her. Canadien Champon, Wed., Nov. 25, 1981 Canada misses chance MORGAN C ANADAS WORLD CUP ope a came againal Cuita Saturday. The Canaditan tramn apparenlty ptayed reasanakty sel in attgames bitt iffereli front a ank of scrig punch. Douktltesatitere ailtI e h ie tuatl qitenta but in tieend wa itt amnts oittatt theCanadan tram ias jitt nt gond enoghin five sucacecssive game. Canadanu witt havet wat at eat aitler four yraro lte ee tieir tenm lante Wrtd Cap finat ronds Net ycr'a contpetilion was a great apporlaily fr Canada wit thlie numiter ai participantu ncrraoed la 24. Ite format fr 198t kits ot yet iteen aonned bultlite 24 teant oet- op may not horetaînel andd if il reverlu lalite atd t-teant finals i ill ke mark mre dfficiltlfor Canada toa itfy. Alsa te United States arr sure la get tranger and Canada wtt atways ta faced wlk eating tentouI itepreiminory rounds. We aaw have a large numier of yoti playero n Canada. 'Te praittent s la devetap tiis ase ino a'artd-ctosu otoayers. 'ite Ontaria Screr Asoiation kastlaiton a comiter ai tepsin te tuaI caupe ai years ta ring la pragrams aimed ai impravingkllts ite game. Honever, tere are o surprismng nitmheof a clubt eerutives and cochms wka are resltiag te inraduction ai these prngrams 'riteir anly nierot seents la ta prnduicng yauti tetams whitcit in-Icomu okittintamany cano, are concked 10mbi atoall cota. Anaiker arensahere sametimg needi totabc dane is ai lite yong adut levet. Wien a ployer rrachen 10 year af age. titere are very fmnt ..tar. = ,doitt,ai Pleîty ay. acee lhi, .n tn -h-dd "'ana Ocactcatri.tati at.tie nfaor al. , p air h ii'dd - n d bltaa ne a Oaili aiit Wkteite O.Rho en. 2 o.mBank. OandJBrdCe la .hi l J a-a.ai oc nt aaali niin Mar le inn ti oratec . i ttnc t .. dit O. t . b lC c .100 onieanc Ouaa a ipuaonatsi.tlair nan lanA Fne o. ba peina bta, ete t gal RoaneelcWa tatcaon .h in,,iZesaWm.- tnt ratCie, ott, uîPrtamli ocitcSENaIRtttte avenaesnofa avncemeol open linh. lters la an onder-2t beague, te Ontaro Amateur Oevetopntenlt League, but luit ditesat reolliy 011 te bil. iii. talentoli ployer eltiter goes ite end'pro Naional Soccer Leagan ehre hoire haktydonalotof ennit armlngor tooneoi lit district leaguen there te levati of play Is ont very gooli and the caactng isadoquate. A font lucky players geila goton Amrcan collogen on nccer acholacohips. 'ho OSA la attomptng la ridge til gap hy promoting the dovetoprment ni a provincil ander-23S bague. 'Iisleague snotddlta opratoli on a businesstlisas samlalir la the Ontario Hockey teagoe. It tahopd to gel the league golng la to02 and ai prenent five organizatiooa, front King- ton, Scaritortoagi, Misimuaga, Oaitvilo and London, are set loaoporate testa A stroager Nrtit American Soccer Leagito wniioulait in the devetapanent ai o Casodan Ntional toant. At prenent the gond yoitng atleleo ln anada thinkin teis ai hockey andi the NHL when il carntonla a career la pro-sportst. A strong NASL onte gve thone ymmng atitese an attractive aternative tohockey an a Careor. Il wit tiea o ng hattaefare ae son a Canadan tram wînlag the Wrîd Capbt listl lano impossiblîe dreIn f tee gel aur ployer devetap- ment programnaoperoling eiiicienly. 1 mentlaoed ahave the gop io ptaylng apportuniies ai the yong odlt level. This a even naliceakîe la Milon aiere there are a nom- ber ai yooing men wka have groduateli ront MYSC A grop oi pope are atemptlag la put together an onder 21 tra n n ilton for nes y andi I onderotanli taICiares Crapper it in- terestnl in coacklng the teant At thla stage, Mike Ruagrok in the persan try- îng la gel thla aff the grond andlie ha la non la hear rem any yaitag mon woa inildlietail- tereted in ptoytng an ncit a teom. talue cntac reccied a 878-4779. Il seents t gaI the ctonîng date for rep-tram conchiig applications mîned up in lat ieehit cotumn. If yon wanal la coach a rep tram in Mit- ton nent yer yaa sitid gel yaitr application la MVSC tiis wieit Jiovced trotlter -di ta Buno Lm oaeried iaRd cauian tain lameper Gain tac -t BgtOiat.i tofti 'ic fer dded..l.w Bt',toeaieînle Andy GaStono.aaed »a"à BI Wiilaipdsa iwih g nik ain Sracî plie is Cutbacks concern Sheridani teachers Dy CaroleeWwarl-tiK"by l"nbas a prulident. tho la psid la admntaer te Teachers at Siherida Collage are cooceraed toat pliclal. recent cthacistulamontecorses.are renultii lna o Accordhtg la Mr. Wray, th boadnifgoveroars declne lante qualty ofodocotion, occordiog la On recelveonremneealio rltelrworh. tarin Puhble Service EmplopeenUnion IOPSEUI .ÀfarsonanOt fdmta illaatThey area quiet, npokntaa BohnSmit. effectve organisation ofivoiutems,"1ho sald Bt, colege adniltralonam recoviaelitht Accordîa la Mr-Sth ol" eardcenter nonid tie cohacka are tecessairyt kep the collaglegoig hemade resenaelle tthe public trough eiectlaa. and bt; ha l ny aresnef toitlamoitecuthacita la la We teint tecollage ila hoapen itbie nanc- edacatonalotiiOuainn.Pre", tirougitpublicacsliadolin, ho ald Barrie Wray,.vce =9m enlt of Sheridan, aayo auI t'e flaaclal poition oilihe coiep and tliarea titer possible cuitac have beeu madeshlie Mr. oicthack are et arlielr inenttalteiteacherso Smaith canteoda tt aouaier admntlistratioe wenid Mr. Snithlicharge git thliecogt ofadnistration provide the flnalactbtacha oecenoary andntold la liddeasInliaesalaylbadget o n t tching ac- oot ffert thecoperatlen of thteschoot tvtls expessanOd tallaadmnisaltration ucon AttougitMr. Smtit odmito Ihai "yen cent abouit t 1 arcn ofte olege8soPeltO8lbudget la separate workloadoand jobsettrity fron thliequallty ltlt ocWalO. ofnedseotioa", dlmialalang qoalty of oducation lina He etimad 3 s ar ecetnlt f tor hudget province-wlde phenontenen shicit la recelvlog te la adotlaielrator'nnsalaries. tnotoattention fron OPSEU. Mr. Wray eaPlalned tailite salarien for "Ilte admnisltrailo assmes that te oty place acadentlc deansa, chalanten ni courses ad ldeed cthacitu cao hocntade la drectty en te educaton hbisow- nlafy. adl conte nder te ontinllaofn calicge stodenta are receivlag We wender scieter tenahing cilYinS Onithlie operating budlget sheet a colege echorit more efilcientty sitit feser frtibi achool yenr Mr Wray oiowed tailite ad- teachers or fewer admnisltratorn," bceooid. toinltrotive eut l aon per cent nifte coliges 'Teunion woutd 11e la dra thlie publics atten- haon toward decinlag qualty ni miocatlna ai cent- maeteaiitatorX more espniet heD arts ST AN cnntntnity. At Sherdan, and i otatt otiter comn ity cottegen COftroIIEdI la Ontario, a board ni governors la appitld tla O stains, anciO mote al] polcy declsos OMN ZMEsains, a l'rie appolnteoto are mode ityte provnciat *rýmOm..... w methc>ds cE coonci ai regenta which la an odvsry gatu te rroanok'aaaom,ae .. e Mioltry oi Cotages ndnd iversitien. aaitclege m s aaooo ....aa ....ta Steelers edged 2-1 MlttoPraketStee- eadropped o narront 2-t declaoten la kvlie ilaa fat-paced, exctlog jun- ior grls hockey conten aver tho weekeod. Bth tegnesotriaci earty lante gante lit Qakilile ocoring witiin thte first minute and Steeters reptylag o min- ole lter. Chrltina Bacon fred Stentcrs goal aller toit-vnom , lag o pana front Joanne ron Watteno la front of tho Iiq or net.b doIq Steeter' gnale Kelty Picard pt laona tong efort in goat hotdng off nomernita Oakciliie corlog chances. Site mon assined ity Melanle Hewtlton, Tantmy Bnneville and Watlmo. Milton lorteard Luoe Konitrba atao ahowed gnod hute wtltit s ireahaasv. Hoidaiiy Savings wWW copte hihSkyIak Huiihy. News at <CAN1RA VEL>m&m 900K NO8Wl YOsw PoUoU aAh»»my At Yosi w vbma rto gtal - ld that the salariez included under teachitil activltloes whlci la 72 par cent of theo total budet amouaaatla 10perceut or .7mllon. Mdr. Wray sait that te audited sifatement of the coUees finances la madein lalte provincial 1og"batoe ooy ya. Ne aaid lho couldot hand over thte clarrent = .aWcal tatemoota la aayhady teho welkodelitos eoffice. «Ilhey are very compla astatemntsa nd hiandlag tein cir couid creetle marty misaodenaadlag. t wnid gladly ait doten and oxplaia liftent litantoenne weio la gemàneDei laerested in the financlal teelfere oftheccllige, "itesald. Tih. vlce-preeldeat nald Ihat lte hoardo reapon- nlhlilty tothepulic Jei oroiQueee's Park. He sad thte posilie electlon ofia telaciter or ata- dent la lte coe's board of governors woald in- Tmfsayear'a dilcitaSheridan antofitto$72,nn land accoe'dlag la ?4r. Wray, ltaâ i fgare would have bend la excelle ofSt1million if Septentker's rattacha werenot made. Slace 1975, lte fuodîng the college recelvon front lte province hasn ot lcreaned at ite saine rate as operstng expem»e. MAA1C'S patentecidi, heat process remnoves i, Jolis ordinary cleaning ;an't touch. - Catpettoi nc phatstnty cao leaa rt.tattnosteont inhoe eoat- a g o athecot andvi auly ortraut home. Out traed iei. anako and oilstcOa deatin0 the beauty ai tabîna .bîeaking mon tibers. ttan alcdeep c atn aîpot, and uptnistefy, rtontavdiri and OMains atditary cteaning nethais oacit îonth. SteamtiCspatevted paneo dlns and deadaotize lavinR van thome raotir t sýPratOnt anaiipOi adltltolsterinvcantnt. Ttust sale. paiooetacal leaffing by tamain ta cootove dir. stains andi alla odardoy chottn tode an' 876-195 AheceaaStemnaie of the_ jeaninjser &YoU TH E FAcTSMAE 1;F!REmm veyconsumer should know the basic tacts aothîîymng n rrdit: wt et it. dene rcounseling îs noeded M te pratconsîderations are: CItIYIOWN mMarrage- how does it affect your rating ? Your records-can you tffviefw and change them? The PRiE FC00E Iaw- what are your rights and responsibilfties ? Mlnslary of Cons mernorcalRelations -ou r free bookiet "tThe Facts About CreditAnd m You. " To get your copy write: "Credit And Yut. O n aro * Consumer Information Centre, 555 onge St., Gord Wietoer Mînlalo * Toronto, Ont, M7A 2H6. Or phone Wllieso Devis, Premitor L (16) 963-1111. Colleot cais accepted. The OnteaisGOovemment - WeehkqINg e p Pele W m mm m - mmm -muM r..re.i"re-F.'.R,*tvn ~ âôffl@ý lXD@ffl hocl itiat re amlPara iitnat e imd 'y c t r oi t bi.el ieJ...moU., K i y ..a i abominai onacaIDl ic the Oadifct.KI..CRluab aid M- Ne).... usin cpt tldid Sea. ioil alochnapd sOingclceShle ohnbatepie Na tcyCVan trinen atid a- abtaP a.leadforMuay a Bot n c al. ttAso-nyti,,po ped acsingledt ttapare Bra lei r ô lrc am aIl bMaartey aa- tmac lloa ela a,, aOpairo CoOni,, encle k ,th e to t o east[I hoeplaI nr ain lyat nat clatI te. la laeloi ua:tt -d Bruitis. en Rac -ce ttatthiettla acgtit Jtyen Wacas cottrMd Chla n thIlailer ltcti Parl itn aynehoreyi Ai .kmlen ac Ilbon INSURANCE DIMTORy MEIROPOLE INSURANCE ' "iA -) 100A de9tÇeW;oM'366-9661 M Commrc,onraI, Residential Insurance Brokers /(CGaj INSURfRCE COMa, A f M t- TRCN 729 NIGHT NSRAGNCE 20 an ue M i 878-17