastin ctr ofedocation for the ' Nte soif a nt noe bmand 0tan f oard sidite had rîr- tvnmlnn teSzn. A 6 Il.O8t5 t. 11 -f.lat--> ls fh-0tt>',OIl.10 Iheir cotaictectono ahen Vaceitdhntg ments. Style, Service Fit.. Ou, Specielîs OR. &.SinOM viI Opan Monday thon Satuea IPTMETUT O9S&W0- Felday 9:0>0-900 143 Min St. E. L Naturalizer 8784M ShoeShop l e 35 Wyndhum St. $N. Wadnadave.e.ieDowftOWn Dualpi 71aau~eO-e.taPwoei.475 W U 2-P.M.&m eW w a ypc group strdng Sa he Otaarfi. PC all ,,a =utu tra aliuoranimg andlit Laawlae Avf enumoe binat satr, f UN PCt Pmlyathef 1n4ro lu are ia ud -co , apda diiit 2.00p., Me bt menrgeWi e or Gordonarahip lto MCa lUN PCUag Jackn Noaagawoyan PAseiden PraFmn Jacli ellghm, * oirSL- 4LFLKOJ L ou-notia wr ff~i,4ô sr> OF Quu-y, rmlitAzrFimp mSs us a, j Imm