The Canadian Champion, Wed., Nov. 25, 1981 D3 Start collecting today!? With D[omainion Coup ons you can get Ninbi7ir7Turýkeys _la!E Groceries* Here's How: Don-union's Christmas Coupons are worth cash to you. Every time you buy ten dolars worthofgroceresatDomnMon, you get a FREE Christmas Couponworth2O,goodtowards the purchase of a Christnmas turkey, grocerles* or even Lifestyle Copperware. Or you can keep your cash tapes and continue tosaveforyourL.festyle Copperware. Cash regster tapes used for Dominion Christmas Coupon Promotion are not valid for Uifestyle Tape Saver program. At Dominion you have until the New Year to save Christmas Coupons. Youli have until closing Saturday january 2, 1982 to geyourDomiinion ChhO upons and uttl closing january 9, 1982 to redeem them. Here's proof that Dominion offers you more. Dominion will match the current sheif price of our major competitor's turkey, bonus voucher produets, plus we'i give you Free Dominion Christmas Bonus Coupons of at least equal value to similar turkey bonus vouchers offered by our competitor. Lifestyle ICopperware Plus, due to popuIar dsîn i rIlI4ilJ extending our S ' A. INow you have until çlsSatudayovember 28th to redeem our competitor's turkey bonus vouchers (up to the firat two complete rows) for fou times thefr value. Simply present the vouchers to your Dominion cashier, along with their "saver card". No purchase necessary. B. Dominion is even extending the Lifestyle Copperware program until Saturday April 10, 1982, so you can use your Free Christmas Coupons for turkeys, groceries, or even Copperware and then resunie your tape-saver program. iw -fTà1 w ' I- ' 1 - - titefers to value of Bonus Chistmas Coupons. Bonus items effective until close of business S JFais.2DBU Tobaoeo products excluded. )I'l love us for more 0e. onmon. Wl RUITER IGHT TO UNIT OUANTITES. DOIMNION STORES LIM1TE. 9 'oE PAGE ~ORGREAT fSAVINGS