Tht Canadien Champion, Wed., Oct. 14, 1981 5 Fox fund r- b nnflf onDur fitor: I~Jf IWS1~ ~VVIPfUf ~A h~thanealadu ta whn prtlclpated an Sept . 13 i th 10 km. Mn fnr Terry Fan. A ttalion Won'tacceptdefeat on deerhunt Contro vers y $M waa twnsentad ta John Stewart nf tht Dutr Edite: ramansn d ianchitorma,. damae and itt asted th Oppsitian Thanis a=eda liy-iaw ta "prnhlit and re- Canadie acrSc Caatsat ath t u, amsma crpa tian dode«u. But we YeMiat h dehrg lge" etyteMB N t 'o suetuferaac=a ly suppse ît aont ,machs", ta int t& We are osetettg dt nt, rchangetathe ite per nn hspeiean t y a ,ancerA.tocen "putig atet aa"an alescees, anr a bistucks. witwe renaisnt.t= t, asatfaOr hantln=ua arase. na Reaity canchaul hy Dave WtaearkosacittP agnid <Gary Tliitg lsttt hwsates e tnes Oct. 3 and 9, we en atety Thest OposstPaitionnhkmmade, a t ehnnki raaght ta $270, Ps.l WssCeuitts htHatstandardine hettsg sSsnin tat, 4sy that therte ltrity anl tasnting in wili provide fret nf charge, "No Hunt and tor heir fine tttort tiptatitni tt takmreidsssari--tiat a fln, bt Haikm dam st NrtlsWaat Maien, anddl" tucai »sg sgeit Yan 80 Chme ta Pst YOur the boand ltheir dada hjtasitith18h at asn80. cmpr wttehislaation af Nr- avaiabte property tanNarih-EaatHali- pett-whthryo .aehata iSh rltdt 'Il. IO seS stt hadalgste tsan atae'Tiis ayaithnistt h tn cet, tint etinaat 5ta 40 per ar=e tOa=e.ThtCampon hnT1 atoMr:nit. taRe w a elà deiittsiexm==lTadthis ay'ciadkiin to nt HaH.sgna avaltaititfor s'atr cenveniesce. gareimtHapie .aef on pau sassresldent huitetr, for tiis parct1, distriisttd iy tht ttR: Osnt cmmustlt have "had Fuit fretoteplis opap sign ter Gardeos. Thank Yu ymar'lstlian . Ma, Itii ha "t&mnUiris» ySqa'H w tihthe isaislit esesigis"ofitht 2bSfRadmiltratles protectionanid prtant. Femn agesbl fr bmi rcovet ' are ryftra santthute mi ~eary deignatIIsg tinr amnasa nt loal Th er Hunt Grry Femn v«e nfrata th excue tas an prtn irectio rmyw ergu anopT e tow.o a ,fr eampe, opposition 3 ilta rs. et* a reauti ofth lits101kIstar e thtIsint.",Mlo cm"It ye do egtlaut, dont pat _____i adulitiesot ha vMn Rssld a sitlter icaseyn have0t 5an» te ad ther standard r spnd thtslgit." coube fraitaar -day ilLNta We siesddaIl hs uciya t wns mm"testhaeirl Of - uante 36 squamoetof"Let Fretier" go$0 taadlg rnO r aottgsn. Tisaetra isnd i Hakilo es. 'lie survivat 9 serkesitrepreetoa a8 par cnt ln- teciiqu as nmutiens& eddptit crese se otisg iseus fr th t ia iuntisg wanethtalidarssanid etitids"aritrar" «"ts"a imnters of Haten, yes iskm tit yes lMnP No .' 'by moth taster steps athie ana' have tht advsstae, nd tt y ex das&$ ffl iisreatlsg that thtf»peot trcistd tallaIC targapplte rcsardliaht hveisad a re- In reflectias on sur Vpanttion a th Tht Hust Opjiest. BUll Johmson and lativyetcnasaass. We wsder lmtiHnt, cocercnes Hatkm resta' frietids gathtrtd recently to print Uop C&1JwW FPEEC/A iw they had ny harvest a l, sn th anis ate algitty stirred, n as 11ptan "No Huntlng" igna and the grotap ta urg- C m o RF dur have restinely "deaatid Peuple stgsedita PPetitin, mrta ing landownes to poet their property for 8816 MWs sepi wth damsagea up is Ptr qLsd0 ieemOfy-umaY the November deer huttcIHaton on. enreveatea aI it J tmetin, sre km sv em m a re- gtad iauthristdivtigaties SmaHeultamare wth thteamal- lert tsvriigrwer, wh do ohumogn =Obv" ilsase runmmisr dm*sgi tht gene ami t is"leur ad'gvtn rigit" taotrak auraopinions andia'stect "eor wildlfte ami fetiasereidentat We sere gamt ta btsn t a ny anti-ents an thie tapiraiami casta-versi auhet an Jane 24. In dtsg s, tht Pro-Hunt farce gave an a grat duai ftadam, Make museum finest 'DearEditr tht attort made ta mahe atin Thse cerage whicis The Canadien Raglan Mueem oe of tht fient, anid CiamPian ism givan Heitn aglan a peclipace ta bimng thtfr friande. Mantsm thmugiots th ytar là mat Mny thanks mfr your support. aptprectated. Ymrs stnctreiy, Tismeegi yar c-peralian, the nkait n nMuseum, etttién of Hatkm are ablie ta realit Enla rittai, Curtr CORRECTON NOTICE Th Champion regrets an error in pcng ta tht Super Sans adl on C10Oin todey's nevepaper. Carnation mtant 81dm Mle Powder. 1 kg. pkg.. la corectin prineol ai $3.99. Through an ovecalght on the part of the prlnttng taff. a mati ovactay aaytng "$1.38-alan appeare tn sormacopias ottoday's papar. The correct price la $399. The Champion apotagizan for any inconvnsience. This wnII kntwn grop nf young singersaond musiciens who tour Canada and nany ather countmas, wili present their sacred cancart et EMMANUEL BAPTISI CHURCH Satawd.y, Octoboe 7th, at 7:30 p.m JîntUretas coordination ai vocal and instrumental talent is creative and spontaneoos, being fresh and alivt from n tott finish. Evtty member ai ysur fantily will talai this presentation. The J8ck FrasBr4RIfV W with great savings on winter outerwear! Pig-suede Jackets Regular $189 Save '40 f f A. For cald fronts, whatheiaintha geat aut-M dloons or on oay yes a .ggead984 wetr stye 35 langtO m e eo'a ined. Canadan-made. n Anteope - m m dTa. bzs36 to46 14 Antmon Ski Jackets Regular $49 Save $10 A, Here are la kets that combine fashion and tanctiani iTe autershells are 10/ Antran wittr snttvinyon knvgs, irl n - $ sIated for nannth. Caonrulsl ait s wtth c-ralnatnd bac panes and ppag Sîzes S to L. lUniiostrated).3 1Melton Bomber Jackets Regular $79 Save $2 B 3 distnctive styes in a wuv rylnyva tnd ' maltan tabva .Svme wii sonde vms an kvt stiulder , atments. va sdn a $ 5 handnd style that doubns as a as[,., Canadian-made aill innd, n ey and val S meal Sîzes 36 Io46.5 Nylon Bomber Jackets Regular $59 Save $10 C Au nyton tabrsa ackets with yolyesterM tîbreit nterknivgs io wamt Allh full__4 ripper frnts, hooe ihkv twastbunu and aufts Sires S io OL SWhite Stag Ski Jackets Regular 79 Save 20 5 looaovis tndtionsWtha tough ail nylonn 5 sheli nylon inner ta ing and a polyester ibreffil interlni nn Seonral styles and col- oravntbinativns, Szes 36 t0d4 Pl-oleste Wvol Vseot Powlystu Wia Vsteaulpns 2wY "Mai 'plysiarecprit rss a aI 11 j IIISo Reg Il189 Suve 140 Sale '14$ Reg 221 Suve 15 Salg 17" Reg 291 Save 17 Sale 22" y 7 Sain 22" Pushafland ccv lveae eg 12Sv 4Sl b J'st1271h AnnvnsarySdlerends Sauday PFeasrOutîfi JACK FRASER D, crVisa aseCar sMilton Mai, Milona Hopedale Mail, Oakvllle Place, Oakville a Burllngton Mail, Burlinglon.