Tisa Canaaiena Champion, Wait Dec 2, 1981 C3 Leg ion enjorys best week winning 4 straightgamnes Winners in the Calcutta are Noreen Hurren (lead), Dava Hughes (se- Zond, Steve Brancier (vice) and RonRwley (Askl) CRAIG KERR ItMIGRT BE HIARD ta bllama tht, ia, u tie crasedu tisssgisg lie aliroom les Satsrday algh, sayoes. wald ha igssrean tisathereultz oaf lie tabudaus Ctaspil aa. ineaassyssedld msiteimlii glva a Bllte s-cap ltielin.ti place But no-as ta aller matera, The artioas l slsrtlssg te bau pin se mssy arassa, is ladaad difficuli ta mnurae edoa't misasammaanui ut slefcsa ffascaoal uas bit out piasrri, ta tisa catinulng saganof the Beagram's mlaad event, sois2 or 30 spectatos s mre treated tnaa great gme Ssdy atarsos m b asGisldas riais defaaidBrsSmihss tram tamwin the rigisi tarapru thl ithle cld, aslldwarid. =ieGadte did it tiseiard way buaiisg Smih Iira o Susdsy, tisraby collsuiag Ue losg slasdagcgm t s tam rislt la htter ta C raeoiu s 'or tie 'Baida in disse evast. In ay casalh mn god curing and as one sbmld te asslsmad af ibir perfarmance. Watt haaep yau psted o tise prgrua utf Bobs riai, ipfaiy untitmael intithiietatemtaiter. Aatler di clucampiastp riais as dacidait quietyibisa saab hen Morey Mais dams Ue sign. Ras Tracay, Dos Gibso, Lau Fartas osd Reg Carpwon lise right ta rapreset Miltas in tie mas's seniors vant y virtu fthUe act tiey werae i:osy usas ta ragistar. Were at sure if sial mas tiera assaoune aise aid enuagi ta ha auiguste or miethr iis imrsome simpiy scarad Usa oUer cumpeitius away la any avent, sur bust isiss go witb tie Grilrigade. Tlree ams have untera thtie meu's claspioship Laattas Taniard avant. Rins siippad by Ken Hanno, Han Rawiey and Jark Fraser mii square off Dec. 12 (prababtyf mtis rap-ap gasces scleiald for Dec. 19 as secessary. DCA scieitlu requira Iis vunt ta ha rom- piteit by Dec. 21 su isapaostse ape for trmn sWehtd daims for tas an. Asyase interasteit la top-club cring ass nit tosut hbasasist ffeiyiias F alaitiaIatotitta misa tia Tise Masters and Calta campetitiaas cose as farcas estriearse coscerned on Dec. . Laie word ram tihecaras seva ri ris etng frmed quietiy, athaugi sig-up is eiag detayasi ap- pareattac orpyehotogicat reasossaLouis for sasse sard-isttsng, taugis, repaat custeadara camisgout in thesa ans. Posters are up for tisaHattan-Peet Bumspiet miicis ges Janary -t. Apparatiy. team formations are hing impsiced isy tise absce ut caub ratlag-anyase la tise head office gethUe message?, This abanspiat la ana wbre e traditianaity fied a larg nambr of rinhsanam geseraity hisg ach a lttoutsilvarmare. Ram cornera mta areais- terestedin sas sutida upietsutd natetataioue- piters'are la big demanit for lbisaoue, and you sioid maise il Sauva tiyure avaituista fac tie draft. it' ard ta ttad a apici tiai utters mre ait- rundenjoymentand variety inscurling. Skp Ron Ratwta shows tna tîrtr whtch lad is rinàa fi the spial tille Satrday. i cnithait off this tury afttie Cacutta asy longer. t menthunei tota ateammate i as 5M pr centroorrectitn my preitiioas un ibsaone andt ie aameitas Uai as usty apprupriate bhaase tiai as hum i'd rtedintheUs pe. A fite ack ut gratitude or sussethtsg, i lear. lnanay evest. Ras Ramtys rchai diea id ii tise'A' avent ln a cose one avecRois McDoatis cce. Second evesi haitrt l Gatingers ftuas sassa drap Rais Armstrong hile Steve Kindrees gcoup dit a aumber un Rois Goutta riais Lst avesi siouda't ha hteestisg, but Ue fics RomyPauatJohson contat as mcii mucUs atcitg. fRckcame out otop onthisone). teihie Uanha ta ait cocrre ava haro ex- prasord tramn every canceivaisia source, one groupa paritular mus have spartat mention. On aturday nihit atoae, Uera mre il drams foc hagi-quaatty prinas andit t ia a nty a pertius ufthUe totlsuppor t eceit iy ssone t9spnsos. Picavo reasi tiis fIs caetatty as tisvcoacrcav arerrl frindsrrtof iirrMiltonCrcinrgClubhand Caoada, rfalfy'o Moe. lira nCorp..CailLada. Oroiards. H.A. Sieidon, Parser Bras., Tii. Tisumpsaa Chiropractie Ciîic, Laiatias remerhes, MUItas C-up, St. Cair Pains, Bafour Canda, Aan Grave Farmas, Gtancse Meatu, Famou Playara Tisstres, Cotr Youc teurti, Château-Gai Wns andutrsssy WUtumw Rsaurant. Qesiona aftis emeaisrteasyure ata gel- tilg lu Usa cub, a a aSdy park is atUe aide, anditus crad nitsamy or raisisg, andt you ras ta gt-mhy dn ysu atays have ta, go aronsstut Ue bcksdanr? PS. Tu l»e Camba-Your suggestionsas sot ignorait. Watts Uss spara In Usa seat coupe ut mutas. -1o Now lhat's a ht An unidantified Miton Flyer fief t) sanda an Acton Sabre ovar oa Sabres wbo won, thoulgh, 84. Photo by Dave Dorksn. Good competition coming for Wheelers in Silver Stick play Havtag pasad the msdmay pelinta Bramptan rattsad tiIta rambhild iberbaatemGajaq q iage defeat, ta gain tisa dram.,rte tia Brampton lte taaisWieslshasebesiâsa galtsessmurd Wtbà6ttlVa omintts wltt diseaver josi bao* gud tisay are remalalag in Ue gasm iUs ima tIls massd wmbu Uey play laUsthe heetars la tie pealty bux. IntrnastiltStivar Sticis Regolai Mtttns gass mre s it avanty payda e n iOmsSound. assong Parrcs Had, C sAusotin, FifUs toetrs have impruaaed Tracy Hardng and PaaultWilson wmGa thar Tri-County rivalasoe tcUis yuar isa th tishie year. John Farisu and- mitU excelent teammuris and aUt- Huait etesaasalt-maisrs ils imu sround goit ptsy. apiace mwhite Misa Mangîtis and ta the clubs oos gam test eai, Stephas Raipis isd ane a ati. Whaaers and Brampton ptsyad toa a4- Ferisu, ta particatar, putlilas teler lie Sundsy ai Mamoriai Armna. performance ils un aggrasatvaet- Ater lastlsg saar-victary agalasirmta is hnestratinait Bramptanailatta Georgetomn Satrday lisi t-a, omsaonse us namarousaoccasions. Learning their lesson peewees gain revenge Bocang hacis a pair ut tssas ta Justin Varga pauncait un Ue pucis Rringtas tat wmea, iltttana hatore put t a t totisa setth uas pumas Steasmsrs tattiait hacis tataise 5Mseconda remastag. a hard-tougisi 3-i in aer Bringos Twominstuteslta Usa Iid prtitd, Ssaday ai Mamurril Arasa Brilaglans Jason Knnedy ied Ue Mitîmna leaeraei a tesson la tise score. initw magamu ils Buriigos andt Ressamhartng Usir teda la Ue raspasited wmitisssa egasitpositial tpreviaus gamu mlaich diaappeared pay ait strasg siatlag easdlag ta lata tases, Steamers hisattugis andt guait basic hockeay. ragataait tie ltuithmis11.2 ce- Tise teama ptsyed aeaorty imafait malaisg. Brant Tasiser acrrithtis pariade batore s goalias scoreit. goal an s poer plsy snd tUsasadteit Milts hai thebirât hosorsemisas Tyer an tasrosca galsimilsseas minates Kasrta irait a pans ttealsanii ami ta go on a iscaatay atama hidtisheir hbut t wes ut tise pan, misatagfouratr iogt l gamu linawamsame r tastasalan a tve-dayL stretcis. sisata tota a4- declalas. Maris Harrisonshubt off lise Miltasset la spart- aclar talàitas misie teammatu Kyla Hasuaafeldt and liabiie Ms natottd dagua and Jasos Blachard mi. Aslla t rtise nigisI munt ta Gregg Harris with he, Shama Heaiey and Scott McL.aad. î Tise fsllimg algisi, stored thie omasition is't Atistagis Streelavilie isad severat amorbsg lpietslu, Davd Mcaissuppliait is asuas inte perfarmuance in tise Miltas set, wth osiy use shuict sqaeezing hy isa. sisated lits ay tai asalier tmw a per- fomne s-iaglus ment ta Healey, Dauny1 Aliss asd Cisis Siep- pard. Asista were picse up isy Richard Bray, Todd McLaait, Kevta Mottait,Irat McLeod, Hlaaley and Maris Frencis. The bitg game ofthtie meeis and miat trsed )n his haad. It was out ta bc the sweutast Clin ut ait, casse Friday, when tie tumn travelled OR. MARK GROSSMAN if Tonno wishîfrftaaatiethe OPENING of fits Prctica in CHIROPRACTIC MEDICINE n Georgetown For apparra-ani Cii 877-5888 uer tn ard 12 ârn Mon.t fors. crrtaf Burfdrg 16 Morrnanea Rd S Sute 202 Gao rgafraa In Bairilgata Inpiay irst mhen Todit MeLeait shut-oa gaatesdlag tiseir tiird game ta as irait Oaa inenaa aSapplied by Mchalais, maay nighsa. Mer preciston pasa tram aiong ils a ttaliof ta iaaiag 2-tlantiseir eariier brother Scott. abts os the opposition meeting ai Ue 5U505 Tise second periad mas set, tise1Lelosaires Leglos wao 'p for tliést coreleas ih close cssSc came away mtis a i0-a os, andt pisyl5g iheir at bth ends.laIn he ia. Scott McLeait tiree bust 30 miaulas Outhiird, mith just 1i20 latifor the 'hat-tricis, mush hocksey ths year, won il Heaiey dtd what ise dose Healay, French and 2-0. bust, as 'Mc. Mage', Bray faaioiag a pair Athoagis il as eh- icesi Ue game aller a each.- Todit cLeod vious team effort, tise perfect set-sp by Todd added a single ta rosait acrobatics ut goasteader McLeOd miutibaescoriag. Harrison sioatithe gtven Coachs sarry Wiwc- Aitisougis Usa game speciai asta au be made zaryis had litIle ta aay mas a tapsideit affair, it sevarai saves that coaid ater Ue game as ie mas as imprantinta t i osiy be abeileit'un- ton busy smiing sec- shamed a defialte ras- haitevabie. statl ithtbtise is sistency ia the ciaba lan- Commenta; overiseard teasity and duire ta ia, Tisa gaemsase fram tise Briigtan miich is mi e anasaetta trs splai witis bth parens coudnt he tise upramial Inter- taamos ahowiag finues- pristedin t this puis- national ilver Stick ibitions of skailg ad ication. regianat pisydomusaia pasisg mîUs conslant Ater a ose day rust, Owen Sound and tise re- end-to-esd rushes, tise major atomu botait mainder outhtie sciseitae Miltas settad tieir lirat, Fiambaro Susday. teading ap ta tise pay- goat wsUs 119 ieft mntise Ussagithe combisiatios of affs. WINTER OGRAM ,]rrd -1$th981 10:00 A. M.'tQ 4:00 P. M. Cost -$10.00 e Learn $pccer SkiIIs a*lImpro*ê Exis g SkiIIs a Tone Up for Sumrmer Registration is Limited Applica tions wiiIba hendied on a firsft corne firs t sars'ed bas/s. 19sa Ma CHOOSE FROM DUR ALL-STAR LINE-UPI Mmda... idmoeu youIAmk dmseneoe youoe Moiers Ltd. THEPLACEFOR UN9EA YABLEPAICESAPJD SERVICE W5 QUEEN ST EAST e ACTON e 853-0200