M rTheCanadienChaispifti. Wed.,tNv M, 1901 Business ponders reason for budget By Rd Jeed "If I ha bseas lthi abut ela "Why me?" Keint Milford, a ibo businessB for mysif, a t3a eharB.ledlaerouieat with Cllford, busistea, 1wod hv s7 all Bllot and Aacocai«ascaed bruef lf hu geu n mn ow,"oy o ashe slaBd onte WlIhwO a 6te Glu Heitdescn, oeth6e Credt Breu of AbbeY Clubbusue, lut wee, for Hal- Oakvne. tot $8? Ola Jelneehe budget One of the Major chansin th6e tas ieeehcar. laies wu the restrctio agait Twc Saurs lcier, abect 3W8 craildeducingainterel $8 66888 esed for busnlcesmen were ciblingthemcelveB einestetIpurepBiU. the sane question ater three ac- In the pat. Iuclnassctenct uld countans frean DuBweody cnd brrew mm"ney lagtin aseaisilae, Cmnpaey graphically daplayed how stocks or business eapaealoce, es- the ernaetof vticuB bx lanplcles plaina Bc7BB Kegut, a eatered in the ederat budge weld afect acceuctaBi with Ducswocdy acd their lialibande. Cmpany. Neone had ant anwer AUIThey Whal welledaup wtla acasb astdectoad taaB hat the Candan eceanoy" e soy. "if yusve goith6e small businscocmaunily had been cash yna can mabe a gnad dai. IfsDt, hit brd hy the beegel chich y76e v e ablee t laiffcrd te gel 16." redured their iaaeBlcacal capabilities, Henry JeliBeS, prsldeBi of JeuineS and allered heir peresol incemeBs. Crp., says the fedecal budget bhn "Tt wll force ancte peeple out6Of atered their exipantsin plana. hbiess*Bc Its ieitable' $879 1Don -lise 168employee <600616097was Hnyac Oavdtle earlared a- planigiloexepaBd hefe ethe budget, cdryan. n netvstwr s e say,, bal."I caci do Il ni. We smao uetoat. Any leceBticeseardc have te bring in the .5,11 andI go w165 crna btniecansvildieapea. t1e swig et thlegs." 'T5e saali hsaincsrmnas otbeen hMr. JeuneS son aieo afferted by tee hacbed iala the positien checehe pays icorne lax chaages ehlrb nloaier thesare aeoas a laried pereoB b e mahe it advantageous for the cwners aci et ofsmaci busineses la pay tI$886elTc lrnagh dividersds ather thon ual aries. Heaid 5e bod rceived mosnt et hs incerne lbcnagh dvideBds. Next year, he willbhave topay hirnself a aary and eperle bic prsonal taxes la increace hy 25 pr cent. He wnst't e aloe. Desweedy tan speelallala .,. demonatcalad Ttcnday hoie a busieesmne eceivlag $3,006 threugh a large caah dvidend frnm theneomanyad ernal alacy the year, nill see is pecansal inceme box tecrease fr696 $92 te $12,596. The cot 0 is canpartyw be$5,94 Aia Fley-Bcnntt. of Danwoodv. Another majer change wo, baning tax write-olfs fr the ierest on loan fer Registered ReircenB Savinga OTrOJLINEK Plan tRISPI, Fashion program offered at Y The wrld of make-up and fasioBnalysing figire typas, chie rare, ean be a cotfting oe bt epertinix ardrebe selertien, clr c- the field eana elp elirinani sonne of rdcnaiîeg. r aialai pesoesc the pcebleian fared taben corpilig a asets and warttrobe purrbaig aaae wacdcobe or selcting the rnabe-up tevecimeat. appopr iat ethe dvd . Tbe pregrarn begicc ait 9 ar. and Mln Y",offerng a One day continues antil 4 p.rn. w16 lunceh erincar Satucday with gust Shaneon proided in the $4 fee. Smith, wbo cdl dicclane sarne oeth6e serets of tbalibeauty. Foc fut5er inferatioe rail Mtn Tice fanhian serk sbop tnsolvcs "Y" at 74711. Horn by CHRISTIE & WOODS bazaar ______ winners <i 'lie oiday seaona rnay be a ltte bit atrer for thee ainecsataithe Hrcby C-operatv Nariery Sehani CENTURY HOMIE& 10ACRES Chrsltmas bacar, 2 steney traitionatl attaheoe lit . Saturday, Novectber 21. taîn e nonal condition, ceetral hait plan, Fnrencen Sllivan, vie ta sitabitatonrtinînat and lnaiadnst ta R.R. , Norvl. wonea l te ranmebarns.ai tettati tor an appintmnt te inst prie-a $60. tley ve..e tree ie the rfle draw It'11 te a nighti out on FAI'4ASTIC VIEW the iowa fr RieS o5eacraespnd. ne ofthect.si eaeteîu Boleiy of Milton tabo enannient paepettea. 3 bedîneri home nitti won the seond ptce catheiseat ceitinte lnving tenta tan e wbleb itcluded a dianer seen ba appointaceet. for ciao at Harcepsanad YO!N HITE8820 twe ticbets la the YV NEC RSI1382 3 Prectore Teare SHIRLEY ZAI!ATTA 8787081 I I I COUJNTRY RlANCHER - SPACE r. OPENNM8 MILTON STEP INTO TIS . re,cenra SITUA TED ON A BACRE. LAND [gîtetîng hallwi cîtilcfii tke anat MSCAPED LOT Oviy inu ntes tas teloImain tr ient tacîta tet cîttie- tot ng aTea, ientîmelhacoe. tu Pancte.taLeknatte ng a es ccv tei.oTliine tise has 3300 tu lae l.aniottidaincts ant btaincltin,ntruraltvau, naîian dl,îev as enthîentranfm vvl ou i i f, m dfe 1 lu isi , V i,.t balhînnts, cei, ai Sane,, na naidt heanee cvtcci MIII, Sttecgtti.n stîot et tan iitlsoi tae, tnr tooeictiatpan nstnaao tcnvthît w.1*4 wdet paOf,t it n thcoahetcnd dry- et îthtýh,îest .nînue Ta titanefut t ttonta aoeîhands, teS Dan'tthroaneout that tetttevind -dop tttmur thcaakng ceate for 'ec8tabtt.ca.dî't petk ep rtestt Iacel. *Fraa lisOalation Fr"aSercea *Lowat Monhly Rent Rata* 8449181 SUNDAY. NOVWDERn&Llui room, wLk-u4 0 pato.Ca VAUGAN THOMS 0-480 o rAs.87-45.BE/MAX 0f oVILLAGE CAPtd. ILE SUPER SEMI $76.00.Open treptace, 2-storey. fllitbasemtent. On a Court wth large, tenaed, pte-shaped back yard. Flexibe pssessionn Cai inta Buttery, 1442980nr84-46tt RLHF. MeCORMICK & ASSOCIATES LTD REALTOR RARE BARGAIN 11% YOct 11% tanîtaae nt nt tn 01M, nr 16 BUT TOSEPT. 1984. Gaoo-bt ttît' ntail - t hs the'tctectîatueeontthe dfncatanntaert lnkn telvng ,nntt plst ect n ktnhen, 3 bed mnnmscnd 1 14cttîs and atmain flnnîtaundry naet Sneluky nesn mut bucct.Wh nt ynet Aing enty $44,7W0. Cali 878-8188 19Rami Rate (mettesU) L. OAANDREALTY kitc. seart d c igrom da t ncn wmdan or e nelîls lor I Farmer or Gentleman I f cn larn ou leasernaî STEWART HAI3ION 844-893287&3574. 84-81 i weldnt ttne 2 sttttcc hometmakac candidat gdtf .t«Chanti eh.t tas 4 banten100. Etaeien, Yardi, tanlyt tiiodo pao ndanbuitingabar bique. Vede cWi ss M.890.Formn n = oa cll Jnan land Askng $1469W Cal S .an Mie Cank. Coîtral Au.niFahedtnn.Gm Altfn, anin 85790. Tn nota plia.. lctcediate nacunanna 3 beatanta tnhauea Fsttd basaniant. OntO $42906. Cati SandiIisait. COUNT8y MAUTY n et«n& 401.3 t.dantns, 2 6e tscThermnal ndncc. Aetaeea SnttncTn ie ca =dawrene. COSNuiT UVINO MAT A LOW PICS This nosy 2 bedcenbungalow beatîtet ilgic IKibnid, Ainfratitn 'Fna, nt OPIM @PACOETOC 60ILD PLUS VISffW PLU CONVMNCE Butta cr entw thameone th, toeCin2 acreaant.« T,taha Soitenectian. Cali Mtg Bava 878-S4961e,1R.a33&- E~c~Dcmmun M.AN d ,W p -1...lNWb 68ciA8 cawbh68 111 2 n l. tt a uitti.eaEi ctcna aN lec-i- hf - -- i-1, -týC W..Wa-m a.n m -W -. h.- e ue0 enneatts baoOcsctOa0t9 V84MIOtal 4590 I 3 bedînna, comen, tIedu Laenetn n i, Raised anh, O bdîenco largetcae Pîtat, tîcakca fWttairc Pnenjofakvttn Otidicu. A Y CULOOISOROSA NOM FP8M WMNC14 TOIt CAOPISATE We ncive an Sanaet tans.Tata ancrean et, 4 bedoeea8ba det i)nt hein w.tt blot of e romcoth i lttta vicedaci$99,nManaîdtnaairod ..thnc iedn.e,,taftSeler teeIlo ac etatn Cati Oantel on laan ta aonc ceai te nota EMPTe00011MORUALS Fcatta hcena eos lac Tas 3 edienci hea a-lacei 1înnîa-I s -dcîtaataîi an0 ai ned ait nia n5,0n This cane, wanta A C T t O N .tl% H st, lta0-n it Mtîn aaiean in e ca teokintcfi Caitataa6ntefuntn DOIIITHEBITATE OS THIS 0ONE 1 ciiui',tSec, 1984 tii,.oeo ne. long Hcana elonk ai AsIU GT T Aad ancnc tann mi h, 3 aRlnhacacantailh a ein LOW d-eca aaacni, cane a teck neelinCa 1 Cati ait nassetittfofeta decne, ita bedteeta docitaltia Lst Puce $84,900. Fitmoreanfomio Aid infogedmeal O..cith :neabtais ci lettiesaecsi wnat and nvecd tecake y-e lac1Y itn 8 a i aome-.Il icca ai $85.184 andtIhte cci ai Cstaiting te a<isti atS linencing Cati c,,aze oncot anaeiilcainttoeec BANO NEW8 Alec ahome cita a btîght gardnikicatc tala dcet o atcai,ninlCanne, cîtîce Ma,tin e l" n t ht Sick tiientace ht anccln niitncteiChristcas.Oet il îa liiiacnacg AnC JanCi, A ACAn fr dTaila LO A iai ae lipEita Ot Ie ca,nla,î,ed, gend ice, cih116122,900. SUOlLO TOUS 09660HOME nih. ae 1a -isncIla nart bath. Ventilci tîl anin, -ih lnanringAtkiag $47.5W.Ccii MUSc SELL TH S AR 4 bied...ttctnh.ca, endt ir i i u . t - , f n i en a , ii lipts t Al bdcn App i ce nclutadetcnfor pukhý aensteefi$4,51naK. A LUXUOT VOIS COULD OIT UMD TO tf cee cihte pge youta it styte. t hen tat i th tis ncetc acnnrttahotae, nîtt 4 ornot te cadett docil a rottt cttant. Fcutr24tic lattis. end t-2 n. wta tcRtI. 2 pe tincbitment, woliet htist puce tetaio,,cnta vacumran ed iar eeedAainld. ltats tee mcc te lit. Lit ricta,$127.60.6PF, care, br6tt ta m: on t andecaped lcree1 n taceaeta13 Y% t 6 '5.Askng B1690 alttCBet Ocrdng. mm1A0et 11% tu018»4 Cacmpbttnîtt,.; 4 beennotan, 2 batt, lacîty tentawcit tîî,ptane, SetfI ntctnd 1 ni.and titea and nieC ta pnva Akîag $15990. Ca BettyBadaag YA8T UVINIIO ALL ON O0NE Thts 3 bod, anc at Sik buncaltowa.atth bcht contry kttntic, and vtoteteincattc ils atin o o u Fct,3tu Inntar tttoned besattemet ut, wolt te he tîanaed in cnet n datn, Ecetent ftîncc at 13 Vi% tit 19B& F, a eitatcg ptocsn catt Mag onctI870 8495herres.335-1774 PA LL8L Ths nean 3 bettîneci,2 bathîanm,vsoin levaitha'aa brck tieptacen, ta taIVî tent enetoktbktc thta Askag $80,600 F., inortactioncfi Sieen Sonsc neci27 1284. Bunt Oea ta Tl"' Latgelt't cendbetctce lttntcce, O Tannin, Ct llSa t Ka Exta artebnaloweMai fitanttîtat ooac cth fincptoe,l..tgandPvont, vnaicetnt, gotannc -for2 cemaa.. iac Millr Rel EsateLtd. 17 Wlson DrWs 878-O4M Torocto Lno 821-4764 NO LareraAvene 8711.1m06 Countrp Peopety Lino 8S8-7M $885560 Mhe 8784M8 ea.B..t 878M14 msg.e.slyd 3381774 B.sty 8,cdtttg 07471 9»W Lw.sB 745mmNGRflI rr Att,, Sot.8784768 JikSS8iOt 81468 oI~i~ 21 85965tSowbifl 271184 SMETI6AINEPSDSTLY OWNIOAlDOPZRAT Sts 885 1 i"--- TILL ;TAITrE]