1011 GTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1981 ~ FOURTH SECTION ffov eq mjment school Cu Itivates careers Nestled i a 200 acre site in rural Milton ia a training achool where tudents move eartls, lay pipelines, operate crenes and are exposed to many faceta of the hesvy equipment indutry. Sheridais Heavy Equipmnent Schaol efera several pro- grama deslgned to cater to specific jobs and levels of previous experence and ed- ucation. In addition to claaaroom studies, tudents get hands on experience utiizing more than 100 pleces of equlpment i- cluding scrapers, bul dozers, graders and hydraullc ex- cavators available to.the col- lage. A six-bay repairlng faclity crestes a work wh«Ie you lesmn environment for those in Lise heavy equlpment vocational training course. Other fac- ilities include a paid shop and service building. Courses range in duration froin five weeks hi two years and some of these were deaigned to cultivate employeea for speciflc agen- cies. One such prograru en- tails trsining Inuit from the Northwest Territories. Vocationsl rehabilitation is one aspect of the school which alan offers post-secondary diploma programa aimed at developing supervisory per- sonnel. Many of the courses are organized on a continuous in- take basis and some may be used as a credit for apprent- iceship prograins. Engaged in a two-yesr progrsm, Joe Wilson surveys the situation. Atou the hesvy equipanent achool covers 200 acres, only 40 are yorked. One of more than 100 plece of machinery at work. It'a no cat and mouse game topping a rise in a cat.J MI