Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Nov 1981, Classified & Real Estate, B7

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j flB0 NTAR L -R r enam friedoe"mmiend MORNINGOUT Wodooday, Nor. 25 h-cm .30 arn. ta ttj arn -Knox Preahytotan Clarch ila oaguring a mrnsg of Clles, cauversalionad informaton.' Gail Cottte h-mCol-Caft ta Georgeoawn ail demotrat Chrstmas decoratoom. Thora ta a. nraery pravded ath activitta. for pre4chalmro Rveryoeelàaaocorne. Admissilon i re.. EUCHMEOASIE Wednaday, Nov. 25ta8 p.r.-TIU Scotch Stock Wlit bolhnd thimr ouclre at U4gny Hall Lunch pro- vded. CHRISTMIAS CIAFT ANdD SA SALE Satarday, Nov. 28at 10 arn.-To h be d 50e The Cntre at l81 Mata St., Mlto. A vartty af crotta and bahed goodswllt be fetur.d. CHRISTMOAS BAZAAR Sunday, Nov. 29 h-rn'10 &arn ta 4 pan-Toce ModowatPFrac" wt ill hoa Christonaabazoar and Har-tha. at tho non Modoavale Coatonni ty Cntre 0$i00M0Gi. Erit.Dr. PrafoUnana bairstylmta alt isuorge $Slfor cthfdren, 05 for adutta and $8 for ratding flore atltho r ny vnmdoco, crafta. baked gad and rnach motre. Plassesupport you co-opratlve preschoot a di. profita atlt ho us- ed fora ptaygmoond aithe Conaty Cntre la CELESRATION Snday, Nv. 29 ta rn-St.GorgeAnghmc~ Ctrch cottoues thsir tuth sanovrary cefla ion Goot spaker wltl hoD.Donald Pol, mallibr set rCeser at Wyclffe Collage pcWalpragrarn for cde with a gropftrointe Anglican Church Arrny. Roor Rev. Chare Mutare. TUE MoINIIERSHBRITAGE Sonday Nov. 29 fion 2 pin. ta5p.rn.-The bock en- tldd7h, on4aergHeituge 5016ha proaotOdad n featured at an 0pe Rong. ath Mouothr Cr- rnntyCnra, Cenre Rd. <mta of h.vllge of Cnholv le)a. Refreohinonta ahIihocerved. For further informattan,.contact Jane Croft ail4-270 LADES' COFFREEIOUR Tuesay. Dec. t frein .41 ar. nia.ar-To ho htd at Emmianuel Sapttt Church on Commonrcial S. Thra 111H caàdernnotratlon nf 3-D de og by itarnatlonaly racognted Parenste Z et ci abvItte. Gaent speaker 5011 bc Lutte e SF forn Dabvite. Nursery srvce prnvlded. AU Iden welcoine. GIFTOFSONG Tumday, Decomeihr 1 at 8 prn-Toson Presbytran Ctarch Chir aill preant a Chrtas aoGlU c So. A tirne ci refrtanonl and felt.edp4of o#Aâdt S hdide. 5$1 ik. availabe fromchairrebra. CHILDREN'OC§iRIOTMASPAR0TY Sunday. Dec. 6fren Ita 4p.r.-Toe Miton Irishi Canadian Asociatonoallland up tfleralth 600 ftaal evonta. The aunual Chilrn'e PartY 501 featre Santa Clain whoal b ihgvtag out glftitarneinhero children who are 12 yaacn ofa ae or 1-eaiBtHolY Roary Hll. A New Yeara Dance wail h 150ai Masonic Hat on Highway 25. For futhr informn- ation plese cal]i rene MoIoney ai Va-Itl. CIIRISMAS aAZAAR Saurday, Dec. S5h-on il ar..tai p.rn-Crafts, sewing, nearly non iemns, candy, hon ahing, delicalnoaen. children'. corner and tauch and tare nl tac featored ai tata baaar ai Grecs Anglican Ctaoch. Snnp and sandwich lunch. BabysittUng sr- vicsnavaitabte. CHRIST9IASCONCERT sunday, Dec. 6 at 2.30 pin.-Toc Mittan Chortersn allI premet tair annual farly Chrintman prograi n oniled "Varations on a Christrnas Tlherne" at S. Paul'atUnited Chureh. Tickets are $3 for adallo and $1 for atudonta. Tickets are available frein choir ineoner. ANNUALTURKEY ROLL Satrday, Dec. 12-The Knghta af Coumbus CEn Miltan, Hoty Rary Coonil ar hodng taer an- nual lurkey roi] and MonteaCorln night. CHRISTMAS TEA Saturday, Dec. 12 andl Sunday Dec. 13 froin 1 pi. ta 5.30 pin.-To bc hll aInt atan Region Museun. Adultn $2.50, children $t. This includea refrenhinents hy the Oirside 506h candlelight, pIon admission toa altbuildinga showing rmny non ex- hbits. BINGO Every Monday evonng-asponsred by h. Milton Senior Basellalt Club, bingo ai the Opirnual Cntre luptairsl. Senior Cilizena are aditail fre. Donin openl a6.3 and games ntart et7.15 p.r. LEGION BING0 Every Tueoday evo-n ai 7.30 pin.-Toc Ldiea Auxiiury sponors a htagnoaItacheLegion Hall, Charles Si. Al are welcnrne. LIONSCLUO 01H00 Every Wedsday ai17.30 p.. -MlitonLion Club' holla a bingo ai Lions Hall, Menorlal Arnna, 3lrnnpson Rd. Senor Ciizen areadmnited free. s., hs opned Asal pogramo ifcorsesfo uduils, chidren and teenagers. Furi nformation and registration, viit the Yorcal] 8M-8711. LA LECHE LEAGIJE Meeingsamoie hld eauh ionta for aornon ah. wish tla namore about broant feedog. il yon are ittrested, peane cati IKaren Carl a ai-too aio Honey Wriggleawortaet V11 7346. NURSERYSCROOLOPEN Nwpo TorTalsa 12wt.ltaoNMMuySchola ~hoOChurewts Wkefil rsc., ltFidytil8ajo and t talo30pm T retr, CaIIJoy stmai W&2078-67 of Une. Chrttason at8lS-004 Psoloet. mv40 d 0144.04lcOpdw , 3 3« oc 0 26 oilloamo - e4hon tmm.10500.pla m o m 10050 66 lOlac, 000.n 6<1600 01 asok calta durs t10 tare0 ooden 61<90vffde1. 0990 Aetang osoc. PoanoeilCool. BonrhillIor cher Jon Mcocy. PI., -iJLLp"MOW4S-10%%UT01!t 4i, d@vRsp3bathhom&&nminntaco1ition, , 1 % prime, Ates *116 elx Ses 3 tadoonelyaSe10dapidand wnul toai. Voodul ,odwodhoe. IOlaoeflreaplacelo n st0. iay sitih2-Storey woh foniyîummoand 15 mnultue 01on paved îuode. Cli Joan foîupîîeou uîua0 069 andy 169 pius. McCuoyoCarole Sonh$l. sper fOaniget 10 4%. To vOon, 1011 Oo 14%MIOTOAUPm 2YOOS 18% 11110117MAOR àV2 Fncly mmu,. Oeleoa. out-n 6o1e, Thi 3 udoonhbualownoffer e in it-6 00060 on cet: mm,4 hduom, .2 w050 he, a ivinîomm, diingOolom ad full oin no loatilon. Lsted nt 105.100 60 n. 0 Loated 6S hultacre. iluhtino PiOlue o0<illCuaveTunn. L<oîod ai $7.900. Piaseil Bill, Coe. I~ I _ roon end diilg ro ptum. 2 uhons am -an eneoy pro- ad oi.t Ls- Ownee oontemd uNwonm0016Hone a in xceltondi0tion. Mooo 196 vn. Ridced to 449W. Pevucad ilO'ONoil Omulfskode lonffl S099 1lhiiîi ,ooaT.nh.... 3 bd lidinilgeuoiailOî'ooc c privîtî 6ockyad. Allin<1001 n.Akinu $499000. F1.000 1011 M ALU« UPOAMOD EXEcTI Lowioalo ve0100<2.75 acte lt vv0<06001109s :druons,3fie 1 069M th 9611 % fhancinuto 1964. log. 0o4pond, 16,01custo but hont fîtoîeS: Vdo, nil 1,Cl saterin 00011 . W l o GO ,e ooms, spiral mi.letabdroon, semiensuile, bihtuti0 uo040,a. b410110, 3 hsholiving oo Trai, m lo, 040t691 ilîy 1691,19c16911. diigaeu ioo.6 ,$îh oodOdpboard. wlIk001 o ithtn e 000101.irelacptod6loosdn lClC ngttfly 4010,04.4 thoghooi CosîtO' a barinthe kii. eo.Cotm d yrd. Worth ailok. Cal ou 1 and104t01ly 691, couCiICkithe and d1i091Io1mutch deco,21,116690 .Caii inig $2660.000Jov MîCoy or Croe .Ston6l. tac î0om. Swini1îg pool t0116 deck.CioteStillorhIJoanCMcCo0 -1- Mr.. Mnutes f6ont401. Caiil ge Winther. BiPS010fl9E1U OU0 0t050 FANTAOT$CHOUS AR-lOOO Wall dcoto4n0h feature such as cetral Attodbloîocotry h1 omenslid o 5pic ai,. brick tieipilc, 3 buduo11s.36006.004d îursuacres Ollu îîi ond09, t11000ad408 OC fobloos lnicia~pn.u. <. , nil i .OIs l t- < ioilotrs:3 BOdo,ec 10 1691and m1okOia trcive fiaciClg Pakage. psas io. iplculy a rar inihd.Mnutes ioCamlp cli Bo Cii4< hllville. Masse caii ou Sawyoî. NIA? As A PMU 3 Bd4,oa.s. invithod tieiip 1marin deno. 000 Ths 3 bdîooe bnglow 001101 b01plet condtio.Suprlarge lot .Litd i $ÏÏ9900 nth 1911,1v ,ooO. 090pli6, 90111001. pleul lu 90Cs ta 09est-in6.1h0, large.iving 01 omad 2.0,00 0011 2 bahnsoatrat9ieCOacCOOCad gor90900011000lot.AskiCu698,900 Peioo cal BllCuiai woRTH lLOOIU M INTG UIPEN M OAOoUNTL104 UANTACLAUUUP500AL This4 be04î9t1home1is 16ituate9on a i Lag Jlht, oobnatiolvinîlg îoom end 3 Bedoom s ni ih iolareatin kih, Courtad ofiuuialageufailiOîorne8itlldôvOuîool,i0ilom, firpace. waikout, partilbf110108 ibasementlarge 0 90910 k,9hn.iig oo0l1.dninoont and su~perden, 3 bedoobvî.2 wahrooms. Askoo ad.00000009xcelent frst ona l large lot. iiaod et 92,0M Piumu llOu$9990. Masse cai il 1<1Csîi. 984. A.kCo? 9,900. Mase cs in G,069 Cue. r-bîoadloromed and04000 oove9 einkihished06t4c101o6911. .11104419possemooola end bathmmsase.tr9fuli0o400019104. Shios aaîiobl.e<omycosder reClîC. Pleas Cli 690110a modal home.snilSelaHall Sell Hll Wel1 man1 eil home, main,, 900 069 fotoîSNear Cotepbeliiili. 1 % ats,..3066f. fot-o 1101.walklaoustdeck andfecbd yard, 09, 2bi age, uhous ds tore fire, 1,00n , 1,1i si i9lh fhoooîîog. 806.00 dmag1î bu cnb e Alli e d. 00,4 AskîC 1$939M00 Fe cll i oGreen or9Donne$9,900. F000,9atiDona Syms L le on21 ce h 12 atof hid ALUUITAOIID w'dbulance in pddocks and liin, DE.OINNEUOOPPO0IIJP4ITVCOUNTRYCHARM PROPER ES Ad mutIoeair thOirlt lhI ad 'wnh 2large pond.on ih teduIslad hs23 î lbhoewt ounry eat-in kit bdloo, unrykitchen with al ap tosiy dcomtedh'q, ftuiS1104 ,,,mac 49110100f1t6chan ivig am adulbasemet mslbpllacbl At n2 f0irelce, wlkout frlb hdooOo 3 btspailoulngad din oes ivig Room ih p. cpilarg i ag e ,loi, F 499 011151d ai lî l os IoTownbult t ' ngmo, main floo fa ily rm, ea-in k" 801g roo, fm 1,01100 ,0809pace 5$68,500.Plee al Dnb400 .en. OlbîInge VndorIi tk back frStmortge. PIle chan, ho utfuII-dscap94l ad . 43,000 bedrooms, 2 bain.hec,469 stllStabe.A W inth- calDel 1L awrence Mg. ai11% umt4Junl9194.Asklng aginAsking88,5W.Plea cal I99 $12.9W.9 PesooOa!Lindsay J.McLaren. Wnha,. LARGE FINANCINO ATll%-191BO 2000$9q.fi.Eno1,itivalbik hom, n îOacuOie houghout. 0ature; w A ly oom w, l firepla,814 bnck A6B.BC.plus laà,0179000 CENIRY LOOGHOUSE moch -nC.11 Jcum McCay orCarafe1 NestlId 411010 maureMion 60$ voîî S,.nbII scn:ace partly wo dent) wo4bspting fîd pond' haîbbphericlbloreVfuaturs4 b.d,ooblI 2 bai, beplaclivinCbg om INVOUTKUW POTENIIAL UPCIALCOUN1UY VALUE FANTABT I RANCINO F0R 2 VEARS f14b11b îbbband kitcen.orig0191Oinal ballair MinSttlcatihonapp69itly3400 sa.Loc dl/ ie oo h oCupbeivn eauiq 4 paisbdoos2 bah Pir fluonsllblA etb c il ofspc4b9 in one acreof land Los of ( uing ail bickbîlboncto. 3 b410011. cbAbfAnble llvig & dinig room. eat in kit ¼'fibabng.CaiIIIb91WiCII1O mn.Askng $179.500 Vndo, AîiIll A 19491 eai10% 11411984. Akng 89,900 15'h%. Ak,ig $69900. Pu. call Lnday$JOOSUPER$PUT-LEVEL LINK lafinir hIol Il1199. F19901 CaIl ouzl Puse call Lndsay J.MLren. J. McLaren. .. F1,bbbk11 1 hinOlobia, den or 4th bedr, upgb. <1,440 exce1lblen bin orth a loIbk Cali fb Caole Stobh.11IorJoa4bMcC.y $1400 14 'rper ' m mi1l June ,30000. EXECUTIVE 00HORSE-90 148 34î f 4î F A 1M 4701AC pF7S0. irRMI 970104 871 or - "70.1112 003-2710 004-'rAffl F ý -1, r, ., -, lâ NO ft Pl m H G

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