nIx Si/k flowers lot, ýol-C. = eL. nitai- W a rn gim a m mand eal btn- qUSW raed trom theFier Maie, a m-vSua muis caenem =a.eaIcntsasv- mee egam »hitae aerha manitlititau tisees ulrimtI* jeta or an ualmptointmhAalrPCtai 8741M la adit rionsobar ame and arrange miata~~~~ asamaila ela in parlina dia- IraalltaFbr iKetofthcPalmMya3M4 tod eers oftieaIdminron adgins, aacemymlpmittlutwe l appraatisfort industra-colsuiirclal building permita tisrugËlmtlmn aip vr lut year. In ttal, bc reported, cmmarclal-tadtitril indlditgactivty tanItalton hon tcreami y 2.5 par centttho sdof gptenlber. tir, FaI rw pima ftptbhie IMasilion tg ceapis a ave geatalti t ller local or = asM% F gucahs liasonepcavldin Five Irma bve Icatedior expanddinta iti- to, hrnggttalIofIbetween 189sand 1tonton liu. Fscher noled tiene are currintiy amtiser 10 ionmethcis ave decided ta locata tn a lmta, liui seicis avenot yet annuncti lhalrIntentions. l11ieseirais wt rimal tatiser 110 jobs ta Local flrm gets conract Franisel Seel Lis. ci tubs ta csrentiylais- allMtgn =titall tha atructural nit Ior a MW minfl aeOi a4ticelte, for Steten tac. Tieacitavolves a total nofi lamtonsI allarsaitei4, onmr a contract valsai ai sgS mlutrm4alwai 11we talailconiriet alai aIoverp-ml- lien.L2 Tsltattrsaem equioles tortue ramn- 1ingarasi t a' lntg andweagli6.toan MDHS students oerfoirm Xmas facelift Dy JaeMnager A Sp et ai itas Ditit Ii se"l atadenta ar n o4igl impstusfo1r sha i milevnely buea cnitmatradition ta dovtame titi-1 Tise t9 Grade 1n asi 11 marketingj admi uart ts are ascili dreaing ai liais St inainememIaduse mii an nid-1 laahlaeed Osratau thorsela mnd.n1 Tise Dickens ara ni tise inta ltt0oi ha colcetidin tie creatians, ta, hci jsge y mambea of tihe Danons1 imne Imrevemesl Aria, (DOMl, Tlaareiy, Decomeasr 1,1 seatl £11Temf tie setm Mxpain St, a oni lise OnyIA em le prjcacarin ta tire alLli telIn thevien$eantiy asebentae nu h ristus»ageadelgrlqeh AMotes Dintiat lisIwsqhem t petatainin U n.a vlontary w othlfrs dbthgopehv Semm ou.dedu ies n* Da ise trct ff 'e ni m lewd",hy a eea es- er caasmiatewtnts etsgintenml ai11 a lise pule sen rbsaat moarint, m crene- onedaiby saglonai ise afdlt I nienad concili recanteles ie fregin astiset aofteeatis e iemet orvlgacieladionf th ulise consitn ta Ihe maenisded b ltain em enaecntlsi a c hng n atentai oth maieecfl rsonsnmoeaidlm a I «pei"daatie alty n tane anctoll gohar FM s 0F OVES ý VCR ENALS EGUIPMTFINANCE CLUB MEMERS SAVE 50% QUASAR, SANYO,MITSUSI,SONY, H»TCM,TrsiUBA Video Movie Rentai Spcait ONE FREE WEEKDAY MOVIE RENTAL WHEN YOU DRIG TMA AD TO VIDEOFUCKS LAURIER PLAZA HIGHWAY 25 AND DERRY ROAD L M 76103 Mmmi '"tliesyady dlaplay in th*i connel andlhMaglvetern exeatieein a rataS §«nite,"he aayl. HIe admit& he ta rylntgaay inthie backgroned as mach aa peaihie, shee the prstject teaconceraied, a t ta a conent nllerlng ea.oh prises and ho doffaI sant ta influence their idem. lHe wold IRe se aeutise cncep con- tiraestinlise fture. "I ese It as a posiive ting for everynne cmncernedt,, MaiMtr. Lemard. lise 19 windows invlved nld manry shicis ormally r.cive no tremt ai a-là»heinn M. andi TomeHal. Tis ia t esr Postive upeclaoflise pra>ect ati by DM the leBIA bus dans con, alderaibla ecei tain gW ee tise proeetetMM appelaimts,;Sère Pl frsa Main Sti.nprevemonta have m cout tihe OSIA more utisasSatt aice latnt ll-shes Ieatllcatlot it efforts Waren tirt inpinaiea fa An a native Mtiealanan manager of a dostame buinlees, tUs. Raid w dnsentwant tomethse conof theise i Ioneedie a aslowdeetis Projecta mch D as tise sinins dreseisng conent are ho t ring a apirit ta dasentasn ta o ennnc, he am.m The Canadien Champion, Wed, Dec. 2,1981 i Ontario gives Reglon child services funds A epeciol conanttee atudd»lg lise cisirmon nf tise iealti and social soc- glati aofbsidrens Naries a ain e Itn vices comamlltee, naid tise 12,00 ban isam given a ara, but tempnrary, grant from tise Minstry was only a lass on ife.bridge losoocng arrangemens until tiembers ni tise reglenan iealli and t l ai budget coutd be mode aveit- social services aed adminiatration able. and finance cammittees agrees lant Tise comattten ban reqamsted weneisto accept$20non0 tram tise Ont- besont to nd tise second year oflils aria Ministry ni Cammunity and operatin. Social Services an lnterim tundIng tar "Illisey dont get tise moocy tison lise Ciildren'n Services Steerlng Pro- tisey are almply goinnita bave ta flid j.>~ekvll Csa Cro 1L,"Caa.Gondng told rommittee PRECIUONIMARYBSALEY Plant goesmrtal Aller ye ni liavitS tise marketing ta allira, preclalon Fastofiltton la pmnsg natailmai- logtmelr vaaltatck avalable ta tisaaverage lsandY mtan andcnstcriction controctara. aseil. A nataldiary nI H. Patta Ltd,, Prectalon Fanimnera, at 470 Horcnp Rd., attira a largeintocksai famlonera. "IlicO tla a loi bigger vocmety isere thoanai a hard- cari store and il somewsanta someiUisg laI asnI hem ec ecas ntetI,"amsures genrat manaer 2erik Boneham. Ollerisg sot osly a vasi stocks, tise nae ritail ottet on part nf tise lactary, ctir2inatea tise Middle- man resatting in loseer prices. Special purchase of handsome mission tables Fine qualty tablas thaltelt s ce"ua mood, juat clght for Vomir Informai hfestyla. . St RTTha --Some" collection offerai siampty claan laid daalgned parontl tabla e whIciscomnhe$ ParqusY top selit branset ts. 14 tap hand padded finish.$ Cocktail 5O"x24'Sl 5%" $148.36 $ - ~ ~fl 5i 5-- 0MISION TheRoosS" collection givea you e combnilon of hickory end bronza giss top accentad slth na Ii~ j bruaa rlm. Shaped loga e illIroutingc delmil. 14 tap hand padded finsh for 2 added totich of qutly daalilng. Cocktail 56"x24oxl 5W' $148.36 Show off your treasures ~ ~ on glass shelves, S under lights, against a mirrored back. CORNER CURIO, $ogonin 42015 RECLINER WITH WALL-AWAY = =$2300 $23700 Taitional V00 . I Cut ns EL RANSKA Et. ANRECLINERS au" mma Oeelmee SICLAR-PEPPLER SICLAR RMECI-CELINER ROCER LOIJNGE $24886 '==:$39914 "' $47 788 -FRESHLYBRA KED ON PREMISES' Chama tram oOur 'arge malcion of bnuin & buns atmhoklaeapriem KAISER, ONION. INE SESAME BUNS RonorT $1.18SPER DOL ® Main$tt, 1 Vald Dea.2 to 9th 761 MilIc 0711230 moqi Ela *a**«» VOUOir9rivin