SThe Canadien Chamapion, W.d.. No. 25, 19 Birthday plans Milsrdtsn uci a obea lb.efouistops lamrd eyig ian fo acoinuanity ide commititee counilloru approved lbe emtabliob- mentMof aierim comniiiiee te tarai ermsofM reference for a mouer commutte. wtoeb mii organe the eveai.Amnong the suggestios made for lb. celebration is a reunion Mffriner suyors nd reevea aiflb.einonicipoitiru wicb cmieta fora, the carreai lama. Speed hiked Rondenis maing reglaruaeof MpartsaoM Tbompoon Rd.miib. ahle do lrgally wat they ave bers doing for some ime now. Tomn rounei receniy approved o generai comminilee recommendotioo le pepre hyiows le increasa lbe ped liait on prtions of lb. road frein 50 bai. an hour la 0. Te tegber peed liait iii aply ta prions of lb. roadhbeimeen Derry Ri. od l. ite. o Longer termn A longer terni for muncpal counitioru bas mon lb. support ai Milles representetiven. Coancitloru gave their approval rec.tliy toaa resotlion from1the Association ai Moici- palitios oi Ontrio caliog for ebanges ta pro- vincial law le otion for a ire year tersa for toaco uneilu Mor (lord Kraniz bad srged spo theii.resotion becasarofMtlb. nr taotdbo addrdto a conciln ausefot tufe. Attendance A moion le ave local staff memberu it ia on th.eioesi rate inereooc application heing made by Union Gai bas bora reecled by lama cauel. Couseior rece.sliy voied ta siaspiy file amoy ib. wrning they reeivd if lb. im pendise heringi rather than folow a sugges- ias by Coneillor Bilt Johnson te bave toalo staff ienberi attendthlb. brmai. "I find it c.ry difficulit telieve tht th. gai eampony is lon omney, espeialiy wb.alb denandifor gas i higher thon ever, " bsoid. lai Library board rejects town control By 1ev. Areli ludepusdisce ta lb. onlY way te protiot pulilbrar- tue ram polit1ica nter- femmes. Ilu lb.thestand labsa by of lb. Mto. Uàb- rary Board te s brlef 1111 presmted tote b.lasn', lis- erai commilise Mooday aight. The brief was prqsared am a rpsatearevtew of Ont- arias-publie altbrary ystem starlod ly lb. provncial goversmoont. Anotber risponse tu Ibal revew. sabaittad by lb. Assocatonof M fssscpaltlea of Onario (AMi>) rgsd thal public librartes b. bsogbl %under tbe diret contrat Mf municipul emis "ta suojutton as tai- aiediaiely releclod by tb. local trustees. "Tisaboard rejeete lb. concept of lbe ab.ilisbaenl Mf nTrishs," ruéae Oebrtei propar.d by tb. local boar lb. itan Publi Ubraey Board f arlber rejuts lb. aosttrstia=aror cam ltii utl oudo btrmudireclt lolsittee of the localConseil. Ibeoatu for tis arejectohin tIan a eucl would b. operatial ttaity onde. lbe cotrol oM tbe iocalmcsitlaisd woud b. mithout dusuoralie t- dependence. Sucb canleotad dbret masagemmnt coldd re- sit in censosbtp wbcb mol a"ipede lbe freedoaioM dmtbse I tb.renlt in tht. dsmocrsttc saciety." Glenn Golderais, a council appointas te lb. Obrry board, snid lb. "qustion cames dewnltositl oissg la ba otiaboyor oe tbat rary board we opun in dtr- oct politisa intfluesce, meai- bers coudd b. coercedain110rm mnortel bocks trono circula- lion wmthIe Ireal Ibal lbey woldd ot b. e elucted. ",tbat'sasne of lb.pros- sures tIat in aimeys Pressi; te lbe plilleal framework," b. niÏd. 'lb. lturry absldd rem-tn speoftoally ornted la prOvide for ail potsteOf vtew. .. sibjut te reaaan- abe teste." ise briet fram lbe locai board recommnended aers! chagsinthie carrent strusc- tare uader whidcb lb.ine mamber koard la caaipo.ed of the Mayor of lb. maslcipailty, due aMointed b h oa oun educalion and two by lise aeprate acb.ol board. Usder lb. proposai put for- ward by lbe Mitea members, Councillors favor. separating garbage lThe first fateesostein- pWrgaIs telegin earty sntl taemel duvter, recm- ward l. theri M a ?fuit Ya e ta in eoeb fedged pori o aprt ieprogram wmudd Ouir utablibd nibrerotel tel .aabal gEbaI ise bmeowamr te Sparale cold :%ofMf their newuprtnt oaeut ompnene bve een newprtnt fram lber bouse- an &a ady a e.b, 24 terenby thelm. odlrbg.. Tbrowoulddb.c oradybna Geses cmmtic mm- colucedseartely and vted hodey nlgt te te ruoycltog plans. Th towm bben spurred apprave a anur. sepration Job. Malibews, lb. tami'sa o0010 thia action by efions cr.ssed to Il members, ins- cluding lb. tbrie oueDtÛ namend by l. loal emos Auiomallc appoisliflisiby lb. ichool boards would b. eliinated ashermmbd tbnougbInterviews odce by a selectton coauites. "W, don't tbtnk that belsq a comaitîtes of cosascit snid pr thefo la- oefneceMthought that coru ro a lriuier crois section af membersbip,". board memnber Lister Wood argsed. Comocllors approved a mo- tion irom MIlton Mgayor Gord Krantz tumet witth lb.b- rary b.ardb&galato dtaise thi re aeaa final pre- sosslatos tnade t te .pro- vincial body reviewing th. carrent structure. couneil's reent pisaglof a byla= biro inbtth11e accept- anenwpitai Regtonal garboge dumps aller Aptil t, Ion2. Ian Infraction Moftâtby- 1 iaw oceuru. Miltos could b. 1 clsarged. Hameamneru and devel sinaying lber taeu, massy eurs a tolustinta mont, mit bave ikstr 501 litIlesam seet by a reconu pssdby Mttns en l ai Mody niet Commttee membeu ia rocommendaias froi a rec Lagbeed te iresa. th cbarge on lto tasfon t maxiamumiofil5per cent Oi mach asu21 per cent. coaiaittee al pion te amend their tais inreose tlb. inerosi anseT par cent above lb. primer day tbe hylaw ta paaaed. Early Christmas cheer Joanne and Lindaey Dobson met Santa Claua recently at Zel- lrs, Milton Mal. Little did they know the man behind the. beard was an E.C. Drury High School tudent participaling in a marketing course program. an lavesi- am mode a mmendalion commitee s:=-rDa Theprtme rate, that apetal ttereat rate banks cbarge lbeir preferred eusstemers, ta carretliy bovertng arosmd t. par cent, thon tbe poesible rate oM 21Per cent. Mr. Lnugbe.d eautiosed coancillors tha, wbiteiboteut rate lb.y set can b. tamered at ame future pont, it cassai b. ratoed asate tn th. same 7j- - ---O-- .. F- E-- R @Fo the crrent I'Wewat to e bonae,"ho naid, tht - . o yr te ans lbnspeope wbo puy their taesm on O F R E D tp avea timte are st susiodiznmg thon. wbo M O DA mrars te 1.1 lTse reasairer added tht "me bave % E rate on the oa iofpepwknaw are gaitle N b. lte Pteih.r teu VEMBER 30, 1981 TENDER ToucH omaileoeso CARPET CLEANING Psvp teYof oo ir 5Its a grand slam s ASIDENTIAL WALL TO WALL $200watoepyon nCOMMERCIAL BAOADLOOM us CseuRbo$: uvestina tune9 with Milton's latest INDUSTRIAL s LOOSE RUGS S ttl chn&Ha t nav OSit back and jythe Humedfflr.And, getna$200 OZ. Fwtory your hom tody. ion Corde, rHURRY! OfR ends Novomber 30, 1001 For home delivery cail padf.The Champion office today at CALL US TODA Y 878-2341. TIENDAU.mFoR or& LmWPRicE 25* v E-WUDMnkUk 845-2202______________ ___ -UP YOU GET1. 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