CRAIG KERR Calcutta a hft IT'S OBVIOUS 180W-me 801 8 amle mlnner! Th. long houri of planning and proparatono paid off i a day of linesea coaipetitio, dramatic finiohosand grut opeclator particpationus atW. fralday of tW. Mittan Calcutta got undeay. Il Saturdays raipomela any crteria. 11110 vait la detined to become a major lanchmark. At ibis point, the probable rosuattof fot Saturdays cring arn ecoming a littho duerer s teomo have heen finaized wilhin divsiions, and 'the milof 1the people'ha heon offically epressed. t-ast ee'sa colomo gave some ti-advised opinions o its nly fair every- oe gto1e "officiai' fororanto prior t1, show- ing up for W.e acton Saturduy. In 'A' Dviion, e pced o Rnwley-Haannn finish wilb 1Hannon comiuog out on top. This matchop appears vindicated but tW. Vegas Iie pcho Bowley 10 in. In 'B' Division, e lhad pcked Paibte over Galinger 11u1 the peopes choce ays il wiIt 11e Armtrong over Gal- loger. At h10 point, our foroyant breaks dom. Latet opinion bas i thal Guld wili tahe 'C' Division oser Kiodree hite Rick owley should tahePaul Johnsofln ' 1n dfence of or predictionn, twn toais er. substantiaily atered by late scratchai whai Mike Comba and Joe Johnsono joined Peddie wie Kerr was tranferred totheTracey rink. If you mised Satrday's action, ynu minoed some excellent curlin and treaiendoos ocial uctivities. Of 16 gamen, three mont tu etra aida ad on- ly one game could lie mildly clsified an an- balanced. Al other gaien hong in the balance literally antil last orosecond lant rock. Ail h10attents 10 Ue organinalion, f or.- ttstaght, and hard work of committee members whobhave spent long houri getting ib18 event 1- geUer. Our thanls mont f018u Ken Hannon, Don Sit- ton, Crit Thomas, tarry McPhait and Steve Kindre'or a job dane in superb fashion. btany otheri also assited wheneser onked. In par ticlar we should mention Sert Stewart who opnt five homrs hhind the wbeel in order tu, mahe it for hin part in W.e evening's faitivities. Satarday is W.e wrap-ap and, as bas been stted before, 18 daigned for al meaibri, wbaWer yo'recuring or not. Its a day pached with action which kiks off wih oacta art- ivitien leading u o theW.firit of W.e seau-final gamen which go at Furtber emi-finaîn tart an appreimately t p.m. Bar and itchen faciitien ilIie asailable ail afternnon on bring maine frienda and mabeaa day of it.Definitelynot te bae missed arn W.e final gamen cheduleel for 4 p.m. Among other Rhings, fin-aie cecemonien will inclad e a piper te, lead W.e 1g goai out for W.e bt en- connter Wrapping up tW. day will boa frai wihm and cheene party for ail attendeen and csrlers, along with Ue remainiat draws for sposor prizen and preentationa 10 the wininng rinha. Due ta schedule onflics, thensecond ronsd of W.e Seagras Mixed as played late Friday afterionn with Ken Hasnons rink toise agait Bob Gold's crew. As is becoming commosplace in club curling Ris year, Ue aie mient tn an etra end wiUs Gould getting W.e nid NesI and finl tomai ar scheduled fortsundaya ai . m ta puas- ible second tome ging aIt5 Iis round piti Gold apait SmitR mho carne out of Ue 'A' sideouarlier. A popotor feoIre of tUss oman has een W.e 'Qustion of Ue Waik,' so here il is. Wat former Curling Cuen orîter ban tarned le pnelry and favori Rhis one? Tiger. Tger brnlaghbrlght, Inuthe Junglesnof the nght.. CIao- Ask Jeanette or Sandy for the aaiwer. vs. si'. « Sh5avlnmier 60 D.,- P-11. 259 aiDaInTed. , o..il4 W0 5050.ak 2M Oay ArbS 7ifo 34 Mr eiel 2»n P-ri MIin" 2or32 . vaj.pe1 ipo %5 D.rIeyflaevioce ir ffSaOe0ai. 657Pa Mr5. Oai Sim OiaanPnvavellv 0anL-.nnaatia 3Wl26 DENZIN'S WARE Fýi Until December 5 ONLY We stoc.k only the brîter labri.s ol such % ANTHONY COPTER 4 t SONSS ITO Hour of this "On. of a kind' 50% & lens suie Mon-Fo. 9-7 p. BiSt 9-5 p. DENZIN FURNITURE 42 Northline Rd 755-0866 0.-ans nmw s. nàa - Servivil Toovoians For Oser 23 eavi Houstonleada Wheeler fr1~",MOta Ft Wlbeajaakytgliadt= Md twy fait th Wbseimajorbantm D nthlPmw.gusth rgala .. ved ey daahlad W t ars n mnny by au. ni8eh eeion us ImaU Duandus Setcdy =6m. al l. ins lva. esi. MuutlArias, g ole" 1 usdWsrk hiir aaat a wu thW. mor .t.wbil= Trev jaw dha u .h5ta lkSttaVIf 84al.mvh1sm bone Anges. s avs .~geela Saaday t Strattaill. Pinlaa udBeboW aaseas DuthdiE a ààiosae d mW. old lad W.eaf.îave hi. Wyctpaoialby 31% al. l af nst hwt ah- eid vu srn ohs f penoti-we uvoajulatittCria, HUtan d RWe tW.UmmltaOMBA Wl. asenaI apettutana mdba. * 1 iDAY FE Sob E NT-CAR &- __________ *E-300=7a *LN-lglr S Vafoy:A memnber nI Sam Sherratt Sbool puts c uchool volleybail finals Friday. tmmeu& bail over the net în the North Halton elementary ~eod Devlin rmaoy leave Aeros 1.. a : "" î1 Miltosone Beaty prion oho malles testoasaiay ba over. He ttres formier mambersa, urrently aevloth a1- deria rreveti a major monho for NUL goaliai", inlanded 10 pruue W.e of tW.Sabres. t but have vuwon ir pool setbasch 1h10 eeh vhai iald Devlln. "Nomv they pooablity of pluylng Aller W.e Oral 10 tW. ganes. the clb leursed goule tell mel1caa'tmwerlt senior hockey 10 theguanas n 10hW.Inttr- Credt for Aermi Pt Devlin could no and l'aihettr offmlRtha London area bt ms the medinlo .SB Lnggae, signing of Gl.n Mrray longer play iR 1118 $30 remIo aak juI rute upptios a 10011tes=son Poubs au u ahient. ahud hve gonsela Basa flbrglas moulded muid. beroone il's CASA ap- affillated miR Ushe OIIA, 10W.d1"-0reord la laid Lune la tut weeha in ligt of Roat, DevIn prved. h can not pay goal. W.e îogp. Awns anare toay. naid boa prqm opa. "Whai 1 played in Aero' apohaiman teuse Ue tei.- Europe, Isanm goniesit Bons Lane sand 1the cub lb. Onario Hockey quare on Ue ire ma a 10 lnnhng 1810 Ue pulls- Asocation rueti erler and seod stitehen acf ba ibilityof appeali te theo C L I I ) Rhis yar onty taken ou1 of Ue gtome. OUA on Ue grod of CASA-apprived mailla Wi h18bismaah, I juIW.heqolityofterua, maiuld ho llawod in the nbuke il off and l'ai Details mdt nt ba made iiel-02 seasen. The ready 10 go. I vo bad ibis0 knns nlil 1the OUA CAAilnot ç.rff maîk ever sonce I romsideri Ue roue. CASA aiega mWe tarteof playing. LokingThe nclub mou counting W. fîbortlon Us~~trongb Ue irai ould halyo eI bo mask. tileoqote a t lie t gel aprin gotepg Devin sid 1e cold accutoaid od1. mn ao 0 0h ash a testing lahorator3l Cnapoundlng Use sit- team last year mben 10 approve tW. ak but otion Destin 10 Sm o t 0tby boched off pomer- Ue coul and tbae il ose 111e London rea hose Boclton Real otd abo mre baRh for a job tranafer. Ho McCoya in Ue firi excessive. Ala, it mould oid bath isses outd ba rond of ptaynffs. -- - no111e approved in enougb for hlm 10 stop Mounmhle, 1the club- for thia seasdon. ptaylng itb Aerou. had baR lia cbeduted I have a $31 mask lb. 27-year-otd keepr gaaiou test moek cao- maudeb heW.anme ad hiddaynwitb OHA celd. Tetatammas to AVOIGshq A e play ai bhaie Frlday night ai Mitons Sports Nae AFTE IB " Aàmiat. W elders string Centre but dda1t bock B0,00 osas daaiae ar. nos 50 A oa nmIlvt0 do the ico 18 sofficlime t ha e Rorasi wacnoarpin spaad p ouriivsioavooslaen andwnti mou no d gninaeaînaipcsaiei. pafmwaonisoii hits 3shutDutSI. --- ~ nCaMlion api Milton Weding continaed its rote on Ue hottet agatindit PortDoser an rame Srdghtsnlng toain nthe Wbite Oaks Hockey League wmuRn " Laers of th elloy Capnting is oser Unverel SwitSanday mornn t a s fteGe u Memoiat Arena. gaome. M E S7U7 Aerai base four Il marked Ue Uinit conserotuse sfutout for flten gantes ineat up aisixN HO Turer wie Wederi ase urored 10 goals in Ue dayn tast slght N H I Rhree-tamenstretcb Tusndayl Aeros enter- Welder' Bîrk O'Donot openeoîthUe scorin front tained Saitbville 7219 ai AT U io CO L SION John Mor andt Tom ainandt ithin a fise-min- Mmoriat Arna befnce15NU .sg d te opan. Wederi adited twt more for a coniniint golng on the rond for 3-o laid] and thUes befor. the permît as out added Uree gantai. The toauai Mihon5878-M4 oeamore. goen 0 nve l Tbe club scoreit once in Ue seosnd peri and Tburnday, Port Doser Ues aditei three more in Ue Usrd priod t10 sait il Fiilay andt Delta Sun- amay. day. tes goals apiere white Terry Thoaipson. MiletLes- dloser 10 signing aiB ET-H lie More andt ODonetl addeit ingles. Jiai Actov Sabre Pl Fsng 'Sagsy' Robrtson ebîpped in wmiUs rer assista. The tesai aiready a &SOUTND LTD. uçrI1', T.V. SERVICE RUSH! SEAVMO AL MAKES 0F T.V.'s&ItSTEREOS 24 Hour In-Home Service Snve A Service CniU nnd Bring t n I TE i MILTON COLOUR SUR NDLTDa 18 THONIPS1111,11ON RD. N O W ! LUNIT No. 1, MILTON 876-175TUNE UP SPECUJ IA- û:4 vailNe«Souirs soope -~ Il saPlokUPtiCOU Cap &hRotor CunsAli Checkniiak Pug W ou Reacea 'HOUSE RENOVATION Inapos PVC. eu àFfe 3RC ~ COOUNGSBYSTEM SPR 1 F SS 24AM0 Miss wi n lin nnme as I MAJOR CHECK UDco.8Sanidersoii Prassurei Test Chsack TAi BpIp FINE FAB$ICs Inspect AlitHoues Et Oele Sereice Bd a- -\ Drain R Flash Syaleai Check Hi4 nmtaI Antlfireze u to 18 Litreat) '-il -N vjltoà ruat &,ee, lub ) WINTERBusRm Saturda.i,98l 10:00OAa00 OP.M. eTopf ~mmer Registration is Lmited Applcaflnns wgiIbhandl.d on a fisf coma ffssmed book. E IAL $Tont Ai, Filto ce Fuel FOore MECIALS BaZtry Connections aler Openalion 8 Cyl. - 154.95 6 Cyl. - $47.95 4 Cyi. - $3795 Imost Curai 6 & 8 Cyl. - *39-95 Lubrication Et 011 Change *995 (Up ta 4 litres) fflcs ln Effect Unti , K Aý Dacomber31, 19817 ; ýi Ml£11~ WI194M 88-L3& Murray Wilson Pontac, Bulcit, CadiUUac Ltd. 878-236 388 Main St., Mton -Ma a i