02 The Cnaduan Chaempion, Wod., Nov. 26,1981 680 ASPEN, 6O g CUTLASS cylindair, 98087 Soplrno s n 1 Taoe oo Ex.colent 888868186i nweo. 81681 . 81 8nitr 18n j,~,a.887 5~, 1-51797. tn inro . Lic ,«C&ehg1975 ASTRE. misa, LMAAOS.- 5» Il *t uoooOiro, Sadd front GurgofonlChryslr. tires, no658ff.r a 8 ý77 DTON icup oternafor. 8New16847 481768cab. 5 sped. TIhb sss fsaNANNYl Stack us 8. rks 3M. cer 1275. 878-3788 Sf987 tiie. 'sî8.5=60or 78. 0n1a8l68-in bosecfo, 0ne 4:30. - 479 af6e88.81. Vent6ori071gv,.a86 ptîssoiily 174 B*MW 17 OO!Dra 85188687f gran8117607F61rOVRA blfls191 oonlosDorer, condition, white/ 74ssig815e7878 686618 information167icaîho$175.8187r7697 Coi tfrima, rebut *ofor eD cotir co04i081ni65 18, 00E, 468, 38 684e. 8408 Ci aut, ,98.04 .8. PAULINE IHAYDAR c, PATRICIA DOYLE 8782341 deys or 844853'3911,. 881875SM.5 et 45, evn8It16, sk for 3844.- 08111. 647 2 0008 Cheoy1 878-5238 191 BRAND *81 CcOPEAt81 w ls pickcp, 6881I.,Pius hstrois Plates. 2.368 fr8186, 1187V Weil r6but86818. 335442. EXPEIENCED qippd. 507 baiera 1976 MONTE Carfo, 78 CAOFENTER Sat117481and4boit8the8and Pb, A-i condition, Ail ype fax Gergetown8 Ocv., 31.888 Mlles. Ail f76 f77a101119,C hry8r,87751 .____3,50.853 429 NI.IYMAD oofs.7inte196 177 CAMARD 3051870 PARISIENNE, Cao Slve Yoor s17 119 p768, blon PiS, P /, ex6687876 ps. oP,868187 *16 Cleaoln rtraing801, transit conditionAMI FM, O doos, ar. Ales "W8. 180 stroIlwfir*. 8330454. Probiett .dit'"s covo 61670,616 *18 mg,16 19176 PLYMOUTH Colt 8addition.. lotsl: $. MW tirs 780o400 acs, 4 door,80 Voo'li Love f10611781os1, 76601,71. 878912. codIln. 0.0616 Comlng IHome to 7101181.81771,16711n.19 171 CAMARO 87, 81886 cr1818,67r boit A Clean flouse -. 7o1esof87117161 excellent81co0dition. offur, 053m32. Cai 8881111 euMs?1. skI 66618888. 671 PONTIAC V787 Moovol 17116711 8177 =32. 707,s568*1178, is2 876-1672 Î80y.116615 pare- Ete1l11761,28et 070_6 ror Rf E 17,1117668 esglnon' 1 ac18 11 PONTIAC Estimate -4 yors escolt l ceswories. Sal eeI 616 Parlienre-33,OOO ý8c radiais. Lik86n*km1., flliy 890199842 666,17 permanent61611con7 c4111611 1r608680l. door *116 white111671 AFTER SIX tract or18/b-c711118s1:1192.ye8r srvice POlilsY. top9on6white,.6786 811 enoftor. 816,80 687711 16187167, 9088 SECRETARIAL lob 76-9259 repacement60051. 878 *ltdoo, 988187IlrO6k SERVICE 304. 0887886,908 -Typvg L06018 FULL 1975CHEVELLE, Vt08O,,, s .7160& 57kme, F -Bo 677810706 OOKKEEP8NO 38, 2 doorP B98., 5. ore *688, AMI/7FM -Fl87.800 68.140 ttr iO sassonln.sloro, air Stencil,18 9c6671 SERVICES c o6iiotlina, Imm- p8ri7" PROVIDED 1974 C6RYSLER860iMoIO9dIIIO6 985 Fr116or1171118o711ai- -7 New8port77 b 9.6 8811V0, 2481M1e8 P8r 0oi 464" r078107881 miles. se i 1106 98h07 nt coul *MOI KARE-JOY sî4NGA. 7 15 95 serlflSdi. tIse711886851184,000 88178 2895re-JEP14. aI pos. 8886 09787 01187 Rcidoctli1 78711 $886160 patim erer towna 857810606ysl6, S98WTelephoote 878 Ciaonito 687k, Moday - 8775108. fl78fl8Cj.181077.... 77dd, 1 . S .8. 632. 176 06RYSLER 114 PONTIAC, oood Villa0Do Windows 5984 81187800 Si&N80669076 p90087condition, n660engin0. Cl Fsr C6,,81088 811871, 8782383, e806 slorIlo: rokes Bst offer. Phone876. Boso 20*e'61668. Windows, a1con-622 iMnhu r 3357024 000 JO8S-M06166. 4161011160; AM FMOscsk 51886098. 981117168. 568785 6Ru118Weil. QUALITsod 6cars- ,.ndY___ 68 g titilos. 54 P9715868sale. 8256 10 lwpicf, 9811 688 îain 033 or 854.433 offer. 780984 911066e8782079,sask for _____ TRAFALGAR Fr 1975 CHIIYSLER 17871. sommet 1.1*178- C0077aI658 sor 0768v 776 ZEFOI*Wagon bvilton N8868188. *o66878 offr. 87836. 6cylloder. 06*60 681987, 11008k889878 1176009787.9181,n 6 ,9 8.P., AMI FM Sccomportionsson9aa11 a00 omaic do*d and016slerwo, 3,066 6*n.. SCh01 Ile.n 8sl fr ne18 re068 Rll86M81and87716184 788147. year or7longer For ýncI tas Of fhrnf r&lnoetto.Scie pl;S sali 8272296. 2695. ILis. uMLSS. Tutoring oezzz.. Georgetown_ 6,06811 08766,1.7 M Cry8in7.877518 1 F8.-001'.- 010 LADIESoenpoStc 198 FIREOIRO 8 1661188 of snIlolite Cnvertibe, PFS.. 878,50"0 68788 8f81rin6 108 7hooî 9.8,p90087Windows,e .g76807886. rapeos A;M,717 688 no bIIIody *789 4. r &oabeo65ff87 878 - scl8668. 87-2214.5230 r67784789 a811870 i- M Soep 1975 FORD L7, $1,000. f ir*m. e1r8 6 ro-sent 9e hnso îo*body *65 wosid love pým 8779590; afler O b ne! Ssiii tr.853-6850.4* MAN FACE TO FACE in6exellent 8606 WINT intîoiliioii.75 Dnce 7072 new0tres, 868t lofer X TAV H-amilton11 Noon MîîîîsSaugO 878-1516 X V 528 5963 80911 275 0355 $'75 FO080 LbD-A SHOWli a"*/6.* 7041 0. .8 Oc3rd. or b68v 0118. P91se Se 88a 980BLEM7 8ie o Sl 77d590 _ 3 10ilf T,1 Dro8800888HAV 189 1976 FORDLTD ... 2890OT 976511 000889780080 PS.,A.C.,AM; FM., 0.iss,0lsC0.71711radiais. 81, Mîhelir 979 -POLARIS 70340, Greaso 06111 ECOOMYt6i18.687796 120 miles,exlan ALANON 7c82,0001s1ti.ieO 870006017169. 76.7831. 14568689.Ask 040 & 40 711s..066.6..11 ru8ce.18 517100L87S, 0064 --_--zû"u con97d900 it7i0 o, 41700848for the ABUSE D8en08f78id7 519781sORDs sf87 oir ooks For h6819i1811 80853.,8s100781. 4538.lOO 01111700787.86for 8 24-hororsls lino for .CýlrM pair. 878.771 fler 5. ausecd 0818187. 081811 . O I I19790170 VAN.118007 1900 S9o*o51188, Vionen'sPlae lea uty. 60848 c1849171 Ropp. cn7 1976 r08m878glcy se 18 87 . eFI. 85wor 1100883 8 Cou Skirooi8, eocellantt ele r861 fo r oueoraftoî 6081 878-8271. sonditi 27o t tofr. 8181e518e187 8o884 . 1978 HORIZON, 4842317. 888186. Alcion 8778-16 m8 nnt casette11, E I .sOpps, 09o107 confidenti. 0608611 Cit118t87889mo*08 ... 0.0-i689801106 ~Low *lioage. 860d1lnICOMPLE7E INV. but8568187160-700. 557 ost ibOot 6901c. 757087poduction Fu8 i cntpr le t188o 86 67,stop,7 i.otii Sli0p0059 F7 181166000 ,,1 : ~11177Geroe76011 Chrysir, itrt Hardware, PREGINANT & 63,356Y 7178775188.0 611068 kyhmoes, legs, isre88847 8r66 0161F787817070051971170.6N, A4000, pls, cstors78etc. 6s8611con . 0811 I500 ,oco t. 701 671687 ot*8l W oood,.br7888. 90 83-26 78-2320 birekte. Li. No.090 o71,lS vs8tory d7 UNATTACHEDbT-D6 7161771568.82,5. 878-1797. 7087i:8 57er 25,800 88818661 m60 96,&sal Vo. O DOCIe truck, 175 17878008OP07811 st87ofe7 Lh rapton 4MsD8l6 w 1o0*:1&..a, Excellent7 Osoat, goo4 Dooble 145.6671 r 06cio 56110171. 87714. *65h811s1s001condition 11078576716 0,81 408786Ior .1606 p.m 0.170 1769soncrd 0887046r8780e4574. 20, RkoosO 11. 3687118n,.9.8. *8011 161*18806 1976 17086000, in1 711n118519 8179536. _ ___ FoîSa 1186, oigiea b00107810 *167Thi 1770AML 90.870 X 6 8707086uget 7677 oe68 rCa O i 67148 oomts f5-7047:610,98 1.. MINI or68606686, 068 678 000080. 8saloe11 *078hA MUNICIP 0"68, 0* 91eg6.1007,8pcF1si F17181n0v11181787 o17 80 il originla. plso 2995. plos r780 19787107 Mosci. 1 AND Hi MMIn te laocondition. : 8848y. Lis 700344, 88611 LIs 0766 Ru 2,775, -O8tf 1. 870 8. G8cr9to*11 ali GOr0..60W 5236r87157rCh1-9778.51 SA VE $70000 ym -m sdahuvaca inm Rad" Wid aMnW car & "Chu&11888884818 dat-pcOU 6441700406 S.111ag1 m 000v. 8 and 18.5 aisIes. Con Car body. OnfIp 25M8 km.-LISe ne. 13-473. 9810 cars & fruc868 fer soIe. Coli Gary Neilsoc.e. 546or 5704379. 1875 VEG066iSttoe Wagn 1719 8o- 0ERV ssorcc e 81 1878 Ply Ptt 8- 9070o, 4 sylin a, 8018818416, cm/tnt oteroo, digital cfook m1P9 lest and *0646 m rn. A grtees.1111 sars car. LIc. 181070. Coali 08oraeloitt 0ry8l8r. 8775931% Bastia. ln Im*a&Coiafe condition. CoinpiSty LIc. 59C58.Col Gorgetown Coryslor. 8117 1108 foe78 AM/PFM S5â8780.9581 Michtelin radiai$. quartz 64a1agen lilgfl sf804878 *146 ov&r- drioe laggaga racS & fraii87 bi96. 8,000 km., ouim.cer187, $7,500 tirm. Cal bot8ffl 98-639.*.S*2- 0760 aftu 8 p-. .878- WELCOME 18 Gorgotom tCorys. Nove81ber 8588 car claac n full swing now. Wn have 0878187r oer76es budget. 9cr exemple' 815 have Corve,848Chle gars, Dants, Malîbas, CheVS, Cor8088's, Volk8agonol, Mont- archO, ANses Volarlo, Pontiaco, Soloka, Pickop Trucks, 156878, Omnîs, end Horizons. Ys$, 18k8*ehaOethe81817. No recosonable ffer refosad. 001y 8100. dois if 768 qoaiify. Hurt-y on d4008 18the Frice acators and 18sf dleal. Cali Oeorgetis CSrysie or 4 477 t- RARE 170011.1878 L'il Red Express aTrtc , 9*8, ps.e;, Lis. 01M7431 . Ses if et Gecrsofo*o Chrysi87, Tho toi BAARUGI WononraAdoC 6OT 76-24 Pot 17the1810 OUSINON int-bO 886-24 eC TENDERS1 Fo 0761:1761îs11 D o 77067 ain8e7a0c677,6 08117171 0ss7671 17Ma11t6116c7, Ee81177S Main- tenane 0 G 110n Maivntenance, Ap911>111.0 67076118 76710617ta 7 i.se50ns:soin the abssn todes 7110 717770 1011179 77 F15i6516lote nsAdlo, Georîgetown, Mlo, O6/1v5101 8and O8ksiIo 71116,11 and/ 171111i:1106711a7711..th6 vb11ssF 77 71116117 111111 /7711 /767117 hUS~EZIZWcIZZZ S esIZME M.EEle AUCTION SALE rom Tise Privete Collection 0f 010 end Marcello Knowbe Smt. Noio. 206 et 1l A.M. Loatiosl In Milton, ai 868 F8ltg800678 ln the Agrc60lt 648086 oneobert S. SWO Coo.l0*agOSRe. furntooe, 088, chine, NOTICE 0F APPUCATION copper, rosen lg, latps, dodos, stocka, *06- FOR APPROVAL cses 878*9Etbcoins, Royal oahoooChaoc TO EXPROPRIATE LAND 100, 888686-A6t Scott dit,2 .8.eh 8,001e. IN7THE MAnIA OFth09660 prp riation Of9 100006primit1issin1. 600, Royal 0001186 bed manoi. Funn6a8a Lagm ebo1788864 i86 *686:or; odwe 800d by: The Rgoyal Mncipality of H0t96. 88160 pinstapothecr sophoard *4811tilt top; ice-cream part9f Lots10O& 1l, Cncession66N.O.and7part ofPrtot8ut (pin@tp;:588bl4Et6hair;4 c858d88»M Los610frol1,Concession7N.9. i he6Town1of6Chaire;4 bontwo0dcofoChairs2. p9788bock; Mltont, formacHy in66187Townshipf Nelson, in 6116chair*: pr. ciskoo coop chair;es: taad bck aorn~ 08010681 Mc9svipitv f olt 4806fot*ofly 11711e0ch8ir:6rocker;806s11chairg60818ts018 cot84 600ck81: CoO1ty oHali181.forteap077000of6Fod*wd81110 spl11dioighbeck 601606*6068908888088*6806bec on187866881 Rod725S- Doîty 0007 608*8811Itre-60691106:r;3tder ookucases:dîopfoaf petbe;882 mine Roedaend Appiaby Lna, 1Milton. d7101706678tables,. 00611s9216866860* hall tables;: NOTICE 16 6410877 01068 8the spplilcaton fasmndes*817 ing- table wio in ort:3 7,86698pne 6096, modefo l pot 997078a18nptoprsteten et6818, vutcho pulls: cak 86op frot saetaty-- desc5bdas ta am: b88060485:ont*r1*686-nt Ca5p18110chair; spool 1Wg Al rmhts, t6108 ond itat iv the 1186680860laods. table; telaphonstbe o r n tact;1:lamge p918Mai866e8 moreopOrtlclaty dt8stibed as parts1, 2 3. 4. s & ox; 62 malins68bl69k085boxes;,in@ ve Otand,8hil 7.6.,9, 1011,.126EF1309onaRfoetsnelan182OR-4392 bosk *878 rio op;aO 910pi"tablt: 3 0open 917 depoited on the 1866 dey o 0.00676197081460eRt- w*0008781178:001808686800*181160*: smail 818918 g1try Office lothte8 07841170Divisio of 96611181:20); 8686897: ;pins6a 86840*b60;:pao o 8100: 1 an pns1,2 3 475R6otc7,on e1ce la2OO 860018: alttge; o85 cbot radco toîi: )honp- a00aSo.s.o, . bock876tnk; 2 oek chchîabpow is: #s ard*7ina:; 4236 depoitad 011 tht 21811dey of Aptîl. 1970 at tha ht -rde evn ahis alsan ihFnr Oag1tty Division f 08to6 (20 aito tht900980607o 7For;3792*85 apoothîe abinet;686:se*t stand,, municip ald v*,doeg. and in6 98097187 the Canterbury; owig doasng *8107:;*48666 89001881 *1788160 ot R8a181181Road 2 2 R"Food - b88 stadie: toidingattg stand;80pins68Gohi it,o**lvth 600011 T68,tai11o Roe7 8117Appfby Li7t, 1in the staîrad glsu Os 10ghChorhwnîbi *1840*10668Wall 70*6 o ton861. *ag8zi70 rock; doi sophoatd: miniatreblanket Ary 0*687 of laods 1in r06p871 o *hish 116ti68 8 bo. gisan *ho desires e891790197 lto *hntertth8186 1k1g China: R 0060loî gi juge, Lo*hajts.ifoHnry of 8016 67618s060716o99868 objctivesof the 86900- Viii: 9181187 Et8888710(Robin64001: li. Japertlarge- 9/67119 cau86082ty s0660 sa 110fy thepov96071 sse76n8887 tic: 60 1800 *90606888ar, pats& pla-r authority in writing ter;.oBayreulthsvuegiM>icien98i:6t88*er iCettla (a1i he cm8 ofs a 80î8 ste90186ne1181 851887907 070118R:0Nippobo*4fEr6*8t: 0r; .P. bowl;:.S. sonllyor y rvisere mi wthi thny 0eys 6*8117.mayLioesouP &88087o 688100888ue as ho la89e67by v80î881te notice o w666 ho l se1v8d 1yMo6rostsoepitsh01:600ok810jar;R.. otncoy ig pubicicon,66 ithîntr 660deys a8686 tho finit pbli- 8*87 9099* p«lsra pitohot: *oslaoho 009; 811 cation o the noice;oouaîcshakers; 7dreer $m;*stcnd pots; Con- uat (bsiatcaytboseo nonrwh anta e trdaton c8 o us io. E07* t, O OOsaVitoria, t7î 1b1116681780068116deys*7927the*fiit pulicatin of1 eorgeV.0Gairalizabeth. Cti tha~G»& ý .88 0 ovosi 60*4 (Capprton Osodyl: th notice. oho1Vth 0051 Ith cRodon Bacr stal68i 8901181: îyed heurt8frit oît884 Theappovng uthriy l th Cuncl o te R-.0 iNocgti o*por7EtpHsch87: POl.Maplo Luhf gio681 Mniipaity of Hato6 at 119151 ne Roud, ss*pcn: 9P.9 ptshet Foothot; in opale0918sent 0861710. Ontario. b88171887986960:89186787 gies ase;788:1808*k glago The exptop6866ig a80660707 s 7The 87i011i7va"; art f10586Fou6boum; M1786 086111081 880 MunîsipaOity ot 6480011t811591B0701168 oa7, alimit,657sgood);i Stgreen CovlaploIe iPasscI vila,.Ontario. t the0UrnI; Ma. Car*lpecie66816rosebowDlay TH4E CEIONAL 17601CIPALIt-YOF 64668.70Eta 7661181: 7686067glass 15006: a,1111nsrin:;3 O PatGarfield Brown*e.lctk soset; pskostoat st in tan1d. b. The Expopriatons At pîoiss88h66, terling: 576060, 0711706. 60700. 01689, *8166 (ai viotrera9an i96uiry lO 7e800170, itl 686 6con-1 bo (ait l-6 *gke) odl. 091r1ings, 8seul,7 E doscudhy 8an 1990177 offîsel 6976111110by theo 671101.6609lat, Co7ottotio11 8960118:001107tee0ut. Minisger ofJusticeand7Att8ony G6788l. Lampe, 1Miniatures: 9Re081811noi 18*um:;*whit (b the iquilVsffhsOî Satin; F.. 69007 Stousolump; HFP.patout lampe;n (il nalgvee917 aytate058779711110 an1197118707611717 OîokI6Oy. Cheron7ost;0,baskttlump. t0 pisent e0178115 and argument1and1ta0examine Pimlioves8& Cocctabico: Lona *80 telephono: end17710n0.668*11007118 rs eith6. e1666709011>0r0b11homscsoller *0707: yoks oth hc6000 *0606 poils: :0Cota,f tteo1100ty11t0t0cedO$2005and the889 dereonoh 0,1 ain«;18818760711, *61060 pot spi ; povig uthrit my i is dscrtin oderth ex *gket boa7 axe; sios-to*oO 7,7d:ill; n osoldd 7 prp09ting11ut0807606t67159s7805cour092l011it67 tts;8barn1 8o119*machnoo ng180119 bo 60P1, t 2..0on8189and018667100*11wne768re406600e1in roundbteorn, 591:18estio 90*7:89686*097 6h !honAcsolis: *0le:716987 10juge8&scraks; boot jack: Viol, hit 'ou oo,8 cloen6*1180combe;.0c5oî01 s b 887e cregito, apersn et7ted a ii8 t atif8dsalais011inter'C18o8s. 181a51 8669818888 na î blo mentald estnland,1a.87081*1118ofthetsonne0of8a*61168O7 sosk, wos0 mgntal loîkel gOo7k11101: 0F. 17 C 1160077660116persan9of10f a 76*867 11capable of io*as Wakha* (1916);15 lsnioEat86b: 23 J WIS Co *8780178 his affaie, cnd a goatdinr. etorrt- 87 1778110901195 1:Loomotiveo 4failc6*c86b<.1 hi *ii1OyoIOyortutsnin*67110lad la 00t/. Coins: Full et1argeces,8Edwar67Vit 11O. 1907 E5 tnoctaods*118wne>11men6an566961oflan1d*wh7$8 HfSI.7 George11 V;00st Comm8. d185oll; On. Pari intentte la n dfined a 76hose n 11611sne, rge 11tasoiset; alw 088*ps, 1>7656 nanisuen n71 the1666167186p76660061771land effaoso 6 Coppen: Copplc otter8Ooth 67lid;lled, latin or hotîf'of ficso, and17,11716066a692011060*11 688961.5681ffes7pobon o*okaî. 881o. elpoil 61, book 6a6701181a1t17of7land o etest 600880066818smet1 hoido,: 786067606706107660,7868186068. ja; iliY31 ,at; i:d Fltotc Oo7setVl. wap/1t0:665 brais867ck.00 hor nresec1o7 e1ans1668119t1 e xpo-goed 8810t511of s17bossots. on 60>111190andsposo7t66a1178asi1 at767b0 the7in-NOTE: Thcîo 17088 edosî 911e06 Lnch as8ablo 6tr p/101760777n886117h1 t é6ýe'sphoneNo78-73181 8in 9uryotistoretie1.0 ho :119717. 7ER176CASOR8fCHEQUE W81676498091.0. O Ths Ntice 7,921 pobiîhed on tht 20d76ysIOs cP5EVIEW FR017 966.1. ON SALE DAY. o îs6t,198 6a6ctl068ws sNotea die8,0Et&Gonlmn, d70111î, Garfield Srown 8mi"5 16,0 9817 0.;:i1e*s870016f0 go ality oth s lotSI Reglctt.iCl06k Of7*685011Pi1Cs-1 du OmiesI. Hall1 oe.d 6or*818180* 808 otpotdsi-1» NOTICE TO bg atl fooRot cciaodents. MC CREDITORS Auctioneer: Chris A. Schouten bF AND OTHERS ELOERLY Coupe Phono: 878-2576 d I TH SAEO old 1 b 7 tar7 ta . ho17 DOUGLAS 1071887 Reescal8 rct 335 I 970060. 1818 of 25 449518our11nt18.1 AUCTION SALE S Main Street6Wes, Mi-PeOFESSIONAL 3 ton,. Otario 1in the aentllean1066178 fo7 W sdiesd*y Evenlng. n tr6shod 70081 or flot, M Town1 of Miton, in th6 pvate antrattc. Dec. 2nd e006:30 P.M. M 6789101161Mooîîpalîv 5f6 97607d 78870 A.1 18817011. OtlîîeOLoction: ln Milton, ai the a7c600078. oi16theL Lab6600706.7.708e87 Aîîicltai 06ll011Robont St. ie 0.1.1.prtns o ng76> Ai Gcodc te8olad train an aider SîdntoO5gho,3 7181*860i. h.a1o8 A6e cf6în o pus addhtions front Gilbert Hmrncy *0158alot or *8111101187 8tate of Chrisotso gîlta. Appt-ointnly 275 ft8*8 'no. Doug0as0Iin Sov661eer aet Sais Coesist18g Of: Antique Eb o8681 171,66,8. bt the 6761RoalDolo11 Figuriness ic.Feot 08236817(ti),b w-ho de noraot7o7 117680 1 HN1 17294 (Is .1.e77s Aooe HN279 idiac)SIC the 28th ey of J176,Ma8ie 71370, Toby P96,1768"A"08unau (lage)oLiq2 1981, am eq67ed tafileothe,6o0od 7c1o0Er7cina,8.01717018.tact1boxSîso- ? besed ol18711711767 ableo ictc itCal ,ait lgIampe, cc. 8ts119 olr- 7for 01167the 1 %E11016611156611169116on1f7Vor: gIlr eEet 6,6 61tho eyy118 00y11716>Oale goost csIoto7bodlsI,6o18 V cd ak1 hit, su alnhogays thingt 7Re of071191og0,1 98170770 o7781vv05761.6y60188e68a»*1 pins dry s7.bt*N aleI hcdt ht e *o6016id. 6111e J>51e1&087010076176091.tabe; 011708k An 7 0.0771,Os SelsO arma Jacques.10 Et6ayes066walatoiound8701 h Mckenzie6and 068p- Vsict77carnetshair;mpirste 76hall ch6i,;:B00t607M- *n9rocker:7d76091867 081478 76660. *h1te maîblo top OC 6 cîîîclets and7- RED CROSS w7o08787811hat11111706:VÔict.degsse int rot ba aval6swhite6661111167toep6alfas0table;7 sPi.efnned t6i 28 Main Sretorth Blood Donor 6671, 5lump,2ables;10pins 1717111117table. 8 fer " ASoliitorsfor1te sEx i. 86 î China, Oessc. C0118038M85s. Miso.: ba Souult 71118to 070867a11o1161-. 7/117 ln V7,st fîo*n 1902); p. of 9 acu f uo18 br1aq.,. f. ý.7:boxes; loot lump *,th 0180 shedo:s;oeliig he .7ghti arge irtrc10811787, 7711t77 7 86: of7. 67 *61s1/11 1f,¶oSi6 DON COLLING CI.. *8 leu0,20*8001h01 l171is ise c1u06 086687moonda sissl: banqoet Cl A xFnns AUCTIONEER -p;17Royal B0yreuth6 611761 Ms0925117h 6617 - il 61,067x /1:111e A. Tpsot5cc1. W,, il11s111 biuevas77111. 7RosyaliS977116/ar7P ___ ~ŽEA true oqcord of * ut14USwood THURS. DECr. :ltSG . For 8nome time MILTON O ONTARIO ne,ïfse oqosetimnct (14,iF outh of O017*8 6ff606815 of Conaoaser and oreto Affalea *oe0..,8ca.co.0681086.8 qos=tty O wod in8a as 1, 6 sed by c 17 8eS8oc.l.*71000a87 fleewood membelsb. have tw o tct hfý fl i, 1 -Z 1 . for a cord of srood. Th5e fine oncerne8 80.aoo four- f860 leogthsia la the6518118688 06 019legal dêfii 7,8*8000*86c16c.8a118066 loo), aod i ... 08688*885061876 1.0 c meacoees 186 mblc bleu., 8886m. 8 feot8o4c4 fati. ouzed an 8ea880e8 s233 888888fat 8x401 f ati. 6T8i8latter O mescoremeot las 868* crc 8806 EORGETOWN STORES 813615 fkeetood Moeeainview N. and John S. morepopslar m6 a 685666i loca67tio1fr111falt oîi 67186.freea stand- foel t, Ocimportant 67671406117811i501171110118. s8ro6607784itfor coutumers8 60 0.f 8906*81166 and4 60*11681080 5603886o7 oo tlere jis ooy ,tiksoecenm ast f ood, 7îog store, hat 068 cord meaoree et, poessic11al u6081., Sotos,. 06001818't = e , in 7681168.7,s ,sp 8 Capaime This ALTEO CONSTRUCTION mesure loiS26cubie 853-0190 or ,fat, Of cure, fils acceptable ta oeil 8564764 fractionsocf a cord, 688090toh os: -/4618 or% of0a cord 80 long a For Roe Immsdiatosy tbey are repreoeoted as 8u811 Pojolar Outaide Soorage Space qoelîtinro lîke And LUmitsd Amosant 0f iuho or ostove" iside Storoge <Not hostîd.> are oct exlic888 8784879 o 87j-3362 en 11gh8talet a cor, 878488 or878-362 omer knoc 6e lo cot *188 geting a full cord. If the consumer taIpO8=i0 5061excotly ore cf & 3.0M St 0.Rb.,,.-, the method of ms- roeoooous COUNTRY Susentcmed by the 331 09300 LIVING daler, hie sloold talk large teecd lot 9W881 o7 Trafalgar -*1015 1dm hefore no078 of110606 6 st 1888 T.o2 bcylog or ordering ) 6nc>ud8s08a6k70g *th p76oa1 0116786006 8886he exact measco* o. ppi811188.$3990a O *0666pos ta1e employod. &y facisi68 417 *86î 100 r 160 No 9868 o7îl'te.I6 ede 1 Mot rlemts ,rances769u.ed 708possesio. havio< ta do *1615 ,te8 to 06E*w5à 1-416-227266 t86n mattero rfe I 2097 Mado CONDOMINIUM0 dellerate fraud, bol .k Rd Uni,7 P Aprt8188f-3 "dro thar hecause esch of lei Rd6&00088 .%"81 onth. party ta6the trans- ot 9188 44 a60 extra8. action bas a differenl 17 Aoai8Sbl8 Doca*587 deflition of *15a6 a 1.037-8818 lst.81178.4548. octdM ofood l. ONE 68470681 Sincerew*86001la iDROOM 2 8187.7 apart*886. boicooy, 1I ofl10088680. iectrlch*870-337S. 618888101871as eithar cetraiiy loctS. ONE S t*ofro m o 06066008 or hard- O, f *118 881 fr t81 88- Isl*- 00081, colderalioo one 4place bath, bFSra. 6686008 oeyN o hol o8oh 608 placn bat, pots. Cai l - O to 1typa e ofgven ge7$u, 818118,*88887 d064886. o t a *hetye 0f81 dryer InciodeO. Aprt*aots, 23 8810< pcrchased. luexctra, ioctric Ontario 5i. N.l Milton. oftwoodrs 8015as t(1191Du032190r87 R08818 girl 1i*h*sproce, pioe and ir i270-95U. larae 2 884780* 8* are 9BoytaIgite, .8086060988. e,2- 89877818t 40*6t0*n 871 3 b8476881 106617818788818=860 la onda 15870rapbdy flC, 1/2 80878e *166. Lo*er *1115a 15gh hot ir881, wy. No. foeta of large aider Rlame. I iabesîboa .rr Rd800hows, yard, foiiy 0use *0081 osoly bSn cl-20....srpet 864d fu" 18 AN0 Ne* &Il brick b688e186. Th68987886 fr kiodling, 1e68808 'ca4 1640 sq. fi.Or coople I0erestSd they produce large le *76 freplace 820010 dIke rock and omoco88 of dark, os galragie @g ,roland6not*lnd a bit 80800< smetlin o - e 18i actuls ÏanC of paripina. Ona011114, Kt60 p ,fAable sabie884 888 ,=pescoie. Dori0< 88 7887 8881687 Aeé19811 wlco*e. 5.43 hot fire, cr668066 88kn11168:95.7 ar inStr5p.81. depi8 in 11e chim- tt. Cali Lindos9 Jstbky 87o.r7en, 6, ýocas6oa 089 aim60801 ky La Pgloitar-le subsancooe Petr ULL 7*881 and lord *bich 88889 gote IGALO* for 7886 aoalabl i *1matiecs, cacoicg a chimoey bdroo*s, liing il>tdry, for7 8188710 ire. Chbmoey fit-es m, sa9rte 418178 *86 or *o818. wek e 1efireplace m, 60il8 61666, Reasooable.a833-1030. ae fy decrated o m 'on00 'o 76. maooryad 189 ettcking vieili, Coontry hom1e It r=s toh=.oefires tsenly, 80dog.15 Horoby, close t18 the The ideat tire log is ýrd off Quelph Go Bos, 5*1*81168 hrdwood-deose &. io .8. 4-pool, sa078, *88087S& - dryr antd'se of theanod heavy-1881 dhooO -e sotaSis for but-to stswly, %th shsdc P« ar îotre ay017 8 prodcciog o short cOff1iPTra 7f 11O lame oîth feo 1, 2 athi 08U0N8F U 10 Bolh hirch 786687 78181784 S asemaint, soparaSte nparks. lt ic pct plm 7.8686. Parking, andl popular cre good shoerS kltchcti roamples oth11e _____________facilitie hns&ir y hdwo R bodroo*6881 a841 6609phaman o 60088us, 0111.888002. tees availatile. le. 38t-p086681 IIN9 are6P fluisIW The tottowiog ile m11 id lis$ com.......... 00010 rees ct-e lall Ca 694aw, FLORIDA lited ie deoceodiog 11*8o ptrty order of Ibeir woodos logement Ltd. 5PfnAj fuel value 1(the flits1 VILLE dupes a RATES beot,11e test, tegsll: M®818, 3 bott8, Hickory, Oak, Bosch, a', 81880. *88087, DECE S oR ugar Napte, Yelloo D, full baemet, id yard. 3353242. JAfjIAfY itch. and Popiat- Ermont f07818084 hloratte 8180. Condom1inium* fo, font thly. 16610488 bv the weor 0*6116 BUSINESSgFOR8ALE r,858dt-vîae &P-Lotoit 8t Mdr our0e0887food, cottes %dry facilites. 877- Bide. Ail theco *7o66l7ntolocsation1.818,000. inhom1e and117 ati810 CalAnne Ling, OFES1080.1. 9*679o fns. îeeîcboîg. 0e7hl7217Mller1Real :6116 9'ynor d1 07115110061-11766551 561611170869 878-9188 6 esS W" ' '821 2&M s461-fMOl SIo.11 ,b 11 788 40~ l 5 .8.N., tfonn*y R A.NO.1. Milton.1 b ... 7d Nppio, d, p5v1f111719 il single w1805m181876 1925 FOR SALE0501. o________________ 663 ps, s 786s6c1(let Love8pa718711678flue H 8.8E881 se...ca,8 MILTONTOWERS TheHalo Hous7ng Authofityre9lO6M the dght t AntIque& CoIbCIbb.-. 687 eceive ; imoges o6gafpt61End o eygiacs o' mn & Oplus8= 000 .ds,,11,o1Mortgogo Auciloos Silb RM:CASH'ON CHEQUES 98684 8098 7988800E fR ErA6507N 8 AL E ment16home. O hnSlsI..TW HUE fo nutil Uniti for 8701124 Sundoy, Novmbser208h et61cp08u6ch *186 d 118 &r. g e' faso~rntfr68m 1488sl. Il.87 For Complote Word Brownidgs tueocball, noos ios& md.oesSt88.PRESIEW FROM 4 OCLOCK ON SALE DAY. bahs. Avaflabie 88889 1' 6" c"IINgEAR Actn-84396 AuCtion SeMCRvow. AIES uEt csao0onf88 E6*11 T97818808418482els 11»8=arlot fombr 30, U» & r1'1 I.tocS«rai full8Peico. itttntclate AUCTIONOOR FumnHalibuard r 8931 orf-OtOtedcaeddoulhefot. 8WOahco04Y9U 8NcOeomoufue I.po98W18180for688ckf. 6 ma,88818%868688. i l rorOesaf n8 86 trt Sales; flfl ceopee14 Ieooicsnm. 0hall0065000881087 5M etllà percent. PtlOflneG Er3( T r eCa8eý«! u8U0U. Auctioneer: Chris A. Sohouten O Jatroay1.l. commeié *0 fo.r6*8$M. Ts. 878-2570 APo608 - A0Types 0mn semmaa.,on&Ma4214 IPhon: 8ff79 oohty. 8787daeys 686181 s .4 1.010o A.R. 3, Mito.0Ont. 07488 .otoor12.08 neia..760en1888. VaL GE 1 k farta .Il, .. :Oum ses, n ilý, 'N'op, Ins 24 On Il spacia di ... p patio hyd, c latIndr b..Id.. ,aller. Minute GO a cotIrt. Wo.k Buffini north BEI brick fil«. c Action 401, 0 on t ftldgi end utiiiiii haut (416)1 BRAI, storel desci bathri 2S il. mon BRAè detàcl bàths' CIO» il rnontf MCIL A. E. !:tqý BUN( 3 bel rSm' mont. newly presti Sider Lino 2763. CONC mon", refurt pont, Refori No p, 6709.. FOUF townh Drive Availm Docen Malle Hamil M-IM OAK% bedro firldge, dryer, f$nC#g ONE boche mStt hast, pilant shore leunch ffla PRO