,02 The. Canadien Champion, Wed., Nov. 25, 1961 Saety Council speaks to W. I Dy ietealred Harbettle frues Famly ced Coni- Meastate Unlin semer Mfal. on d&tp Wsme'a t.slltute beldi pans. Sy covering hit. thelr November meeting paennyoor t.ve buere ai Oie honme ai Laura iai alumimnnsfil pas Dinoi, Derry Rd. Mrs. wiflideflec Oieheat aed Sert Jone. vice prs- iaie cauld go lui t, Oie dent, cliired Oie etemeet. Tie eteense meetting. Thme rot cal may sel lie alte t. wes snnwered by ten wiaiet.nd iles addltlooa semimecusand fave hetan cd caudbreak. gue.to. ManY aaswered AMss aie 1.0 asay bieck by decribieg a himlt.r- mie air circulation from iai building tli.jtmethile st.vc prtin 1ofie of le 1he are.. Il wao ovens ince tise ove. la decided t., dose$t. 25leunually ve.ted ihrougm Oie Sanie Caun parade tie drip pan. fond. A leter froas lie Safety Council aebed tie Mmc. Be. Spence direclor (Sire. Rime ir-sight 9 tiega frei Horbomîle) t, atteod a Rockalong Wome'a t.- meeting ai lie Agric- culoute. mturai office. o Nov. Mc. Lillian Frow 21 inlroduced mie tea 'iMe goe.l speaker meilispeaker, Mrt. Jimbale h. an offier from lie He ipobte on Hltrial Hlon Regional Safety Milon seaing the lemen Couecil. re. Dan ac e.laliislied ie 1857. Teylor gavesa report lie cont as take. imice 15, make sure liey liad ilS le order t. cali ~~it a lame. He slaled w. I,,~,,,jhave a re.psnsibillly t. pre.erve ced miaelie lieriage. Ml preee. II'Iejoyed seeing Mlo' I5.1 old blildinga onsailde. ice mie. paoing. Mn. Bert Jones iimaeied Mr. Dlmia ced Mas. Dan Tay- lor preselcte him ili an Alias of Hallen. Mns. Josepht Dreme lbanied everyooe mebo ol part e.peiially fr M%. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon's Tmemtemulr Burks McNeiil are display ced deliglilful pleased te an- lucli. naunce their A certificat. of meit daughter, Jayne mas pre.eeted t. Mn. Waller, fas Suc- Rmt Horioile ai lie cessfully Cern- regulor meeing of lie pileted the R.I.A. M-mmait Unione Pregram and Wome'c lostitote for receivd h ier dediialed ced laito- rc ve er fl service siece joinies Registered fI îhe lraccl in 1977. Mrs. dusirial Acceun- Harboitie lias give. ting Designalien an geoeronaly ai t.r ime Oct. 24, 1981l. Joyne ced talentsancd lias is emplayed a i miaaed very 1cm B.D.C. Lid. 'I meeings. Tte.e cerl- 1 ifiates are iseued liy h Malian. Sfeic 1a OFederaied Womena t.n- former studeni of stilolco of Otrio for Milton District oont.ndiog achieve High Sehool and ment. ire LLeurs Dixon Sheridan Cllege. mode thie pre.e.talioe on iciaîff aith mcm- Former MD Hospital board member dies Leia Aima Browen, a Itegîmme Milmon area res- deni, ded Nov. 15, l98I afler o lief iless. Mas. Brome, o former board memehr of Milton Dstrict Hospital, mas 89. Predeceaceml by imonand Millon J. Browe n 1964,j Mas. Browen s sarvived hy dagimer Docaiimy Mit-i diell of Salmoo Arm, . BC. aod s000KeneeiliJ. Brown of Calgary, Alla.;Wlfrcd R. Brome of Mach-1 dole, Ont. and Ross G. Brome of Grand Vlley. Cheimem aise sarvmved hy lier siniers. Helen1 Hamberasone of Georgetown ond Margeae Cope-1 land of Hationvmllc ansmcli as 15 grandchildaen andi Il great-grandchildren. Foneral services mcccv held Nov. 17, 1iel ai McKersme Foncral Home n Mlton iy Rev. George Lewimo lolerment oni place ai Hornliy Cemetery. Paillieareca ai lie foneral incladed granduons Lrne Brome of Peterborough; Delieel Brownofn Litle Britain; Clyde Mitchell of Richmmond, B.C., William Brome and James Brown of Teesaler and David Brome of Calgary Aia. LOIS WILSON First female moderator to speak Lois Witson, th. Oirsi momes moderaine of ais M6 year old United Cmmecli of Canada, will speal l e meHait.. Presliytcry, cI open meetingu. On Nov. 30thse first meetingmwil bh ld et Port Nelsn United diu, 312Seuilh Dr., Surîteglon ci 8 p.m.; ced Oie second mil h. Dec. 6 ai Mohawk Collage, 135 Fescll Si. W., Hamilton, sion ai e pa.. lnc Halesn Prealiytcry of OieetUnited Cimarcli of Cansdataies le Miscissauga, Gsi- ville, Burlinglon, Malton. il is t.esded on lime eorlb by Carlisle ced Frecîton, one is el ly Hmy. 6, ced Elehiiobe Creeli on Oic cuol. Bsn. Dr. Wilson mas cleclcd modercler of Oie churcl inleAugmal, las, imy delegaletesim te General Caceal le Halifax. AI Id ilmùe, cime wasasocint. paslor of Ciaimers United Cimarcl inleKinton, mimere hec imeasimesRoy ls thme minicler. Sern le t927, aie le c 4Ulitc, of, a, Unlle Chorals mininter le Wine'iIel fietmily mvedt Thmunder Say, ced 10 pean lter, ce- loreed t. Wineipeg, wimere lier fstmer mas sppalnecd Dean of Tlcology et United Coll- ege. te 1947, ch. reccived ber aceine of Aats, and ber Saîbelor of Dlv- ielly Oiree pears 151cr, from lime Univercity of Wlenipeg. A Doctor ofj Divimlty degaec mas coe- fcrrcd up on lier liy boai Victoriu College, Un- iversity of Toroetd and Motea's Uteld Timeologîcal College. 1 Msraying le 191, cime cpel 15 years as 'a mielster's mife' fulflliegt thme role of solonicer past.ral assiatant, uif ch. mes ordaied on1 th.tr weddieg se-1 iveesscy and liaslaed ced wmue toi up a eans mlielsry ea ii Unted Clurcin leTmoder Bay. lIi. couple moved le Hmlt.n, aed formed s lcam mletetry ai Isnonîler) FirsI Uniteld Clirin l9lie, but oly meeis aller Ibeir arrivaI, Oie building liurned dowe. Rallier tasereluild, lie ionegagtioe decldcd it. ebere lie fuciliie. of ai. Anglican cimriliacrosu Oie sreel, ced on Oie old Unied Cimril sit., Finit Place mes hult h ie United Church of Canada, providieg accommod- ation for lie elderly, single people ced h imedicapped. Ren. Wison mas ot- spole. sboutlie chu h.ioming ievolved le helpieg it.selve social issue. of Society. le 10f76, sie licame h fi moman t. h. lected presldesi of lie Canadien Couneil of Ciurilie., foasded iy Oie 10 major non- Cathliomcimorcies le 1944 t. promot Christian onily ced provide a -'%coMn voice t. h. iederai goveremi on naslieAan cd leter- nationaissuesa of con- Bev. Dr. Wilson hou donsecverymhieg rm direcling milderns isespefer iens, le rc- pre.e.ting Oie United Ciurcli at confereeces, alleedief aseperial se.aionetaItOe Unitcd Nations on dicacas- smenl, insaIlrce-monîli assuignmcnl uti on Ecumenical Cetre le Iediu. During h.r firul pear us moderalor, cime haic vlsied Oie i2 con- ferences of The Unted Cimrch of Canada, ced ies "pantner' sroesd Oic orld, iecluding Cenral and South Amnenia, South Bores, Tbailsed, Indin, Hong Kong ced Japon. Tremaine Sale a hit MT'ce Trmin _________ AUtass'et:d the - lsienW I1 and lelnéder a amu . Milim. ut wichlieb minnarsite by mte Pattenea Bcr renO lim lucky drow fer _ ______Elled. Robert Batsemprints e ar eci mere annasnced. Vrieg nede dslminmter af Omagli and piter ent ltRo r-R avi =,,mdirl Sola. Çliurchi lie uhlsti «5W Cefleiiwed -M=fnpa icase, tasdetoroi liireelgnallun Drive, Burttngtee, tel aduim gdte. Thiau aed wttt preacl imt priz-G.A.« Maat, 405 wereo ter serveid fer famee sermnon onsSun- Locasi SI., Burikele, lucmand ejeyed by att day Nov. U, Itut 3rd-Kevie Johnsen, 25 rmgoeRd., Euchre in Hornbv tulsiione ie the lucky persns and aies t.aie ie.e.effort. ont. Saturday night opocSie F. Ibo woolily Salswdmy Tim cSond'lm sfer siglil ettreeaIt waliy thiepragras Food for AU Cntr.e d te limestg [)iiilrr Scasoes for tternliyimmienNo iv. 21, 1961, UWJmIU5 Wumneis I nstiuts wes wltim10 taleinet play. betd ai Oie borne aoienMU.. tuael Tis Dsn Y Elta Patterese led Wag. o ln, unr. Mary Wrice Traaard, oseAMm. Etliel Wbb, fMn. Monday cvenimi. Elevesi& Feaierese, ttarvey Gel meetigmilie l ladies galiereil fer i- Dues, Mac Ateseder EllisaBait iclie srucilon sed dem- Secalpen. -recupecallng ai lime onsrstions in preparing Clrs Pr=71,Ptillltp fole iga day in lempins dlelieese rliase Lesdry MllsHeyl KENT SCARPET Et UPIIOLSTERY STEAM CLEANUNG CHRITMASPECIAL «Living Room, Dining Room and Adjoinîng Hall 69O I(300TO 450 0.cr) U, FREE ESIMA TES ,878-1870 abeoé Zrc w NOTICE Mo. Deir, th Preeldeot of Ste" Azigus Freezer Beef ha. just ennouncedhehesbeen succesuful le hie bldfor the. < , Royal WIntor Fai 'Champion Beur g iî Ths beef wlllbe oftered taBleck wmIIrmi Angus Seef cuntaisers, justeas soon es possible, an e firt-caese, first- If you are interested In tie plrihae MAREvT ofaeheftor hindofhMsChamnpion- lAlGt shp eet... e urge yau tacell name foreappalntment. We Invite aur meny frands antd customers ta drap In and vieme this besutgul Beef on dieply in aur P. 1 . Burljngton 2421 New St. 637-2368 Stomey Cashk 459 Srtes SLt*E. 662-2874 AI bd fCet. FroorWrapOd eod MuboiPoFm Wifloiedale 72 Steeies Ave. 881-.9790 Mkfl eaCuateseeCola95745811, If you find a botter curront prce on any Identical item in any Cher Canadian catalogue atore, we wliI match lte prIco or rsfund te differonce. M ONAM ST HOUAS: Mu.'Rt AL. Mondevyîo Frtday 9:30-930 876-2295 esoyc,*w WHYo INSULATE? BUAT THE WINTER'S DOES YOUR HOME MEET CMHC STANDARDS BETWEEN IS OURHOE POPELYVENTILATED? PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMÂTE ON YOUR HOME REGARDING eATTIrCS e VENTILATORS a WALLS & 1iY2 -STOREY HOMES.0 CHURCHES e COMMERCIAL ROCKWOOL INSULÂTONJ *COLER INSUMJ0ER* UMON, -7447 CMF --SYA--- 471 40I MI2ARY -J $Mrdoyeý»M W1ý