The Canadien Champion. Wed. Nov. 25, 19819 NAOU ASLEG DAO R SANDA REGUrEI "Rags" opensPACE DEATOURPRICE greista s Marieac Hawthorae of Mitone. Wuh thallen mind ahe and hoertr Elten Fenton, Zato ta Iaach easesa business ia asedch0dea'ctathiag. A farmxer achaat teecher, lira. Hawthorne cutataerservice. ,,Who ceaeralhy di fs xichldresa'e clathisg ada service for those wishing ta pur- e v ..*d ka saeis Te Rbe Don't ltthe aie of te stor'e fno Ycu. fONLYS aeu W1DJP Ocssa5Iscs RS "Ria "to1eted et t61 Mata St. E., will carry whicl0aneaksseaas'51 oYty"¶raî rate" qaty clo5idg, nid lira. thiez o, LieceFroaht eoiNm «» M 'Te ltomus tth le ipeceble cosd' a& . mMieyu xçU oeyuLe itisn," ah. nidadd entae are cotinl- M u..fe o olWs 'eoeol* leete n a yalend baes witloldeh.cartrle osan e die Lent recovered. Haltoti Regionel detective colin enter and theft. Poliee eatimate that the total value M f r i wlis ereaes aday. hporwt Vrooman la shown hore with saine of the merchen- of the items they allege Adama stole during hic three ee m L d iTemored atid y andtatt.2ahome wdl dise police recovered when they arreated 17 year aid daya of freedom amounta to $50,000, tncluding two THE PLA CE FOR UNDEA TAHL E PRICESAÀND SER VICE p.m ot.0 slp.m. Robbie Adamsan eacapee from the Gtueph Deten- cars teken from Milton dealers.5Q ENS.ES aATNe8300 The sore wlt h. open Satarday frafi 10 am. tion Centre, now facing addltionai chargea of break,35 UE S.EATa CONa830 0 tu 5p.m.Go on hold tfak ssata tiona Service centre mote'sc 'eOtei saffer assit sext asring. Gecerat cor repafr ol at ejor and mincir With riderahip, holdleg for domneatic and imported ram ai h.e dace eit et about 300 passegera the cew Milton Sanco Service Cenire et 432 a day alne tise service Steetos Ave, fraieltos le Torocto was opeeed Oct. 26, 196t. lThe iwo-hey service centre opeced eartier osparking prohiecca ibis month and le the bsinesa ecterprise of a heve, nccurred onst, ane$NE " brotlser andalaster ieem. tihe sow nlies, mare Tom and Baoir Kennedy wiii h. handisg cmtld h.e Jeovig thesv lace-opa. brake joha, etectricat wonh. virise; cer et home. and electroic igntionie. Accordleg ta Go Tom has heen isvoived sn tihe car repair spokelumac Tom Henry, trade for the pat 16years. cothn le ieh da. ahout ectargisg the A former morhanic astis a major Toronto parking arma correct irsickleg firta, haisl familiar atihf targe tracs- capacity of 1W3 vehlictes porta nd wiii h.e offerica repaira for diesel oeil the ceed presens tr enid cars. usaite. He naid hoe opoel tise service ceaire an If tise need itresecta Miltas heorae h.e feale ihere le a dermsite iiaeif biffora seat sprleg le titis aires for a geserat garage ihicent loois ndth c iruciof sheavielli afier al] makes andmodea. conhtrgctio h.adoen, Ho and his f9mily movrai ta Miiltan thrme "We can oeypani s yeara aga. macy as we have mtada rom for." nid tMr. Henry. 28 n ci, Cul & Style Now uniDec. 3Mt 878-4563D ocC. OPESYAIY9A 200P 100%OUR taCOti 200 r. 3e/. M75 .f.Fmtr plnc aeos n hwom