Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Nov 1981, p. 4

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4 The Caaien Champion, Wed., Nov. 25,1981 In luai ëfe anabian ~Imi li IMafia eais. .O. I.BEMfoilles, Oo98uOLIT4l HERS CROWTHffi Publinha Li ES FE na 0JOHN CIIALLINOR 0MIXE HALL PsAllaOad ovmy Wndady yMvst Pint v, Er Pdahr Lt. et191 Main Sreet Oa, Ms,, On,taro T ON. T1ph.,,i87M2341. Prios. Sasopie3s ech o m ~vdei,vy254; Sobscripioiâ $12 pr yu inCanada, $0 in eh ot "Th Mio Chmpion is o@ of 5the Msoli,,d Pintig Et Pubshng LUt ,oup o sohoshi nwepapa, hch i,,ldm1Th. Ato Fs., P,aAjx/Whitty/PickSing Ns,.Advrts,. Aos B.,,s,/Nsnv0,t Es. Arore Bn,,sNmmvsiAt E,. W.,Isd Edtol,. 1h. Boto, Eterpi,. B,s,,ipton Goîar . 1 h BrligonosP.t, Th, Bigor Wekend Pst. h, tssobtsAdesim/ Gudno. Th, Etobioke Cosume, Th, Gorgetown sIndpeidem,.Makh,,/Th,,,hiI tEons,,, and Sun,. Th Mnishiga Ns, T h, MnWsuga Ncws Weend dtiso,.The North York C,nurs,. Th Nrth York M,,,or. O0,5,01.Ba, ,, 0.5,0.Fiday Os.,, Ohwahs .W.k, Oshawa, 1hsWskend, Pel Cosh, Rchmond HiI/Thonhl Lib.,.I. Th S,,,h,,,ogh Consumer, Th Sca, ,,,sgh M.,,,. 1Th Sioflileibun, T, he Wsdbridg Vahughn Ns. ,os.s,.,ss,.ss..o55A~5i:ii 5.,gî .. b0î55 p Phone 879-2341 i Referendum needed The question of flutridating Miltons vater supply bas become almost as nagging as a neglected abocessed tootb. Allowed lo go unanswercd for a decade, particularly in view tif tbe tact tbe number of usera oftifIis excellent but limited resource bas doubled, tbe question is creating a climate in town Iis newspaper tinds botb unnecessary and objec- tionable. Tbe issue bas been permitted 10 docay 10 tbe point wbere some lelepbone cals and letters are void ti falcts, cbtiked wiUs emotion and border on batred. For an issue liSe fluoridation-a bona fide non-issue in tbe rosItf Use province-the events tf laIe are curious and somewbat dis- beartening for a community tf Iissobture. Historically, tbe residents Of Milton bave spoken over- wbelmlngly against mlxbng Ibeir voter wb fluoride, a mineraI juat liSe tbe substantial amount tf lime ftiund in our woter. In 1971, 1,284 Miltonians vtted against fluridation orile 456 sup- ported tbe proposaI. A survey con- ducted in 1970 by isa newspaper, albeit an informaI front page ballot, indicated Ibat 93.1 par cent tf 600 respondents rejected Ue proposition of fluoride in Ibir wator wilc 6.9 per cont favored the notion. The latoat survey, again an in- formol sampling of opinion con- ducted by Fanshawe Coliege den- tal hygiene student Kim Shepherd, revealed that 61 of 126 respondents layon fluoridation. But, we believe the key 10 this nagging issue con be found in an answer givOll 10 Iis newspaper in a supplementary question-asked in tbe t978 survey-that tif settling the issue, once and for al, by pleb- iscite. A whopping 84.6 per cent tf those 600 Miltonhans who answered the 1978 survey said they would 1kv 10 o sthe question of fluoridalion sellled lbrough the medium tfsareferendum. And, frankly, so would we. Tberefore, we are proposing Ibat the questioun of $M»ridhtint Miltns water be added 10 tbe ballot during Miltons next municipal electitin in December 1982-a scant 12 montba away. A poâI tf Miltn Council indi- cales tbe majority of councillors are opposed 10 Iis ides, but reaI- ly, il's up ta you. Cboose your ides, tse question begs to be answered. $2 million tug - of- war In ils ctintinuing effort ta gener- aIe aI least as mucb money as il openda, Halton administrattirs bave come up vitb tbe ides of cx- tracting a special levy frais in- dustrial developers. Tbe proposai, presented by Regianal treasurer Gerry Lawstin, was for a spectal levey of $2040 an acre on industrial developers in the region. Tbe money vould be used ta f in- ance tbe develapment of mater and sewer services. As soon as the proposai was pre- sented, a protest vas raised by Miltn councllars cancerned over the effect il vould bave an tbe Mil- ttin-40t Industrial Park and in- dustrial developiscat in tbe rogion s a vbole. Wile tbe proposai bas certain menit, for example il vtiuld save tbe region from issuing debent- ures for Ue developisent o some works, il does not take mbt con- sideration tbe special cir- cumstanccs tof Milton. As Hayon Gond Kranlz pointed ouI in an interview aller tbe 1001 Regitinai council meeting, tbe di-velopers concerned with the ben i ii division negotiations. Tbe goal off Ibat entiro proceso, Mn. Knsntz tresaed several timon, la 10 ensure UaI Uic public wotiidnot bave to finance the malts ofi ndustinl ldevoiopient. Settng aide, for Ue moment, %ai Paglos drIvOng cocern for acom1e and tho mothuhbood issue of iavlog tIhe taxpayonalnom flllaning 110w development, Ibeno are otlnon factors ta bc.cotsaldsred Wile tie provincial liv vhich establisbed Halton Region makes industrial developnent and tbe provision tf water and sanitary sever services a responsibilsty of tbe Region, il 15 not an ares Ibat people removed from, tbe Milton scene are particularly wel qualif- ied ta deal witb. Il dbould be lefIta Ibte in- dividual municipality ta decide tbe level of tbe bard services that oili be provided, understanding, of course, Ibat Iis decision wiii bave a direct effect on the Slnd of industry Ibat viii ho attracted 10 Ibe area. Secondly, we question the wis- dom off tbe old idea tbat taxpayers sbould ho ssved tbe cosîs of 0ev developisent. eopeciaiIy in- dustrial. New industry means new jobs, wicb means bos is spont on unemployment inaurance, vel- fore and other social services cosîs. People wbo are working and paying taxes oif their own bave money 10 spend an tber con- sumer gooda, tbus creating de- mand and stimulating economic growtb in other sectors. solve the probiems curreiji y tac- ing us and is certain to, ho marc ef- fective thon the artificiai stimula- ion of govertiment. In the final analysis; it maY not he o 1thUe hneit ot al taxpayers to pt rosd bocks in Iront f in- dustial development. TIsaI ie cetainly Uiec cim in MiI- loin wboee eopecli levy propos- od by nogional staff amounats 10, - mono â ethon daule taxa lise pipai, lis oction linoid avisua hardvosd fOsai warmed Sy tOn Silliait mid-alternoonnnon Mf lite winter, wu undergoing a lavetoM nrullny t tcMu oly e applied by a ymmng boy laoing tsi bis name lain eminai hockey nain- maries. Jims Jottingi, Dovita) la This Crner an ua AdSi l ol aveinwat, aitil tOn amit samed h alaiday vwhle aschorig the daienceM Ksightn Mena Wert had ba u cn- irmid aid est ot. I Sud ecsmeao ittuil. Enouigis oamehow onved ron tOn veehly parental tipendMof 2 ce ta orilla purchase. lis, paper, vldvc ild oten ba louid at 4 p.m. sacS Wedaiday mIDI Sundled on tIhe csuter ai MbiEaceri's Euo (al that time, il vaiOe n tsnervce sation ve lavsrrevly viilid Kely&), von carelsly cramnmi inla Onheupper sectio otan old metat Imclipail oave isbabited by a iov brohen thermos (mach h. my mothein vchagrn). lihe trek vet aong Ovi Rd. toto "th. contry" <ar boume vai ctomly jmt a tIle mre thos a mile avay froni the old Pmit Office, botthOn idinla lavi doreed il van a rural locale), vu cietan a bne-cSillng esperlence la February and HaroS. Hovever, Oe anticipation oM nseig oses nomlinbahepapai oten had tUn efet o lareaiisg 1e geil ilong t tsnoty trehb ininh.Rattlusake Poit. That magie, a feeling ahare by mot, il nt al, print jouroalisa I bave sisce esvmitered, vent a long vvay lovardo removing the .tlng Io hltlss windi vbi.ting dovo n eNiagara WIH OH CALINR The Paper nu am ryaMOnonSin tneuh arg ngr os fth mai no oopetle di itrat oolmnt M wm footednearatn Saetmirenteof elnil sete h idontar ae s On - sommedan odt eae h Ouiide fanMaiant vritten about a MainlaStreet mi graSankethail il t fM ay (o Stevm! M aivaun ecepti, Mcorse, a av ai Unemm the ovier On hepaper). 1, la bot, neyer vailed la Se a jour- naila Ilthad never entered my milnd. My ondonstaidisgofMtOn proceumvu jot about us aiaophi.ticated ai aiy yamgl boys tomlmelenmcn oM nevnpapor jounnlim vondd be-particsslarly il Se grev up instOn pr-LSuGOait eaof televiio. nult, oMcourne, la not 10o y tOnh nsaceuhd CDO eresle i.a accrais indication Mr nevnpmpelng. Hovever, it la aindication. I vmtad te Se a lmvyer. A quick gaice through ieduted CMpyMMliuDitrictI lltIreoîn1974 Atra yearbook Il cofirm ths. In ail there on page9and doe ait nweonarily prove yon sai't bellevo everytiisoyn read-you just bave ta pot linl proper cailext. lronically, the tory mudionmt misinfaimition appeaied la i. probably rempmnle'maie than anylIingeae, lor the change la profession. nul, ai nlmpllatic asilitli, aid Stes DOl. Stoven, hi. dotiiy siapod by a laily devoted tlai levai oM connmaity journ" al.ildom attalsid aid retained la ths.province, vu ouIt ter llgting everybady elens bation, camrina lise hroad, general hsowledge Se bid Mf hie vsmmunlty exclted me and 1 vssted t, Se a part Mon ht. It smend more itrlguing thon Porry Minon, aiyway. Perry han nicce een canvelled and,ail lait vritlsg, Slaves i. building yet anotser sewspaper oatinIthOn vihinoM Aberta. 1 - 14m" oMbt*vdi 05m h about a aiS &bolro i. deat5h I 1174 vii about my fuure. 1 montinned my lalarent la joirnalbnnad hasving I wsuld neyer b Se n baldenglseor Se wui, Se appered nailid .015the prospect .HesllferedOnhtiltmighteavec, Se a lt of lai. For the mot part, ansfnr, I hai beaeu. Hsney, chalengai aid tOn oppoitonlty loignoisai ginvth asd developmait ami,. Vvekept hae advive la mid- it mssght Se and nhould Se a litoM luin. I tatI sewipapein aid joicid tsnre wban it veaued late, Iofn aid on on h major reason I retorned la 1i. sievipapar la it van alwiyn a lot oMIfnain vork bore. My career, alSeit vblle 1lv aident, hegan haie and 1 valvistoted, lai a nssmbr of resons, Id Se old and gray balaie 1 retsroid. Keeping in mid what my lather tld me, 1 pians 105e baror ai aile. Aid, I liaI mgSt ventur vest lavarda Rit- tlesnaba Psint again sme day, paparinl hand. 1 hope thepaparvcotinues la creata the varssth flai lo t lid lor me dmring numerosn inter diysnoat slong ego. Thse paper, lae nettios.ansied aviona a large desnhwarmed bytOn fading misI- aftrnonsu oflae al,vawuiudergolng a levei of nruth.y tvmsold only Se appliid Sy a ymssg odilar vho bai Seen there.. J~J~1~ WITHSTEVEARNOLD 88E fg4%0&,1e# Milto coonvlilloro have lakten tsar tirot flterlag stape lavard tarting a sase pispram, toi baniding girbage la the tsvss At the prerai meeting Moisdoy ,dgt cousclllors apprsvid tOninst interli Ssie t'aprsom a Source "amalon. Enssentially,Onaitrce aspiation prngram .011 requiro bamensvi ito separat the5e ,oprlst rois. 15r reguior omihage, This oil either be pickhup sepratety in rouent yar, ue= ay sinca One crw" inflIlaiM oiprison Sy greedy Arb natlion, aninaflation whicba-trsk at Une hseiofM maiM on heitems tsi anclety i. baud on, remooce con- servation hai bauomo as itemoM deep conen lai maiy. nuotcoucr bai aread i t omty h. prmraving tUn ocr eoovon vhich ane soaiumedins the maing oM gtaa, platictUnaedisovarlnt, but alun aOn Admittely, the pogram to be i,)ated lailylyimitesI numnbeof M sin Ot ro- cyvled nisvprict ven Se put la aid Pat Mf it i. 15e trength oM the lonhering lobb. Flistiy, recycled sevPrlnt, accardintg ta nue Champio' printicg experts, gonoraily list g'sid eiaigh th. Se oed nainsila anevspapor, altogS il van Se uad lai paper toveli, bahroom tssus and otai lover gradea paper produt.. lis esvpaper industil, bovever. remavnsthe primovo seonewespris.t dhe dfori t) il remain laioly o,. nue problemof Mqualty la revyvimi prodiala vOll bave la Se slved tlaa certain degreSelon the popularty oM ssy kWasofMrecYcllsg prognim reaIlY cachai on. Recyclleg cM ailm noaIa nove Ot fl becma en m me IniPsiant la Tldo 01 S grflaie eofurthai t= tCtd nrhhnnSeIWOOfllW 6i" the denOnSas kir Lu h ton, total sem toiiaiy.sllag ol materialas Newnprt oilected la 1i. laildon Sp ts"aa, botit I lai tait ai ola t the the tovs cu ba ldaM a, ~Un conM f ounulllarobonld Se congrnlated. collctisg Il and bopenlly palda&Undoiteosv e profit lai otser ton avicufrU owa n lisoe are a greal mmny gaed rgaaum iddSe s"ned - sImtIen tct nt nybav hu geon!uiat Mc vodciM vlabllly. rogiOalbytavaw. masemmrvu Une oairunl l a 1ua For Uneyuyan nsv,couasm UMW Plu it or liuivprwn. Oom ami have been docng n rovt ts hn O wili aeSanfiDhoeOt tUn thaveav"mudety Ont sedi o pisbu.tshp ce gaI f rIbiaila prodonimr arbagi Un«av-91e ra ua e Sbl b gto wnvarU oft au to mSleai= =.Ie-6t dnM OuilgIL sem ric enoavilbita IL. pu4 Mofinpuohmo, oniraOite Un One year ago Frais ebe ai»bEr.lluinea An 4gh-raMb trâe lnrt esay laput belid& Seth Rohwell 00141111anad PZaite-pares lv m a- yvvl memoies Mbitter cnfonatoo md taieildtalha. ilsere # telaiatresntmoit amagempe orr.ai0 U1 o lit FPilu neomy.blgh votge power bnu"tlait Tmoady ovailg. Donald Smillth oatU1-ot rcn i o,800 vlt B., hlillg h.l nanty. Hilton hbnmonesare gongta pay up la 26 par cnt mai for oewer and wite services te cover budmtlng asvain reooin dai" onl lut eek taolnWraeeteae edil coer a inojectis ed doand admv tbnheveare fronm posiIble lavoulta Jack Rallai maarivved a contertaid challeunge by two o lcomlai Monday alter. =on nw, Mtlra a latenteo& ai pw11111, ulIai imau oM Haltn RSionor M ad lui. M. Rafillawas acclaîlmedate 1pont lan1070 20 years ago Fraaithe Nov. 23lulie Dr CA. Mrtin may mokaàmunicipal pot Ilila year It wu learnad Wednaady. A lainmer mayaietM illton vI iDer lemcemasreev, andinlacoonei oh clvlc ponition,Dr. Mainla ndlcatad lie mlght eS1the psition Mofoe ai he noionation cbe<led flaiMMltnTon Hall Tarindny tionigbt) Admnsdnltor Rata Multeo nl md drector Mrin Fiank MeNîvuS vre bretesae atsrday afttrnoon lai Miltan District Hasitalo n econd annlveoum tes and openSboue. About 1loci rmore attended and mad ai Inspection Mf the hosital. accompanied by board mi- bein Dr. C.A. Mariln, John 0ollar, Jack Chartonr, Bruce McNb and lIon Hars. The instanid von taned Tbainday o laut vuS ymbolladl the &tain on the net, Coonty Buildng-belnlg bldt jot naith oM Milton on a 10-acre lot. Waiden A. Phillîps and Jndge 0.E. Eiott toraid the aninlathedinilgray weter vbile Actonltaove R.J. Haigrave, charmai Mf the coninty bnildng committee. preckiddflrithe briet coremony. An etlaatid dethcltoM 112.:46.107 on Une tovin 080,742.74 opraticu budget la predicted lain terini licenciai report prSentedlta Milton Cnuncet the, re m*ndats i&lpenti çop public utilitina aid board M edUislon positionsinlathe new towv n la e cmpoea Mf Oakvllle aid Trafalgar, aith1e nomination meeting held Moiday i! Trafalgar Hall. 50 years ago ron the November 8, 1l31Islama Mr. Gen Ryder, who lait the enda Mf bots thumbe icia machine ai the tannery, la gettisa along nlvely nov, andI the la- jui 1 thnbe are leallng vell. Wile playlag bail at ibcooflult Frldiy. Dois15y Plillilpevwu iv- cldentally trssck la the lae w11 a bat. On. toots von bnoched oait Io sthers vero chipped aid bar lip vai badly cul. Now t15te Communiala have heu ientesced aid vOl bai woiry no longer In law aid order, vadldnt il bc jut ai well, in gaeorai internts, tla ceaie the puhlicity o 1er martyrdoni? Followlng are tOn renls ofteM illton andI District nolIhalIl ,eaguen double- hrader, played is One arena helait Mondiy evenlng. In n t iret, Taxi. Boy delested A.Y.P.A. hy eOh. 5 aid LonvWfe defeated Mlflosalre by 4la 3. Owlng tens masy teame lain edistrict vearing red uniormne,tOn Acon Hockey Club han declded la, adopt new colona;i thsy. Thnnoumilleo wlll Sey Se golsI, trimmed v115 black. Lait yearns leai. Sm rturnod aid han anotser newoomer la Frank Teriy, vbo came la Actos late lst season, nh oys are holding regular praclicai on artificieliIce beobre the armn a i.reidy. 75 years ago Prom the No., 5.180 isue Ailloverof mmicomay enjoy tOn piano recitai t, Se aivesn hy bilenMarlon Brandon, oM Toronto, in tOn Metsodi.t Chrch, underOnheausices oMthe EL. 0on Mosday evenlng, Nov. 2e. Two G.T.R. lrelght trais. c<lldd ai Geoorgetown on Satuiday morilng. Ctn- ductor JoIns Armstrong, Brahemas H. Sleerer aid Fred l'etein, aid Piemai Murhead voro hait, Onelit Iv, ioriminly. lisey were tiSes 10 i Gueph hsnpisal. The enginaivwere throwmseavis the track andI ive vain west dosestOn banS Sonne of thym tob ie, but th, JO, ttoJ.T . aris and th1e wo other meniheis ol hid party got homo rsm 1the sortb on Frldsy with tUnIr comnplement of Ivo doer eavh. G.9-. Saandmns, Jshns Pirle, Oscar Dovisi aid Fred Wles gat hanse on Mody wlts lvsdeier eavh. lley vere delay yira, part Mf thoir jnurney belng by water. Flre whlch brohe out In the barber sbap MfA. Alton, Waterdavn, &bout l110 mm. Prlday maining laW dld cosilderable damage. Il iproad la the premisa oM W. lImer aid tiane la the talloring establihmait oM . Clar*. Fortuinat*l Umaewaimvoi.id, or Onelui vaildbhave Sean mxh gneater, aim5eie va wi giOspM fetioden bdlan. 1

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