Keep 13, says new director fly Steve Arnl Parental involveent, specis need, local astenomi>' asd keeplng Grade t3iare among tise tep goluile prsueti b>'Hatau's ea director of etiscatien. Walter Beevar, misa takea avec tise tep staff posi- tien n thie Haltan Board of Educatias hiseraechy Jan. 1, as onveilleti ta reporters ai a special presa canfrence lslmeki. In tie cuming year, lie aid, lie major ehlaten-i gs tele faced wis clatie tise provision ofaixe-i yese plan for specll servicen, s- requlred b>' pro- vincial legllation.1 Mas>' aller changes mu>' le trceet on tise lcal, edeeatian scene,isoli, pneilly a areeult of tisei recenit>' campleteti provncl lSecondar>' Edac- tien Revlew Project, mhisis recammended among ai.lertislgs the ablitionuof Grade 13. Mr. Beerar, frmely drectraofeducationiforlthe LakeiSatiBard af Eduetian inTisendor ay'misd te spporled tise Mentuion of tise fuIs lohgi s eoul yer rallier tias campreuaing anuiber yeur ai leur- slssg loiteseour osler gradeu. "ll'm te favr of nul campremsiig tise cor- riculusm" lie aid. "t cume ouint favr ut mais- isllng filexilityin 'tesesystam teerlise chltdren misa may be savisg troubile. " Hfe asdeti. baever, t tsmmeoattise prubleons belween secondar>t end post econdaey educulion cas bemiolved tisesgligrealer efforts lu "ones" tise 1550 levais. "We need a lt of discussion tiere. Wr seed a lo . home revives mon lConadsaed fronpage1 fem and tisecardineal rsefsot drisking. Ifsa resident resens tliseeliesse aller tinte- ig he laexespled from the bouse. Ta enter tie hasme, a men muetle "dry" for tlree dey. bfuny resident amar referred ta tie home te rural Miton b>' declare r isupitate and ntI ili ters ron des centres anti Alcelilics Aneoyoas AAi. tibere areeaompruel faeteselieli apply t tise oajait> wlio pans tiseugis lie doue af tie aId red brick farm biaus. About 70 percent ai tie men are asemptayet asti esrasged ram tier familes. 'Ilisa Haltea Recovery Huselat reuly tise lioon lise," Ms. Fineran enptalou. "'liere lua a laio reflecion an tise paul and tiaI cen bo a destructive titg if tie>'mattate tiatsort of menlbty, " sie adtied. A certain ammiant oflbackground iformations deatteg mi is thedividuel reident is neen- ary mien selisg gsoals. Escli case e uniquenas tie men are ai limclteateg aivarimos - tinal, piysical and iteleteal evet, accord- isg ttihe directar. "We den'tlisaeoue wMoenon a resident, il onssI came from tie masn sel," Mes. Piaerunsaid. Tise>' are reqalreet t attend ose madoory meetng of AA a eeli and os tie average oen opI ta, attend tiree or loue more meetings a meui. "tIl eet il son>' rmponaiiltilt te nrduco tbessita it. AA meetings are ver>' Ilerapetir, almoutlise gruup tierapy. 'ise>' discami tieir prableona aadget feediacl," siesmid. Trealmeutl ia ord tise bosse diectr doen nul asaciate mitis Huttes Recover>' Hoone. te Generally Mc. ineran spondo about 2 bosse a eeli providing intrmai cosssefling for t- dividuat residenste. omme misa require mre intensive attentian gel il. Iler afice uperaten ou an open doue poicy and abo stressestiaitishe men come flsI and paper ork second. Il is important la impreno uon lise me tiaI litg salies deennI onan tiey cnt ave iun. A lacis ai recreatten and amieial porusilieu or ttereuta tesa situation en alcoboie mont uver- coraes part of lite recover>'. Ms. Fisera reatizes tier importance ut cuti ivaisg nese tterenl s i te residente end se mmld ike toamse recreation and vocationat faciltien derelapoti for lhir sme, bt ai iis lime ilia enrbImpossible. Haltes Recovery Hanse te o renteti faciity end usml ta permianent iome is fouad, angoisg peojecta and major capital outtays ta btter a faorftihl>ill nul lir made. Escis year thefaiseof HlteuHecaver>' Homsu te reaaseuaed as Hattn Regian end the provin- cial goverenenl recomisider grunta. Itesidenta misa are st part of the mrk trce are mbidized by tise region tiseougis a dity rate asti tise misaare eoploYed pa> $lun Pr moalifor onand board. Fussde for suppies, staff and aiber nee"alien are receivedt iraugis goverunnu gramtand severalcosstributing groups. Ske lise directar'n office, tise bose alua operaten as an open doue basi. Roidenli are encmragedtinreluess ot on)t u lenp the direc- odtes e onouieie pesgress but tue the istilu f aiberresidetsafor whmisun ie>'serve asetsuonpleu. "Tise>' maintain contact by phone or regutar vtite. Il belpa theuiber residenlso isulntif lie cen do il, 1Icendo il, " one said. one former residet bas come bck lu stay bul in adiffereal copacily . Bob Dalon, ive-in House Manager since Decembor tam mid is sua rote malieslion fend prety goad. A membor ot AA for the pot six years Bais ffees experise in ibal areu but uggesuiber reidenta miss relaru for visb ave mure ut an impaclon carrent residentstanu e don. Alibosgis the average stay ai Hatos Re- caver>' Haune in sixs onnîls, a mas may cunt- inenbite ste>' nonil he in ready to face ife on bsn oses agais. Wiib lui lie musi taise theknomledge ibat lie cannai taise tiai fisi drink, mimehinf mime men fisd enlremely iard lu accept at i st. la keepisg ils the upen doue policion, au open ouse e is eing botd Oaurde>', Nov. 2 froon 1.30 tel6 p.'tise ocasiun ilI maris lie fifth anniveesary uf the bouse and ibe publie is seelcoone. ot interface," hisaid. on tise tapie af cammunity involvement, Mi. Beevr saidise favored a closeerelatiaaship ietween theschoot systern and the cammsnity. -i reatiy beieve Ibat scissols are important ta tise conmaunit>' andt lat Oue greatest support system oi tise parents me wrk mush. We liave ta involve lise cammssity in activities tisat affect lhielecisideen. We iave te break daen lise isuriers tiat estiandt iaise peaple feel wecome insthe cisnls," he saiti. Under his direction, tise Lakebead Baard of Edacatios isud develapeti several pengramu mitis tise tacat municipal goveseinent ta sisare tise fus- ding of mime scisool facdities anti inceeaue tise in- tegration of sscis facities wtb tise commuait', ie said. Me. Beevor atm ntedt iat mare anti mare por- snaalmues are being isesigit ta tise attention oi teaciseesiy tieir studens "and me iave taise will- mng and aisle toail dswn and disioslise prebteni tipople are iaving." "Tise important tiing" ie si, "te ta shiow tisat tise aeganiatian cares about people. 1 Oink liat cao goua long way towaedlselpisg tasolve pcsisles" Aiotier af tise majoe peablemu factea scisool systems acruss tiheprovince, e noted, la theeronian of local autisorit>' and autonmyb>' otier levels of goveenoent. "q ralI>' ielieve in local outosoonmiereepeople are elected b>' parente ta make decisians on tiseir lielsf becaue tisey ramre of thelocal needs. " "IsbatelisngaW st lieing laid un in a uniateral, in- enlvee>.t dnt dotiatmoyseif,' iesaid. On the tapicaof parental involveonent in educatios, Me. Beevor said lielias "almays toit tist parents have a igt tatdirect te euctio of ter cldrn, liut me ave ta realine tisai me cant do eveeyhing for eveeyisdy." "Mot of tise parente tiai Ive deul witb bave liens ves7 reasnaiste inknowasg miat tise>'cast ox- petand carmeteitpect" hismid. Errors in story about Perras death An obtonry poblissled iTise Cndien Champion tat week. canteiisoied b>' amusher Italtan newspaper, las ieen foumid ta bave con- tained a nuonieruof tactont ereors. Iestar>', nicli reported tise antionel>' dets ai Caret Perras, sife of former Haltan tederal Liserai candidate Bil Pereus, cuntained toue erromu f tact. Ms Peras dieti taBuing a iengiby battie ils a tormof otcancer isuomo us Hodgis Diseuse, onat euiemia, as mus eeporled in tise aluneary. Her age as given as 30 yaes miens sie as, is tact, 31 yeurs old; ler iusisund mus deucili- ed ou a former Liserai candidate tar tise Ouliville federal ridiag, mien tbe prupor name of thseconstiiminc>' is Halton. Finully, tise report mid Mes. Perras moltlier isusbund whiste liems studying lam ai Creoit University'. M. Peras louis is egl training uithue Universiy ut Ottama and geauoned teon Cuenelieoreprucoediug tblase sciol. The Campian apologizes tee an>' pain Ibese ereurs oay bave caused thsePerrus tumil>'. - I0W , Challinor rejoins Champion as editor Heeb Crumiber, Pubtisiser of Tise Canadias Champon, is pteused lu unsounce tise appoint- ment ut Jolin Ciallinse us Edtur of Tise Casa- ian Champiun. Me. Cialinur, 26, rejouas The Champion aiter a ouor-yeur absence. Duesof iis fine, tise Miton ntive muriset as a reporter lue Tise Torouto Star, Th is inimaufa Nemsanadfise num deiusct Mininauga Timon. Mosi recenlly, M. Chlino atrms assuciate editur ut publiications tue Tise Casadian Maso- iuciures' Asseciatiuu (CMA). Me. Clallinur, a gradmite of Milton District Higis Scismit, reeeived is jousentlino training ai Ryersos Plyteclisicatl nilule. He as eonpioyed t Tise Campion in 1977 an a student reprler mhiste mriug toards a degreerin journalinon *Can be inexpenslasly prevented. $3 tP cinty - $60 fo, hin VAUGHAN CLEANINO SERVICE * 842-6419 'alter 4 P.. F,,uîtu a- Evty Yes, Oi Fanice- Evry 2-3 Year Tise Canadian Champion, Wed., Nov. 25, 1981 3 The Carrie Add-On Heat Puimp Saves Energy Reduces Fuel Costs And can get you up to - so. rm0"I asa an enieta, Cccl cg Ocv,,tO OvOîciajOODedî c ed airO HUR fur, vsNovebo3018 $2L00 A PLANCrrerRbt:nsa TotalCarGerATIoNf COQ LImnG lcn aHa PuEATI'CNG ,lCoin 005 Mmm StE -iS-lOn e1 ilo Mal. IEiltcm e Hopodb aloaOkvile Place, kvti. e -DurlngtS al'131Burllngtafl 1