C2 lhe CanoChomplon, Wed.,Noiv. 25, 1 wlt ARN COUL5ON Seems everyone lumps on wagon ImmSI GOUP ff cepeeltiefrointTorono op esc Tn referrtag talie groap viticit vont ta, t-gite Ieadqsarters durlsg te four-day deer luit. 1 raline va ive in a doecrelle country, bt thrae e many gond cases Chgtu ad serve in Tor huiso l o f et ggig n t Haltan. Anéweli lave ittiere. Lat I vraIe abtout te ondarsofet ntgrclory iirds. We tatou migalocy irdo have aelissr- dons journey. Forsconte reaaon, te al of e19ic1ias an especilly haed season for iird till. The teest iraieair evont occrred LItbosr Dey weeteed etitae Leonbn Gneatlsg Station oser Kingston wsere mre tdmen t,teO irds sere foumi des aditres nigitt. Smal etfis10have happesed rglrl Iofico e rofnIToronto were a feutndreilid s a:r iilleil tort Acrrdig t Bo eiod, aho tetes for te OnataNtua tal. ey have lot-ted e eau groap ralltae Tornto Ciy Naturalitelo sho have iean hcedlog eut information on these iird 1011010 office votkers and te tedia viit te alteofreduciegltecarnage. ltae maor cuiprita ta large cilles are tlot taîidng. Litta It on et darit dscle migtigitlds lch seentot have sente t- stinctive attraction,.e Inte case oetoticre towere, islite ligitta tatI on ity rereles vorters. lte Len bliis tis yesr are especialiy an- noyieg. Sinca 177, Onaroolydre han agraed 10 swtlcit off 11s fleedigis adurbef peot tigration lente long te, Hydro is considering thé intallon of flatloog streite ligitll on rd filtrolte redore lislattraction tiirda. Did yoa tcou lie Otarto Provincial prta rover ce area aluestel ie of eScOianil? Wiilescothalsdarea 10l inte fer nort, lise teanageteont et surita landl tateancd oe ts10 1 teillon ameal viiloro iquitoa chore. W.ebhale in hear of campantes hoithave eviloheil te coul itucelng in prodare Pouer in genecele elctricity. As you n kt, tot-col uitusng luda 10 ecil rin: dthe ouoregaetfthe 'eecontinues Intaeheaiines. M«neali, as ecid cin cotines donthlie to]lofdeadtisez. Mlase dont forget te trkey shitoftets 110110e Sprtatens Asoctilon Salrday Dec. 12 and te SAt turhy roll Fridsy Dec. 4. 1 joat getallatetateram Cetlo's Det-ar, Elvnaed-Jinmin. tey geL hir con ofdor dring b1el t im heeylan. W .erevery ory 1 her Boy Down hon lef lihe Chamepion' Ovr te pat 20 yeas, BOY lubao en o gret belptantme as vas hie lte dat, Emerson. Massile Roy, sec vis yontoccata inyor new ventre Atom Steamers power their way Mtltane Bealy tant second prité wuo hait Sttears sccred lisea ove. naiaeed gas in the Dylan Beyoldasemade tird pri t 1 lesa &2 il2-1 seitsatarter front f ctoto- Brampton Dvid Bownan cd thon for e leg tale aturdsy Mite Murphy upped te afleraconet aIptnt.ae.ad 10 twa goales wuls lthe club relurneadteose front Bascate. Mamorlal M-usa Snday Bamtn hbteei ar a psa gondoeffort muttte sal in a e- lstag camae-le 1B ple 10nitptiéa Brlgons peseat-tl ooe woci otron masjorndon tlier Tva te plonone. t liete lamo tecalvmi a Wit joal ice minues sihtin the arteinacon- to play in lise gante, fidence ils lie vctary Bt-n euetored the Isen- otaetamton. gtA a rgie ils a tear- Brampo en sd tehec r fren t uepiton ecrt-ng sit 1.24 lat in chatter ance lithe101 te opetéing prit, but final tva minutes, Mloes Mite Bascont Holley andd Baater tei- id it p 2 secods ataer lieéloeeoare the met-gle viti. a goal frontlion o vlrlory. Dat-ah Joha- Hlleily and Jcy Mallaey. sten, Daesy int-taon lTe club cotltued 11s and Bascomte seuslo fine play ced srarad hec thiré pintetflita gante, Girls hockeyeleots executive Girls' hockey ezectntve The new Milton Girls Hockey Assocation electeditailstiret executive Wedneeday night athe Optnlst Centre. From lef t ta cligt are John ReY- nolde, ice coovenor; Terry Leach, tressurer; Rhonnie Home, sdnt Carol Mor- rison, secretary; Jicu Waness, vice-president. Giannuzzi sharp for T-Birds Sotweat Lm"dsecoredlthe lone goal offthefinal Il lo" T-Brds mot 30 seconds ofttlite cod perod 10 detotMilssu -rpeueT-Brds 2-itprod 10tl e selead wsetesons Drten trot-ard at 0 '-tinaltecle.itbfr=m futhorcî n lelie S. fotItheWilson. Four minutes a er, Scot Toms oEcrly Blrd hockey tasrnamest Saturday ai Hllon mad it2- froDrennan. S. Toas. Soutit Lononloseed tegap 10 one ainute lter T-Birda won te opner 3-2 agant Sout Loedon etore BlIs, ith it eesecond ta oacliy trec withstome outstandwogcaves from geslla Alex Ginn- minutes, reslored tie Ive-gesilead ils oantsrkec nuazi hefoce meetng Soutitvest London intie senti- fron Wieon and Drennan. final. I tetesecond gonhe, T-Blrdo jnmped et tver In lise tournamntn pl, Gluncezzi caile o Soatweot London tante iret Ivo minutes btt ere vilhsave ster saca. a trsscoreleso icol peril, bleitie,10pnetrate te detance onlil te second T-Brde strucit for tres goals ced a 3- lead aller perledi. Ivo. Lndeon eé te tcoring e minute 1loitene- Soutit London 5015aibreci akiestey were avard- coed perliefore Stuart Thrneaeveesé lie coutI eddo penalty shtitwIo minutestaloise tird penid Ivo minutesn ter. Anéreta Wilson crried te prt viton detoncomen Grant Tnomson feU on te peck op te ire mue avo-on-one ils Tiorne and lippeil le te creete. Londaits Jark Dtntdao madeononte peck seonse10 Thoroe wha tippeé ie Witaon'n nistake onliheeiottncoete gap taone. pefect paoe. T-Birds onperesced soancxieusmments in T-Birda came onttflying 1 inte tird permet but te lotI minuta of pay. London wenl ih six ai- coulds't concert lileir chances. London scorei te tacereeanditemmidT-Birds 1 inter ovze nttItleetaig goaltdreemtlomin thlitpt-ind. teoend oftegame. Bowe-vec. aima errant clnttng T-udt epplled sente pressure for te restaioite pus some tey aves frote Ginsuzzl psrem i ied e lti-ted errant passes ced passes tatead of ohole win. e th.tteamvitout a goal. Three games in 2 days tiring for Docs & Dents Il tas a irng and trustrsting u'ect- end lot- Miltn Dont & Dents miner atomes -lte club vSate celgis!ode Medice haedsaiteclir criedteplay- tag leur ganta ta leur algitsian1- rludlng lise final titras gametain0a 1- hont- spin. lrenlcoily, lise dais galsed its tain ancein ta itafinal thannam of lithwenas rieduda. lisarlubit carted by drcpplng casn- rota t-Ideclelot 1Burliegon Pnlday nigit et Borllngtobes. itacons tison vont ai.11 ip.m. Sunday et Meteorlal M-ena seuls Burfilgtets crng tut aead again 4-2. Bigit allerltae gaine, Med" traelleil 10 Chlegusauy for a 3.45 pes costeet and coma tut ahesil 3-I. Mtnday nigitl et Meteortal Ama, Medico and Brampton ptayed toa t-5 lTae fit-st Borllegtee-ittn matcis- sp rasultc i te et the most ucosac gamea etflte year. Daspile ail-clt- ing Millon 24-Il, Burlingloit seedad a goal talth 22 seconds laitint the ganta to uew ta l p. Aller Borlinglon opesed lise sccring 1.35 ittegane, Milles roancd hock vils two goals 1 is e tiret pet-lade Ivo monre qtérkly lt thie secondte, taire e 4-1 bond. Borlioglon tint lie unaoataet-ad geas tlotie lte score ai 4-4 hetora the perlaé mas ont. Eaci tlesmteradmi goalsoearly 10 theafinal treme tcaselte stage for lte winoing goal in the lut mteocf thse gaul. * *JaeecomeeistEile Écioolte talit litreagoala ce tht-ca shao tilbe Michael Banttlng and Ed Oldroyd added sitgles. David Wlwescryk had two alsita taiile JohaBeco, Colin Bradley, Roisiie Del Papa, Ed Dillon ami Old- reyd added aingle assista. Mie cluha met &ga10 et Memorlal Armea Suday talit orlinglonssorlng twlce in lte final titrea minutes 10 j Is" a 4-2 w10. Adrian Mai and Bcnnlng ecored for iMedics wilt uaae10led tailles. iAgainet Cinguecousy, lte lunt was lired hut scoced titres goals in lte final pend 10 tahe lte win. Treliing 1-0 goba ino the titird par- iod. il lotitmedirs joat 21 seconda in lia it op tahan Banning tvoced. Thlrty- 1titres seconds lter Green scorad anotiter uauated telly for lte vin- ning goal. Wlis Itan seconds sitowieg on tecleet, Dol Papa p e ilcleg on lte cake viit a goal frot Oldroyd. Brampton and Milton playait colier ceacaw gaune Mondsy nigit 1wilt Mali, tait hisltird goal and elosrth point ofthlie nigitt, scoring the equalizor vitit 17 seconds 10 play. Tise gl cm llrMlten pue lis goli edvnt wit six attachers. 1 Del Papa ami Baron edded singles. Parenteto di Centre andd ebcedlte liritezecutive Of lte new Mone Girls Hockey~ Asaociation lut Wed Thaecase association came *beut aller caverai parenta vetaed lteir éleapprev ai lte esaser le hicit girla' heckey twu ltaded1y the esectitve oetch maer Hockey aed dclded le go Il alaise. About 40 people et- lended 1the meetieg le ati a five-meether enectatve louerd aed mach on tuctd-rclalcg urismes. Mait.e iHorne, telo spearhesded lihe mmv oway freth ie MMHA, wucaccclalmad 1the new MGIIA piscideot. Jlet Wonlece wu elected vlce-.lsident, Jatte Rteynoldscwao elected le convee, Caret Mort-lac 10 Iote nta caeet-ry aed Terry Leacht t4"etover lte treootlrer's ddalla. T'he tata organisation set ot t everal fond- ralosg objectives elticit ltee aociation calé tltey aitned te have reedy le 11the t week or et. Alraeady, hoxeof rhorolale-rovered ai- moelle have heeu or- dormi. lte association séld il& hopea are for earit ployer teo eil 30 haxes. A profit of $ti1e would tha rarnvered thould ltai vont. In addition, theauoo- lotion it lotldttg et seeting e Christmaso muscal oia lb ite 5- 6 range. Thlrdly, parante were ashed 10 cave goonds durlog Christmaos for a gaaesl nFebroory. sAraJ5euealther w litle discussion on lte maller. Il tees pointed MILTON MINOR HOCKEY FALL DANCE HALTrQh4i UfflSHALL 3090 STM~ES AVÉ. SATURDAY, NOV. 28 Dancing 8 p.mA .ma. ta the music of Pete Edge. «rickets available thraugis al Hockey convaners CALL JUDY DILLON Casea&aqqav Exr LI!h Dy McDUFFE e47 MdIstE ~Aji.acmnNe unde11. gi-me*770AU 7 Fateolndl Mlo 208 Main St. SpSprngrs ymnestlc Club REGISTAON *Boy* aWonens Fileu * Morne & Tots BTMON. DEC. 7 68p.m. TUES. DEC. 8 1-3 p.rn. ilMbt1Ecý '4.1p.rn iPmam OWYA MILTON SPRINGERS GYM 275 Main Street <Od Pt,. Hall) FOR FULL DETAILS SEE THE MILTON PARKS b RECREATION WINTER BROCHURE FURMEANFOM4TMWCAW M&PM «»M MU vwdDbmob- J - -wnfl$" ONE Roa"I 18 -4 dru Wagn Get one now while the deals are hot! ANDS cITeoyant etNOTICE t arc w eo- av o aisidaM te OuffaciialitOad .1 tassetlt oi rata tie sartatIo autoBtuth te hepOOoclucaloir ofat- h» aleste ta rsan Boute l arhu testetaonuthooite. eseecoulBcood e ntl TtOes Oain te ME 1^4 MeItavavOF coN"eestuAND webroe Canada advises thet danger to ltb increau h emount Smaled - aid inhaling. Metar etcigarette: King Sitead Rhgular: 7lmg l 'ts" .lmg icotitne.