Sports THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1981i THIRD SECTION 'Glus hockey got ailthey asked for' -Davidson replies Thtwau lured down. "ieBesylo ta a imriassent au te I i tuff hichslueltes orament in thin ria.elaIfavd es "iVi for ne do«t -wandlampr w a. ..If Igila oke l ple orl dates and imes these pîld ote 0 MN TldES dserolog 1the it wo=ddhavep ably b= :psad stes Ibis sot the'trt' Iys dates and imes for Iis year." Osomnewsere isthe middIe sf tues Davldso aies teck exception lta1the cssilirliag Stsrls. tlatement by Mn. Rhonie Hrse, Lut week, a stsry a , m il'sbebait ofgirls' t mais ths e Z = P10e luroamnest wu tas Fl "Th1e ~sbtete requeted a laurs fots ot Ilis er, Milio llstyers deteited lt-2. lys Zulias and Jetf Mrtin, sith teavel ts play sortiier rival AcioSobres leaders but sattered a big setbark against 'AtLt Limes, several charges were ais l5t 01w"Ud $trt ffl tahIe fourh-pa i hMrmond Ha] Dynes 6-5 insoume, nire effortu, scoredsor Flyers. Saturday. Flyers, laid agit Un0exoecutive lsd la pli- Bever buta tho u 10gh IL 'hé1r CenrlCOntario Jr. B. hckey ation Fi- Flyers bave a golden ujpsortunity te A gudsobuiggssld do wondeersrthe ticudir two menobiers. rqlititu a pI'ovedin ricpa bt daysnight ai Memsrial Aresi. msve upthe standings dteisweek wih three team's tonfidence aus eSl as getting thees 1The stsey outhIe leagae continues te 10e Usfsrtusati ythasee eçk mbsfor liey re tlad la cm ase 5111btter It ws e ytr the clubs mot impresaive gtomes agins the "seond hail" of the fiemly loto the leagues's erond haIt'. Oskville Stades shu bave won as league lIMItA pe(; det Bobs Davldsot wa daims.11 hoisgsofthe yesr ushome ire and rame COJBL. Flyers sere osay ta Thorotil Oakville, Streetuville and Buringtsu ap- fames, auteast ruril 18, and seeniantousrb set gives a cles t erbooll o e li oplitinthe mtter i t act sai agonddlime.lest night Tesday), enterteis Brne pear tu bave run away wiIb the tep tbree able. cisegeq4 emsIbig 1 regre 1111 sro.Mm . orshs,.a, Rick l'lie tar of the gamest-sm Ibte Milton The telowisg la Davido's ida of Hre a10 asgr0 uMRs aide asspgtlie Pauo Zulao sho irked due stery. miget team shihonsi erog due 0Ott 34 Mohesand wsso csed on several Ay pehem itb pr prepesed teurnilment. imes te maktekey aves. Zulios rerovered touramesl, ie time, classitilos In ls fneld"sdaala rsoinabrietlapies lathe secod perid. asd any esusslg proldems sith getting 'it ses throug ierband lier htabasd's wiess Richmond Hii srured tres goals, te Ibele tes bih says MMUI prsidunt doing. To mike a slatemet 111e 1111 la hold Dynes La aosigle marber sver the lait Bob Dividata, soulda't ave eeu a ie peabtecobl ley due he*sh e TsTih er s ddtrn u le key ave outhIees ail ureorred in the chass ras tlike e sIboter esity leuty xlamOMao OIa mminute ot play. Witulas comstaally lsmissrhsckey. F ' d a a o sa-egu eessl. yellisgoat Bo Moemmoles te lie up the purk 4 Davidaes iprsdaced aa gbsok of le "heaein at0haetehe ss uRichmond HitI esd, Dynes broke out ime which sbssed adu;th11e bis girls' dd' bs twatrt u ir'w ot dire s neo a t-o-os. Bob Leeming imams sere&alotdhree houriof ice teoms stau oiudi lem," dds avid. hoe insieson Zuinstrom the rigbl ide tise lut yeir: front 54 p.m. Mouday son. and aiIbogh hoisg bite imagnastion and Thursday and ram 7-8 p.m. Se- Davldsnbâa o es complainsaof st bsso, Iabl a roo o day. 051. borked il perfertly. 11101 save esabied This yese. 1e sid, MMHA execuive "You ksow, inatdu lest dreeys," Flyers te latse du I pointe tor its irst T wssnot tld of asy increse Inslie exlatpIl i"lhssie Hrne bas nes'er wla sisce beatisg Streetsvie abaut a registration unIS oflertliaiutection attenditd a meeing. They applidfor month bock. of ieles nbSoked. Gergetown girls te play wth due Rirhmnsd 1MU1behaved in a truuleated The girls were aliocted ir be a uessirswhrhbteayagit u maanee drinthdu serond periud and toob Iis year torduhel19I-B2 seiss wich, ruese of Miltes Misse Hcky. o tta ot su servd penalty minutes shîle saya Davidaso, woremumch botter alis 'Tbir cmiches ave nse ben Fler tok23. Ibis dueyhsdil year. Thee dues woe approved by Milton Misse Hockey like A mime scuffle developed ai theenmd ut fromt 7-8 p.m. Mosday asd P'iday and every sther team. Se net s PI eeclal the peisd in front ut Rihmuond Hfili gualîe ram 6-7 p..tSsday. AU die Limes locertfordihensai Larier Iis tsand with Flyer Bll Lynrb afais in Ibe mddle Iis yarwe ari ame imes. '1he.5 p.m. s aedmduueo 1 eoplS f il. Lynch shated Iroogb due rieee dumes of let yer, expais Dovidso, t the Iciter Ibere. hlgoieRnyElbwahldgo- sas gsed tsi players bal lard fr "We gave Mis. Horne a key tteu wleoteHsyEeb a odo coschbs sho sa re ed a lav srh locer wicb es a o LogIisans sebytk e rlis u s itsa esrîy, if tduy radd. ofiillor soveoebas. sik ILths atmuedIeFlye and Il sasno ul a sOct. 13 meinlg sf 'hes diey deided la havi.e, lr weoslomOe a Mdob due executive shes a cssgregalios of deciddla give duem aSibteir mssey haociog bis outrcold. oaensoof girl' hokeymet aiisids duhe udnd.ts seaters and eqpoSsI. Several Dynes sas Maddorba tylg on metin resmad amed Iso I a ere u ssySib51 tue ie and rushed ai Lychini a re- O ff th e p o st repuenatvesLaoitin n he eeing reuned aspr-rlted t lolde tlitery move. ttDavldisois du hy seede a refreiig and le-liMse isl. Shen referas Gary Ward tiisbed Ter Tero bantamn goutte Rob Connors watcheo a uhot was a dîfferent ulory for the Miltowne atomusWho ie ati."Tlsiy attesdid teBlmi n f asesi penalties, lRirhmond iS sas hit thsepot as hîs Miltowtse Beatty squad lotot came up îtis a big Wn. See page C2. - mms M eo te *esoaive iagt I ~ ev ht br tnIyeeo tMmral Areua. Il "ilh rem tey ddn' ge this The lid aecond period atss afferled tue Ï date. Tegraupsisted moreiletaie '1irao ci i5 iter ab al chen had one callitlbock. andiaclassificain withiolMaton Mise mosey bacb sas ttthr aà5 n thosdHit's 'goal' sas gloved i shile A i Hockey. rgnisation la give il l. '1ey did't Fyr Igo wsudislosed brcaise outar D o I , e n n e c "SWe gave tdum Io haies ut tee ime eloct tduir excuive noaubat) mss inte cranse. C r s e - o g n n m rr the," aysDaidu, "e ad o Wdn" . omeof hesignatures on 000e Sark sud daenreman John tsrmsî notifiration they wsas comnlg Iba 'Peiti' sera scribhledoseMacla Tiser neoradit tArsapioce white singles baut yesli got tueir ie ime asd Iber sithus a hsding.' seslte Jett Marin and Lysch. bartins cassificatin." "WesIbhey rame io saraluesît i tic oal sas ose othte prettiest outhte yenea 'W M dhUies a te670f B hieforvdutm ad ahelsseveiatoe gItae 16suearld p bestSsg <s tue Dye 0eo fa ,.. rM IH L tu n e-sup theilims a t- a.m. ousfthcitga e lm sdiud lseveticaos ser gael te 'n erratt-yan-od sedyi tetneszn e irbi year for dinee tenu. '11e ises, ays a tetter alor meting Ibat ays dimyrea nad catsty nskted in ros tue rigt ide Davioos,îra Ise uo d y an. o n.,tor u SssGil aHcey nd ftuked a seisl ubate otue uppositecre A quwcb surveillance outhte staudings u u budbn<1esdtof<f pc u e oe 4-sbapsrpa sterling imes hommplayrs have Auncaios" e liaitEelby. tue Mitten lItustcîal Hockey Leagi e Coacbeit by Duug Nuylec, a pruven payer goal nutetfiual sosminutesofthbe perioit trouble gelingotote uarela la lAme 'We've bus more duo fair Ite hem. vRihard Griffidisikdu w sit eel n rvaigsaitc ept i-teclbapascnue nteiead Crylrgtlsati eri h hr te mote scsel buses. To btonglInanogistnlasMtn he Date Pilole, lm Pollen, Steve Eicb- lag stalfed wittua cuspelitive MIHL tram, acste a eu leader itespte ita abusiance peiod unit narîowed 1the gap to Isu goals MsaI ut t ime, i sas decided te Minor Hockey, yai ave teo osider rmeier sud sescomer Kmn Nion pirbeit up Milton Cbcysiec-Dodge bas taesuover tbe ut qualiîy players. sben Pecy f'aputo scured ithi 2.13 tu gu cai girls' hockey, Mites Girls Misor ererysse. W soutitbliesg te accsit one asalt apiere. cetiar aud uless tiblus chauge usn1the Steve Wilsou, Pecry Capalo, Pierre fous Jack Drante but Fencers betIdthte Hockey a dvisio of Mitsn Minor them hck." Fiyers sin sas allibulei te ter ver- teani, tbey muy lb theretfor sonetime. Pilote, Kes Puy. Marty Cirnss aui goalie tort tue rest of the suy iteaocutue sîu asnd Hockey. + + + ail mac-isproved poiiosal play. Eves lu Susdys action, tue club titi 4-2 o Bruit Evaus îuulit sake au MIHL att-stuc moto unto atile or secuuit place. Sidi regard In1the 1toamen1, shen tdur positiosal pay beoke dosu. Struîgbt Lue Pence in sbst is becomisg tram il tbry play lu tueir ublities. aCutpouscout Stragt iLiues irsi Davidaon aye ns formol appiation te ramparslively mandase sess, tdu duy didal reveil as hadly lu ter oIt iudicative ot tbe team's prubleis. Howetec, 1the club bus uppoucei to10opt goal oitb assoiss foîugtl av Waless aund sas mer made tote du eculive la boid! Tier Tso hntntas Inla holdinga a s ofutchaulaf tue peck arousi thte ire. Il Players ou tue tram shusit a lack ot foc undvidus] appraches and lacks a pro- SBilChaprnan. Tbiee minutes luler. rait a lusasmenl. Davidssaidtdu girls garage sale this Salrday Itai s0 asas escoraglagniga te Fyeru faituful teamsock wicb bas lidtol disugaait per tram uppcoacb <n moue up on1the Naitaliu sudit 2-0 with a powec-pluy goal requesled la hoid a Larsmint Is Woodard fesn m . Ian. a3 p.. tams ho, jsdgng by Fridays smoti play andt au iabiity t o couvert scoiug Icgue standiogs. rom Huccy Rowlauit conjciosund al die ane ise as due 11e sie in being hetd Iteraise funda crusit, are dwisdlng. chances. Chryster bas scucit au average lu tue fuse wtb Struîgbt LUe Pence, lu tue seconit peîoit. Waless scorit su Milon flever teursIlmesI. for tdu iem's upcsming orsamns. Lest seek, aooder veleras Flyer sas outhtres pir fuse. Sut i ts usix-goal out- Peucers 101<1 ap a s-o leadite ielrst urassistit tally juil aller tue break. As tue Sreusui tot Burilglas shes goalkepr buisi sitb Millowne is tuken oual.ils prit blfoce Chrysiers Peter Rota enit of tue perit wsspprracbiug. Ralpb Mibe Shepherd, a maistay baithtue risub average stampsoless Ibun 150. scored it ît 15secondts leftinlutue prioitSecufinî couet a ps toc auother in LlislatesItres ycrs, sas relcsidtolu In adiitiou, Cbcyslei bus allosei th<e lo close tue gap 1022-I poss.-play grai. Rowlianitunit Wuless. a s Burisglsn Cougoru for fture corider- mot goals (29) a ctegury. Ilecott Struîgbt Liue case oui situ a veugeauce îotb is Iird plunt of <the eteniuf. A e o s S O lu u nT o m a % alîos. Milone byuniue.un<the secouit perît uuit umpidth<1e liaitassst. Shepierd strtdagairal 10<1 toener Mn-or-mus. Cbcyslec is comptîtive I-a Ibis grain 27 secondsito 1the periodIn luotbvr MIHL fuses Sraitay. Tbe Gary Thomas, ut Mitluws Reaty, and oficlsts 10Miltes Misor Hockey Rcei's Eitge raceit bath îvîtb seven anonci yeterday iTuesdayi 1e bas asd Thomnas la gomng ouI os a 10mb by uunsertdgoals lo wnuaseesaw baille 8- puchsi esru t Mitese Realt pritiîltAeos wi wis 8-3. Racktosu 5 oer Lous Place Hawks ubîle John Aes of 11e Iteemedite S League fro s sistant coach L Brie Ettisî, a former , an tbrrte îtsn. elyM RoasLou, Vrn ridmanssdsobAeroa coacb and games bîs sltRcisEdekeiil then îco BRsti n e rnBidmn.n Bbtrams hsve alwayu bseo entelaisisg. jr3l The cbsugesver la effective imit- The nes mnagement sait il wsidd ohso alite ut lîve gurs agaînst Lous Place. iately asd bringsana enditlut11e long-ime remsider Ioaking Ine ini siing a higbor bul il needei t 1 accospliîsbtue et tue cotel outh11etLasnaf 1the Aios tree- clibe lengue sent yesr. Thomas aid lie ~i~huiitsuy. Se. soatd tekse a sait-sud-ami atituditram ' Loa's Place dominat the early fuîug A purchsne pricessas not ausoucidt at11e respomse tote 10emnaitdispay fsr unit sas al over tue MIHL leaders tfor1the Thomas said 1theOtises former ossers tue reniinder ut tub yiar hmtre tolat trsi ball ofth<e fuse bulding upua 2-lirait sera responnibie for ail psi debt and thtaI eait-tirBtinlte as Inteisedistte A League. atler ose prîtuani test!la by tue sit- lie sould asuse ail ctate rlated lu Loue asd rldgmnas adirated diiy say poituofthe secosit peuto. travet, ire ime asd eqipsent. wmudd romider stayiogai du th imm as At Ibat point, The Edge coach Jobs Peu- Thumas bau afready rgaizidthdu asistans.e Borlimt sii no longer lbesos eeplactdstarling neimisdee AI Horney 155mB inst promotion Fridoy Decembe 4 assaritit 1the dumn. itu Dave Balland. The sqaad seîtlititoo sbes Aes etetis och-rval Raites Aero's ses manager Bill Bmensbu scriug <su goals hefuce tue pri sas out Real MrCays. Rorklo ulicowety sprs a /bibusoy iiof ap playru ait bua p- uni thdeu aditit fîve uaususeditellies te 10-0 record. proachidthtu Milon Indstriel Hockey sistue gaine Tikete bave bes dioributed te playere Leagas sithait s15imi5 John Deut led the isitial Lous Place charge sîtb turee goals wbile Gord Adamns and Loai I2Araziu uditit sisgles. Heery Bosisun uuit Teccy Nova bai twIs assista Ifs c clein s eepuplece. It'sa de n s eep es y sior en efalties hene tete 0r- Captrnuf asit dievery rcrsthetuîy alosit Lee and Back towi - 16Tbe Io tuellooiThegue kiue fteter rlly tean of Mil<bus Rab Lee asd Miss-s seconds. "isai-. nliesiiy. T h ey e ilî shotdire ssausfas Raody Black aititit notber Sîore Anderson and Duaf Oto Les- huuitedith1e f1nai S-minute stîetcb, lar]t hei on t ai rtiphs b he dowo aed Blak and v inete ier rie Elliotoled 1the chrfe oîlh lour The railyiam uonteeeroih .fivr ird, 52secoudso hidihe l aitrao,-,îgo- ,i, -.-kico, î.t i» Black the <teprvincial rally senis 1The race sus rus ou a soustis course 'ruy eaco < hee assiss driver campiosip ad a lesu swesp for tlu-uugls St. Juvite aod laluded seven Kevi owduieubruke a 1-1 Lie wit 150 die la is adildul stioal nd t îg m. iseesa red- "~"-- -- ~,, inules lo go in te irst pritd i a goal tepoiunteini ulnainlad speial stages tram1ob0Bkm. usieIhat oalcblndp d isepruviscilt tlles, iions vauis rn desprmndIn teice sud fonBbRs n htga edu h Biset and Lm, la Ibeir Dia tai51, cap- smos shirbpravided bavoc ilatdurcois of 'ILcenait ftue say toeessore 1the JR Stable bas turidthIe national driver andt e-driver ires. -overthe Raitors. ehaspiosnip, espetivety, ecocher dis 0f 2Zstarters, j<t10 iilhit. Tsiicars, I-Lttesk Bues just 27 second te tae1-0 year. Let seek, Les clisceithdu inter- Crln Castetdje ilas Honda and Dsug .. ... lad shen Randy Caibons eorit tramt provincial e-driver caspioosbip sud Lvrlss la a Da ta aibuldtienttefranles Buddy Thomss andt Dave Marsall. Mid- di wiu eekenit Black wsn dis inter owirpiole rr.Ms ts as .- ' ,~a* ay deough Ibe pritd, Marty Pes thi ps ofthirproucio cm Mstot r ar provinrialiernia si. soies asmle la finish xII5Tielaced d5rnaigeeveosd tdu score for Mltwese idi ao gal The Leoni actually titn eraecnd in the ta sleig and suspension. - -f - ~ renlMarty Sesand John Vutpe. 400km rare te arch-rivl Talis Heisone '1he dres tep Lersnpiyit cal-and- Ater Hosden sectwIo minutes laler, of Surrey, B.C. Bultorduhesecond wek la mouse drlng tdu rci bth Black leadisg Dw n oe nee i 'OoineU funa soerAdrho en" i M H.Th ilsfc either teu aicudtmanage a gsali sotS succession, Heloens tavitloerradinlaHelassen by four secondsasndAnderson byhy efdono or.The MDHS junior girls ad- Pearson of Burlington Fridsy oight ut ]MDs8rt he Don Habkirk firidthlb movance narker a timing regulolion. Thesone-minute peual- 2ssecosahesding ino tedumlstage. vancsd 10 the regionol finals sitis a 43-39 victoo'y regionalclsampionsluip. baithfive secns aitfrom Thom5as. Zulian's goalkeeping spurs Flyers to important victory girs' ocey eas fsm ute Msse flur ~ ~ stlag0 . ..5 ot ..beir1fises-.--team et-- tamtsStes ib s etteo ot edya eoo vn o s.« sussosis ' u vu - e ML àâý