80 ThaCanadien Champion, Wad., Nov. 25. 1981 -Mr H. £. MUWLN li7 MousinS.. Mi.. 87- Gtr e AJenkins ACC OU NTANT Stus 8700162 Res 845 it178 M ECE R, HILDEBRAND, THOMSON, Et ZEFIR 25 MAIN ST.E SUtTE 301 ROBIEIT C. itAin CCA. Aaaia..6i gSeia.nafor ii.uinad Fi... ICOME a i 1.ROCKWOOD. ONTARIO, Nus32K0 141911ii-4me Man's Aluminum 27 Church Sr. Georgeown 877-4747 Alaý,..d.ng. -ffi ilEt KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Oaa,..Awsn 'gs Caotad Ou:I,..0..Ea...:.aaal.,g FderalindITAIIIa of Canada 8450318 ALUMINUM WINDOWS Et DOOS I J KOSKI MASTER GLOSS ALUMINUM SIDING ardiltws.ýe Aý Speiaîlicu n 5-OiTll »mml.hl Phone Errait Mac- Ph.. 878-m37 IALiMtRUu LIMIED 1îoaî.,III Couet in b Haaing *WASES - DRYERS *MICROWAVE OVENS R EFIIIWATiIRS 6W MatSs.. DANS AUTO 8ODY Cavauiuî Celiî.î WlS,k ai-.,. Taaaîn 8785145 Anchor Auton Colimsîû AUTO BODY WORK ù, CUSTOMIZING F,, RoinitrlsPl LOU RICCIBr. MASONRY1111T %f CONSTRUCTION 87 4032 Construction Ld. Reideal, Intil Et MEERS BUILDING liso. liii *Aiîliulurel Bildig. 877-2902 dgT2t " Mortgaa. Printouts " AddresaiLabata i Sonoît Buinei Data Praceaing C.R. COMPUTER SERVICES 878-7093 Baokkaap ig Service Fuiy expei.s..ad la Trial Baliance&FivîailStîae Mi 11p.k p & dil,i .~CHAPMAN CAMERA REPIR A i-k .....,-d i TO E BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION AdiiansRovicons.. CimrlafrOo& .&,,y TO. Ail ypa lCopaîlsi Fr.. esiista 878-2593 !e .BILL~ WORKHOP ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS ion l îand dLcls., tcs nl8oa,.eA aî.no.Caii A a.. 878-8424 -5 C.Mw..visoPo,.o.. 9(115 AUTO 800V COLLISION EXPERTS 166 Nvonig Rd iV&2721 M316 if lfl" but (kt choft l'ait *Riidanti.-I..doi,îol- Fr Fia. Esoosai 879-5127 CARLBON CAPEr CLEANING - AFFORDABLE - RELIABLE Olm 8784MU MILTOWNE CATERING .i a reo.bl pie@ DOO'T TAiE A CHANCF ON A CHIMNEY FIeE -CALL THIE XPERT_ - C6lw..yxwapl..i end Riali Fs.oa. Ciloî lnga ffint tnîin î. John Livaay 416-4-2093 Gordan Doel CIIIMNEY SWEEP 878-303 SiialîiHoltno Aimt Pai5u.laIIîV Ti.lod FIy 1mIn-e Chi.noy nwaat "Eiay shc Carrl"andlT Gîlîsy of i Clii,. WoaA O.nîngAfppi..a - CHIMNEY REPAIRS Do it..ow hefoT.. ED McMULLEt4 Concrasi ConîTaclrs Lsd. oT.aledCi.lîna.s * lahînCaîlîngi 953-2726 dOIltA M ALTO N Pretge Ovshd 24hr. ..rvlca Sim t.i b ltiiio Ri...tit a ldsald DAVE'S Die Jockey service 97-3922 « Star Dise ii'EVE iOOiOE *878&3726M Pta.aarlng Drys.aII bTaxture spray. cait Frank atar 5 9178-302 " DRYVWLNQ n TAPINO o STUCCO i PLASTERINO FREE ESTIMATES CALL FIOEL Cotrane Electric tdneW. Cnoww.ll osidon b ais.. Oeil 8788007 34.4-Niw i Nadaln Electrîc 8784111 i KAfL'S iELECTRICAI. SERVICE 24 HR. RiRi1, At-, . Ono M J2L7 ELECTRICA *CMMcCIAI. *FAiMS &HOMES tI.ECTHIC iEATING INSTALLATIONS v CSi.In S, Mis. 678 9513 -877 5795 getiid ctrlqEis 21 Jaam SI., Milton. 07-7406 Enrvin..g i g, tap ailold cowmin- 878-7634,i * 0cIAA FflNFrFTF I1-fl Fionllomi huz ilei-e Dm .%ie RO-41O Hl(H. Mot.g tk - - LIMenom hUClO u c»imo. owna m PLOWING Ray Schtinder 87"-122 ?TiatIGT LtNE FENCE CO *.d .ia ..doa5llil SecaMoilokvoad NaiE MILTON FIoR.ACE SERVCE PEATSINSGTHE i.ATEa sIN WOOOhiiiNtuO m-aval AND IREPIACE CHIMrdovaCi.EAriEO AND IEPAIREDO Gabrie s FoairBuiqMn --mlFlsit,.. 2MLONaM cîLi-5 C.pt. & si S Fiat tsTIMATIS aiacaemauels pas.... ki',sal&iaa, iIavalod p.iidb BraOueiBoniT 878-4C82a1tr onaiatio locd.or Siepaiodks patios, CONSTUCTOE VILLA MWASONRly CUSTOM DESIGNR Or COLL JOE FEBO 8788636 HEATING inallrions GUS MOWBRAY LTD. Belley Huati hlàCoolIvO SalesEh Service R R.3. Miltin 878-4821,d Appltanoe Relrguaoai *StiiPacp OEi.ala Fm.s *CintataAr Cissdtils..i * tii.aAi hien HOME Cooti.. iiisiaoof-*n li g:swilv e- its- 5-- souriées ervettrouhig Cideos t SFon. Plsie all ChAdi. CARPENTRT Ail types o ami silsvir 1s, atinsi. sai ad McCORMACK'S - FIaaaaorea.,, Spoilitsa * OMM1ERCIAL *INDUSTRIAL REnIOE NTIAL 24 HOUA SERVICE (416)87-1239 MILTON CENTRA LIBRARY Toi.Vu-2ui Mac. -12c5..P n, Tan at... -.0-am. TIsas i.31) -1im.. F. as...-. -ss.p. so. -9.0 l. -50p. di *Gravit oTop Soitt *Poli boiesadug 877-1315 L AAINBOW N - c ROTOTILLINO A:* SEEDING FI ODDtNG IoPLANTING N. PRUNING G* PATIO *FENCING OSpT kMOLES *TREE OUi-TINO bTRIMMINO iE HAUL No Jo T. li Iloas i.i..p..cienll riaiviols,. 8784111 or 82P-1223 NAGAIJN EldC Ci. 8o 143iMin . IE.h AalEdn« 878-422 14Man. E. 878307 Mc.o..d P.. Dr.iArthur A.ohnson 24 M..al.ain Set.. 878-36r73l*88 Polvend Papa. MulOila Dse1.lk&aé FaHm u, iii vaur For8F65e8o matîn NOUSROA. EM5ENT5AI Pint end R- EXerI o il aytîm PAINTING INTERIORSRO Fr» fEltImil Coli on 97-17 planning RondaEsil I.d.o, îoo.....î A. Clatdi...g Reoi Wî,k No- im, GoIsolîioiii MILTON RENTALS CALL 978-SM9 375 STEELES AVE. M.111 Rua S HAMPOOING PROFESSIONAL ROC SHAMPOOING -aHome -Apiannei Fis Fi... tiaidsoes J i a. -43 J.. R.Salua moahnes.atiil et1Mi.9 Fîoî Deoil,. Ripa.., o l a ii .eaaFlly G.i,nliiA W.. lai.. NO SERVICE CHARGE 979-6497 COMMERCIAL b PRIVATE CiU Ta,.. 878-1463 CALLITODAT MILTON POnLS 878-1212 Salin hà Accausnan - - , AOaaiO,..ad -.S.ia ROWLEY 878-8770 Plimblno & Hmalng 529 Maisa.Und 6 im . sSEonasR cm IdwtulCrsial h@40. bîvAinIs teutl Se* l,.Milton fo,.0- 2D Fo. EaviOn « Milton Colour Unt No.1 8761175 OUIC PRINT INC 888426 GENEiAL PRINTING Livî9.t mia. Caaý.'sSo...c w m, 0-Sd p 103a,.A-.laCap9s JUST FO0 TOUi SERVICE" Mtisai ,Ot., Wood la IUgd9d oom , EVERY DAY mffi Effig U s- w.m-Fi Rdi. -Ht TukEraI. 52ii, ..atiT î i . 97M8821 sc 8:301 vLf ECYCUNO OF WAM iPAER J.C. wWaMaomeaOTav Pi.., 002Mt St. E. Phosne 1418) 1M-1 t.Icel MI ',Si-vEET MILTON 1 Psaoy ho tmk r b.o es.dai alaw cirami ti.t . ota HtO aotsaiwer.once ai.d fertta sprps.. b. tii. iif b. duedt i. vni b osai e onaiyon toat uptb9=laobr=Ad 1If=y hvetia ceramie tii. yen con aiaitty buy coraie firad=wtt ita. Sns. iraro ain lambr supplsy ouetlao maysokthm. tataag purpoee. Wbus you have ratativesior uettawth imili cbidrentyagvrfor th. aike d otahave mia ie&drn ,ho b tlry thta teai: put lwle bide togetser dthn rdl.mttrusesa roond the other way. Yon will iie, bave yitra.lf unamarl- ency blegiized bed. ao ei maliietilidraouible totysood type b.dcaob tari.dsildeuwiys aid yen wt hvialitu i terl g=te. btat wiU bold more cilre. aithbt aitntdty y.n wtltb. aurpritaid 1mw m=nymorpr ncie bsureaiofleen na b.d tonisflopo blwtaa.p a bllon tb.owrtga essae on ithe baitooinwitbia fel=pen. Let ait th airiandi- tac. ta, th. guif. wil elig kick ot ai blowig ip the billion aid roadng hemessage. lTse bilion asils. an exra di..td.nt far the rar. ipient. Tbe art of mailg home-made tiffée.aid fada. dormng th. fait anidvtater monthsa iema sta, b.dyleg ont. Bt if yo ilill noice ymr ons for yonr onana., or ilveoas gifta, ibis blet mtgbt helpwbio mibing ap yonr nal hatchaf dg or taffee. Yon rot s ai.e yuraelf extra imne and worb aid nt tbe aime ime tari ont fada. aid tiffee ta uiiform peme by poirig theriiady mixtire lotoaumiiam ire rab. troyi. 7lb. tecrteltalne pread a gond layr of margartinear butter on the aidesanad b.ttam if thsetroy itself andon tbeidesofitbe.cub.iSection%. Ponr itai thin layeraif the candy mixtare on the ftatabid pridirs viii not lb.ton thicb aid it wilt har- des qirber. Di.. aie if ai ici rab. tray wiit imauri the rondy vili hardenintin tdividael pieces aid re- qire n rttiaf. Sarface marks os f iefarnstire thit canosieb rama..ed with o mitd frnituri ceiner solation rai usuaily b. rabbid off by i*btlvrabbiui the mrk viilsthe rubber endof a pencilranissberiiir. Aller rabbiig the mark, oppyia bit ai poiailtathe spot ta bring ot Liei originaillItter. Dont aie a typewriter iras.. as it la luabie la scratcb the sur- face. Leflever pieces if vleyt florlng ta ai ideai mater- tai tir ltnilea shaive or drivers. ItIi durable essongb tab.e a permanent littag aid ta very eaay ta, cieao. Cut Us. orrap paces ta site with a rater tmlle. luma or ipltag the. ilera eplace ta ,op- tioail. - A damp faim apaige a ideol for ramnoving dif and rît bair fromt apbiltery andrcarpeta. il ix eiy tamaube ap yaur ionitripa if moth- priiftng crystala for haagleg imside clothleg torrd sn patic bigaorionpitinclithes ctxiita. Sratler aimte ma1h crytala on a pince if aima- poper hes attrait o itrip if celophane tapi and priai the. sirby aide as Us. crytala thon bing op Etiwever befare hasflng iabe h. nlrlp if tape ai any uosa. cryilala wiii fait on the xrwipaper andnont ix te riaiettiaior. itefreastartaf yor roary levssmiwer tir the violer moaeaire ai]the gaoline a ramaved tramt the fart tank. I usobla ta, siphon Us.eginout rai lb. miveraintii il rus sdry. a.. aireail lb.heccumulationioai gnon ta remivid tramt tb. haoittrior. cropeaoff wtha pitty balle. If tooahard ta remvriaottai withwatar fram o baie. Coat or spray the destn bnd with o thiis film of iab- rictinf ait. The. aitfitm viiidicuragi corrosion. Be aira and remave land ofaiiprb pissa belone vartalaf near the ctting blaei UVACUNUZ SALES t NF INSTAL.LATIONS aie.aTONi" E SHOULORE Bus. 976-80 UMD EvA 0-..9.1 844-9781 a... ana-Cos.. tyi WATERSOFTEeRSL FREElSait Avllable 844-9781