Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Nov 1981, Sports, C3

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Socketa drop a hard one ru.tbrd ta ian a 4-0O innnitMm noi e an in le ii tise edbut re d le ta b. ou tisa verge ci 55a11Up 501555 5555t sonetsan ratab. Bramptonuinthlbtin inr ehuisdepart- cz t.Soctin'Trevr Brand ami Mise Cen butatM arremiy ud -ricng isa turis n occrred dm mruerass whenra itou d goloff àa dandir minutas of lb. pectad and teen added oe mosre inthlb.tird ta 850 it up. p=lnte b fnal btrnme s sv mieeffectve defoulve I .IJ mrk aad tainOai batie =2rb.ltad Eio:FygeaePlote CenCawth an elbow to the mîd- MeLeaneeCtion it he club' 6-5 Win FridaY over RChmOfld Hi. Juves rise to the chal lei Dspite mtaalng six cared Iice ami plyet bey player, Mtn best gamneoftheeyear Wilnons Actioneses seilep)aytçfor nearly jenes s urprsad tmo-11r51te game. frontrumnlg Orange Itols Hapl addsd a sigisl nI Messoral gei and an aitt miile M555eKaI eSheppart c 'pe Fine p1aYen "M lemite an asutl. M oltn secnlng nspeeaOle 3-0 .aami then csted mhitie a sini, Tam ta teein. «muas, *-* e. cntst le rntaeleg becaaie oCane lraetsnile as n tarns- injsry. bhrner isy il accalme l'Orslyen "" mwite Milles dramisn et supne nameW eminutes n lena5lies ?e alsgis ai Sres-ta- s eleetavnte miile Paud Basntou slrmingot tessan naot a fv gans. A major figit, mite "mrn I m l o nder 10minutas ta lis et undee.a a y in ateegainmeIita Streetaiie 6-2 amd i e pnyn ta Dunde 3-4 lia."dy ejected and naispenedl. iigit ai Dussdn. 'litsfour are farr ls mi ModyRiebt, Deug Hede, '%a wn ondY ose Fletett and KIrk agalt inat-place «aura. Oralgenltie mwu n bey nttay wmistas mins Srsiltie led 4-2 teee clbnsslt ae fter Ima priade and res le lin race fr thescnat othIe nctarY. tep tispprt and Hepel WlnaminaSlrd ered or Mitn. go te aya Gnt Againt Dundee, Eneaami anitsperMtais inet a 3-0 end Steve Mtarshsal. Enas thea minotes t thes Repp schedule lise foiltamlg le tele maks Ti-Cunly rap hocsy arbedule for itemariai Arena. Sasse genessand tisses mss e acangst btlesn sam eSatody-Mlilae fanvil BMates minor ban- inmnovssOrangenilie, .30ap.m. suudy-Mltas Opiisltaestar parmees vs orangsntie, t p.m.; MiltenT-Birta mar peemees vs Brampton, i p.m.; Milles Detterin Aggregtss minr midgeta ssargetamn, 4.45 p.m.; «ilemwne Rsaly Tier Tma pesmees vs Burleglan, t pe.; itilne ttaaty lier Twa sidgsivs farlins, 7 p.. Masday-Mlto Doco i& Dents mear tamu s Goargetown, 7 p.m.; MitonCameta major miget vo Brampton, 8ait p.m.,Militon Wliaans Auctianeera jevetilisas tGeargetown, second perled but teS spart. ite reatisg : int appeare ta ta tans spearlng pesnaly ite h 1ta go ta tee mddle trame. Four seconds Iter, tlundas scored lieir inst goal and leuen tsIo minues Iter cored lone goal ot thestird ltalenltaegesse. MIn scoretwtm skertbanded goanta. glvtag isem ins tr tee year, intahie game. Bentan, Hetpel and Sieppard ocered Cr Miltonwmincisltokjusl elgit playero Te aid lin dpletad corpu, lb.etamnaolgned Deug McCann and Kevn Optis edged c Breaklng dama ram lin kustllng tes eppronci totapgese, Milona Oplmista miaor pesmses troppsd n t-9 t declelan ta Stoney Crarit and ers lminatad tram futber pin aa taurnamesl in S. Thtomsanver thes Ople mn thesapener 4-t oser Byran1 tafara meetng Stoney Creet. Milon coacht Darryl Tayor nid ta fit tise lenens f thevgame Salurday (e p.s.i ater tke team's eariy alarl caeaedktas tirsd playen tai play diCer-1 sstiylbhan usunlai netloney Creet.j "We'd been up otace 6.30 .m., " es- ptaleed Taylar, "ami t teisttthes playera mrs just plale tined iy elgitt ooc ai nit ag." Th lubdi, wminchdspinyedane ame- nasse histie agatust Byran, sa their gasse plan iren o ata anle dliyduealletic paes " . sisuld Sn is atise p:ir around" ie added. 'Bul lb. playera Icked tee itet." Milon eut-sisal Soaey Creet 15-il and isnt numsraan crleg ckances bt sum tisne chances tappsd isy n nlaistara goalteeper. Soaey Crutk tlred their gealin le .second prlod and aurssd it lise rail f thee ay. 1 In tse opaser, tee team cama e play hocrkey, sapa Taylr. Stevei The Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov. 25,19W C3 Haliburton a haven for Cornets cutnTire maezir«d= t reseciv MP mirl n b Hinl luaoly made oeneye entise nfter Scott Rouleau bâtd carrled tise couata adIs& t gh sra l ant ear. en eim -Mleet. =purk itthie Streetanrille end. linlbetanfera asa-aymnar ou Csamly gain e r5i45Vtt orCnetu ltote lead ai lie o = Msvlllecame bacit iti a power :a='ayysegarî e; a day ms wu aeaslgn ai Mssril e od asouSee Arson W pay=gai et4.29 iefre Landry made watiwbl -baeeacaa te.Skaslgn IIcfc rm Yiere. eh = . asttiandl Anderson, at 1302. wllb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : tlcaptnlprdsadeleS atrday = =; suileean lh.y dafeceman kefore pantlglen tmm ane cmp tltn tatatlalnrsaetleir dtnsleatless cf Ibis laisgs ne nmarbed Mite van Wartmso Tisetliard periad mou marredt ky abllty sasatlngsehemtbausbykaasting tretatie 5-t and Dudumaden iae0gtte it aknuneroo penlnties ils many of te latlsgemsl f iarh-CossY .ou-2.4,eind lise Streelailile net-minder. reterses' dacigloou ditticuit ta uader- comtrtins yar.Sirsaviletia adbeasaoutad ou aneslad. Terry Ellwoud edded ta te Inte m rouea, Crnetatstheasmale matait and tise first Mie Stewart canerted a slaskett Comnets' tend, aslestedisy Hakett, mm Mafi"?: as Calllegwe ws coreleas altligisCassate panout framtisehisld tis e at ta put tisead Lndry mound up tise scarleg isay saniy diupeaad of tlb.Wlbai Cis a tl advantage and Kevla Cameta up ky two, et tise3.111 mark, ram Stewart and Rirjeau. in thsatirst garna 12-. Tlisascntg mwu rud tise taamn and p-h, Blades put together victories Ccflaed. to Milon Banvil minor banstam Bindes rmmnded eut tise scarleg ilte stanadcoaecis Gary Hudsonlat a cisance ta blmdtC.= = msseen gse put tetlsr ar kt-abct ina as tise perled aisted isy Mie Diran, tait ta iiso playersaend miatever ta ansd pisa e eatyatise Cast e nd as lbey deuled teer.m oun Iirie Daies, Wntely end Scaneeli sait pald off as Biat., came ounad lotit ndvaatlof et treaitpowere 42Sr d~aysd lntabd etweee thescandandt tiird terlnt scored stx gealsin th ie third pertot. pay =tia ta rus apan " n-o th tes me, adeaslartad d-ocssatt Braii afo bigslalyansd It seensta ibt Ilsir eppea- pottil ttresgoal andthe Vp iion anscre tise int goal ta maket iee Up. clns.tga goût d pessad ties maing Ilte is it perled tat gmalb I n tet.theesldt!tise Blades off ties oui irt mleute of theegaine Homever, kae rd i rsceassd maetene tby tsr ond sIal twasn gnha nd o us«e.n u t ne aeras no Tri-Causly rnmp sanGrimsby came Dson ut MinatnelpaeSa tact mitis Ima goalsils t d2-1 ai theby Oc and Darren tSbaw. oud of thiitpu -IaneamiShaw secredtird perled Ricit Browns ied lise goutte fr gasmttnsaglgt e Ceseintheasecond perled and Mark goasaSisth amb gi <I Le Hotetiaputtisrhel. luda ain ave eansmermi mith a oingle geal mie ntare l e in ~letee tiird an eleve Heggebdn Wit time rurmnlg s te t tDI l sytai h e tlds fr tisaCarnets an GrimsbUIy tie the tryenay tintalese ttr fodeaj gasasmwiti a pomer-pay goal ith eu perslaviie mais t"itn ar a-1 titan tma minutes Ia play. pre-n--nta ie etn2 Bte geatteepers cameaap bigi telsd ait g letathee eond paed.QJ aivertisasepetiotd an Nrm <mdachCiris Wntaly scredmMitan's geai stapped a Grisbly break amay ami tronm Davidssl Dnldo crsuygle a P Ia theesecomidstsrled, aiso as ethe Gimsenaltle naoum ~puied Milmoneves ou a pana tram Ed tae Carnets'bcapgaven my15bMrga aly tle kave theespumty litte batlb. Cmening a t rse minutasStretavlte team sipteetying goal ky Wnean into tee penid. Tom Hill intie Bindeasgeai. Etaaaz 8 - Te tma goalteepen alsrd te 1Dn Vandekuvel and Cameras nge PIONEERPOE Keakrba tacards. fate are tronm theeenr FIRcu-m.C..mINSERTS TI ERSWNEAAETAAAZ NLDSA ltats-league and gins Ai, lighttîtt bickt l INWAEOSSL! tee ean 21 payen *Up to 70%s5îfcincy sigtsad ta cardasem wideit Scvtlacoroed combusion four play regatarly len 1utosipate, ULCepp,aasd ý9 tke senior league. CSkiîvuPseiaca ".99 'lie club ainaeet *iSv, guarani"o att ietre playlng'4.5189 Georgetaown len a ing ~de sraq~ s f m gesa t 9.30 p.ss. 8e0evma Manda nlgt a FV EI etTiH-TO TI ERIMK Memerl a ena. Apollo mflUwPare« w19 IS[esA"X 48 FRst Une, Mton IC 1i P 11 ut878-4558 RC SEG Wimzryk put le a solid gaese t- Imees theepipes tapplug 11fByron drives wseis ateammales int î16 shtaend scret an 25 pr cent. Ater a screlean apunleg penid, Optlo raied tan 3-t ean ethessecond peridnnd tappus il off ite anteer marber letethe nlresse. Jason Bahinmne, frd Jones, John Snam and Paul Allen scored fr Mon miis Pitep Lerh earasd n pair o assista. Siamn llaousldt, Mat MCandies atnd Jases ndded sistgle assista. Ia Ts--Cetsty acian Tkursdny, thes riais isosslt Brampton mitettese geasi la ecisperiot for a 9"t sutaut in. Wimcaryk, pleyistg ail gesses ie- causs of an iliaess o t Jirns iurrny, enrned tee siuleat. ChisleHarrisnn joyed e fîve-pulet algis mite Im alantiIrue assista minis Danny Brown and Deug Peuitan cinpput le itis Im-goal efforts. Wr- rne Haum, Jases and McCaadless addmd inles.faismnane cinppud le mite thee assista. Ibe cluis baltles Oanlile tnan malts- ap gaine Starday i Memaorini Arena tators travelintg ta Gergetomn Tises- day. issa Mazda FEW CAN CHALLENGE THEM

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