mem mrl o Tisa Canadan Champion, Wed. Nov. 25,1981 C5 Peewees find the hard way INTESSSEDIATE BaLEAItUE PRacktonMucCoys 10 OS t O 20 DehiILA"s O 7 2 O 14 Dorcesteer iolpislaa 9OôO2 113 S. MaysFlyers lis t 4 O 1 TiUhsonisiag Marnos il 15 e 0 1 2 MilttAerlfa 10 3 a t 7 Paris2gers 10 3 7 Il O lageriil Marchants tt 3 u o ô por inver Lakedn 7 2 I5is t "tmalUte 7218 Il 2 9 t 4 Aylmer Blues 8 t 7 is 2 Aem sFuure Gammes uaalflgb-SmlUhvilleet Mlton. lissrday-MltoaDsssVilfte, 8.30 p.m. Frluey-Mton vaPot Dlover, alSiemeise. saday-Mtn atDelhi. Mutoladisstril tLeagne Tie acerasEdge t t t 0 32 13 10 BIcalgisIUne Fencefi 3 2 O 17 t2 O .talaBa-aStaisle 5 t3 2O0î16te6 O Lai'a Place Hawks 5 2 21t18 19 S Mittwne jrs 5 O 3 2 Il 20 2 awysw-D4 t I 04 1 lu 29 t Last eeisameoitelse: A Burlinfte player hias the ce ti a game wth Miltoni S-LP'aset cisryale-Disde2 hockey action Fclday at Milton Sports Centre. Milton callied fro Burs ablse 3, Mlllaise 1hi lde the acore et 5-5 befoce Bulngton acored the winning goal Bace's Edge 8, tau's Paeetnue FturGanesmiue Oeeday-Mlmis'e Really majoraVIaIllse _____________________________ Racers Edge, 7 asm. i Bsa tasev Mi ton Clsynler e,.20 PS .;Scalgs H a t n tf l UnepFence vna unsP ace Wtpasm Legion involved wfthin gqrasp Janet Rereclish in tournament aoushnleDi fasraenl Irait avecdi et.. h= D= e weehead when liey i tat week, aai heir raveBed la Eaaalofr Di way loiawaeter -thlie 'Early Bird' Talc-H vlctory. David Micisaai naesl. Ilahefise iaIN had anliser excellent Malais fUjf.MillnS high BE game La net fr MilaneeXPc onsa were. hean a nly ance iy a dampeaed hy aaroag se llandaa hol lfa lein fronas Ladan othtIl Usc eagliefinI lod. e iosakatad la a 4-t Pi Milon g"al came vclagry avec lhe Leglo-c front, five diffrent ares.1 plyem,.tBe iraI eted Nevethesa. Mitlanlo hy iasn Healey ai lise cane ot fred Up for AI elgisl minte mars1ofishe lher second games aidais a finI prlnd on a pan uonagaloal Riveralde. 1 fronKevla Maffaî laWiea lise iu.iarg Ue econd, ifeley moudedlaoendthe gagne de coredagatiswth iatulail vais aftlle aBm pnme laDan Allanand aadBeurdaY, sel Mila&% Kyle Hanegedt lawlaalag fthe 'Mldelg h' maire Ue sore 2-1 Made' iandly, 5-2. fli Millaon. HoelendFrench f l i 'lie liird perlnd wnulie laam cortag ail five ai a= Mtoln, oalaclaig f iewesiea isgLood tunalaladl, iia tdvd laeffr Tisdd MLod 1Mar Ê H1BS5Wssaasits Fressch, Richard Bray 'hal trie' wis anlalath lHeleyi and Mark golng la Misfaîl and m Frencrh lTodd MeeAodi SetI MeLond. f to marelthefinal crea6- An elalad Millan tlana 1I. Prslisn bick- watci sednHeley wun91 eisecilg and perfect pranled wis a trophy panlag iighilgised aU aller fise gaane is3 lie tise Mlton taillea. Eaaa officiais for Mi w Tie feaas hit lise fitree goal effort. IC Ulls a i dl i a--- I Si mteS51 UNî ioana ThConaises Ml iansiKasUne a oder sadl Iisalasa 110lasAdris.sM ana. Nlm elyMysais. &adle 46lis lain asla 2Ild.n fSc-tg ONe.l 142 ad 1i3,ionnssalailî 191-dJ. ahn- 189 abUsais.y55 S, co&KMnOSa.55.DaUl ai .eterOip 125. bo.' l g5 triplea-splca ] T.nSéri oile wu Nml tnri. S.Nu as -A--,. a, aShe he 26l ra Kma ladrlals 5. Scalotanie ia521 sieGl nîia.nala ete cas. . a n disS ial os- 1.linargliCl u bnsla 79 lsSO Danilc'Halms177iansl da16.Ns Ta sandinsarea minaMicaaelyn Tal, aidfols: aSSc oa e sas ( llaal 115 a nd 1 i, l t hM 4 Se5ifor.Dueai r34 riavi i iaîd37GIS Si 511 lin bas a5 isas se îsadls2, M ecas cinsUeeaCeSimd lilansd saîWlislana25 IT.on tata igl 1. as The Na 1105 hions 5 Iseinet 10. On lon0. KNala ifalli lan 13 TNauIlmine a. CaUBlendelasal i165amdlad Devi lI.n . Msy l si Ma laiis, e Finc 6 a vdids î.ilosalins 58 aIs Caleboys*m1 nsnelu SenSlll l lde os 2 s&2 nil. li tandk260 lia md.Ne fol-V seoeK Ntalon on 3T-1, 237 .0 115, 0"ais f 3Sn 3or"'Shlly fr ina 23 IsClsO.. is.s di Tae al 211 .Tale os cânlidisnles adDai 19hwi 0 f 1 ESCor21 or IS K e l u 1 te n e 0 w 1 h o f r i peo m a ~.l anclis isacisfris a aliseila adatage ai halflme, thse Junior irls isnaliatenon ufrisasMilaon N tricI I = pisScisi aSoveitl Us tsrllagisiaWeday ai PMDHS. Tise Cluis playa Lester B. Pearsn isoa aofEsirllagton P'rlday alght for se chiasplonshais I 1MB aSehal prmsaeanla honof thlie mont ex- Bitng gaines ofthUe peur, Tise presasure wns on sehen lise jun- ior gricmcme up agaaist a lassai ideraisot mpad ita uiedaU bahaismi-finaa. .Millo anm s elilnd for mnt of Use iraI isalf. Aider"sotplayed excellent defence nas ey atopped smv-al ai- tmpli ef Miltoa faut breasaBreaks re Use key ta Useir offence. WlUsail thoes, Useïr afesce slased cmn- lideraily becaone Iisey had feu, oiser playe ishicis euuld morS au ffectively ase fntbreak.lTse score ai Use hl wn 19-16 for Aiersisol. Miltoatutaed Usuin esasisack ltl in Use Ush" quarter. Corinnle KoBiaa score t la liatUe gine at 34. Robin Halan ahisland scored to give Milaon Un liedisutM.ldersbo weisd is13 aecensa efI lte eai 260aothUe Usrd- quarler mark. Theelnt quarteriwunslmlar lausteir game al=atTA Efukeloc in th Ue tui nymunis.01morelm leiset aaralliad hock and forth iset- neen Use tO m am. Aldeeisol, althaugisvery fnastadta top shape1 wn galtis 511wmiUs liseir siosals Hai t fey galles hall of Lisir aisei hola ta, Usey cadld have wesaesity. Thisais noailtUe cma isugli. Km-en izader extreinepe- sure, Mustangs managed toke Useamevea tagetis en ahUey cold have eaaiy panlekeit. Haines and Koflosai seere Use top senrerasolUsh 10 poits aplec. Judy Ridiai had elgiIpoitaad a saper game wmn played yAmnde Kailca. Even lisosogis ion has Useisomse advanlage ta Use fieas, ilta is e only adivailage Usey have. CHiAMPIONS LutsITonsday, a mldgel gicla isa"akehaimminauentl sn eld at Borfiaglas Central,.lThe porpese tla give grade-ntae girls, soho alcesdy aressI on Use Isator houas, saine exp erlesce ta playýLn onan organlaed tons aid ta have finAMltoust oree, guaranlued tisa games ta Ue ellon- taallon.consclatan tornamont. Miton mt up solUs Georgetaon ta Ueir tiraI gasne and edged Ue Rebis E 46-2. la Usir nezt gaine, Uey came up (or damn) againt a munis shrter leas freas hMRobinson. TieyF creaoaed MME iy a score of 47-20.à Ilsal ia advaneed tisern la Ue1 cisamplonohlisonsm againt Nelon. lise lio teama mre lairty eventy mataisei. Miton poved Uey hait more flghl int Uesand rusaied hy Nelson 26-22 ta in Ue tournament. Each player receeved an tdvtdaal -rffy. Cogratulationa go itailaUtun memisera misa played isell and la eoese ati Hlsta, Cathenaehis, Jaiel Rereclis and tM. Mitchiell. Team masmisersaare Dehorais Bannes, Angle Coaeaa, Janice Faulhaor, Smone Fulriann, Sherry MefimnaU, Barb aid Mary Ns, Leur Tmises'atle Vendaenheuval - aid Laanle Willams. LOOKING GOOD lne senior gays iaskelealt eans goî starfeit off on Ue rigist font lait iseek niUs liso exiiiotn games. Weasdy Uey ruveited t t Ajasîonad delesled Uein 66-t0. lie tu aisan isMlaontake anUsher vitory nas ey dematiaheit Pearson 41-t. Evryone ai ptayed solUs eqont thoe drlng hoUs games. fInougis Uey hat Aasoption isy aaty elgislpoitst, Il mns a munis ietter leam effort Uas lise Pearson gaine,.fIt Ionisa ta hoa pramtalg seasan for lise gays nicis alarlta n ecemier. DiANCE Your Sludenl Ateic Assoiation lu halla ada '0aaroa igisîfrain Sound EnciterufrnTr. antaa tisey iii ho isinglng a ligitshowuni. Tichela are 13 ta advnce ar $3.0 a1 lise door and tise muleciseisy reqiieaî. jMoney rataed fom iis dance wiit go tamarda hoylng a univesel gym isiicis ilta hoped it mU hoinstalleit iefoce Ue endt of Uis scisol year. 1i intermediate gicls' rma 4-1 disadvantage il to wifl 6-5 in the e tn C5LTO5NREK5CIO AL CMaonsislOs an. Claniilamg t 29 RIdalisTawl Inal 27 lans'pia'lbO &sala a B.ia-SsBnmiaal.l Bgi.seau nies. aoalsa ,W aida Osa s Paianld-C-- nd i!aC .ISaais as mîai sAutClao W dO Ta lise weekead wial munyc dcovered: Brisglan la Tisa tevel. Bartiaglon won a hon Steamers m-lUs a 7-3 vidao and at4-t wlnBinday evon la Saodayn gaine, Miii for butfailed tocapila.e Milon opened Uhes ca opeslng period wisie p Horne n in 2 viol Hatana cnmied mielin is ciMi srke eaTt lall raisP toipteeand slaores 2 Tise claiswna.formed witUs playleda frain Barlisglan, Dakville, Georgelaown and Mit- lan-ariis ha thocala havlag made Ue targesl coctrlhollo n te laubi. Ailar lylng las iratisao games 2-2 and 3-3 ils Use mare expeclenced Braptn Casadateis th hlu laiked Klag Cty 7-t Frlday iefre capping Use weehond mils a iard-fasigisl4-2 wna Bnday avec Wüloai- date. Bars Edisardsanmd isa Campbsellsared tiegoalkeeplssg dalles OS lise niiteisasis af Kng Cty' Tise Milton contngent provlded att Use leains acoring ails Tracy Hone leadtag Use way with Uscon goalsanad liso asisa. Lion Simpson ciipped in iiti tisa gailas iite Kalhy iHarria and Rhondda Rteynolds added singles. llefenively, Ue tesin saowed nei mils Roint 0Gant, Cathy Cisasntey, allsec teains have already pacis and poked it home wîlh Jutin Varga aaaîating ! qalle nrong athlie Ter onlise play. Barlington replied jaal 22 seconda later and wilis ne-and-home amries nih Iree minutes leftlin thseperiod, took a 21 lead. cy satarday at Balngton Brliglon popped home sngle markers in each lng aiMemnorial AMena . oflte ilat tiaperiods inoonsure lthe ain. Ion pul forward a good ef- In thse lirsi match-up, Mlton led 2-1 aller lthe firnt kcon lieir chances. period ieore Burington railled for tiree goals avec ring midway liscoagi Uelte la two perioda in lake lise mn. petng pressure on ltse Brent Tasher scored Millonas firss goal lrom a goalmoali scsramisle wish Varga aasising on the S X play, Tyler Kosharho mode il21 ahes ho rifled a lotIs s shol home from theliseo afler being net ap isy Cary Inte iddle trame, Kinsus-ho selared Use ao to rmies inWilymanisy selliogisila up for a goal. Tehiglsligisafor hoUs gaines, Iro iMllans ide, Jackie Berges and Julie oas the play of goaliseepers Sleve Daîl and Blair Boadreaa lesdlag the Leonard misa nere kept bisy by Brlinigloas nay. soalers. eg.Ay Cail your Mother-In-Law! Mfflfl FM Cali yourNMeighbours! ZL E11l67N6 W*MES! 2 For 1 Sale! ALON Uum Uae taMmavne wft - opeW Purchase a Beam 294' Super Unt wth complote 3-Inlet Ki for only $726.26 and receive FREEW - a Boum '1 83' Unit with complote 3-Inlet Kit! Total retail value - $1,228.00 - Olier expires Dec. 31/81 Aaaai nfom Dehaeoaa Pataaae ai Boum of Burllngton le 1390 Pains Road East acoinnfio n aad Choe Tel. 632-5057 - open 6 doeyu Thurs. & Fn i.ti 9 p.m. AM a b" sur naia"" d da4t-paeagedonm aOpaon 4 DA YS ~~and Counting That's Right! That's Aitltdu lime Left for you to take advntage of TWO GREAT Ways te SAVE on a New 1981 Chevrolet or Okismoblie! 1Get 14.20% GMAC Financing on any 1981 car or iight-duty truck. 2. Up to $70000 Tax Rebate is avail- able on ail 1981 models. We stili have a GREAT SEILECTION of 1981 Models in Our Stock, and we are Dealing! Corne on down by Saturday!I We've got VOUR NEW CAR. Whm Yeu MhWdInsuranco an Imuranco !io choice. U,4lnisIaal Osflatusema e-S Vinyalagen aaapany W -sorllTou.Adoaag,re aaaltheaho«O a n nuanl~5~ace palsal inslanaceoIlanndaaapeltentpaela emieaare svnbes of the Isuaa.seaonlolala AaaclanofalOtam Denture Therapy Clinic GobrýeI Szo(s 878-1 100 155 Main Street, Milton