Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Nov 1981, Perspective, D7

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Canada mcy bh.a great place haoiit, but c matter of seel respect la heepicg Relcry Ex- chtange StudetoeartdBothta trcme tayinghere. Yung smenhai lcn men ccider ervhsg for two pecro l te Cermy-c tact of lite eiCher ater lagit dchl or ceiveemity, but auce Cet Cheir country lai at ec, it bas hecame o grime tact. Genttla iialied lagit citelnlcd cerne ta, Canada ta, delcy hieievitaitte rmy enrl- mccl, lat cote hae dcided ta reture hame er- ly ta jalhiefrhied" ineterces. Following ire monliaf basctraiig hW gicalag la erly Jaccery, Che i-yer-oid could ed ap ct Tecepie, anare ot dense tret and extrene tiet. One of is mdccl friande hua arecdy died aimre whie ceeaer la stilinvolved ilatCe ighihgcand correpondc e iCmir. ' Two fmy triemdcgot titccseelvno ttioeed la Port Elizabta Gt 'citem. eci cc ad CeY goihome every cigt, " he aym. It's more than patrlotio feelng Gel teiliconseder oticers course or peclal trirgsthgc e mcc have some optionsc, althomcght hy dn't haveCe finacl y. H myc ics dclien le reue hame a more dieu jut ptoriclic. It goe deqier Cas Ct, it l ocmeting I helieve l. Tchbidetfrom il means lcelag my crlf repect," Girl conends. .:t larelyogncehe ScuthAi rican govern- mctacdCfghtciasciey are repccile for tartiag it. Girl. Ce eee tlloieg tCe ictlSettAfrica cwhiltenCanada ced acd- mita e=« pce aceta are reaaeeohly ac- curateis teItccut he dccc deteel o cerain maiet. Ilaicvery difficlt lateudermland Ocr cempleitie ced il a ey la taha Che imcipticieviec,"ccigget Ce yocacccan. Siceearrivieglin Mlo Jc an. 9,1961Gert ai- tecndtMLito Dlatrict igitScitool more tor tCe purpeceetfmohîcg friendc Chao aclaevieg grade. 'Bacit home I1ceen an hacr tudct,' he Baya. Whcn c haad hic friemola chy he aces re- tmeniag toSouth Africaeacrly, h. ecm entrpriseed hyatieircshock. "Ilaim icelate, ec ceccety chere people dont have tocorryaouot gig to wr," ha cey. He cddc ha appaecale everyecte'c concern tor iic, btcdroits uta cet thal had, 'lite El Sa- lvadrorsemething.' Unike Che majrity of yoceg ianadian men. aice lan Souh Africa have ee rtgimenled dance Che dcy tCey tarted higit mcol. At Calt ]eve, 7 minuteeci weeit are dedicaled ta parade grtced drille and rifle heticg froc- ice. Strict diciplie ileas arogi thCe ecire mettent ystem cend hcd iehevieur la et ller- aled. Couldn'tbe&lve sehool fre.dom Thtis oeeof tCe reasoco Gert decided te ai- ed heol chite la Canada, id ta ee chat il ceom lihe. At irt ha cncld'l hlieve Che treedomcand the lackofthietoette-line atlitude cludenseichiscontry are accctamtd le. HFere yen dnt nemi eur iied et disciplinee ccd il tecee idc mefdiceplice. Ite Cana- daoc ytent cayc if yen cant ta excel you have everylting ta doc Cal ced our cytem smyc yen wditI ehave. Ittc hardit amy ceiach ic htter," adeiaGrt. Girl dide't wt Cie ulery totaite un a de- preasing tlace ccd dwell ontCe car hec witI relsre la. Hem$ecysit hie dtay here, tCe tour famililetehe hared hic ime ced tCeir homes andCteeaumerccetriends ha'c mode. Hl.hCe prclcoly ee more oft ailecountry Ccc mccy wha live hare, trcveliteg ails cc- mer cia egromip of exchaege studccts le Quehar oand Aberta. OurleS tea iravels, chicit tauhiitasc far smenhas Texas, he foced Toron- ta ta hahic fcvorite cily. Found Canadiens goodpoople He cociders Cccedian reclly gond people, especially wce ccmpared celaitCe Americans he met during his vlilline UnitedStates. Alitougit ha lotkinla eerece sight lt'e Cee peope and tCe riendo h. toced here ceitcit it cill alceys rememhar. Oepite Che dicipline almmephere Sentit Africcnare sorCeled in, kletwcili haciida, ac- cordingto Gerti. "They are Checame uit ever. Kida lite ta par- ly," heccys. OneeCanadie celtrttiee iteceus lnokiig for- word ta charisg la Critmac. litseriy reluen menncnlselag lau opporlseity le citnecua celte Chrstmcas lat il cili ha speel enntCe haschith ia aumuaier, and yecger hreaier andclaster instead. *'We have a candleligitt service on Che et Chitmacsee, dresed la charte ced candale, heenayn. For someone cho la ucccelemed ta centee lecec et 12 degree iCi, Canada'sc cumule le enmeahiig hae ill bagled ta paI bhiad hlm. 'Hart itome, Cehet e eaier le accepled and we taielt for gracted, " heenayc. Allhogh h. mi ha levicg Canada Salor- day, Gr irl clnet ha receited ceiit ic tamily enlil Dec. 7, 1981. le Newe Yorkit itecll meela felce SthC Arican esclange cludeel uho cpet iicyer le Texas. Te pair tilI continee eir awoy-trem-home adventurec la Ecglccd and Itoltced hetore itccdieg haci t le eirltropical homelcnd. "ic excited about Ceerip ced am lcehicg terceurd e a menahinletCe sc et lame," ite neye. Office manager at schools MLF AUlsccedcry asciel la ttallec wiihave office managers, Che Haltan Bord of Educaticc decildciTitruday igitt. ïdicCaCtraice structure cia retleci en ecxpnsc of Che oftice manager repataiiilitie la Ce buinssmanagers' jbt description. "Tlsrough iais revicien, tCe business manager ceilinoce ha repocihît forthr e admitrationeoethCe procetdsreccd prcc- tice relticg le Ce OPA Colective Becaume etfte change le job dcription, a manager for mcmettent la necesary. Ite preteni pliey only alloces fr scdcls et 1,000 r more le have a manager. Business managerc re resoaceî for a cide vrlety et item. scritac tht admini- mtrtion et procediae and praclice, laison ciai hend earelatter ccd municipal recreatice departmenl, supervision The Canadien Champion, Wod.,Nov. 251961 D7 Betty Fisher gets angry Exchanige student leaves Milton to serve his native South Africa lita. i Hoce ce earlth did titey itterpret Ilcat Mien the section did ntlment- i nacy tucding ai aIltity tCte board." 1 Fiatter aahed lte xe- estive commillee -tether licey clii letyed eiltc lte tacit htai al 1credil coiarses citneld be paid ftr ty lte tax- A misiclerpretatiac cf termicclcgy han Betty Fiatter angry and pel. Ficher, mette re- preetteGeorgeteown ce te Haltet Bcard et Educatice, eicplaicted ltaI cite caa et- itarc-asaed in have 10 face te Minlalry of Edecailetwit itelocal itcardc exectve commilees iieecpmei- allen f a cpecial teport on centicg educalien. Ttctrcday cigitlaI ite itoard'c cieetingin 1 Burlicgtoc, trusteesctgnl a citacce le paruen the exeretive'c interpi-et- a110e of Tite Ascociation of Large Sciteni Boardca ie Oelarlo'c (ALSBOG recpeece te te Miitryc tmt receel paper Cetinuleg Cdu- cation: The Tiird Sy- stem. Fiter lachct.irmae et te curriculum cern- mittee ot ALSBO ami ca en te execulive of ALABO. Ficiter cecteedaiter cemmîlîe eelc adullc citeuld ha givec more citeice of cetieamng edacatiec cuitieclu it mi eeecarly etfered free of citarge. Tite ene- calve itad ielerpretnd il tai ALSBO was puttiig mere stress on lte adali and net educatien'c primary ceecerc-tite ciildren. Tiis of ceursee ca nel irue, Ficher cayc. Ficher cac etercely afcet ty te eeecative'c inierpretatiee ef a pertiecnetfte educalien aci. TIse truseer ceid ALtBOitelleves taIt le esteclial tCal Ce prev- ince centinue te tend itt credil and nen- credit ceninuieg educatiec cornes eltuclly. Te execulive commiilee inerpreel te taleeret le cay t boeard uiteuld previde free ceclieued educalien cn eon-cedii orss Ficher tonh exception le payer@, wceinlaact Che caiti, if a pence qcuit& ndioratiec act ctatuth alteitesl a&fiergrade 10 ced a percue has teven yenrc ciseleto acomerne art icl la complete eercedary thecsyctece tcai a 3then eductioe acd thal Che tai ferse ht: fine detieitioc et cacocdcry cmere yenre le complete studentinletCe art has ceote cecondary schiool age licil. Titerefore. cite free et charge. UNAESEAVED PUBLIC AUCTION Thremdoy, Decaeber set, 1egs CONCORDO. (TORONTO) ONTARIO ON BENALP OF: Ceattere Umfted SALE SITE: 1 CnethmmDrive, Cencordl (Tronto) Ontario SALE SMTEPHIONE: (416) 669-9575 ONTARIO DEALERS LICENCE REG. NO. Wroie oe phoee te, F REEFBrcuee R17ICHIE BAOS. Auseecboeipccema 0 Home a Aatumnol. *Tog "PERSONALIZED SERVICE" For premiumn quotetion, 8 86 7 wlth no obligation, cal: 8 " 7 (Special discounts avoulable on Homeowner, Tenant and Condomi- niums Poliies) Specil lnota ta anyone BS vears Voung 16% discount on Home- owner, Tenant and Condomninium Motier'. break? Some kîds just ccc t gve Ither momu n break lîke KCi Mur- ph y nho fgcred her moliser Julie needed ai hnd mking Christmas crafls. Tht crafts and other goodieu wil he sold et Tht Centre by thtenomen involved in tht motherus break and pre-echool program nach Friday morning ut Tht Centre. a RN PALLSTR- PRODUCTONS MO VIES VIDEO CLUB Large Selection Of [Daily or Weeklý Up-to-dlate Filma RenîSi Rates of 1Vourice Milton Colour & Sound HALTON VIDEO LTD. 1snoomrsoUm. UNIT MU.TON M10176 Kdies *Core WIN McDONALD'S GIFT CERTIFICATES AND WATCHES. GET VOUR CRAYONS AND FEIT MANK ERS GOING. TO WIN MDOGNALD'S Girl CERTtPICATES. ENTRIES WILL BE JUOGEG ON ORIGINALITY. SENO VOUR ENTRY TO: THE6 CANADIAN CHAMPION. 191 MAIN STREET EAST MILTON ONTARIO. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU LICEý Namo: ,Address: Age: Jesse Hamliton Gordon Kenny LisBilton A cet~ie- pee o eWe , cencPx* ceeS, ie. Cok off"rnleCeeeeat. way to keep you in i ews. Si uacK a.nd enjoy the il Champion in your home today. For home delivery cati TeChampion office today at 878-2341. Au ko onabian Ehamp25 "0 VER 30 VEARS EXPERIElVCE- STOCKS Et BONDS GEORGE E.C. JACKSON DAVIDSON PAIRTNERS LIMITES 827.-7090 827-7092 R es. 878-28 et caeteria eperclios, maintenance buadgets, administalc tionofauptdy botocore, gronicg et and capital budgets, bCela, cupply lecehere, ncn-board tenda etc. FRIDAT NIGNT BIG 01,GOJACKPOT INSPCFIDNUMBERS ($700 MUST G0) uGHTIIING6:30 EAILY IRD 7.30 REOULAR te O@M W hSICIAL nOINiDS atlOBmi.ROUNO SFREEDBUS FROM 0te Jus Citn :OS0dBBacitucMsntceit le 5Chwmesct.Aptm 6::16, ,..',. m B« an- il (~ OE A CHAMPION CARRERNO W Thank you for your fui participation in our colour Nobody amo ft coftest. Kopthem coming. lite Moonele cen ..j

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